Volume 72 / 02.21.13 / Issue 5
The Student Newsmagazine of Paso Robles High School
Locked Doors: New locked door policy proves to be effective
Skateboarding: Paso skater shows his skills shredding the streets
801 Niblick Rd. Paso Robles, California
~ Quinceaneras: A look inside the Latin Comingof-Age celebration
Massive Online Open Courses are dominating education in the 21st century. With rising college tuition costs and excessive time spent on traditional education, portals of online education are growing larger and larger. Dive into the massive atmosphere of online courses.
04 10 31 33 35 38 42
03 News
41 Sports
30 Food
12 Feature
Sophomore Alec Wingfield, PRHS Poetry Out Loud winner, and his teacher Steve Arnette prepare for his recital.
Tardy Policy
Crimson delves into its complications
Hernandez memorial Beloved coach is remembered
Riding Waves PRHS students who surf
Vegetarianism A look into the lifestyle
Crimson reviews a Creston classic: The Loading Chute. This western eatery is a local favorite and exhibits some down home favorite dishes.
Varsity Girls Waterpolo has made a run into CIF with the help of several seniors and their feisty attitudes.
Skating is a way of life for sophomore Vincent Vigil. Look into the complexities of being a skater.
34 A&E
Elisa Santiago, sophomore, illustrates her remarkable talents with her pencil, paint brush, and charcoal.
Staff writers review the latest films
Quote Unquote
Hilarious quotes from around campus
Alex Maier
SLO High student remembered by all
February 21, 2013 Volume 72, Issue 5
Twenty-one talented bearcat students gathered with sweaty palms and poems in tote at the Poetry Out Loud competition at Bearcat Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 23 in hopes of moving on to the county-wide competition in San Luis Obispo on Wednesday Feb. 6. Many of the students assembled before the competition, going over every minute detail, right down to the pace of their performance, and even which buttons of their jacket to button. They were somewhat frantic, but far from unprepared. The only student caught off guard was sophomore Alec Wingfield when emcee and Psychology teacher Geof Land, announced that Wingfield had won First Place with his performance of “Broken Promises” by David Kirby. “We’ve been s e r i o u s l y practicing for two weeks, but we’ve actually known our poems for about a month,” s a i d sophomore Mason
Let the language be the star Wingfield and Andueza take PRHS first and second in Poetry Out Loud competition by Madeline Raithel, Reporter
Hargrave, who performed Nick Flynn’s “Cartoon Physics, Part 1.” When asked about how she was feeling, fellow competitor sophomore Kassidy Rice said, “I feel pretty comfortable after performing in class so much. I think we’re all very prepared. Now, it’s just a matter of delivery.” During lunch the day prior, 12 of the 21 students met in English teacher, Steve Arnette’s room to listen to a presentation given by the Program Director of Arts Obispo, Jenna Hartzell. Hartzell helped the students with eye contact, straight posture, memorization, enthusiasm, and projection–all elements the judges considered while determining the winner. Hartzell also gave them some very important advice: the language is the star. And that’s precisely what happened at the competition. Even senior Rudy Binkele’s performance of “Teach Me How To Dougie” by Cali Swag District moved the audience to tears–of laughter, that is. All of the students were extremely talented, and the judges (Val Poallilo, Chris Jones, Randy Nelson, and Heather Stover) made sure to acknowledge that; however only one winner was soon to be revealed. Tensions were high as the judges made their final remarks, and it seemed as if Land had picked up a few tips from Ryan Seacrest, because the results could not have come any slower.
Finally, it was announced that sophomore Estibaliz Andueza won runner-up with her interpretation of “To Solitude” by Alice Cary. The audience and competitors were quick to congratulate Andueza, but the room was still tense as Land announced the first place winner. As soon as Wingfield’s name was called, adoring friends and family surged towards the back where he was seated. An electric commotion filled the room. Congratulatory peers swarmed a smiley Wingfield as Hargrave paraded him around in a sack-of-potatoes styled carry. “I can’t believe it, I’m in shock. I don’t.. I just....” Wingfield sputtered. Unfortunately, his big news hindered his ability to speak as eloquently as he did in his performance. Two weeks flew by and Wingfield was in room J2 of the San Luis Obispo Adult School in line to present the poem that got him there. Wingfield sat chatting with eight other contestants from different schools in SLO county. Equipped with “I love poetry” buttons and water bottles, gifted by Arts Obispo, the students sat anxiously reviewing their poems with short intervals of socializing and getting to know each other. “I was sitting there talking to all of them and they’re just super nice people, ”Wingfield said. There were two rounds, Wingfield being the second in line in the first round. “My heart was racing,” said Wingfield after his first
ON THE STREET: Sophomores Estibaliz Andueza (left) and Alec Wingfield (right)— normal teens by day, poetry stars on stage. Photos by Madeline Raithel
recitation. “I had already seen the first person go up and I knew the competition was going to be tough. I could feel my heart pumping; I was raring to go so I was lucky that I was second.” After waiting patiently through his fellow contestants’ recitations, Wingfield finally took his place on stage to recite his poem for the audience and the judges which included professional script supervisor Pamela Alch, Cuesta College English professor Dennis Baeyen, Tribune entertainment writer Sarah Linn, author and fellow poetry enthusiast Kevin Patrick Sullivan, and publicly proclaimed poet laureate Jerry Douglas Smith who was recently honored at the Oct. 16, 2012 SLO city council meeting. The judges selected sophomore Jenna Clift from Nipomo High School as the winner and senior Ariana Shakibnia from San Luis Obispo High School as the runner-up. Clift will be moving on to the statewide competition in Sacramento and Wingfield returns to Paso Robles High with some great memories and respect from his peers.
SETTING THE STAGE: Wingfield used hand gestures and
dramatic voice to deliver his poem to the audience.
Feb. 2013
Numbers for the new tardy policy
Flu season hits hard The flu is spreading and students are sick of it by Madeline Raithel, Reporter
Dec.12, the second most tardies per day
the Feb. 1, the least
most tardies per
tardies per day
Although the spikes in tardy numbers seemed to have stopped, the numbers as a whole have stayed fairly average since the beginning of the new tardy policy.
Better late than never
Tardy policy may not be as effective as hoped by Rachel Cole and Carly Cargill, News Editors Twenty-seven school days after the new tardy policy “This rule detracts from even more of my class time came into play, on Thursday, Jan. 31, there were 48 and there have been multiple occasions where I have tardies that resulted lunch detentions on that one day, been unable to complete a lesson thanks to the new rule,” junior Paige Fairbairn said, who says that with a total of 1069 tardies since Dec. 10. Principal Randy Nelson made an announcement before this rule the tardies did not adversely affect her over the intercom to students and staff during fourth learning. “From what I've observed, the rates haven't period on Monday, Jan. 28, and explained a suspension changed.” Other students are not as sure about how their consequence that would follow if 43 students, who did not show up to lunch detention, yet again failed to show learning is being affected. Some even think that this new rule opens up some time to work. up at after-school detention. “I wouldn't say that before or after was Assitant Principal Dan Sharon states that necessarily harder than the other, but he really appreciates the work of students to not detention is a bit unnecessary in my opinion. be tardy as often, or to go to the lunch detention Although I do enjoy the extra time to work on if required, especially as the suspensions have homework, so I guess it gone down from roughly ten per week to three per “This rule detracts from even more of my class time and evens out,” said senior there have been multiple occasions where I have been Joey Salinas, who week. unable to complete a lesson thanks to the new rule.” drives his brother, Even with the new sophomore Jacob policy, there were still 32 Paige Fairbairn, junior Salinas, to school. tardies on Monday, Dec. “However,” Salinas also said, “I have 10, 2012, the day the policy began affecting statistics fourth period so there's basically students. This number spiked up to 82 tardies never a time when I'm not missing something on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012--just three days important.” after the new policy had been enforced. Nearly Freshmen lead the way with 31 percent 420 tardies had accumulated by Dec. 19, just of the tardies, while juniors and seniors both a week later. Some students are unsatisfied with the new rule not contribute 20 percent each to the total number, and only because they lose some of their lunch time, but sophomores round off the total at 29 percent. As of Jan. also because it takes away from fourth period class 31, the three students with the most tardies were two time, as the bell rings at 12:20, forcing them to leave juniors and a sophomore who will remain anonymous. There is an average of about 40 tardies per day, and with five minutes left in fourth period. does not include the days of the first semester before Students who have been in the lunch detention the new policy was enforced. room offer mixed opinions about the effectiveness and helpfulness of the lunch detention policy.
Feb. 2013
The 2012-2013 influenza season returned with a vengeance. Across the country, individuals young and old, have reported fever, runny nose, sore throat, headache, muscle ache, coughing and fatigue more than ever before. What makes this year different is the severity of symptoms. Multiple deaths have occurred due to influenza related causes. Three deaths have already been reported in the San Luis Obispo County. According to the director of nursing, Natalie Bundy there has been a 10% increase in diagnosed cases of flu in SLO county. This year’s strain seems extremely harsh with patients needing to remain at home and in bed for a minimum of 3-5 days, “It seems to linger on longer,” says Bundy.
Ready to register • • • • •
Registration started on Feb.14 Feb 21 signed forms are due 12th graders register online on Feb. 25 11th graders register online on Feb. 26 10th graders register online on Feb. 27 —Rachel Cole, News Co-Editor
Clear counseling
Students now have a family advocate by Clarisse Dart, Health Editor
Four counselors with multiple responsibilities are often challenged when attempting to cater to all 1,900 students at PRHS. As of three months ago, Ivette Felix has been available in the counseling office to students as a family advocate. This is the first time that anyone similar has been on campus since the closing of the Student Resource Center four years ago. “I’m kind of like a case-worker, but we do ten times more home visits, and try to fill every aspect of the students’ needs,” explained Felix, who is working on a high school campus for the first time. She previously worked with the mentally disabled before becoming an advocate. “As a youth, I faced certain challenges and was able to persevere with some mentorship. This motivated my decision in Advocacy,” she said. As a family advocate, she deals with issues ranging from financial hardships, struggling grades, and drug and alcohol problems. “The most common situation is students struggling with grades or attendance due to family situations. My Job as Advocate is to assess the situation with the family and pinpoint the center of the problem and strategize in finding available resources that will help solve the situation,” Felix said. She averages around five student appointments per day, but there is nothing limiting the amount of students she can work with except her time constraint. “The most fulfilling thing about my job here at campus is working with the youth and being able to make a difference in my own community. I have worked with several students that were facing expulsion and with my guidance and their efforts, we have been able to get their grades up and get them back on the right track to promising future,” Felix said. Ivette Felix is available in the counseling office Mondays and Thursdays from 10 am to 12:30 p.m. Photo by Clarisse Dart
Teachers upset with district’s planned five percent permanent paycut—even after Prop 30 passed by Rachel Cole, News Co-Editor and Sierra Mosely, Graphic Designer
Delivering Superintendent Kathleen McNamara her second career Vote of No Confidence, teachers district wide are upset with financial oversight following a year of furlough days, pay cuts, and a perceived lack of support from district leaders. During a Feb. 5 board meeting, outraged teachers gathered to discuss the statements they wished to make about the district and the superintendent’s treatment of their earlier complaints. “We know the kids need more education and that’s what we want,” before the meeting, Executive Director of Paso Robles Public Educators, James Lynett, paused outside the District Office to make a statement to the crowd of over 50 teachers, educators, parents, and other state employees The board allowed a statement from the crowd, who proceeded to declare that 77 percent of the 249 educators in our district and 97 percent of teachers voting had no confidence in McNamara’s running of the Paso Robles School District. The board responded with a prepared statement. “I was very disappointed; they just had a prepared statement and no real willingness to listen about the actually illegal activities in our district—or that we are one of the few districts with furlough days,” said teacher Stephen Arnette, who attended the meeting and feels “tired”
about the running of the district. The teachers involved say that the running of the district has been steadily unhelpful for the past five years as far as the cost of living and any raises. Following the teacher unrest of the meeting, the district responded on Feb. 12 with a Last, Best, and Final offer that stated that the 2013-2014 year will have 180 school days and three teacher work days. This year the furlough days will not be refunded. Also, the certified salary schedule from 2010-2011 is being cut by 4.86 percent at a permanent basis. Lynette proposed a $4.5 million revenue supplant from the State of California and the district stated that they would reopen negotiations about salaries if the extra money is received and the Association sends a written request to the district. At a meeting on Feb. 13, teachers and other staff members discussed pickets, a letter campaign, and a last resort strike to protest the treatment of the district. The district has declined to comment thus far on the statements of teachers and other staff members. Photo by Kelly Munns
Leadership leads on Improvement of campus life obvious to students and staff by Sierra Mosely, Graphic Designer
A mob of students swayed and danced to the beat of “Don’t Stop Believing” as the Jan. 26 Winter Formal came to a satisfactory close. The dance was another of many spirit-filled events– Homecoming, flash mob, two pep rallies, and two spirit weeks–put together by Leadership, Marcy Goodnow and Jennifer Bedrosian’s fourth period class, which has toiled throughout the year to improve campus life. This fast-paced class is in charge of coordinating school events of all sizes. “This year has been a focus of tolerance, anti-bullying, and embracing individuality,” said junior Sarah Matthews, three-year veteran. Students in Leadership commit to 30 service hours in addition to the six hours and 24 minutes of class time per week. Their dedication to producing events such as Homecoming week, flash mobs, Senior Sale, dodgeball, and other events is a process that students have not failed to notice. “I think Leadership did a great job with the events that have happened so far,” said senior Lynette Childs, who enjoyed previous dances such as Homecoming and Winter Formal. “The decorations were beautiful, and the DJ was really
A night of
enchantment Big plans for prom by Devin Corea, Fashion Editor
fun; I really liked how it was a masquerade.” Leadership’s devotion to lunchtime activities has been obvious. The dodgeball tournament, held Feb. 4 through Feb. 8, filled the gym with eager spectators and eight teams. The music, games, and live DJs put on in the quad gave a twist to the typical lunch. “We’re hoping to get the Student Store up again, and turn it into a ‘Crimson Cafe’ type of place,” said Goodnow, who plans for a television and microwave to be installed in the renovated store, which has been closed since 2010. Other events to come include a soccer and basketball tournament and two dances: Prom and Morp, a dance that became an annual tradition in 2011. This Mar. 29 “reverseprom” event will include neon colors, black lights, and casual dress. Prom, which will be held on May 11, is gearing up as the school year winds to a close. “This is an amazing class because I am allowed to have ideas and share them and then I have the opportunity to make them into something great,” said Matthews, who like other Leadership students, is devoted to making the campus better every day.
Prom 2013 will be May 11 at the venue Lago Guiseppe located on 46 West, 12.3 miles from Paso Robles High School. The Junior class has been making arrangements for this year’s prom since the third week of the school year under the advisement of Modern World History teacher Angela Logan. "The process of planning prom has been stressful, but one of the most fun things I have ever done. Prom will be elegant, fun, and memorable" stated Junior class vice president Nykie Carr. DJ and lighting services will be provided by Kramer Entertainment and Tom Fowler photography will be taking care of all onsite prom pictures, with pre-order pictures available as well as online photos available after prom. To promote prom, an expo will be held on Mar. 26 where hair stylists and dress shops, such as Starlette O’hara, will be present to advertise their products for students. The recent fundraiser Basket Boys and Lunch with Ladies raised 189 dollars, which probably go to the decorations or invitations. The junior class has held approximately 12 hours of class meetings so far this year, as they are meeting the first and third Tuesdays of every month in an effort to make Prom 2013 enchanting. Feb. 2013
A round of applause for Leadership
r o t i d E e h t o t r Lette
ASB class’s dedication is definitely paying off
, Senior by Anthony Reed
ALL SMILES AND HARD WORK: The Leadership has made many leaps and strides to become one of the most recognized clubs on campus. Bedrosian and Goodnow have been in charge for two years. Photo by Anna Hernandez
Editor’s Letter The 2012-2013 ASB Leadership Class has made amazing strides to bring joy and life to a campus buried January tests, locked door policies, and a furloughed school year. Under the supervision of the intrepid and unstoppable Marcy Goodnow and Jennifer Bedrosian (who was named Top 20 under 40 by the SLO Tribune), the leadership class has put in a truly admirable effort to make this school year one to remember. ASB President Danica Boggs, ASB Vice President Lazouich Ford, Senior Class President Josh Jeter and Commissioner of Entertainment Riley Edwards have all put their heart and soul into making sure grad night is more successful than ever before, offering two different ticket prices for a normal experience or two hours extra. I believe that the class of 2013
Nicolette Jolicoeur, Editor-in-Chief
Photos by Aidan Farrell and Anna Hernandez
Student Journalism at Paso Robles High School
Business Team
Nicolette Jolicoeur
Analia Cabello Copy Editing Devin Corea Fashion Rachel Cole News Carly Cargill News Clarisse Dart Health Heba Elsayed Opinion Aidan Farrell Environment Anna Hernandez Environment Lauren Reed Culture Brandon Kearns Sci-Tech Angela Lorenzo A&E Sydney Matteson Front Page Danae Ontiveros Photo Essay Courtney Thompson Opinion Matt Tyra Sports Jenna Wookey Food
Stevie Stark Maddy Raithel
Heba Elsayed Brigitte Maina Jordan Nevosh
www.facebook.com/ crimsonnewsmagazine
Managing Editors Kelly Munns Feature Sarah Wilson Fun & games
Sports Director Josh Orcutt
Photo Director Anna Hernandez
Art Director Sydney Matteson Front Page
Web Team Sydney Matteson Nicolette Jolicoeur
owes Boggs, Ford, Edwards and Jeter the utmost of thanks and praise for the extra effort that they have put into our final year here and we cannot emphasize how lucky we are to have them in charge of these final month’s activities. The Junior Class behind President Devin Corea and Vice President Nikki Carr has been planning Prom at the mystical venue Lago Giuseppe cellars. From a homecoming performance of the Bearcademy Awards, hilarious spirit week activities, and a beautifully put together Winter Formal, it appears as if the events just keep getting better. I can only imagine what a crazy, neon spectacle MORP will be.
newsmagazine staff
Editorial, World
I have a couple of topics that I want to talk about. First, I think Paso Robles Unified School District and some to the high school’s teachers and administrators should really be ashamed of themselves when it comes to BULLYING. The purpose of this letter is to bring out the point that bullying goes on in the campuses of the district. I feel as a school, there should be a better job done trying to correct bullying. I walk around the high school campus, and I work at Kermit King Elementary School, where I see and hear the constant non-stop bullying. Sometimes it’s physical or verbal, I SEE THIS ON A REGULAR BASIS. The second point I want to address is the district’s discipline system. I think it is an absolute joke when it comes to correcting the behavior of those who are bullying others. I hear security staff talk about ways to prevent or stopping bullying on campus, but I see no action. I am enrolled in the leadership program and on Friday, December 7, 2012, Mr. Nelson had the class watch a music video. I think that he had the idea that if the school made a music video it would help stop bullying. I personally think if we made a music video things would not change in terms of bullying. Bullying has been going on so long and is rarely addressed, it seems as though most of the students are participants in it. My question to Dr. Kathleen McNamara and the school board is what do you plan to do about the bullying issue at the high school and at other sites in the district? Thank you
Feb. 2012
Graphics Team Brigitte Maina Sydney Matteson Sierra Mosely Jordan Nevosh
Photo Team
Circulation Managers
Anna Hernandez Brigitte Maina Danae Ontiveros Josh Orcutt
Carly Cargill Rachel Cole
PR Manager Stevie Stark
Dilda Tolenkyzy Jeff Mount
Twitter @CrimsonNewsmag
Crimson, an open forum for the exchange of student ideas, is an independently funded newsmagazine of the journalism class at Paso Robles High School. Crimson reflects the majority opinion of the staff and does
Website www.crimsonweb.net PRHS • 801 Niblick Rd., Paso Robles, CA 93446 www.crimsonweb.net prhsjournalism@pasoschools.org (805) 769-1500 ext. 50033 Room 604
not necessarily reflect the views of Paso Robles High School, its faculty, administration, or students. All stories, graphics, typesetting, and layouts are completed by Paso Robles High School students. We are happy to talk with you further about our content, subscriptions in U.S. Mail, and advertising on our pages.
Growth of security
Locked door policy is a good addition to the school security procedure by Heba Elsayed, Opinion Co-Editor and Courtney Thompson, Opinion Co-Editor In the wake of every tragedy, human beings work in a collective effort to find a way to improve their own lives in order to stop another tragedy from occurring. In the case of PRHS, it’s locking doors. This campus has adopted a policy similar to an alleged 92 percent of schools nationwide that have rightfully instituted a locked door policy. For the safety of students and faculty a new policy is essential. Though regarded by some students as a joke, the new district-wide policy states that during class time all teachers must keep all doors locked for the eleven schools in town. Approximately 149 teachers in 85 classrooms—some with more doors than others—hold the responsibility six periods a day to open doors and lock them. Unfortunately, this policy has suffered its fair share of criticism. “I understand that it’s a precaution to keep the bad guys away, but it’s annoying when people want to come into the class and disrupt the lesson by knocking,” said junior Monica Garcia, who has experienced this first hand. Teachers having to stop class to unlock the door for a teaching aid disrupting class—a mission the school has set out to eradicate with its January tardy policy—seems to be more hassle than it’s worth. A few teachers are also skeptical of this new policy. This also raises the question of ventilation. “There are times when it gets stuffy in here with the sick kids. Half the time the ventilation system is off and open doors to get fresh air is the only solution, because we can’t even open the windows,” Spanish teacher Jennifer Fuller said. Appreciative as most of the student body is, this policy does have some flaws. It is not a plausible way for students to get the most out of their learning environment as well as to protect them from possible lurking predators outside
the door. What can a door with a thin glass window—easily breakable by a chair, let alone a weapon—really do? According to Facilities Director Ashley Lightfoot, these roughly $2000 doors are built to withstand intruder entry. Citizens lock their homes up before leaving, so why not lock up at school? In a learning environment that serves 2089 students, students walk in and out of classrooms. Admittedly, this policy is not easy to enact, but safety is more of a priority than the occasional disruption. “Occasionally opening a locked door poses minimal detriment to the quality of classroom instruction and lesson flow,” said Assistant Principal Dan Sharon, who personally believes PRHS is prepared to respond to emergency crises. Most teachers on campus have students wisely unlock the door when they leave to go to class and then while coming back in, lock it again. Thankfully, teachers are following this policy. “If locking the doors gives me 15 seconds to get to the door and protect my kids, I’ll lock the door. Since this is the only district recommended protocol to help protect us. What about covering the glass on our doors so a potential shooter can’t see inside?” English teacher Stephen Arnette said to his classes. The public has a general sense of approval for the school’s drilling and preparedness. The school is prepared to respond to emergency crises; and it seems as though faculty has been continuously training, to ensure students are in capable hands. “However, we are not complacent when it comes to school safety,” Sharon said “Improving crisis response is an ongoing discussion.” The new policy is a good example of the growth of security at PRHS and the critics should become more tolerable of this new policy because it does have their best interests in mind.
Illustration by Lindsey Svinth
Feb. 2013
Blind Date
BATTERS UP: Junior Matthew Neumann shows senior Lucia Juarez a few batting tips during their trip to the California Gold Gym batting cages. Neumann and Juarez enjoyed dinner at F. McClintock’s Saloon and a trip to Powells Sweet Shoppe after taking some swings at baseball.
Senior and junior hit four locations in town for a blind date by Jordan Nevosh, Business Team, and Brigitte Maina, Business Team
If traveling 5,849 miles away from her home town of Madrid, and spending almost a year in a new country isn’t daring enough, foreign exchange student, senior Lucia Juarez ventures out and explores the thrill of an “All American” blind date. Juarez and junior Matthew Neumann visited local batting cages on Friday, Feb. 8, followed by tritip filled sandwiches, and finishing off with a sweet treat. After hopping into a 2003 tan Buick, the couple cruised on over to the local batting cages at California Gold Gymnastics and Cheerleading. To fill the void of awkward silence in the air, the couple started cracking small jokes ranging from topics such as school, hobbies and each others hometown to get the ball rolling. Upon arrival, Neumann, a two year veteran of Paso Robles’ own Bearcat baseball team, showed Juarez the logistics of the favorite American pastime. With Juarez up to bat first, she confessed “I 08
Feb. 2013
have never been in a batting cage before.” However, that did not hold her back. After the first couple of swings, Juarez “hit a line drive,” as Neumann put it. After collecting the first round of balls, it was Neumann’s turn. Cranking up the speed to a whopping 60 mph, he found himself feeling rusty as he picked up the bat for the first time since his last season during Spring 2012, but he wasn’t going to go down swinging. Roughly 30 single base hits and a couple home run drives later, the couple put up their helmets and headed downtown for a bite to eat. Awkward silences forgotten, the daters basked in the romantic mood cast by twinkly lights as they sat at a table for two for dinner at F. McClintock’s Saloon. Although the Pepsis they ordered were sweet nothing could compare to the fond gesture that was to come. Catching the Valentine fever, Neumann bought Juarez a
single red rose to commemorate the date. To end the night, the couple strolled through the park to their final destination, keeping close to fight the mid-winter chills. Arriving at Powells Sweet Shoppe, the couple perused around the Valentine’s Day decorated section, finding lip shaped mints that were perfect for a quick photo opportunity. After watching quick snippets of the classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, both Juarez and Neumann found some “Toxic” sour then sweet candies to satisfy their taste buds. As the daters paid for their candy, the date was winding down. What at first was static now came naturally as the couple conversed more about home traditions and newfound inside jokes on the way home. Recreating what had happened only two hours before, Neumann walked Juarez to her door and wrapped up the evening with a good night hug.
Blind Date
SMOOCHES (below): Senior Lucia Juarez and junior Matthew Neumann hold up candy lips for a quick photo.
Lucia Juarez RATE: 9
Matthew Neumann RATE: 9
“The moment when he bought me the rose.”
“Dinner was really fun!”
“For sure! I can’t wait to get better at baseball and ask him [for a] rematch.”
“Yea! I had a really good time, I would definitely do it again ”
SUITING UP (above): Senior Lucia Juarez and junior Matthew Neumann go up to bat to practice their swings.
Photos by Brigitte Maina Graphic illustration by Jordan Nevosh
Feb. 2013
Crimson 09
Remembering Dave Hernandez
Community remembers ‘Coach Dave’ after untimely passing By Danae Ontiveros, Photo Essay Editor For some, it’s a parent or grandparent, and effective practices, heavy with drill maybe a teacher, that you respect and stations and girls rotating from drill to look up to. But for others, it is your coach drill. “When he was coaching...and I made a who is your game changer. He teaches life lessons, moral ethics, and how to be mistake or an error he would always tell an all around good person. For 40 plus me ‘Hey, don’t worry about it kid, keep PRHS softball players, this life changing your head up and get the next one’,” junior Alysa Hansen said, who had person was David Hernandez. On the field or off, the girls called Hernandez as an assistant coach. Big Papa lived up to his title and never him Big Papa for the way he became the fatherly figure in the players’ softball fell short of being the father and the guidance to the team. family. “He never let us down,” Hansen “He was like my second dad,” said. “I could tell him anything, said sophomore softball player and he would give me advice just Danielle Lambert, who like a good dad would.” was the pitcher for Dave’s 14U It wasn’t All Star team. always all “He was about the love very inspiring, of winning not only as for Dave, but a coach but about the love as a friend. he had for his My family Vanessa Napoli, 10 girls. Occasionally after a hard considered him family,” said practice he would take the team sophomore Vanessa to Jamba Juice and treat them to a Napoli, who played first base smoothie. He definitely made it a for the same All Star team. “I definitely learned a lot from Dave... goal of his to connect to every girl on the he taught me to always give people a team and form a bond that no player can chance. You may not like them at first forget. They all had their share of inside but if you give them a chance you may jokes with Coach. “Dave and I always had inside jokes have more in common with them than you think,” Lambert said. “Not a day goes by and songs that reminded us of each other,” Lambert said. that I don’t think of him.” “We would always sing the Black Calling plays, giving pep talks, and running drills, Coach Dave would not Eyed Peas, and we had our own cool have had it any other way than to coach handshake.” Hansen said. “The funniest his girls as they played his life passion: [story] was when we went camping and softball. Frozen mornings or scorching he was so excited about his pop-up afternoons, Coach Dave was never one to tent! He told me and [junior] Marie complain, as long as he got to spend the Thompson, ‘Look guys, I got a pop day doing the thing he loves most: being up tent and it will take five minutes!’ That tent took us forever to put up...it was no a mentor to his team. Coach Dave always ran structured pop up tent!”
He was very inspiring, not only as a coach but as a friend.
Feb. 2013
CALL IT LIKE YOU SEE IT: Hernandez calls a girl out while on a base during practice. Hernandez coached approximately 45 girls.
BIG PAPA: Hernandez concentrates as he watches his team play. After a hard practice, Hernandez would treat his players to food.
BEAT DOWN: Coach Mark Rodriguez gets a beat down after a scrimmage game. Hernandez was assistant coach to Rodriguez Photos used with permission of Liz Ontiveros
students share memories of
Coach Dave
—Danae Ontiveros, Photo Essay Co-Editor
“ —Amanda Brooking, 10
Dave always told me to forget all about the lame stuff going on at home and use softball as an outlet, and when I get on the field to play hard and do what he knows I'm capable of doing.
“ —Danielle Lambert, 10
He always told me to have a positive attitude and to have fun because that is what makes life fun.
—Vanessa Napoli, 10
My family considered him family. There was never a dull moment with Dave.
—Maureen Pushea, 9
He always knew how to get us happy and pumped for a game. He was a great coach, very encouraging, and loving towards all of us.
“ —Alysa Hansen, 11
I could tell him anything, and he would give me advice just like a good dad would.
—Nichole Childs, 10
Whenever the team was down, Dave always did his best to cheer us up, and he was always cheering us on. Photo illustration by Kelly Munns Photos by Kelly Munns, Brandon Kearns, Sarah Wilson, and Danae Ontiveros Feb. 2013
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Tugging at the heartstrings Wagner brings music to math with instrumental skill by Kelly Munns, Managing Editor
Growing up among a family of the musically inclined, math teacher Ted Wagner had music stringing through his veins. When he spotted the stringed instrument back in 1978 at five years old, Wagner knew he was hooked. With 35 years of experience, he plays with his trusty 12-year-old violin sidekick. After taking lessons for 13 years, the faint sound of stringed music can now be heard wafting from room 814, sometimes in front of an audience of Avid or math students. “There was someone in kindergarten, Katie, who took her violin to school for show and tell. I was in her class, and when she played I thought it was really cool and I liked it, so I went home and I talked to my mom and she was really excited that I wanted to be involved in music,” Wagner said, whose mom majored in music at UCLA. “She signed me right up for lessons in the Los Angeles area where we lived. Ever since then, I have been 14
Feb. 2013
STRINGING WITH A BOW: Wagner plays his 12 year old violin with 35 years of experience. He plays in various events including weddings. Photos by Kelly Munns
playing in some way, shape, or form.” Until the age of 18, Wagner was enrolled in lessons which resulted in approximately ten hours of practice for a given week. Now, Wagner practices only approximately two and a half hours a week, as he has other concerns, including a wife and two daughters. Over the years, Wagner has played in orchestras and music events including various weddings for friends. One includes AP English teacher Sean Pierce, who got married in 2006 with Wagner playing on the sidelines. Wagner and his sister, who majored in music, performed a duet with their violins, although Wagner’s violin busted just mere hours before the big event because of the heat. Luckily he had a spare, and the show went on. “My wife and I are so thankful they participated in it,” Pierce
said, who found out about Wagner’s talents through a teacher talent show 13 years ago in 2000. “He is such a great asset to our school and staff.” Since then Pierce and Wagner have team taught a freshman advisement class and coached girls and boys varsity soccer. In addition, Wagner, a worship leader, plays every Sunday with his 2001 stringed sidekick and his guitar in the Covenant Presbyterian Church. Occasionally you will also hear his music from the halls outside his classroom, room 814, where he plays for his students. “Students are always glad to hear me play to get a break from doing math,” Wagner said, who derives his muse from famous composers Handel, Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. “They are always appreciative.”
: Quinceañeras BECOMING A WOMAN
Sophomores debut with bling, surrounded by family and friends by Lauren Reed, Culture Editor Big dresses, shiny shoes, and lots of food are just a couple of aspects of the Quinceañera party, and each one is unique in its own special way. In Latin American culture, a girl’s fifteenth birthday marks her ascent into womanhood. This extravagant celebration is built upon age-old traditions and intermingled with modern culture. Sophomores Samantha Torres and Brenda Rendon both partook in each other’s celebrations taking turns supporting each other. “I’m very glad that I had my closest friends and family to accompany me through my quince,” said Torres, who practiced the entrance and dances for approximately 30 hours, along with her entourage of four damas, similar to bridesmaids, four chambélanes, male escorts for the damas, and one chambélan of honor, the boy that escorts the Quinceañera, “I enjoyed being in Samantha’s quince. I have known her since preschool and I saw her grow up so much,” said Rendon, whose job as a dama is to be there for the birthday girl, help her relax on her day, try to do the dance correctly, and just be a support for her. To start off the coming-of-age ceremony, the Quinceañera enters the church with her procession of friends, parents, and godparents, much like a wedding procession. The celebration starts with a traditional Catholic thanksgiving Mass; the Quinceañera, the birthday girl, has the choice to choose the passages from the gospel and homily that will be read during the mass by either a relative or herself. After the readings, the young woman renews her Baptismal promise and commits herself to God and the Virgin Mary. If she chooses, she may make a devotion to the Virgin Mary by presenting a flower or bouquet of flowers to the church’s statue. “I felt blessed and special to be in mass for my quince day because it really made me feel like it was my day, and God was there to guide me through this experience,” reminisced
Torres, whose mass went from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The family can then present gifts to the Quinceañera: many times it is a doll that resembles the birthday girl, to symbolize the last doll of childhood. She may also receive a rosary and bible. There will be other presents as well. Torres’ favorite presents were the necklaces her aunt from Mexico sent her and the X-box her brothers got her. Once the Mass has finished, the partying begins. To start off the reception, Torres served tacos al pastor, posóle, birría, céviche, and shrimp cocktail, with a side of rice, beans, and corn tortillas. For dessert, she had a white tres leches cake, with white frosting roses, a tint of turquoise, and turquoise ribbon on the bottom of each of the five cakes. At approximately 7:30 p.m., the dancing began. The main songs she danced to were Vals the Balada Adelina version, the Cumbia by Grupo Soñador, and Intentalo by 3Ball MTY. She danced her to Vals with her full court and her surprise dance with all her chambélanes. Torres’ danced and partied into the night, her feathered dress swishing around her in a flurry of water like ripples, until it was finally time to retire for the night at 11:30 p.m. “The best gift was that my parents took the time to give me this experience of having a quince,” Torres said. Quinceañeras don’t always have to be big, extravagant parties; in Rendon’s case, it was an intimate occasion. She choreographed her waltz and surprise dance on her own, and performed it with her court of six damas and six chambélanes in front of her closest family and friends. “My quince was one of the best memories of my life. I will never regret having it. It was a day of me just letting go of all the stresses and enjoying the night with my loved ones,” said Rendon, who had her quince on Aug. 11, 2012. Quince Ready (left): Brenda Rendon donned in her sparkly party dress on Aug. 11, 2012, stood smiling in anticipation of the day to come. THE WHOLE GANG (top): Rendon and her entourage of damas, and chambelanes, one of which includes Torres on the far right.
FAMILY SUPPORT (bottom left): Samantha Torres sits surrounded by her loving family on Aug. 11, 2012. Photos used with permission by Brenda Rendon and Samantha Torres Feb. 2013
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Feb. 2013
s Yea r
A generation ago, the world worked a little differently: college applications were sent by the post office, textbooks were purchased at the book store around the corner, and answers to random questions were either searched for in a five pound encyclopedia, or not found at all. Today’s generation is used to more instant gratification. Applications can be sent, books purchased, and questions answered in a matter of seconds–all with the click of a button. Now, the age of technology has expanded to a new frontier: online college courses. As an increasing amount of students around the world turn to face the screen instead of the whiteboard for college credit, Crimson analyzes the inner workings of the online courses administered by Coursera, edX, and Udacity.
What you should know about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
High schoolers get online educated
First person experience with online courses
by Jordan Nevosh, Graphics Team
Feb. 2013
New online classes provide an alternative to traditional college by Heba Elsayed, Opinion Editor
Saving money and being technologically savvy are two qualities that appear on the horizon for the new college generation. Tailored to each students needs, M.O.O.C, massive open online course, allows students to take the wheel of their education and ride it straight into success. Colleges and professors have flocked to try a new form of online teaching known as M.O.O.C, an acronym for “massive open online courses.” The courses raise questions about the bright future of teaching, how much a degree matters, and how technology will affect the college experience. Colleges now must compete with free courses from some of the world’s most exclusive universities such as MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, and Stanford. Not dependent on the demanding registration or application process, online colleges are low on stress and rely on self-motivation of students plucky enough to enroll. Especially now, when only 58 percent of 204,000 college freshmen enroll in their first-choice college in the year of 2011, the lowest percentage to do so since the question was first asked in 1974, according to New York Times. Making a splash in the fall of 2011, online courses are a great
Feb. 2013
way to increase enrollment. Though it could be seen as a onesize fits all model for college, people tend to overlook the true will-power and self-motivation it takes to take charge of your own future. Normally students paid fees to enroll in classes taught by a professor and graded by a teaching assistants. M.O.O.C’s are in a different ballpark, taught by professors at prestigious universities and all for free. $15,000 being the average cost of college in state in the year 2011, according to CNN, tuition for M.O.O.C. is either nonexistent or a fraction of the cost. “There is certainly is the problem of not being able to get your classes and having to go five years. The minute you have to go five years the expense level [goes up]. You have just given up a 40 thousand dollar a year job, and you’re paying tuition, room, and board which is another 25 thousand. [Potentially that’s giving up] 65 thousand dollars in one year [for] having to go a fifth year in college, ” Avid teacher Anne Spohnhauer said. Staying in the comfort of your own home or any location you please and learning at your own pace sounds like a leisurely
way to spend an afternoon rather than commuting to a school and sitting in a hall listening to a professor. Not to mention you’re not watching a lecture where you have to follow along at the professor’s pace. You’re free to re-watch, rewind, and replay as much as you want while narrowly spaced exercises keep you engaged. Critics say that M.O.O.C will not prepare you for the real world due to the lack of social interactions and sense of independence; yet responsibility means sacrificing things you want such as a social life in order to succeed. Unfortunately the idea of M.O.O.C raises the image of a student in a dark room hunch over a laptop when what it really means is a portable classroom. Whether it be on your own couch inside your home or in the middle of a park downtown your classroom follows you around. The estimated spending on required course materials averages to $702 according to National Association of College. While precious summer slips into piles of books for tradition college attendees, participants in the online experience work solely with a computer at their own time depending on their busy life.
Online courses do not rival in person college
Graphic by Sydney Matteson
by Jenna Wookey, Food Editor
A new type of college is on the horizon, attempting to diminish the need to pay high prices to go to college in person. The 21st century advanced technology has given birth to the idea, and now reality, of online college. The average in state tuition for the 2011-2012 school year was $15,000 according to CNN. Although that is the average, the price of college can range from zero to $60,000 a year depending on scholarships, financial aid, type of school, and other factors. The national debt for college loans is approximately one trillion dollars. This definitely speaks to the fact that Americans on average cannot afford college. However, there are over 2,000 colleges in the U.S. according to the U.S. Department of Education. There is a college out there to fit each student’s financial situation. It is understandable, though, for people to question the opportunity cost of college. Although online courses could be a helpful tool for reducing the cost of in person college, it should not be a legitimate option to replace the value of the college experience. 1.5 million high school seniors went through the grueling college admission process in 2011. They suffered through months of writing, obtaining letters of recommendation, and filling out applications. And for what? The forever-sacred college experience.
Avid and Algebra 2 teacher Jim Steaffens does not believe a price tag can be put on college experiences. “When you go to college you are open to a very diverse group of people the same group you grew up with. People from all over the state and country and that experience allows you to get a better view of the world without actually going out into the world. I don’t know if you can put a money value on that,” said Steaffens. Of course, college is primarily about furthering students’ education, but there is another dimension of college that gets high school students drooling at the mouth. It’s the independence, living on your own with students your age doing the same thing. College is a whole new world, it’s the training wheels for the real world, and it cannot be rivaled. There is a social aspect of college that does not exist with online classes. Clubs are a huge part of college life. The feeling of getting involved and being passionate about something is invigorating. It makes college students feel like they belong to something, like they have a purpose and a place; that is part of a person’s overall happiness. Traditional classes also give students the opportunity for immediate feedback from professors on projects and assignments. Even in a bigger class or a lecture class, students can go to their professor for help after class during office hours. A professor to
student relationship is an important part of college. “I think most people at colleges meet a professor that they find extremely inspiring and try to mimic that person in life,” explained Steaffens, adding that a professor he had in college inspired him to get involved with education. There is also a component of working with peers and learning from each other. In life, knowing how to work with different types of people is extremely important. There are very few jobs in which working with or for other people is unnecessary. Online classes do not offer that component of education. “I think when you open things to online education there are all kinds of people that will take alternative routes to get things done. They will cut corners and they get degrees in things that may or may not be valid because they maybe had someone step in for them or something else.” Avid and Anatomy teacher Jon-Paul Ewing agrees with Steaffens, adding that “it’s a ripe field for cheating.” Traditional college has a long-standing reputation, not only for its academic excellence but also for the experience it gives students before they enter the real world. It is a unique experience that should not be rivaled or diminished.
Feb. 2013
the price is right
a comparative price guide between on-campus and on.line courses
Fees and Tuition
Fees and Tuition
by Jordan Nevosh, Business Manager, Clarisse Dart, Health Editor, and Sierra Mosely, Graphics Team
textbooks and supplies
$1,300 room and board
Grand Total traditional course
Grand Total online course
$8,523 textbooks and supplies
$1,737 room and board
traditional college numbers based off of california polytechnic university of san luis obispo costs. online college numbers based off of devry university online costs. 22
Feb. 2013
Feb. 2013
Taking classroom time online Students at PRHS attend classes over the internet by Clarisse Dart, Health Editor, and Sarah Wilson, Managing Editor
of the content. The process of learning science requires students to be actively participating in inquiry laboratories. The Next Generation Science Standards also expect students to apply their knowledge through engineering practices. This cannot be done online,” Fairbank said, who is currently involved in developing online courses at Cal Poly for studentteachers working on getting their credential. These student-teachers do theory learning and book work via online courses since they live in rural areas, making online learning more convenient. After learning the material, they and a master teacher team-teach in
People can further their education through distance learning. The teacher does not have to live locally. They may even live in the other side of the world.
In an increasingly technology-driven society, a growing number of students are hearing less pencil scratching and more keyboard clicking as they immerse themselves in their college education. What once was always an in-person social experience is quickly being replaced by the virtual equivalent: online courses. In a national survey of high school students, 27 percent of 364,240 young adults said that they have taken at least one online class. The “Speak Up” survey Project Tomorrow reported this statistic as an increase from 14 percent last year. A survey of 236 Bearcats showed evidence of this trend. A total of 37.7% of students said that they have enrolled in an online class before while 52.6% plan to take one in the future. Senior Vrij Patel recognizes the advantages of taking online courses. “I guess [the downfalls] really depend on the course you take. But the benefits were worth it; I got college credit and don’t have to take it at the high school or take the AP test,” said Patel, who took a Government class online through Hancock College during the summer before his senior year. “It was easier because I was able to turn in my work and read the textbook on my own time.” Contrary to the students who have taken one or two classes online, junior Katy Peckham is finishing her high school credits on her computer. “I think it’s easier because there’s really no distractions. One downfall is that you don’t get to see your friends or socialize everyday like most people are used to,” Peckham said, who has taken English, Math, Chemistry, History, and Creative Writing online. Peckham received many of her needed high school credits online. As a result, Peckham will graduate before most others in her class. Physics teacher Mark Fairbank, however, finds faults in virtual lessons, especially regarding science classes. He does not believe that the standards of learning set by National Science Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards are met in online coursework. “Science is learning through experimentation and application
Mark Fairbank, Physics teacher local middle and high school classrooms. “This provides them with a means to become a teacher without having to move out of the rural setting,” Fairbank said, who is taking an online course on String Theory and says that the one downfall of the online class is not being able to have face-to-face discussions. “The benefits of online courses is that people can further their education through distance learning. The teacher does not have to live locally. They may even live on the other side of the world,” said Fairbank, who maintains that courses like science which require hands-on learning should be done in the classroom, but online classes could be beneficial in other cases. If no other options are available, PRHS offers an effective way to make up credits for failed classes and, in some cases, needed elective credits. The credit recovery program is Cyber High, where students can take classes on the web during and after
school, completing a full load of coursework with the help of the online technology. “It’s a tool for students to get back on track,” said Assistant Principal Chris Jones, who is in charge of the online resource designed to help students complete the necessary credits for graduation. “It’s purpose isn’t to save money; it’s purpose is to help kids graduate.” Cyber High is currently used by approximately 27 students. “Learning is far more than absorbing and regurgitating facts. The best opportunity is always in the classroom with professional educators,” Jones said. “Does schooling online have it’s place? Yes. It can be time-saving and cost-saving.” There are five units for each course in Cyber High, each unit containing various course work and quizzes. At the end of every unit, there is an exam. Before each unit exam, the course work for that unit must be approved by the in-class instructor of the class period. Leading up to the test, the students work freely on their material. Whether or not increased use of online resources will continue in both high schools and colleges is yet to be seen, but it is clear that as an increasing number of students and teachers alike immerse themselves in web-based classes, this generation finds itself deep in the man-made universe of cyberspace.
Vrij Patel, Vrij Patel, 1212 Photo by Aidan Farrell
Feb. 2013
with Moriah Dunning, University of Oregon admission counselor —Jenna Wookey, Food Editor
Does it impress you if an applicant has already taken college courses online?
How do you feel about online education? I think it definitely helps students at times, but each student needs to know how best they learn. You have to be a motivated person to take a class online and do well.
What things really stand out or impress you in an application? When a student can show they are well rounded, meaning they don’t just study all the time, but have other things they are passionate about, is a great asset.
Not necessarily. Some students like online learning and others don’t, it is all dependent on how you learn.
At what point/price do you believe college would not be worth it? I hate to see students take out too many loans, but each student, each family, will be different. Being educated on the financial part of college is important, so talking with parents, financial aid advisors, etc. will be helpful, but I can’t put my finger on an actual number. It will be different for everyone.
How does online college compare with traditional in person college in your opinion? I think there is a time and place for both. Adult students who may have alot going on in their life, do well with online classes. I also value the experience of a first time freshman who may be away from home for the first time. Learning takes place outside of the classroom also, so it is the whole experience, not just your time in the classroom.
Do you have any advice for students who are deciding what direction to take their education? Go to college, live on campus if you can, get out of your comfort zone and do things you have never done before. Have fun and study hard! Do you think college (in person) is worth the money? Yes, the life experience you get and the education is worth the money ten fold. No one can take your education away from you! You will change as a person through your college experience and help to make you who you are as an adult.
For a Q&A with a CSU Chico admission counselor, visit: Graphics by Sydney Matteson and Jenna Wookey
Feb. 2013
Clicking through online Government [Online college courses aren’t for every learning style] by Angela Lorenzo, A&E Editor
First Person Every American high schooler is required to learn about the in’s and out’s of the government's functions for the purpose of knowledge and respect. Opposed to paying for an AP test or for a government class in college, I fulfilled this graduation requirement over summer by opting to take Allan Hancock College’s online government class, free to high schoolers. Reflecting back on my 2012 summer semester acquired knowledge of the government, I feel like I’ve cheated myself out of an important learning opportunity. Though I was required to take two or three chapter tests a week and continue on discussion board conversations concerning each chapter, including the duties of citizens and how we would deal with tyrannical leaders, I didn’t get much farther in understanding the turning cogs of American politics. Listed as POLS 103 -American Government, this online
course used a user friendly portal called “Blackboard” to submit assignments, watch videos, comment on students discussion boards, and take tests. The tests had the most peculiar structure: unlimited time, all multiple choice, and the ability to take it over three times after submitting your tests and getting told the wrong answers. Three days a week, after my Cuesta U.S. history class and before going out with friends, I’d stretch out, open my laptop and my textbook, and begin a test on the “Legislative Branch” or continue a discussion about the faults in election strategies. This particular course did not feed me the material through an LED screen. I simply studied a classic, paper textbook and regurgitated my knowledge —short-term knowledge— onto a multiple choice test and paragraph explaining my opinions. Although I was still using the classic
book study method, the lack of a real person explaining the intertwining branches and jobs to me stunted my learning experience. This online class was and easy and quick eight weeks of my time, I realize if I ever got retested on material I clicked into a neat bubble sheet, I’d come out of that test with a big, fat F, despite my A in the class. I have faith in online learning, but only for students who are totally dedicated and desire to learn about the topic they are taking a class on. Otherwise, it’s much too tempting to just take the tests with an open textbook and a closed mind. This particular class would be good for anyone searching for a way to get a high school necessity out of the way, but not planning on being the leader of the free world in this lifetime.
Photo by Sarah Wilson
Feb. 2013
Feb. 2013
Harming the human psyche Are violent video games causing an increase in mass homicides? by Brandon Kearns, Sci-Tech Editor
The question appears after every major violent event: are video games the cause? Even with the abundant media attention given to the topic after the events in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, December 14th, 2012, in which 26 teachers and students were shot and killed by an armed intruder on school campus, it is still shrouded in mystery. A relative to the shooter Adam Lanza, Ryan Lanza, liked a violent video game on Facebook which lead to a media uproar about the role of violent video games in the massacre. Numerous surveys were conducted along with countless news articles about the negative impact of video games, yet many articles didn’t stop to ask the biggest advocate of video games: the gamers. No group is closer to the controversy than those that immerse themselves in the worlds of violent games. “Politicians watch movies and they watch TV, but they don’t play videogames and we always fear what we aren’t knowledgeable in. They automatically assume that since it has shooting in it that it is what is causing all the violence in today’s youth,” said junior Chazz Yett, an avid fan of games like Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Halo. A court case presented before The Supreme Court in 2010 by the Entertainment Merchants Association against the state of California stated that video games cannot be regulated anymore than other forms of entertainment because they are protected under the first amendment. “The act does not comport with the First Amendment. Video games qualify for First Amendment protection. Like protected books, plays, and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And 'the basic principles of freedom of speech . . . do not vary' with a new and different communication medium," said Supreme Court Justice Scalia, the case was voted 7-2 in favor of the Entertainment Merchants Association according to the New York Times. A quote by Dr. Ted Baehr in an article from Onenewsnow.com states "We are breeding a generation of murderers with no moral conscience”. Senior Tim Salke commented on the quote. “Video games have ratings for a reason. Obviously if you’re letting your five year old child play a mature rated game which is meant to be for people 17 and older then obviously there is a problem there, but thats not with the video game thats with the parents for letting their child be exposed to such content as an R rated movie when its clear that that material is not supposed to be exposed to children,” said Salke. Yett has more to say on the topic. “Its a stereotype, and yeah there is some truth in it but its usually the 1% speaking for the 99%, and maybe one kid who has mental issues plays videogames and he is not a normal functioning human who takes (video games) the wrong way, but hes the one person out of thousands and they
(the media) think that its everybody who is like that,” said Yett. The basis for Baehr’s quote lies in the theory of desensitization. Many tests have been conducted on the thought that the involvement of players in the violent acts that happen in video games leads to loss of empathy or feeling in the player. This loss of feeling then leads to violent acts that fail to touch the desensitized player, yet does a violent game affect you in this way? “That isn’t true, I’ve played violent video games since I was nine and I cried when my dog died, I cried at my relative’s funeral, I even cried a little bit for the kids in Newtown that were killed. Tell me how that shows no sense of pain or remorse,” said Yett. Whether or not video games are a cause of violent acts the question will always be asked and fans of violent video games will always be studied for signs of violence hidden beneath the surface.
The rate of violent crimes has been on the decline since the 1990’s falling from 1.8 million in 1995 to 1.2 million in 2011. On the contrary video game sales revenue has been on the rise, climbing from $3 billion in 1995 to $18 billion in 2011.
Violent Crimes vs.
Video Game Revenue
Photo illustrations by Brandon Kearns
Feb. 2013
Photos taken by Aidan Farrelll
The newest United States national park
Pinnacles offers great location for adventurous hikers by Aidan Farrell, Environment Co-Editor Eighty five miles from Paso Robles, nature-seekers can explore the newest addition to the United States National Park system: Pinnacles National Park. The park offers locations to camp and hike, giving travelers unparalleled views of the Pinnacles as well as sweeping views from the top, if one has the desire to conquer the steeply winding hike up the mountain. Formerly regarded as a national monument, on Jan. 10, 2013, the Pinnacles became a National Park. The Pinnacles campground offers a place to stage daily expeditions from, with a snack and necessities store available for refreshments. Camping is $23 per night for tents and $36 per night for RV camping. and is located within close range of the extensive number of hiking trails throughout the park that all revolve around the Pinnacles peaks. As PRHS biology teacher Gaylene Ewing stated, “the park has everything... caves, crazy rock formations, streams and lakes.” For Ewing, the Condor Crags (at 30
Feb. 2013
the peaks of the Pinnacles) were the most exciting site, where she witnessed the condors’ flying overhead. A must-do on-site hike is one that takes walkers up into the heart of the hills and through Bear Gulch Cave, emerging them into total darkness, up into daylight onto the other side of an outcrop. The trail takes visitors en route around the Pinnacles peaks, eventually leading to the opposite side of the Pinnacles. Once there, hikers have the option of turning back the way they came--for a six mile hike total--or proceeding up the center of the mountains to the peak and down the other side for a much for difficult and much longer total of around 15 miles total. At the top of the Pinnacles, one can experience sweeping views of the surrounding land for miles around. Another unique aspect of the peaks is the presence of the California Condor. With only 162 of these birds in the wild, the Pinnacles National Park offers viewers one of the few locations to see these
birds of 10 foot wingspans in their natural habitats. At the top of the peaks, one might find them flying near overhead. Many combinations and options are available to hikers, but the hike that most hope to take is the one that leads walkers across the tips of the Pinnacles, where the only sounds are the noises of the wind in the trees and the beat of the condors’ wings as they fly overhead. This section of the hike is one of the more difficult of the park. The trail takes hikers climbing of rock structures with stairs carved into them, offering incredible views. Pinnacles National Park represents an environmentally rich area, full of natural beauty that will now be regarded as a National Park, available forever for those who wish to experience what it has to offer.
Photo used with permission by Amy E. McAndrews
Pinnacles Natioal Park, 84 miles from Paso Robles
in the
Between the books, papers, and calculations these students find time to be one with the world outside. Drifting in the waves, sitting on boards talking to friends, and feeling the sting of salt-water in their lungs happens to be a way for them to escape from the hustle and bustle of student life and reconnect with who they truly are outside the classroom. –Anna Hernandez, Environment Co-Editor, and Devin Corea, Fashion Editor
“The best memory of mine was surfing with my friends over summer and when me and Kris Pequeno caught the same wave and carved into each other and took both of us out.” —Colin Lux, 11 “Surfing means everything to me when I’m out there all my problems disappear and it’s just me and the ocean.” —Kris Pequeno, 12
“Surfing brings me solace and shows me that there is something beautiful in being absolutely alone and immersed in a natural environment that can tear you apart as easily as it thrust you deep into sparkliing tubes of salty spray.” —Benjamin Nagengast,12
“Surfing is a hobby but it is also a way to be in touch with nature and it’s so nice to be out in the ocean where everything is so peaceful.” —Zoe Zepp, 11
“Surfing is an escape from boring day to day routine, an ability to connect with one of the most interesting, naturally occurring phenomena in the world, pure happiness.” —Daniel Bruhns, 12
“It’s something I like to do on my alone time to clear my mind, get away from everything, and enjoy the selfcompetition and the beauty of God’s nature.” —Micheal Pina, 11 Photos by Anna Hernandez and used with permission of Micheal Pina and Kris Pequeno
Feb. 2013
n g i d C a h o u L t e e a c l o s l t e w a e k i h v h o e us e T Staffers r
by Jenna Wookey, Food Editor Driving out on Creston Road toward the country among miles of beautiful green, grassy scenery and arriving in the small town of Creston, you come upon a small country steakhouse that equally signifies a cute small-town feel. The big wooden doors of The Loading Chute add to the rustic authenticity of the restaurant that serves a classic breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The Crimson reviewers went to this saloon during lunch where
Tri-tip Sandwich
burgers, sandwiches, and salads were available along with sodas, strawberry lemonade, and iced tea. A downside to going for lunch is that they do not provide their homemade bread before the main course, which is only served during dinner. Everyone loves a pre-meal snack whether it is bread or chips and salsa! Below are three of the meals the staff members ordered and how they rated their plates.
The Classic Cheeseburger
The Loading Chute is not just a restaurant, it is also a great venue for parties and weddings. Out in back behind the restaurant there is a beautiful area with a stage, barn, and large BBQ area. This venue is ideal for an adorable country wedding. Overall, The Loading Chute is a cute country restaurant for dates, family events, or a fun night out with friends.
Philly Cheesesteak
“The tri-tip sandwich could have used barbeque sauce, but it was a great combination for lunch. The sweet potatoes fries were yummy and the ideal amount.” —Kelly Munns
“The burger was a little dry and slightly warm, but it wasn’t the worst I’ve had. The fries were perfectly golden and tasty. It was definitey a filling meal” —Sydney Matteson
“The Phlliy cheesesteak tasted like it was actually from Philadelphia. Quite an original taste. The onion rings complimented the meal nicely.” —Nico Jolicoeur
Tri-tip sandwich: $9.49 Sweet potato fries: $1.50
Cheeseburger: $8.25 Fries: Come with it
Philly Cheesesteak: $9.49 Onion Rings: $1.50
Feb. 2013
Photos by Sydney Matteson and Jenna Wookey
by Stevie Stark, PR Manager
Ah, vegetarians. Although the majority of Americans can’t live with the vegetated discipline, this minority made up of the dietary vow to abstain from meat has been gaining ground over the past few years. Over eight percent of America’s population is following this herbivore lifestyle (and that number is fast growing according to PETA) that boasts health, environmental, and moral benefits. This eight percent includes Sophomore Carly Powell who goes into the reasons, opinions, and realities of vegetarianism.
Indians make up more than of the world’s vegetarian population
Q&A with Carly Powell Q How long have you been
vegetarian and what was your deciding factor in becoming vegetarian?
I’ve been vegetarian for about 4+ years now. I decided to become a vegetarian after we slaughtered my pet cow. We raise pigs and cow for consumption, so I was used to it. But this one cow, Stormy, I became especially close to. So when I found him being on my dinner plate I knew I couldn’t keep eating animals.
Q Do you have any advice
for anyone who wants to be a vegetarian?
Q What are the best restaurants for vegetarians?
There is not a lot of restaurants around Paso that are considered vegetarian. However, in SLO they do have a few. The Oasis is an amazing vegan restaurant down there, and Chipotle has vegetarian burritos to die for.
Q Are there any stereotypes
about vegetarianism you dislike?
The first Vegetarian Society was formed in
Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Adolf Hitler were vegetarians
7.3 Million
Americans are vegetarian
Q Is it hard being a vegetarian? A
became vegetarian to improve their overall health
One stereotype that annoys me is the idea that I don’t eat enough protein. There is an abundance of foods that contain protein and they are not all tofu and soy! AND as long as you have a healthy, balanced diet, protein isn’t even the issue- B12 is!
My advice to anyone starting to be a vegetarian is I do not find being vegetarian difficult at all! Maybe really research it and know what a balanced diet looks in the first couple weeks it’s hard to restrain from eating like. You really shouldn’t go into it blind because that meat products, but after that it just becomes habit and can be dangerous for your health. you hardly give it a thought! Photo illustration by Clarisse Dart
Photo by Stevie Stark
53 % of vegetarians
Sources: Harris Interactive Service Bureau and Health24
Feb. 2013
Arts and Entertainment
Portrait prodigy
Sophomore Elisa Santiago shows unique skill with penciled portraits
ART INSPIRED: (above) Santiago practices drawing portraits in her 6th period Studio Art class. Santiago has been sketching since 8th grade. MGMT: (left below) Santiago drew Andrew VanWyngarden from MGMT in photo by Josh Orcutt pencil, with a textured flower made out of colored tissue paper.
DRAKE: Using both paint and pencil, Santiago portrayed rapper Drake.
Feb. 2013
RIHANNA: Santiago sketched Rihanna in graphite in late 2011.
by Analia Cabello, Copy-Editor, and Angela Lorenzo, A&E Editor A wooden easel holding a blank it won’t get finished,” said Santiago, who canvas is propped up in front of a painter prefers to use pencil, soft pastels, and deep in thought. Her face illuminates watercolor over other mediums. Santiago’s last binge, to which she with a sudden inspiration, and, like a vibrant pinwheel set into motion by an credits the completion of four works of unforeseen gust of wind, she begins her art for the 2012 California Mid-State Fair, work. Twenty pencils, eight erasers, 5 took place over the summer. “I was going to submit [my artwork] paintbrushes, and three packs of pastels later, sophomore Elisa Santiago has to one division, but they said I was too young for it. It broke my heart. Those an art collection she can call her own. “The beauty of the world that can be were the best pieces I produced, and I captured on a canvas” inspired Santiago could only give them two. But I was ready to make her own artwork back in eighth for four,” said Santiago, whose art won grade. Santiago, who enjoys drawing first and earned an honorable mention. Suttmiller requested a portrait of portraits the most, has depicted friends, including senior Junior Daniel and herself as a birthday present, and Using sophomore Natalya Suttmiller, Santiago willingly complied. through her artwork. The line isn’t drawn a photo of Suttmiller for reference, there; Santiago also paints celebrities, Santiago completed the portrait that now including Lady Gaga and Rihanna. hangs on Suttmiller’s bedroom wall. “I thought it was really amazing,” Santiago’s first portrait was of Hayley Williams of Paramore, which she painted Suttmiller said. “It was very realistic, in while working as a teacher’s assistant for my opinion.” Daniel’s first portrait was offered Daniel Lewis Middle School art teacher by Santiago and based off Daniel’s Clarissa Wilson in eighth grade. “People really liked it so I figured if first photo on Facebook. Santiago was people liked what I produced now, just hoping to get my experience drawing imagine the things I could produce if I real people instead of photoshopped actually tried and wanted it. That’s where celebrity photos, according to Daniel. “I thought it was so awesome. She got it skyrocketed,” said Santiago, who has completed approximately 27 pieces of my nose spot on,” Daniel said. “[Elisa] is always positive and very art since. Santiago especially enjoys abstract passionate about art,” said art teacher artwork, such as that of Dutch graphic Kelly Clark, who has been teaching the subject for 20 years. “She gets into artist M.C. Escher. “I really like M.C. Escher’s art, but just her work, gets absorbed, and takes her more of his ideas of artwork, like how he art to a high level of completion.” Clark, Santiago’s sixth period art thinks up these weird, convoluted things and makes it work and looks really cool,” teacher, added that Santiago possesses “the ability to go on with art and have Santiago said. The instances in which Santiago art... as an option to make a living.” At the moment, Santiago is absorbed produces artwork outside of her class occur sporadically; however, when she’s in two pieces: a self-portrait and a seized by artistic inspiration, she won’t watercolor of pop singer Katy Perry. “I think that [a picture is worth a stop until the piece reaches completion, thousand words] because you can take something she calls an “art binge.” “Once I start a piece of art and I don’t apart pictures. Some people will get go back to it for a while, I won’t go back different ideas when they see a piece; to it. So I have art binges, where I start a two different people looking at a piece piece at night and stay up all night just to will have different ways that they interpret complete it. I have to have it complete, or it,” Santiago said.
Arts and Entertainment
Driving into the heart Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour will resonate with readers
by Analia Cabello, Copy-Editor There are books whose words crawl off the page and twine themselves around your heart, books whose pages captivate you, books whose front covers simply summon to you. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour, Morgan Matson’s debut novel, published by Simon & Schuster in 2010, is one of these beautiful specimen. Combining equal parts wit and sincerity, Matson weaves together the story of Amy Curry and Roger Sullivan. Amy, who has just concluded her junior year of high school, is still trying to cope with the death of her father, which occurred three months prior to the start of the book. Amy’s mother has recently moved to Connecticut and arranged for Roger Sullivan, the son of a family friend, to help Amy move cross-country to their new home. Together, Amy and Roger decide to forge their own East Coast-bound route, majorly detouring from Amy’s mother’s pre-planned itinerary. A dry sense of humor is evident in Matson’s writing, conveyed through passages such as, “I hadn’t realized... that In-N-Out was a West Coast-only burger chain. There was no In-N-Out in Connecticut, because clearly that state was an inhospitable wasteland” (34). However, Matson also proves that she is clearly
capable of handling more sensitive topics, such as the death of a loved one, with maturity: “‘He died,’ I said, feeling the impact, the truth of the words hit me as I said them out loud for the first time. Tears ran down my face, unchecked. ‘My father died’” (177). Matson intersperses the chapters with artifacts such as maps, photographs, receipts, and playlists—a total of eight created by Roger and three created by Amy—corresponding to each leg of their journey. These pages foster an atmosphere of personalization, offer concrete glimpses into the characters’ expedition, further drawing readers into the pair’s lives and experiences. The perhaps most impressive aspect of this novel is Matson’s ability to take the ordinary and mold it into an extraordinary 343 page read. In bookstores these days, covers boast tales of paranormal romances or bloody battles between mythical creatures; a truly good book containing everyday characters dealing with everyday problems can be difficult to find. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour satisfies this criteria, leaving the reader with a warm, fuzzy feeling in their heart.
Not your average desk job
To begin, take two soft spoken musicians: a quirky and adorable girl with sickly sweet vocals and a shy glassesdonning man with a mastery of electronic music. Add a base of hip hop influenced drum lines and bass tracks that are both smooth and intense, combine with sugar-laden singing with just a touch of haunting slowed vocals. Wrap it all together with deep and complex electronic editing and simple tones. Mix and remix and you’re given the unique taste of Purity Ring in their debut album Shrines. Shrines is a work so interestingly polished and complete, but it seemed to have happened by accident. The members of Purity Ring (Megan James and Corin Roddick) both grew up in Alberta Canada and joined separate bands with limited success. Yet in May of 2012 their combination known as Purity Ring came out with “Ungirthed” fully formed. In this single track their entire sound was unveiled in its daunting beauty. Within this album lies hybrid works of natural and electronic genius. Through the combination of traditional lyrical verses and synthesized backtracks, a completely unique sound is created, full of marvelous contradictions. In the upbeat and powerful “Ungirthed” the vocals are largely sweet and energized with childlike vigor, yet they are overladen with slowed, deep versions of her own voice, creating a sound that almost disturbs as it impresses. In the swaying “Lofticries” light and simple electronic tones are combined with such intense base lines it’ll have even the most conservative listeners bobbing their heads. Even the members themselves look more likely to serve your coffee than play sold out shows across the country. All of these contradictions creates a unique mood that is at once cute and powerful, making every song a gentle, yet forceful experience sure to give you goose bumps. Shrines creates an interesting kind of beauty, not classical beauty of immaculate perfection, but a sort of flawed beauty. Songs that are both adorable and disturbing drive this album to its listeners with a feeling unlike any other.
Zero Dark Thirty expertly portrays a piece of American history
by Sydney Matteson, Art Director
With suicide bombers and water boarding, “Zero Dark Thirty” is anything but the typical, predictable action film. Already nominated for several awards including the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes, director Kathryn Bigelow produces another best movie of the year, following The Hurt Locker which won the Academy Award for Best Picture Oscar in 2010. Maya, a CIA officer, is placed in Pakistan with a fellow officer, Dan, who shows her the ropes of torturing detainees to find out necessary information. Maya’s work soon becomes her life after discovering a path to take down Osama bin Laden. Not only an action-packed film, “Zero Dark Thirty” is inspiring, telling the tale of a woman heading the takedown of bin Laden. In the closing minutes of the film, relief is among SEAL Team 6 after the successful killing of bin Laden and Maya, the woman who tracked him down. The film is so overwhelming, empowering, and blistering, it’ll make you want to watch over and over, making it one of the fine masterpieces of the year. “Zero Dark Thirty” features everything you could possibly want in a film, from suspense to exploding cars and high tech stalking equipment.
Artist: Purity Ring Album: Shrines (2012) Recommended Song: Fineshrine
Feb. 2013 Graphic by Sydney Matteson, photo by Angela Lorenzo
A timeline of Middle Eastern affairs
Trying to follow Middle Eastern relations for a 21st century kid might be challenging due to the fact the problems began to arise even before our parents were born. Among the larger issues, smaller ones intertwined to complicate the situation. Relationships with our allies are known to be somewhat like a roller coaster. Oil, a major factor in our U.S. economy, has provided a shaky basis for many partnerships and even arguably a few wars along with late 20th century influence in the region by communist countries; however it is necessary and this is why we continue to pursue To understand our current situation with Middle Eastern countries, we must track the past. by Nicolette Jolicoeur, Editor-in-Chief
1933 King Ibn Saud granted a concession to the U.S. company, Standard Oil of California, allowing them to explore for oil in the country. The U.S. still maintains a strong presence in Saudi Arabia and support for the countries military.
1957 CIA fails to topple Syrian President Adib Shishakli and ambassadors from both countries are asked to leave.
1922 Congress passed the Lodge-Fish resolution: the first joint resolution stating its support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” otherwise known as Israel.
1953 Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown in a CIA organized coup to put the Shah back in control. In the first three weeks of the Shah’s return, the U.S. gave $68 million in emergency aid, and an additional $1.2 billion over the next decade.
1960 The United States planned a coup against the government of Iraq headed by dictator Abd al-Karim Qasim, who two years earlier had deposed the Westernallied Iraqi monarchy. The U.S. was concerned about the growing influence of Iraqi Communist Party as well as his threats to invade Kuwait, which almost caused a war between Iraq and England.
1967 to 1984 There were no diplomatic relations between Iraq and the U.S. after Saddam Hussein formed a coup conducting a ruthless purge of hundreds of Ba’athists, an extremist political party, and naming himself. President.
1973 OPEC embargo on U.S., prevented trade with Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arab Emirates, Venezula, Indonesia, Nigeria and Ecuador.
1972 President Sadat of Egypt unexpectedly expelled Soviet advisers from Egypt.
1973 Egypt and Syria, with the support of Arab expeditionary forces and with backing from the Soviet Union, launched simultaneous attacks against Israel.
1968 President Johnson approved the sale of Phantom fighters to Israel, establishing the precedent for U.S. support for Israel’s qualitative military edge over its neighbors.
1979 President Jimmy Carter hosted the Camp David Accords and arranged peace with Egypt and Israel in a historic peace treaty.
1981 U.S. and Israel signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, establishing a framework to enhance the national security of both countries.
1979 The Iranian Revolution, the Shah and replaced him with the antiAmerican Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. The revolutionary group Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line,occupied the American embassy in Tehran and took American diplomats hostage after the U.S. had allowed the Shah in their country. The 52 American diplomats were held hostage for 444 days. After the situation, the U.S. froze over $12 billion in Iranian assets.
Ahmadinejad’s congratulatory message to Obama 36
Feb. 2013
“Iran welcomes basic and fair changes in U.S. policies and conducts. I hope you will prefer real public interests and justice to the never-ending demands of a selfish minority and seize the opportunity to serve people so that you will be remembered with high esteem”
1991 Syrian President Hafez al-Assad agrees to attend a Middle Eastern peace conference and consider negotiations with Israel. Syria also helped secure the release of Western hostages in Lebanon.
2002 American President Bush gave his "Axis of evil" speech, describing Iran, along with North Korea and Iraq, as an axis of evil and warning that the proliferation of long-range missiles developed by these countries constituted terrorism and threatened the United States.
2001 Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "Officials of the Iranian government helped arrange advanced weapons and explosives training for Al-Qaeda personnel in Lebanon where they learned, for example, how to destroy large buildings." On Sept. 11, the Worlds Trade Center was attacked. The 9/11 Commission Report stated that 8 to 10 of the hijackers on 9/11 passed through Iran and their travel was facilitated by Iranian border guards.
1988 The United States launched Operation Praying Mantis against Iran, claiming that it was retaliation for the Iranian mining of areas of the Persian Gulf as part of the Iran-Iraq war. On July 3, 1988, near the end of the Iran–Iraq War, the U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes shot down Iranian Airbus A300B2, which was on a scheduled commercial flight in Iranian airspace over the Strait of Hormuz. The attack killed 290 civilians from six nations, including 66 children.
2006 Because of the primary roles taken by the United States and Britain in deposing Saddam Hussein and establishing interim governments to replace his regime, Iraq’s relationships with those countries, particularly the United States, are expected to remain paramount for the foreseeable future.
2001 Prime Minister Sharon of Israel accused Bush Administration of appeasing the Palestinians at Israel’s expense in order to gain allies for the U.S. anti-terror campaign.
1986 The Reagan administration helped sell weapons to Iran, using the profits to fund anti-communist Contras militants in Nicaragua later named the Iran-Contra affair. President Reagan issued a televised statement that the arms sales did not occur. One week later, Reagan confirmed that weapons had been transferred to Iran.
2010 Turkey rejects American efforts to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. As a result Congress has held up arms sales sought by the Turkish military in order to end the terror.
2008 Ahmadinejad later called the 9/11 attacks a ‘suspect event’ and he expressed happiness about the 2008 global economic crisis and what he called "collapse of liberalism.”
2005 The United States and Afghanistan signed a strategic partnership agreement committing both nations to a long-term relationship.
2011 President Obama Freezes all assets of the Government of Syria, prohibits U.S. persons from engaging in any transaction involving the Government of Syria, bans U.S. imports of Syrianorigin petroleum or petroleum products, prohibits U.S. persons from having any dealings in or related to Syria’s petroleum or petroleum products, and prohibits U.S. persons from operating or investing in Syria due to the excessive persons involved in terrorism in this country.
2011 Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. Pakistan’s foreign secretary Salman Bashir later confirmed that Pakistani military had scrambled F-16s after they became aware of the attack but that they reached the compound after American helicopters had left.
2010 Israel announced it would continue to build 1,600 homes in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo. President Obama was reportedly “livid” over the situation due to the neighborhood being widely accepted as occupied territory. Shortly afterward, Obama instructed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to present Netanyahu with a four-part ultimatum to appease US and Palestine. Netanyahu and Obama met at the White House to discuss the ultimatum shortly after it was proposed.
JAPAN First making headlines in 2011 the beauty trend tseuke-yaeba has sent young women to the dentist to spends hundreds of dollars on a snaggle tooth look. Taro Masuoka, the pioneer dentist claims the popularity springs from womens hopes to look cute, like the girl next door. Masuoku also formed a girl group named “Tseuke-Yaeba 48,” (TYB48), whose first album titled “Mind I Bite?” came out last year. –Yahoo
ENGLAND Artist Lee Hadwin doesn’t just dream about art at night, he produces it. Since he was four, Hadwin has woken up, completely unaware of the paintings and sketches he has done. Now 37, his work ranges from realistic Marylin Monroe paintings to abstract art, and is being sold for 1 million pounds on eBay. –Mirror
COLOMBIA The last thing two Columbian bandits expected to blow their cover was their getaway ride. After stealing rum and food from a small store at 2 a.m., the get away donkey ridden by the Colombians began ‘hee-hawing,’ catching the attention of local police officers and sending the two thieves running. The thieves ended up claiming their donkey in town the next day. – Mirror
–Angela Lorenzo, A&E Editor
Feb. 2013
Fun & Games
Can you guess which students, teachers, and staff said what?
Feb. 2013
There’s a new rule: you’re not allowed to trace Cheez-Its.
Oh, I’m gonna look so buff in that. My man boobies are gonna be popping out.
Credit cards are the second cousin of the devil.
“ “ I think high school relationships should be multiplied by the factor of seven, so it’s like dog years.
“ “
You can draw stick people, but put some sausages on those sticks!
“ “
I’ll hit the intruder with my didgeridoo.
You know homie don’t play that!
I’m not seeing Eye of the Tiger! I’m seeing eye of the feral kitty.
Which is bigger: negative four or purple?
Planes have nothing to do with the weather! You need to go back to third grade! No wonder you failed chemistry!
“ “ “
“ “
Constipated thinking! He needs a mental enema!
This is agar. It feels like a firm booty.
Where do you think I got my nose from? It’s the Jewish people.
All the people are going to die before they get up the stairs–it’s natural selection.
“ “ “ “ “
Abbi Harrison, 12 Gaylene Ewing, Biology Rick Schimke, Statistics Sean Pierce, AP English Chelsea Wittman, 12 Jim Steaffans, Algebra 2 Geoff Land, Psychology Aaron Cantrell, AP English Maxwell Snider, 12 Evan Ball, AP Government Kelly Clark, General Art Stephen Arnette, AP English Xelina Rojas, Counselor Dave Boicourt, Biology Matthew Drake, AP Economics
I went through those like cupcakes.
knack for nails
A nail tutorial from the Reeves twins
4 TIP #1: Wear your hair up so that your hair won’t be in your face while you design your nails. TIP #2: Use acrylic paint if you want the paint to stay on longer. TIP #3: Have a cup of water nearby with a towel to wash off polish that doesn’t fit your standards.
TIP #4: If you want your nails to dry quicker, grab a bowl of cold water, and let your nails sit in it for about five minutes. They will ironically dry faster.
Jessica Reeves
STEP 1: Paint a light blue base coat. Let it dry slightly, then paint another coat over. STEP 2: Use orange stick to remove excess paint from skin around the nail. STEP 3: Dip a dotting tool, or toothpick into black polish and create several small half circles evenly spaced around the nail. STEP 4: Use bright pink polish to make “messy” dots in between the black half circles to finish off the detail. Let it dry. STEP 5: Take any clear top coat, and lightly paint over the design to prevent chipping and fading.
Natalie Reeves
TRIBAL PRINT STEP 1: Paint a light brown base coat. Let it dry slightly, then paint another coat over. STEP 2: Use orange stick to remove excess paint from skin around the nail. STEP 3: Dip a dotting tool, or toothpick into black, orange, and green polish to create lines, dots, zigzags, and any other design necessary on top of the brown. STEP 4: Fill every nail with a different design. Let them dry. STEP 5: Take any clear top coat, and lightly paint over the design to prevent chipping and fading.
Feb. 2013
Making waves
Girls varsity water polo cracks Top 10 of the Division III for first time in school history by Anna Hernandez, Photo Director Open the gate, uncover the pool, jump in, snap your cap, and get ready to change history. That’s exactly what the girls varsity water polo team set out to do, and now they’re in the books. For a team of 12, this year’s girls varsity water polo team has not only become the first girls water polo team at PRHS to ever crack the top 10 in Division III rankings, but the first to embrace the family dynamic. In a family with so many hotheaded girls, one can expect a handful of catfights and a good share of gossip, but they can also expect a lot of love and support. Priding themselves on not only their number of goals, turn-overs, and accumulative GPA’s, this group of girls prides themselves on being the first family to ever rank on this board in Bearcat history under the love, patience, and guidance of coach Duane McRoy. While tallying their 18 wins and growing from their seven losses and a five to one Michaela league rating, this Bearcat team hasn’t wavered from their responsibility as students. With 31 morning practices, roughly 19 hours spent practicing after school, and a Westlake, Nipomo, and Oxnard tournament, these Lady Bearcats are ready to take on whatever challenge awaits them in the pool. This is all possible due to the seven player lineup of four year polo players including goalkeeper Marti-Rae Grois, Michaela Iunker, Ally Lewis, Baillee Magnuson, Kylie Pugh, Erika Smeltzer, and Rebecca Tobey, who have not only become key players but big sisters on the team as well. “We are a cohesive unit,” said Tobey, a senior who has played for four years, “plus we have over a 3.5 GPA combined as a team!” Grois blocked 246 shot attempts with a block percentage of 62 percent; Pugh made 48 goals and Smeltzer made 30, but these seniors can’t do it alone. Junior Shannon Rees, a three year player, made 38 goals, which contributes to the team’s total number of 229 goals in 18 games.
“I love all of my polo family,” said senior Nicole Steingruber, who is a first year varsity polo player and admires the tenacity and strength of her team. The reasons for the love go on and on. The team often spends their time bonding over the little things such as tournaments, “meals at the Soup Plantation”, their “secret games”, “coach’s bad puns”, and the fact that they consider themselves to be the “cutest polo team ever” and a group of “sexy waterpolo goddesses.” “My favorite memories are just being in the water listening to [McRoy’s] ridiculously funny puns or jokes! He comes up with them so fast!,” said Rees, who is not only a field player but a goalie as well. If it weren’t for the many doses of TLC among the players they couldn’t have come this far. They beat Righetti by three goals, they came out on top battling Malibu, Iunker, 12 and have been victorious in all three games against San Luis Obispo. Now, as they see their school in the top 10 of the Division Three rankings, they await what’s next. Keeping their fingers crossed and their legs treading, the team hopes to do something which has never been done before, finishing second in league. “We are making history one step at a time,” Iunker said. Along with the glory, they’ve all had their fair share of cuts and bruises along with 105 total penalties consisting of kick-outs, five meters, and ejections for their own hand in above and underwater warfare. Together, seniors Iunker and Tobey are forces to be reckoned with in more ways than one. The 2012-2013 water polo team have shown not only themselves, but also their school that there is a lot more to the game than splishing and splashing; however, they will admit to enjoying that aspect as well.
We are making history one step at a time.
COACHING (above): Coach Duane McRoy instructs the lady Bearcats on their way to a victory against the Atascadero Greyhounds. The 12 member team prides itself on love for each other and a strong desire to dominate in waterpolo. PASSING FINESS (left): Junior Shannon Rees looks to pass to an open teammate. Rees made a 38 goals out of the 229 team total in 18 games.
Photos by Anna Hernandez
Feb. 2013
with San Francisco Giants outfielder
Hunter Pence
—Matt Tyra, Sports Co-Editor, and Maddie Berry, Reporter
Crimson: Is there a player you idolized growing up?
Hunter Pence: When I was growing up, I was
TO THE NATION: Freshman Jena Corea, sophomores Rachel Cole, Cooper Silva, Jonathan Baldwin, and Matt Tyra and senior Megan Clark faithfully pledge their allegiance to Giant Nation. Photo by Josh Orcutt.
Season of Giant proportions Giants absorb all the hits and dish out even more on their way to World Series by Matt Tyra, Sports Co-Editor
In a histrionic showing that only they could pull off, the Giants stomped the Detroit Tigers in a 4-0 sweep to capture their second World Series of the past three years. What ended in the ultimate victory didn’t start out in such dominant fashion. The Giants’ 2012 season began in Arizona on Apr. 6, where they lost their first three games to the resident Diamondbacks. However, the Giants recovered from their early stumble, and by the 77th game of the season, they stood at 44-33. The Giants’ season was marked by the adversity they faced and overcame throughout the year, no matter the circumstances were. On Aug. 15, news broke that All-Star outfielder Melky Cabrera, who was second in the league in hits, was suspended for the remainder of the season for his use of illegal performance-enhancing drugs, bringing back dark memories of former Giant star Barry Bonds. Yet, not even the loss of one of their best players could phase the Giants; the club went 30-14 without Cabrera to finish the
season at 94-68 atop the National League West division. San Francisco wasn’t out of the woods yet; although they earned a postseason berth, it seemed to be for naught after losing their first two games in a best three out of five series to the Cincinnati Reds. Still the team fought on; after a speech from outfielder Hunter Pence before Game Three of the series, the Giants won three in a row to beat the Reds and move onto the next round, where more adversity awaited them. The St. Louis Cardinals appeared ready to end San Francisco’s run, as they raced to a three games to one lead in the National League Championship Series. Yet, as they’d done all year, the Giants rallied from their deficit and won Game Seven of the series in the San Francisco rain. Once they reached the World Series, San Francisco seemed to reach its peak, beating the Detroit Tigers soundly in a four games to none sweep. The Giants did not take the easy route to a championship, but they did what needed to be done and were ready when the moment called. //SPORTS BLOGS AND RECAPS >>Catch us on scores, read game recaps, and get to know your favorite players on both our Facebook like page and website. Photo by Josh Orcutt.
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a big fan of Pete Rose, of George Brett, and of my big brother. He loves baseball, so that was our thing. We really respected hustle; that was like our favorite thing.
C: What advice would you give to high school players aspiring to play in the pros?
HP: If that’s your goal, make a decision to put everything you have into it. Use your mind to grow in every aspect of the game. Basically, with that being said, study the skills and study the way to improve your skills besides practicing them, which is strength and speed. So, basically using your mind and making a decision not to take ‘no’ for an answer. C: How would you describe your time with the Giants so far? HP: It was a pretty wild ride. It seemed to happen really fast, and the playoffs were an emotional time. It’s what you play the game for. It was an incredible journey and it was definitely an experience I’ll never forget.
C: How did you deal with the pressure of getting down two games to zero against Cincinnati and three games to one against St. Louis?
HP: My mindset was that I wasn’t going to give up. We worked all season. You don’t ever really know how many opportunities you’re going to have to be in the playoffs. My mindset was that I love the game and I’m going to give everything I have and believe that we’re going to win someway somehow, and if the Reds were going to beat us, they were going to beat us fighting, clawing, scratching with every ounce, because you work every year really hard to get to that point; not just every year, you work your whole life for just those small moments, so I just made the decision that we’re going to make them earn it with everything we have and we were going to believe that we were going to find a way to win. C: Given that GM Brian Sabean brought back every starter from last year’s championship team, how are you feeling about this year’s squad?
HP: We definitely know that we’re capable of doing great things. That being said, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy. It doesn’t mean that it’s guaranteed to happen by any means. Every year is a new year and every challenge is a new challenge. There’s confidence in knowing that you have those capabilities, but I’m not going to take the year for granted and expect that sort of thing to just be given to us. There’s no such thing as something for nothing and ultimately, the challenge is what I thrive on. I’m just looking forward to another year, another season of challenges, and going to take it one day at a time. Feb. 2013
Wrestling dominates as a unit by Matt Tyra, Sports Co-Editor
PICK ‘EM UP (above): Sophomore Kameron Morones picks up another Conquistador in preparation for a slamdown to the mat.
Photos by Maddie Berry and Stevie Stark. Graphic by Sydney Matteson.
San Luis Obispo High School senior Alex Maier passed away on Jan. 30, 2013, after sustained injuries due to a car crash that happened only two days prior on his way home from the 8-0 victory over St. Joseph. Maier’s death sent a ripple through the soccer community, and had effects all the way in Paso. Many of PRHS’ student athletes had played against Maier in the AYSO organization for years, or with him on the club team, Madrid. He was one of the leading scorers for San Luis Obispo this year and wore number 23. The Bearcats were the ones to play San Luis Obispo after the death, and they beat the Tigers 1-0 in what was called by the Bearcats varsity team, “a tribute game for Alex.” During the game, the Bearcats wore black armbands in remembrance. Bearcats varsity boys soccer remembers the memories they made with Alex Maier. — Josh Orcutt, Sports Director Feb. 2013
“Alex was such a great player and person, he had the ability to make everybody laugh and feel part of the team while always encouraging [us] to do our best. My favorite memory was a game that we were [played in together]. [Maier] had scored a hat trick and then he scored again. He ran up to me and told me “suck it.” That [phrase] made me and the entire team laugh and embodied his fun, yet loving personality and character. We also played in Madrid Premier together for a little under a year.” —Johnny Rodriguez, 12
Over time, wrestling has developed a reputation of being an individual sport, where egos and attitudes are free to roam as they please, unchecked by thoughts of teamwork, camaraderie and modesty. This year’s wrestling team has been doing its best to remove that reputation by earning a 12-0 record (6-0 in league), the PAC-7 league championship, and a berth in team CIF competition. The ‘Cats secured the team league championship over Atascadero 253 to 231 on Saturday, Feb. 2. Four members of the team, senior Kevan Garcia, senior Colton Madrigal, senior Robby Standley, and sophomore Kameron Morones, all won their weight classes, while another eight placed third or better. All 12 of them moved on to individual CIF competition. Sophomore Trevor Torres believes that all of the success the team has enjoyed this season is in part due to how well the team works together. “Although I’m a sophomore wrestling with mostly seniors, I feel like this team has bonded better than most in the past. This year, we are all looking forward to going as far as our abilities will take us. We are like brothers on the mat. It’s a bond that will never be broken,” said Torres, who, in his sixth year wrestling and his first with varsity, placed second in his weight class in league competition. While Standley also considers the team his family, he placed much of the credit in a different area. “[It’s] all the hard work we’ve been putting in. Not just in the wrestling room but in the weight room and on the track. We all want to be the best we can be and are determined to reach our goals.” The ‘Cats had a very successful season, statistical wise, going to both team CIF, and individual CIF.
DRIBBLING SKILLS: Senior Johnny Rodriguez takes a skilled touch. He had nine assists on the year.
Trainin’ in Spain
HARD WORK: Rodriguez goes head to head with a SLO defender. Paso won the game 1-0. TEAMWORK (left): Rodriguez poses with the team he played with in Spain.
Senior visits Spain for two weeks over summer to hone his craft
Imagine yourself in a picturesque town on the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain, playing the game you love, soccer, and getting progressively better at it. This is what senior Johnny Rodriguez saw in August of 2012: an opportunity to spend a week to train with some of the best youth players in the world, and learn from some of the best coaches in one of the most beautiful cities in the Spain. Back in California now eight months later, Rodriguez has led the Bearcats toward CIF qualification in his fourth and last year of high school soccer, which he succeeded in doing for the Bearcats for a second straight year. He was given the honor of wearing number 10, worn usually by the best attacking playmaker on a team; the player that has good vision to make deadly passes and good ball control. He was given it by his teammates, for his stellar leadership and lethal passing ability in the midfield where games are won and lost, where a quarterback of sorts must control the show and re-route balls to the forwards. Rodriguez has knocked two goals into the back of the net, and set up nine teammates with assists, and pushed the Bearcats record to 11-9-2 overall, and 6-6 in league; it’s a strong showing after last year’s historic performance, after going all the way to the second round in CIF play. The FC Barcelona camp in Spain put on by Summerfuel, through its over 10 years of running, has seen today’s generation of Barcelona stars come through: Lionel Messi, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Carles Puyol, Gerard Pique, Victor Valdes, Cesc Fabregas and Sergio Busquets, as well as some of the future stars of Barcelona. The camps’ overall goal: helping players reach their full potential and achieve your their goals. Rodriguez originally found out about the camp from an e-mail from the people who ran the camp. “However, they wanted skilled players to attend to keep the prestige. I thought it would be really cool to experience going to a different country with a completely different culture and atmosphere that I was used to. Also no soccer player wants to let the opportunity to play in Spain, at FC Barcelona’s training grounds, [go by],” said Rodriguez, who has
Photos by Josh Orcutt and used with permission by Bernie Evangalista
by Josh Orcutt, Sports Director played on varsity for three years. Rodriguez agreed to go to the camp-from July 14, 2012 to July 27, 2012, and then found himself on a plane to Barcelona, Spain, alone and without knowing anyone on the trip beforehand. Going through customs in Spain was a different and confusing experience according to Rodriguez, but once he began to settle in, the nerves disappeared and everything began to flow. After that, Rodriguez found himself smack-dab in the middle of Barcelona, the second largest city in the country of Spain, home to over one million people. Over the course of two weeks, Rodriguez went through two workouts or training sessions per day but also workshops about soccer theory, health, and sports medicine. “On this campus we try to work with kids from different countries of the world, to discover how Barca plays, and convey the philosophy of FC Barcelona. From the youngest teams to the first team, [we] all play the same way. Looking through ball possession, to find space and work together. Seeking the attack in depth and width of the field, use of spaces and good game vision,” said Alberto Baena, who is an FC Barcelona training coach. Throughout the course of two weeks, Rodriguez improved not only his game, but made many friends, who he says will “cherish forever.” At the camp, he met people from all around the world, including New York, Mexico, Norway, and Egypt. “It took a few days to get used to everyone’s playing style. Once we all got used to each other we played great soccer. We got to know each other on and off the field and that helped us build chemistry,” said Marc Langendorff , a goalkeeper from New Jersey, who was on Rodriguez’s scrimmage squad. The camp had the chance to explore and relax in the city of Barcelona in their free time. They went downtown Barcelona often and were able to roam free for a couple hours. “Going to the beach on the weekend was no doubt a great time. I definitely went as much as I as much as I could.” Still, regardless of the fun and good times Rodriguez had, he
was there to train and get better at his passion in life. “The training consisted of FC Barcelona’s philosophies on soccer. There was were a lot of possession and technical work while working and the tactics. We performed drills that all ages and divisions of FC Barcelona perform. [Basically] I tried to polish my technical skills and I was able to do so. Also, being able to get that final pass or shot was something that I learned better, and I knew needed to be worked on.” Rodriguez’s game has advanced greatly since he went to Spain. “ He did improve a lot last year. He plays a lot faster now,” said senior midfielder Daniel Viramontes. “Rodriguez is a very hard worker, very coachable – he picks up concepts very quickly – and, good ball control, good vision and organizer. He is very strong in technical, tactical, physical, mental and social skills. All coaches thought the same, he was a good player, very dedicated, confident, good at passing and dribbling. Johnny is a hard working guy, capable of sacrifice, good teammate, collaborator and he makes all with heart. As we say in Spain, he is like a bull.” Rodriguez found the trip to be enriching and incredible. “My favorite memory of the trip was sitting on the grass after a tough practice and having the coaches’ praise you and you just look around you and realize you are really in Spain, in the Barcelona training facility, and seeing the beautiful fields. That was an amazing feeling. The experience changed my in a way I didn’t think it would. First it definitely made me a better soccer player and gave me a new confidence in myself and my skills. Next, I made me see that the world is much larger than the little town of Paso and how beautiful and rich some cultures are. Lastly, it gave me friends that made my time in Spain ten times better and that I will appreciate forever.” Rodriguez has been looking at various different colleges and is pondering which one of the eight he applied to he will go to. He plans to go to a four year university and to hopefully play soccer for that university. Feb. 2013
RUNNERS UP: (top) Freshman Maria Sandoval throws up a peace sign during track practice. The first track meet is Feb. 28. TENNIS TALENTED: (middle right) Junior Evan Serpa practices his backhand for a tennis match. The boys first match is Feb. 21. SCHOLARLY SMILES: (bottom) Thirtyseven students smile for a photo at UCLA during the college trip on Feb. 11. College Trips is organized by English teacher Aaron Cantrell. WINTER ROMANCE: (center) Juniors AJ Rosas and Laura Ernst embrace during Winter Formal on Jan. 26. DUCK, DIP, DIVE, AND DODGE: (middle right) Seniors Seth Wilkinson and Noah Norton pair up to hit an attacker. Dodgeball games lasted for four lunches. Photos by Danae Ontiveros, Sierra Mosely, Brigette Manea, Josh Orcutt
Feb. 2013