SIP v3

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Cricket Green School

School Targets 2015-2018 Mission statement for the focus of our learning

Cricket Green wants all its learners: • • •

To know what’s right or wrong for each one of them as individuals by developing self awareness, self knowledge, a positive self image and ambition. To be able to communicate this by developing, through any means, the confidence and skills to express themselves. To be able to generalise these skills to any situation so they can make lifestyle choices, keep themselves safe, develop positive relationships and achieve the very best they can.

Teaching & Learning •

Further develop transition pathways for all learners placing emphasis on learners with specific needs ASD, BESD and SLD learners.

Increase the % of staff consistently delivering outstanding lessons to enable all pupils to achieve outstanding outcomes and progress

Implement robust and innovative formative and summative assessment systems using relevant new technologies in keeping with the changing attitudes towards assessment without levels.

Promote continuous improvement in raising core standards of literacy, numeracy, computing and science so that our learners achieve outcomes which enable them to participate positively and actively in adult life.

Ensure high quality outcomes are maintained for learners in the new nursery and reception stages

Increase the level of independent skills/functional based learning throughout all lessons to ensure that the challenge in learning leads to outstanding outcomes and progress for all learners in adult life.

Curriculum •

Further learning curriculum for Early Years focussing on giving a breadth of opportunities for a range of play and exploration to awaken learning and widen interests

Further develop the enhanced curriculum offer for cohorts of Primary children to develop links and social opportunities

Develop online and social media opportunities alongside raising awareness of safety and developing strategies for reducing risks for pupils/students of all ages.

Review, plan for and develop across the school an awareness of computing skills in line with technological advancements

Continue to align and develop subject delivery across all key stages to increase consistency of expectation and rigour of challenge for all learners inclusive of analysis of new data sets

Evaluate the newly developed 6th form curriculum in its capacity to achieve outstanding outcomes for all learners

Achievement •

Middle leaders to continue to improve their monitoring and support of assessment & planning (for their subject areas) with emphasis on coaching, mentoring and the use of relevant data sets.

Improve the end of year results in Literacy & Maths for pupils in key stage 3 in line with the rest of the school

Explore & establish the use of a greater range of assessment tools to measure pupils’ personal, social development. In conjunction with other special schools to have developed and analysed appropriate descriptors for assessing outcomes for all pupils. To have implemented this across the curriculum to provide new data sets for benchmarking and measuring outcomes and progress

Professional Development •

Further develop the use of research and evidence based study to improve curriculum and learning outcomes for all (through ITT, masters and PHD related courses).

Continue to expand training opportunities for staff at all levels across the school, cluster and local authority.

Continue to provide packages of support for successive teachers to improve their practice so that “all” can demonstrate outstanding teaching.

Spiritual Moral & cultural •

Achieve gold standard at “Rights, Respecting Schools” to reflect this awareness of childrens’ rights across every aspect of the provision

Develop “pupil voice” to enable a greater range of pupils to express opinion, convey information or decide upon actions.

Continue developing the wide range of curriculum opportunities appropriate to all learners of all ages to develop core values of honesty, openness and acceptance of differences.

School Environment and Community Links •

Complete a purpose built facility for a nursery provision

Complete the new build to allow for appropriate expansion of CGS to meet growing need in pupil numbers.

Develop the site team to meet the daily needs of a large campus, ensuring the highest standards of safety, maintenance and aesthetics

Offer an extended range of high quality courses and training developed through the cluster (MTCT), the teaching school (MSTA) and CGS, to develop and support all members of the community – pupils, families, staff and governors.

Successfully market the school and its ethos to continue to attract staff in developing outstanding teaching skills, special needs expertise and management skills. Expand the range of available therapeutic interventions by developing the therapy team at CGS to further develop the emotional literacy of learners.


CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Target: To increase the quality of maths teaching throughout the school Governing Committee: Success criteria • Teaching and learning for P scale pupils will improve • Mid term planning will be consistent across school • Increased use of Numicon as a tool for maths teaching • Increase in teaching of functional use of Time Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


To improve teaching of Wave One SLD maths in Primary

• •

JG to monitor planning Lesson observations

Summer 2016

Release time in school –JG Training for JG (cost) Work with teacher at Perseid – JG (cover)

To ensure consistency of mid term Maths planning across school

• •

Monitoring of planning by JG Support for planning by JG

Summer 2016

Work with LJ

Increase knowledge of Numicon for Primary staff and those who teach SLD maths

Numicon trainer course

Monitoring of planning Numicon Pupil tracking

April 2016

Improve teaching of Time across school through updating progression grid to include Functional Time

Monitoring of planning and lesson observation

April 2016

One day -JG

Tracking data


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development

CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Target: Create opportunities for increased participation of parents as role models at after school clubs Governing Committee: Investors in people Success criteria • There is an increase in the number of after school Child-parent clubs and reports identify a positive impact to their relationships and wellbeing and set targets Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Set up at least two clubs – cooking family club and a ‘Dad’s club for males’

CD and LJ JV to oversee through parent liaison

Jan 2016

TBC time and designated room

Organise support workers necessary, inclusive of health and safety, and structure clubs with aims and targets

LJ and JV

Jan 2016

Cost of support work

Review progress of clubs and set new schedules


March 2016

Time for review inclusive of data.


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome


All Children from Year 1 – year 14 have 2 hours of PE per week 6th form have leisure, swimming, gym, park activities

All children have at least 100 minutes of PE across at least 2 separate lessons (on different days) and an effective curriculum map is in place.

(1) Our pupils are able to access at least 100minutes of high quality curriculum PE per week

School staff training and development needs have been audited and met to the gold standard in the MSSM. Gold This includes supporting staff to adapt PE lessons for pupils with SEND as required. Inclusive sport forms part of PE planning and delivery. Pupils’ needs are known and teachers feel confident to deliver inclusive PE lessons and clubs, making any adaptations as required.


The PE Coordinator is leading ‘good’ PE effectively & Gold confidently across the whole school.

Already audited staff that deliver PE. 5 x level 2 Sherborne MSSP Early Years course x 2 Level 2 x 1 Internal courses Rebound therapy course

All lessons are inclusive

Primary 2 lessons per week, 1 delivered by PE specialist, other by Teacher/PE Assistant, TA’s are trained by PE specialist Secondary 2 lessons per week delivered by PE Specialists Assemblies – sportsman of the week. Whole school themed assemblies for competitions. PE lessons are cross curricular

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome


Observations circle; 2 x PE leads where observed by SLT, PE leads now observe others, observe 3 each in an observations circle PE leads will also be observed, observing

PE lessons are observed as good or better and meet the New NC expectations.

Effective measurement of pupil’s progression is in place Gold across school.

A PE Policy is in place which ensures the quality of PE is good and the safeguarding & welfare of children and staff is optimal.

(2) Our pupils are able to access extracurricular physical activity & sport

Clubs are available for all children to access including children with SEND.

2 x assessments, FUN’s of movement assessed at start and end of year. Children are also assessed at the end of each unit. Assessment tool in place. IEP/ OT assessments for all students


PE Policy in place, all SLT & Governors are aware of this.


Clubs are accessible by all pupils. Junior sports and senior sports clubs Secondary Step into dance Primary / Secondary horse riding Girls football OAA Bootcamp Running club Boys football Gymnastics club Bikeability Rebound therapy???

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

Less active children are identified and targeted. Barriers are removed to help them engage more in a healthy & active lifestyle (this may be via C4L clubs or similar).


Less sporty children and parents were targeted for a healthy lifestyles programme inc gardening & cooking fresh products and 3 months free membership at local leisure centre.

Clubs are varied, of a good quality and meet the gold standard in the MSSM.


Clubs are delivered by TA’s, PE Assistant and coaches and are all DBS and qualified.

(3) Our pupils are able to access Sports leadership opportunities

A leadership programme is in place for all year 5’s (initial training session delivered by Gold MSSP or similar then 6 session programme).

D of E students assist with primary events x 4 students. 6th formers assist with warm ups, sports days, cross country etc

Sports leaders promote healthy & active lifestyles and fair play and are able to volunteer during lunch time / breakfast clubs targeting less active children (i.e. change for life clubs).

KS4/KS5 makes healthy snack for staff


Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

Keen sports leaders (yr 5/6) are selected to be part of the MSSP (or similar) leadership academy where they can access additional opportunities to learn, lead and volunteer in sport and physical activity (with parental consent).


Send leaders to a leadership day

School games day (sports day) delivered which engages all children in the school.


Sports day all planned and in diary

Intra comp programme in place for all children to meet the MSSM gold standard.


Intra comps held at the end of each unit Volley ball, hockey, cricket, cross country all contribute to house points

(4) Our pupils are able to access inter (level 2/3) & intra (level 1) school sports competitions & pathways

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

Entry to inter school competitions & festivals takes place to meet the MSSM gold standard.


Pan football x 6 Cross country x 3 Girls football PAN Multi Skills Boccia friendlies vs Cranmer Lord’s Tavenors Boccia MSSP Boccia MSSP Inclusive Football LYG Football LYG Tennis LYG Swimming LYG’s Cricket Inclusive Scatterball Inclusive sports day Borough Athletics

Children with SEND are able to represent their school and compete at inter competitions.


All students are SEN pupils

Pupils, teachers & accompanying parents understand the rules, etiquette and formats for each sport. Children are given opportunities to practice in advance of the competition.


All teachers and children are trained and taught the rules before comp

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

High quality (checked) external coaches provided and monitored for clubs or PPA as required.

(5) Our pupils are able to access external coaching, community club links and talent development

(6) Our pupils are able to access swimming development

Local club links are in place and promoted to pupils for a range of sports including local inclusive clubs for children with disabilities. Gifted and talented pupils in PE and sport (including those with SEND) are recognised by all teachers. Names are listed and an action plan is in place to support extra progression.

A swimming plan is in place to improve (and track) swimming ability.


Lessons are delivered by PE Specialists. Chance to Shine Cricket Rosehill Tennis Centre


Mitcham CC WJTI Old Ruts Rugby Mitcham Rugby club Fulham FC M & T FC Rosehill Tennis Centre Hockey??


G & T Register in place. Those pupils are encouraged to attend outside club 1 x dance 2 x Fulham football


Primary 1 x full term Secondary inc 6th form 1 x ½ term Enhanced provision 4 x children get a full year Enhancement & Stretch 1 x ½ term SLD group All year @ Perseid

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome


As above


All SLT and School Governors are fully supportive of the schools PE plan


Look at healthy schools 1st aider Staff defib Year 8/9’s science unit of 1st aid

All children receive swim lessons during KS 1 or 2 and can swim 25m before they leave in year 6.

Additional Objectives

Ensure that sport, physical activity and wellbeing are important to the whole school community and it’s ethos.

School governors, senior management and other staff are fully aware and supportive of the School’s PE and Sport programme and plans. Health & wellbeing is promoted across the school and the ‘Healthy Schools’ accreditation is obtained. PE and sport themes are linked to other curriculum subjects where appropriate. The PE Coordinator actively promotes and arranges this with other subject leaders throughout the year.

All lessons are cross curricular

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

All staff are encouraged to keep healthy Staff Yoga Staff short tennis Staff Marathons Staff London to Brighton Bike rides Parents take part in sports days Ride to work scheme Staff vs Pupils comps inc football each ½ term

Staff are encouraged to portray themselves as active, healthy and sporty role models. For example taking part in staff Vs parents netball or staff exercise classes. Fair play, sportsmanship and respect are promoted and expected across the school. Sporting success is celebrated. The school website (as well as other correspondence & social media) displays and promotes the sporting ethos of the school and opportunities available to all children effectively.

To secure and make best use of funding to support PE and sport.

Government Primary PE funding accounted for within school PE budgets and a full breakdown is published on the website by October 2015 and updated annually.




Sportsmanship award/ celebrations assemblies

Sporting achievements / sportsmanship are displayed in newsletters. PE board display sporting achievements and house points

All SLT and Governors are aware of what spending is being used for. Update sports premium funding on website

Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome


SC to apply for funding to help with equipment and clubs

Apply for funding to support any additional school sport projects as required. To consider the use of Pupil Premium grants to provide additional sport and physical activities for disengaged and disadvantaged children.


Primary School PE Action Plan 2015/16

School _____________________ PE Co ___________________


Key Targets

Where are you now?



(Merton School Sports Mark Question)

By July 2016

(2014/15 MSSM grade if applicable)

What you will do to achieve target and by what date?

Provide details of the outcome

Teaching and Learning

CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Target: To ensure that all staff have access to coaching programs to improve the quality of their teaching staff at CGS Governing Committee: Teaching and learning Success criteria • High quality programs are in place and staff have demonstrated improvements in specific areas of their practice as judged by SLT against Teaching and learning criteria Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Evaluation of impact

ITT and NQT in place with 100% success rate.

Design coaching programs for all staff from M-scale to leadership

LJ to implement CPD

Autumn Half term

Time and funding for courses

Implement schedules for programs and liaise with relevant agencies and partners

LJ and other designated staff

Jan 2016


Run programs and review process



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development

Teaching and Learning School Improvement Plan 2015 overview


Book Scrutiny






Aim: Increase management and responsibility of marking by all subject leads. Who: All subject leads and LJ When : Autumn term Core : Whole school policies Foundation or other: Agreed marking scheme Completed - next steps coaching from middle leaders to staff Aim : Implement clear systems to monitor quality of work across all subjects. Who: LJ and Subject leads What: Agreed policy of work scrutiny across all subjects. When: spring term Completed add into evaluation cycle Aim: Ensure that there is high quality planning in all areas of the curriculum leading to better day to day teaching and learning. Who: Subject leads and LJ When : started ongoing What: Agreed planning formats and relevant training Completed in maths ongoing - next steps training from Middle leads Aim: Embed robust moderation of teacher assessment in all subjects across all key -stages leading to accurate and reliable judgments of pupil progress. Who: All teaching staff led by subject leads When: Core- regular intervals ; foundation to be agreed What: Regular in school moderation and at least one joint inter school moderation with chosen schools. Completed ready for sept 15 Aim: All subject leads will be responsible for the collection and analysis of data. Who: Subject leads and LJ When : At agreed intervals throughout the year How: Using CASPA staff will measure progress of pupils in their subjects. BY: summer 1 Training: CASPA training related to pupil progress and achievement Aim: Increase quality of assessment in all subject areas Who: All Staff – training by LJ and Development team Training: INSETs on Assessment inclusive of lesson structure, co-construction, questioning, plenaries, success criteria and use of support staff. When: Oct 2014 -July 2015 ongoing Aim: Provision mapping is used by all key members of staff to ensure that intervention s are tracked and monitored for quality of impact Who: Senior teachers, subject leads, Therapists and other relevant agencies. What: Provisions are tracked on SIMs and shared at EHCP meetings/ARs. BY: March 2014 Design: QIT to develop system for relevant staff. ongoing

Moderation Data

Aim: Increase quality of assessment in all subject areas Who: All Staff – training by LJ and Development team Training: INSETs on Assessment inclusive of lesson structure, co-construction, questioning, plenaries, success criteria and use of support staff. In line with new When: Oct 2014 -July 2015 Ongoing Next step for middle leads to monitor quality of teaching for their subjects Aim: Provision mapping is used by all key members of staff to ensure that intervention s are tracked and monitored for quality of impact Who: Senior teachers, subject leads, Therapists and other relevant agencies. What: Provisions are tracked on SIMs and shared at EHCP meetings/ARs. BY: Jan 2016 Design: QIT to develop system for relevant staff. Ongoing Next steps for teachers to take a larger responsibility for Provision mapping for pupils in their classes by spring 2


Aim: Embed robust moderation of teacher assessment in all subjects across all key stages leading to accurate and reliable judgments of pupil outcomes. Who: All teaching staff led by subject leads When: Core- regular intervals ; foundation agreed What: Regular in school moderation and at least one joint inter school moderation with chosen schools. On going next step interschool research to produce data sets Aim: All subject leads will be responsible for the collection and analysis of data. Who: Subject leads and LJ When : At agreed intervals throughout the year How: Using CASPA staff will measure progress of pupils in their subjects. BY: spring 1 Ongoing Training: CASPA/app training related to pupil progress, achievement and outcomes

Work scrutiny

Aim: Ensure that there is high quality planning in all areas of the curriculum leading to better day to day teaching and learning. Who: Subject leads and LJ When : Spring 2 What: Agreed planning formats and relevant training Completed in core –next step coaching training for middle leaders


Aim : Implement clear systems to monitor quality of work across all subjects. Who: LJ and Subject leads What: Agreed policy of work scrutiny across all subjects. When: spring term. Completed – next step Middle leaders to analyse outcomes for their subject areas

Aim: Increase management and responsibility of marking by all subject leads. Who: All subject leads and LJ When Spring term Core : Whole school policies Foundation or other: Agreed marking scheme In progress all leads to monitor work scrutiny

CGS Teaching and Learning school improvement objectives 2015-16 Updated Assessment Provisions


Target: To coach teaching staff in PERFORMING ARTS to raise standards so that all students are making at least good progress. Governing Committee: Success criteria: All students making good progress or above Staff confident in planning and executing lessons to a standard of good or above

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Attend and complete a mentoring course

Attend course

July 2015

Liaise with LJ to learn how to observe lessons and grade them accurately – Peer observations

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Liaise with LJ to learn how to give constructive feedback

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Observe lessons and give positive feedback independently

At least 1 observation per half term

Easter 2016


Set targets with teachers to enable them to move their practice forward to good and above

Primary PERFORMING ARTS meetings (during team time/INSET) 1:1 opportunities

Minimum of 2 meetings by May 2016 Jan 2016 – ongoing

INSET/Team meeting time

Provide support (planning and assessment) to enable teachers to improve their planning (differentiation) and assessment

Primary PERFORMING ARTS meetings (during team time/INSET)

July 2016

INSET/Team meeting time

Help teachers to identify GandT and stuck students and work collaboratively to enrich, extend and enhance learning

Observations and mentoring sessions

July 2016


Evaluation of impact



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: To allow Cricket Green pupils from across Key Stage 3,4, and 5 to access a high quality youth theatre outside of school. Governing Committee: Success criteria:

All students from the selected group engaged in weekly sessions All pupils to play a part in the 6 weekly sharing/performance Pupil feedback after each 6 weekly block

Key Objectives and actions

Completion date


Complete hiring of staff to facilitate youth theatre.

Nov 2015

Work with Group leader to reflect and modify the programme over initial 6 week block

December 2015

All costs covered by Funding obtained through resident theatre company THEATRE 6

Review groupings and staffing and make relevant changes

January 2016

3 month review of theatre director and contract renewal

February 2016

Fund raising for continuation of KS3/4/5 Youth Theatre and also for Sept 2016 Primary Youth Theatre

Easter 2016


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development


Target: To give pupils across key stage 3,4 and 5 the opportunity to plan make and star in their own professional film that can be used as an educational tool. Governing Committee: Success criteria:

All students from the selected group engaged in weekly sessions All pupils to play a part in each stage of the process A completed film that will be premiered to the school

Key Objectives and actions

Completion date


Write proposal for funding with Andy Alty for Watch it Project

Sept 2015

Obtain funding for the ‘Watch it’ project.

Oct 2015

All costs covered through a grant for funding through WCCT

Meet with Andy to brainstorm ideas and discuss pupils and staffing

Nov/Dec 2015

Initial briefing with practioners for the ‘Watch it’ sessions

Jan 2016

Begin series of 8 weekly sessions planning and rehearsing for the film.

February 2016

Take a group of pupils away on location to film

April 2016

Evaluate the impact through pupil interviews

May 2016

Premier the film

May 2016

Evaluation of impact

Cover for Brown and other staff members on the trip Percentage of funding for this from parents/ other funding to come from YHA


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development

Spiritual, Moral & Social Cultural


Target: To coach teaching staff in ART to raise standards so that all students are making at least good progress. Governing Committee: Success criteria: All students making good progress or above Staff confident in planning and executing lessons to a standard of good or above

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Attend and complete a mentoring course

Attend course

July 2015

Liaise with LJ to learn how to observe lessons and grade them accurately – Peer observations

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Liaise with LJ to learn how to give constructive feedback

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Observe lessons and give positive feedback independently

At least 1 observation per half term

Easter 2016


Set targets with teachers to enable them to move their practice forward to good and above

Primary ART meetings (during team time/INSET) 1:1 opportunities

Minimum of 2 meetings by May 2016 Jan 2016 – ongoing

INSET/Team meeting time

Provide support (planning and assessment) to enable teachers to improve their planning (differentiation) and assessment

Primary ART meetings (during team time/INSET)

July 2016

INSET/Team meeting time

Help teachers to identify GandT and stuck students and work collaboratively to enrich, extend and enhance learning

Observations and mentoring sessions

July 2016


Evaluation of impact



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: To coach teaching staff in PE to raise standards so that all students are making at least good progress. Governing Committee: Success criteria: All students making good progress or above Staff confident in planning and executing lessons to a standard of good or above

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Attend and complete a mentoring course

Attend course

July 2015

Liaise with LJ to learn how to observe lessons and grade them accurately – peer observations

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Liaise with LJ to learn how to give constructive feedback

Meet with LJ as part of DT. Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons

December 2015 December 2015

Cover Cover

Observe lessons and give positive feedback independently

At least 1 observation per half term

Easter 2016


Set targets with teachers to enable them to move their practice forward to good and above

Primary PE meetings (during team time/INSET) 1:1 opportunities

Minimum of 2 meetings by May 2016 Jan 2016 – ongoing

INSET/Team meeting time

Provide support (planning and assessment) to enable teachers to improve their planning (differentiation) and assessment

Primary PE meetings (during team time/INSET)

July 2016

INSET/Team meeting time

Help teachers to identify Gifted and Talented and stuck students. Work collaboratively with teachers to enrich, extend and enhance learning

Observations and mentoring sessions

July 2016


Evaluation of impact The course was very useful I look forward to using the content with staff at CGS



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: Governing Committee: Success criteria • To be responsible for the assessment and planning of PE so that all pupils receive challenge, enhancement and quality wave one provision. (Primary Focus) • To develop a scheme of work for PE inclusive of a unit centred around Sherborne developmental movement

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


To gain more knowledge in EYFS and share this practice with other Primary Teachers To write a framework for non PE specialists to follow focused on SDM

Michael to do a course on EYFS

Autumn Term 2015

£120 + a days cover

Michael to do a monitoring course PE related. Start of Sherborne instructors course

End of spring term

I pad

Assist school and borough teachers in delivery of PE for SEN / SLD students

Michael to do observations of other Class teachers within CGS/ borough

Spring term Summer term

PET cost

Deliver /organise INSET on SDM/SAQ and SEN in PE

Summer term

Provide Knowledge/ advice to MSSSP and attend 2 Meetings

Ongoing – half yearly

Contunue to support relationships within MSSSP to allow more experience of SEN into the wider borough

Evaluation of impact

Cost of cover if outside of school Release time to attend


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development

Professional Development


Target: To coach teaching staff in Computing to raise standards so that all students are making at least good progress. Governing Committee: Success criteria: All students making good progress or above Staff confident in planning and executing lessons to a standard of good or above

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date

Attend and complete a mentoring course

Attend course

July 2015

Liaise with LJ to learn how to observe lessons and grade them accurately – Peer observations

Liaise with LJ to learn how to give constructive feedback

Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons Meet with LJ as part of DT.

The course was very helpful in terms of how to give feedback and how to look at lessons objectively. It relates to ITT students so was not wholly relevant to this target but I think that parts of it will be very useful.

February 2016


February 2016


Meet with LJ individually to observe lessons At least 1 observation per half term

Set targets with teachers to enable them to move their practice forward to good and above

Primary Computing meetings (during team time/INSET) 1:1 opportunities

Easter 2016

Primary/Secondary Computing meetings (during team time/INSET)


Help teachers to identify GandT and stuck students and work collaboratively to enrich, extend and enhance learning

Evaluation of impact

Meet with LJ as part of DT.

Observe lessons and give positive feedback independently

Provide support (planning and assessment) to enable teachers to improve their planning (differentiation) and assessment


Observations and mentoring sessions


July 2016


INSET/Team meeting time

INSET/Team meeting time

INSET/Team meeting time


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: To mentor ITT and NQT students over a two year programme Governing Committee: Success criteria: Students pass their ITT or NQT training. EW confidently gives constructive feedback. Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date



Work with LJ/Leadership Team to learn how to effectively observe lessons in relation to the criteria given by the ITT provider

Meet with LJ to observe lessons

March 2016


Work with LJ/Leadership Team to learn how to give constructive feedback and to develop the confidence to say when something needs to improve

Listen to LJ giving feedback to students and then feedback together

June 2016


360 review – ask ITT/NQT students and LJ/Leadership Team for feedback on my approach

Find out about a 360 review or devise a questionnaire to gain feedback

December 2016


Attend and pass mentoring course


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development


Evaluation of impact I feel confident in how to complete and appraise the paperwork for ITT students.

Curriculum Development


Target: To pilot the implementation of Learning to Learn Skills for Blank Level 2 and above learners in Year 10 Governing Committee: Success criteria: KS4 staff confident in implementing the L2L skills into their planning. KS4 students able to identify their L2L strengths. L2L to be inherent in planning.

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Meet with KS4 staff to discuss the principles of L2L and consider how they may already implement these skills without realising

Meeting time/INSET

December 2015

INSET time

Write the L2L skills in ladders with examples of how to implement them and what to be expected from students

Meet with LJ to discuss how the best means of representing the ladders and to decide the most vital skills to focus on

March 2016


Meet with KS4 staff to discuss the ladders and see if they think there could be any changes to the ladders to make it easier/more effective to implement

Meet with KS4 team during meeting time/INSET

March 2016

Meeting/INSET time

Meet with KS4 staff to assess how effectively they are implementing the ladders

Meet with KS4 team during meeting time/INSET

June 2016

Meeting/INSET time

Lesson observations Both for EW and KS4 staff

Lesson observations

July 2016


Implement ladders into KS1,2,3 and 5

Work with LJ to present an INSET on the effect and impact of the ladders

September 2016

INSET time


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development


Target: To devise a hypothesis in view of starting a PhD in relation to SEN learners at CGS Governing Committee: Success criteria: Devise a hypothesis in agreement with Leadership Team that will be beneficial to CGS and to EW’s interest.

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date

Speak to Rosie Raffety about PhD options – UWL, IE etc.

EW to report back on conversation and options

Dec 2016

Read around different theories and start to decide on an area of specific interest

Discussions with LJ, CD and RR

Feb 2016

Research different options and universities

EW to report back to LJ, CD and RR

May 2016

Investigate funding opportunities LSEF etc.

Speak to RR and CD re. availability of funding

May 2016

Devise hypothesis in conjunction with Rosie Raffety, CD and LJ

Speak to chosen university re. hypothesis through year as may need revision etc.

July 2016



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development


Target: To complete the level 2 Sherborne course in order to facilitate high quality teaching in developmental movement. complete and pass the mini bus test. Governing Committee: Success criteria: Achieve level 2 in Sherborne and teach across Key Stages

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


To obtain a level 2 in Sherborne training at another school on a Day course with members of CGS PE team

Attend course the is booked by MG

April 2016

Supply cover and course costs

Sit driving theory test + driving practical test

June 2016

Approx. ÂŁ1000 for prac test plus supply cover

Bus driver’s license test


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Evaluation of impact

Curriculum Development


CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Target: To further develop the MAOS service as a resource within Merton, through developing new staff, setting up an advice service and working with colleagues across Merton to further the development for ASD learners following different pathways

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Evaluation of impact

To coach and train all MAOS staff through a structured programme of support to ensure that the team have a shared vision and highly developed ASD skills

BB/HH to hold regular meetings with individual team members

Summer 2016

BB/HH mentoring time TEACCH and PECS training SocialEyes training Attendance at ASD Network meetings

All MAOS staff will have a shared vision about the aims of the outreach service and how to effectively support ASD pupils in mainstream settings. MAOS staff will feel confidence in their skills and deliver a highly effective service to Merton schools.

To identify a dedicated room to create an effective resource space for Merton professionals to use to support ASD knowledge and practice development

BB to liaise with CD regarding room options.

Autumn 2015

One room in the school site

The resource space will be a purposeful area where professionals are able to engage with examples of good practice in a relaxed and structured environment.

To set up an effective model whereby CGS and local professionals can borrow ASD texts/articles from the resource base library

BB to ensure an effective and fair lending model

Spring 2016

Model process flow chart

CGS and local professionals will have access to a resource base where they can source relevant texts/journals related to ASD

To set up an effective ASD drop in surgery whereby local school professionals can receive general practical ASD support and advice. They will be able to access a library of resources to support their ASD knowledge and practice.

BB to ensure equal access to all professionals and local schools. To monitor confidentiality processes.

Summer 2016

MAOS team time to continue building up resources

Local school professionals will have access to staff who have expertise in the teaching of ASD pupils. They will be able to benefit from a library of visual strategies that can be used to support ASD learners. Professionals will be able to access general practical ideas and support in relation to implementing ASD practices and strategies

Local school professionals across Merton will know what ASD resources they can access and how to access them

To distribute information to local professionals regarding the ASD resource base and how to access it

BB to ensure that information goes out to CGS professionals and local school Heads and SENCos

Spring 2016


To develop the CGS school website to incorporate the aims of the ASD resource base how professionals can access it.

BB to monitor the ASD resource base area on the school website to ensure that up to date information is presented

Summer 2016

Time to develop website

A school website that reflects the aims and objectives of the ASD resource base for professionals

To create an evaluation process to ensure that the ASD resource base is meeting the needs of the local school professionals

BB to distribute evaluation forms and ensure confidentiality procedures are maintained

Autumn 2016

Evaluation forms

Gaining of information about how the ASD resource base has effectively supported professionals and how it may be developed in the future


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: To review KS4 PSHE units and update them to ensure that they meet the needs of our current cohort of students. Governing Committee: Success criteria: Achieve level 2 in Sherborne and teach across Key Stages

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Evaluation of impact

To review the current units in Year 10 and Year 11 with the PSHE teaching team

Team meeting to discuss and review current units and how they are meeting the needs of our learners.

December 2015

Some cover might be needed.

A good understanding of which units are working and which could be amended or updated.

To review and update our DAE teaching in light of our updated DAE policy.

Team meeting to review DAE teaching across KS3 and KS4. Discuss and implement any changes needed.

April 2016

Some cover might be needed. DAE INSET if possible.

Our DAE teaching would stay up-to-date and provide students with the skills, knowledge and guidance that they need.

To introduce a unit on Conflict Resolution into the Year 10 PSHE curriculum.

FB to meet with Ray Jeffries to evaluate the needs of the current Year 10. FB and RJ to plan and pilot a unit on Conflict Resolution.

April 2016

Time for planning. Relevant INSET would be great.

A successful unit on Conflict Resolution will be taught in Year 10 which would be very valuable to most of the pupils in this year group.


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development


Target: Increase wave 1 practice of using visual supports to maximise participation for targeted learners Governing Committee: Success criteria: Quality of provision, specifically visual support, will lead to better outcomes for targeted learners

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Evaluation of impact

Audit need throughout school and allocate in class support

SaLT lead CC

Sept 2015

SaLT time


Run bespoke SLT packages and schedule over one term

SaLT lead CC

Dec 2015

SaLT time


Measure impact through analysis – teachers, pupils/parents and SaLT - hard and soft evidence

SaLT lead Cc

Dec 2015

SaLT time


Plan next steps for teachers and monitor quality and consistent implementation of visual supports by staff.


Dec 2015

SaLT time



Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Curriculum Development

CRICKET GREEN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Target: 1) to increase employment outcomes for trainees 2) to extend networking with other sites and potential employees 3) to continue working with NHS England to promote employment of people with LD within St Georges

Project SEARCH

Governing Committee: Success criteria: 1) employment rate higher than 66% 2) effect introductions for other interested schools and businesses to PS UK 3) meet or regularly communicate via email with NHS England reps and disseminate information to Dept managers

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

To increase employment outcomes for trainees

Employment progress recorded regularly and database created ( by AOD job coach)

To extend networking with other sites and potential employees

Meet with interested parties – supply information and effect links with PS UK managers where appropriate Log of meetings kept

To continue working with NHS England to promote employment of people with LD

Attend NHS England conferences Spread the word to our dept managers and contacts

Completion date


Evaluation of impact

On going – records kept and updated regularly


Wellbeing for trainees and their families

On going – taking up opportunities as and when contacts are made


On going – keep abreast of latest developments from NHS England and pass on through meetings with managers


Increasing financial independence


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Monitor progress towards setting up of new Projects Acting in support capacity

Greater number of people with LD employed in NHS Increased awareness among managers

Curriculum Development



Target: To Develop whole school assessment and pupil tracking using relevant technology in every class Governing Committee: Success criteria: All staff will use current technology to track, assess and create pupil profiles on an IPAD Application

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


Arrange for purchase of IPADs for all classes in the school

ICT QIT and Muhaindra to meet and draw up plan

November 2015

ÂŁ15,000 inclusive of charging stations

Research and trial relevant apps to suit purpose

SLT and pilot group

Choose best App and arrange for transition inclusive of transfer of assessment documents

LJ to work with middle leads

Jan 2016


Jan 2016

Admin time and costs of app

INSET/Team meeting time

Set up training program for staff to support transition over one term

LJ to organise

Jan 2016

Set up monitoring schedule to ensure quality of assessment and implementation


Jan 2016

Review progress, structure and support


Spring Half term

Compile end oy year analysis inclusive of feedback from main stake holders –pupils and parents


Evaluation of impact

INSET/Team meeting time

INSET/Team meeting time

Summer 2016


Parent Partnership

Community Links

Professional Development

Care Guidance and Support

Facilities Development

Release time

Curriculum Development


Target: Develop and structure assessment across the 6th form Governing Committee:

Paul Lansley Assistant Head Key stage 4 and 5

Success criteria: A comprehensive assessment scheme for setting learning outcomes, showing evidence and mapping student progress across the 6th form curriculum.

Key Objectives and actions

Monitoring arrangements

Completion date


… Researching various assessment models used in other 6th Forms.

PL and LJ

Mar 15

Rel;ease time

… Visiting 6th Forms and colleges to discuss and compare assessment models.

PL and LJ


Release time

..Discuss plans with SLT


Dec 15


.. Meet with 6th form team to take on ideas and concerns. Disseminate the ‘ethos’ and purpose of the assessment plan to staff.

‘Umbrella’ Learning Intentions are set annually and monitored by PL upon being set.


Evaluation of impact

Develop and structure assessment through the 6th form by…

…Provide an ‘Assessment Basket’ for teachers to access and set meaningful learning intentions for their students. This consists of learning outcomes from their EHCP’s, NC levels, Progression Planners, and possibly SCERTS. …Use PLIM’s (Personal Learning Intention Maps) for each student to develop pathways for personal learning outcomes including those highlighted in their EHCP’s. …Use a new assessment tool (MAPP) to measure progress towards each student’s personal learning intentions.

Half termly.

Ongoing. progress of a cohort of CGS students with similar cohorts from other institutes to measure and compare CGS6 with other SEN 6th forms.

Professional Development

Time for implementation.

Jan 16

2 evenings per half term

Jan 16



Time for TA’s on Mondays. Time for RV to set up files and PPs. £200 for cameras. IPADS/Apps

PLIM’s are monitored Half-Termly by PL

..develop means of evidencing progress towards each students learning intentions , through use of new technologies.


Jan 16

Parent Partnership Care Guidance and Support

Community Links Facilities Development

Curriculum Development

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