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JUGGLER’S WORKSHOP (reconstructed from handwritten notes) Juggler’s philosophy is PRACTICAL based on SOLID FOUNDATION. He gains solid rapport by being open and friendly. Then he moves into the seductive part of the PU. He is never angry or upset if things don’t work out. He conveys his extremely positive attitude to the world and leaves the other person in a state better than he found them in.

Preparation ­ Stage one: Have prepared in my mind FOUR topics which I can talk about in detail and describe my FEELINGS in relation to those topics. Eg. Food, Travel, Pets, Friends. ­ Remember to use questions in order to shift between the topics. ­ Always communicate that you are charming and interesting. I will eventually “tip the scales” and she will be convinced of that. Be persistent in communicating that I am charming and interesting. ­ All my movements should be purposeful, calculated and smooth. No nervous fidgeting (!). Avoid pointing finger / fingers when communicating. Keep hands low (within lower abdomen area) this way the gestures are non­threatening.

Approaching i). Stopping ( if she is walking ) ­ Come up. Stop to one side. Do an opener (ask question) and pivot as she is walking along. She should stop or at least slow down. I can then have a conversation standing still or decide to walk along with her. ii). Opening Golden Rule: Don’t care about anything except for my response to her reaction.(see. Conv. Cycle) ­ I should NOT seek an opener that produces a good response (i.e. a pick up line). Why? o Because it creates “response anxiety” on my part. Creates tension and puts pressure on the situation o Because as we have learnt her initial reaction, whether positive or negative, to my opener does not matter. What matters is MY RESPONSE to HER INITIAL REACTION. ­ Get in their private space, until I get eye contact then take a step back – say the opener – (then it looks like they approached you) – the idea is to get them looking at you before I do an opener. ­ Step into her state – “it’s a beautiful day, you see the airplanes flying over, it’s nice and warm etc etc.” Know where I want to go and go there by pacing and leading. ­ If you see I O I – approach immediately.

Question Vs. Statement – dealt with in detail below (conversational cycles) ­ A question especially if asked early on puts the questioner in an inferior position. The respondent is empowered by choice of answer or declining to answer. It also implies that I want something from the other person. To avoid being placed in an inferior position: o I must convey that I WANT the answer, but I do not NEED it. i.e. if she declines to answer, it would make no difference.

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