October 2011

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Crimson Volume 71 / 10.12.11

801 Niblick Rd. Paso Robles, California

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Home C oming Issue

Issue 2

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“Safe Streets” >> p. 8

Blind date >> p. 10

Marching band >> p. 21


October 12, 2011

Volume 71, Issue 2 ON THE COVER: Class rings from across the generations shimmer with timeless spirit. 2011 marks the 58th year of PRHS Homecoming. Photo by Kimberly Boswell

04 Floating in the name of peace

12 Liberty under fire

All 280 General Art students of Joshua Gwiazda and Kelly Clark made colorful paper butterflies to spread the four messages of International Peace Day: love each other, help each other, forgive each other, and inspire each other.

What is widely unknown about programs such as Liberty HS, Independence HS, and Grizzly Youth Academy is one pivotal nine-letter word: voluntary.


18 Zany for Zumba Olivia Musial provides a firstperson account of her invigorating experience with the smash-hit workout sensation


27 Technically speaking Senior girls golf player Claire Baldal breaks down the steps to a successful swing


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Photo by Sara Bourgault

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Costly cough hits county

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Anatomy experiments

Whooping cough crack down reaches Paso Robles School District by Daniel Hipp, Business Team Principal Randy Nelson was required to ironically do the opposite of what his job expects him, take students out of class. On Thursday, Sept. 22, Nelson took a list of 35 students on record as unvaccinated, called 12 out of their prospective first period classes, while 18 had documentation, but had not submitted it prior to the deadline as well as Assistant Principal Chris Jones and campus security pursuing their own lists as well. They were escorted to the library where they were debriefed on the situation stating that they would not be permitted to return to class until proof was shown. The TDaP vaccination protects against Pertussis, more commonly known as whooping cough, a respiratory illness which causes the infected to cough in violent spasms. Whooping cough is contagious, and students of Paso Robles School District grades seven to 12 were required to turn in proof of vaccination to keep their seat in school and were given the first 30 days of school to do so. “As of Sept. 14, the county’s Public Health Department has received reports of 348 confirmed, probable and suspect cases [of the illness],” the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department said. When put into perspective, SLO County has the second highest number of cases of Pertussis in

SHOOTING UP: Flamson Middle School held a vaccination clinic on Wednesday, Sept. 21 to administer TDaP shots for unvaccinated students, accompanied by parents or guardians, in order for them to meet the extended deadline of Thursday, Sept. 22. Students lacking sufficient proof of immunization were escorted out of their first period classes and taken to the library for debriefing. Photos by Sydney

California. District Nurse Ashley Aiello confirmed the statement made by the Public Health Department. Although the cause for concern was legitimate for the total 130-140 who were supposed to be escorted to the library due to the lack of proof of vaccination, not everyone a part of the group was unvaccinated. Some students were already vaccinated and simply forgot to turn in their vaccination forms, while others were at the fate of a filing hiccup. Sophomore Josie Anderson was a victim of this mishap. “They pulled me out of class Thursday even though my mom signed a waiver, and so she picked me up that day and I missed school Thursday and Friday,” Anderson said who is backed up on school work due to the missed school days. “I was even sent to detention on Monday because they lost the second waiver form. My mother had to come and sign it again, it was extremely frustrating.” Though administration clarifies that students were not punished or issued detention, but simply separated by law for neglecting to present proper documentation. The precautions taken by the school district in regards to the TDaP vaccinations were in order to keep the populous of schools happy and healthy.


Plans for the festivities

Senior class determines senior celebrations by Megan Rodrigues, Co-Editor-in-Chief During lunch on Wednesday, Sept. 21, approximately 20 senior students met in senior class advisor, Denise Conte’s classroom, AD15, as the first ever class of 2012 class meeting was called to order. Senior class president, Elizabeth Kerr, called the meeting to order at 12:45, as vice president, Reina Santos, and treasurer, Josh Skinner sat on her right side following along as Kerr ran the meeting. On the new business prompting discussion, Kerr, Conte, Skinner and Santos talked about the controversial Magic Mountain Grad Night. Skipping tradition, the senior class this year will be ditching Disneyland Grad Night due to Disneyland’s changes to the usual Grad Night experience. This year, the theme park cut the amount of high schools even allowed to attend and PRHS did not make the cut. Disneyland will also keep their doors opened to families and Disneyland enthusiasts during the day of Grad Night and will shut their doors and allow the classes of 2012 to have the park to themselves starting at 11 p.m. Including the Grad Night trip, Safe and


Sober was also discussed, along with the class budget and the possibility of Senior Celebration week, held on the week of CST testing. The upperclassman students were told that due to the shuttles that transported the Bearcat students to prom, the senior budget was approximately $3,000.00 less than what it was the previous year. As Kerr announced that Senior Celebration Week would be a possibility as long as the senior class can afford it, the students quickly brainstormed fundraising activities to raise money for the celebrations. Some of the fundraising ideas pitched were the popular cookie dough sales, the quirky Smencil pencil fundraiser, and the original class bracelet fundraiser. “I’m just so excited to work with everyone to plan an outstanding Senior year, and I really appreciate all the seniors who showed up. They were all so enthusiastic and eager to contribute,” Kerr said about the twenty minute class meeting.

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 10.12.11





Anatomy classes “dive” into experiments Science class works to provide visual learning opportunities

by Olivia Musial, In-Depth Co-Editor “Nose goes” was yelled frequently in Room 308 on Sept. 6 when Anatomy students decided who would stick their face in a bucket of water while holding their breath for the first of Anatomy teacher Jon-Paul Ewing’s hands-on labs and activities. Ewing’s unique life science class, Anatomy and Physiology, helps kids learn about how bodies work through one of a kind activities and experiments. Ewing’s class, participating in a lab called the “Dive Reflex” on Sept. 6 and 7, presented students with the observation that harbor seals have the ability to slow down their heart rates underwater. Ewing then left it in the hands of students to discuss and come up with a question and a hypothesis. “Many labs involve a student adding certain ‘ingredient’ to a solution and observing the predicted reaction. What is lost is the fun part of science labs, the exploration and discovery. Science should be a blast to teach and learn about!” Ewing said, who has been teaching Anatomy since 2008. The “Dive Reflex” lab included a student from each period doing full body submersion in the athletic training room. The volunteers were junior Rudy Binkele, junior Tim Benes, and senior Mitch Carroll. Ewing also does applied experiments such as calculating students own VO2 Max (the amount of oxygen their muscles are able to use), designing experiments relating to muscle fatigue, discovering the chemical needs for muscle contractions, and cat dissections. “His hands on experiments help us apply what we are learning to situations we can relate to!” said junior Riley Edwards, and many kids feel visual learning helps them understand the material better. While Ewing has the opportunity to do more kinesthetic activities, many other teachers, who teach mainly visual/auditory subjects, have to rely on different methods to accommodate to students needs. “I use “Total Physical Response,” a technique for teaching certain types of vocabulary. I tell them in French to touch their nose. They see me touch my nose, so they touch their noses. After a few repetitions, they are responding correctly without my prompting them at all,” French teacher Mike Delbar said, on how he helps kids who are inclined towards kinesthetic learning. Ewing appears to agree and strives to make sure kids get the most experience out of his class, “Hands-on learning allows students to process the information we teach during lectures. I feel lucky that I get to teach science, which lends itself to more hands-on lessons,” Ewing said. When asked what they liked most about Anatomy, most kids were in agreement that it wasn’t the activities themselves, but the liveliness and humor that Ewing brings to the class. “Mr. Ewing’s witty commentary, the upbeat atmosphere, and the hands on activities make everyday in anatomy a fun learning experience,” junior Anna Hernandez said. As Anatomy classes draw closer to their cat dissections, which start the fifth week of second trimester, they are learning little by little how visual learning is sometimes more effective then being taught learning.


With the ongoing construction work occuring, one may have the feeling that the school is going under a metamorphosis of sorts. But on Wednesday, Sep. 21, the message of peace spread its wings on International Peace Day as approximately 1,500 paper butterflies were hung from the front of the school into the main quad on campus. All 280 General Art students of Joshua Gwiazda and Kelly Clark made colorful paper butterflies to spread the four messages of International Peace Day: love each other, help each other, forgive each other, and inspire each other. Gwiazda got the idea for the butterflies from Christine Davis, a fellow artist who installed butterflies at the 2011 Burning Man festival. Davis spread the word of her work, encouraging all communities to participate in displaying butterflies on International Peace Day. These butterflies were then strung together and placed during second period and after school on Wednesday upon planter boxes, among other things, to beautify the campus, amongst the chain link fences that are in place. “The butterfly is the universal symbol of change, so I thought it had a dual purpose for our campus: not only to celebrate International Peace Day, via spreading the four messages, but since our campus is experiencing a period of transformation, with tractors crawling around like caterpillars, it seemed apropos, since like butterflies, our campus is undergoing a metamorphosis as well,” Gwiazda said. —Dakota Cleland, Opinion Editor

Photo by Olivia Musial

Olivia Musial

10.12.11 Crimson

the name of

MAKESHIFT MONARCHS: On Sept. 21, 1,500 handmade butterflies were strung onto trees thoroughout the school.

CONCENTRATED BREATHING (below): Junior Tim Benes prepares to participate in a dive reflex lab in his fifth period anatomy class to test his ability to slow his heartrate underwater as junior Hannah Clifford takes his pulse GOING UNDER (above): Junior Brandon Goddard assists Benes as he is submerged in the water basin by making sure his snorkel remains above the surface HEAD UNDERWATER (bottom right): Senior Logan Ham sees how long he can hold his breath in a bucket of water for the experiment Photos by


Floating in

Paso Robles High School


Alternative attendance decreases

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Independent studies enrollment continues despite downsizing by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor Despite facing downsizes, Independence High School continues to support the needs of students wishing to earn a diploma outside of PRHS doors, which administration and students alike continue to praise and utilize. Registration during 2011-2012 for Independence High School dropped to 169 students from 224 the previous year, as the loss of a special education teacher and a general education teacher forced the program to lower its maximum enrollment to 200 students as opposed to the 248 maximum adhered to last year, according to Lead Teacher of Liberty HS and Independence HS Karen Hofmockel. Attendance has decreased to a current enrollment of 130 due to staff downsizing and the implementation of program improvement, as students placed in strategic intervention programs are not permitted to transfer into the independent program. However, the popularity of the program is still attracting a sizable turnout this year, which is expected to max out in March 2012. “The first two years of high school are often the most challenging to students. If a student can successfully complete their first two years at a comprehensive high school like PRHS, they stand a 95% chance of graduating from PRHS. If a student leaves PRHS for an alternative placement such as Liberty or Independent Study, the probability for earning a diploma decreases to 68 percent,” Principal Randy Nelson said, adding that the need for alternative education is apparent, but not right for every student. Though the statistic has not prevented the program from improving upon CST scores, with English scores up 22.3 percent from 15.7 percent in 2009. Math also saw an increase of 56.3, reaching 83 percent for the 2010-2011 school year, according to the Los Angeles Times. Junior Lilianna Russu utilizes the program to salvage her threatened diploma. “What really affected me was when the lady at the desk said it was

‘my choice’ to go to Independence, which made me burst into tears once I got into the car, because it was not my choice at all! Going there was the only way I could keep from dropping out of school due to doctor appointments at least once a week, and occasional hospital stays,” Russu said. She faced medical problems this past year that forced her to recover credits through the alternative program. For junior Robbie Malone, Independence High School is not an excuse to slack off, but inversely an opportunity to enrich his educational prospects. “I think people should know that Independence High School can be used as a great tool to take more advanced classes without having to exceed the amount of classes a normal High School student is taking,” Malone said. He is currently enrolled in two independent study courses, allowing him to take three additional Cuesta College classes. “My meetings with my teacher are just between her and me; it makes it much easier for me to absorb the knowledge and there has never been a time in my education where I felt a teacher cared as much for me,” he said, one of 61 students in Independence High’s junior class. Because regulations force class size to top off at 27, teachers are able to meet with each student individually for an hour a

week, something impossible for the general high school teacher who averages 120 students per trimester. The program is heavy in personal accountability demands, as students do much of their learning on their own and courses are primarily textbook driven, centered around the same textbooks mandated at Paso High. “That is the nature of working independently. We cannot offer lab classes or a lot of the electives, but as far as the core classes are concerned, our expectations are high,” Hofmockel said. Applicants for the program are thoughtfully considered based on attendance records, past grades, and test scores before being accepted as a student.

Photo by Shanna Dowling

Safe and Sober party attendance takes a dive Fewer than 70 present at 2011 Safe and Sober by Sarah Wilson, Feature Co-Editor

Attendance has dropped for the annual Grad Night party hosted by Safe and Sober, leading committee members to reconsider what to do for Grad Night and whether it should be held at all. In 2010, 80-90 seniors attended, and in 2011, only 60-70 were present. With lower attendance in the last two school years, and thousands of dollars being spent, the Safe and Sober Committee is considering not having a party for the 2012 graduating class. Previous years’ parties have cost up to $20,000-30,000, much of which was donated by local businesses. Last year, the party cost a total of $19,640.82, including donations and fundraisers. “Safe & Sober began as an effort to ensure that high school seniors had a safe and memorable celebration following their graduation. It has been difficult the last two years to get parent volunteers to help put on the event, and it is a parent-volunteer run event,” Safe and Sober Committee member Brenda Schoennauer said. Safe and Sober takes place the night of graduation, and usually lasts from 9 p.m. into early morning. Though the actual event is at the end of the school year, planning starts as early as September with meetings held monthly in the beginning, and weekly as graduation draws nearer.

In a survey of 85 seniors, 21.2 percent said they would like to attend a party with games and food; 71.7 percent were interested in going to an amusement park, while 7.1 would rather do something else, or not attend any event at all. “Very few students will want to attend a party. Either [we should go to] an amusement park, or people won’t show up,” said an anonymous senior, part of the majority that wants to go to an amusement park. Related to this matter, the usual Grad Night trip to Disneyland at the end of the year is no longer occurring. PRHS was unable to reserve a date for the Disneyland trip because other schools had already made reservations. Instead, seniors will be traveling to Magic Mountain on May 17. “We will participate in the ‘Premiere Party’ at [Magic Mountain], which includes an all-you-can-eat buffet, DJ dance party, and admission to the “big rides” …two hours before the other schools get there,” ROP accounting teacher Denise Conte said. The ticket costs are estimated to be approximately $100. “Even though Disneyland isn’t an option this year, I still think we will have fun at any amusement park we get to go to! It’s if people make it a good time or not,” senior Trinity Smith said. Graphic illustration by Ryan Morrison


Paso Robles High School

Crimson 10.12.11


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Logging in to wireless Independence HS


by Kathryn Wingfield, Co-Editor-in-Chief

For students and teachers across campus, “connected” is now more than a blue word on a screen: it’s an expression of the changes to come as possibilities presented by the new electronic devices policy continue to arise, which permits use of devices such as iPods and laptops before and after school, as well as during lunch, nutrition, and passing period. For AP US History teacher Mark Bradford, the change is far from over. “AP US History is going increasingly digital and less paper,” said Bradford, an immediate, “excited” supporter of the policy from its proposition. “Students will learn to use valuable sites for research, study, presentations, and essays just as they will in college. We will shift in this direction this year.” Bradford is not alone: his enthusiasm for digital enrichment is shared by Paso Robles Public School District’s tech team, headed by Scott Knuckles. The team’s decision to revamp the district’s network infrastructure and build a wireless network through a $2.5 million federal grant received was due in large part to the growing belief that “digital learning has offered more methods of student engagement and increased customization of learning objectives,” according to Knuckles. “Research has shown benefits for students having access to mobile devices for learning might include improvements in attendance and discipline, a broader array of learning resources and experiences, increased frequency and quality of supportive individual and group interactions, improvements in student and parent attitudes toward school, and increases in student achievement,” Knuckles said. “My team and I


Band ROP Floral Sports Med Ceramics Art Welding Graphics Culinary 06

10.12.11 Crimson

are very happy to provide this new technology to both students and teachers this year.” While students and teachers initially experienced issues with logging on to the network, classes on how to connect and online instructions have shown improvement. Up to 72 individuals have been seen logged on at any given moment. The district’s tech program does not benefit financially from use of the wireless network, but rather is supported by the $32,000 gained from the presence of Verizon and MetroPCS towers on campus, a project Knuckles describes as “a win-win project for our community and our school district.” Additionally, BYOD’s presence has sparked interest in installing an AT&T tower, which will bring in another $24,000 a year. However, for Knuckles and the tech team, the focus remains most significantly on the enrichment in education the policy intends to bring. “We understand that technology is just a tool that helps amplify learning,” Knuckles said. “BYOD is about creating constructive change in teaching practices and student learning. Just like students bring pencils and books to school, they can bring their technology to help them wherever it’s appropriate.”

$ Per Trimester $ Per Year —
















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Fees don’t ease

Course fees increase as district and class budget shrinks by Maria Petiy, Reporter Most hands-on electives including Athletic Training, Ceramics, Welding, Art, Floral, Graphics, Culinary, and Band, welcomed their students with a syllabus, a smile, and a course fee. Electives asked students to pay class fees standing higher than usual at a common fee of $15 to as high as $400. The common stand point of teachers tends to be that they prefer fundraising or donations to raise their funds. Students tend to not mind the fees, while some parents think is it somewhat unreasonable. ROP Floral asked for a course fee of $50 per trimester. Floral 1 requires a $30 fee. “I think it’s reasonable with the flowers we get to take home, and trips we take. All the fundraising we do helps, too,” junior Dakota Estrada said. Estrada is taking her third year of floral, and later this year faces another fee, in welding. Band members face a $400 fee, of which the majority covers transportation, uniform cleaning, and equipment. “Not only do we have to pay for the actual vehicles, we have mileage on our Equipment Trucks and upkeep that have to be done,” band director Sonny Galvan said.

Students pay to stay in their favorite programs. “Personally, I think [fees are reasonable] because at other schools, [the band program] is around $1000 or more. It’s hard for me and my family, but it’s reasonable,” said senior Levi Le, who has participated in band since 2008. For families with more than one child in school, the fees add up. “I thought education was free, why are we expected to pay these fees?” Hanne Luth said, a Pat Butler Elementary school teacher and mother of three bearcats, who has paid over $100 in recent years, excluding extracurricular activities. Students who can’t afford class fees, don’t have to. Teachers cannot “make” students pay fees according to public school policy, but there are ways around the program to get the funds. “Unless you cover the material cost, you don’t get your product,” Art Teacher Kelly Clark said, who asks for $15 for his drawing class, and $20 for painting class.

Yearly and trimester fees for many elective classes remain high this year as instructors struggle to cover material costs as budgets continue to shrink, causing course fees to remain a reality.

Paso Robles High School


Editorial next

'Safe Streets'


School’s start shows high potential for remarkable positive growth by Kathryn Wingfield, Co-Editor-in-Chief, and Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor

Last year as school started, students filed into class on Aug. 30, 2010 Do we think this year’s in anticipation of new classes, fresh faces, and endless possibilities. By the freshmen can make a long time the last bell rang just seven hours later, a punch had been thrown, lasting, positive effect on fighting at PRHS? and the bright outlook on the upcoming year had grown a little darker. Crimson staff Seventeen other instances of mutual combat and five instances of battery votes. occurred in the following five weeks, a number Vice Principal Ed Brown, overseer of disciplinary issues, describes as “huge.” Agree: 13 But 2011’s students arrived home from their first day unscathed and have only experienced one fight in the time it took last year’s number to reach 23. “It’s really been a very good start,” fourth-year Principal Randy Disagree: 12 Nelson said, “the best I can remember in recent memory, even in midst of all the challenges.” Nelson and Brown both attribute this drastic drop in fights to multiple factors, including each class’ unique “personality,” the comfortable vibes created by the new “Bring Your Own Device” policy, and the good old crimson blood that flows through students’ veins. But in order for this trend to keep going strong, and for the year to end as brightly as it started, the power lies ultimately in each individual student’s hands. No group demonstrates this better than this year’s incoming freshmen, a group that had a bad reputation for causing trouble in middle school, according to Brown. “Everyone told us to get ready because the freshman would be bringing trouble,” he said, now in his third year as head of the discipline team. “But they’ve been great. I rarely have people come into my office, and when I do have to talk to someone, they get it. They understand, and they change.” Nelson believes adaptability is a strong characteristic of incoming freshman and part of their success.

Kathryn Wingfield Co Editor-in-Chief Web Team

Megan Rodrigues

“It really depends a lot on how they react to becoming Bearcats,” he said. “This group reacted well, even with the quad being closed off and a whole combination of factors.” The security team believes this can be traced to the implementation of BYOD, a policy which helped students ease into the new environment (805)400-5875 and has made the disciplinary team’s job easier and more pleasant. “Everyone seems a lot happier,” said security guard Clare McClure, an early supporter of the policy. “[The policy] allows students to isolate into their headphones and calm down, or take care of a call that would have caused them stress before.” When Brown first heard the proposal to allow the use of electronic devices during school hours, he thought, “That’s crazy. They’ll be threatening each other all over the place.” But since experiencing only one instance of malicious behavior through electronics— a “text-bombing” case between friends, which he believes held little malice at all. His mind, much like the atmosphere among the student body, has changed. Brown now uses texting to communicate with students who have concerns about fights or illegal activities, and has received several accurate tip-offs from students. He encourages anyone who catches word of a potential problem to contact him right away. It’s up to students to use resources such as this, the havens provided by electronics use, and their own power of will, to make the right choices they’ve been making and continue the positive reign of 2011-2012, a year that could live in history as the best the school has ever seen. “I think people need to appreciate that you only go to high school once, and you need to make the most of your experience and that involves making good choices, not bad ones,” Nelson said. It’s this attitude that has made a difference so far and has the power to make differences from here on out. Keep it going Bearcats, make this year an example for those to come. We couldn’t be off to a better start.

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If you know of any upcoming fights or problems, please contact Mr. Brown at any time:

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Crimson 10.12.11


In-Depth Editorial



Law authorities put a no-tolerance gang elimination plan into action by Nicolette Jolicoeur, Managing Editor, and William Ford, News Co-Editor, with contributions by Camille Nelson, Reporter With stabbings, shootings, and robberies, it is not the wine or the California Mid-State Fair that has made Paso Robles notorious lately. But with that increase in violence, law enforcement (Paso Police Department, Sherriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol and SLO County Probation Department) has lashed back with the ‘Safe Streets’ program. The ‘Safe Streets’ program was created to collect intelligence and information on gang activity in Northern SLO county, and to have a suppressive effect on gang activity through a zero tolerance approach. This plan seemed skeptical at first to some, with 19 less police officers belonging to the department than in 2008, which is 0.9 percent less than suggested for an area the size of Paso Robles by the Bureau of Justice. But on Labor Day weekend alone, law enforcement issued 35 traffic citations and 30 arrests. With the program already producing great results, Chief of Police Lisa Solomon, plans to continue the program indefinitely. “We will evaluate program effects on an ongoing basis to determine how long the program continues or would be modified,” Solomon said, who has served on the Paso Police force for 23 years. “We will continue to evaluate and consider the gang problem within the context of all other policing matters and make decisions on how our limited resources are deployed in the future.” As the town combats its growing gang problem, PRHS battles its own gang influences. Ed Brown, Vice Principal, along with school security and a task force that includes the Paso Robles Police Department and the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department, goal is to squash out gang influence as soon as possible at PRHS. Diligently working and communicating, along with enforcing strict antigang policies, gangs have not been able to infiltrate the school. Yet with the growing gang influence in Paso Robles, it almost seems inevitable that it will affect the school, with some actions hitting close to former students along with current students. PRHS alumni Jesse Garcia’s brother was shot in the neighborhood of Oak Park, and sophomore Kalua Kalili’s brother, Kaleialoha Kalili, was in close proximity of the shooting, at the family’s home. Kalili’s brother was also robbed. Kaili says that everyone knows who the gang members are and “[Oak park is] not as bad as everybody says it is.” But Brown isn’t taking any chances. “Anything that happens in the city happens in the school, on a smaller scale,” said Brown, who added that there is some gang tension at the school, specifically in the past years the Norteños-Sureños


10.12.11 Crimson

tension. On a scale 10, Brown said that he would rate the gang problem at our school a three. Though Brown said it could get worst, he attributes the success of the gang prevention to the passionate work of the task force. Some people that help Brown include Dan Burrell (District truant officer), Jason Taylor (District Safety Officer), Robert Valesquez (School Resource Officer), and John Taylor (Paso PD). “We do not want Paso to become a Santa Maria,” said Brown, saying that this is an important goal, and its nothing against Santa Maria, just gang related crimes are much more rampant. The school shuts down gang activity with, not only the task force, but the dress code as well. Gang colors tend to ignite aggression towards another gang, so to fix this problem, the school enforces a strict ‘no gang color’ policy. Brown recently formed a campaign that has involved crackdown on red and blue clothing and accessories, including an appeal to teachers to report offenses to security. In addition to suspension and expulsion from the school, a suspected gang member can be prosecuted under Penal Code 186.22 PC, which is part of the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, or more commonly referred to as California’s street gang enhancement law, according to Shouse law group. This means that in addition to the sentence an offender gets, as a gang affiliate, you will receive additional and consecutive sentencing. As a comprehensive high school, meaning having a wide range of subjects and activities offered to students, not just core academics, students have options to stay out of gangs. Instead of illegally making money selling drugs, students can learn how to weld, construct, or be a mechanic through the nationally recognized Skills USA program, a legal and practical way of making money. Instead of committing violent crimes out of built up aggression, students can join various sports offered. Though no specific subgroup or type can be generalized as tending to be gang affiliated, Brown does say that PRHS gangs tend to be Hispanic gangs. There are plenty of other ethnic and socioeconomic gangs; they just are not as large as the Hispanic gangs. Brown’s ultimate goal is a gang free campus, attaining important relationships with gang affiliated students in order to try to steer them to the right path. He finds out what is going on in their lives and what he can do to help, and with the respect he shows students, he tends to get respect back, though this isn’t always the case. “I’ll let them be angry with me, as long as I protect them,” Brown said, adding that Paso has really good kids; it’s just bad influences and decisions.

Paso Robles High School

Photo Illustration by Ryan Morrison and Kim Boswell


Feature next


Blind Date

Of books and bikes English teacher has a radical hidden hobby by Camille Nelson, Reporter and Megan Rodrigues, Co-Editor in Chief

Learning to ride a bike is every five years old dream, but jumping a bike with a motor over a man-made hill while only holding on with two hands isn’t in the dream book for most adults. Scott Harvey, English Language Arts teacher, got his first bike when he was in the fourth grade. His father took him to get it from a friend, making sure he was big enough to actually fit over the bike; it was metallic grey with the classic red Honda wings on the gas tank. Harvey now has two bikes, a Yamaha YZ250 two stroke and a KTM four stroke 250, both of which he is contemplating selling. Harvey, although very humble of his passionate pastime, enjoys covering himself from helmet to boot with grains of silica and splashes of mud. Dirt and grime isn’t the only thing to be expected when riding. “Be ready to have some serious injuries because you’re going to get them,” Harvey said reminiscing on all of the injuries he had sustained. Harvey has broken both his legs, his left elbow, both wrists, his left ankle, twice, and has received hairline fractures to both femurs. “Always be geared up appropriately.” Harvey said shaking his head. “If you don’t have boots and a helmet you shouldn’t even [ride].” Harvey said seriously. “I’m padded in every possible way I can,” Harvey said with a chuckle. Although Harvey is padded up like the Michelin Man, he has experienced multiple injuries, something that can’t be avoided. Hearing this one might think Harvey is Evil Knievel incarnate, but really he just performs basic tricks, such as straightforward jumps, hill climbs, drop-offs, berms, wheelies, “and maybe the tiniest little whip ever,” Harvey said smiling. These tricks still may sound complicated but really a hill climb is just a short uphill climb,

usually a race. A wheelie is when the rider lifts the front wheel and is able to ride only on the back wheel. And a drop off is when the rider must ride down steps found in the terrain. A berm is a corner with a vertical aspect to it. When Harvey does get the chance to ride, his favorite spot is Stonyford in the Stonyford Ranger District of the Mendocino National Forest, up north of Sacramento. Stonyford has and elevation of 1,700 ft. to about 6,000 ft. giving a 4,300 ft. climb and it is located on over 90,000 acres with different vegetation depending on your elevation. Harvey used to ride a 35 mile loop with his friends, seeing “who could climb this hill, who could make it through these obstacles the cleanest,” Harvey said. Some of Harvey’s students also share his passion, such as sophomore Dean Pate, who was nothing but sincere in his admiration in Harvey still riding. “It’s pretty awesome [that Harvey rides]. He told me he rides, so it’s pretty cool,” Pate said who has been riding for ten years and is now sponsored by Six Feet Deep clothing company, Renthal Handle Bar Company and Troly Dirt Bike Company. “Places that allow dirt bikers to ride are closing down like crazy,” Harvey said. Although there are many different reasons why these places are closing, on way to help prevent it is to be respectful where ever you ride, pick up after yourself and be respectful because your actions reflect on all other riders. For Harvey, the reason behind it all is riding. “I’m just in it for the fun,” Harvey stated and the smile on his face proved that this is indeed the truth, a medal doesn’t represent how much fun you had or the passion you pour into doing what you love.

Photo illustration by Sarah Wilson. Photos by Emily Cone


Paso Robles High School

Crimson 10.12.11


Feature From books to bikes



Fairytale friends

Senior Kevin Burns and junior Michaela Iunker carve out a friendship

by Kelly Munns, Editoral Editor, Clarisse Dart, Reporter, and Summer Volle, In-Depth Co-Editor Two unlikely characters met at Jack before. Creek Farms in Templeton on Oct. 2 “This is what we do in California. Welcome!” Iunker said and began their Cinderella story with while joking about eating the pumpkin raw and how weird a twist. The awkward castle walls came that would be. down between the two as they shared The messy pumpkin carving commenced as the couple laughs and bonded at the picnic table began to envision what they wanted their new “friend” to under the sun. look like. Iunker and Burns became more comfortable with Showing up in an orange shirt, each other and the conversation began to flow freely as they senior Kevin Burns was in the festive easily jumped from one subject to another. While they talked spirit awaiting his mystery girl. When junior Michaela Iunker they created what Iunker and Burns described as a “nonshowed up in a tank top and shorts, she brought a spunky symmetrical” face. They decided to name their newly carved attitude with her that lit up the atmosphere of the date. pumpkin, “Orangejello.” While posing for a picture with their In the 82 degree weather, the couple sat next to each other masterpiece, Iunker said, “It’s our child!” and enjoyed their lunches provided by the Odyssey Cafe. Near the end of the date, the couple took part in a photo During their meal, they made a new furry friend: a white cat shoot. They actively participated in adding their own creativity with black spots, that they endearingly named “Phil.” Iunker to the shots. This included sitting in a wooden train, standing proceeded to pick at her food while making small talk with on hay bales, and acting silly while posing in front of the Burns. She was comfortably chatting the whole time, cleverly creative signs saying things like “say cheese” that were spread getting past awkward moments in conversation with her around the beautiful and festive Jack Creek Farms. jokes. At the end of this sweet fairytale, the unexpected happened. The subject of sports popped into the conversation, and she Just as Burns was pulling out of the farm, he ran back to the explained how she is involved with both swimming and water picnic table where he exclaimed, “I forgot my pumpkin!” polo. “I tried that once, I’m like a rock in the water,” Burns said He told Iunker that while he was driving away, he suddenly smiling. realized that he had forgotten his beloved Orangejello and told One of the most memorable moments of the date was his mom to, “put the car in reverse!” This charming gesture discussing the unique turkey sandwiches. made Iunker smile, as she offered to bring him the pumpkin “Oh my gosh, there is purple stuff in here!” Burns exclaimed. herself to his second period the next day. In this modern day The pair busted out in laughs and stared at the “purple stuff” in Cinderella story, the roles were reversed. The couple departed CARRIED AWAY (top): Iunker and Burns pose on top of a train at Jack Creek Farms where they spent their date having a picnic, carving a pumpkin, and playing around hay the sandwiches, which had a berry taste. the fun filled date with a friendly hug. bales. Burns, who just moved here from Texas for his senior year, informed everyone that he had never carved a pumpkin

PEEK-A-BOO: The couple pose in the the children’s maze as they jokingly tried to find their way. Photos by Clarisse Dart, Kelly Munns, and Summer Volle

IT’S OUR CHILD: Iunker and Burns smile with their creation—which they named Orangejello.

Save Burial Grounds. Live Better. Wal-Mart.

ALL SMILES: The pair smile on as they pose for the camera during their photoshoot. Both Burns and Iunker rated the date a seven.

Wal-Mart controversy from the 90s leaves a grassy knoll and an ancient cemetery Halloween shoppers at Wal-Mart this month may not know that the real cemetery and spook lie not on the shelf, but outside about 100 yards away. There is history behind the big, chain store location on Niblick Rd. and the 1993 controversy that lay behind it, one that took shape as developer of the plaza. James Halferty proposed to bulldoze the 40 acre land on which a Chumash Indian village and cemetery once stood off highway 101. Halferty wanted the mall to be visible from the freeway to attract shoppers. Some historians said it to be as old as “Egyptian pharaohs.” Outraged Chumash elder Pilulaw Khus and three other American Indians took their case to court in June 1993, fighting for the cemetery location to be conserved under state environmental laws that safeguard important archeological sites, and a state constitutional provision of religious freedom. “They are destroying our people, what they’re saying is they’re willing to destroy this sacred burial ground for the sake of advertising,” Khus said to LA Times in June of 1993. Khus, a tribal activist, pressed for the conservation of


10.12.11 Crimson

Chumash religious and burial grounds. Today, a 1.5-acre grassy knoll between Kohl’s and Wal-Mart greets shoppers, covering the remains of American Indian village and burial site. Discussed national boycott of Wal-Mart stores, incited by American Indians, urged the project to be rethought. At the end of 1993, the developers reached a settlement with the natives, costing an extra $1 million to reform the development to preserve the portion of land considered significant by archeologists. “Once I found out, it was kind of weird that I was sitting on a burial ground!” junior Alexis Lewis said. She is just one of students unaware of the history. From Malibu to Monterey, Chumash burial grounds stretch along the central coast. A few disturbed sightings reported haunting incidents. A similar incident included a 1950 Wal-Mart built on a Chumash Indian burial ground in Glendora, according to www.strangeusa.com. Paso Robles High School

Graphics by Ryan Morrison

by Maria Petiy, reporter

IN THE MIDDLE: The 1.5 acre grassy knoll that is situated between Wal-Mart and Kohls used to be a Chumash Indian Village and is still today an ancient Indian burial ground. www.crimsonnews.org

Feature next


Liberty High School

Waking up Andrew Kwiatkowski’s recovery from a quad accident by Sarah Wilson, Feature Co-Editor Sunday, Apr. 25, 2009. A warm sun shone down on seventh-grader Andrew Kwiatkowski, his younger sister, and his father as they rode a quad through 10th Street in San Miguel. This was a day for enjoyment and fun. But this was also the day they learned that sunny days and springtime hold no promise for pleasure. Still recovering from a fever from the night before, Kwiatkowski took a ride with sister Rachael and dad Randy on one of their three quads, not knowing that a fever would soon be the least of his problems. Kwiatkowski rode without a helmet, for a recent biking accident had left his split in half; and since the quad had no seat belts, there was nothing to hold him in. Approximately 30 minutes after departing on the green fourwheeler to go see the neighbors’ horses, Kwiatkowski’s dad slowed down to go over a bump. Simultaneously, Kwiatkowski became exhausted from his fever and passed out, falling head-first onto the dirt just as his dad stopped the quad. “It went all dark,” said Kwiatkowski, now a freshman. The resulting two years, five months, and 18 days would become fraught with pain and frustration, but also success and recovery. After he realized what happened, his dad called Andrew’s grandmother to pick them up and rush them to the hospital, where Kwiatkowski’s mother would meet them. After arriving at Twin Cities Hospital, Kwiatkowski was then airlifted to Valley Children’s Hospital in Fresno while his father and mother drove their truck. “My little sister came [and told us what happened] and everyone started freaking out. I couldn’t really grasp what was going on. And it wasn’t a pretty sight. My mom was on edge but she told me to go to the other room because I wouldn’t want to see it,” recalled senior Liz Kwiatkowski, Andrew’s older sister. The family was having a confirmation party for Liz when they got the news. When Kwiatkowski’s mother first saw him after the accident, his face was bloody, there was a hole in his side, and he was screaming, overwhelmed by pain. “At first I didn’t know the extent of what had happened. Then www.crimsonnews.org

Photo by Emily Cone

I walked in and saw him, and it became more of a thing of not panicking,” said Darla Kwiatkowski, Andrew’s mom, who stayed by his bedside at the hospital. “I talked to him. I used to sing to them when they were younger, so sang to him quietly to calm him down,” Kwiatkowski said. He drifted in and out of consciousness during his five days at the hospital, his drowsiness due to the morphine drip line he was on for three days. When conscious, Kwiatkowski was visited by his grandpa, aunt, uncle, and daily dose of Jell-O. The hole in his side was so large that it could not be sewn, but had to heal on its own from the inside, out. Kwiatkowski still carries gravel in his wound today. Kwiatkowski was not allowed to go home until he could walk. On the fourth day in Fresno, he began trying to walk. On the fifth and final day, Kwiatkowski—anxious to get home—forced one foot in front of the other, his mom and a nurse on either side of him. “The last couple days [in the hospital], I opened my eyes and saw just a little bit, and went back to sleep,” Kwiatkowski said. Suffering from a concussion and major abrasions, when he finally came to, he was in shock. “I thought I was dead. Once I got out of the hospital, I didn’t know if anything was real or if it was just in my mind, if I was just dreaming it all. I’d go to school, and I’d be wondering ‘Is this real, or am I just dreaming?’” Kwiatkowski said. It wasn’t until about five weeks later that Kwiatkowski realized that he wasn’t imagining things. The first two or three days back home were devoted to sleep, as Kwiatkowski was still getting over the effects of the morphine from the hospital. He had to change the bandages on his side twice each day for a couple weeks. Kwiatkowski had to keep a bandage several weeks after since the hole in his side could not be stitched. While recovering at home, Kwiatkowski’s activities were limited. Unable to do any even slightly straining physical work, he watched a little TV, but mainly played board games such as LIFE or Monopoly, or slept. With his three siblings at school and his parents at work, Kwiatkowski usually found himself with no company except for the Paso Robles High School

gas and electrical workers who stopped by fix a wire now and then. Though his grandma would visit sometimes, for most of the time “everyone was gone. I was just sitting at home alone.” Kwiatkowski missed approximately four weeks of school, rearriving in June, about one week after testing ended. Because of brain damage from the accident, he was unable to remember most of the material he had learned in school, and had to try and relearn math formulas, English standards, and even some memories from as early as fourth grade. “Sometimes it’s really frustrating because I want to remember something, and I have to think really hard. Sometimes I just can’t bring it up, and it confuses me,” Kwiatkowski said. Although he has regained some of his memory over time, Kwiatkowski is still having troubles in school today because of the accident. Despite this setback, Kwiatkowski has improved his math skills since middle school, and is in honors English. He even sees his loss of memory as a new chance to learn what he didn’t understand before, such as math. After recuperating over the summer, Kwiatkowski joined track in eighth grade and cross country as a freshman, and hopes to participate in track this year as well. The quad accident left him with no long-term physical restraints. Nine hundred-one days later and now fully recovered, the accident has not stopped freshman Kwiatkowski from riding quads. His family owns three quads—the small, red, two-wheel drive one belonging to him—which they use to get around their ranch. Kwiatkowski has come down a long road. From disbelief in his own reality, to taking honors English, from being immobile, to running cross country, his recovery was no small feat. And though his memory may not be completely healed, Kwiatkowski still strives to succeed in all that he does as he re-climbs his mountain. “I’m just trying to get back up to that,” Kwiatkowski said, as he continues his road to recovery.

Crimson 10.12.11


Opinion Andrew Kwiatkowski



Liberty under fire Alternative education battles unfair judgments

LIBERTY KIDS: The Liberty High School student council met on Sept. 30 to discuss how to improve their campus and their lives as a whole. Photo by Shanna Dowling

by Shanna Dowling, Managing Editor For 130 dedicated students currently enrolled in Liberty High School, it’s a daily battle to combat easily address needs on an individual basis, rather than as a whole, which for junior Carina Trujillo is an negative whispers and hasty generalizations plastered on them the moment they mention their school invaluable key to her success. name. Only one crosswalk separates them from the swarm of students at Paso Robles High School, but an Though some students and members of society criticize the multitude of options offered to students in unmerited stigma has propelled them into further isolation from fellow students and has undermined the alternative education and dismiss their work as disproportionate to a general high school education, they commitment and initiative it took for them to solidify their educational future. neglect to acknowledge all of the evidence to the contrary. “It’s not just other kids, it’s people all over town who judge us. I went to the dentist last week Liberty students are obligated to complete 40 English credits, 30 math credits, 30 science and he asked what school I go to. I said Liberty and he just didn’t really know what to say, I got credits, 30 history credits, 5 health credits, and 20 physical education credits in order to graduate a really negative feeling from him,” senior Cody Oldham said, who admits even his friends just as every other student in the district is required to do. “put him down” by belittling his options for a college education simply because of his choice The only credit discrepancy is the amount of elective credits needed, as Liberty students have to attend Liberty. a requirement of 65 while the class of 2012 across the street must earn 105. Why? The answer is What is widely unknown about programs such as Liberty, Independence HS, and Grizzly simple: Liberty’s campus provides only seven teachers after the loss of their eighth last year while Youth Academy is one pivotal nine-letter word: voluntary. the PRHS campus has 89 teachers, permitting an exponentially larger “These students weren’t sent here because they’re bad kids, our selection of elective classes. program is completely voluntary. There are kids who stay at PRHS Some of the brightest students For the majority of the students, the educational growth they’ve knowing they won’t graduate, but these students chose to come here,” I've worked with have walked been able to witness in themselves in alternative programs has been Liberty counselor of 13 years and student council advisor Carmen unmatched by general high school educations. Caruana said. “I went to Grizzly [before I came to Liberty]. They can’t make you through these doors. “I’m not here for a bad reason, I chose to be here. I knew I wanted to go to Grizzly, it’s voluntary. There, you’re forced to go to school and Carmen Caruana, Counselor be here because I had 70 credits to make up, but people say we’re bad you have to wake up at five in the morning, it was a good experience. I kids,” junior Emery Payne said. actually had A’s for the first time,” senior Tanner Jansens said. The program most frequently benefits students whose current credit standing would Led by Caruana, a student council comprised of 6 officers and 6 representatives that meets be near impossible to restore at PRHS, as only 75 credits can be earned in a year whereas every Friday has made it their mission to radically change how the way their school, and the Liberty program allows for the retrieval of 90 credits along with additional credit themselves by association, are viewed by the public. opportunities that students can earn the ability to take advantage of. Together, the group has organized to have school assemblies for the first time, along with a “They offer more opportunities to get credits here with more structured classes, spirit week, a yearbook team, FCA Christian Club Thursdays at lunch, and a Girl’s Group on independent work you can earn, and Cyberhigh. They really fit the classes to your specific Wednesdays, soon to be joined by a Boy’s Group. needs,” junior Zach Morris said. Raising the morale of a sometimes downtrodden student body is not an easy task, but Caruana and her Morris earned the privilege of taking a district approved English credit recovery test in order to receive students are willing to fight for the treatment they deserve. English 1 and 2 credits by scoring proficient on the CST and surpassing the required CAHSEE score of “These students have been negative about school for so long, that we have to completely change their 370 by 75 points, becoming the only one out of 20 of his classmates to pass the exam. perspective. They aren’t bad kids. Some of the brightest students I’ve worked with have walked through With classes no larger than 20 students, teachers can easily monitor students’ progress and can more these doors,” Caruana said.


10.12.11 Crimson

Paso Robles High School


Teachers on facebook

Teachers have rights, too Pro

by Nicolette Jolicoeur, Managing Editor

Public humiliation, plummeting grades and disapproving looks are all possible results of a teacher student friendship on Facebook. A person who you are forced to sit in class with 340 minutes a week, and who is in charge of your future grade and possibly even your future, has a first-hand look into your personal life if you accept a teachers friend request on Facebook. If they disapprove of anything on your Facebook page, their perception on you could change, with maybe a change in their perception of you deserving a good grade. Teacher-student interaction is not just a topic at PRHS. In Missouri, it has been banned by law for teachers from making friends with students under 18 on Facebook. Missouri recently passed a bill signed by Governor Jay Nixon on Jul. 14, that was put into action on Aug. 28, that banned teachers contacting students via any social networking websites. The text under in the bill states that “teachers cannot establish, maintain, or use a work-related website unless it is available to school administrators and the child’s legal custodian, physical custodian, or legal guardian. Teachers also cannot have a non-work-related website that allows exclusive access with a current or former student,” according to csmonitor.com. This law violates the first and 14th amendments, or at least that’s what the Missouri Teacher Association is claiming, who said the measure is deeply unfair. Although PRHS doesn’t have the same issues and needs as Missouri did for this ban, a fairly high amount of students just don’t want any interaction. And if students don’t want the interaction, teachers should not put the pressure on students to accept their friend requests, and vice versa. “The teacher student relationship should be just that. If teachers think you’re a good student/kid in class, but they see things on your Facebook they don’t like, they could judge you for it and treat you differently,” senior Vicente Garcia said. “ I think maybe if you had a connection with the teacher, like it was an advisor for FFA or something [or] you are an alumni and you [want to] keep up with them I think it’d be okay.” Various PRHS students have experienced an awkward event in cyberspace recently, a friend request from a teacher. Forty-seven percent of surveyed teachers say that they are friends with their former students. But with that teachers could have an incident like living skills teacher Val Poalillo had. Poalillo says she had an encounter with a former student and their friend’s conversation that she commented on because she felt uncomfortable with the conversation. “I later messaged her and told her I was deleting her because I didn’t feel right that I commented more as her instructor than a friend,” Poalillo said. Poalillo got out of the situation in a respectable way. But the main question of this is, is it appropriate for teachers to be friending any students, former or present, on Facebook? — continued on page 24


25 teachers respond to these three questions

1. Is it appropriate to be friends with current students on Facebook? 8%

No Yes 2. Are you friends with former students on Facebook?


Depends 52%




3. Are you friends with your current students on Facebook? 8%



Yes Survey by Nicolette Jolicoeur, graphic by Dakota Cleland

— continued on page 24 Graphic by Ryan Morrison



Some Facebook interactions become inappropriate

Teachers weigh in: 64%


Will you be my friend?

Social network connections should be personal decisions

by Amanda Hutchinson, Managing Editor A small red alert appears in the left corner of senior Lauren Rodrigues’s screen. “Your teacher wants to be your friend! You have 85 friends in common.” The mouse hovers over the buttons: Accept, Ignore? She clicks accept. If this act were to take place in Missouri, Rodrigues’s teacher could lose their job over the millisecond it took to click a button, and it would be a shame. In Aug. 2011, a law was signed in Missouri stating that it was illegal for teachers and students to be “friends” on any site, most commonly Facebook, that allows private communication. The Missouri state teacher’s union soon filed suit claiming infringement upon their rights to free speech. Debates across the nation have occurred discussing whether this law was taking the potentials of social networking too far. Social networking connections should not be regulated by law. It is ultimately the decision of the user whether or not to accept the request of association with a teacher, or a teacher with a student. Teacher restriction of private communication violates their personal rights to free speech. “I don’t think that students and teachers being friends on social networking sites are that bad. If you’re worried about something that you do [or] say being seen by a teacher, then it’s just the same as any other adult,” said senior Meredith Masch, who is Facebook friends with one of her teachers. Students may be hesitant to accept teacher friend requests for personal reasons. “I think it is weird because it’s the teachers knowing our personal lives, when we aren’t supposed to know anything about theirs. It’s making too close of a relationship when they should separate business and pleasure,” said an anonymous junior who is not Facebook friends with any of their teachers. When a student or teacher feels uncomfortable becoming connected with one another through a social networking site, it should ultimately be their own decision whether to friend or not. State laws threatening teacher termination could blow a small situation out of proportion, a situation where either a student or teacher should have drawn the line. The Missouri law was erected due to issues with sexual misconduct, some of which occurred during private messages between teachers and their current pupils. Facebook remains a place to “stay connected,” as stated on their homepage, and could be the perfect option for teachers to reach current students for class work, or for graduated students to remain in touch with their favorite teachers. Forty-seven point eight percent of 23 surveyed PRHS teachers are Facebook friends with their former students.

Opinion next

Paso Robles High School

Crimson 10.12.11


Sci-Tech Homecoming



Organic gardens an option for PRHS

Graphic illustration by Ryan Morrison

by Emily Cone, Managing Editor You might know the name and nutritional value of the food on your plate, but do you know where it came in the garden. from? For most teenagers, the freshest produce they encounter is the newly- misted heads of lettuce at the Many other Central Coast schools, including Georgia Brown have had organic gardens, and one is being grocery store. But PRHS students may soon be able to plant and grow their own vegetables in an organic established in San Miguel. There are even grants that financially encourage schools to start an on-campus garden. garden. Such grants can reach up to 2,000 dollars. The garden would be up by the Agriculture Department’s farm, and would be supervised by Floral teacher Principal Randy Nelson would encourage an organic garden at school, but needs some more planning Theresa Clark, who has helped students garden on-campus before. Previous gardens have produced up to for the idea to actually put to action. 200 bags of salad that were given to “less fortunate” families in the community. ”I think it’s too preliminary for me to know yet,” he said. ”I love to do community outreach,” said Clark, whose last student-garden endeavor was two years ago. “I ”I think there is every chance that we could do that here,” said DiMaggio, who implies the importance of would also like to take it into Farmer’s Market and sell it as plant stock, not as fresh produce, to help people students knowing where their food comes from. “I think students who are interested in what they’re eating get their own little gardens started.” and where their food comes from will get excited about [a garden],” he said. ”I’m talking to a couple different nurseries that do organic gardening and native plants,” said Clark, who In a Facebook query, nearly 20 students “liked” the concept of an organic garden, and an effort has looks forward to buying and planting certified organic tree and plant stock. been made in Bearcats for Conserving And Sustaining the Earth to get students involved in a garden. Students would take on the gardening as a project, putting in their own time and effort. “We’ve been looking for something like this to do for a long time, “ said BCASE President The students from science teacher Mark DiMaggio’s Global Environmental Options class are planning Cheyenne Liddicote, who brought up the idea of organic gardening at the Sept. 30 meeting. a visit to an organic garden in Cambria. There, GEO students will have an opportunity to work hands-on ”I absolutely encourage the endeavor,” said Principal Randy Nelson.

Critical Hit Where class meets sass meets gaming by Daniel Hipp, Business Team, and Sinéad Schouten, Sports Co-Editor

Photos by Nikianne Ochoa

16 10.12.11 Crimson

Sinéad: Being a complete app virgin – as in the only Angry Birds I’ve ever dealt with are the kind that steal your food in the quad, I didn’t know what to expect with “Surviving High School”. What I found was a series of little high school themed stories that I had to click my way through, answering questions and making decisions, with each choice directing me down a different branch of the plot. I failed to make the cheerleading team, just so you know. Daniel: I, on the other hand, being a connoisseur of apps, was very pleased with the ups and downs of teen life in "Surviving High School." Captain of the football team, three girlfriends, and a posse of loyal friends can really boost your confidence. S: I'll admit, the game's cute, in a middle school kind of way. They tried a little too hard at times to add "drama," but I probably would have put the game down if it wasn't for the “Oh goodness, Sam says she hates me. I'm going to go tell Keith to tell her I hate her too.” It's slightly addicting. D: It was laughable to see the attempts made at drama, especially since some of the confrontations reminded me of what I hear

Surviving Highschool Made by: Electronic Arts For ages: 9+: -Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor -Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes Available on the App Store for $0.99 Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad Average rating out of 154 persons: four stars out of five. Description of title: “Live high school your way! Every choice you make in this story determines your fate – from who you flirt with, to which parties you go to. Go to college, play matchmaker, hit Hawaii for spring break, throw the best party ever, or win the title of Homecoming Queen! There’s always something new to do at Centerscore High!” – AppShopper.com

Paso Robles High School

day to day out in the quad. The worst part of the game was probably the dates. I couldn't understand how a mini-game translated into success in your relationship. S: If I have to connect the dots between letters and spell out "cheer" one more time while trying to do a virtual cartwheel, I might throw something. But I wouldn't be able to tell you my opinion on date mini-games, seeing how I never got asked out by those popular football players. (Maybe this game IS a little realistic.) D: If only dating could be so simple. I always feel like I'm doing cartwheels on my dates, in game and in real life. I shelled out a crisp bright green dollar bill for this app, and I think I miss the president. A bag of chips would have been a better use of my dollar. S: After beating the first "episode" in about an hour and a half, I felt like I'd had enough. It was a bit tempting to go back and replay with different responses, just to mess with the character's heads, but in the end I opted to just start on my homework. And that's saying something. Much like a cheap date, "Surviving High School" is worth about as much as you put into it. And I think I’d rather hit up the vending machine. www.crimsonnews.org

Health next



by Jonathan Kisch, World editor

Every athlete under the sun began the arduous task of combating the extremely high temperatures of after school practices as doors flew open at 3:00 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22. Since the start of September, 11 heat filled days have boasted smoldering temperatures in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures and forecasts currently do not depict the high temperatures will start to drop anytime soon, so until then athletes must be especially cautious to ensure they are hydrated. Since programs are now well into their seasons, the heat will become less and less of a factor. Seventy percent of heat related deaths between 1980 and 2009 occurred in the first two weeks of sports programs, according to studies done by J. Grudstein of the University of Georgia. As long as athletes become acclimatized to the weather, they are at a significantly smaller risk the study found. The apparent concern in coaches’ and athletes’ minds across the United States is to maintain hydration levels in their athletes however, this is easier said then done; seven heat related deaths nationwide have occurred over the summer season in this year alone. This is almost double the annual rate of heat related deaths nationwide. Sophomore and varsity Tennis player Paige Fairbairn felt the unforgiving effects of the 94 degrees Fahrenheit sun during a practice on Tuesday Sept. 13. “I almost passed out at tennis. My vision started blacking out, and it really freaked me out.” While Fairbairn felt the heat on the court, the football players geared up in helmets, shoulder pads, padding, and their practice jerseys, ready to practice and to combat the heat. High school football programs have been hit the hardest this year by summer’s grueling temperatures. Five Varsity Football players admitted that the intense heat attributes to the intensity and fatigue they feel during practice. None of them admitted


to having serious heat related problems, a good sign for the Bearcat Football program. “Yes I’ve felt light headed before, but mostly just exhaustion because of the heat,” said junior varsity football player Kris Pequeño, who was introduced to the heat his freshmen year when he moved to Paso Robles. During their practices, on the sideline, water flows freely out of the fountain the football player’s and staff have nicknamed the cow. “Guys get light headed from time to time due to not eating properly or hydrating before practice, but our policy is that the fountain is always running, and if you’re thirsty you’re dehydrated” said Varsity Football Head Coach Rick Schimke. On average, during the outdoor fall sports, there are four to five water breaks during practices. The key component to staying hydrated is to drink water prior to practicing. It is recommended that along with proper nutrition, you should consume two to three cups of water within two hours of your sport. Prior hydration, along with numerous water breaks, should keep the monstrous heat of Paso Robles at bay from having our athletes fall a victim to it, at least for the time being. While the fall seasons progress further, once again students will feel the freezing Friday nights of football, feel the frigid, forgiving wind watching tennis, and feel a lot less worried about our athletes facing exhaustion.

Paso Robles High School

Our policy is that the fountain is always running, and if you're thirsty, you're dehydrated.

Athletes fight off soaring temperatures

—Varsity Football Head Coach Rich Schimke

Photo by Josh Orcutt, Graphic illustration by Sydney Matteson

Crimson 10.12.11


Zany for

Health Dehydration



National fitness trend hits Paso Robles by Olivia Musial, In-Depth Co-Editor

I’m about to “Ditch the Workout. Join the Party!” as I follow the official Zumba® saying and attend my first Zumba® class. Zumba®, a Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that combines international music with “fitness-party” steps, has become the latest workout phenomenon. As I entered Class Act Dance studio and Kennedy Club Fitness, I joined the Zumba® craze. Zumba® originated through accident in the mid 90’s when fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez went to teach his aerobics class, but forgot to bring his traditional music. All he had with him was a mix-tape of Salsa and Merengue music, which spontaneously created a new dance craze centered around the feel of the music, not the repetition of steps. Now, Zumba® has expanded across 125 countries, shaping more than 12 million people. This new fitness movement has reached the central coast in a big way. With classes available at multiple facilities such as Kennedy Club Fitness, Class Act Dance, Paso Robles Centennial Park, Paso Robles Senior Center, and California Gold gym, there’s a class and a place for everyone to join the fitness party. With class sizes ranging from five to 50 given the time or location, everyone can experience this great workout. “The class was like the gym all wrapped up in happiness and fun,” said senior Cayla Cavelleto, who described the Zumba® class at Class Act Dance as “upbeat, energized, and pumpin’.” When I walked into my first class at Class Act bright and early at 8:30 am on Monday morning, I was a tad bit nervous. Dressed in sweats, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes, I set foot on the dance floor ready to experience what all the fuss was about. Instantly, my nerves were calmed by my bubbly, energetic instructor Carol Janssen, who made it more about feeling the rhythms of music rather than perfecting each step. More enjoyable than the class itself was watching my 60-70 year old classmates boogie like it was 1935. That’s not to say it wasn’t a workout; by the end of the class period my heart rate was up and pumping and the sweat was dripping. “I enjoy seeing people laugh and smile while they’re dancing. I like that people are getting a great workout that doesn’t feel like a workout. I can’t think of any other workout that has the same positive impact on people,” said Janssen, who has been a Zumba® instructor for a little over 12 months and who tries to create a “no-pressure environment where people can just have fun and not worry about getting the moves right.” Various classes are offered based on age and performance level. Zumba Gold® offers modified steps and pace of the workout to meet the needs of active older participants. Zumba Toning® offers more intense body-sculpting exercises with high energy cardio. Janssen tires to accommodate to different age and activity levels by showing moves at different levels of intensity so participates can pick what feels right to them. “No one cares how goofy you look, because they look just as goofy! Also, the songs are amazing and make you feel like Shakira,” said sophomore Kelsey Vaughn, who took a Zumba® class at Kennedy Club Fitness. Having taken my first class on Monday, I was a little more confident in my abilities walking into Kennedy Club Fitness on Wednesday night for round two. This time dressed in shorts (I had learned my lesson with the sweats), a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. I headed upstairs to find my class, and was welcomed by the whirring air conditioner blasting the Paso heat. Soon, the room was packed with ladies pumped for their workout. And thus the workout began, with bouncy and cheerful Zumba® instructor of 12 months Heather Greene leading the class. “I try to bring as much energy to the class as I can,” said Greene, who is a former San Diego Charger’s cheerleader, “I bring two Red Bulls’ worth of energy,” she added. Again, my heart rate spiked as I tried to keep up with Greene’s energetic and lively moves. My nerves instantly vanished with words of encouragement from Greene and the excitement and energy coming from my classmates. “I never expected middle aged women to be way better dancers than me,” added my fellow reporter senior Shannon O’Brien. As I wrapped up my Zumba® experience, I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I took a class. With all the excitement and energy that Zumba® brings, a great workout is just the best part of the package as Zumba® is a full body cardio workout. The classes are fun, intense, upbeat, and overall a great time. This fitness craze has now gained one new member.

First Person

BONDING AND BEAMING: Staffer Olivia Musial and Zumba® instructor at Kennedy Club Fitness, Heather Greene, take a water break after a rigorous and enjoyable work out. Photo by Shannon O’Brien

TAKIN’ A BREATHER: Instructor Carol Janssen, takes a little breather from the workout to shoot a smile.


10.12.11 Crimson

WORKIN’ UP A SWEAT: A participant of the Zumba® party held at Centennial steps to the rhythm and bops to the beat. Photos by Olivia Musial

Paso Robles High School


World next


Feature: Jason Cromer

Students travel to the outback Bradford takes 15 students on annual summer trip by Laura Callahan, Health Co-Editor This wasn’t your average high school field trip. Seat belts were buckled and chairs were put in the upright position as 15 students left on Jun. 22 on history teacher Mark Bradford’s annual summer trip. This year students were scheduled to travel to Australia, Hawaii, and New Zealand but experienced slight turbulence along the way. Students arrived at LAX expecting to leave on a flight to New Zealand, but instead found out that the flight was canceled due to the eruption of the Puyehue volcano in Chile, causing an ash cloud to cover the country. The trip was only cut one day short and students were sent to a five star hotel in LA where they were allowed some time to spend at either Knott’s Berry Farm or a Dodgers baseball game while awaiting the next flight to Australia, according to junior Cooper Austin, Later that day the group was rushed to the airport in a limo to board a Qantas airlines flight heading to Australia that had a huge kangaroo painted on the tail of the plane. The group spent 16 hours on the flight, according to junior Noah Norton, who was one of a few students to conquer their fears of flying on the trip. “They have a giant kangaroo on the tail of the plane. Also, the plane was amazing; it had iPads in the seats with games and movies and a phone in the armrest that you could use to call other seats,” said Austin. But the luxuries of the trip improved as the days passed. A total of 14 adventure filled days were spent in Australia after they landed in Sydney, and then traveled along the eastern coast to cities such as Brisbane, Twin Waters Resort, and Surfers Paradise. They also stayed at Frazer Island, the largest sand island in the world, in a resort that had four pools and was located “right on the beach.” Norton described Twin Waters Resort as Disneyland-like because “they had an old-time radio going off and you could hear it all over the city.” There they went sailing, surfing, kayaking, and also jumped in a private lagoon which had a “giant” trampoline in the center. While in a hotel in north of Brisbane, the group was in awe as wild kangaroos hopped right through the lobby as if it were a normal everyday occurrence, which apparently it was in Australia. Students also had the opportunity to hold a Koala Bear while at a wild animal park in Surfer’s Paradise. “All the Paso kids would get together and play [card games] late into the night. We also took midnight walks, bonded as friends, and

discussed how we were in the perfect setting for a cheesy horror movie,” Austin said. Typically, students were given approximately seven hours of free time each day. Among all the laughter, students absorbed the easy going attitude of the locals, the most obvious difference between Americans and Australians, according to Norton. “The thing that stuck out the most was how nice the Aussies were,” said Norton, “someone could cut you off while driving and there was no honking, no cursing.” Instead of viewing fireworks burst in the night sky on the Fourth of July, the group viewed Transformers 3 on the biggest Cooper Austin, 11 movie screen in the world in Sydney. On Jul. 5, the jet setters landed in Honolulu where they spent two days soaking up the sun and making memories that would last forever. They visited Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona memorial. “One time in Hawaii we drove away in the tour bus without Bradford. We had just landed in Honolulu and Bradford told us to wait while he went to find his wife; we completely forgot about him and drove all the way to the Arizona memorial before the other tour guides realized he was still at the airport,” Austin said. The purpose of study tours is to learn about politics, economics, culture, and language, however language wasn’t such a challenge in Australia. The most important part of travel is to expose yourself to other cultures according to Bradford. The group returned to LAX on Jul. 7 safe and sound, and luckily Bradford wasn’t left behind. With a total cost of approximately four thousand dollars, the trip was packed with priceless and eye opening experiences. Next year Bradford will be taking students on an 11 day trip from Paris to Copenhagen; this will be the eighteenth trip Bradford has conducted.

“All the Paso kids would get together and play [card games] late into the night. We also took midnight walks, bonded as friends, and discussed how we were in the perfect setting for a cheesy horror movie”

History Teacher Mark Bradford

Graphic by Sydney Matteson Photos by Jonathan Kisch and staff


Paso Robles High School

Crimson 10.12.11


World Bradford trip



Gallivanting through a modern Renaissance

Senior Jason Cromer shares about the “Castles” in his own backyard

by Lindsay Reed, Reporter While Americans on the west coast drank coffee at 9:48 a.m. in preparation for another day, Jan. The modern-meets-new age doesn’t just lie within the city boundaries. Ancient, abandoned castles 18 1994, nine hours ahead and clear across the globe senior Jason Cromer along with his fraternal consumed in the buzz of tourists with their technologically advanced, flashing cameras are scattered twin 12 minutes later, Kenny Cromer, took his first breath in his own corner of the world, Eschenbach, all over the German countryside. In fact, the furthest one would have to travel from one to another is Bayern Munich, Germany. Born to parents Tompall and Caroline Cromer, Cromer spent the first half approximately an hour’s worth away according to Cromer. of his childhood roaming cobblestone streets shared by BMW taxi drivers and environmental trilingual Famous castles include Hohenschwangau built in 1523, occasionally inhabited by King Maximilian II speakers, while off in the distance, passersby in trains nibbled on complimentary pretzels while gazing at in the 1800’s when he decided he needed a summer vacation from ruling over his German empire. Located the ancient castles that peppered the hillsides of Germany- the world of modern renaissance, Cromer’s four minutes away is Neuschwanstein castle- “New Swan Castle”- built by King Ludwig II (“Fairytale backyard. King”) in 1869 in honor of his favorite, world-renowned German composer, Richard Wagner. Occasionally smooth concrete slabs lining the streets of the U.S. will be imprinted with the recent “You don’t see culture that’s tens of thousands of years old in America. The size and history initials of those who left their mark while it was drying, but in Germany, the cobblestone streets are behind the castles is not something you see everyday,” Cromer said, “it’s like stepping back imprinted with the footsteps of souls who have walked them for centuries. Lining these streets is a in time.” starkly contrasting combination of the old and new. Despite the ancient history, new age architecture, modern technology and multitude of “There are gorgeous cities... older buildings stand right next to brand new and modern,” Cromer languages, the heart of Germany and the best it has to offer lies inside it’s kitchens. said, recalling the architecture of the old, complete with roman arches and timber-framed buildings, Food, claims Cromer, is “the best part of Germany... everything is made from scratch, along with the “modern, artsy and unique” constructed in multiple shapes and materials. greatest quality ingredients, delicious, and with every perfect flavor.” Common, every day The populates (at the very least bilingual due to English requirements in schools) of such meals are hardly ever without the staples of meat, bread or cheese. A typical breakfast would structures go about their daily lives mostly on foot or by bicycle. If long distance was needed, they be nothing without breads, cheeses, meats, olives and eggs- forget the cereal, it’s a rarity. But, if could take the train and receive a complimentary pretzel per ride (much like peanuts on one did desire a sugary breakfast instead, there are bakeries in every town where one American airlines) or flag down a BMW or Mercedes taxi, which, to the Germans, are can go and buy pastries and sweets at any hour during the day. Not so sweet, merely domestically-made, cheaper forms of transportation. however, is Cromer’s favorite meal, Shweinenbrad und Knöddel made with However, while used for common public transport, these vehicles are highly moist plump dumplings paired with a pork and smothered in a gravy valued by foreign customers causing the BMW Headquarters and Museum to be like sauce made from the juices of the meat- the German version of built in 1913. Overflowing with various versions of the German trademark, chicken and dumplings. visitors have the option to ride the central elevator to any floor, load the Whether it be the German cuisine, flashing cameras, car they fancy, and bring it to the main lobby for purchase. quiet country-sides, BMW taxis or ancient history that ‘It’s like shopping meets Sci-fi,” Cromer said, recalling the has withstood the erosion of time, Cromer looks four cylinder high-rise with over 20 floors glistening w i t h forward to revisiting the modern and ancient renaissance variations of gas-guzzling metal. that was his childhood. Photo by Jonathan Kisch and Charlie Kellogg , used with permission


10.12.11 Crimson

Paso Robles High School

A&E next


Event calender

Laying the beat on the line Local dubstep artist creates his own future in the music business by Meredith Butz, A&E Co-Editor

While most music executives in studios have entire production teams working on each and every song, here at Paso High, junior Matt Camou spends hours at his computer with the same result in mind: a finished track. Camou’s years of experience with audio workstation programs like ProTools and Reason help him manipulate tracks and add layers of beats and instrumentals, most recently with popular songs like “Dirty Bit” by Black Eyed Peas. Camou started taking guitar lessons at nine years old, and has since learned to play the drums. During his freshman year, he began working with audio software, and was ready to go public with his music by his sophomore year. Once he started posting on sites like Facebook and Reverbnation, he quickly gained a following of friends who are supportive of his passions. Camou cites Gilbert Mendez, aka ScoobRoc, as his mentor.

“He basically taught me a lot of what I know about recording, mixing, and mastering music,” Camou said, who is also inspired by New York artists Mysto and Pizzi. Camou’s passion for music is apparent in everything he does, including his recent competition at Skills USA. This past year, Camou and fellow junior Daniel Hipp became the first audio/radio production team to come out of California, competing in both state and national levels. Their task, to make a 60-second radio commercial, was something Camou had experience with, from “recording random rappers and podcasts in Video Production teacher Stan Cooper’s room.” The team was able to translate their skills into a competitive setting, and succeeded. Recently, both Camou and Hipp were recognized by the city of Paso Robles. After years of working to build a solid background in the industry,

Camou is already certain he wants to pursue a career in the music industry, mainly recording and producing other people’s music. “Music is just my favorite thing. I can’t see myself wanting to do anything else,” Camou said. Camou has plans to attend a trade school or art school to learn more about audio, and eventually have enough experience and familiarity with the business to one day open his own studio, where he will record, mix, and produce for other artists.

Scan the QR code to listen to Matt’s music at reverbnation.com

Marching feet to the bearcat beat

The marching band is practicing for upcoming events By Courtney Thompson, A&E Co-Editor Sweat dripped down the faces of the dedicated band members, their arms enduring the burning sensation while holding up their instruments, as the shining brass reflected the blistering hot rays that radiated onto the skin. From ten brutal, eight-hour days of marching band camp in the summer at Winifred Pifer Elementary School, to the fall’s five-hour-a-week band practices at the high school field, the marching band and color guard have been preparing and practicing for their upcoming season, which takes place from the end of August to the end of December. Band members’ lives are devoted to this high school career through its constant schedule. Since Aug. 8, the band has practiced for their field show called “X” for around 125 hours. These intense practices are lead by two-year band director Santino Galvan, color guard director Christian Albers, percussion director John Lee, senior drum major Phoebe Fairbairn, and junior drum major Hannah Clifford. This year, the band will be participating in the Pioneer and Colony Day Parade as well as three field competitions in Arroyo Grande,Atascadero, and Lemoore. Last year, the band took first place in both parades and sweepstakes (overall highest points) at the Arroyo Grande and Atascadero competitions, which usually holds between five to 12 bands competing under Galvan’s direction. They took fourth place at the Tiger Classic in Lemoore, which will have around 15 to 20 bands competing on Oct. 22 this year. “I think we will take sweepstakes at Arroyo Grande and Atascadero competitions like we did last year, but I believe Lemoore will be a challenge” said senior Levi Le. To make this happen, “the band will continue to need their excellent work ethic like they have been portraying,” Galvan said. “We can’t all be perfect though,” said Clifford, admitting that every band has their flaws. Considering that they are a young band, meaning a majority of the members are underclassmen, Clifford says they are doing well and succeeding. “Coming into band, I was expecting a lot of good friends,” freshman Alec Wingfield said, a member of the drum-line. He also mentioned the family bond created with many fellow students, making marching easier when out on the field in front audiences. Freshman flute player Taylor Elstrom agreed. www.crimsonnews.org

“When I first came in to high school band, it was scary, mostly because I was afraid of high schoolers, but now I have seen that they are very nice, helpful, and considerate,” he said. Veterans,including sophomore Carrie Wentzel and junior Metolius Chase, have commented on the efficiency and positive attitude each student strives to present. It is that same efficiency and positive work ethic that they hope will bring a successful year.

Paso Robles High School

Photos by Courtney Thompson Graphic illustration by Ryan Morrison

Crimson 10.12.11


A&E Musician Matt Camou



October - November Calendar

October 14 through November 14


Dates: Oct. 7 – Nov. 6, 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Recurring weekly on Sunday, Friday, Saturday Admission: $15

San Luis Obispo Little Theatre, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo

California Photo Festival - CLICK Dates: Oct. 12 – 16 Times: Varies

Embassy Suites San Luis Obispo, 333 Madonna Rd.

AXIS Dance Company Dates: Oct. 15, 8:00 p.m. Admission: $32

Alex & Faye Spanos Theatre, 1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo

Open Studios Art Tour - South County

Arroyo Grande, Oceano, Nipomo, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach

Dates: Oct. 15 – 16, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Antique Street Faire

Dates: Oct. 16, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Downtown Ocean Ave., Cayucos

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Date: Oct. 21, 6:00 p.m.

SLO Brewing Co., 1119 Garden Street, SLO

Battle of the Garage Bands Date: Oct. 22, 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Downtown Paso Robles City Park

Open Studios Art Tour- North County

Atascadero, Paso Robles, San Miguel, Los Osos, Morro Bay, Cambria

Dates: Oct. 22-23, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

PRHS Choir Concert Date: Nov. 3, 7:00 p.m.

Flamson Auditorium, 2405 Spring Street

Art After Dark

Dates: Nov. 4, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

28 Art Galleries in San Luis Obispo

Top Events • Put on by Faultline Music, Battle of the Garage Bands is a part of the Golden Oak Festival in downtown Paso Robles, where attendees can browse the vendors in the park for art, antiques, and local food. Applications to compete are available at Faultline, or by phone at 2384103 for more information. • Continuing a nine-year-long tradition, the Art After Dark walk includes nearly thirty art galleries in downtown San Luis Obispo. Organized by the ARTS Obispo council, the walk gives people freedom to travel between venues and experience multiple art forms in a local setting. • Encompassing the entire county and hundreds of artists using multiple mediums, the 13th annual Open Studios Art Tour is a huge self-guided tour, free and open to the public. Artists from all over the Central Coast open their homes and studios to share their art and process with anyone who cares to stop by. • The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, a Florida-based alternative rock band known for hits like “Face Down,” “My Guardian Angel,” and “You Better Pray,” are coming to SLO Brewing Co. on Oct. 21. With a show starting at 6:00 and all ages welcome, tickets are $15 beforehand and $17 at the door. Get tickets at SLO Brewing Co., 1119 Garden St. in SLO, or online at slobrewingco.com.

Choral Concert of Polish Music with

Cuesta College North County Campus Date: Nov. 10, 7:00 p.m.

Vina Robles Winery, 3700 Mill Road, Paso Robles

Check out the online calendar at crimsonnews.org for more dates

Inciting fear and hysteria Contagion psyches out the viewer by Dakota Cleland, Opinion Editor


10.12.11 Crimson

What do you think of when you think of a horror movie? Do you look for gory violence? Or the cheesy special effects? In the movie, “Contagion,” you get neither, but it uses an ample amount of scare tactics to frighten its viewers. This movie is not a slasher flick with a hokey look, cursed with clichés, but a psychological thriller that is extremely realistic and could very possibly happen in our world. Beth Emhoff, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, is a business woman coming home after a business trip to Hong Kong with what she thinks is just a bad case of jet lag. Little does she know, when she and her son start having seizures and frothing at the mouth, she demonstrates the symptoms of the disease she has contracted. She becomes what is called in the medical community “patient zero.” Her husband Mitch (Matt Damon) wants answers, but the doctors can’t give them. Soon, more people from around the world experience the same symptoms and succumb to the unnamed virus. Mitch, who is immune due to an unexplained plot hole in the movie, makes it his mission to protect his daughter from the highly contagious disease, while fulfilling his fatherly duty in making her life as normal as he can in a world where you can’t touch anyone without worrying about getting infected. This plot doesn’t incorporate any

Paso Robles High School

solving of the pandemic, but it shows the human element, and how the disease affects individual people. Meanwhile, in the main plot, the doctors and scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are working diligently to find a vaccine to this mysterious killer pathogen. Headed by Dr. Ellis Cheever (Laurence Fishburne) and assisted by Dr. Erin Mears (Kate Winslet), Dr. Ally Hextall (Jennifer Ehle), and Dr. David Eisenberg (Demetri Martin), they work quickly against the rapidly spreading disease. However, they have to work against several obstacles standing in their way. People are frenzied, and they riot in an effort to survive. In addition, a nosy rogue journalist played by Jude Law tries to frame the government as conspirators aiming to make a profit instead of doing their job of serving the public and their needs. The plot displayed the real, accurate science behind the deadly force in this movie, as opposed to a fictitious disease that is unrealistic and made for dramatic purposes. “Contagion” doesn’t rely upon frightening the viewer with violence, as the viewer receives a dose of the grim reality that something like this disease could happen. However, this movie isn’t perfect. At times, it dragged on with a slow pace, and it was too depressing. With all of the death and anarchy that occurs, only a few positive things happen in the end. In an almost dystopian world, where movies with zombies reign supreme, this movie is the cream of the crop.


Food next



Halloween edition

by Megan Luth, Sci-Tech Co-Editor For Halloween, tasty treats are the apples of everyone’s eyes. The only challenge is not falling into the cliché of only eating candy corn, tootsie rolls or the almighty popcorn balls. This month’s recipe is a mix of fun, challenge, and a whole lot of getting messy! The cupcake featured is pumpkin cinnamon cakes, a recipe from “Cupcakes! From the Cakemix Doctor,” by Anne Byrn. The little pumpkin cinnamon cakes were very well liked and also a surprisingly easy cupcake to make. For me, the making of the actual cake was the easiest part, but the glaze for this specific cupcake created a small challenge. One hundred percent of students from a sampling of 24 tasters said they loved the flavors in the cupcake and would recommend it to a friend.Out of the students surveyed, no one rated the cupcakes lower than an 8/10. “I liked the pumpkin spice cupcake. The frosting is really sweet and creates a good flavor that differs from the cake itself; it adds some delicious zest!” Anna Hernandez said, a junior with a mighty appetite when it comes to trying various cupcakes. It looks like these cupcakes were a scream, as they brought much joy to the student samplers. And whenever making any cupcake, you can count on a great experience, much tastiness and many smiles. Recipe for Little Pumpkin 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Cinnamon Cakes: Glaze Ingredients: Makes 24 regular sized cupcakes 2 1/2 cups confectioners sugar, sifted Preparation time: 15 minutes 2 1/2 to 3 tablespoons Orange Juice Baking time: 18 minutes 1 teaspoon Orange Zest Cupcake Ingredients: 3 drops of yellow food coloring 1 package (18.25 ounces) Plain 1 drop of red food coloring Yellow Cake Mix 24 green gumdrops or green bite size 1 cup canned pumpkin candy for pumpkin stem 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1/2 cup milk 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon *Megan’s note to readers: When mixing all the ingredients for the glaze together, everything gets sticky and thick fast so an easy fixer is to splash water on the frosting while stirring it, and it will make it a tad bit more smooth. 1. Preheat the oven to 350° F. Line cupcake pans and place to the side. 2.Prepare the batter: Place the cake mix, canned pumpkin, oil, milk, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg in a large mixing bowl. Blend with an electric mixer on low for 30 seconds. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Increase the mixer speed to medium and beat two minutes more, scraping down the sides if needed. Spoon or scoop batter 2/3 way full into cupcake liners. Place the pans in the oven. 3. Bake the cupcakes until they are golden and spring back when lightly pressed with your finger. Remove the pans from the oven and place them on a wire rack to cool for 10-15 minutes. 4.While cooling, start to prepare the glaze. Place the confectioner’s sugar, orange juice, orange zest, and red and yellow food coloring in a small mixing bowl and whisk to combine well, making sure that the colors evenly blend. 5. Assemble the cupcakes: Spoon the glaze over the top of the cupcakes. (You may need to restir the glaze every so often). Immediately place a green gumdrop or other candy piece in the center to resemble a pumpkin stem. Repeat with the remaining cupcakes. The cupcakes are ready to serve.

Recipe from Cupcakes! From the Cakemix Doctor, by Anne Byrn. Graphic by Ryan Morrison. www.crimsonnews.org

TASTEFUL THAI: The seven membered Crimson restaurant review team rated Thai Classic as an “outstanding dining experience.”

Dining at a diamond in the rough

Crimson reviews authentic Thai cuisine

by Shannon O’Brien, Food Editor, and Kim Boswell, Front Page Editor Situated snugly on Park Street in downtown Paso is Thai Classic, a true gem of an oriental restaurant. This month, they opened their doors to our food review team, and our eyes to a unique and authentic dining experience. Thai Classic, a family business, originally opened on Higuera Street, in San Luis Obispo according to manager, Precha Thaisuriya. The Paso Robles branch opened because a relative recently got married and moved to the area. Upon arriving for dinner at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13, the seven of us realized just how snug the restaurant was, but what it lacked in square footage, it certainly made up for in atmosphere. The chocolate walls were sprinkled with golden, mustard, burgundy, and ivory tiles and adorned with traditional Thai art. The setting sun shined on table arrangements of a small vase with a single pink orchid and napkins folded to resemble small crowns. Immediately upon sitting down, our glasses were filled with ice cold water by a smiling waiter. As we spent several minutes studying the menu, it was surprisingly difficult to decide what to order, as everything looked appealing and made our spice-seeking mouths water. The harmonious blend of spicy delicacies, relaxing atmosphere, friendly staff, and a few too many “Thai” puns (courtesy of the Crimson team) proved to be an impeccable recipe for an outstanding dining experience. Any Paso Roblan with a craving for curry should definitely visit Thai Classic.

Name: Daniel Hipp,11 Meal: Red Curry with Duck $11.49 Rating: “My favorite part of the meal was the first bite. Between the steam rising up when the curry and white rice was placed on my table and craving oriental cuisine, the first bite gave me a sense of euphoria. They could move up on their spiciness meter. I couldn’t taste the heat. The overall dining experience was great.”


Paso Robles High School

Name: Sarah Wilson,11 Meal: Pineapple Fried Rice $11.49 Rating: “I loved the flavorful mix of rice, chicken, shrimp, pineapple, cashews, and vegetables! I would have liked it a little more if it were spicier. Overall, Thai Classic has good service, atmosphere, and food.”


Name: Amanda Hutchinson, 12 Meal: Pahd Thai with Shrimp and Thai Iced Tea $11.95 Rating: “My meal was perfectly complimented by the best Thai Iced Tea I’ve ever had. The Pahd Thai was a perfect consisitenty with balanced flavors. I would love to return to Thai Classic to try the rest of the menu. This restaurant is affordable and authentic. I have no complaints.”


Photos by Shannon O’Brien

Crimson 10.12.11


Opinion, cont.

Teachers on facebook,cont.

Thai food review



“I love staying in contact with former students, but there is to close a relationship when friending current students. While I’d like to be able to do that, the legal issues are just too threatening. I like my job too much to throw it away over such an issue,” Video Production teacher Stan Cooper said. A little over a month after the original law passed, Missouri lawmakers repealed the law until it can be further investigated. For now, the option to accept or ignore remains personal. “If we want to err on the side of safety, a teacher can limit his liability by not



10.12.11 Crimson

friending current students. If we want to err on the side of helpfulness for students, I can see how Facebook would be a great resource to enhance teacher/student communication,” one teacher said. Relationships on Facebook, or any social networking site for that matter, can gray the line of professionalism. Yet job description is not a basis for restricting first amendment rights. The student or teacher involved must exercise wise judgment on their own part to decide what is or is not appropriate, and what consequences could arise from their actions. The awkwardness of Facebook friend lists can easily be avoided through proper communication on both sides without the regulation of law.

Teacher restriction of private communication violates their personal rights to free speech.

Public humiliation, plummeting grades and disapproving looks are all possible results of a teacher-student friendship on Facebook.

Paso Robles High School


Chemistry teacher Anthony Overton made a Facebook page for his chemistry class to make students aware of upcoming tests and feels “it’s potentially a very useful tool, but all it takes is one bad apple to ruin it for everyone else,” Overton said. As 65.2 percent of teachers surveyed stated, it is not appropriate to have Facebook friendships with current students on Facebook. And there is the possibility, if interactions get to risqué, a no contact policy may be implemented as it was in Missouri.


Why did you pick your number?

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Crimson Crew


Some players pick their number because they like a player wearing it, or because they were forced to, but others have significant meaning behind their number choices. HERNAN ARREOLA, 11: “Originally, I wanted 64, but I chose 63 instead because my brother had that number when he played, and I want to continue his legacy. “

POLO MANIA: Number 15, senior Noah Erwin attempts to make a goal against an opposing polo player. Photo used

with permission of Sara Miller

Boys Water Polo: Licking their wounds

JOSHUA JETER, 11: “To be honest with you, I don't think there is much meaning in a number. It's what you do with that number that counts. I have never really cared what number I've had. I just try to do my best with whatever I get!”

by Daniel Hipp, Business Team Varsity water polo suffered a devastating loss at the municipal pool against the San Luis Obispo High School Tigers by four goals on Sept. 27, lessening their chances at CIF. The final score was 9 – 5 Tigers. “The game started out good because we made the first goal, but we were scared and started to lose momentum as the game went on,” senior field player Noah Erwin said. “If we had one more quarter, I just know we would have got ‘em.” Although the water polo boys hadn’t played the best game of the season, as expected they cling onto hopes of CIF. In order to advance to CIF, PRHS must be a top three school in the league, which will require the Bearcats to win against in their

TIM BALSON, 12: "I chose number 11 because my birthday is Dec. 11, so I've just always tried to be number 11 in whatever sport I play."

upcoming games against Arroyo Grande and Righetti High Schools, although it is sure to be tough competition. “We’re not currently in the driver’s seat as coach would say,” junior goalie Benjamin Nagengast said. “The driver’s seat is where we are in a position to lose a few [games] and still be in good shape.” The Bearcats played the AGHS Eagles Tuesday Oct. 4 at the municipal pool located at 28 and Spring St suffering an 8-9 loss. The one point upset served to be upsetting to the team, but the SLO tournament running Oct. 7 and 8 will be a chance at redepmtion.

Cross Country: Cat country runs on CODY HOLLOWAY, 11: "Well, I normally get 50 because I’ve had it all my life, and it really has a special meaning to me. This year I had to give it up due to seniority.”

— Josh Orcutt, Sports Co-Editor

want more

by Maria Petiy, Reporter Boys cross country headed up state to compete at the Stanford Invitational meet on Saturday, Sept. 24, finishing third in division three among 33 teams. Over 220 athletes ran the 5K race on a path through a golf course, over one moderate hill, and over some rolling hills, consisting primarily of grass and 5 percent dirt paths. Meet scoring was based off of what place an individual finished, and then combining those ranks with other teammates. Seven racers were invited from each school, but only the top five scores were counted. The team with the lowest score won. PRHS scored 150 points right behind first finishing team of Campolindo high school who scored 58, and second place Piner high school who scored 70.

Bearcat competitors were seniors Zander Souza, and Matt Nottenkamper, juniors Nick Stair, Aidan Farrell, and Noah Yoshida, and sophomore Kyle Ravera. Souza came in eighth place, first from the team. Second was Nottenkamper who finished thirtieth and ran a PR (personal record) of 16:33 minutes. The remaining four Bearcathletes followed closely, averaging a 16:30 5K for the team. “Everyone on our team did very well because our times were pretty close together,” Nottenkamper said, commenting on his team’s performance. Paso beat SLO HS’s cross country team by 20 points who are the “one of the fastest” and ranked number nine for their division in the state, according to Nottenkamper.

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Two of a kind

Dual quarterbacks lead varsity football by Sara Bourgault, Health Co-Editor, and Sinéad Schouten, Sports Co-Editor Graduating so many seniors last year has required multiple positions to be filled. But perhaps the most interesting challenge has been replacing Jacob Searcy at quarterback – with not one player, but two. Senior Elias Stokes and junior Garrett Nelson alternate at the position. Nelson played QB on JV for the 2010 season, while Stokes - who last year caught 61 catches for 1,001 yards and 17 touchdowns - was better known for catching the ball than throwing it. Yet the two have shared the spot all season long. The 2011 varsity football team is much smaller in terms of size and depth compared to last year’s squad, but they’ve done more than survive. They’ve thrived. Working hard to overcome the loss of 29 seniors from last year’s PAC-7 championship team, there are 24 returning players from last year’s varsity. Only four offensive and three defensive first stringers are coming back for another season. Stokes, 2010 PAC-7 Player of the Year, is returning along with standout offensive lineman Colby Kerns. Several top athletes such as Bo Bonnheim, Scott Plescia, Jacob Searcy, and Cole Thompson graduated last June, but the team remains confident in their future. “It’s a lot quicker and more aggressive playing on varsity,” said Nelson, who says the upper level play gives each game more meaning. Despite having to split field time, he enjoys working with and learning from Stokes. “It is kind of different this year because before I would start every game and play a lot. But Elias is a really good quarterback. When I’m not playing I can watch from the sidelines and see what I can improve on and get better at.” In order to prepare for game day, both players get equal practice time with the team. During offensive drills, the team is split down the middle of the field. Each group gets a quarterback who gives a couple throws, and afterwards Stokes and Nelson switch sides. All players end up getting a chance to work with both of their teammates. While having two quarterbacks might cause conflict on some teams, the Bearcats are

enjoying the experience. Varsity has found itself with a wonderful problem: having two talented athletes, and choosing which player to use at which times. “We’re not really sure how it’s going to affect us yet, since we’ve only had a few games, but it’s going to be different,” said senior linebacker David Katz. “It brings a whole new variable to ACES HIGH: our offense. It’s harder for other Quarterback Junior Garrett teams to prepare for us now because Nelson, number six, and Quarterback Senior Elias we have an athletic quarterback a n d Stokes, number 5 share the spotlight in this years someone who can bomb it. They contrast so well with Bearcat offense. Photos by Emily Cone and Olivia Musial Graphic Illustration by Ryan Morrison each other that it works out good.” Another conflicting factor is the top players, such as Stokes and junior safety Kevan Garcia, who play both Currently ranked seventh in the PAC-7 league, sides of the ball and have a high risk of getting injured. Garcia was pulled out of the Santa Ynez game because he strained his MCL and sprained his ankle after taking the Bearcats have some teams to watch out for in a hard tackle from both sides. Garcia was originally the starting running back the coming league lineup. Yet junior running back for that game, after Junior Joshua Jeter was injured week one vs. Central HS, Madrigal says the team’s focus is nothing more than since he was playing both on defense and offense, he quickly became overworked. taking it one Friday under the lights at a time. And Junior Colton Madrigal, was inserted into the offense and quickly produced, with big league games stacked up for October, this carrying the ball 21 times for a total of 161 yards. Jeter was back to practicing after drive will be needed in War Memorial Stadium. With blunt confidence, Madrigal puts it simply: a little more than a week. Garcia was back to practicing after a week of resting his “We just play football.” injuries.

Students show their support with new club by Kelly Munns, Editorial Editor and Nikianne Ochoa, Reporter

comes to campus

BARING IT ALL: Boys varsity water polo shows their spirit at a recent girls varsity volleyball game. Their enthusastic support is what Crimson Cew strives for. Photo used with permission by Sara Miller, graphic illustration by Sydney Matteson


10.12.11 Crimson

A sea of students wearing crimson is starting to expand and show up to more PRHS sports games rooting and cheering on athletes. The committee of approximately 55 students called Crimson Crew was established through leadership at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year with a goal to get more student support for school sports. In different sized groups, members attend various games striving to gain true bearcat spirit known to every student at PRHS. Students storm the campus in the $10 crimson-colored shirts persuading anyone to join, not just athletes. If the students want their shirt to be personalized, an extra $5 fee is added on for the expense of getting their name printed on their back and their sport on their sleeve. “I told [leadership] my vision, and they made it work,” Cheer Coach Jennifer Bedrosian said, who pitched the idea of the ASB club. It was then up to Commissioner of Athletics junior Josh Jeter and ASB President senior Ashlee Juarez to find a way to bring school spirit through sports. “Getting the athletes involved is just the tip of the iceberg. Paso Robles High School

Athletes on campus are expected to be leaders on campus. If the athletes get involved and have school spirit, then other students will follow suit,” Jeter said, who was voted to be Commissioner of Athletics by ASB and the class officers of last year. For the time being, Crimson Crew is just attending varsity games. Once more people join and it gains popularity and strength, leadership will assign students to go to both varsity and JV games, which might include freshmen teams as well. Meetings for the club are on Mondays at lunch in the gym where they discuss the upcoming games and who will attend. “I would love if a couple hundred kids would be a part of it. Some teams are not supported enough, as they should be,” Bedrosian said. Even though the club is new, senior Vincent Diaz, who has attended two girls varsity volleyball games to show his support, agrees that the membership and school spirit, “will sky rocket to a new level.” “More membership equals awesome-ness!” Diaz said, who stresses that anyone should join. www.crimsonnews.org

Technically Speaking: Golf

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Photo Essay

PRHS girls golfer Claire Baldal breaks down the steps for a successful swing

A FLICK OF THE WRIST The golf grip is the foundation of a good swing. The grip establishes control over the club and therefore control of where the ball actually goes. Baldal’s personal grip type is an overlap, which is moderate in grip terms. To train her hands and wrists, she always stretches her wrists before a match and uses pressure balls to strengthen them.


The best swings always begin with good posture and consistency. Having a familiar pre-swing routine leads to consistent, quality shots. Baldal practices her swing for 2 hours per week.


Most of the power in the shot comes from the shoulders. The shoulders are strengthened by doing overhead pulls and inward presses. Golfers do not use bench presses because they do not want to strengthen their pectoral muscles, and want to train their biceps instead of the pectorals.

LEVEL HEADED Baldal remains completely balanced all throughout her swings, leading to very consistent play. Balance can be improved for a golf shot by exercising on BOSU ball, which is half of an exercise ball with a flat bottom. She does leg squats, swings, leg exercises while standing on the ball to improve her balance.

HIP ACTION Hip movement causes the speed of the club head to be higher at impact, thus longer and straighter shots. The hips create the torque needed to put the power to the ball during the downswing. Baldal trains her hips by doing exercises like rotation pulls with weights using her hips rather than her arms to move.

STRONG BASE The legs provide support, balance, and speed to the force created by your hands and arms. Baldal strengthens her legs by doing cardio exercises, such as squats and an average day’s walking.

­— Josh Orcutt, Sports Co-Editor

Varsity golfer putts passion

At age eight, Senior Claire Baldal’s father handed her a children’s golf club, and now 10 years later, Baldal is ready to transform her club into an acceptance letter from one of the interested colleges. Baldal played her last junior tournament game in Sonoma, Calif., hosted by the Northern California Golf Association (NCGA), where a university coach showed interest in her talent. The junior tournaments are not new to Baldal, as she has participated since she was 12-years-old, however, this will be her last tournament due to the 18 years or older age restriction. In a game where lower is better, Baldal typically scores 10 strokes over par in a varsity game, while professionals score exactly at or below par. Baldal’s junior tournaments may have come to end, but opportunities are arising for several scholarships into Division 2 colleges. A division is determined by the skill level the player possesses, Division 1 being the best. In December, there will be a College Golf Combine in Las Vegas, where Baldal will be given the occasion to wow college coaches from all over the country with her talent as they inspect young golfers in action. She hopes to catch the eye of a Division 2 coach, while looking to either Pre-law or English as her major. ­— Brielle Silletti, Business Team www.crimsonnews.org

Paso Robles High School

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Photo Essay "Technically Speaking"



SCHOOL SPIRIT LEAP OF FAITH: Flyer Evann Mickalson is thrown into the air by her teammates before Paso’s game against Central High School. The Bearcats lost 10-37. Garrett Nelson led the team with 100 yards. (below)

WE’VE GOT SPIRIT: Varsity cheerleader and junior Chelsea Farrer excites the crowd at a home football game. The squad performed a routine to a remix of the song, “On The Floor” by Jennifer Lopez. (below)

Photo by Josh Orcutt

LEAP OF FAITH: Varsity cheerleaders toss up flyer and Co-Captain Evann Mickalson to warm up before the game. This stunt is called the ------ and was performed during halftime on ---’s game.

Photo by Kim Boswell

HELMETS TO THE SKY: Varsity Football players rally together after a game against Santa Ynez High School. Bearcats took the Win, beating the Pirates 27-7. Senior Elias Stokes led the team with 130 yards, two touchdowns, and one interception. (above)

SPIRITED SMILE: (right) Cheerleader junior Justine Lutz smiles while encouraging fellow Bearcat fans to “Cheer, cheer cheer for varsity!” Although rivals, the Bearcat and Greyhound cheer squads have been coming together during halftime to perform a dance together. This year’s home game against Atascadero is on Nov. 11. (right)

Photo by Kim Boswell


10.12.11 Crimson

Photo By Lindsay Reed

Paso Robles High School


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