Year 7 yearly curriculum grid
Autumn 1 Tools for Writing VCOP
Numbercounting, ordering, estimating and rounding Geometryposition and direction Rivers -Morden Hall Park
World War 2 – RAF Museum
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Contemporar Pre-1914 Lit y English Lit (Wizard of (James and OZ) the Giant Peach or suitable Roald Dahl text)
Numberaddition and subtraction Measuringlength and dimensions
Numbermoney Data- sorting and matching Handling data (HA) Shape (LA)
Spring 2 Plays Scripts Film Scripts
NumberMultiplication and division (fractions) Geometrypattern and symmetry
Summer Summer 1 2 Non Fiction – Seminal world Newspapers – literature First News (Maya Angelou – My painted house, My friendly chicken and me, Life Doesn’t Frighten me)
Numberreading, writing numbers and place value Measuringtime
Author Study – Maya Angelou Using and applying financial capability Data- create and interpret graphs
London - London Eye
Send my friend to school Schools in developing countries
Films from around the world
Passport to the world
Transport - Trip to Transport museum
Dinosaurs - Natural History Museum visit
Victorians - Become a mudlark Docklands museum
First Films – Silent Films
Music and fashion – the history of clothes
Animals – Zoo visit
Christmas carol
Solar systems -Planetarium
Heating and cooling
Overview Planning of Year 8/9 Creative Humanities (Second draft)
Year 1 1) Myself
2) Why Don’t You…
3) Recording Information
4) Looking at different cultures 5) What a performance! 6) Water
Geography History
My history: My timeline, my time capsule. how do I find out about the past? What would my life be like in Ancient Egypt? ..get to know where I live: The British Isles and the local area. Why did people invade Britain? (Celts), Romans, Saxons, Vikings. How do we know what they did and what their lives were like? What is life like in different countries around the world? Black Peoples of the Americas
Weather 1: rain, snow, ice, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
1 Famous People 2 Move it
History Geography
3 Time
4 It’s our world
5 It’s a mystery!
6 Gardens and Parks and natural spaces
Life during WWI Weather 2: Natural disasters and their impact on people’s lives. What was the chronology of key events of WWII? How can we take care of our world? pollution, population, protecting species Looking at some unsolved mysteries eg Bermuda triangle, who murdered JFK, did man land on the moon… Famous natural and manmade spaces around the world including mountains.
Year 2