Publisher’s note
By incorporating a ‘working with ethics’ section and cover stamp on all our titles, AVA Publishing aims to help a new generation of students, educators and practitioners find a methodology for structuring their thoughts and reflections in this vital area.
Featured contributors A2 Design Cartlidge Levene Catherine Dixon Experimental Jetset Gerard Unger Hamish Muir/ 8vo Jeremy Tankard MadeThought Mwmcreative Nick Bell Paulus M. Dreibholz Phil Baines Why Not Associates
ISBN-13: 978-2-940411-55-9
9 782940 £23.50
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Using Type will provide you with a practical, working guide to typography, enabling you to establish a sound knowledge and practice of the subject within a graphic design context. The sequence of chapters within the book allows you to learn about the subject of using type progressively, and follow the paths of consideration that a designer may employ when working through a specific project. Using Type outlines the well-established principles of typography that students of graphic design need to become familiar with over a period of time, allowing for more advanced engagement with the subject to develop. Using Type contains examples of historically important work, contemporary practice and successful student work. Using Type is an essential handbook for students of graphic design and visual communication.
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Michael Harkins
Using Type
Michael Harkins graduated from the University of Plymouth, Exeter School of Art and Design, UK with a BA (Hons) in Design: Typography, which included time spent studying at Arnhem, Netherlands. He then gained an MA from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in Design Studies, where his major project was in type design. Michael was a director within a successful graphic design company before returning to education to teach full time. He is a passionate advocate of the development of typographic study within graphic design.
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Using Type
AVA Publishing believes that our world needs integrity; that the ramifications of our actions upon others should be for the greatest happiness and benefit of the greatest number. We do not set ourselves out as arbiters of what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but aim to promote discussion in an organised fashion for an individual’s understanding of their own ethical inclination.
the language of typography understanding the design problem planning your work grid systems selecting typefaces typography in layouts type specifics fine-tuning type using software finishing artwork refining typographic practice typographic etiquette
Typography titles are designed to provide visual arts students with a theoretical and practical exploration of each of the fundamental topics within the discipline of Typography. Packed with examples from students and professionals and fully illustrated with clear diagrams and inspiring imagery, they offer an essential exploration of the subject.
Basics Typography 02 Michael Harkins
Ethical practice is well known, taught and discussed in the domains of medicine, law, science and sociology but was, until recently, rarely discussed in terms of the Applied Visual Arts. Yet design is becoming an increasingly integral part of our everyday lives and its influence on our society ever-more prevalent.
BASICS t ypography Featured topics 02 AVA Academia’s Basics defining typography
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Michael has been invited to talk at conferences internationally and his work has also been published and exhibited internationally. He is course leader for MA Graphic Design at the University of Portsmouth, UK and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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