Your Ultimate Blueprint for Creating a Web Portal

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Your Ultimate Blueprint for Creating a Web Portal A web portal is a web-based gateway that allows different parties involved in a business to access an organization’s data as per their needs and roles. With a web portal, an organization can manage data and the flow of information better and more efficiently. Creating a web portal also helps minimize reliance on traditional ways of exchanging crucial information like calls, fax, or even emails. There are different types of web portals depending on the purpose you intend to fulfill. Some primary types are customer portal, supplier portal, partner portal, affiliate portal, etc. People sometimes use the terms website and web portal interchangeably, but there are differences. Creating a web portal is not the same as creating a website. While a website includes web pages that anyone can access, a web portal contains information dedicated to a domain. Unlike a website, a web portal requires you to use login credentials instead of a URL to access information on it. While a website boosts digital presence and traffic, a web portal provides relevant information to different users as per their roles and requirements to optimize business processes.

Stages of Creating a Web Portal Creating a web portal requires you to brainstorm and plan well in advance. Before you start your web portal development steps, you should have a clear idea about who will use your portal. You should also understand that your portal should align with your business requirements and incorporate the latest trends in the web portal development process, for your industry. Below are the four primary web portal development steps you need to follow:

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
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