November 2011

Page 1

Crimson Volume 71 / 11.16.11 / Issue 3

The Student Newsmagazine of Paso Robles High School

801 Niblick Rd. Paso Robles, California

The Mon



C sue

>> p. 16-17

$ $ STRIVE: Supporting teen moms >> p. 20-21

What’s really in your makeup? >> p. 22

Blind date gives back >> p. 12


November 16, 2011

29 Fall season's successes

Volume 71, Issue 3

Although cross country didn’t have pumped up kicks— they favor their Nikes—they ran faster than bullets in the 2011 season, girls and boys both finishing third in the PAC 7 finals and travelling to CIF along with boys waterpolo.

ON THE COVER: The economy watches autonomously as teens struggle to find jobs and keep currency within their grasps. Learn more about teens’ battle with the recession on page 15. Photo by Kim Boswell.

08 Wired and willing An anonymous junior works with the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) program to identify businesses neglecting to follow California’s tobacco restriction on minors


19 99% and counting The Occupy Wall Street movement hits home through a SLO rally. Though the movement began with 17 people, over 400 young and old are now involved


23 Cupcake corner These easy to make cupcakes were a delicious cup of cocoa in edible form and brought early winter excitement to students through melted marshmallows and chocolate cake


online Check in for weekly blogs, sports coverage and an updated calendar of events. Click the “Your Idea” tab to submit suggestions for topics you’d like to see covered

02 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Photo by Kim Boswell.



Endeavour Design students build flight simulator


Honor Choir

by Emily Cone, Managing Editor

While school can sometimes seem like a sea of busy work, ten students are flying high: creating their own moving flight simulator—the only one of its kind of any high school in the nation. Designed by the ten students in the “Endeavour Design” class, this project involves construction, physics, computer technology, and a whole lot of synergy. “We’re all working together. We’re all a team,” said senior and Head Engineer Connor Kingman, who estimates he’s spent 25 extracurricular hours working on the project. “Each person is doing their own individual thing, but we’re working very collaboratively together to really make a very successful yet fun project.” Before any of the actual construction began, the students made scaled models that they presented in front of members of the school board on Tuesday, Nov. 1. These models were to show that the simulator would be safe and follow all the legal codes. The board approved the construction, and the class went straight to work doublechecking their drafts. What began as a design class’ endeavor, became the new zeal of Endeavour Design: a project that took many facets of science to create an oneof-a-kind project.


The simulator will contain a cockpit, approximately six and a half by three feet, able to seat two passengers. It will be surrounded by five networked computer monitors that serve as the windows, and simulate the Bearcatcontrolled airflight. These computer programs will be running off of codes that students wrote themselves, and will be able to feign not only flight, but combat. The co-pilot in the simulator is in charge of weapons and can easily instruct the simulator to “fire” or “open bomb bay.” Before anything could be built, it had to be drafted, and the dimensions checked. “Dimensions took about two days, but it took about a week to draft the whole model to scale,” said junior Hayden Mullin, head of the construction. “We had a couple small drawings that Connor gave us, and we had to just go off that and figure out how wide he wanted it to be,” said Mullin, who, with his construction team of three, drafted the a scaled model, as well as the real-size simulator. The actual construction of the simulator began Monday, Nov. 7, when the first pieces of wood arrived on campus. “It’s a lot more exciting to do the actual construction work,” said Mullin.


Another vital component to the simulator is it’s electrical engineering, headed up by senior Jason Cromer. “As of now I’ve done electrical and physics kinds of applications on the flight simulator. Because there’s only a model, I’ve done the model monitors and the wiring from the flight simulator to the outside of the simulator, as well as torque on each side of the simulator,” said Cromer, who plans on majoring in electrical engineering in college. “In some ways this is sort of like an internship—it’s physics and engineering in the real world. We’re not just building some kit, we’re not under the influence of a curriculum, we’re designing our own flight simulator from scratch,” Cromer said, “it gives us a lot of experience that you don’t normally find until you get to college.”


The simulator is controlled by student-written codes, using the code-writing program “C Sharp.” The two software engineers, seniors Carson Lightfoot and Teyvon Brooks, taught themselves how to write codes, and spent around 20 hours getting to know the software. “It’s like speaking a completely different language,” said Lightfoot, head of software engineering, who said he learned most of code-writing online. “It’s memorization,” he said. Software engineering is a long process, with each code representing a single action. Codes must be layered on top of each other in order to complete complicated actions. Since the simulator will also be acting as a life-size video game, Brooks and Lightfoot have their work cut out for them. The simulator is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, and will be in room 403. “We’d be open to anyone who wants to just come in and try it,” said Kingman. Paso Robles High School

SOARIN’ FLYIN’: (top) The ten students in the Endeavour Academy pose for a photo after a long period of toiling away on their flight simulator. It is scheduled to reach completion by the end of the year PREPARING FOR FLIGHT: (bottom) Junior Hayden Mullin measures a 2x4 before sawing into simulator material. Mullin is head of construction on the project Photos by Emily Cone Crimson 11.16.11 |


News Flight class


Singing note by note

Students attend Regional Honor Choir by Summer Volle, Blind Date Editor

Jitters flew wild as five choir students set off to Santa Cruz to perform for a panel of two judges to audition for Regional Honor Choir. Students had to sing a classical song in Italian, a major scale, a chromatic scale, major triad, minor triad, and sight read music they have never seen before to showcase their advanced abilities. The students and directors were notified two weeks after the live auditions if they were accepted. Four students received the notification: returning Honor Choir members senior Lindsay Reed and junior Alex Delbar, and junior TJ Mitchell and senior Logan Ham, first year participants. All of the students participate in advanced choir, made up of Bella Voce and Men’s ensemble and the same amount of students are attending this year as last. It is highly competitive to get into honor choir, and it is truly an honor to make the cut, according to Mary Heistand-Schmutz. “I was in second period when I got a text from Ms. Schmutz and I jumped out of my desk and yelled, ‘YES!!’ then realized how weird I looked and sat back down,” Ham said. This year, the students will go to Monterey on Nov. 17, 18, and 19, to rehearse with a guest director and to perform six to eight songs for the public. For Heistand-Schmutz, this trip will be her 26th year taking students to Honor Choir. She has taught at both the middle school and the high school, taking an average of two to three trips per year. “Honor Choir is for the serious choral singer who is advanced in their musicianship. By

Lindsay Reed 12

Logan Ham 12

Alex Delbar 11

TJ Mitchell 11

Photos by Summer Volle and Nikkianne Ochoa

combining with other musicians with advanced musical abilities and a guest director, the students are able to expand and challenge their musicianship to reach new heights,” she said. Most of the music performed during honor choir events is set at a college level. The level of difficulty for college level music requires musical background knowledge, such as being able to sight read music and sing scales and traids. After attending this musical growing experience, students are able to bring their love and enthusiasm of singing in choir back to PRHS. Collectively, the students agreed that getting into Honor Choir is challenging.; it takes hard work, but those who work hard make it in. “I was very nervous for my audition, mainly because I didn’t know the judges, and this was the first time I have done a live audition. When Ms. Schmutz told me she had received the email that I had got in, I was so excited I almost tackled her!” Mitchell said. Heistand-Schmutz also expressed that she personally likes to sit back and watch the guest director lead, so she can acquire new ideas and concepts. Honor Choir concerts are generally packed with excited audiences full of family, friends, and choir directors there to support the arts and choral programs. Students from other schools who are passionate and dedicated to singing have the chance to come together for Honor Choir to learn and grow musically, as well as make new friends and entertain people with beautiful choral music that leaves the audience with chills.

Come see Concert Choir, Bella Voce, PRHS Men’s Ensemble, and Las Voces Celestiales. Nov. 16, at 7:00 p.m. in the Flamson Middle School Auditorium

Caught in the lot

Parking lot activity goes against the closed campus policy by Maria Petiy, Reporter and Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor

The “Your car is not a locker” graphic on the school’s homepage sums up the current struggle between authority and student drivers. Students walked onto the closed campus at the beginning of the school year with more lenient reinforcement, but were soon reminded that the parking lot is off limits along with leaving school throughout the day. The guidelines for students at school are simple: “closed campus.” No students are allowed in the parking lot, or allowed to leave unless they possess an off-campus permit from the Attendance Office or a work badge. “Well, we always had that rule. In the parking lot, we don’t supervise well,” said disciplinary Vice Principal Ed Brown, adding that some “kids deal out of their trunks, and we don’t want that.” Currently, students caught in the parking lot face a penalty of defiance from a simple warning to

a suspension. “Warnings have worked for the most part. I have given kids one warning and they usually don’t do it again,” parking lot security officer Mark Ramirez said. Students generally favor the idea of an open campus, and don’t see the reason behind the parking lot restrictions, which are a hot topic on campus. “The benefits are [that] we get more independence, eat a wider variety of foods, and save money eating at home if it’s nearby,” junior Rebecca Tobey said. When the high school was at Flamson Middle School’s location downtown, students had the privilege of an open campus where they were surrounded by various food choices within a short walking distance. After the high school transferred to Niblick Rd. in 1981, it immediately became a closed campus. There was also a student car accident that prompted the closed campus according to Brown’s secretary Theresa Chavez. “The tardiness would go up considerably and even the absentees would go up during fifth period,” Assistant Principal Chris Jones said, predicting the effects of an open campus. Jones has worked here since 2004. “Safety and your protection is our higher concern than leaving campus,” Brown said, explaining the tough love.

For more on the open campus issue, see the staff editorial on page 11 04 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School



Travis Meredith, 9


I think it’s a bad idea because global warming is already bad.


Weld Tech 1 because you get to weld.


Paranormal Activity 3 because it’s scary, and I like scary movies.


I think it would be better because we’d get to go get lunch and there’d be less trouble.


When [girls] cover their whole face.




Four students weigh in: Sawyer Sackett, 10 1 How do you feel about the I’m really against it because if this oil pipeline is built carbon omissions will send us over the top for climate change. possibility of a Keystone Cosmology, I would like to know more about what’s going on with my universe. Pipeline? 2 What classes are you most interested in? 50/50, Seth Rogan. 3 What are the hot flicks this I’d be down for open campus. season? 4 Is an open campus I don’t think people should wear any make up because you’re not being you with make up, and you should be a desirable option for PRHS? proud of yourself. 5 How much makeup is too much?

” “ Street Talk

2 3 4 5


peon current

Shelby Reneau, 12


It’s a terrible thing. I don’t even know why it’s being considered


Marine Biology: there are a lot of unanswered questions and a lot to figure out. Or Anthropology because it’s interesting to see how humans are.


I love the idea. It’s the best idea ever!


It depends on the person. Also as long as you don’t just goop it on—and as long as you care, it’s a good way to express yourself.


s e v i t c e rsp



Victoria Perez, 11 I think that’s dumb, but then again we need oil, so if there’s not another way to do it, that’s the way to go.


Gymnastics, because I live it and I can’t get enough of it.


“In Time,” because Justin Timberlake is really hot and [the movie] looks really good.


I think we should have it because we should be able to leave and come back [for lunch].


When it comes off on a [girls] shirt or you can distinctly see the line of face and neck color.


Curious what’s in your make-up? Check out page 22 for some shocking truths.

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |


News Street Talk


Constructing PRHS Progress sets sail Numerical look at the mechanics of an expanding campus

As of yet, the remodels are planned to be finished by mid year 2012. The process has been on schedule and approximately 30 to 40 percent has been completed. “Remodels are challenging but things are going well,” Construction Supervisor Joe Iffert said.

80 Gallons

The outside of the 1000 building got a brand new coat of paint, amounting to 80 gallons


School wide reconstruction requires pages and pages of organization and design. Seven cabinets in the construction portable hold the building code requirments.

Construction portable



Sixty to 70 workers hammer away on the job on the high school campus on any given day


The 400 buildings received 24 new doors

Construction plans are in accordance with California Field Act of 1933 which states that “California, being an extremely active state, seismically, must make provisions to protect its student population from the dangers associated with ground movement through the structural design of school buildings,” according to

—by Kim Boswell, Front Page Editor and Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor Photos by Nikkianne Ochoa

06 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Program for at-risk students flies under radar by Courtney Thompson, A&E Editor

Ten students so far have been admitted to the four to twelve week long school-within-theschool. Until 1 p.m. The Progress Program, taught by Blake Busson, guides students with disruptive behavior or a SARB record—School Attendance Review Board—through a Blake Busson replacement schedule Progress Program teacher offering 20 credits towards a diploma. For the past 15 years, the Progress Program has been nonexistent at PRHS, but starting this year, the program provides structure and most credits of the regular 25 that mainstream students receive. It’s a four period day with Busson: Biology, English and Language Arts, Algebra, and Modern World History. “For some of them, they would have earned straight F’s and have gotten nothing,” said Ed Brown, Vice Principal. The program enables students to be on a more stable graduation track, he said. After their day is complete, P-students are escorted off campus by Busson. If they are caught on campus again, they risk suspension. “When they are put in this program, they lose the privilege to socialize with their peers,” Busson said. Disruptive behavior is the main criterion for a seat in the program. “Once you have reached the last step [on the Step Program], the only other usual option would be expulsion, but now [The District Office] is putting them in this program to help them stay in school,” Busson said. Absence is the second main category, which the SARB process handles. “To be put in this program for absences, the student would be missing about 25 days in a row or have missed 70 percent of [their] classes,” Busson said. If students’ grades improve and their behavior is up to par with expectations, they can be put back into main stream classes anywhere between those time periods. If, at the end of 12 weeks, the student is still in the class, Busson will assess them and see if they are ready. If not, they will remain in the Progress Program. Busson pointed out that this program is not meant to confine the students. It provides kinesthetic and auditory teachings so the students will not become bored and act out. They have Biology outdoors some days where they may take trips down to the river. Weekly, they play a sports game to meet their physical education requirements. “These activities make the students look forward to school and want to come. Students have told me that they probably would have dropped out of school without this program,” Busson said.

Patients are in by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor



Vet Science monitors pigs for experience by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor

Not many high school students can say they’ve treated a pig with an ear infection before, but the 30 students in Lisa Hopkins’s Vet Science course can. The overwhelming smell of muddy pigs and animal excrement may shock the nostrils of some, but to the experienced students it’s just another day at the barn. Nine pigs, segregated into three experimental groups in campus pens, were purchased on Oct. 2 three hours away at Small Town Genetics in Denair, California by a group of 18 eager Agricultural Science students in preparation for Hopkins’s seventh feed trial in her 11 years of teaching. With the use of the squealing swine, students receive field experience in administering veterinary procedures such as de-worming injections, ear tagging, weighing the animals on a scale, and learning how to effectively observe symptoms of parasites and illnesses by supervising diet, weight, and behaviors of the pigs. “Anytime students work with live animals, it really enhances the learning experience, they get so much

more than they would learning from a book,” Hopkins said. Due to the overwhelming fees involved with feeding nine $85 pigs five to six pounds of feed per day, translating to roughly 4,500 pounds of pig feed for the duration of the experiment, the department uses funds received from harvesting the pigs for meat once the trial has reached completion to help cover expenses. Because the pigs require regular feedings and check-ups, students rotate the responsibility of weekend monitoring in order to expand their learning experience. “A lot of kids volunteer their weekends. They all like going up there,” junior Vet Science student Jennifer Yuro said, who has been an enthusiastic participant in the project since day one. By having live subjects on which they can apply their lessons, the veterinary profession towards which they are aiming becomes clearer and clearer, squeal by squeal.

SQUIRMING AND SQUEALING: Senior April Aronson watches her classmate as she cleans one of the three pig pens, a regular second period task, and students take turns weighing the pigs in the specialized scale above to monitor weight gain Photos by Emily Cone

Floral class gives back by Sarah Wilson, Feature Co-Editor

Cries of “Oh no!” and “That’s not how you do it!” sprung up as parents and interested adults accidentally ripped leaves and snapped off rose heads. Floral students and teacher Theresa Clark, cackled, giggled, and guided. It was a mixed crew of students, parents, and teachers busy in a role-reversed Nov. 9 Floral practical exam, asking students to teach the craft they’d learned from the previous eleven weeks as a final. Senior Brittany Imhoof, whose whole family is in the floral business, carefully instructed Speech and Computer teacher Denise Conte, who quickly learned the difference between wire cutters and plant clippers. Her goal was to guide Conte in the creation of a floral arrangement. Imhoof and her peers were not allowed to help with their hands. She was left with her words. “It is kind of hard [teaching someone else]. It teaches people what the floral industry is all about and how much work florists have to do that other people take for granted,” Imhoof said. Conte clapped the dust off her hands after assembling tea leaves, curly willow twigs, bells of Ireland, Adriatic lilies, standard roses, and moss into an arrangement. “I have a better appreciation for how hard she needs to work,” she said. The month of October brought changing leaves and chilly days, but also support for breast cancer awareness. Eighteen students from Beginning and Advanced Floral classes devoted their lunches on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in October—as well as home football games—to

selling flowers in support of the October Breast Cancer cause. Sold for two dollars apiece, flurries of roses, gerbera daisies, and other flowers—some decorated with bows—found their way into the hands of both students and teachers. Outside of school, floral students also sold specialty arrangements consisting of tulips in glass vases and free-standing calla lilies with decorative wire, sold for $30, as well as “Hope,” “Faith,” and “Believe” signs for $10 apiece. Only their second year selling flowers for this cause, the goal was to earn $3,000 (last year’s total); Floral students earned $2,200 this year. The combined efforts of Floral and Athletic Training classes earned $26,153. All profits went to the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation in honor of Janine Burdett, who died of breast cancer. “I personally have three women in my family who have been affected by breast cancer, so it hits me close to home. A lot of students have had their families affected by breast cancer,” Clark said. She first got her Floral classes involved in this project last year, working together with athletic training teacher Todd Olivera, whose athletic training class started the fundraiser four years ago. “I think it’s amazing to take part in opportunities like this regardless of if you’re selling or buying [flowers] because it is an amazing way to show you care,” junior Amber Eye said. “Breast cancer survivors that I have talked to were ecstatic to hear about our efforts and I felt amazing to be apart of this!” Paso Robles High School

MAKING ARRANGEMENTS: PRHS graduate Jacob Bedell receives a lesson in floral skills from sister junior Kaitlyn Bedell on Nov. 9 as part of her floral final. Students showed off their acquired plant skills to friends and relatives in order to make the grade Photos by Nikkianne Ochoa

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Feature Vet Science


Wired Student works with government agency to decrease underage smoking “Get in the van! Get in the van!” STAKE agents shouted at James Scott* as he rushed towards the vehicle awaiting him in a Santa Maria parking lot. Minutes before, Scott had been acting as a decoy with the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) program to identify businesses neglecting to follow California’s tobacco restriction on minors, a cause that hits close to home for the 16 year old Paso Roblan, who’s seen the effects of tobacco-based products and other addictive substances first hand. Though he had already operated with the agency on four to five store visits on this day, the outcome of this trip was unexpected. With as little emotion as he could manage in the high stakes mission, Scott walked up to the counter of a Santa Maria store that had been previously caught two times selling cigarettes to minors, and asked to buy “a pack of Camel Lights.” But instead of the familiar cardboard box, Scott was met with a cold glare, a thrown ID card, and an angered command to “get out of the store.” Despite Scott’s efforts to exit the store as realistically and respectfully as possible, the owner’s prior offenses sent up signals of suspicion in his mind. The gig was up, the ruse was blown, and Scott was about to experience the most terrifying scenario of his passion-fueled profession to date. “I walked out the store alone, trying not to give the owner attitude, because the agents had to stay inside and act normal,” he said. An unsuspecting Scott walked towards the awaiting van while behind him, the furious owner sprinted towards him in anger at the deception, prompting startling shouts from Scott’s supervising agents to “Get in the van!” Frightening job? Perhaps. Worthy payoff? Definitely.

*This is to serve as a true account of a student’s experience working for a government agency. All names have been changed.

08 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Feature NEXT

and willing The average teenage boy might find this occupation exciting because of the ‘secret agent’ feel, but Scott is in it for a more significant incentive. “Both of my older step siblings easily got into cigarettes and meth and screwed up. They really regret it now and [through this job] I can help prevent that [for other kids],” he said. After his mother saw a man putting up recruitment fliers at the San Miguel laundry mat, Scott submitted an application to be an underaged decoy and was on the job within two to three weeks, receiving $15 for every store he investigated, which translates to upwards of $150 in one day’s work, or ten stores on a given day. “I am proud of my son. I feel like he’s making a strong change for the health of teens. This is something more than just a job, it is making a change,” Scott’s mother said. For Scott, the job turned out to be a perfect fit. Though the lack of formal training worried him at first, Scott learned to remain calm and in control during a sting in order to keep up the appearance of an underage smoker, and to plow forward in his hopes to effect change. “If you have any cold sweat, they’ll know what’s going on. I was so scared my first time, but I just tried to keep a straight face and control my emotions,” he said, successfully completing his first undercover mission at a store in Los Osos. Scott has visited 70-80 cigarette stores over the course of his year in the program, 30 of which have sold him cigarettes or other tobacco-based products despite his age. The products sold to him have been kept as evidence by STAKE agents to present to a judge in order to get a warrant to investigate the store further. Only one month remains in his employment, as undercover minors must be between the ages of 14 and 17, and Scott will turn 17 in December; but he hopes to continue making a lasting impact on local teens and STAKE Act enforcement.


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Fa cto yo rs ut ass h t oc ob ia ac ted co w us ith e

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— Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor, and Olivia Musial, In-Depth Editor

Photo by Sarah Wilson Graphic illustrations by Ryan Morrison and Sydney Matteson

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Feature Undercover Student


LamLeOis E H my n

David Rivera Job: Electrician Age: 33

ated c i d e d e Meet th revamping workers campus PRHS

Time on 2 weeks Campus: “At work, the guys like to put music on the radio and bump and groove to the songs.”

Nick Gonzalez

Job: Dry Wall Installer Age: 30 Time in 11 years industry: Time on 5 weeks Campus: “The harder you work, the quicker the time goes.”

Victor Borda

Job: Cabinet Installer Age: 45 Time in “Too long” industry: Time on 4 weeks Campus: “We like to concentrate on work and not get distracted.”

Job: Dry Wall Installer Age: 33 Time in 15 years industry: Time on 49 weeks Campus: “If you’re just sitting around talking and looking at your watch, the day will take forever.”

Bryan Pryne

Job: Cabinet Installer Age: 49 Time in 24 years industry: Time on 4 weeks Campus: “It has been a smooth job, but we do things weird here for earthquakes, like the amount of screws per cabinet is really high.”

Jeff Hickey

Ryan Hofstett

Job: General Construction PRHS graduating class of 2002 Time in 9 years industry: Time on 72 weeks Campus: “It’s funny to watch co-workers if they fall—after asking if they’re okay, of course.”

10 |Crimson 11.16.11

Steven Wilhite

Paso Robles High School

Job: Heat and Air Conditioning Age: 37

Time on 26 weeks Campus: “It’s weird recognizing a few teachers, but we’re trying to get the job done so that kids can get back to their classes.”

—Text and photos by Kim Boswell, Front Page Editor, and Carly McCall, Photographer

Editorial NEXT

Open for freedom

Blind Date

Killing closed campus would have many benefits by Megan Rodrigues, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Waiting in lunch lines for 15 minutes, not turning in your homework because you forgot it on the counter, or missing out on grabbing a quick bite Is an open campus in the to eat with your mom on her lunch break—these are the realities of a closed school’s best interest? Crimson Staff campus. votes. Since 1981, PRHS has a closed campus. Reflecting, administration and security have concerns about the safety of the students and punctuality, Yes: 16 according to security guard Mark Ramirez. But these concerns do not match the students’ reasons for an open campus. Besides the obvious reasons of being able to leave to drive the two minutes No: 11 to Subway to get lunch, students believe that upperclassmen deserve the privileges of an open campus. The benefits of having an open campus are fewer suspensions, a content student body, improvement in Paso Robles’s local economy, and students being able to have more freedom to make decisions on their own-- especially the upperclassmen who are only a couple years short of becoming adults. To enforce the closed campus policy, security guards such as Ramirez check the students’ off- campuses or ID’s that permit them to leave the campus during the school day. “I’ve left school then come back. I wouldn’t really call it sneaking, though; I just drove out,” senior Mykayla LaMere said, who believes an open campus would be “much easier.” Though students successfully leave, security monitors the parking lots during class, nutrition and lunch. Even with the monitoring, it appears to fail, as nine out of ten students say they have been able to leave campus and later arrive back without being stopped or questioned by security. “We deal with [ditching] quite a bit with our job here. Bottom line is: if a kid is going to ditch, they’re going to ditch. And it’s going to happen; you’ll have that in any school. I do try to stop them if I see them,” Ramirez said, who on average discovers two students a week attempting to ditch. Senior Brandon Penn moved to Paso Robles, a closed campus filled with security guards, in Sept. 2010 after living in Oregon for eight years with open campus periods for 90 minutes. “An open campus gives students freedom. [After moving to PRHS] I felt like I just went back into middle school. I believe that there should be differences between middle school and high school, mostly being more freedom to the students. We are becoming young adults and should be treated as such,” Penn said, who is only a month away from becoming a legal adult. He’s right. And so are our neighbors. Nearby high schools, such as Atascadero High School, have been open campuses for at least ten years. Junior Marianna Lavigne attends the Greyhound ground. “I definitely love having the freedom to go off campus. It can be handy for some people because they can go home for lunch,” said Lavigne, who goes off campus for lunch daily with her friends. And PRHS students want it: In a survey of 123 students, 118 of the students prefer to have an open campus. “I definitely think it would boost the economy, and also it helps us not have to get ripped off by school food prices,”

Kathryn Wingfield Co Editor-in-Chief Occupy Editor

senior Amanda Burgh said. “An open campus should be allowed for students that [legally] drive.” The concerns administration such as Vice Principal Ed Brown have about an open campus are the safety of the students, and attendance. “Schools such as Atascadero have open campuses. Their last period of the day is very unattended. To me, [a closed campus] is all about safety,” said Brown. With a closed campus, the benefits guarantee student safety and punctuality. “[An open campus] it would create more problems than it would help,” Principal Randy Nelson said who went on to say that he has reservations about the short 35 minute lunch period, punctuality and the lack of locations to get food beyond PRHS walls. Nelson reports that when PRHS was built, it was never an open because “there was nothing around, there was no Albertsons or Walmart. It made no sense to have an open campus at the time. Now that [PRHS] is situated in a residential area, it prohibits having an open campus.” He also disagrees with the notion that most kids want an open campus. “The desire to have an open campus is by a minority of students. There are students that live out in San Miguel, Heritage, and Bradley; there’s no way for those kids to go home. It doesn’t make sense to have [an open campus] for the students would have to travel long distances. I don’t see how [the students] can go out and get lunch including travel time…. The logistics make it really difficult,” Nelson said, noting that he can envision a town outcry over the students walking around town. Yet a swarm of 300 students crammed in to one restaurant seems unlikely. There are multiple restaurants in walking distance. But would an open campus policy ever be issued at PRHS? “If you were asking me, I would say no. There is always a possibility if it was presented to the Board, and district policies would have to be changed. But I would say for safety reasons, probably not. At this point in time, an open campus seems impossible.” Brown said. Brown also revealed that the police department is talking about a daylight curfew from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for students. But let’s face it: students are leaving anyway. Upperclassmen are only 24 months away at most of living on their own. It would help Paso Robles’s economy prosper. An open campus is the most progressive policy for PRHS.

Graphic illustration by Ryan Morrison

Megan Rodrigues

Co Editor-in-Chief Center Co-Editor

Emily Cone

Managing Editor Photography Photo Essay Editor

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Paso Robles High School

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Crimson 11.16.11 |



Open Campus

Food for the less fortunate Blind Daters give back to community

by Summer Volle, Blind Date Editor, Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor, and Clarisse Dart, Reporter

Two underclassmen met at the high school on Saturday, Oct. 29 clueless about what they had in store for the day. After exchanging a friendly hello, sophomore Kyle Ravera and freshman Diana Grijalva climbed into the white SUV that would be driving them from place to place on their date. Upon arriving at their first destination, they questioned the ambiguous whereabouts. When the big neon-colored sign “Food 4 Less” came into view, the daters’ puzzled looks escalated as they realized they were more in the dark about the date than before. But a clear purpose had been laid out by Crimson plotters: to gather food for the homeless, eat a bit themselves, and do it all in this month’s featured Blind Date. At the grocery store, a series of ten scavenger hunt clues were given to the daters to gather non-perishable food items to donate to Loaves and Fishes. Within 30 minutes, they cracked the riddles that led them to find items like dry GIVING BACK: The last stop on the date was delivering the groceries to the non-profit organization Loaves and Fishes located on Spring St. Freshman Diana Grijalva and sophomore Kyle Ravera solved clues and raced around Food 4 Less to cereal, canned food, and Spam. “What does Rebecca Black eat in the morning?” asked one riddle. Neither of find food that the organization later happily received. Graphic by Kelly Munns and Summer Volle them knew the song “Friday” by Rebecca Black, so they had to listen to the tune to unravel the clue. Grijalva seemed especially quick to “clue in” on some of the hints, sometimes even before Ravera could say a word. The daters entertained themselves with the shopping carts once they solved all the riddles and checked out the canned meat, fruit, and dry cereal. Grijalva playfully climbed into the yellow shopping cart; Ravera joining her soon after as RAVERA they posed for pictures and acted silly. Surrounded by sombreros and the red, green, and neon Mexican interior, Rate: the daters ate lunch at La Mexicana in downtown Paso. They both decided on Favorite Part: The activity at Food nachos: Ravera’s with jalapenos and Grijalva’s without. 4 Less “When I don’t know what to order, I just get the nachos,” Grijalva laughed. Ravera then proceeded to politely order for himself and his date. Soon, some Second date: Sure! conversation began to flow between the two. The two talked of sports, family, and what it was like to be a new freshman at GRIJALVA the high school, as they occasionally swatted to kill annoying flies that buzzed Rate: around them. “I thought it would be scary coming to the high school, but it really isn’t,” Favorite Part: The treasure hunt at Food 4 Less CUTE IN A CART: Grijalva and Ravera were all smiles while posing in Grijalva confided. a shopping cart. Both daters agreed to a possible second date, Grijalva as Ravera assured her that everyone felt that way at some point. The students Second Date: As friends friends and Ravera as maybe more. Photos by Kelly Munns and Clarisse Dart also learned that they each had an older sibling and enjoyed a high school sport: Ravera with cross country and Grijalva with tennis. Grijalva giggled when she The ride back to the high school was absent of any awkwardness present at learned that her date was one of the shirtless boys who ran with the flags at home the beginning of the Saturday afternoon date. The car spilled with laughter and happy attitudes as the football games. After a good hour, the daters left the restaurant to deliver the Food 4 Less groceries they collected doors opened to the school parking lot. A thank you and sweet goodbye was all that was exchanged on to the Paso Robles Loaves and Fishes. Tim Mensing, the pastor at The Bride Church in Paso Robles, the lips of the underclassmen, but the fun outing was sure to have left an impression on both Grijalva awaited the couple at Loaves and Fishes and told them a little about the program. Loaves and Fishes is and Ravera. “I can see us hanging out as friends, especially if we get to run around Food 4 Less again!” Grijalva a non profit organization whose mission is to help provide the community with food and other services giggled. to those in need.

Rate The Date: 8


12 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Dancing with a touch of sugar, sass, and success


Event Calendar

Junior Chelsea Farrer points her feet toward her future by Olivia Musial, In-Depth Editor

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, repeat. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, repeat. Junior Chelsea Farrer hears these numbers countless times in a day, not in her Pre-Calc class, but in the rhythm, timing, and execution of the dance studio. Since she was three years old, Farrer has trained in dance. She now takes that training and applies it to her life in a balancing act between two AP classes, a 4.4 GPA, and lead role in the North County Dance and Performing Arts Foundation (NCDPAF) production of The Nutcracker Ballet. When the bell rings at 3:05 p.m. Farrer is off and running to the 20 hours a week she spends at Class Act Dance Studio on Spring Street. She has done it all from hip-hop to lyrical, with countless hours spent in the studio. But she has now developed a passion specifically for ballet, a discipline she’s trained in for 12 years. “I enjoy dance because it is just so beautiful and effortless looking. Many audience members don't realize just how difficult it is to really do ballet well because the dancers are supposed to make it look easy,” said Farrer. It takes grace and determination to achieve the “beautiful and effortless” look that ballet dancers are expected to present to an audience. Dressed in ivory pointe shoes, light pink tights, a purple leotard, a gray floral skirt, and a ballerina bun to top it off, Farrer is the picture of grace during her rehearsal for Nutcracker. On the dance floor that grace turns into power and precision in her execution of every lift, turn, and pose. “Chelsea is a dancer that is always there and does things full out and takes corrections and applies them. She is one of the few who has the quality, strength, stamina, and emotional maturity it takes to be Sugar Plum,” said Cheryle Armstrong, the artistic director for Nutcracker. Armstrong joked that Farrer’s nickname is “the marine” because of her incredible endurance. During her four hour rehearsal on a Saturday afternoon Farrer experienced the first awkward

interactions while dancing with a stand-in cavalier who will play her male lead. During the rehearsal Farrer’s chereographer, Brianna Haynes, an actress and dancer, gave words of advice such as, “He’s your barre, think of him as a barre” when Farrer struggled with a turn. The words of encouragement pushed Farrer to keep up her level of intensity. “Live and breath Nutcracker,” Haynes joked. By the end of rehearsal, 4:30 p.m., with two water bottles guzzled, sweat dripping, and red hand-print marks on her back from lifts, Farrer walked out of the studio having put everything she has into making her art look beautiful. With her focus set on ballet, Farrer has reached a new goal this year when she was cast as Sugar Plum Fairy, the lead role in The Nutcracker, after dancing in the show for seven consecutive years. Farrer will be playing the role opposite her little sister Sarah Farrer, who was also cast as the lead role of Clara. “I was really surprised when I got Sugar Plum! There has only been one other junior that has gotten Sugar Plum at our studio, so, it is really an honor. I am just so excited to experience being the lead with my sister Sarah by my side being the lead as well,” said Farrer. However, Farrer’s dance life extends far past the studio on Spring Street. Farrer’s two sisters, Sarah, 11, and Mikaela, 8, both have parts in Nutcracker . Farrer’s father, Whitney, is also playing the role of Mr. Staulbalm. Farrer’s parents have made it a point to encourage Farrer by supporting her decision to attend two prestigious ballet schools over summer vacation. Farrer attended Lines Contemporary Ballet for four weeks during the summer of 2010 and this past summer attended Marin Dance Theatre for five weeks which was a dance intensive that included eight hours of ballet everyday. As Farrer approaches her senior year she prepares to take the rhythm she’s followed her entire life and see where it leads her.

Pin-striped love

Photo by Jimmy De. Used with permission.

“Guys and Dolls” announced to be spring musical by Kim Boswell, Front Page Editor

The portable floors of LA3 creaked as 35 students, breathless with anticipation, awaited drama teacher Marcy Goodnow to announce the title of this spring’s musical, “Guys and Dolls” on Tuesday, Oct. 18. A flutter of excitement raced through the classroom while the Drama Club’s hearts danced to the beat of “Luck be a Lady,” one of the many songs to be bellowed from student singers, dancers, and actors this coming spring. “Guys and Dolls” follows Sergeant Sarah Brown, a missionary, and Sky Masterson, a gambling man, through New York streets full of chorus girls and craps games to dangerous Havana nights in Cuba. As their love blossoms, so does the shady lifestyle of gambling, love, and secrets. “I am excited because it is better to play humans. It’s going to be really fun,” said senior and Drama

Club President Trinity Smith, who played Mayzie LaBird in last year’s “Seussical the Musical.” “I chose this play because it is a great glimpse into classic Musical Theater. Although many of my students are unfamiliar with the show, most of their parents are familiar with songs like ‘Luck Be a Lady’ and ‘Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat’. I am certain they will fall in love with the story and the characters,” said Goodnow. An audition workshop will be available for prospective stars on Wednesday, Dec. 14th from 5:00 6:30 p.m. in LA3. The audience will travel back in time to the days of flapper girls and pin-striped suits on May 11 to 13 and 18 to 20, hopefully in the newly constructed PRHS theatre.

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |



Chelsea Farrer + Nutcracker

Not the time of your life

Justin Timberlake races against the clock—but don’t race to the theater by Dakota Cleland, Opinion Editor and some introductory dialogue in the beginning and from then on, the It was once said by Benjamin Franklin that viewer is expected to follow along with the complex plot at the movie’s pace. “time is money.” However, in the sci-fi thriller, The star of this movie, Justin Timberlake, plays Will Salas, a 28 year old “In Time,” time is everything! In this movie, who lives day by day in the ghetto of Dayton. One day, he meets a despondent, “for a few to be immortal, many must die.” well-off man with over a century left on his clock. After some philosophical Now, what you just read may not make sense, discussion, the rich man decides he doesn’t want to live anymore because he but let me explain. has become bored by living for 105 years. He gives Salas his time while Salas We don’t live through our mid-70s in this is sleeping, and in doing so, commits suicide. Enlightened about how corrupt flick. In the untold distant future, when people reach their 25th birthday, and rigged the system is towards the rich, Salas decides to go on a mission to they stop physically aging and a “life clock” appears on their arm, counting make the system collapse via mass time theft. He is assisted in this task with down from one year. When their clock ticks down to zero, they drop dead in the help of the wealthiest man in the world’s daughter, played by Amanda their tracks, victims of a government policy to prevent overpopulation. But Seyfried. From this point on, this movie is “Bonnie and Clyde” meets “Robin they can replenish their amount of time. So how does one gain more time? Hood”. Working at their job and getting, buying time from one person for yourselfThere was actually too much action in this time heist. Unlike director or stealing it. Andrew Niccol’s previous sci-fi thriller, “Gattaca,” where the concept was odd However, in “In Time”, there is no currency, and everything is bought but thoroughly explained, this movie never the takes time to let the foreign and sold in units of time. A bus ride may cost you two hours, while a stay at a concept of the bargaining of time be understood. And the movie would have standard room in a luxury hotel would be worth six weeks of time. For the poor, the cost of living keeps going up, and by proxy causes them to die by “timing out.” This isn’t a problem been exponentially better if there was a better script. This movie has so many puns involving time for the rich, however, as they have from a decade to a millennium of extra time for themselves. This that, simply put, it wastes my time. The characters in the movie so often looked at their clocks, I kept looking at mine just as often, in anticipation of this movie ending. creates a gigantic gap between the wealthy and the broke. What really bugs me, though, is that while this movie could have been really good if it was put in the This concept has excellent potential. But in this movie, there wasn’t enough time invested. The implausible plot needed to be fleshed out properly. All that is given is a tiny explanation in the trailer, right hands, it ultimately fell flat. That’s 109 minutes I can’t take back.

> > > November/December

Art Gallery Show > > >

Enjoy a non-profit local collective art gallery. The exhibits change about every six weeks and is located in charming downtown Morro Bay.

Estrella Warbird Museum > > > Every Saturday & Sunday, visit a memorable collection of military aircraft (from props to jets) and artifacts (from weaponry to a Links trainer). See the F14a Tomcat just added to their collection.

Learn How to Make Ice Cream >

Every Wednesday, people of all ages gather in Doc Burnstein’s- an award winning ice cream parlor and soda fountain. There will be a 30 minute skit and the audience will help invent a new flavor.

The Nutcracker > > >

Put on by the No. County’s own Dance and Performing Arts Foundation, “The Nutcracker” is an annual production featuring all ages. Join also the canned food drive on both Thurs, Dec. 1 and Dec. 8.

14 | Crimson 11.16.11



Art Gallery Show

Date(s): Through Dec. 7, 2011 , Recurring daily Times: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: Morro Bay Art Association, 835 Main Street, Morro Bay

Bike, Hike and Kayak Trips

Date(s): Through Dec. 25, 2011 Recurring daily

Location: Countywide, sponsored by Central Coast Outdoors

Estrella Warbird Museum

Date(s): Through Dec. 25, 2011 Recurring weekly on Sunday, Saturday Times: Sat 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Sun 12 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Location: Paso Robles Airport, 4251 Dry Creek Road, Paso Robles

Learn How to Make Ice Cream

Date(s): Through Dec. 28, 2011 Recurring weekly on Wednesday evenings

Location: 114 W. Branch, Arroyo Grande

Let’s Go Ballooning!

Date(s): Through Dec. 31, 2011 Recurring daily

Call for Details Phone Number: (805)458-1530

“The Nutcracker”

Date(s): Dec. 1- 4 and Dec. 8- 11 Times: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Paso Robles High School

Location: Templeton High School Performing Arts Center, 1200 Main Street, Templeton

Center NEXT


Cold coins& disappearing dollars: Money madness Green, cash, Benjamins, buckaroos; whatever you may call it, it all means one thing: money. How much you earn, how much is taken out in taxes and how much the new iPhone 4S costs is all connected through the economy. “A complex mix of factors, varying by country, has slowed growth, and the slowdown has been exacerbated everywhere by the worst financial crisis and global recession in [America] in 70 years,” according to a New York Times article. Paso teenagers are aware of this money madness as it is difficult to snag and keep a job, and homes all around the Central Coast are foreclosed. As trimester one is ending and only two thirds of the school year is left, young minds wonder what the monetary future will bring. So how does this recession apply to PRHS students? Crimson investigates teenagers and their money. —Megan Rodrigues, Co-Editor in Chief

Paso Robles High School

Graphic Illustration by Ryan Morrison

Crimson 11.16.11 |



Getting the McJob

Senior works hard and rakes in the benefits by Laura Callahan, Health Co-Editor

DO YOU WANT FRIE At fifteen and a half, with a new permit in hand, senior Garrett Britton was WITH THAT?: Senior Garr only a few short months away from freedom, but with that freedom he received a Britton works hard durin side of fries and responsibility. his eight hour shift. Britto Like many teens Britton was allowed by his parents to drive a car once he has been working at th had earned his license. However he could only drive it if he worked to fill the McDonalds located o Niblick Rd for abou gas tank. So his yearlong application process began in the spring of his senior six months sinc year while competing against many other teens who are part of the teenage the National Da unemployment rate of 24.6 percent. of Hiring. Britton applied to Paso’s fast food services such as Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Carl’s Photo by Emily Cone Jr, and McDonalds and also to grocery stores such as Vons and Albertsons. “I mainly applied to food places because that’s where I had seen other teens getting jobs at,” said Britton, who sent an online application to McDonalds on Apr. 19 on the National Day of Hiring, a day where McDonalds hires approximately 50,000 employees nationwide. The next day the manager invited him in for a brief interview along with two fellow applicants, and Britton landed the job along with one other applicant becoming one of the 761, 000 McDonalds employees in the U.S. Britton works approximately 30 hours a week, working three and a half hours on weekdays and eight hour shifts on the weekends, earning a minimum wage paycheck every two weeks of eight dollars an hour. Although Britton works in a very fast paced environment, he avoids stress by keeping his goal of saving his money for necessities such as gas in mind and by staying on top of his school work whenever he has free time, such as during his fifth period class, Community Healthcare. “It’s more stressful to go to work because it’s like a competition against the clock when you’re trying to get food out as fast as you can; but now I don’t have to stress about money or how I’m going to fill up on my gas,” said Britton, who drives a 30 mile per gallon Honda Civic that he fills up about twice a month. But like every job, there are benefits and disadvantages to working during the school week. Out of cu Having been employed by the golden arches for over five months, Britton has learned to use a budget and has become do with t more responsible with his money through his use of a savings and checking account. “[Working] has definitely made me realize the value of the dollar. Because I can definitely say I used to be one of teenager those kids that thought money grew on trees and I spent [it] like there was no tomorrow, but now I save my money unless it’s something I really, really want or that I absolutely need, like gas,” Britton said. Although the process was long, applying for jobs has paid off for Britton, literally. When asked what advice he would give to fellow students looking for a job, Britton said that “Even though you don’t think you stand out, many little things can help, like the clubs you’re in. Also, apply to the most places you can and take as many chances as you can.” Britton plans to go through the military after high school and after four years attend a college and use the money he is earning to pay for his tuition. He has learned that if you work hard you can go anywhere you want in life. Britton is earning his money, benefiting from the experience, and he is lovin’ it.


Buy this, not that!

W yo

by Maria Petiy, Reporter and Laura Callahan, Health Co-Editor

Although that extra dollar may seem meaningless at the time, that wasted cash sure does add up. To save more than just pocket change, there is no need to give up your favorite beverage, or even a meal when out with your friends; simply choose smarter. Here are some ways to save your money:

1 2 3


Buy generic, not brand name. For example, a 24 oz. bottle of Up & Up generic sensitive skin body wash from Target goes for $3.24, where the same size bottle of Dove sensitive skin body wash sells for $5.49.

Stay in for a movie night using Redbox or Netflix instead of going to the movie theater. Netflix costs $7.99 monthly for unlimited movies and Redbox is $1.20 per day, where one movie ticket at the Park Cinemas for an evening showing costs $11.00.

Make your own coffee in the morning and skip the Starbucks. Typically, cans of coffee at the grocery store cost around $7.00, whereas a daily trip to Starbucks per week can add up to more than $11.00, and that’s only if you order a plain tall coffee each visit.

16 | 10.12.11 Crimson



If you saw someone drop five dollars would you return it to them?

58% Have you “borrowed” money from mom or dad without them knowing?

Wo frie

—Laura Callahan, Healt Paso Robles High School

Making cents of teenage spending

To examine where teens really spend their money, Crimson asked three students to record every dollar they dropped for one week, and where. Ten percent of 70 students surveyed* stated that their parents give them 40 or more dollars a week for spending. Like 74 percent of students, these three do not have jobs, and 37 percent stated that they spend the majority of their money on food, followed closely by 30 percent spending on fun.

ES et ng on he on ut ce ay

Natalie Evenson, 11

Marco Gut, 12

Riley Caruana, 11

Starbucks: $15.15 Shirt: $19.95 Chinos: $30 In-n-out: $10 Cider Creek: $14.50 Gas: $40 ASB sticker: $25 Universal Studio ticket: $62

Gas: $40 Quiznos: $8 A and J’s: $00.50 Halloween City: $13 Panda Express: $7

Red Brick: $15 In-n-out:$5.23 Snacks at football game: $4 Movies: $15 Gas: $30

Total: $68.50

Total: 69.23

Total: $216.60

h Confessions

uriousity, what do students their money? How frugal are rs?

*70 students surveyed

Taking in teens 37.5%

—Maria Petiy, Reporter, and Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor

Local businesses hire the underaged by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor



Would you rather meet our idol or get $500?

Taming a sea of red carts or keeping shelves stocked for purchase, Target’s all purpose store is teen friendly, with an application age restriction of 16 or older. Location: 2305 Theater Drive Phone: (805) 227-0105


For food-loving teenagers, what could be better than a job surrounded by fresh produce and tasty treats? Vons offers in store positions to hardworking minors ranging from 16 to above. Location: 1191 Creston Road Phone: (805) 239-2744



Yogurt Swirl:

Would you like a job at the home of “Paso’s best smoothie?” For 16 year old students who’d love to be a salesman of smoothies and swirly sweets, this could become a reality. Location: 1489 Creston Road Phone: (805) 239-2200

Lemos Pet Supply:

ould you lend a good end $40? *64 students surveyed.

h Co-Editor, and Maria Petiy, Reporter

If you’re 15 or older, have a high school work permit, and enjoy partaking in the retail of pet foods and squeaky toys for man’s best friend, Lemos Pet Supply, at 14 local locations, would be happy to accept your submission. “We look for anyone willing to work, for most teens it’s their first job; we could get a hard working kid out of [hiring minors],” Manager Andy Blaski said. Paso Location: 1491 Creston Road Phone: (805) 239-3880


Crimson 10.12.11 | 17

Travel Getting the McJob


Jewels of the Central Coast

Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove

Off the beaten path of Highway 1 is a makeshift dirt parking lot characterized by a colorful sign reading “Butterfly Grove.” The Pismo Beach Monarch Grove is open from the start of November through the first of March, and hosts anywhere from 15,000 to 230,000 butterflies each season. The Monarchs migrate to the Central Coast because they can’t stand freezing temperatures and need shelter from wind and rain. The Eucalyptus trees in Pismo provide dense foliage, moisture, and protection that the butterflies need to survive. The butterfly population at the grove as of Oct. 29., the opening day of the season, was 8,500. This number will increase and peak between December and January, according to Auburn Atkins, Monarch Grove volunteer of 15 years, who has seen the butterfly population fluctuate in his years of experience. The grove receives around 60,000 visitors a season, and is manned by a volunteer staff of approximately 70 people. The Pismo grove has the largest number of visitors of any butterfly grove in the world. “This site is set up for visitors. It’s organized and manned seven days a week. If they want to see butterflies, this is the place,” said Carl Boatman, a second season volunteer. Morro Bay, Nipomo, and Oceano also host Monarch groves, but none are as large or developed for viewing as the one in Pismo. The CCNHA (Central Coast Natural History Association), directed by Mary Golden, is partner to California state parks and a main financial supporter of the Monarch Grove. With daily butterfly talks at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and visiting hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, the grove relies solely on donations, merchandise sales, and volunteers. “Everybody here is having a good time,” Boatman said.

MONARCH OF THE TREES: A vibrant butterfly soaks up the Central Coast sun at the Pismo Beach Monarch Grove. It is one of up to 230,000 winged residents that call the grove home each year. Photo by Amanda Hutchinson

WELCOME GREAT PUMPKIN: Avila Valley Barn’s fresh pumpkin harvest sets the tone for the upcoming autumn months. Products such as pumpkins, apples, and berries are available for picking and purchasing at this local gem. Photo by Amanda Hutchinson

Avila Valley Barn Avila Valley Barn is just off of Avila Valley Drive in San Luis Obispo. This country-themed store allows customers to pick vegetables, fruits, and berries that are in season, such as pumpkins, tomatoes, and Christmas trees. They can enjoy the petting zoo that is home to sheep, an emu, and goats. Junior Jaclyn Caraveo last went to Avila Valley Barn on Tuesday, Oct. 25. “[My favorite part] was the ice cream in the chocolate shop and the hayride,” said Caraveo, who believes the most memorable part of her trip was spending time with her family and looking at the displays of produce, jams, and pies. Open since 1985, Avila Valley Barn has had 26 years of customer service, homemade pies, and sweets. It has created an ambiance that will take Central Coast residents of all ages back to childhood excitement and discovery as they pass under the Barn’s wooden rooves. —­Amanda Hutchinson, Managing Editor, and Megan Rodrigues, Co-Editor-in-Chief

18 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Occupy SLO





COUNTING Occupy Wall Street hits home through local movement

YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION: A SLO citizen occupies the city courthouse. He was one of approxamately 200 activists that participated in the October 22nd gathering. Photo

by Sinéad Schouten, Sports Co-Editor

y for?

illustration by Kathryn Wingfield.

“Occupy SLO,” read the powder blue chalk dusting the Cal Poly sidewalk. The only hint to the message’s meaning lay two pavements away, in the form of a bright pink “99%”. Up until a few weeks ago, these comments would have only made sense to those who watch the national news. Now, only 30 miles away, a forest of tents is growing an idea. Starting in New York financial district on September 17, a group of political activists gathered in Zuccotti Park, forming an organized protest against economic inequality, corporate greed, and its influence over government. They named themselves “Occupy Wall Street,” their goal to separate money from politics. Their rally cry, “99 percent”, represents the financial gap between the richest one percent of Americans and the remaining 99. Forest Erwin, 2012 PRHS graduate, attended the original New York protests himself. “When I got there, I found a lot of concerned people, no angry people. They all had one thing in common: they were sick and tired of being sick and tired,” said Erwin, who originally went to the district because he and a few friends had heard a rumor that the band Radiohead was performing a free concert. They soon discovered the crowd wasn’t for music, but they found themselves staying anyway. “Something is happening in the world right now. People

What would you

occupy for?

are seeing how much power we have. We are the 99 percent and I’m glad I was part of the beginning,” said Erwin. The movement has spread worldwide. Over 900 cities across the globe are now hosting similar demonstrations. Among these, the US has had 70 major cities and over 600 communities join in, San Luis Obispo one of the more recent added to the ranks. “Occupy” has come to the Central Coast, and the community is now learning how to respond. Occupy SLO has a diverse group of members. Ranging from the middle aged towing kids to college students strumming guitars, the movement began with only 17 participants. Word of mouth quickly spread across town. By the next gathering, 50 people were arriving in front of the San Luis court house, and the following week brought in 300 to 400. While the assembly of tents has formed only recently, ideas had been brewing for nearly a month downtown. Jeremy Kastner, an Occupy SLO protester, claims the internet has played a huge part in connecting the various movements. By staying up to date with what’s happening across the country, a sense of unity has formed that might have eluded other generations. Protesters can now unite instantaneously. “We can connect through things like Facebook and other

I believe we should occupy ourselves, our

consciences and national psyche,

and reinvent America. -Geoff Land, Psychology Teacher

websites,” Kastner said. “Back in the ‘60s people didn’t have all this information right at their fingertips.” Despite the heavy ideas being discussed, the atmosphere in the park has been pleasant so far, according to Kastner. The San Luis Obispo Police Department had been openly cooperating with the occupation. A couple volunteers with walkie-talkies were the only form of security. The tents were moved each morning at 7:30 so that the grass “could breathe” and be mowed by the grounds keeper. Yet despite these attempts at civility, the police have had to ask the assembly to clear out at night due to some people “not politically motivated,” according to the San Luis county Tribune. There have been reports of urinating on the ground and water and electricity being taken from nearby public buildings. Occupy SLO organizers are currently trying to figure out how to deal with these “disruptions.” In the meantime, the struggle continues on how and if the movement will continue into the coming weeks. Yet down in San Luis Obispo, the writing on the wall – or sidewalks – is clear. “We’re going to get people together,” Kastner said. “We’re going to show true democracy and bring power back to the people. We’re going to change the world.”

The creation of policy and awareness concerning environmental sustainability. Our nation makes giant leaps of progress in technology, medicine, and industry, but often at the cost of our natural world. -Gaylene Ewing, Biology Teacher

Paso Robles High School

Read what else teachers had to say:

Crimson 11.16.11 |


In-Depth Occupy SLO


Teen parents

STRIVE towards education

Local program supports teen mothers and fathers by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor, and Kim Boswell, Front Page Editor

The weight of textbooks, class work, and a six hour workday is nothing next to the weight of a baby on the hip. For many young mothers throughout the nation this tough responsibility comes at a profound cost: their education. But for 28 teen parents at Liberty, Independence, and Paso Robles High School who have or are carrying a child—one more than the end of last year’s 27—the help of Alternative Education Counselor Terry Lassiter and the STRIVE day care program is supporting their journey towards a high school diploma. “Education is important for young parents because they’re now responsible for another life. We want the kids to stay in school,” Lassiter said, who provides emotional support for teenage parents through weekly support groups, as well as supply-oriented support through her stash of red and yellow packaged diapers and medical bus passes. The STRIVE Infant Center is an Early Head Start program and receives funds through Cal Safe and the federal government. Since its implementation in August of 2005 and its move from Liberty HS to PRHS in 2007, the high school completion rate for pregnant and parenting teens has risen to 80 percent from a previous 40 percent, which Lassiter sees as an “extreme success,” though the road is not an easy one. “It’s hard because we’re still kids. There’s still stuff we want to do, and our friends don’t understand. Live your life first,” one teen father said, just 18 credits away from completing his high school education. For this father and the mother of his child, it is a struggle to balance their son’s increasing need for care while their feelings for each other are constantly changing, as adolescent emotions often do. “They’re together and not together, together and not together. Right now they’re not a couple, but they communicate for the sake of the baby, which is something not many adults are even capable of,” Lassiter said. As hard as it is to experience relationship hiccups in such a life altering situation, it is arguably more

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difficult to be without someone by your side once the challenges and the reality of the situation come to light. “Once the baby comes, a lot of things change; your feelings toward each other change. You see each other all of the time and you start to get on each other’s nerves,” said one teen mom, who’s boyfriend is no longer in the picture. Harder still is enduring harsh judgments from peers while still persevering towards a diploma, which senior and teen mother Melissa Roberson knows all too well. “I get a negative outlook from others. They say I’m never going to get anywhere, but I’m trying my best to make it the best scenario possible,” she said. “If teens stopped trying to be so grown up and involved in mature relationships and waited [to have kids], people wouldn’t see it as such a negative thing.” For Roberson, STRIVE was “a lifesaver.” “If there was no STRIVE, I’d have to drop out of school. How else would I get an education and a job and be a mom? It wouldn’t be possible,” she said. Ten months ago, Roberson had little Lucas, a blonde-haired attention seeker who took his first tentative steps on Nov. 1. She sees him twice a day during school hours, and with the help of STRIVE and the support of her mother, she now carries all A’s and one B on her report card, hoping to one day become a nurse with Lucas by her side. Junior Patience Sterrett had a little girl on Nov. 17, 2010, born premature and only five pounds four ounces. Now one year old, Blessing has been just that, a blessing. Sterrett is with Blessing all day except for three-hour homework periods when she studies hard to keep her grades up, dreaming to go to medical school to become a dermatologist. “[Being a teen mother] is easier said than done,” Sterrett said, whose parents support her as Blessing’s father is out of the picture. “No one says negative things to my face, but it feels like they could be saying it somewhere else.”

Paso Robles High School

Along with counseling and supplies, the program offers daytime care for a maximum of eight infants up to the age of 18 months when their parents are enrolled in high school and working towards a diploma. Entering the gates midday at the P12 playground, eyes fall on the colorful playground, wide-eyed babies, and beaming mothers picking up their children after a long day of toiling away at books and assignments. It’s a three-woman day care staff: lead caregiver Kerry Macdonald, a STRIVE worker for six years with 30 years of experience working with young children; Elia Cavazos, two year STRIVE member; and Dei Gapinski, one year STRIVE member with ten years working with children. They work tirelessly to provide a nurturing environment for teens and babies, as well as doing “formal and informal parent education,” according to MacDonald. “It’s impressive [to be a teen parent], but it’s also very sad. When they understand what it really means to put the baby first, they become adults instantly and lose any chance of childhood they have left,” Gapinski said. “It’s a Catch-22.” Giving birth at 17 herself, Cavazos knows the trials and tribulations involved with teenage motherhood and sees the value of the work she and her fellow care providers are doing. “[Having a baby] is a lot of hard work. They’re not a little doll you can dress up and parade around. You have to care for them, and play with them, and do the hard work involved as well. When I was at school here, there wasn’t a program like this. If there were, it would have been so much help,” Cavazos said. Because the average cost of child care per month is upwards of $800, the STRIVE Infant Center is an invaluable resource for enrolled students. Generalization still exists in whisper and hearsay that many teenagers who give birth to a child do not complete their high school education. But these 28 students are breaking societal assumption and plowing ahead in their academics—to ensure healthy lives for themselves and their children.

In-Depth NEXT


STRIVING FOR A FUTURE (top): Teen moms Patience Sterrett and Melissa Roberson are all smiles with their children and STRIVE counselor Terry Lassiter. The moms value the on-campus day care service, an alternative to the roughly $800 per month they would pay in town. Photo by Kim Boswell BLESSING IN DISGUISE (right): Sterrett and her daughter Blessing, who turns one on Nov. 17, play at the STRIVE center. The center offers day care for up to eight children of high school students Photo by Kim Boswell

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Health STRIVE program PREVIOUS

That’s not bat poop on your eyes. It’s fish. Commonly confused cosmetic ingredient holds unexpected truth ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­by Kathryn Wingfield, Co-Editor-in-Chief

It all started when François Jaquin extracted a shimmering substance from the scales of a fish in Paris in 1656. The shiny goop caught the eyes of the blossoming cosmetics industry, and in the blink of an eye its glittering glow was added to the primitive mascara of the time. When mass production struck in the 1920s and the ingredient, called guanine, was listed on the labels, women quickly connected the word to “guano”, and a crappy rumor began. But there are still plenty of fishy ingredients in modern makeup that manage to swim under the FDA regulation radar and the awareness of users. However, with 58 percent of a survey, 53 female students reported that they’d still wear cosmetics despite “gross” ingredients; their ignorance may not be entirely blissful. “I’ve been using it so long and the ingredients have been on my face this long without any side effects, I don’t see why I would stop using it now,” said senior Natalie Trudeau, who has experienced only slight effects such as watery eyes while using liquid eyeliner. Trudeau isn’t alone. 84.4 percent of the girls reported an ingredient concern rating of three or below on a scale of one to five. This means that for well over half of PRHS’s lovely ladies, the price of beauty isn’t much: just a very strong stomach.

COVERGIRL LASH BLAST NEWS FLASH: You may not want to know what lurks inside this common cosmetic. 84.4 percent of PRHS females reported a concern rating of three or less on a scale of one to five. Photo by Olivia Musial.

PETA’s Caring Consumer List: Pig fat:

Stearic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid. It is listed in the PETA’s Caring Consumer guide as a substance of animal origin, since it is primarily derived from the fat of cows and sheep and from dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters. Most often it’s taken from the stomachs of pigs. It’s also a primary ingredient in CoverGirl’s LashBlast mascara.

Cochineal beetles:

These bugs eat the prickly pear cactus in South America, then are scraped off the plant, boiled, dried out and crushed into “carmine,” which is used in a particular red dye that’s used in some cosmetics, including CoverGirl Continuous Color lipstick and Cheekers blush. 70,000 beetles must be killed to produce one pound of this dye.

Sheep Wool:

Lanolin is a product of the oil glands of sheep, extracted from their wool. It’s used as an emollient in many skin-care products and cosmetics and in medicines.

Umbilical Cords:

Hyoluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide found in connective tissues such as cartilage and human and animal umbilical cords, though only animal cords are used in products. This acid can be found in skin-firming or rejuvenating creams, including Derma-E Hyaluronic Acid Day Crème Rehydrating Formula.

One less virus or one less life?

HPV vaccination shoots up patients with extreme side effects by Brielle Silletti, Business Team

Gardasil is mentioned and instantly women and cervical cancer are two words that come to mind, but recently Gardasil ignited concern among the masses. Not only have 20,096 of reported incidents caused adverse reactions, but Gardasil by Merck & Co. expanded as it was tested to treat human papillomavirus (HPV) in men as well, according to Since 2006, “one less” is a phrase 49 percent of women, ages 9-26, can confidently proclaim, but what Merck doesn’t state on are the other effects it has the potential to cause. Seventeen percent of PRHS students from a select group reported minor adverse reactions such as bruising, nausea and headache after receiving the shot, while the most common side effects also include swelling and fever. “A normal reaction is redness,” said registered nurse Jane Mettee of the San Luis Obsipo County Public Health Department, who has administered hundreds of shots. Although locally no serious effects were reported, as of September 15, 40 million doses of Gardasil were distributed. Eight percent of these suffered from serious adverse reactions such as seizures, paralysis and even death according to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Though these reports weren’t proven to be directly linked to the vaccination, they were all

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reported after they had received the vaccine along with lawsuits pursued against Merck. HPV is classified as a sexual transmitted disease (STD), and most commonly manifests as either genital warts or cervical cancer. “It’s a breakthrough to find out viruses are causing cancer,” said Mettee, who has yet to see a negative reaction due to Gardasil. Some states such as Virginia and Texas are among the twodozen that strongly considered enforcing mandatory HPV vaccination in women, but was overturned because of its relative newness. About 100 strains are present of HPV, while Gardasil protects against the four most prevalent. However, there are 11 more types of HPV that are also considered “high-risk”, in which Gardasil does not prevent. Merck’s Gardasil market continues to grow when in October 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved that the same Gardasil shot is also safe for use in men. Twenty– seven percent of students from a select group at PRHS reported to knowing Gardasil is now offered to boys.

Paso Robles High School


Nook or Book?

Cupcake Ingredients: 2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup hot water 2/3 cup unsweetened baking cocoa 3/4 cup shortening 1 1/3 cups sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Frosting ingredients: 6 cups powdered sugar 2/3 cup butter or margarine, softened 1 tablespoon vanilla 3 to 4 tablespoons milk 1 cup marshmallow creme Decoration ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon unsweetened baking cocoa 12 miniature pretzel twists, broken in half *Megan's note to readers: This frosting recipe makes a large amount so you will have a lot of left over frosting to use in the future for other baking adventures.

The Cozy Edition

Chocolate cupcakes axe November turkey cliché by Megan Luth, Sci-Tech Co-Editor

November may be the month of Thanksgiving, but it is also when the weather starts to take a turn to the colder side, and students haul out their Uggs from last season. Instead of going with the all too predictable turkey themed cupcakes, it was time to get creative and think of something out of the status quo. This month’s featured cupcake was a delectable hot chocolate cupcake from Betty Crocker's The Big Book of Cupcakes. The cupcake was a simple chocolate cake, frosted with a vanilla marshmallow butter cream, sprinkled with cocoa powder and cinnamon and finally embellished with a mini pretzel handle. "The cupcakes reminded me of a chocolate river in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the marshmallow frosting was like a cloud of fluffiness upon my palette. The pretzel handle added the perfect diversity of sweet versus salty," said junior Luis Jimenez, who enjoyed the cupcake tremendously. Over all, the cupcakes took a total of two hours to prepare, bake, and clean up. This recipe was very simple and can be easily done by even the most amateur baker. All 24 taste testers reported that they enjoyed the cupcakes and wanted more. "The marshmallow frosting really accentuated the chocolate of the cupcake, giving me a real hot chocolate taste," said Jessica Mihelic, a senior with personal expertise in making cupcakes. These cupcakes were a delicious cup of cocoa in edible form and brought that early winter excitement to students. And whenever making any cupcake, you can count on a great experience, much tastiness and many smiles! Happy baking!

Paso Robles High School

Photos by Shannon O’Brien

1. Heat the oven to 350°. Place paper baking cup in each of 24 regular-size muffin cups. 2. In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder; set aside. In small bowl, mix hot water and cocoa until dissolved; set aside. 3. In a large bowl, beat shortening with electric mixer on medium speed 30 seconds. Gradually add sugar, about 1/4 cup at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping bowl occasionally. Beat 2 minutes longer. Add eggs, one at time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla. On low speed, alternately add flour mixture, about 1/3 of mixture at a time, and cocoa mixture, about 1/2 at a time, beating just until blended. 4. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full. 5. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pans 5 minutes. Remove cupcakes from pans; place on cooling racks to cool. 6. In a large bowl, mix powdered sugar and butter with spoon or electric mixer on low speed. Stir in vanilla and 3 tablespoons of the milk. 7.Gradually beat in enough remaining milk to make frosting smooth and spreadable. If frosting is too thick, beat in more milk, a few drops at a time. If the frosting becomes too thin, beat in a small amount of powdered sugar. 8. When frosting is how you like it stir in the marshmallow creme until evenly mixed. When frosting is completely mixed spoon into resealable food storage bag; seal bag or a frosting bag. Cut tiny hole in one bottom corner of bag. (Reserve remaining frosting for another use.) 9. Pipe 3 small dollops of frosting mixture on top of each cupcake to resemble melted marshmallows. Sprinkle with cocoa. Press pretzel half into side of each cupcake for cup handle.

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Opinion Cupcakes


Anything Nook can do, book can do better Electronic books pale in comparison to old fashioned paper by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor

Photo by Dakota Cleland

Need to purchase a novel for class? There’s a Nook for that. Want to spend an afternoon getting lost in warped. But then they emerge resiliently to carry on with their adored tales. Ever dropped a Kindle on an old favorite? There’s a Kindle for that. Looking to destroy the classic reading experience? What luck, the concrete? The results are far less favorable. It is true that an eBook has the capacity to store upwards of 6,000 titles at a time, but who there’s an eBook reader for that as well. would survive reading that many on such an unsavory device? For book enthusiasts, few things in life can contend with the unrivaled joy of holding Though eBooks offer the same stories as their paper counterparts, they lack the magic that a brand new book—thumbing through pages, absorbing row after row of carefully typed book worms have grown to love. words. In the growing technological culture the world has now embraced, this simple “Books are the greatest friends you can imagine,”junior Abbi Harrison said. “As for pleasure is becoming widely obsolete: the warm feeling of eyeballs connecting with the bookstores, I could probably spend hours in one. Personally, though, I prefer thrift stores written word is being replaced with a cold, plastic screen. and yard sales for book shopping, because it’s more of a hunt for Just four years since its introduction of eBooks for the Kindle something that interests me.” reader, the popular web-based company Amazon is selling more Though Harrison admits it is more about “the story” than the eBooks than hardback and paperback books combined, according Books are the greatest friends means of reading it, she prefers the classic method of physical to a May 2011 article for you can imagine. books to the electronic format, though some have reportedly taken Consequently, mass market book sales across the nation “continue to more extreme outlooks. to be in free fall” at a 14 percent decline according to a 2010 press “I hate them. There isn’t another kind of book! A book is a book is release by the Association of American Publishers, due in part to the Abbi Harrison, Junior a book,” said “Where the Wild Things Are” author Maurice Sendak recent swell of the software use, though this has not hampered the to the Guardian this past October. growing use of the Paso Robles Public Library, which has seen an increase of 33,693 paper So what is it that attracts so many to the mechanism? The icy, impersonal shell? The lofty books circulated in the past four years, numerical proof that the tried and true reading $80-$200 price tag? Or could it be the blind endorsement of all things tech-oriented so experience is still holding its own against lukewarm electronic alternatives. common in today’s out-with-the-old society? “I do prefer the feel of the paper book vs. the eReader; when I am on my computer all Beyond a book’s exterior, nestled in its ink-soaked pages, lies a shred of a dying world: a day at work, it is nice to not be staring at screen for my pleasure reading,” 25 year librarian luminous vessel waiting to transport readers on a tangible journey into the lives of America’s Karen Christiansen said. “Also, as a librarian, I attend author events on a regular basis, and most beloved characters, plot lines, and voices, a world of warmth and beauty unrivaled by I love to have authors sign my books for me. Haven’t quite figured out how to get an author the most intelligent of man-made manuscript murderers. If reading is an ant, eBooks are the to sign an eBook!” Like steadfast companions, books fall on sidewalks and off of shelves. They get wet and occasionally giant, hi-tech shoes stomping it into the ground.

24 | Crimson 11.16.11

Paso Robles High School

Opinion NEXT

Just Dance

Technology deletes paper, paper covers nothing E-readers rise and books fall in teeter-totter economy by William Ford, News Co-Editor

Photo by Nikianne Ochoa

Books: The Twilight Saga. Weight: 7 pounds. Cost: $83.00 and turn on his backlight to make his reading experience easier, more comfortable, and more E-books: The Twilight Saga. Weight 2.2 pounds. Cost: $ 36.99 enjoyable. One may argue that e-readers take the fun out of reading, but it reality, the capabilities of These weighty differences are just two of the advantages that make the e-reader better than the eReaders actually enhance the reading experience by making it more personalized. While Hanlon average. still reads his novels in a bounded form, lately he has been getting more digital books. Readers have spoken: they prefer e-readers over books. Ever since e-readers were “I switched over to e-books for the sake of convenience. Not only can I read them on invented in 2007, they have taken the literary market by storm. posted my e-reader, but I can also put them on my phone or my iPod and continue reading on that for every printed book sold, two e-books are sold. Sales are rapidly increasing there,” Hanlon said. due to the booming popularity of e-books and consistent technological upgrades in Another advantage is seen in how much more environmentally friendly e-readers are. software and hardware. Just look at the numbers. “E-books are good for the environment. E-books save trees. According to, book sales have declined by 34 E-books eliminate the need for filling up landfills with old books. I would absolutely say I've percent, while e-readers are becoming increasingly popular E-books save transportation costs and the pollution associated showing tripled sales in the past year alone. While the Amazon with shipping books across the country and the world,” e-reader gotten my money's worth. Kindle goes for $79, e-books are generally cheaper, and with an activist and blogger Michael Pastore said. incredible amount of storage, you definitely get what you pay When looking to buy an e-reader, there are usually free samples for. With the Kindle’s holding capacity of up to 1,400 books (or and free books available. This allows readers to discover and Garett Hanlon, Junior 2 gigabytes of data), thousands of pages of paper are eliminated support independent authors that otherwise would have been from the equation, decreasing pollution and saving trees. E-readers are also capable of undiscovered gems in the paperback world. In addition, all books in the public domain font resizing, highlighting, marginalia and a built-in dictionary that allows the reader are available to download for free thanks to Project Gutenberg. to personalize how they read. Tell me your book can do that. “Project Gutenberg houses 20,000 free texts and over 100,000 books are available Junior Garett Hanlon, who owns a Pandigital Novel, has loved his e-reader and, through their partners. Today, over 3,000,000 books are downloaded each month,” “would absolutely say [he’s] gotten [his] money’s worth.” He mentioned that he according to purchases 10-15 books in a month and that he reads “far more e-books to real books.” The time to move on to e-readers is now. With the increasing popularity of these Hanlon points out that because of the light carrying size of his e-reader, readers devices, it is clear that people should quit fighting it and simply move with the times. don’t have to lug books around. Lifting his featherlike e-reader, he can immediately find his page,

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Sci-Tech Book or Nook?


Critical Hit Just Dance 3 Where class meets sass meets gaming by Daniel Hipp, Business Team and Sinéad Schouten, Sports Co-Editor

Sinéad: Be S: I’d never played any of the Just Dance games Game Profile: prepared to lose before, but I was still able to get the hang of Just Dance 3 your pride and have things fairly quickly. way too much fun doing it, because Just D: I’ve never played any Just Dance games before Made by: Ubisoft Dance 3 is now in stores. also, although I did play an awful lot of Dance Dance Daniel: Silly Sinéad, I’ve already lost my pride Revolution, but that’s beside the point! I thought it For ages: 10+ and had too much fun doing it all this weekend! would have been helpful if they threw in a quick little Compatible with Playstation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360. I’ve been dancing, grooving, shaking and tutorial! I couldn’t find one, and had to suffer the Critical Hit rating: 3.5/5 moving to the hottest dance mixes out right embarrassment of figuring out the game! now, along with some retro beats from the 80’s! IGN S: For those of you who are new also, the game is (International Gaming Network ) rating: 8/10 S: I was able to go from swinging my arms more or less taking the WiiMote and moving in sync around in Cee Lo Green’s “Forget You” to with the characters on the screen. It was a lot more Product Details: LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem.” There’s active than I thought it would be. I ended up having The world’s #1 dance game is back and the a good variety to enjoy. Even my mom to switch into my gym clothes a little earlier than I party is bigger than ever! The new Just Dance 3 gives a new twist to the already wanted to join in after she spotted some had planned for the day! spontaneous and outrageous dance game. Just Dance 3 kick-starts the party with over Queen. D: My clothes got drenched in my manly sweat by 40 tracks from multiple genres and popular D: I just couldn’t get over the wacky the time I was done playing. I bet I could replace my artists including today’s hottest hits like “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO, “California array of colors the characters were cross country workouts with Just Dance routines! Gurls” by Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg, and “Forget You” by Cee Lo Green. covered in while they were instructing S: Oh, don’t let Coach Huff hear you saying that! me on the dance moves. Even though I But I have to admit, Just Dance 3 is a perfect party was getting down to Cee Lo Green and game that just so happens to get you into a little Queen, I couldn’t figure out the dance prompts scrolling shape at the same time. Personally, I’ll definitely be asking my across the bottom, so I was forced to rely on the character! parents for it! As soon as I go buy a Wii…

Photos by Nikianne Ochoa

Taking a bite out of Apple Apple doesn’t fall far from the PRHS tree by Nikianne Ochoa, Reporter, and Sarah Wilson, Feature Co-Editor

Creator of Apple, former CEO Steve Jobs invented devices such as the iPod and Macbook. His inventions have spread across the nation, and have also made their way into the lives of students here in Paso. A survey of 67 students shows just how many bites PRHS has taken out of Apple.

26 | Crimson 11.16.11

Photo illustration by Ryan Morrison

Paso Robles High School

World NEXT

Color Guard

World watches Rugby World Cup

The impact of international Rugby stretches across the globe by Jonathan Kisch, World Editor

STEADY HANDS: Senior Ivan De Nysschen demonstates the handling of a rugby ball. A rugby player himself, he was one of over four billion worldwide viewers that tuned in to the World Cup in 2010. Photo by Jonathan Kisch.

South Africa

A Russian man buried himself alive, believing that if he survived, it would bring him good luck for the rest of his life. His air supply and luck ran out the very next morning; he died from suffocation in his self-made coffin.

—BBC News

Mexico 19-year-old Maria del Mar Arjona was caught sneaking inmate Juan Ramirez Tijerina out of Chetumal prison in a large black suitcase. Arjona now faces a potential prison sentence; she may or may not already have her bags packed. —BBC News

Ghana The Atlantic Lobsters and Dolphins restaurant in Accra, Ghana is being investigated for an alleged racial whites only policy. The owner, Sylvatore Dalao, and his staff claim that the policy was a joke. Regardless, the restaurant is being investigated. The white population of Ghana comprises less then seven percent of the 24,791,073 population —BBC News — Jonathan Kisch, World Editor Graphic by Ryan Morrison.

Libya, the war that went right by William Ford, News Co-Editor

With a brutal death, the end of Qadaffi’s rule little resembled the previous 42 years of iron fist rules. The Colonel’s death marked not only the end of a tyrannical rule in Libya; it showed a new way of supporting “regime change.” The full story here:



Rugby fans and 20 International Rugby teams from six different country will support one another when their own team has been continents descended upon New Zealand on Sept. 9, ready for the eliminated,” said sophmore Ruan De Nysschen, who was born most action packed and thrilling months of rugby: The Rugby in South Africa and also played rugby. World Cup. Over the span of two months, the third most televised France and New Zealand found themselves in familiar territory. world event broadcasted 48 rivalry-filled games to millions of Twenty- four years prior at the first Rugby World Cup in 1987, spectators geared up in patriotic fan apparel. hosted in New Zealand, New Zealand triumphed over France World cup matches are watched accumulatively by over four with a 29-9 victory. For France, winning the 2011 Rugby World billion people around the world, making it the third Cup would bring the glory of their first Rugby World Cup most popular sporting event worldwide. For many, the Championship. For New Zealand, the victory would bring World Cup represents a rich history of rivalries between the country together in celebration as well as ease the pain nations; the winner of the Webb Ellis trophy has four of loss from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch years of bragging rights. The World Cup also brings on Jul. 6, 2011, a goal the All Blacks set coming into the nations together, powerful enough tournament. to mend torn apart, grieving Springbok fans erupt in a harmonic combination of “"I remember Graham Henry countries. For New Zealand, the traditional South African Rugby songs such as ‘Hier (head coach) saying to me on the World Cup would bring peace Kom die Bokke’ and ‘Shosholoza’ which translate to morning that the All Blacks left of mind to citizens affected by a ... how much what had happened ‘Here Come the Springboks’ and ‘The Train’. catastrophic earthquake. in Christchurch was serving to Ivan de Nysschen, Senior The most infamous of rivalries, give them extra strength, extra so severe it was depicted in the motivation," said Christchurch movie Invictus, is between the top three teams: New Mayor Bob Parker, in a interview with the New Zealand Zealand All Blacks, Australia Wallabies, and South Herald. Africa Springboks. 60,000 fans poured into Eden Park in Auckland, New “When a rugby game is against New Zealand or Zealand, ready for a highly anticipated rugby final. History Australia, the intensity is like the Super Bowl amplified repeated itself, with the All Blacks winning by a one point ten fold,” said senior Ivan De Nysschen, South margin: 8-7. 60,000 fans poured out of the stadium, met African native and former rugby player. “Springbok fans erupt in a by 250,000 All Black Fans in a state of euphoria, partying in streets harmonic combination of traditional South African Rugby songs of Auckland. The parades and parties progressed throughout the such as ‘hier kom die bokke’ and ‘shosholoza’ which translate to three day weekend in New Zealand, leaving the entire country ‘here come the springboks’ and ‘the train’.” ecstatic, and giving absolute joy to the New Zealanders affected All rivalries were set aside as the tournament boiled down to by the earthquake. its final match; bitter southern hemisphere rivalries subsided and The Rugby World Cup has the power to captivate the world, support for one another arose in its place. The final two teams bringing six continents all into one nation for the most competitive left standing was New Zealand and France, a classic Northern months of rugby. But as the competition and the rivalries fade away, hemisphere vs. Southern hemisphere rugby final. the World Cup shows its true power: the ability to bring people “The Southern Hemisphere teams are rivalries, but each together and bring peace of mind to those who need it most.

A 50-year-old man awoke in the cold confinement of a morgue fridge. The man was believed to have died from a fatal asthma attack, only to be found screaming in hot rage 21 hours later. —The Guardian

world news

@ Paso Robles High School

Crimson 11.16.11 |


Technically Speaking: Color Guard Color Guard Captain Sierra Bowman goes under the microscope Sports Rugby


—Josh Orcutt, Sports Co-Editor

A TWIRL OF THE WRIST: The wrists allow for the rotation of the flag, creating the spin of the flag in the air if thrown, and the turn of the flag if kept in the hands. If handling of the flag maneuvers is not done properly, she could cause major damage to her wrists, and wrist wraps can reduce the likelihood of injury. Bowman trains the wrists by practicing flag for two to three hours a day.

LEVEL HEADED: Balance is essential, and if their balance is off they could ruin the routine or hurt themselves. Bowman maintains her keen balance by “maintaining her core.”

STARTING POSITION: A major use of the shoulders is to hold the flag when entering and exiting the field, and it is the starting position for many moves. Bowman strengthens her shoulders by doing pushups during her everyday routine.

CENTRAL CORE: The core of a color guard member is strong. Core is vital to balance throughout flag routine, which can last upwards of ten minutes. According to Bowman, back injuries can be common if members use incorrect form. The core also allows the toss to stay in one central area, not to one side or another while midair. She strengthens her core by doing abdominal workouts, running, and sit-ups.

HONORS SYSTEM DISCIPLINE: Discipline, like in all competitive sports, is key. As captain, Bowman leads the team, creating her view of discipline, which is not harsh punishment, but positive encouragement after a mistake. “Our discipline is all based on the honor system, but we just give them friendly reminders to do push-ups or run a lap,” Bowman said.

STEPPING TO THE BEAT: Members of flag use their legs to keep in step with the music.

Flying the flag Senior captain Sierra Bowman, now a veteran of two years in Color Guard, has quickly honed her skills as performer, trainer, and leader to better herself and the squad as a whole. With visible excitement, she described her involvement in her squad and hinted at her knowledge of the routines. “I have the ability to watch someone do something and then mimic them exactly,” Bowman said, her talent a key strength needed to master choreography and cadence for the shows. Bowman decided early last winter that she wanted to audition, securing a position on the team after three days of clinics that taught the basic moves of Color Guard. She’s designed creative routines and built a cooperative reputation that achieved her current position as captain. Bowman practiced an average of 16 hours after school a week this fall, putting in time to decide the proper choreography for the team. Like all captains, Bowman has to keep her team in line, more than others in the past. Bowman has high hopes for success in the upcoming competition on the fifth of Nov. at AGHS. According to Bowman, most the other teams participating in the event are very comparable to her squad. With enough work in the following weeks, she has little doubt they can pull ahead and win. —Ken Gurney, Sci- Tech Co- Editor

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Photos by Emily Cone

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Photos by Emily Cone

The “team of misfits” has turned their under-dog, under-sized reputation into a victory in Co-Captain Jonathan Young, although suffering from a back injury, played in the first round of CIF, defeating Downey High School 9-8 in overtime. Tuesday’s match. The bare-chested boys fought their way in the PAC7 to fourth place this season, with a “It was back and forth the whole game, we were very evenly matched. It was one of the record of 11-12. best games we’ve ever played- we really pulled together,” Young said. Senior Monty Renfrow scored the game-winning goal on Tuesday Nov. 8. Coach Duane McRoy also felt good about the victory. “Going into the final quarter in OT, I had it in my head that if I got the “This was an incredible game, one of the best I have ever been a part It was thug nasty. ball I was going to get that final goal. We drew a kick out, and I just kept a of. Both teams played very hard and as the game progressed you could cool head, ran our game plan, and threw [the ball] as hard as I could. It was see the mutual respect we had for each other. It was a very special game Monty Renfrow, Senior thug nasty.” to be part of,” said McRoy, who has been coaching for 16 years. The game started quickly, with Downey scoring the premier goal within The boys’ next match was against Royal High School, ranked second the first minute, soon answered with a goal by Ricky Lloyd. in their division. Noah Erwin and Devon Nicklas each contributed two goals, and Ricky Lloyd scored “We’ve played better teams this season,” said Young, referencing top-ranked Righetti, three. “We know that [Royal] is a good team but we’re not going to be intimidated.” “Everything went right,” said Lloyd, who noted that it was refreshing to play a team with good sportsmanship. “They were nice guys,” he said. — Emily Cone, Managing Editor

Running uphill: Cross country succeeds in the 2011 season by Maria Petiy, Reporter and William Ford, News Co-Editor

Although cross country didn’t have pumped up kicks—they favor their Nikes— they ran faster than bullets in the 2011 season, girls and boys both finishing third in the PAC 7 finals. As of press time, 13 runners will travel to the prized CIF meet. VARSITY BOYS Senior Zander Souza, a consistent first place finisher, led the team along with senior Matt Nottenkamper, juniors Aidan Farrell, Matt Kwiatkowski, Jonathan Kleinman, Noah Yoshida, Nick Stair, Tyler Ramirez and sophomore Kyle Ravera. According to team members, the varsity roster varied a bit throughout the season, contributing to a ninth place ranking in the Division III Southern Section. Kwiatkowski believed the secret was longer running intervals, off-season training, and drive. Boys placed third at league finals, beating San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande, qualifying Paso for CIF. The course was described as the most difficult by Souza, who came in third overall with a time 16:15.1. He was behind psychology teacher Geof Land’s son, Seamus Land, who competed for SLO finishing with a time of 15:50.3. Souza’s personal record was 15:51. Kwiatkowski and Farrell also placed in the top ten with times of 16:36 and 16:37. They were followed by Yoshida (17:14), Kleinman (17:19), Nottenkamper and

Ravera. The boys previously beat SLO HS by 20 points at Stanford Invitational on Sept. 24, which was considered “one of the highlights of the season” by Nottenkamper. Another strong point of the year was on Oct. 21 at the sixty-fourth annual Mt. San Antonio College Invitational - commonly known as Mt. SAC - which is the largest high school meet in the nation consisting of over 2,000 schools and over 10,000 runners. The boys came in first in their heat, winning by two points. “We stepped up, every second counted so it was a team effort,” said Souza, who placed fourth in the race and first for the school. Souza had a time of 16:25, followed by Farrell coming in at fifth place with 16:26. As for the future, the boys have high hopes for the next season and CIF. “We’ve really improved from last year and it’s really going to motivate us for next year” Farrell said, summing up the season. Paso Robles High School

VARSITY GIRLS Varsity girl racers were juniors Angela Sandoval, Sara Bourgault, Danica Boggs, Nichole Steingruber, sophomore Devin Corea and freshman Claire Farrell, and Maddie Moore. The young team had an uphill battle during the season, getting better every meet. Closer finishing times of the seven girls was described as “growing as a team” by Steingruber. Close times in the 20 minute range contributed to improvements through out the season. At league finals the competitive times of the girls again contributed to a third place finish and a victory over Atascadero HS and St. Joseph HS to secure a spot in CIF. “We beat all the Atascadero runners, which was our goal,” Steingruber said proudly. PRHS had a total of 74 points behind AGHS and SLOHS teams. As the first finisher for team, Corea placed eleventh overall with a time of 20: 50, followed by teammates Boggs (21:04) and Sandoval (21:05) who finished twelfth and thirteenth. The girls placed third among seven teams at the PAC 7 league’s mid season meet. Bourgault obtained a personal record of a 22 minute 5K while Moore and Farrell PR’ed. Working collectively as a team and having similar times gave the girls an advantage at Mt. SAC where they placed 14th out of 22 teams in their heat. “We did pretty well and we just need to keep improving,” said Corea, who was first for the school and thirty-fifth overall with a time of 20:30 in the 5K at the Mt. SAC invitational. Qualifying for CIF, the seven girls expect more improvements and great results as of press time. With no graduating runners, the promising young team awaits the 2012 season. Crimson 11.16.11 |


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FANCY FOOTWORK (below): Bearcat Varsity football players warm up with jumping jacks on the field before their game against Pioneer Valley. The Bearcats lost 23-25.

FFA FUN (bottom right): Junior Elizabeth Bradberry participates in a team-building activity at an FFA meeting. FFA meets monthly to discuss upcoming events.

HOG WILD (below): Junior Brittney Tackett smiles as a pig nudges her. Tackett is part of the Veterinary Science class, and frequently cleans pens, wieghs the animals, and takes care of the livestock.

TWO OF A KIND (bottom left): A “Bearkitten� and their student teacher go trick-ortreating on campus. The Bearkittens collected candy from 25 classrooms as well as the office and library.

FLYING HIGH (below): Flyer Nicole Scarborough is launched into the air as she practices a basket toss before the football game against San Luis Obispo high School. The Bearcats lost 21-25.


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