Revista Inmobiliaria GARU ESTEPONA Real Estate 18-2013

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LAS MEJORES CASAS AL MEJOR PRECIO THE BEST AFFORDABLE PROPERTIES GARU se establece en la Costa del Sol en el año 1993 y abre la puerta de su oficina en Estepona en el año 1996, por lo que somos expertos en la zona comprendida entre Sabinillas (Málaga) y Puerto Banús (Málaga) y prestamos servicios en toda la Costa del Sol.

GARU was founded in 1993 and opened its branch in Estepona in 1996, so we cover the area between Sabinillas (Málaga) and Puerto Banús (Malaga). In addition, we provide services all over The Costa del Sol.

GARU es una empresa española, pero gracias a una amplia red de asociados por toda Europa y a nuestra presencia on-line, podemos servir a los clientes extranjeros en sus propios países y lenguas.

Although GARU is a Spanish company, thanks to our wide collaborator network throughout Europe and our Internet presence, we offer our services to our foreign clients in their own countries and languages. Furthermore, GARU is present at all the most important international trade fairs in Spain, UK and Russia.

Además, GARU está presente en las más importantes ferias internacionales del sector, sobre todo en países como España, Reino Unido o Rusia. En GARU Estepona trabajamos un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados. Somos expertos en la zona y siempre ofrecemos un servicio exquisito. Nuestra única meta es la satisfacción de nuestros clientes. Para ello no escatimamos en medios técnicos y publicitarios. En la actualidad GARU Estepona está presente en los mejores portales inmobiliarios nacionales e internacionales, además de contar con una magnífica Web propia con las mejores propiedades en venta y alquiler:

Our high qualified team at GARU Estepona is specialised in the areas they cover. Our client satisfaction is our main goal so we use all the technical, advertising means needed. GARU Estepona is present nowadays at the most important national and international websites. At our great website, the hottest properties for sale and for rent can be also checked.

952 790 790



626 484 927 699 785 291

C/ Real Nº 110, 29680 - Estepona (Málaga). • Fax. 952 80 54 97 •


Nº18 2013



No.18 2013









58 62


Publicado por: / Published by: DIRECTOR / Stefan Knöbel - Andrés Vallejo Herrmann - PUBLICIDAD / Elena Krasilnikova - COLABORADORES / Rosa Belén Castaño & Maddi Duffy Depósito Legal: MA377-2009 ADS manifiesta que los puntos de vista y opiniones vertidos por los colaboradores son exclusivamente de ellos y no necesariamente reflejan los de la Editorial. ADS intenta contrastar la exactitud de la información contenida en cada publicación, si bien no se responsabiliza de ningún error u omisión ni de la autenticidad de las declaraciones hechas por terceros, por lo que recomienda a sus lectores realizar la correspondiente comprobación antes de efectuar cualquier transacción. Los precios reflejados son los ofrecidos por los vendedores a fecha de cierre de cada edición, siendo susceptibles de variación. Sobre el precio fijado el comprador deberá añadir los gastos de notaria, inscripción registral e impuesto de transmisiones patrimoniales Las Agencias Inmobiliarias publicitadas serán las únicas responsables de las obligaciones establecidas en el Decreto 218/2005 de la Junta de Andalucía, perteneciéndoles la información y la documentación de las propiedades anunciadas. © Copyright: Los textos publicados, mapas, fotografías, diseños, etc, son propiedad de la Revista ADS, quedando prohibida su reproducción total o parcial en cualquier otro medio de divulgación, impreso o electrónico, salvo previo consentimiento. Igualmente se prohíbe la utilización de los materiales publicados para fines comerciales. While every effort is made to check the accuracy of information contained in this publication, ADS Magazine cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor for the authenticity of any claims or statements made by third parties. We therefore strongly recommend that readers make their own thorough checks before entering into any kind of transaction. The views and opinions of editorial contributors do not necessarily reflect those of ADS Magazine. Prices offered by vendors were correct at the time of going to press but may now vary from those listed due to circumstances beyond ADS Magazine's control. The Estate Agents advertising in this publication are the parties solely responsible for complying with the obligations established by Decree 218/2005 of the Junta de Andalucía appertaining to the information and documentation of the properties advertised. Additional costs to be borne by the buyer: 7% I.T.P. levied on the purchase price, plus land registry and notary fees. © Copyright: No editorial content, maps, photography or graphics in this magazine may be reproduced in any way, shape or form without prior written consent from ADS Magazine.



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Paraíso Cercano

Arenas finas y doradas, aguas azul intenso, pinos frondosos y fragantes, una duna flanqueando el extremo Oeste, zona nudista, barros terapéuticos, avistamiento de delfines y ballenas... Podría parecer una bonita colección de tópicos sobre el paraíso. Pero no lo es. Es un secreto a voces. Es Bolonia.

Bolonia A Nearby Paradise

Fine golden sands, clear blue water, leafy aromatic pines, sand dunes, a nudist zone, therapeutic clays, and surrounded by dolphins and whales…. It sounds like a lovely collection of topics about a real paradise! But no, it’s a secret only a few know about-it’s Bolonia.


stá considerado uno de los últimos enclaves vírgenes del Sur de Europa. Puede incluso presumir de una página en Facebook, "Bolonia: la mejor playa de Europa", con más de 6.500 fans. Y sin embargo, todos preferirían que esta playa permaneciese tan ignota como siempre.


olonia is considered to be one of the last Virgin Beaches in Southern Europe. It even boasts a page in Facebook, “Bolonia: the best beach in Europe”, with more than 6500 fans and yet everyone prefers this beach to stay a well kept secret as it has always been.

El nombre de Bolonia deriva de Baelo Claudia, como así se llamaba la colonia romana de la que conservamos un impagable yacimiento. Este asentamiento era un emporio o ciudad-factoría donde se confeccionaba el garum, un manjar carísimo de la época, hecho de la maceración de pescado.

The name “Bolonia” comes from Baelo Claudia which is the name of the Roman Colony whose remarkable ruins are still conserved. This settlement was an empire where Garum was manufactured, a very expensive delicacy of the times -a crushed fish based savoury paste.

Arrecida por el Estrecho de Gibraltar, Bolonia pertenece a Tarifa (Cádiz). Aquí también soplan vientos idóneos para la práctica de deportes acuáticos. A muchos bañistas les puede resultar molesto un día ventoso, pero este albedrío evita las plagas de sombrillas.

Rising up from the Gibraltar Straits, Bolonia is part of Tarifa (Cadiz). The winds here are also ideal for all sorts of watersports. Many swimmers find the wind annoying here on a windy day meaning you will avoid seeing an array of beach umbrellas everywhere!

A la belleza salvaje e indómita del lugar han contribuido diversas circunstancias. Goza de una ubicación un tanto recóndita, en una ensenada rodeada de zona militar a la que se llega tras recorrer unos 10 km. desde la carretera N-340. Y, desde luego, la estricta prohibición de edificar ha sido el respaldo definitivo para preservar el paisaje. Y para completarnos la idea de lo idílico del lugar, de forma permanente viven unas 400 personas. Aquellos que finalmente arriban al paraje se encuentran con una playa espectacular de 4 km de longitud y unos 70 metros para retozar a todo lo ancho. Tan agreste es la naturaleza que junto a la orilla pace el ganado con la misma parsimonia que los turistas. Pero hay más: la duna gigantesca que ribetea la punta oeste de la playa está declarada monumento natural desde 2001. Coronarla y otear el horizonte es una experiencia obligada.

There are different factors contributing to the wild and unique beauty of this amazing place-it is a little bit hidden away, in an area surrounded by a military zone and to get to it you must drive about 10 kilometres off the N340 motorway. Since it is strictly prohibited to build in this area this natural haven is being well preserved. Just to get an idea of this idyllic place, there are only some 400 people living here on a permanent basis. Those who finally make the trip to this beauty spot will find a spectacular beach of no less than 4 kilometres long and about 70 metres wide all there to lap up and enjoy as you please. This is still such a rural environment that cattle can be seen paddling in the water at the same leisurely pace as the tourists. There’s more! The gigantic sand dune that takes up one side of the beach has been declared a natural monument since the year 2001. To climb to its crown and be amazed by the stunning horizon is an experience that must not be missed!









ras la Ley de Amnistía Fiscal, el gobierno español ha decidido achicar el cerco al fraude con una nueva norma, esta es la Ley 7/2012, de 29 de octubre de prevención y lucha contra el fraude, que viene a ser una nueva obligación tributaria de carácter formal, que se resume en informar sobre los bienes y derechos situados en el extranjero. Durante el primer trimestre del año 2013 se debe informar a la Agencia Tributaria de: 1. Cuentas bancarias en entidades financieras situadas en el extranjero: cuentas corrientes, de ahorro, imposiciones a plazo, cuentas de crédito y depósitos. 2. Valores, derechos, seguros y rentas depositados, gestionados u obtenidos en el extranjero: acciones o participaciones en empresas, seguros de vida o invalidez de los que sean tomadores y de las rentas vitalicias o temporales.


ollowing the Tax Amnesty Law, the Spanish Government has decided to close the circle with a new piece of legislation, the Law on the Prevention and Fight against Fraud, Act 7/2012, which in summary means informing on assets and interests held abroad. During the first quarter of 2013 you have to inform the Tax Authorities about: 1. Bank accounts in institutions located abroad: current accounts, savings accounts, fixed term deposits, credit and deposit accounts. 2. Securities (stocks or shares), interests, insurance or income held, managed or obtained abroad. 3. Properties abroad and interests in any such properties.

3. Bienes inmuebles y derechos sobre estos de su titularidad situados en el extranjero.

All individuals and companies resident in Spain are obliged to declare these assets, and also any permanent establishments of non-resident persons or entities.

Están obligados a realizar esta declaración todas las personas físicas y jurídicas que sean residentes en territorio español, así como los establecimientos permanentes de personas o entidades no residentes.

There are some exceptions to this obligation, for example, if the combined amount of all the assets and interests held abroad does not reach the sum of 50,000 euros, or if it involves a company that is totally exempt from corporate income tax.

Hay algunas excepciones a esta obligación, como por ejemplo, no alcanzar los 50.000 euros de saldos conjuntos de todos estos bienes y derechos en el extranjero, o ser una empresa totalmente exenta del Impuesto sobre Sociedades.

Each year, from 2013 on, this information will only have to be presented again if the combined amount has increased by more than 20,000 euros.

Anualmente, después del año 2013, sólo deberá volver a presentarse esta información si el valor de los saldos conjuntos ha aumentado en más de 20.000 euros. El incumplimiento de esta obligación será considerado como una infracción Muy Grave. Se considerarán infracción muy grave las siguientes conductas: No presentar en plazo la declaración. Presentarla incompleta, inexacta o con datos falsos. Presentar dicha declaración por medios distintos a los telemáticos.

The failure to comply with this obligation will be considered as a Very Serious offence. The following circumstances are considered as being Very Serious offences: • Not filing the declaration within the established time limit. • Filing a declaration that is incomplete, inaccurate or with false information. • Filing the declaration by any means other than electronically.

Las sanciones son de 5.000 € por dato o conjunto de datos, con un mínimo de 10.000 € para declaraciones incompletas, inexactas o con datos falsos; y de 100 euros por dato o conjunto de datos, con un mínimo de 1.500 euros, cuando se presente de forma extemporánea o por medios distintos a los telemáticos si estos fuesen obligatorios.

Sanctions are 5,000 € for each item or set of items of information, with a minimum of 10,000 € for declarations that are incomplete, inaccurate or contain false information; and 100 euros for each item or set of items of information, with a minimum of 1,500 euros, if the declaration is filed outside of the time limit or by any means other than electronically, if it is compulsory to use the latter.

La información a suministrar es bastante exhaustiva y amplia, por lo que recomendamos a todos los lectores que acudan a un experto para informarse debidamente de su obligación de hacer esta declaración.

The information to be provided is quite exhaustive and thorough, so we recommend all our readers to consult an expert for further information on their obligation to make this declaration.



Ruiz Ballesteros is a company of independant lawyers specialising in complete private and business consultancy.


Ruiz Ballesteros es una firma de abogados independiente especializada en el Asesoramiento integral de Empresas y Personas Físicas.


"Somos su mejor inversión" "We are your best investment" Oficina en Marbella /Office in Marbella:

Calle Jacinto Benavente 10, 1° - 2 Telf./Telephone: 952 77 98 74 E-mail:

Aranda ILUMINACION Fundada en 1972, Aranda Iluminación le ofrece la relación calidad-precio más competitiva del campo de la iluminación. Contamos con 700m2 de exposición, en los que la luz adquiere todo el protagonismo. En nuestras instalaciones podrá encontrar un amplio surtido de lámparas y aparatos de iluminación de firmas exclusivas nacionales e internacionales, de la talla de Masca di Scagli, Italamp, Vibia, Guadarte, Arturo Álvarez, Almerich, Eurolamp Art, Grossmann-Leuchten, Linea Light, Targetti, Iris Cristal, Schuller, Lámparas Aparicio, Leds C4, Cristher, Passeri Internacional, Mariner y un largo etcétera.

Company born in 1972, offers the best quality at competitive prices in the field of lighting. In our 700m2 showroom, we present a wide range of lights and lamps from the most exclusive brands, such Masca di Scagli, Italamp, Vibia, Guadarte, Arturo Álvarez, Almerich, Eurolamp Art, Grossmann-Leuchten, Linea Light, Targetti, Iris Cristal, Schuller, Lámparas Aparicio, Leds C4, Cristher, Passeri Internacional, Mariner and many more.

Aranda Iluminación S.A. Polígono Industrial La Quinta P-14, 29670 San Pedro de Alcántara (Málaga) T. +34 952 78 87 22 • F. +34 952 79 98 52

Las mejores

Propiedades de la

Costa del Sol

En las páginas siguientes podrán consultar una selección de nuestras mejores propiedades en la Costa del Sol. Si no encuentran su vivienda ideal no duden en contactarnos, contamos con muchas más propiedades para enseñarles. Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

The best

Properties on the

Costa del Sol

On the following pages we present a small selection of our best properties on the Costa del Sol. However, if you cannot find your dream home among them, please contact us as we also have many other properties available to show you. For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.

Estepona - Valle Romano

Ref A6947

Magnificent new development on a golf course with 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms and located a few meters from the beach in Estepona. Beautiful sea views. Excellent quality. Spacious bedrooms, fitted kitchen, air conditioning, Climalit double glazing and domotic system. Car garage included in the price. Beautiful common areas with gardens, several swimming pools and playground. Unique opportunity to live in an exclusive complex. 100% finance possible. Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Desde / From

Built: 81m2

Terrace: 20m2

98.000  IVA Incluido


Ref A9735

Bath: 1

Built: 28m2

Terrace: 5m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.


Ref A9982

Beds: 2

Bath: 1

Built: 65m2



Ref A6205

Excellent new development reduced by 67% from its former price. These 2 large bedrooms apartments have high quality and beautiful sea and mountain views. Fully fitted kitchen, air conditioning, whirlpool, double glazing and alarm. Communal areas with gardens, swimming pool and security. Car garage and store room included. Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Desde / From

Built: 103m2

Terrace: 32m2

131.000 

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Mijas - Mijas La Nueva

Ref TH3319

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 67m2

Terrace: 25m2


Miraflores - Mid-Calahonda

Ref A4157

Fantastic, corner apartment located mid way up in Calahonda with a local tapas bar/ restaurant just around the corner small local shop ,pizzeria club and bar approximately one - two minutes drive away. This is a very bright sunny apartment with a fire place & breakfast room which catches the morning sun. A good sized south facing terrace with sea views. Parking is outside communual within the complex. Furniture optional. Beds: 2

Bath: 1

Built: 103m2

Terrace: 28m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Estepona - La Galera Park

Ref A6532

Desde From


Complejo residencial formado por casas adosadas. El proyecto cuenta con amplios espacios cuidadosamente diseñados (más de 20.000 metros cuadrados de zonas verdes) con 5 piscinas, tiene pistas de padel y varios paseos con iluminación nocturna. Ubicado en segunda línea de playa a sólo 5 minutos de Estepona y a 15 minutos de Marbella y del Puerto de Sotogrande. Podrá elegir entre dos tipos diferentes de casas, pero todas tienen 3 dormitorios, 2 lujosos baños, un aseo, una cocina completa, un amplio salón con acceso a las grandes terrazas de extraordinarias vistas. Ascensor privado, aire acondicionado frío/calor, solarium, garaje y jardín privado. La zona de La Galera ofrece además una recién inaugurada Casa Club con pista de padel, campo de prácticas, restaurantes y un espectacular "Spa" dotado de las mejores y más avanzadas instalaciones para la salud, el bienestar y la belleza. La Galera Park is a residential complex made up of townhouses. The development has a large and carefully designed landscaped area (over 20,000 square metres of green zone), 5 swimming pools, of which 2 are children's pools, paddle tennis court, several pathways with nocturnal illumination. La Galera Park is located in second line of beach, only 5 minutes from Estepona and 15 minutes from Marbella and Sotogrande Port. You will choose between two different types of houses, but they all have 3 bedrooms, 2 luxury bathrooms, a toilet, fully fitted kitchen, a spacious lounge with access to large terraces with extraordinary views. Private elevator, air conditioning / heating, solarium, garage and private garden. This area offers a new Country Club with further Paddle tennis, practice golf course, restaurant and a spectacular Spa with the latest installations to stay healthy, care for your well being and beauty. For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Istán - Zahara de Istán

Ref TH6291

co Ban del Bank e t n e the ctam om Dire ectly fr r Di

Bank repossession. Wonderful townhouse located in a privileged environment, 10 minutes away from Puerto Banus. Lovely views of the forest. Excellent quality. Large bedrooms, two bathrooms, toilet, furnished and equipped kitchen, great lounge with chimney, several terraces, courtyard and a solarium. Car garage and store room. 100% finance possible - From Euribor +2. Beds: 2

Baths: 3

Built: 162m2

Terrace: 41m2

170.000 

Fuengirola - Torreblanca

Ref PH3228

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 70m2

Terrace: 86m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Calahonda - Jardines de Calahonda

Ref A4585

Ideally located in the Jardines area on the lower western borders of Calahonda within 5 minutes walk of the beach and facilities. A duplex 1st/2nd floor penthouse with large, sunny, south/west facing garden view terrace off the lounge/dining room, terraces off both upstairs bedrooms and a rooftop solarium with panoramic sea, mountain and garden views. Renovated throughout with new bathrooms and kitchen, ceramic flooring in bedrooms and replacement windows. Sold fully furnished and equipped. An ideal holiday home or rental investment. Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 102m2

Terrace: 81m2



Ref A4276

A well situated garden apartment with great sea views over the pool and its gardens. Located just a short walk from amenities and the beach, this property is in a good location for holidays or as a second home. The general area is very peaceful and the complex is well established with fantastic gardens and swimming pool area. Inside the property there are 2 large double bedrooms both with patio doors onto the terraces. A bright sunny lounge dining area leads out to the front terrace and gardens. The property is is good condition and has just had the bathroom updated. Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 78m2

Terrace: 42m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Nueva Andalucía - Los Dragos

Beds: 2

Ref A5543

Baths: 2

Built: 109m2

Terrace: 20m2



Ref A7563

This fantastic luxury property is located just 5 minutes away from Puerto Banus and right in the middle of golf heaven. It has a spacious terrace where you can enjoy wonderful views over Atalaya Golf Course and the African coastline. The apartment has direct access to the exuberant communal gardens, a lake and two wonderful swimming pools. The development and qualities have been built to an exceptional standard but more importantly these are homes to live in and nothing will come close to the views and the surroundings of this splendid urbanization. Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 106m2

Terrace: 32m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Marbella - Sierra Blanca

Ref A7337


This lovely and spacious top floor apartment is situated in one of Marbella´s finest areas. Its south east orientation offers a lot of natural sunlight and the bedrooms are south orientated with views to the Mediterranean Sea. It comes fully furnished and has central heating. The property is set in an urbanization with beautifully maintained gardens with ample room to relax and sunbathe and benefits from a large swimming pool and ornamental ponds with a magnificent mountain backdrop.

Beds: 2


Baths: 2

Built: 97m2

Terrace: 18m2

Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Fuengirola - Los Pacos

Ref A9894

Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 105m2

Terrace: 10m2



Ref PH7077

This is a nice and spacious penthouse located front line beach in Calahonda which boasts spectacular views to the sea. The apartment is completely renovated, has satellite TV, a fully fitted kitchen, and air conditioning. The community offers a beautiful communal garden and two swimming pools.

Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 140m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Estepona - Buenas Noches

Ref V6848

Beautiful villa situated in Buenas Noches urbanization with nice sea views in a peaceful and well looked after environment located a few minutes from Estepona Town. Property in excellent condition with pool and private garden with various fruit trees. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, fully fitted kitchen, fireplace, terrace, solarium, store room and 2 car parking. Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 130m2

Plot: 600m2

Terrace: 60m2

230.000 

Marbella - Torre Real

Ref A8101

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 140m2

Terrace: 40m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

San Pedro de Alcántara

Ref TH8108

Beds: 3

Baths: 2,5

Built: 150m2

Terrace: 30m2

Plot: 20m2


Mijas - Finca San Antonio

Ref A3369

Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 118m2

Terrace: 20m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Estepona - Sinfonia del Mar

Ref A3243

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 97m2

Terrace: 40m2


Fuengirola - Torreblanca

Ref V9720

Beds: 9

Baths: 4

Built: 285m2

Terrace: 100m2

Plot: 950m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Nueva Andalucía

Ref A8153

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 119m2

Terrace: 65m2


Milla de Oro - Urb Marbella Real

Ref A2983

100mts FROM THE BEACH AND 1 MIN WALKING DISTANCE TO EVERYTHING. Recently reduced from 425.000€ to 329.000€ for sale immediately. 4 bed apartment was converted in 3 bed with spacious living and dinning area. Well located into the urbanization with easy access to the swimming pool and elevator. Has nice terrace with fantastic views on community area and pool. is very sunny, private and is in very good conditions! Garage and storage room are included in the price. There are security 24 hrs, paddle, gym and swimming pools in the urbanization. Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 136m2

Terrace: 55m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Miraflores - Las Olas

Ref A4545

This 3 bedroom 3 bathroom ground floor corner apartment is situated in Las Olas, which is the most sought after and exclusive development of Riviera. The property is very spacious with all 3 bedrooms having access to terrace space. There is a large south west facing covered terrace leading off the lounge and two main bedrooms and a small east facing covered terrace with mountain views which benefits from morning sun. The complex is gated and has a security guard. There are 2 swimming pools, gymnasium, paddle tennis court, private covered parking and store rooms. Beds: 3

Baths: 3

Built: 157m2

Terrace: 75m2


Marbella - El Rosario

Ref PH9795

Beds: 4

Baths: 4

Built: 150m2

Terrace: 150m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Estepona - Nueva Milla de Oro

Beds: 3

Ref PH11656

Baths: 2

Built: 132m2

Terraza: 35m2


Marbella - Sierra Blanca

Ref TH8202

Beds: 2

Baths: 2,5

Built: 120m2

Terrace: 75m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Plot: 50m2

Elviria - Hacienda Playa

Ref A13163

GOOD INVESTMENT ON THE BEACH OF ELVIRIA. Excellent 2nd floor apartment in a luxury beach-side development. It offers a large terrace with nice views of the pool and landscaped gardens. The property is in immaculate condition, spacious, fully furnished, and would make an ideal family home and has excellent rental potential. Features include A/C hot/cold, garage and storage. Close to Don Carlos Hotel and Marriott Beach Resort and to amenities and only 2 minutes walk to the beach!. Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Built: 105m2

Terrace: 31m2


Nueva Andalucía

Ref TH8198

Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 186m2

Terrace: 30m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Plot: 96m2

Mijas - Valtocado

Ref V3414

Beds: 3

Baths: 3

Built: 168m2

Plot: 7.500m2


Marbella - San Pedro Centro co B an del Bank e t n e e th ctam om Dire ectly fr r i D

Ref V6451 Villa orientada al sur en el centro de San Pedro. Se distribuye, en planta baja, de: hall, amplio salón con chimenea, comedor, aseo, cocina equipada, garaje para un vehículo, porche cubierto, jardín con piscina y trastero. Primera planta: amplio dormitorio principal en suite con acceso a la terraza cubierta y dos dormitorios más compartiendo un baño. Una casa ideal para aquellos que quieren vivir independientemente pero a un paseo del corazón de San Pedro.

South facing villa in the centre of San Pedro. This lovely property comprises, on the ground floor: entrance hall, spacious living room with fireplace, dining room, guest WC, fully equipped kitchen, one car garage, covered porch, garden with pool and store room. First floor: ample master en-suite bedroom with access to the covered terrace and two other bedrooms sharing a bathroom. An ideal home for those who would like to live independently and only a walk away from the heart of San Pedro. 100% finance possible - From Euribor +2. Beds: 3

Baths: 3

Built: 312m2

Terrace: 103m

Plot: 494m2

400.000 

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Nueva Andalucía - Las Brisas

Ref TH5100

Beds: 4

Baths: 3,5

Built: 214m2

Terrace: 93m2


Nueva Andalucía - Puerto Golf

Beds: 3

Ref TH5365

Baths: 2

Built: 146m2

Terrace: 204m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Estepona - Cabo Bermejo

Ref R11Cabo

Desde From


Luxury front line beach complex - An exclusive front line beach complex comprising ground floors-first floor apartments and duplex penthouses. Ground floor apartments benefit from private, covered terraces leading out to the manicured gardens, whilst the duplex penthouses enjoy a master bedroom suite on the upper level, a large solarium with BBQ area and a private Jacuzzi with breathtaking sea views.

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Fuengirola - El Coto

Ref V9918


Beds: 3+2 34

Baths: 4

Built: 300m2

Terrace: 200m2

Plot: 500m2

Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Mijas Costa - El Chaparral

Ref V4425


PRICED JUST REDUCED! - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! This Private Villa sits on the edge of El Chaparral golf course with views down the fairway to the club house. Built on a good sized plot facing south west offers all day sun on its terraces and a quiet and relaxed feel. a very good sized living room with central fire place. Off the living room is the family dining room and kitchen. Private off-road parking.

Beds: 3 36

Baths: 2,5

Built: 198m2

Terrace: 58m2

Plot: 1.000m2

Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Estepona - Torre Bermeja


Desde From


The ultimate luxury living - This beachfront development has outstanding on site facilities including an indoor heated swimming pool, 2 outdoor pools, gymnasium and sauna, and offers a very high quality standard of living. Ground floor apartments benefit from private, covered terraces leading out to the manicured gardens, whilst the penthouses enjoy an upper solarium with Jacuzzi, BBQ area and superb sea views. It's location is ideal for those looking to relax in a luxury urbanization.

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.



Ref V11421

Beds: 4

Baths: 4

Built: 250m2

Plot: 2.400m2


Mijas Costa - Torrenueva

Ref V4770

Located in one of the most popular urbanization in Mijas Costa. Only 15 mins walk to La Cala and just 5 minutes walk to the beach. A well thought out living area with plenty of useable space. 2 double bedrooms on the entrance level and a master suite with en-suite bathroom and private terrace upstairs. Perfect condition. S/W. All day sun on the pool and terrace and a nice sized garden to the side of the property which provided and slightly shaded area towards the end of the day. Beds: 3

Baths: 2,5

Built: 234m2

Plot: 800m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Nueva Andalucía - Les Belvederes

Beds: 2

Ref A5288

Baths: 2,5

Built: 245m2

Terrace: 90m2



Ref V4975

WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL AMENITIES 5-8 MINUTES. VIEWINGS HIGHLY RECOMENDED. UNFURNISHED. Lovely Andalucian style detached villa. Totally private. Comprising of a good sized sitting room with fire place and 3 sets of sliding doors leading out to a beautiful large patio part of which is covered for outdoor entertaining in the summer. The patio is approxamatly 70m2. Beds: 4

Baths: 2,5

Built: 193m2

Plot: 1.200m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.



Ref V13518

SUPERB VILLA ON THE BEACH-SIDE. Charming beach-side villa, totally refurbished and in excellent condition, very well located close to all amenities, transport, schools and only 2 minutes walk to the nice sandy beach of Benalmádena. Wonderful views to the sea! Good sized living-dining room, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and direct access to the garden, 2 further bedrooms sharing 1 bathroom, sunny terraces, and a fully equipped kitchen. Features are marble floors, alarm system, A/C hot/cold, fitted wardrobes, utility room outside, storage, garage for 2 cars. Beds: 3

Baths: 2

Built: 160m2

Terrace: 70m2

Plot: 1.700m2


Nueva Andalucía - Las Tortugas de Aloha

Beds: 2

Baths: 2

Ref PH5392

Built: 305m2

Terrace: 133m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Nueva Andalucía - Magna Marbella

Beds: 3

Ref PH5496

Baths: 2

Built: 150m2

Terrace: 68m2


New Golden Mile - Urb Bel Air

Ref V2094

Very nice family home with a lovely garden with swimming pool. It was built in 2006 and offers great quality construction and finishes. Dispatched in 2 floors and has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one of which en suite, wine cellar, 3 parking spaces. Thanks to its privileged location offering stunning views of environment and sea. It is only a few minutes walk to shopping center with all amenities. Reduced from 1,200,000€ to 725,000€!! Beds: 3

Baths: 2,5

Built: 300m2

Terrace: 50m2

Plot: 1.293m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Estepona - El Paraíso

Ref V6809

Luxury villa on one floor overlooking the golf course and sea in El Paraíso, between San Pedro and Estepona. Three large bedrooms, three bathrooms, toilet, master bedroom with huge dresser room, spacious living room with chimney, hardwood floors, homely terrace, private pool, nice garden, two car garage and large basement of 80 meters to add to the house. Beds: 3

Baths: 4

Built: 350m2

Terrace: 50m2

Plot: 2.000m2

750.000 

Estepona - Nueva Milla de Oro

Beds: 3

Ref A11174

Baths: 3

Built: 242m2

Terraza: 48m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Guadalmina Alta

Ref A8110

Beds: 4

Baths: 3

Built: 500m2

Terrace: 100m2

Plot: 1.350m2



Ref V3240

Beds: 4

Baths: 3

Built: 200m2

Plot: 935m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Carib Playa

Ref V13696

BEAUTIFUL VILLA IN CARIB PLAYA. Beautiful villa in bungalow-style, facing south-west, located on the beach-side East of Marbella. Set into a wonderful mature garden with a shed for garden-tools and a garage. All bedrooms and the large living-dining room have direct access to the pool terrace. Spacious fully fitted kitchen with utility and storage room. Lots of natural light, situated in a very tranquil area, short drive to all amenities and only 5 minutes walk to the beach! Beds: 3

Baths: 2,5

Built: 180m2

Terrace: 44m2

Plot: 1.792m2


Mijas - Campo Mijas

Ref V3270

Beds: 4

Baths: 4

Built: 344m2

Plot: 1.091m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.



Ref V13934

CHARMING 3 BED FAMILY VILLA IN ELVIRIA. A charming family home situated on a quiet street in the heart of Elviria within a very short drive to shops and restaurants. Southeast/southwest facing property has: entrance hall, bright living room with fireplace, dining area, guest toilet, spacious kitchen, a large terrace leads to the swimming pool and the large mature gardens. One bedroom-suite on the ground floor, and two bedroom-suites on the upper floor. Built-in wardrobes and sea views from their private balconies. Garage, big storage area and separate laundry room. Beds: 3

Baths: 3

Built: 227m2

Terrace: 39m2

Plot: 1.023m2


Archidona - Villa Nueva del Rosario

Beds: 6

Ref V3131

Baths: 4

Built: 578m2

Plot: 32.947m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

A B O G A D O S - L AW Y E R S - R E C H T S A N WÄ LT E - AV O C AT S SANCHEZ & BECK ABOGADOS es un despacho especializado en todo tipo de procedimientos judiciales de materia civil, penal, administrativa, mercantil e inmobiliario, así como asesoramiento extrajudical, emisión de dictámenes e informes jurídicos e intervención en compraventas y otros contratos. Nuestra filosofía es la del trabajo serio, profesional, honesto y dinámico, prestando a nuestros clientes un servicio directo y personalizado donde impera el trato correcto y cercano.

SANCHEZ & BECK ABOGADOS is a law firm that specialises in all kinds of court proceedings of civil, criminal, administrative, company and real estate nature as well as in delivery of legal opinions, advice, legal reports and intervention in sale/purchase operations and other contracts. Our philosophy is that of responsible, professional, honest and dynamic work and rendering a direct and one-to-one service to our clients in which correct and close attention prevail.

Sánchez & Beck Abogados C/ Notario Luis Oliver, 6, 6º - 29600 Marbella, Málaga, ESPAÑA Tel. (0034) 952 903 306 - Fax (0034) 952 902 608 -


Ref V7733


This newly built south facing villa is located beach side and only a 100 meters or so away from the sea. Cabopino Port is just a 5 minute walk away where you have one of the most beautiful sandy beaches on the coast, as well as a selection of wonderful restaurants. The specifications and furnishings are of an exceptional standard. Sea views, air-conditioning, private garden, broadband, security system, electric shutters, marble flooring, electric awnings and a heated swimming pool are only some of the features of this villa. There is also a jacuzzi on the first floor balcony.

Beds: 5


Baths: 4

Built: 270m2

Terrace: 90m2

Plot: 650m2

Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.


Ref V7446


This is an absolute dream villa. Built in 2006 in a rustic style this property has three levels and offers a huge private underground garage, Satellite TV, a private pool and a huge BBQ area. You can reach the lovely Marbesa beaches on foot in just 5 minutes and by car you're in Marbella center in just 10 minutes.

Beds: 6

Baths: 4

Built: 383m2

Terrace: 80m2

Plot: 600m2

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


El Rosario - Chapas playa

Ref V5479

Beds: 5

Baths: 4,5

Built: 450m2

Terrace: 125m2

Plot: 1.000m2


Fuengirola - Torreblanca

Ref V9936

Beds: 5

Baths: 5

Built: 450m2

Terrace: 150m2

Plot: 1.200m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.


Ref V8204


Set in the hills of the Benahavis area, this beautiful villa offers the country living feel only five minutes drive to all the amenities including the picturesque town of San Pedro de Alcantara and Puerto Banus. This spacious property has been built on a 4000m2 plot which offers many possibilities of expansion, including building another house. The main living area is all on one level, including a very large living room, separate dining room and TV room, spacious kitchen and much more!

Beds: 4

Baths: 4

Built: 390m2

Terrace: 50m2

Plot: 4.003m2

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Golden Mile - Urb Nagüeles

Ref V2455

Ultra- modern detached villa in a fantastic urbanization of Nagüeles, with optimal communications to Malaga and Puerto Banus less than5 minutes away from Marbella city center. The contemporary style villa is built using the highest construction standards and the best materials of the market from brands such as Techal, Lutral, Kos, Poliform, Zucchetti, etc. Villa is built on two levels. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, lap pool and solarium. Beds: 4

Baths: 3,5

Built: 428m2

Terrace: 70m2

Plot: 530m2


Marbella - Huerta de Belón

Ref V13608

LOVELY FAMILY VILLA IN THE HEART OF MARBELLA. Lovely family Villa located in the heart of Marbella, walking distance to all amenities, shops, restaurants and beach. Built over 3 levels plus roof terrace offering panoramic views, this cozy house consists of: the entrance hall leads to a large living room with dining area, ample glassed-in terrace overlooking manicured garden and private swimming pool. This spacious and extremely well kept home is certainly worth to look at!. Beds: 6

Baths: 6,5

Built: 510m2

Plot: 500m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.


Ref V11269

Beds: 5

Baths: 7

Built: 250m2

Plot: 3.600m2


Benahavís - La Alquería

Ref V13563

FRONT LINE GOLF NEWLY BUILT VILLA IN LA ALQUERÍA. Fabulous newly built villa in municipality of Benahavis, next to La Alqueria and Atalaya golf courses, short drive from Puerto Banus, beach and amenities. This south-west facing house offers magnificent views to the golf course, the lake and the coastline framed by Mediterranean sea. Designed in a renewed Andalusian style, it is notable for the generous heights in fine areas and abundant light throughout. There are various terraces and porches, leading to manicured garden with beautiful swimming pool. Beds: 7

Baths: 5,5

Built: 508m2

Terrace: 100m2

Plot: 1.495m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


Nueva Andalucía - Aloha Park

Beds: 3

Ref V5550

Baths: 2,5

Built: 229m2

Terrace: 124m2



Ref V13177

CHARMING VILLA IN EL PARAISO. This charming newly built Villa is settled midst mature manicured gardens, in the peaceful area surrounded by golf courses. Entrance level: antique wood doors lead into the reception hall with high ceilings; sliding doors open to large lounge and separate dining room, both with access to sunny terrace overlooking the pool & gardens. Upper level consists of master suite and two en-suite guest bedrooms, all opening into a large south facing terrace offering panoramic views. Beds: 5

Baths: 5,5

Built: 382m2

Terrace: 138m2

Plot: 1.717m2



Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Nueva Andalucía

Ref A2488

Luxurious villa in the heart of Las Brisas, Nueva Andalucia. Just 2 minutes drive from Puerto Banus and all amenities. This outstanding property is built using the highest standards and best materials of the market. The spacious house is built on 3 levels. In addition to this, there are 2 living rooms, separate office, fully kitted kitchen equipped with Miele electric appliances, cinema room, sauna, bodega, laundry room, spacious garage and storage, nice garden with swimming pool and a huge terrace that offers amazing views of La Concha mountain and golf courses. Beds: 5

Baths: 6

Built: 676m2

Terrace: 150m2

Plot: 1.780m2


Marbella - Sierra Blanca

Ref V13671

MODERN DREAM VILLA IN SIERRA BLANCA. Immaculate newly built Villa with fresh minimalist architecture. This outstanding property boasts a striking contemporary style, while providing a functional living space. The south-facing Villa is surrounded by a manicured gardens with some stylish centenary olive trees and enjoys lovely sea views from all levels. This elegant Villa is situated in the prestigious Sierra Blanca, one of Marbella's most sought-after addresses, only short drive from Marbella town and Puerto Banus. Beds: 5

Baths: 5,5

Built: 513m2

Terrace: 171m2

Plot: 1.315m2


For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.


El Rosario Villa de lujo construida sobre el terreno compuesto de 2 parcelas de calificación comercial 3.020m2. Dentro de esta calificación de suelo se puede construir o adaptar a un hotel de 4* o, en su caso, en la esquina de la parcela, que da a las dos calles hacer un centro comercial, ya que existe edificabilidad sobrante (aprox.1.050m2). Disfruta de una ubicación privilegiada: justo en la esquina de la zona comercial de el Rosario, enfrente de Royal Tennis Club (antiguo Tenis el Casco) y la caseta de seguridad de la urbanización a 20m de la villa. Piscina, piscina cubierta con jacuzzi, sauna turca, bar, sala de cine, bodega, barbacoa, chimenea, 2 plazas de garaje.

Dormitorios: 8

Baños: 4,5

Construido: 1.000m2

Terraza: 120m2

Terreno: 3.020m2

Luxurious villa built on the plot of 3.020m2. This exceptional commercial land consists of 2 connected plots. One of them could be adapted to a 4* hotel and the second one to a commercial center. It is all possible due the perfect position on the corner of two streets and a lot of free space for new construction. It enjoy of prime location: just on the corner of El Rosario’s shopping area, opposite the Royal Tennis Club (former Tenis El Casco) and 20m from the gated urbanization. Swimming pool, covered swimming pool with Jacuzzi, Turkish sauna, bar, cinema room, private winery, barbecue, fireplace, 2 parking spaces.

Beds: 8

Baths: 4,5

Built: 1.000m2

Terrace: 120m2

Plot: 3.020m2

2.650.000 56

Para más información sobre una de estas propiedades, nuestros datos de contacto se encuentran en el interior portada.

Ref V2125

For further information on any of these properties, please get in touch. See our contact details on the inside front cover.




Côte Sud home interiors


ôte Sud es una empresa de decoración que ha sabido encontrar su nicho en una zona tan cosmopolita como lo es la Costa del Sol. Su éxito tal vez de deba a que ha sabido mantenerse fiel a un estilo propio de decoración sencilla y elegante, trabajando con firmas de gran calidad y trayectoria tanto españolas como del resto de Europa.

En Côte Sud se pueden encontrar piezas de mobiliario de empresas exclusivas como Flamant, Becara o Guadarte, tejidos de gran calidad y diseño como los de Pierre Frey o Casamance, mobiliario de exterior de Vincent Sheppard o Manutti, vajillas de porcelana de Gien, entre muchos otros tesoros que son el resultado de una búsqueda exhaustiva de diversas procedencias. Es por ello que Côte Sud logra un especial éxito entre la población de origen escandinava, belga, francesa y holandesa, así como inglesa y de muchas otras nacionalidades. No es nuevo para el equipo de Côte Sud, escuchar de los clientes las frases “No hay otras tiendas como ésta por la zona”, o “qué objetos más bonitos tenéis”, y sin embargo dicen que no se cansan de oírlo.

La comunicación no es un problema ya que en Côte Sud se hablan 5 idiomas, y se aspira a que los clientes puedan sentirse lo más cómodos posible a la hora de emprender una tarea tan placentera como lo es decidir qué muebles y telas los acompañarán en su hogar. Côte Sud asesora sin compromiso al cliente, y hace visitas a domicilio para poder sugerir ideas teniendo en cuenta el contexto arquitectónico. Ofrece también papeles pintados, pintura decorativa, soluciones de tapicería y reformas, para facilitar aún más el proceso. La mayoría de los clientes viven en el extranjero y ese factor tampoco supone un problema: el seguimiento del proyecto continúa vía e-mail, aportando fotos y perspectivas 3D y todo el material necesario. La empresa está avalada por cantidad de clientes satisfechos en estos 8 años de trabajo, que no dudan en resaltar la responsabilidad y eficiencia con que se realiza cada trabajo.

“Siempre es gratificante comprobar que podemos satisfacer al cliente”, nos dicen. En este punto debemos resaltar que Côte Sud pone un especial énfasis en la atención al público, tratando cada consulta con el mismo respeto. No hay trabajos grandes o pequeños, hay proyectos de decoración integrales que van desde las cortinas y muebles hasta los accesorios, y hay pequeños proyectos como puede ser ayudar a un cliente a elegir un regalo de bodas.




ôte Sud is a decoration company, which has discovered how to find its niche market in a cosmopolitan area such as “the Costa del Sol”. We may attribute its success to the fact that they have kept faithful to their own decorative style: simple and elegant, working with high quality firms with a long trajectory, not only from Spain but from the rest of Europe.

In Côte Sud you can find pieces of furniture from exclusive companies such as Flamant, Becara or Guadarte, high quality and design textiles as the ones from Pierre Frey or Casamance, outdoor furniture from Vincent Sheppard or Manutti, bone china from Gien, and many other treasures, resulting from years of extensive research. This is the reason why Côte Sud succeeds with the Scandinavian clients, as well as with the Belgian, French, Dutch, English and many other nationalities. It´s not

uncommon for Côte Sud staff to hear from their customers the phrase “There are no other shops like this in the area”, or “What lovely things you have in here”, however they claim never to be tired of hearing it. - “It´s always rewarding to confirm that we can satisfy the customer´s needs”, they say. At this point we must highlight that Côte Sud places a special emphasis in providing the best customer service, treating each request with the same respect. “There are no jobs too big or small for us. We manage integral decoration projects, from curtains and furniture to the small accessories, even as far as small projects such as helping a customer to find the right wedding present”. Communication is never a problem, since Côte Sud staff speak five languages, and they aim to make the customers feel at ease at the very important moment of deciding which furniture or fabrics will accompany them in their homes. Côte Sud provides free decoration advice, and offers home visits to be able to suggest ideas in concordance with architectural styles. They also supply wallpaper, decorative painting, solutions in upholstery and refurbishments, making the process even easier. The majority of customers do not actually live in Spain but that factor does not present a problem either, cominication continues by email, with pictures, 3D perspectives and any other required material. The company is recognised by many satisfied customers who have highlighted the responsibility and efficiency applied in each project, throughout eight years of experience and hard work.




¡para comérsela! De primero, excelentes pescados, imponentes carnes, deliciosas verduras y dulces irresistibles. De segundo, una pujante creatividad mediterránea. Y de postre, el mejor de los servicios. Se sirve en platos con estrellas Michelin, en las tapas de encantadores bares, en los imprescindibles chiringuitos y en exóticos locales. Es el menú de la Costa del Sol. ¿Te quedas a comer?

good enough to eat! First of all-starters, excellent fish, amazing meat, delicious vegetables and irresistible sweets and desserts. Secondly-main course, up to the minute Mediterranean creativity. And to finish-, the best possible service. All served in Michelin star dishes, in tapas found in charming typical bars, of course in the chiringuito beach bars and in all sorts of exotic premises. This is the menu on the Costa del Sol. Are you staying to eat ?


Telf.: (+34) 952 83 59 14

INTERNATIONAL “El Lido Las Chapas” Ctra. Cádiz, Km.191 (detrás del Hotel Estrella del Mar) Golden Beach MARBELLA Telfs.: 952 83 76 66 • 952 83 18 19

LA SALA - PUERTO BANÚS Calle Belmonte MARBELLA Telf.: (+34) 952 81 41 45

FINCA BESAYA Urb. Río Verde Alto, MARBELLA Telf.: (+34) 952 86 13 82

Urb. Coto de los Dolores Carril del Relojero, ELVIRIA Telf.: (+34) 952 83 94 58

DELICATESSEN AND YOUR DAILY SHOPPING Centro Comercial Contur MARBELLA Open daily from 9am till 9pm www.

RESTAURANTE SUKHOTHAI Ctra. N340, km 178, Milla de Oro Telf.: (+34) 952 77 05 50

MOZAIC Urb. Las Chapas s/n, MARBELLA

Telf.: (+34) 952 83 99 01



RESTAURANTE CIPRIANO Avd. Playas del Duque, Ed. Sevilla PUERTO BANÚS Telf.: (+34) 952 81 10 77



Crta. Nacional N-340 KM 194.7

Edificio Skol, Paseo Marítimo

(Salida Cabopino) MARBELLA

MARBELLA Telf.: (+34) 952 90 33 18

Telf.: (+34) 952 83 19 18

NUEVA KASKADA Urb. La Montua C/Chorreadero 39 Avda.del Prado 1, nº 2 Aloha Gardens NUEVA ANDALUCIA 29601 Marbella . Málaga Telf.: (+34) 951 08 26 32 Telf.: (+34) 952 864 478 Mob: 672 517 741


Telf.: (+34) 952 83 19 94

EL PATIO DE LOS PERFUMES C/ Aduar, 1, MARBELLA Telf.: (+34) 687 508 242

TIKITANO RESTAURANT Urb. Guadalmansa, Ctra. de Cadiz KM 164, ESTEPONA Telf.: (+34) 952 79 84 49

LA LIBRERIA CAFE BAR Calle Sevillano s/n MARBELLA Telf.: 952 86 45 64

RISTORANTE ITALIANO ROSMARINO DELLA PIAZZA C.C. Pinares de ELVIRIA Local 10 Telf.: (+34) 952 85 01 48

Muelle Rivera 33 PUERTO BANÚS Telf.: (+34) 952 81 59 15

LA COLMENA COMIDA PARA LLEVAR Paseo Marítimo, Edf. Marbella 2000 local 10-11 MARBELLA Telf.: 617 482 616 - 620 672 868

Financiación hasta 100% Up to 100% finance Estepona - La Galera Park

Ref A6532

Desde From

Complejo residencial formado por casas adosadas. El proyecto cuenta con amplios espacios cuidadosamente diseñados (más de 20.000 metros cuadrados de zonas verdes) con 5 piscinas, tiene pistas de padel y varios paseos con iluminación nocturna. Ubicado en segunda línea de playa a sólo 5 minutos de Estepona y a 15 minutos de Marbella y del Puerto de Sotogrande. Podrá elegir entre dos tipos diferentes de casas, pero todas tienen 3 dormitorios, 2 lujosos baños, un aseo, una cocina completa, un amplio salón con acceso a las grandes terrazas de extraordinarias vistas. Ascensor privado, aire acondicionado frío/calor, solarium, garaje y jardín privado.


La Galera Park is a residential complex made up of townhouses. The development has a large and carefully designed landscaped area (over 20,000 square metres of green zone), 5 swimming pools, of which 2 are children's pools, paddle tennis court, several pathways with nocturnal illumination. La Galera Park is located in second line of beach, only 5 minutes from Estepona and 15 minutes from Marbella and Sotogrande Port. You will choose between two different types of houses, but they all have 3 bedrooms, 2 luxury bathrooms, a toilet, fully fitted kitchen, a spacious lounge with access to large terraces with extraordinary views. Private elevator, air conditioning / heating, solarium, garage and private garden.

Comercializa: INVERSIONES CIEL S.L. C/ Real Nº 110, 29680 - Estepona (Málaga). • Telf. 952 790 790 • Fax. 952 80 54 97 •

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