Cricket Victoria CitiPower Centre Site Induction A world leading team of Sport, Arts & Culture and Tourism Consultants
A world leading team eam of ofSport, Sport,Arts Arts&&Culture Cultureand andTourism TourismConsultants Consultants
General Information This Site Induction will take approximately 15 minutes and is mandatory for all contractors to understand site conditions at CitiPower Centre.
About CitiPower Centre Cricket Victoria employs contractors and casuals on an annual basis to support the operation of CitiPower Centre. It is essential that all personnel entering the Venue are aware of their responsibilities in relation to work health and safety. CitiPower Centre is a workplace, and due to the nature of the work, venues can be hazardous even to those who are familiar with them. We urge you to exercise caution at all times. Cricket Victoria requires compliance with safe, secure and environmentally sound work procedures and practices by all persons operating within CitiPower Centre.
Site-Induction Overview • Recap from Contractor Induction • Cricket Victoria have developed an induction process to ensure all contractors and casuals are provided with important and consistent information regarding the company’s Work Health and Safety (WH & S) responsibilities and requirements.
• Prior Requirements • It is the responsibility of the contractor company to ensure that all their contractor employees and subcontractors that will be working onsite at CitiPower Centre have completed an induction prior to attending the site.
• Duty of contractors (as employers) • Respective legislation in Australia require Contractors and Contractor employees to take all practicable steps to: • Provide and maintain a safe work environment; • Ensure that plant machinery and equipment is designed, made, set up, and maintained to be safe for employees; • Ensure that systems of work do not lead to employees being exposed to hazards in or around their place of work; and • Develop procedures for dealing with emergencies that may arise while employees are at work;
Site Induction CitiPower Centre
Introduction The next 15 minutes we will go through a range of siteconditions specific to CitiPower Centre. Induction will consist of: 1. General information of CitiPower Centre 2. Documentation requirements and proof of Induction 3. Risk Management and controls 4. Emergency Management 5. Evacuation Procedures 6. First Aid 7. Incident Reporting 8. Health and Safety 9. Access to the site
Competencies and Qualifications There is a wide range of information which may be required in advance of contractors arriving at venue. The information required will vary dependent upon the nature of works being undertaken. Information to be provided includes: •
A description of the works to be undertaken including materials, footprint and power requirements if any;
List of sub-contractors noting the special requirements for any work undertaken on the roof of CitiPower Centre;
Installation schedule specific to each venue where works are being undertaken.
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS);
Existing Health & Safety Policies from your organisation and sub-contractors utilised;
Public liability insurance certificates;
Certificates of Worker’s Compensation Insurance;
Certificates of vehicle insurance;
Signed Indemnity Forms;
Any deliveries/entries to site need to be informed in advance 7
Proof of Induction Training The on-site induction typically lasts 10-15 minutes and includes the following: Discussion of first aid and emergency arrangements; Discussion of evacuation procedure and assembly areas; Review of venue maps; Each employee to sign a completion document confirming an understanding of venue protocols. All contractors must also provide proof of having undertaken Induction Training and answered the questions required to pass induction.
Personal Protective Equipment •
The Contractor shall provide first aid equipment, and where required, other safety equipment of an approved type, and shall maintain this equipment in accordance with legal and industry standards.
Fire extinguishers are not to be removed from their stations except in the event of an actual fire. If Cricket Victoria Venue fire extinguishers are activated, the Cricket Victoria Venue & Facilities Manager or authorised delegate is to be advised immediately, to ensure replacement.
The Contractor shall supply its employees with protective clothing and equipment as required by legislation, codes of practice, or Cricket Victoria.
The personal protective clothing and other protective equipment shall be maintained in good condition.
Working at Height You have a general duty to take reasonable care for your own health and safety, and that of others who may be affected by your work, and to cooperate with your employer’s efforts to make the workplace safe If there is a risk of a fall of more than 2 metres, specific duties apply. You must identify any task where a person may fall more than two metres. If it is reasonably practicable, you must eliminate the risk- (e.g. by doing the work on the ground or on a solid construction). If this is not reasonably practicable, you must control the risk using the following measures in order of priority, so far as is reasonably practicable: • use a passive fall prevention device • use a work positioning system to ensure employees work within a safe area • •
install a fall arrest system to limit the risk of injuries in the event of a fall use a fixed or portable ladder, or implement an administrative control. If you use a control measure other than working on the ground or on a solid construction, then you must establish emergency procedures covering the rescue of an employee in the event of a fall and the provision of first aid. Any equipment or materials used to control the risk of a fall must be appropriately designed and constructed for the task and the conditions it will be used in. In addition, fixed or portable ladders must be fit for purpose, appropriate for the duration of the task, and set up properly. 10
To Do’s – Emergencies The extent of the evacuation or response required will differ from one emergency to another. A partial or total evacuation will be in most cases instigated by the Chief Warden and involves the release of all exit gates at the venue. The purpose is to direct and assist the public to the safest exit ensuring an orderly evacuation of the venue by utilising Cricket Victoria Match Staff. However, if necessary, Match Staff may have to self-evacuate from the immediate area of a danger prior to the activation of the evacuation plan. Full Evacuation: All persons will be required to vacate the venue; Partial Evacuation: Selected areas or persons will be required to vacate the site In the event of an emergency, the Chief Warden will facilitate a message asking patrons to leave the venue immediately by the safest, nearest exit in an orderly manner. If safe to do so all staff will assist with the evacuation of the venue. Do 1. Listen to any Emergency Messages 2. Make safe any plant or equipment 3. Follow the direction of the chief warden
Evacuation assembly points •
Eastern side of the ground between Queens Road & Fitzroy Street Southern end of ground corner of Lakeside Drive & Fitzroy Street
First Aid Contractors are responsible for ensuring that employees with suitable first-aid training, with appropriate first-aid supplies are on-site at all times whilst working in the Venue. First Aid Kits & Defibrillators are located as shown within CitiPower Centre Player first aider providers also carry these items on a match day
= Oxygen
Fire If you are the first on scene to a fire, follow these steps: Help anyone in immediate danger if it is safe to do so. Raise the alarm by: • Dial 000 and notify the emergency services if you have access to a telephone. • Notify the Venue & Facilities Manager and/or activate a break-glass alarm. The Venue & Facilities Manager will: •
specify which access point the emergency services vehicle should use, and
inform the Security Manager that an emergency services vehicle will be coming through that access point.
Attack fire with appropriate firefighting equipment if trained and it is safe to do so.
Withdraw when instructed or if the situation becomes dangerous.
As you withdraw, shut (but do not lock) doors and windows to minimise the spread of the fire.
Do not use any lifts.
Evacuate to a safe assembly area (considering the wind direction).
Health and Safety Representatives The Health and Safety representative at CitiPower Centre is Name: Olivia Alcorace Contact:
Reporting Procedures Issues that should be escalated are: •
Those outside the defined levels of authority of operational teams which require an integrated response, especially in relation to multiple venues or precincts
Those that involve a significant financial impact
Those that involve the sharing of limited resources or which raise wider policy issues or special sensitivities
Those that have significant stakeholder impact, reputational risk, PR and communications impact
Any incident, within CitiPower Centre including external buildings, must be reported to the Venue & Facilities Manager. An incident report form must be completed by all those affected. Forms are to be returned to the Venue & Facilities Manager who will register the incident on the iAuditor Ap or complete iAuditor Risk Assessment Survey.
HEALTH AND SAFETY The Contractor shall ensure work is carried out in a safe manner. It shall be responsible for any actions or inactions by itself or its employees affecting the safety of any persons. The Contractor shall ensure that its employees are in a fit state and are competent to perform the required tasks at all times. The Contractor shall have primary responsibility for: • Administering first aid to its employees. • Providing first-aid supplies for its employees. The Contractor’s employees shall restrict their movements to areas related to their work activity. “No Access” and “Restricted Access” areas must be observed, unless otherwise authorised by the Venue & Facilities Manager or their authorised delegate. Oil, chemicals or any hazardous substances are not to be dumped in any storm water, or effluent drainage systems. Spills of oils, chemicals or other substances must be contained as well as possible and reported immediately to the Venue & Facilities Manager or their authorised delegate. Work areas are to be maintained in a tidy and safe condition by the Contractor. All refuse must be taken off site or placed in onsite bins/areas designated for this purpose. 17
Safety Procedures • INCIDENTS • All incidents and near misses occurring whilst on site must be reported to the Cricket Victoria Venue & Facilities Manager (or their authorised delegate) immediately, who will assist in completing, and retain a copy of the necessary incident report form. • Serious harm incidents must be notified by the Contractor to WorkSafe and to the nominated OH&S representative as soon as they are known to be Serious Harm.
• HAZARDS • Cricket Victoria will make the Contractor aware of existing hazards on site within the area of control or operation of the Contractor. • The Contractor shall identify hazards it brings to CitiPower Centre and assess, and control hazards associated with the activities it undertakes, as detailed in the Safe Work Method Statement or Site-Specific Safety Plan. • All newly identified hazards introduced by the Contractor’s activities impacting on other activities must be immediately reported to both the Cricket Victoria Venue & Facilities Manager (or their authorised delegate) and the Venue.
Site Health and Safety Rules There are requirements on all Contractor Employees to take all practicable steps to: •
Ensure your own safety at work;
Ensure no harm to any other person occurs either through your action or inaction;
Not interfere with an accident scene; and
To comply with information requests and sampling requirements of health and safety inspectors and/or medical practitioners.
Breach of Rules •
Where a breach of these Rules occurs or is likely to occur, Cricket Victoria shall assess the gravity of the breach or potential breach and may suspend the work in such circumstances pending a final determination.
If the breach or potential breach is the result of the action or inaction of the Contractor’s employee(s), Cricket Victoria may require the employee(s) involved to be suspended from CitiPower Centre either as a final action or pending resolution of the issue.
Any consequential costs incurred by this action will be met by the Contractor.
Access to the site All contractors must report to the Venue before commencing work. Right of entry to controlled parts of a Cricket Victoria Venue shall be restricted to those companies and their employees who have successfully met Venue induction and competency verification requirements, and to whom access has been authorised (access may be restricted at Cricket Victoria’s or Venue’s discretion). All contractors must sign in on entry and sign out on exit