Self- Evaluation Outcomes for pupils Head teacher: Celia Dawson
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The Outcomes for pupils at Cricket Green School are judged OUTSTANDING because:
What is Outstanding? In 2013 Ofsted guidelines stated Outstanding outcomes were equal to: More than 75% of pupils making good or better progress with at least 25% being Outstanding in line with the NPG. In 2015/16 our revised, more challenging measure is: More than 85% of pupils making good or better progress with at least 40% being outstanding inline with NPG, CASPA and subject lead judgements qualified by the senior leadership team and other relevant professionals where applicable. From 2016-17, we are planning to move further away from a reliance on the NPG in line with best practice nationally, developing our own moderated systems in collaboration with other outstanding schools- and measuring a wider range of pupil outcomes such as outcomes in therapies, social and emotional development, independence skills and life skills development. Action Research validation of information we are currently working with four reputable SEN schools, of which two are outstanding. We aim to make our measure for outstanding even more robust by comparing their outstanding criteria to our own. The outcome of the research will provide us with invaluable data sets. The process of this work includes comparing: • Information/data • Baseline assessment procedures • Interschool moderation, • Sharing of exemplary assessment tools, • Quality of marking, • calculating progress from lesson to lesson • Tracking standards and measures for progress and outcomes for pupils from key stage 1 to key stage 5. Through our Teaching school we hope to publish this innovative research to replace the NPG data sets, the main improvement being that the sample set will compare a growing range of SEN pupils with even more detailed like needs. The criteria for this work will include matching pupils with the same profile as follows: • • • •
Starting point Age Specific SEN profile in detail of PLASC and relevant professional assessment Social economic measure
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Substantial and Sustained Progress At CGS we measure pupil progress from lesson to lesson, termly, annually and from key stage to Key stage. Progress is measured and triangulated against the National Progression guidance, CASPA and individualised teacher/ subject lead targets. These standards are also compared with other good and outstanding SEN schools in joint assessment, data and moderation meetings. •
• • • •
Pupils currently at CGS are achieving extremely well. School assessment information of pupils in all year groups shows the large majority make at least good progress with much making outstanding progress in all subjects across the curriculum from their starting points which has been sustained over time. The number of pupils making more than expected progress in Maths and English has been sustained over time showing at least 60% from each key stage making outstanding progress. From 2012 -2015 when compared to significant data sets on CASPA 41% of pupils made outstanding progress in Maths and 59% in Literacy from KS1 –KS4 irrespective of their need. From 2012-2015 when compared to significant data sets on CASPA 55% of Cricket Green pupils made outstanding progress with 45% making at least Good progress in reading. Further information shows us that pupils make outstanding progress in all areas of the curriculum from year group to year group with the exception of Humanities and Food Technology where outcomes are at least good showing a rapidly improving trend year on year.
The table below outlines progress and outcomes for pupils from key stage 1-4 with a range from 2011 -2015. We have used a combination of the of pupils making Outstandingto progress outcomes fromand keyoutcomes. stage to key stage – range 2011 -2015 NPG, CASPA and subject%lead/teacher assessments judge and overall progress 150 100 50 0 Hu ma n
Foo d
i ti e s
KS4 13-15
KS3 12-15
s ci e n ce
s s ive Art
KS2 11-15
Exp re s
ti Co m p u
li te ra c
Ma th s
KS1 13-15
Outstanding progress in subject areas by key stage ranging from 2011-2015
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Key Stage 5 Outcomes In 2014-15 CGS6 adopted an innovative ‘Life Skills Curriculum’ using progression planners to enable students to work towards personalised learning goals. CGS6 continues to develop, improve and review the 6th form curriculum in partnership with another outstanding school to compare high quality assessment, teaching and learning. This developmental change from National Curriculum assessment has led to deeper more meaningful functional learning outcomes to better prepare them for further education, independence and adult life.
70 60 50 40 30 20 10
The aim of our provision for these students is to prepare them for: • Transition to a new college at the appropriate time • Adult independence; inclusive of essential functional/life skills • Where possible transition to Project Search via college or CGS6. • Readiness for adult life inclusive CGS Students’confidence, progress across the 6th formand curriculum from 2014-2015 of promoting positive health well being
0 Tra ve l
a rts
g tra in i n
e Cre a ti v
/ vo ca ti ona l
bel ow
g Co o k i n
m Ho m
o Aw a y fr
ma n a g
n d u ca ti o D ru gs e
Ho me
Le i s u re
a bi l i a l Ca p Fi n a n c
• •
Outstandi ng
Overall 95% of CGS students achieved at least good outcomes from 2014-15 Outcomes for 48% of students in years 12, 13 and 14 were outstanding with 47% making at least expected progress. 5% made less than Outstanding progress in subject areas by key stage ranging from 2011-2015 expected progress, this has been attributed to a dip in attendance due to prolonged medical absences.
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Progress of current CGS6 students This year 96% of CGS6 students are making at least good progress. Following pupil progress meetings and midterm reviews we estimate that 65% of pupils will make outstanding progress this year (increase of 17% from last year) with the remaining making at least good progress. 90
Progress of students from 2015 to February 2016
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 g
l s a fe ty
Tra i n i n
% No s i gni fi cant movement
a Pe rs o n
Tra ve l
i ty Cre a ti v
ona l
% Good
/ vo ca ti
e me n t
ma n a g
Mid term student Progress Estimated full term progress
Outstanding Students 6
g Co o k i n
H o me
Le is u re
a bi l i a l Ca p Fi n a n c
%Outs ta ndi ng
No significant
Good students 19
Outstanding progress in subject areas by key stage ranging from 2011-2015
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: EYFS Pupils Since 2013 we have had 1 reception aged child join the school. From 2013-2015 this child has made more than 3 levels of progress in Maths, Literacy and Reading and his overall progress is outstanding across the curriculum. In 2015 we had 5 pupils of reception age join CGS. Our aim is ensure that these pupils make the same substantial and sustained progress as every other pupil in the school. Currently there is insufficient information to judge progress over time for these pupils. Their EYFS scores from formative assessment and a recent pupil progress meeting shows us that all pupils are making at least good progress with 20% exceeding their end of year targets. Project Search Project Search is a one-year supported internship for students with learning disabilities, in their last year of education, aged 18 - 24. It is aimed at young people whose goal is competitive employment. The programme takes place at St George’s hospital where total immersion in the workplace facilitates the teaching and learning process through continuous feedback and acquisition of employability and competitive work skills. Trainees are supported by a tutor, appointed by Cricket Green School, and a job coach, working under the auspices of our Employability partners, Action on Disability. • • •
Between 2012-2015 we have trained 9 students who were at CGS (5 Male 4 female) at Project Search of which 66% went on to secure paid employment. 3 of these students attended our 6th form of which 100% went on to paid employment. Their levels of attainment were comparatively lower to students of their own age but outcomes for all of these students were prolific. Overall Project search boasts a 73% success rate of securing employment for these Learners. Nationally just 6.4% of people with learning % in0fpaid students securing employed work with Project search disabilities are employment… 150 100 50 0 2014-15
Outstanding progress in subject areas by key stage ranging from 2011-2015
Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:
Quality and Impact of Therapies At CGS our primary aim is to maintain and develop the learners’ well being so that they are able to develop as safe confident learners. We believe that early intervention is key at all levels ranging from quality first teaching to specialist professional support. Currently we have two Speech and Language, one Occupational and one Play Therapist. Therapist intervention is provided using specific referrals and individualised assessments. We also have a highly experienced CAMHs tier 3 specialist working two days a week who supports our learners and families with emotional barriers to learning. Information from 2014-2015 of Therapy show us: • • • •
When assessed against the blank levels 76% of pupils receiving SaLT at CGS exceed their expected outcomes with a total of 90% at least meeting their targets. 100% of pupils receiving OT meet their SMART targets set for them during their therapy. 100% of pupils receiving play therapy (data anonymised) went on to show positive scores in their post SDQ results. The joint working with CAMHs is exemplary and a strength of the school. Evaluation of impact shows that this professional advice is essential to affecting positive change in the emotional welfare and mental health of all targeted learners and families at CGS.
To sustain outstanding standards the following areas are being worked on: • • • • •
New Reception cohort - Ensure that continuous support, training and developments made to the new EYFS provision lead to pupils of reception age making sustained and substantial progress over time in line with the rest of the school Raise the number of pupils making Outstanding progress in Food technology and Humanities in line with the rest of the school Continue to innovate and evaluate the 6th form provision to sustain outstanding outcomes for the rising intake and growth of the school. Ensure that Data Set research is developed over three years to create published robust measures for Outstanding progress and outcomes for all pupils and students in partnership with other outstanding schools. Remain critically evaluative of the excellent provision at CGS so that the school can continue to strive for innovative developments for SEN learners.
Outstanding progress in subject areas by key stage ranging from 2011-2015