Performing Arts
Performing Arts
Richard Brown Head of Performing Arts / Drama Teacher Paul Osborne Music Teacher Sara Ramirez Dance Teacher Emma Corboz Dance Teacher Eleni Pikradafnis Vocal Tutor/Youth Theatre Assistant Jorge Castillo Musician/Music Tutor Rachel Vickers Recording Studio Technician/ Music Tutor Spencer Noll Youth Theatre Director Kate McGregor Director of resident Theatre Company ‘Theatre 6’
Performing Arts
Performing Arts POLICY All children have the right to equal opportunities regardless of race, gender, culture, belief or exceptional need. All pupils at Cricket Green have an entitlement to learning opportunities which maximise their potential, realise their individuality and encourage self belief. Drama and the performing arts are an integral part of life at Cricket Green School. It is our firm belief that the Arts can act as an invaluable tool to improve pupils ability to work as part of a group, enhance social skills and develop self esteem. It is also an excellent way for pupils to let go of inhibitions and express themselves free from the constraints of the spoken word which can often prove challenging for a majority of pupils at our school. Pupils from Primary through to the end of Key Stage Three have weekly music lessons, they also join together once a week to take part in both a Primary and Secondary Choir group. In addition to this pupils are given the opportunity to access one to one tutoring in different musical instruments within the school day. Pupils also get the chance to play a variety of instruments and sing as part of the school band. Pupils from across the school also get to take part in singing Glee club after school as well as a singing group with a professional singer once a week.
Performing Arts
Drama Curriculum Map Year 7
Year 8/9 (1)
Year 8/9 (2)
Year 10/11
Sept -Nov
Talent Show Performance and Props
Peer Pressure Improvisation
Funky Fairy Tales Improvisation
Entry Level Using the Voice
Nov -Dec
A Trip to the Moon Using the Body
Christmas Comedy Performance and Props
Variety Show Performance and Props
Entry Level Improvisation
Jan - Feb
World war one Using the Voice
News reports Using the Voice
Horrible Histories Using the Voice
Entry Level Using the Body
Feb -Mar
Natural Disasters Improvisation
Jobs and Roles Using the Body
Emotional Pictures Using the Body
Entry Level Evidence and assessment
Apr – Jun
Let’s Move Music and Movement
Performance Poetry Working towards a performance
Shakespeare Working towards a performance
Entry Level Working towards a Performance
Jun -July
Robin Hood Working towards a Performance Script Work
Outdoor Stage Working towards a Performance Script Work
Outdoor Stage Working towards a Performance Script Work
Wimbledon Theatre Performance Working towards a Performance
Performing Arts
Drama Skills Ladders Using the Voice I can Identify 2 Different vocal skills I can use 2 different vocal skills I can vary the tone of my voice to suit a role/scene I can vary the volume of my voice to suit a role or scene I can use 3 contrasting vocal skills I can identify vocal skills to portray different emotions I can use my vocal skills to represent 3 contrasting emotions I can vary the pace to represent an emotion I can vary the pitch of my voice to represent an emotion I can identify 2 vocal skills I can use 2 different vocal skills to represent a role I can alter my voice to represent contrasting ages I can alter my voice to represent contrasting accents
Performing Arts
Drama Skills Ladders Contributing to a Performance I can Identify at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to an emotion I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to an emotion I can vary movements to show 3 contrasting moods/emotions I use my body to represent happy/sad, tired/energetic, relaxed, tense I can identify at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a character I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a role I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a character I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a role I can use my body to represent at least 3 contrasting types of role or character I can identify at least 2 types of mime appropriate to a situation I can use mime to represent at least 3 contrasting scenarios I can identify 2 different facial expressions representing an emotion I can use facial expression to show 2 different emotions
Performing Arts
Drama Skills Ladders Using the body I can Identify at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to an emotion I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to an emotion I can vary movements to show 3 contrasting moods/emotions I use my body to represent happy/sad, tired/energetic, relaxed, tense I can identify at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a character I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a role I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a character I can use at least 2 different types of body movement appropriate to a role I can use my body to represent at least 3 contrasting types of role or character I can identify at least 2 types of mime appropriate to a situation I can use mime to represent at least 3 contrasting scenarios I can identify 2 different facial expressions representing an emotion I can use facial expression to show 2 different emotions
Performing Arts
Drama Skills Ladders Improvisation I can combine body movements to portray a specific character I can use gesture to represent 2 different characters I can use facial expression to represent 2 different characters
I can use tone of voice to represent 2 different characters I can use volume of voice to represent 2 different characters I can use a combination of body movements and vocal skills to represent 2 contrasting characters I can use at least 2 starter lines to create and improvised scene (after planning and discussion) I can use at a starter create 2 contrasting improvised scenes I can use existing skills to maintain a role for the duration of an improvised scene I can use 2 stimuli to create an improvised scene including clear beginning, middle, end.
Performing Arts
Resident Theatre Company
Introduction Cricket Green School is a Mitcham based school specialising in working with children and young people who have a diverse range of learning needs. Theatre6 is a professional theatre company and registered charity based in London. During 2014 Theatre6 and Cricket Green School planned and prepared for a residency from January 2015 to be based in Cricket Green School’s performing arts space (The Orchard Space), working with pupils both past and present.
The Project Aims By taking a residency, Theatre6 has the opportunity to use drama, art, music and creative activities to achieve the following aims through regular activity:
Enhance the quality of life of young people with disabilities in CGS and Merton Teach the participants new ways to communicate, learn new skills and develop their understanding of new information Increase the participants’ likelihood and ability of going onto higher education (college or university) or employment
Performing Arts
Resident Theatre Company 1. Coordinating, managing and delivering a high quality extra-curricular youth theatre based programmed called ‘The Orchard Creatives’. This will be based in the Orchard space and be tailored specifically for young people with special educational needs. This includes students who attend the school and other young people with SEN needs in Merton. 2. Provide professional theatre based expertise across the school and other schools in the Mitcham Centre Community Trust (this is a consortium of schools and community partners in Mitcham). This includes supporting teachers to develop drama-based initiatives within the curriculum (including advice and support within the sixth-form). 3. Assisting in the co-ordination of the Orchard space, This includes assisting and supporting funding bids for equipment and organising an effective prop and costume storage facility. The expansion of the Orchard space will allow for a diverse range of public events as well, further integrating the children’s participation within the wider community as active and valued members. 4. Assisting and advising on arts and drama based projects that already exist as part of the ambitions of the school, making them realistic and achievable. 5. Providing work experience and/or internship opportunities to current and former Cricket Green students on a show by show basis. 6. Offering CGS students the opportunity to get involved in creative research and development opportunities (workshops, open rehearsals, Q & A’s) with professional theatre staff at Theatre6. 7. Theatre based workshops, insights and opportunities made available in the Orchard space for young people and adults residing in the borough of Merton.
Performing Arts
Past Projects The Safe Project This was a project funded by the Wimbledon Theatre Trust and was a project designed to give pupils a chance to express themselves through Art, Drama and Movement. The sessions included a Parkour free running session, work with Art Therapists and looking at combat skills in drama and a trip to the Tate Gallery. Pupils also got to decorate a number of canvases of different sizes and create sculptures. The final week of this project ended with an exhibition of all the pupils work which was then auctioned off to the highest bidders. The pupils involved absolutely loved this aspect of the project!
Performing Arts
Decorating Shed 13
Responding to our Tate Gallery Visit
Making models Decorating the huge canvas
Performing Arts
Past Projects The Morden Hall World War One Project This was a project in conjunction with the Attic Theatre Company. We had to produce an original script to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the end of world war one. The story was set in a trench and featured ten soldiers in the final ten minutes before going ‘Over the Top’. Pupils took scripts away and we rehearsed during the Summer and put on six shows at a set we built in Morden Hall Park. We performed in front of a variety of audiences and for our Saturday performance we had an audience of around 200 people. We also produced this as a short film which was shown at school and used as a teaching tool. The pupils involved worked incredibly hard and were outstanding throughout the entire process.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Pupils from across Key Stage three, four and five in Morden Hall Park.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Shakespeare for Schools – Macbeth A cast of twenty rehearsed and performed a thirty minute play of Macbeth. It was a completely unique script in the fact that it kept all the characters and plot from the original story and yet this story was set in modern day around the theme of ‘Scotland’s Got Talent’. Pupils performed the show twice – once at Wimbledon Theatre to an audience of over 300 and then again to a sold out Secombe Theatre. Pupils enjoyed the process thoroughly and several of those involved were able to use what they had done on the stage as evidence for an Entry Level Drama Award.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Shakespeare for Schools – The Merchant of Venice A cast of twenty pupils and staff from across key stage three, four and five rehearsed and performed a thirty minute play of The Merchant of Venice. It was a completely unique script in the fact that it kept all the characters and plot from the original story and yet this story was set in a modern day. Pupils performed to a sold out Secombe Theatre. Pupils enjoyed the process thoroughly and several of those involved were able to use what they had done on the stage as evidence for an Entry Level Drama Award.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Shakespeare for Schools – The Merchant of Venice
Taking a bow at the Secombe Theatre
Performing Arts
Past Projects The Greasy Spoon – Whole School Performance The Greasy Spoon was an original play which involved pupils throughout the school from Primary up to year 11. It was about the staff at two rival cafes and involved acting, singing, dancing and playing instruments. Over half the school was involved including pupils and staff and the response from parents who cam to watch was phenomenal, particularly those who had never imagined that they would see their child performing on a main stage in front of a large audience. All those involved had a great time and for a number of pupils involved it was their first real taste of ‘performing’ and it got them hooked!
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Greasy Spoon PHOTOS
Performing Arts
Past Projects Locked In – Film Project
As part of our role as an Arts Status School we offered the opportunity for pupils from a local mainstream primary school to work alongside specialist staff at Cricket Green School to plan, write and produce a short film. Pupils were from year three to year six and worked for a term. The finished film was filmed after school and featured a group of ten children who were mysteriously locked in a school after all the adults had gone home. The film was premiered at the school and pupils were each given a DVD copy to take home to show friends and family.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Locked In – Film Project
Performing Arts
Past Projects A trip through the 1920’s Pupils from across the school were given the opportunity to perform on the main stage at Wimbledon Theatre. They also had the chance to help with costume and prop design.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Performing Arts
Past Projects The Puppeteer A completely original play which was performed in the main stage at Wimbledon Theatre. It involved a cast of 50 pupils of all ages, the majority of whom came from Cricket Green School. Pupils from four local primary schools also took part in our play as well as a number of pupils who came to sing as part of a choir. It was a great opportunity for pupils from our school to interact with mainstream peers.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Working and performing with pupils from Mainstream Primary Schools
Performing Arts
Past Projects A Dickens of a Life This was a large project which involved several schools in the Merton borough. Pupils took part in a series of work shops and then rehearsed with professional actors and puppeteers, finally performing three shows at Wimbledon Theatre. Other pupils who were not involved in the performance were given a series of sessions which focused on stage management and organisation as well as costume and set design. It was an amazing novelty for pupils to perform on the stage with puppets and puppeteers!
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Performing Arts
Past Projects Sleeping Beauty – Matthew Bourne Pupils got to go to Sadler’s Wells Theatre and watch a fantastic ballet performance of Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty. This was followed by a series of workshops with one of the ballerinas from the show. Pupils then devised their own response to the ballet they had seen and got perform it at Wimbledon Theatre. The piece was performed to music with no words.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Performing Arts
Past Projects Two Diaries In response to ‘West Side Story’ pupils created a piece of drama based around a love story set in the back drop of world war one. The play featured some amazing acting focused on the Christmas Day Truce.
Rehearsing at Cricket Green School
Performing Arts
Past Projects
The Christmas Day Truce
Performing Arts
Past Projects The Caretaker An original play in response to “Oh What a lovely war’. Pupils from across the upper school worked together on a performance set in 1960’s America. The story was about a young black musician who faced a number of hardships as he grew up, but with the faith and support he received from a kind old Caretaker he was able to achieve his dreams and become the man he wanted to be.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Caretaker PICS
Performing Arts
Past Projects Kings College Scool Collaboration Pupils from Cricket Green worked with four pupils from Kings College School London to devise, rehearse and perform an original piece of drama that was performed at Kings School along with six other schools in the borough. The piece was an entirely original take on the Story of Creation.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Whole School Dance Day Our Resident Dance teachers joined forces with professional street dancers and offered a series of workshops through this brilliant day that gave pupils across Primary and Secondary the chance to access contemporary, stomp, ballet and street dance.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Whole School Dance Day
Performing Arts
Past Projects OAE Primary Music Day All the Primary classes attended individual work shops with a group from the Merton Music Foundation who will be working on a project to produce a series of performances with our pupils over the next 18 months. The primary pupils will also come together to create their own Cricket Green Orchestra.
Performing Arts
Past Projects Whole School Annual Film Festival Once a year in the Summer term the whole school comes together at the Wimbledon Odeon to watch a selection of short films that the pupils across the school have made and starred in. The films include ‘adverts’, animations, music videos and feature films. The highlight each year is the Year Seven Movie which is planned, written, acted and filmed by pupils and staff in year seven. Over the past years films have included, Scooby do, Toy Story 4 and Harry Potter. The stars of year seven get to wear their best clothes for the premier and walk up the red carpet to their seats. At the end they are presented with Oscar Statues. This is always such a novelty for all the pupils involved and plays an important role in boosting pupils self esteem and confidence, seeing themselves up on the big screen!
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Year 7’s As a whole the year 7’s come together and begin the process by nominating any film that they like and that could possibly be remade. From the massive list we vote and cut the options down to three that we discuss and then vote again.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
After the film has been decided the process of writing the script begins. Starting with working out what is going to happen. In their individual classes the students brainstorm different scenarios. Then the teachers come together to select the most appropriate one.
Performing Arts
Past Projects
Next comes the script writing.
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Past Projects
While the script is being written the students audition for the part that they want. One at a time they come in to a classroom and say a line from the script. They are also asked questions about why they want that part and why should they get the role.
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Past Projects
Various settings from around the school are used to film the scenes.
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Past Projects
Students and staff are dressed up in costumes to help them get in to their parts. Some of the costume pieces have been brought in from home and others are made or purchased.
Performing Arts
Children help to make the props in the days leading up to filming.
Performing Arts
Parent Comments “Drama at CGS has been a god send for Callum. It has encouraged him to speak in front of people and have the confidence to be a part of a large group that work together to create amazing performances. Callum loves drama club!!!” “Niamh loves drama, it has helped with her confidence and given her encouragement to speak up a bit more. To see her perform on stage is amazing!”
“Chloe loves all the many drama opportunities she gets at Cricket Green. She has so many great opportunities and gets to mix with mainstream pupils and actors from mainstream from mainstream schools and theatres. Mr Brown and his team work so hard on so many projects and it is a wonderful gift to our children and heart warming for parents – Thank you” “My daughter is very interested in acting and dramas and enjoys participating”
“Diviyha has built confidence and is able to talk in front of people which makes her feel successful. She takes pride in it.”
“Owen has loved drama at Cricket Green and would like to continue it in college”
Performing Arts
Parent Comments “Since joining Cricket Green there has been remarkable progress in Gemma’s interest and ability to enjoy and take part in Drama lessons and performances. Drama has been a great teaching tool helping Gemma to build her self confidence, help with concentration, develop her language and communication skills., express her emotions and how to be part of a group.” “Ross has enjoyed taking part in the drama productions. He has developed from helping back stage behind the scenes to acting on the stage.”
“Charlie hated doing drama in his old school but he tells me how he really looks forward to his drama lessons now”
“Joe loves drama, I think it has helped him work together with others in a group. ”
Performing Arts
Past Projects Cricket Green School Radio A group of pupils from across key stage three and four came together over a number of weeks to produce and record a radio broadcast. Pupils named the radio station ZODIAC radio and they were given different jobs within the team. They chose topics of interest and also selected current news stories to broadcast about. They practiced their individual sections and also went around the school completing a series of recorded interviews. Some of the pupils in the group learnt to use the recording and editing equipment and also helped to compose the jingles for the radio show. They concluded the project by recording a finished program which was broadcast on the internet.
Performing Arts
Current Projects 2016 is already a busy year in the Performing Arts at Cricket Green. Here are just some of the things we will be working on
Grace WCTT Theatre Production
Secondary Youth Theatre Primary Youth Theatre in school Voluntary Drama Assistant internship
OAE Primary Orchestra Musical Project ‘Watch It’ – film production project including residential Rambert Ballet Project and Performance Year Seven Odeon Film Festival Step into Dance Kings College School Community Collaboration
Performing Arts
Current Projects Secondary Youth Theatre
Every Tuesday after school the Youth Theatre Group meet with the Director Spencer and they work together towards a termly performance. This is funded by Cricket Green’s Resident Theatre Company THEATRE 6
Performing Arts
Current Projects Primary Youth Theatre
Every Monday during school the Primary Youth Theatre Group meet with the Director Spencer and they work together towards a termly performance. This is funded by Cricket Green’s Resident Theatre Company THEATRE 6
Performing Arts
Current Projects Grace WCTT Theatre Production
GRACE – SYNOPSIS THE STORY From the day she is born, Grace hears music in her head. She thinks it’s a curse- but as she grows up, she comes to accept that it’s a gift- and one which she can’t ignore. This is the story of that journey… STRUCTURE The action moves between the past and the present as Grace comes to understand who she is and what she wants to do with her life. PAST SC4 – CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL (Song no. 3 “Expectations”) Grace is in Year 6 and she’s the school’s maths genius. Her real passion is music but her parents don’t see any value in it. They get her a maths scholarship to a big private school- she has her name in the paper and everything. As the summer wears on, Grace gets more and more scared about “big school” and when the day finally comes, she’s terrified.
Performing Arts
Current Projects Step into Dance
Step into Dance, a partnership between the Jack Petchey Foundation and the Royal Academy of Dance, is the UK's largest fully inclusive secondary school dance programme, providing extra-curricular classes and performance opportunities to 200 mainstream and SEN schools per year across London and Essex. Since its creation in 2007, the programme has provided high-quality dance education to over 30,000 young people. Cricket Green Has been involved with this initiative for the last six years and all involved have thoroughly enjoyed the process and particularly the big performance days!
Performing Arts
Current Projects Kings College Community Collaboration Pupils from Cricket Green are currently working with pupils from Kings College School London. They are responding to an old fable called ‘The Man who planted trees’. They have learnt the script and are busy putting the finishing touches to their performance at the end of March.
Performing Arts
Current Projects Rambert Ballet Project
For the second year running dance professionals from the Rambert Dance Company have come to Cricket Green to facilitate a series of workshops leading to a performance. This year fifteen girls from year 7 up to the sixth form have been learning a three minute routine which will be performed to a live audience at a venue on the South Bank.
Performing Arts
Current Projects Watch It – Film Production Project A project funded by the WCCT which gives pupils the opportunity to explore the subject of stranger danger and work with a professional film crew in order to produce and film their own educational video. It will involve the group going ‘on location’
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles George Bignall Year 7
George has only recently joined Cricket Green but has already started to excel during drama lessons. He has grown in confidence and has already developed a range of drama skills. He has taken lead roles in the class talent show and also the World War One role play unit. He is currently working on a performance for the Kings College School where he will play a number of parts, including a soldier, a towns person, a bumble bee and a sheep – He is already showing his versatility! He will be performing in Grace at the Wimbledon Theatre and will no doubt be involved in shows for years to come.
“I think drama helps with your imaginatio, it makes me feel confident. My favourite thing about drama is the fun drama games”
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Mo - Year 8 Mo has made a great start to his Performing Arts career at Cricket Green. He has engaged well with drama lessons, he played a key role in the year 7 movie Paddington, as a result he was given a lead role in the most recent Wimbledon Theatre performance where he played a young musician Walter Adley. He was absolutely superb and since then has been working as part of the Watch It film project. He has also taken part in the initial taster workshop for the Grace The Musical and will be performing again on the Wimbledon Main stage in July.
“I think of Drama as a wonderful calming place and when I do drama it really shows what other people's talents are. It brings people together making the school a happier place..�
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Joe Year 9
Joe did not enjoy drama at his Primary School, however over time he has really grown to love drama lessons. He has a fantastic ability to improvise but is also very competent when it comes to learning and using scripts. He is currently working on the Watch It film project and has produced a number of short scripts during class time and is always keen to be involved in any new projects. He is working hard to develop his drama skills in order to achieve his goal…a lead role on the television soap Hollyoaks!
“I didn’t like drama at my old school because I never got to do any speaking – they always made me do the boring movement stuff while everyone else got all the lines. Now I get to do lots of lines and be main characters .”
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Callum - Year 10 Callum joined Cricket Green School in Year 7 and was initially very reticent about engaging with drama activities. Callum played a small role in the year seven movie and slowly grew in confidence. He enjoyed role play within drama lessons and loved putting on costumes and using the props. With some adult encouragement he took part in the Wimbledon Theatre performances, the Kings School performance and also the Morden Hall World War One project. He has made enormous progress with his speaking and listening and he has become increasingly more confident when performing to an audience. He is currently working on the Watch It film making project and is now a regular member of the Theatre6 Youth Theatre.
“Drama is fun and arty and I really enjoy it. My favourite thing was dressing up as a soldier and acting. Drama makes me feel grand!�
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Gemma Yr 11 Gemma has made enormous gains with her levels of confidence and self esteem. Since year 7 Gemma has participated in a wide range of drama and dance events. She has performed at the Wimbledon Theatre and Secombe Theatre. Gemma started her drama career helping out back stage in the Dickens Of a Life project and has gradually become more confident to the point where she is now more than happy to be on the stage rather than behind it! “I like acting and feel confident – and I can learn the words and say things without a script. Drama makes me feel happy and excited because I’m with all my friends.”
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Najah 6th Form Najah is an extremely talented young lady, she is involved with the school band. She has been involved with the school Glee Club and also has keyboard tuition. Najah has developed in all areas of Performing Arts. She has taken part in the Shakespeare for Schools festival and in numerous performances at the Wimbledon Theatre. Najah has been involved with the Rambert dance school and also the Step into Dance. She takes part in street dance lessons outside of school and has recently joined the Cricket Green Youth Theatre.
“I like singing songs and acting like a princess. Drama makes me feel happy.�
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles Mark Ex-Pupil Mark came to Cricket Green in year 7 spent most of his time out of class and was disengaged with learning. He discovered drama and was a natural, he was lead role in every show, could remember pages of script and I lost count the number of times people at different theatre events who saw him would say he was naturally gifted. He absolutely loved performing. He subsequently joined the Wimbledon Young Actors Youth Theatre.
Performing Arts
Pupil Profiles
Luke Ex Pupil
He is now doing a BA (hons) in Performing Arts at Roehampton University.
Luke has autism he came to Cricket Green in year 9 having been out of school for 14 months due to being severely bullied at his mainstream secondary school because of his learning difficulties. His love for performing was nurtured, he too got numerous lead roles, sang in the school band and performed at several theatres in school performances. He left Cricket Green, went to College and pursued drama and music with the support of his family.
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Our year has been very busy with children learning core musical skills such as Solo Singing, Group Singing, Rhythm and Percussion, alongside important classroom skills like listening carefully and taking turns. Pupils have learned about keeping a steady pulse, and improvising repeated patterns of notes and beats. They have explored emotion in music and used the keyboards to compose scary, happy, funny and sad mood pieces. This year pupils have also been writing song lyrics and composing original songs. Each year we work hard towards key events, such as Harvest festival, Christmas Carol Service, Easter Assembly, and Summer Music Evening. Pupils learn lots of new songs and it is great to see them develop as confident performers in a range of settings and in front of different audiences. We participated in the Merton Music Foundation “Backstories� Project which involved ten pupils (primary and secondary) learning some very complex new songs, rehearsing alongside several other schools at various locations. The culmination of their efforts was a fantastic evening performance at a sold-out Royal Albert Hall.
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green We welcomed a group of 8 Rutlish/Ricards Schools 6th Form music students for a joint project which led to a joyous and memorable performance of three songs in our End of Term Assembly and it was brilliant to see our pupils’ positive and enthusiastic interaction with the 6th form students. We plan to continue this link next year. We had a lovely performance and workshop of Folk music featuring banjo’s and mandolins with visitors LIVE MUSIC NOW which was both educational and entertaining and we will be seeking further opportunities to showcase visiting musicians at school. We also had a visit and live performance from up and coming singer Hannah Jayne Lewis which was highly interactive and the pupils absolutely loved. They all waited beautifully at the end of her show for signed photos and CDs.
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Visiting Folk bands and singers
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green
Performing Arts
Music Tuition and Choir Glee Club
Performing Arts
Music Tuition and Choir School Band and Assembly Performances
Performing Arts
Music Tuition and Choir School Band and Assembly Performances
Performing Arts
Music Tuition and Choir
Performing Arts
Music Tuition and Choir We have continued our programme of individual music tuition on bass guitar, guitar, and keyboards, and solo singing, which has seen some very accomplished performances in our school assemblies and events. We have developed a lively and fun Primary Choir session which the children eagerly participate in. Our Thursday Options Singing session was popular, as was our after school Glee Club. Our Year 10 and 11 pupils have continued to develop and perform with ever growing confidence. We are really looking forward to developing our new recording studio facilities so that the fruits of our pupil’s musical labours can be shared with wider audiences via CD’s and the internet.
Electric Guitar
Accoustic Guitar
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Music Overview 2015/16 Cricket Green School 4 strands: Strands: Vocal: Solo voice Duet/group Action songs
Rhythmic: Keeping a pulse Improvisation Repetition
Primary LO:
Use the voice in different ways Sing with a sense of shape and melody Sing in tune and with expression Sing simple parts – small group/solo
Autumn “hello/goodb ye” “Name Song/Warm up” Harvest Festival Songs Christmas Songs
Spring Easter songs
Summer Artlish week(?) Whole school music evening
Repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns Keep a steady pulse
Autumn Solo with microphone Tone/pitch Thinking voice Duets Choir Christmas Songs
Autumn 1-2-3-4 Thunderstor m Quiet to loud
Spring Rhythmic phrases Punctuating syllables with beats
Summer Group drumming exercises
Sing more complex parts. Begin to explore improvisation Sing using different vocal techniques and improvisation Spring Solo with microphone Tone/pitch Thinking voice Duets Choir Individual choice of song
Summer Solo with microphone Duets Choir Songs for Artlish week & Whole school music evening
Improvise repeated patterns Improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance Improvise melodic and rhythmic material within a given structure
Autumn Group drumming exercises Rhythmic phrases Punctuating syllables with beats
Spring Note sequences Glockenspiel Piano/keyboards Groove Feeling/Emotion Ta-ka-di-mi
Summer Complex rhythms Latin/samba Drumkit 4/4 beat
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Music Overview 2015/16 Cricket Green School 4 strands: Strands: Vocal: Solo voice Duet/group Action songs
Rhythmic: Keeping a pulse Improvisation Repetition
Primary LO:
Use the voice in different ways Sing with a sense of shape and melody Sing in tune and with expression Sing simple parts – small group/solo
Autumn “hello/goodb ye” “Name Song/Warm up” Harvest Festival Songs Christmas Songs
Spring Easter songs
Summer Artlish week(?) Whole school music evening
Repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns Keep a steady pulse
Autumn Solo with microphone Tone/pitch Thinking voice Duets Choir Christmas Songs
Autumn 1-2-3-4 Thunderstor m Quiet to loud
Spring Rhythmic phrases Punctuating syllables with beats
Summer Group drumming exercises
Sing more complex parts. Begin to explore improvisation Sing using different vocal techniques and improvisation Spring Solo with microphone Tone/pitch Thinking voice Duets Choir Individual choice of song
Summer Solo with microphone Duets Choir Songs for Artlish week & Whole school music evening
Improvise repeated patterns Improvise melodic and rhythmic phrases as part of a group performance Improvise melodic and rhythmic material within a given structure
Autumn Group drumming exercises Rhythmic phrases Punctuating syllables with beats
Spring Note sequences Glockenspiel Piano/keyboards Groove Feeling/Emotion Ta-ka-di-mi
Summer Complex rhythms Latin/samba Drumkit 4/4 beat
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Strands: Composition: Recognition/awa reness of mood Instrumentation
Performance: Listening Participation Awareness of others
Primary LO:
Knows about and can explore sounds Can create and choose sounds Identify simple repeated patterns and follow musical instructions
Autumn Percussion instruments Shakers Tambourines Djembe drums
Spring Glockenspiel Note sequences Keyboards drums
Improvise repeated patterns Compose by developing ideas within musical structures Compose music for different occasions using appropriate musical devices Summer Autumn Spring Summer Explore Film music Sequencing notes Selecting songs for instruments/s Emotion/mood Memorising Music Evening ound Scary/happy/sad sequences Rehearsing Electric guitars Explore keyboard Repeating individual/group bass composition sequences performances drumkit Lyrics/songwriting
Follow musical instructions and signals Sing with a sense of shape and melody and have awareness of phrase
Assemblies Christmas Harvest festival Easter Artlish week Albert Hall End of Year Music Evening
Sing in tune with expression and rhythmically Sing a round as part of a group Maintain their own part with awareness of combined effect Sing in parts using correct vocal techniques Perform own part from memory and using notation
Spring Assemblies Christmas Harvest festival Easter Artlish week Albert Hall End of Year Music Evening
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green
Strands: Vocal
CGS Music Curriculum - Autumn Term 1st Half Term (WEEK 1-7) 2nd Half Term (WEEK 8-15) Primary KS2/3 Primary KS2/3 “Say Hello/Goodbye” Solo with microphone Christmas Songs “Name Song/Warm up” Tone/pitch “Away in a Manger” Harvest Festival Songs Thinking voice “Silent Night” “One Man Went To Mow” Duets “Jingle Bells” “B*I*N*G*O” Choir “O Come All Ye Faithful” “Dingle Dangle Scarecrow” “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” “Hot Potato” 1-2-3-4 Sleigh bells Group drumming exercises “Thunderstorm” Tambourines Rhythmic phrases Quiet to loud Wooden blocks Punctuating syllables with beats Percussion instruments Shakers Tambourines Djembe drums
Film music Emotion/mood Scary/happy/sad Explore keyboard composition
Tone Tempo Arrangement
Assemblies Harvest festival
Assemblies Christmas Church Carol Service
Warm up: Bounce Bounce Boom Chikka Boom Three Part Groove Singin’ In The Rain A Ram sam sam
Warm up: Bounce Bounce Boom Chikka Boom Three Part Groove Singin’ In The Rain A Ram sam sam
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green
CGS Music Curriculum - Spring Term 1st Half Term 2nd Half Term Primary KS2/3 Primary Group songs Solo with microphone Easter songs “The Wheels on the Tone/pitch “I Can Sing A Rainbow” Bus” Thinking voice “The Sun Has Got His “If You’re Happy and Hat On” You Know It” “Mary Had a Little “Do The Monkey” Lamb” “Alphabet Song” “Baa Baa Black Sheep” “Five Little Monkeys” “Incey Wincey Spider” “It’s Very Very Cold” “We’re Going on an Egg “Heads and Shoulders, Hunt” Knees and Toes” “Bouncing Bunnies” “Old MacDonald” Rhythmic phrases Punctuating syllables with beats Glockenspiel Note sequences
Note sequences Glockenspiel Piano/keyboards
Sequencing notes Memorising sequences Repeating sequences
Keyboards drums
Assemblies Easter
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green Each Year we have a whole school music Festival
CRICKET GREEN FESTIVAL The Music Stage at Chapel Orchard 1.15pm-1.45pm KS3 Singers on stage: Sophie Conde – “My Guy” Daniel – “You Raise Me Up”
Ensemble singing: MEDLEY: “All-TIME CLASSIC POP HITS”
1.45-2.15 KS4 Band 2.15-2.45 Primary School GLEE CLUB: “FROZEN” Red and Green and Yellow : “The Wheels on the Bus” Purple: “World Cup Drumming” Purple and Blue and Orange : “Squiggly Wiggly Squirrel” ALL TOGETHER: “The Get-Ready-For-School Song”, “Hot Potato”, “If You’re Happy And You Know It”
Performing Arts
Music at Cricket Green
‌.and also a Summer Music Evening where we come together to celebrate our musical successes.
Performing Arts
The Studio Various donations to Cricket Green School have enabled us to buy music equipment and instruments to build a fully functional recording studio. We are very excited about the new plans and projects to incorporate the studio into everyday school life, and know it will enhance education and progress us as a school. We have already had the opportunity to use it for our Arts week, where we recorded lots of pupils singing and making various noises for one of the creative projects. We've also used it to compose and record a song for our school drama production at Wimbledon Theatre and to record a song written and performed by Combat Stress, the UK's leading Veterans' charity. We've been busy already and are very much looking forward to the future and what opportunities our studio will present!
Performing Arts Music Tech Curriculum – Recording Studio based activities: Aims: •Create and record music for small groups of pupils •Create and record music for individuals •Record class songs and whole school songs •Record podcasts for internet broadcast •Record soundtracks for film/drama projects •Record reading/spoken word •Develop song writing & instrumental composition skills
Musical Activity (strands for assessment)
Other groups Glee Club, Choir, Options, Tuition, Drama
Group singing Solo singing
Group singing Choir Solo
Group singing Choir Solo
Group singing Choir Solo
Rhythm Drums Body soundsHandclaps Fingersnaps Footstamping
Rhythm Drums Keyboards Guitar Bass
Rhythm Drums Keyboards Guitar Bass Software-based instrumentation
Tuition pupils practise and record development
Listening to ideas from others, making suggestions
Make statements and observations. Use voice, sounds, instruments, technology creatively.
Experiment with voice, sounds, instruments, technology in creative ways. Explore new techniques.
Podcasting/Radio programme making
Sequencing simple rhythmic and note structures
Software-based composition Soundtracks Film/Drama
Podcasts Drama projects
Songs Classroom sounds
Comment and respond to recordings ready for Final Mix
Evaluating and amending recordings for Final Mix