Teaching and Learning Summary

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Self- Evaluation Teaching, Learning and Assessment Head teacher: Celia Dawson

Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:

Teaching and Learning Monitoring system At CGS we run a robust monitoring system to measure the quality of teaching in our school. This comprises of regular informal visits by the Head and Deputy Head teacher, high quality formal observations by the senior leadership team, subject lead observations and coaching, book scrutinies, pupil and parent surveys, observations by recognised inspectors from established educational providers and bespoke developmental programmes for teachers. We have three Parents meetings per year and one annual meeting relating to the pupils’ EHCP or annual review. During these meetings parents are consulted and informed by the class teacher, relevant agencies/therapists regarding expected outcomes for the learners that lead to their overall achievement. Joint working with parents is central to this process and we pride ourselves on the high calibre of the parental support we provide. Outstanding Teaching within the curriculum At CGS we provide a broad, balanced, creative and functional curriculum which inspires our learners to build skills for their futures inclusive of widening their potential for employment. From 2013-2015 our subject leads have been graded Outstanding in the following areas: Maths, Literacy, Art, PE, Drama, ICT, Science, PSHE and Social Skills. This has led to consistently outstanding progress and outcomes for our learners over this period. Learners experience at least Good teaching in Humanities, Music and Food Technology where outcomes have been judged as better than Good overall. Quality of Teaching by subject leads 2013 -2016 150 100 50 0 Fo od

Mu s i c


i ti e s


H u ma n

s k i ll s



S o ci a l


S ci e n ce

ti Co m p u

D ra m a


Good =


y Lite ra c

Ma th s

Outstanding = 100 60 - 70

Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching and Learning is judged to be OUTSTANDING because: Developmental observations The table below shows a percentage of observed lessons from June 2014 to autumn 2016. The percentage scores come under the descriptions ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Good or Better.’ Our observation cycle runs from November to June each year with every teacher being observed on a number of occasions dependent on their professional experience and/or demonstrated abilities. We use this information to help gauge the quality of teaching and run highly effective developmental training programmes for all staff.

40% 60%

80% 20%

38% 100%

Autumn 2015 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5 Autumn 2015 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5


50% 50%

a ut um n O bs e r v a t i ons 2 0 1 5



50% 25%

Good or better

75% 62% 20% 60%

5 n 201

tter or be



Au t u m





40% 60%

50% 25% 38% 80% 40%

June 2015 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5 June 2015 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5


38% 50%

50% 100% 50% 50% 33%

A nnua l O bs e r v a t i ons 2 0 1 4 - 1 5


17% 67%

38% 50% 50%


June 2014 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5 June 2014 Good or better KS3 KS4 KS5


38% 62%

a nnua l O bs e r v a t i ons 2 0 1 3 - 1 4

50% 67% 50% 60% 25%

25% 75%

50% 17% 38% 40% 50%

Autumn 2015 Outstanding



Good or better


Key Stage

50% 50%



June 2015 Outstanding

Good or better

50% 50%

June 2014 Outstanding

50% 50%


Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:

CGS gained Teaching School Status in 2013. We have always taken pride in the quality of our training programmes with Pedagogy for SEN being key to our learners’ long-term outcomes. Where teachers transfer from mainstream schools without this SEN knowledge but with a proven skills set, our aim is to move practice from Requires Improvement to Good within one year through the strength of our in house training programmes. We also have a strong belief in promoting excellence for aspiring new teachers and proportion our recruitment accordingly.

Between 2013 -2016 we have appointed and successfully trained 5 NQTs, 3 ITT students and 3 teachers requiring qualified teacher status through the QTLS route. All of these teachers are now teaching to a ‘Good or better’ standard.

Planning, attitudes to learning and high quality teaching •

Behaviour and attitudes for learning are excellent. CGS learners continue to demonstrate a thirst for learning and teachers provide essential time for practice to embed the pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills securely. They introduce subject content progressively and constantly demand more of pupils from lesson to lesson. Teachers identify and support any pupil who is falling behind and enable them to catch up through the delivery of tailored classroom support and intervention. Overwhelmingly pupils make above expected progress at each key stage in all areas of the curriculum.

Assessment and Planning Driving beyond Outstanding •

We have three Parents meetings per year and one annual meeting relating to the pupils’ EHCP or annual review. During these meetings parents are consulted and informed by the class teacher, relevant agencies/therapists regarding expected outcomes for the learners that lead to their overall achievement. Joint working with parents is central to this process and we pride ourselves on the high calibre of the parental support we provide.

Pupils’ work and understanding is monitored using an effective marking scheme. Progress is recorded and the teachers/SSAs employ excellent questioning and rigorous assessment procedures to determine the pupils’ next steps in their plans. Planning is personalised and modified from lesson to lesson to ensure that vital knowledge and skills are embedded to contribute to meaningful, functional and ambitious Outcomes. Differentiated homework tasks are set on a weekly basis, we aim to make these purposeful, asking parents to support their children with the work in partnership with the school.

The teaching of reading and writing at CGS is diagnostic and highly personalised in line with our learners cognitive and expressive language skills. Our extensive reading and SaLT assessments have been designed to give a clear view of every learners’ strengths and developmental needs so that the correct methods can be taken. The teaching of reading is diverse and specialised and tailored to the individual need of the pupil inclusive of relevant phonics programmes.

From 2012-2015 55 % of Cricket Green pupils made outstanding progress with 45% making at least Good progress in reading.

Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching , Learning and assessment is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:

The main areas of maths which are taught are number, shape, space and measure and handling data. Pupils are taught essential skills and encouraged to apply what they have learnt to real life problems. The emphasis is on functional maths; maths which is used in the home and community to prepare for them for the future. Pupils are given excellent opportunities to rehearse, practice and consolidate these functional skills across the curriculum.

From each different starting point, the proportions of CGS pupils making and exceeding expected progress in English and in mathematics are very high compared with data sets on CASPA.

Communication and our pupils’ self-expression is at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate each individual through our innovative curriculum inclusive of Life skills, Expressive Arts and PE which extend into the community and wider borough performances/events with a diverse range of schools and colleges. These enriched experiences build pupils’ confidence, resilience, self-belief and capacity to achieve to their full potential. Cricket Green is a diversely rich community which is reflected equally in the demographic of our staff and pupils. Statistics on attendance, attainment and progress show that CGS Learners from all groups make the same progress irrespective of need, religion, gender or ethnicity.

Advancements in Assessment since 2013 • • • •

Since 2013 there has been consistent developments of assessment made to the curriculum – see table on pg 6. At CGS we use a range of robust assessment measures as we recognise that this is a necessity to accurately track the progress of our diverse learners. Currently we are trialing a digital assessment tool (infomentor) with I-pads in each class which will lead to even more detailed quality formative assessment. This year we are leading on an exciting assessment research project with other SEN schools which we envisage will lead to the publication of crucial data sets for SEN schools across the country.

To sustain outstanding standards the following areas are being worked on: • • • • • •

Ensure that developments made to the current early years provision lead to better than good teaching for all reception pupils by July 2016. Raise the quality of teaching and assessment to outstanding in Humanities, Music and Food technology by December 2016. Embed the new assessment system in the 6th form so that teachers can ensure that EHCP outcomes are met if not exceeded in preparation for adult life. Continue to provide bespoke training packages for teachers to increase their SEN pedagogy for all learners. Continue to approach succession planning using a strategic model so that the very best standards are maintained as the school grows within the shifting educational landscape. Develop and publish accurate data sets with partnership schools to further validate the measurement of achievement, progress and outcomes for SEN learners.

Reviewed CD/SLT Jan 2016 Governors: Teaching and Learning –January 2016

Self Evaluation 2015/16 SUMMARY The effectiveness of Teaching , Learning and assessment is judged to be OUTSTANDING because:

Summary of Teaching, learning and assessment by subject area since 2013 Subject

No of Teachers




2015 -16 Assessment Judgement

Outstanding outcomes 2013-2015 >30% Overall

Change of grade in assessment Since 2013

PE Assess


1 Good 1 Outstanding RIG

Outstanding Good

Outstanding Robust



Drama Assess


Outstanding RIG

Outstanding Good

Outstanding Good

robust with inter school Moderation and data sets Research Good with outstanding – change assessment in 2014



ICT Assess


Good RIG

Good with Outstanding RIG

Outstanding Robust

Robust – change of curriculum



Music Assess




Good RIG

RIG new system introduced in 2014

Trial in place

N/A for 201315

Food Assess


Good RI

Good with Outstanding RIG

Good with Outstanding Good

Good - big developments in AFL



Social skills Assess


2 Outstanding Good

1 Good 2 Outstanding Robust

1 Good 1 Outstanding Good

Good training of new lead



PSHE Assess


1 Good 2 Outstanding Good

2 Good 1 Outstanding Robust

2 Good 1 Outstanding Robust

Outstanding Training of new lead



Humanities Assess


Good RI

Good Good

Good Good




Science Assess


Good RI

2 Outstanding RIG

2 Outstanding Good

Good – new system in place

New system


Maths Assess


Good Robust

Good with Outstanding Robust

Outstanding Robust

robust with inter school Moderation and new data sets research



Art Assess


2 Outstanding Good

2 Outstanding Good with Outstanding

2 Outstanding Robust

2 Outstanding Robust



Literacy Assess


Good with Outstanding Robust

Outstanding Robust

Outstanding Robust

Robust with ongoing research - new data sets



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