Technically Speaking: RUNNING

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Y L L A C I N H TEC : G N I K A ti, r E e B P d SWith senior Trae the back of him

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e s y l n o you’ll Arm Swing

Arms should swing mostly forward and back, not across the body, but between waist and lower-chest level. Elbows should be bent at about a 90-degree angle and stay there through the whole swing.

Head Position Their head should rest naturally, not down at their feet, and scan the horizon. This straightens their neck and back, and brings it into alignment and their chin should not jut out.

Leg Position

Distance runners do not need an exaggerated knee lift. Endurance running requires a slight knee lift, a quick leg turnover and a short stride. Their feet should land directly underneath their body and as the foot strikes the ground, their knee should be slightly flexed so that it can bend naturally on impact.

Eating Berti puts himself on a timed diet and only eats healthy foods, like vegetables, about an hour before his race. In the morning, he tries to eat and drink as much as he can to have enough carbohydrates to stay energized throughout his runs.

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Photos by S

Berti on the run Berti, the schools fastest runner, has broken six school records in cross country at the Arroyo Grande, Morro Bay, Stanford and Clovis meets and the one mile with a 4: 16.36 time in track and field. He runs about 10 hours each week and seven to 10 miles everyday to keep himself in shape and increase his times. In track, Berti is 1st in PAC-8 league for the 1600 meters and 2nd for the 3200 meter race. Berti’s coach Ivan Huff encourages his team to run during the off season and to not take too many weeks off. Some techniques he does with his running partner senior Luis Armenderiz is to focus their runs on getting tired to make sure they are pushing themselves. They do this to make longer runs easier and future races faster.

Mile Time: 4:16.36 min 03.31.17 | Crimson Newsmagazine | SPORTS 31

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