What if MEGA forms co at the edges of Beijing
ould allow expansion g?
Beijing is the third mos world. We need more space!!!
We need to move!!!
The city is expanding constantly!!!
C 3
2 1 Fengtai
Population grows cons city is in constant expa
st populous city in the
Miyun Where are we going to live now?
Huairou We can not live here anymore!!!
1. Dongcheng 2. Xicheng 3. Shijingshan
stantly. As a result, the ansion.
Site location: Miyun - b and the outer suburbs expansion�.
New urban and archite constantly among Beij Beiji
outer suburbs and inne
between the rural as a “possible site for
This area allows new settlements to take place!!!
Beijing is expanding to its borders!!!
ectural forms emerge ing’s rural areas,
er suburbs.
The site is between the settlements of Miyun
and the mountain land this area.
e pre-existing
Mountain landscape as a border.
Farmland area.
Miyun reservoir.
Green forest area by water’s edge.
dscape scape located among
What if... wall buildings to Miyun reservoir?
s appear as a response
What if... mat buildings to the farmland that is d and the reservoir?
s appear as a response delimited by mountains
What if... mound buildin to the green forest area
ngs appear as response a by the water’s edge?
These MEGA forms wil
infrastructural SYSTEM
Considering what alrea as the farmland, the re forest.
lll become an
ady exists on the site eservoir and the green
The wall buidlings con pre-existing site to the front of the reservoir.
nect the border of the e existing farmland in
What if‌ these utilize water treatment plant the water resources of
e water and become a in order to preserve f Miyun reservoir?
The mound buildings dwelling spaces but als to preserve the pre-exis Miyun reservoir.
will not only provide so will respond in order sting green area among
What if‌ original veg itself takes part with mound volumes?
getation from the site in these architectural
The mat buildings wi programmatic spaces t
ill provide supportive to the farmers of Miyun.
What if‌ this architectu crops to grow in betwe
ural forms allow original een its open spaces.
01. HYBRID SYSTEM > b programs among the placed in Miyun.
02. MOUND > Dwellin original green vegetati
03. WALL > Linking t expansion and also program for water pres
04. MAT > As a sup among the original farm
bringing infrastructural se new MEGA forms
ng and preserving the ion of the site.
the preexisting city in bringing supporting servation in this area.
porting infrastructure mland area of Miyun.