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Knit Fabulous & Crochet Savvy
Crochet Savvy Magazine is a retired free digital magazine from Ariella Fiber Arts Designer, "Keturah Malinconico". Keturah is the name behind her KnitFabulous & Crochet Savvy brands. Crochet Savvy Digital Magazine focused on designers, the crochet industry and charity and is one of the first of its kind to feature the behind the scenes of the industry. The community is still active even though the magazine has been retired.

Nazaret Reyes Bugarin

Keturah Malinconico

Sharane Harris


jerimie welch

Amaya Rodrigo

Tamara Millyard

silvia ferreira

Angela Richardson

Cassandra Denson

sondra peterson

janet herbster

Rey Diaz

Kate Gray

kary Harrah

Silvia López

Corona Holland

Yoni Sim

Sylvia Tuck

Rhonda Humphreys



Joana Carvalho

Mathilde Horton

Monica Lowe

melii e

Rebecca Clarke

Stephanie Watson

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Anna Benete Bages

Tawnya Fletcher

Margaret Jones

Cathy Robbins

Carina Martina

Leana Owen

Donna Freeman

Renaissance Austin

Isabelle Grace Li

maleeha nazim

Trixy Cohoona

Sunny Watson

Muna Saigol

Kim Conner


Joyce Brown

Deborah Williams

Lisa Allen MH