On Friday the 6th of November 2015 from 10:00-12:30, CGS is having its 4th Annual Cross Country run/walk. We will be spending the morning running/ walking as many times around the course as possib I e in the time given. This event is going to be a fundraiser to raise funds for the school. We are focussing on participation for all students and we would like everyone to give it a go! The course will be marked out over at Mitcham Common. Parents are more than welcome to come along, participate and cheer their children on as they take part in the challenge. In other words get your running shoes on and come and support your child and show them how it's done!!! The more the merrier! Visit the school's website for more information on how you can donate!
WELCOME NEW STAFF & PUPILS! We have started our new term with many new f?Upils and staff. Mr Robert Shrimpton is our new Assistant Head in Key Stage 3. We are delighted he has joined the Leadership team and hope he soon feels settled and comfortable at CGS. We also welcome Ms Sarah Chalmers teaching in KS 3. We have several new assistants. We extend a welcome to David, Natasha, Laurel, Vera Kayleigh, Lenny and Laurel. We hope you soon feel1 part of the CGS team. Our newpupils have settled down well across the school. We hope that for Danae, Harris, Harry, Zahira, Callum, Jadyn, Jim, Roxy, Addi, Praise, Yahya, Micah, Peter, Stephanie, Chloe, Molly, Conner, George, Filza, Seo Young, Jamila, Lewis, Charlie, Kelly, Max, Bethany, Tommy, Mia, Claude, Ben and Hilton, Cricket Green will soon feel like a place of achievement and learning.
�Last ���,day /�Aof : Term 2nd Octobe r
Friday 23rd October 2015 (school closed for pupils) Half Term Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October 2015
Pupils back to school Monday 2nd November 2015 Last day of Term Friday T8th December 2015
DAY Monday 4th January 2016 (school closed for pupils)
Pupils back to school Tuesday 5th January 2016
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As a child, play is how I grow and learn about myself and my environment. By watching, listening, asking, tryins new things I am developing my talking and listening, attention, physical strength, co-ordination, problem-solving and social skills such as sharing, cooperating, playing, respecting and interacting with others. As a parent, tne best thing you can do is actively encourage me to play, be silly and have fun, make sure it is safe for me, give me LOTS of time to play, follow my lead and interests, build trust with me and most of all... . spend time playing with me... . THE BEST PLAY IS PLAYING WITH YOU ... . not the latest toy!
Some children from Year 5 and 6 participated in a Merton borough cross country event at Morden Recreation Ground. They all had a fantastic time and especially enjoyed cheering on the runners from all the different schools. Well done!
As the winter season is fast approaching and the weather outside is certainly getting cola, below is a lovely and a simple idea to keep the whole family involved in playins some games indoor. You onIy need a p I ece of paper The � ".,.,..rn· Fee1-mg 6ame and a packet of M & M's , skittIes or if you rea11y want to For every soy one 11m9 that be heathy may be few different ma�es)'OUhappy. COIOured pie Ces Of fruit in a For every O soy one th,ng that makes)O<Jsod bowl. Write a simple question fO( every soyone thng that for ea Ch COIO U r- take t U rn S tO makeS)'OUOngry. pick a sweet and answer the corresponding question. It's �otally . up to you how Y?U play For every soyone poor choice I t , It g I V e S an O f? f? Or t U n I t y t O )'OUffiOdeiodcyandwhatyouco.Jd discuss your child's feelings hove done d,fle,enl whilst having fun. For every soy good choice )O<J mode today.
The primary children are busy preparing Harvest festival. We have been singing, and exploring the meaning of Harvest rea show to all the mums and dads. Thank you in advance for all the donations that you are sending in - these will be given to the local food bani<. See you there!
JACK PETCHY AWARDS 2015 \.../' {eel 900d skoppi"9
On Monday 12th October it was a truly proud moment for staff to attend the annual Jack Petchey awards ceremony once more and to celebrate the nominated students receiving praise for their ' excellent contributions to the life of our school. The Jack Petchey foundation is a national organisation which recognises the positive achievements of young people. In Merton the vast majority of secondary schools participate and each award winner is nominated by their peers and teachers via a ballot box. The students are able to donate their award money back into the school to fund extra facilities or individual items to maintain the positiye ethos of progress, achievement and constructive engagement. This year the winners were Florentina Tourache (Year 10), Niamh Connelly and Joshua Johnson (Year 9). Cheered on by Mrs Dawson and teaching staff they were also supported by the talented Ben Fontannez who accepted an invitation to perform a song with two members of staff ( Jorge Casti11o and Ra ch eI Vickers). We were and continue to be all so impressed by the students' achievements and and talents.
� Helpi(out when you check out this Christmas Collect FREE donations for FRIENDS OF CRICKET GREEN with all your online Christmas shopping!
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IMPORTANT DATES Wednesday 4th November: School photographer Friday 6th November: Cross Country Wednesday 11th November: Careers Evening Thursday 10th December: KS1/2 Nativity Friday 11th December: Christmas Shopping Day Monday 14th December: KS 3+4 Church service Tuesday 15 th December: KS 1+2 Christma dinner Wednesday 16th December: KS 3 hristm dinner Thursday 17th December: S 4+5 hr' m inner
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