Self- Evaluation Cricket Green School Key Stage 5: Years 12-14 Assistant Head: Paul Lansley
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Key Stage 5 Outcomes In 2014-15 CGS6 adopted an innovative ‘Life Skills Curriculum’ using progression planners to enable students to work towards personalised learning goals. CGS6 continues to develop, improve and review the 6 th Form curriculum in partnership with another outstanding school to compare high quality assessment, teaching and learning. This developmental change from National Curriculum assessment has led to deeper more meaningful functional learning outcomes to better prepare them for further education, independence and adult life. The aim of our provision for these students is to prepare them for: * Transition to a new college at the appropriate time * Adult independence; inclusive of essential functional/life skills * Where possible transition to Project Search employment training via college or CGS6 * Readiness for adult life inclusive of promoting confidence, positive health and well being 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
CGS Students’ progress across the 6th Form curriculum from 2014-2015
Outsta ndi ng
Bel ow
* Overall 95% of CGS students achieved at least good outcomes from 2014-15 * Outcomes for 48% of students in years 12,13 and 14 were outstanding with 47% making at least expected progress. 5% made less than expected progress; this has been attributed to a dip in attendance due to prolonged medical absences * 66% of students demonstrated outstanding outcomes in their ‘Away from Home’ 3 day overnight residential * 50% and 64% of females and males made outstanding progress and outcomes respectively
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
Progress of students from Sept 2015 to July 2016
Progress of current CGS6:
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
• This year 96% of CGS6 students are making at least good progress overall. • Following pupil progress meetings and midterm reviews we have estimated that 58% of pupils have made outstanding progress in the 2015/16 academic year (an increase of 10% from last year)
% Outstandi ng
% Good
% No s i gni ficant movement
Outstanding students
Good students
No significant movement
Mid term student progress
Full term progress
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
The effectiveness of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Through conversations with parents and guardians, coupled with our assessment knowledge, we have improved curriculum delivery and matched this to the needs of our learners. Educational outcomes listed in Year 11’s transitional ECHP’s provide a focus for our 6 th Form’s Life-skills Curriculum. In collaboration with parents, aspirational outcomes for our students are reached. These outcomes are displayed on Personal Learning Intention Maps (PLIMS). The 6th Form PLIMS are set to challenge learners and are rigorously monitored to ensure ‘stretch’ and develop individualised skills and understanding, in consultation with both the student and Parents or Carers. High Expectations are the key to securing outstanding progress. • We are in collaboration with another outstanding 6th Form SEN centres using a similar Life-skills curriculum, to compare the outcomes and progress of our students. • Learners are assessed on their PLIM targets and other relevant learning intentions through formative and summative means and progress recorded and shared with parents, carers and relevant professionals. • Evidence of our learners developing skills are available both photographically, through notated observation, feedback and pupil commentary. In the future, we plan to publish this evidence online as a working document for parents to have up to date information on the progress of their child. • Responses from parents and professionals on this innovative approach to assessing and communicating progress have been very positive. Parents have stated that they can better appreciate and understand how their young person is progressing and are able to compare the data to their own experiences of working with their child. • Professionals such as social workers have found the process extremely helpful as it accurately reflects the strengths and challenges of our students. • Our 6th Form staff have benefitted from coaching in assessment and moderation processes, as well as in the rationale behind the new 6 th Form curriculum.
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
Planning, attitudes to learning and high teaching. • Behaviour and attitudes for learning are excellent. CGS learners continue to demonstrate a thirst for learning and teachers provide essential time for practice to embed the pupil’ knowledge, understanding and skills securely. They introduce subject content progressively and constantly demand more of pupils from lesson to lesson. Teachers identify and support any pupil whose progress is less than good and promote tailored classroom support and intervention. • Overwhelmingly pupils make above expected progress in key stage 5 in all areas of the curriculum.
Assessment and Planning driving beyond Outstanding We have three parents meetings per year and one annual meeting relating to the pupil’ EHCP or annual review. During these meetings parents are consulted and informed by the class teacher, relevant agencies/therapists regarding expected outcomes for the learners that lead to their overall achievement. Joint working with parents is central to this process and we pride ourselves on the high calibre of the parental support we provide. Pupils’ work and understanding is monitored using an effective marking scheme. Progress is recorded and the teachers/SSAs employ consistently high quality questioning and rigorous assessment procedures to determine the pupils’ next steps in their plans. Planning is personalised and modified from lesson to lesson to ensure that vital knowledge and skills are embedded to contribute to meaningful, functional and ambitious Outcomes. Differentiated home school tasks are set on a weekly basis, we aim to make these purposeful, asking parents to support their children with the work in partnership with the school.
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
The effectiveness of Personal Management, Behaviour & Welfare is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: • There is a comprehensive and thorough focus on life skills, road safety, stranger danger, relationships and on-line safety, all explored at a wide range of levels to engage all appropriate to their needs. • Engagement in the relevant and extremely personalised creative curriculum reduces incidents of low-level negative behaviours. • Staff’s active participation in CPD on subjects such as autism, challenging behaviour and social skills has improved teaching strategies and understand for our diverse range of learners. • Active engagement with outstanding agencies have promoted exceptional opportunities for our young people: 100% of our leavers from CGS6 last year went on to suitable further education at local FE colleges. 82% of our Project Search students working at St Georges Hospital went on to paid employment in comparison to 7-10% nationally.* (*SEN) • Our students benefit from exceptional pastoral care through regular communication with parents and carers, a range of carefully targeted interventions for vulnerable pupils and guidance around growing towards adulthood.
To sustain Outstanding standards the following areas are being worked on: • During the summer term of 2016 we employed a Work Experience Support worker to seek further Work Experience opportunities for students in CGS6 and to provide support for those in placements. We aim to offer 100% of our 6 th Form students suitable placements in the 2016/17 academic year. • Functional Skills learning will be further enhanced by the opening of our own small retail outlet and Café in the school, selling a range of items and providing our students with vocational experience as well as developing functional skills in Maths and English. • A focus toward even greater dialogue between the school, staff, and parents/carers in order to maintain ambitious learning goals for students, and safeguard the welfare of our young people.
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
The effectiveness of leadership & management is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: • Through the major reorganisation of the 6th Form curriculum the leadership team have provided a very strong emphasis on preparation for employment and independent living with the implementation of highly appropriate accredited programmes of study. • Project Search continues to thrive, now in it’s 5th year. The success rate for employment for previous years stands at 71%, nationally 6.4% of people with learning disabilities gain employment. This ground-breaking scheme originated in the US, with Cricket Green School leading in the development of this work based development programme for post 16 LDD young adults here in the UK.
To sustain Outstanding standards the following areas are being worked on: • To embed the new curriculum and assessment expectations ensuring that assessment is used to effectively benchmark achievement against year group expectations. • To develop our own accreditation strands to better meet the learning needs of our young people within the present examination board frameworks of ASDAN Life-skills Challenge.
Paul Lansley Assistant Head 01/11/16