Cricket Green School Governors
Sapphire Class & Emerald Class
Kevin Vickers Chair of Governors I have been a school governor at Cricket Green for about 12 years and chair for the last 9 years. As a local church leader I am passionate about being involved within the local community and CGS is clearly at the centre of so much that goes on among the Cluster of schools in the Mitcham Town Cluster. This is a Special school in more ways than one and enjoys an outstanding reputation within education and the wider community. It is a school with a can-do culture that continues to break all barriers and ensure every child, family and member of staff excel to their full potential, and feel empowered and supported to flourish. CGS is a school with a big heart, and everyone actually does matter. It is an honour to serve as a governor here. Terms of Office To 20th May 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 3/3 Committees 3/4, 3/4 Business interests Auditing of school fund accounts for a number of Merton schools Project manager of the Jeremiah Project Pastor/Trustee of All Nations Revival Church Director of Mitcham Town Community Trust Trustee for Merton Street Pastors
Category Co-opted – appointed by school governing body Positions of responsibility Chair of governors, child protection governor, member of investors in people (VC), Pay and finance & Development committees.
Relationships with school staf Jane Vickers (wife) Rachel Vickers (daughter)
Ruby Class & Amber Class
Nick Draper Vice Chair of Governors – Chair of Finance & Development committee I have been a CGS governor since before it opened. I have been involved in creating and re-creating the school over the years. It is a very different school now to the one we started with. As Chair of Governors 15years ago, I helped protect the school against being closed, and since that time I’ve been part of the school’s ambitious expansion in numbers, age, range and facilities. It’s a constant challenge and a constant journey, and it has always been a real pleasure. I believe that Cricket Green is one of the best, possibly THE best, school in Merton. That’s a really difficult claim for a Special school but here’s excellence in teaching, in management, in communication and interacting with the borough as a whole, and, most of all, in its ambition. Governors have helped all that happen. I always leave the school proud of the part I play. When a school is this good and moves this fast, it’s often hard to be critical. That’s an essential part of being a governor though, even when we agree 100% with what’s happening or need to ask difficult questions. I’ve been involved in most aspects of the school over the last 20+ years and currently chair the Finance Committee. Terms of Office To 13th August 2018 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 2/3 Committees 3/4, 4/4 Details of other Educational Establishments Governor at Melbury College Category LA – appointed by Merton local authority Positions of responsibility Vice Chair of Governors, Teaching and Schools governor, member of Investors in People, Pay, and chair of Finance & Development Committees
10C & 10G
Barbara Abbey Chair of Investors in People As a former Headteacher of a primary school in Mitcham I had worked closely with Cricket Green School for many years. I was always impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment of the staff and pupils, so when I left my job I was very pleased to be asked to become a governor of Cricket Green. I hope I can bring my experiences to support the great work that is going on there. Terms of Office To 20th May 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 2/2 Committees 2/2, 1/2 Business Interests Training courses with Head Teachers Relationships with school staf Sister employed at school
Category Co-opted – appointed by school governing body Positions of Responsibility Chair of Investors in people, and member of Teaching and Learning Committees
Purple Class
Mary Powell Chair of Teaching & Learning I became a governor 14 years ago shortly after Mrs Dawson became the headteacher because my daughter attended the school. I have seen huge improvements in the school and am proud to have played a small part in that. I am still motivated to remain a governor because the children are at the heart of every decision taken and it is a privilege to see them fulfill their potential. Terms of Office To 20th May 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 1/3 Committees 2/4, 3/4 Relationships with school staf Megan Powell (daughter)
Category Co-opted – appointed by School governing body Positions of Responsibility Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee, Member of Investor in People and Pay Committee
11G & 11C
Dawn Merry-Edmund Parent Governor I have been a school governor at Cricket Green for over 2 years, and currently sit on 2 committees (Finance and Development, and Investing in People) as well as being the governor for LAC (Looked after children). Having spent 30 years working in the financial industry, and despite being a busy mum of 3, I felt a strong desire to try to ‘give back’ to the community and put the skills I have developed over a long career into practice in a community environment. I have participated in many volunteer events over the years, but wanted to volunteer on a more long term basis – being a school governor is a perfect fit, and being able to do it at CGS, is a privilege and highly rewarding experience! The passion, commitment to excellence and sense of humour of CGS Staff and pupils is first class. A truly special and unique school, for special and unique staff and pupils. Terms of Office To 20th May 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 2/3 Committees 4/4, 3/4
Category Parent – appointed by school governing body Positions of responsibility Looked after children governor, member of investors of people, and finance & development committees
Green Class
Lisa Moss Parent Governor I am now in my second term of office as a parent governor. Although being a school governor requires commitment, playing a part in helping to shape the school both now and for the future is very rewarding. CGS has almost doubled in size since I first joined the governing body. There are challenges but the school’s clear philosophy that every student is important and must be enabled and encouraged to meet their own potential informs all of our decisions. I really enjoy working with such a committed and nice group of people all of whom strive to ensure that CGS offers outstanding education and care both now and in the future. Terms of Office To 11th February 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 1/3 Committees 3/4, 3/4
Category Parent – appointed by school governing body Positions of responsibility Member of investors in people, Teaching and Learning (VC) Committees and policy review group.
6th Form (6C, 6G & 6S)
Debbie Bowman Co-opted Governor I wanted to contribute to the well-being, development and education of children so it was my lucky day when I found out about Cricket Green School! As a part time working mother of 24-year-old twins – I’ve spent all my working life in advertising and wanted to bring my management and communication skills along with my enthusiasm to the role of school governor. Being part of an inspirational team with extremely high standards and aspirations is a challenge but also is fun and I will work hard to make sure my contribution is worth of the school. Terms of Office To 14th October 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 3/3, Committee 3/3
Category Co-opted – appointed by school governing body Positions of Responsibility Member of Investors in People committee
Louis Jhugroo Deputy Headteacher – Associate Member Terms of Office To 31st August 2018 Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 3/3
Category Associate – appointed by school governing body Position of Responsibility Assistant Head teacher
Orange Class
Nick Kinsella Staff Governor I am passionate and enthusiastic about education, and believe education delivers best when everyone works together, for each other and towards a common goal. Being the staff governor provides a great platform to engage with and take interest in the governance of this exceptional school. With the students wellbeing central to all that we do I am especially proud to work at Cricket Green School and represent my colleagues as the Staff Governor.
Terms of Office To 11th February 2019 Attendance for 2015/16 Full Governing Body 2/3, Teaching & Learning 3/3
Category Staff Governor Positions of Responsibility Teaching & Learning Committee
Blue Class
April McDevitt Parent Governor As a mum of school-age children, and as Parent Governor of a pupil with complex needs at Cricket Green, I feel very strongly that our children should have the best education they can and have a worthwhile, interesting and enriching life. I’m proud to be part of the Governing Body supporting the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team here at Cricket Green and have seen the impact that this excellent team has on the success of our school. I enjoy continuing to focus on improving standards within the school. I believe my experiences within special education, notably autism, both here in the UK and in the USA, combined with my keen organizational skills and attention to detail, will help me continue to give something back. Terms of Office To 10th October 2016 (process of reelection) Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 2/3 Committees 2/4, 4/4
Category Parent – appointed by school governing body Positions of responsibility Rights Respecting Schools governor, Finance & Development, and Teaching and Learning Committees.
Sanela Coldwell Parent Governor
Opal Class & Diamond Class
I am driven by desire to get the best for all the children at CGS as well as for their families and the wider community. I support the school leadership and am confident that the governing body will do their utmost to provide the very best care for all the children and help them reach their potential. I am passionate about giving each and every child the best life chances and help them achieve the best they can, educationally, socially and emotionally before they go into the ‘big, wide, world’. I bring to the school my passion for helping all the children achieve the best possible schooling experience, to give them the best start and foundations for the happy and healthy life. Attendance for 2015/16 Full governing body 2/3 Committees 0/3, 0/4 Terms of Office To 11th February 2019
Category Parent – appointed by the school governing body Positions of Responsibility Member of Finance & Development, and Teaching and Learning Committees
Red Class
Sarah Turner
Sarah joins the Governing Body as a Co-Opted governor from a background of being the current Independent Reviewing Officer/Child Protection Conference Chair at Merton. We are excited about her appointment and the compliment she brings to the rest of the Team.
Attendance for 2015/16 Full Governing Body 1/1, Investors in People 1/1 Terms of Office To October 13th October 2020
Category Co-opted Governor Positions of Responsibility Investors in People Committee
Yellow Class
Karen Gentry
Karen is our Clerk to Governors and the Business Manager at Cranmer Primary school in Mitcham. She is an experienced Clerk with a passion and dedication to her work and the schools she serves
Terms of Office Until further notice
Category of responsibility Clerk to Governors