The Virtues of St. Francis
St. Francis CAtholic School Milford Haven wales
ILLUSTRATION by Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee and Chloe Barton
henry hedgepodge academy of art 2022 book design and dialogue by Deborah Withey, Hannah Starkey, intern creative learning + therapeutic arts engagement henry hedgepodge academy of art @cheesepickles creative learning + therapeutic arts engagement Henryhartacademy
Springboard is a project committed to delivering a wide range of fun, free and engaging activities to families across Pembrokeshire. In all primary school settings we are committed to ensuring that our Family courses link closely to the 4 core purposes of learning that are promoted in the new Curriculum for Wales. Through participating in our courses we hope that our adult learners will develop the confidence and skills to progress and fulfil their personal goals, be that to engage in further learning, volunteering or employment or to improve their health and well-being and that of their families.
St Francis School was built in 1968 and had a new extension in 2009. We are a diverse community and welcome children from the Catholic and non-Catholic families of Milford Haven and surrounding areas. The school was originally opened and run with the help of the nuns from the Order of The Sisters of Mercy. Today we continue to aim to provide a stimulating learning environment that is safe, inspiring and inclusive. We nurture every child to become a responsible, considerate and caring individual, whilst taking with them lifelong memories.
Illustration by Maksimillian Bartosiak
ST. FRancis Catholic School The Virtues of St. Francis ‘A virtue is an interior disposition, a positive habit, a passion that has been placed at the service of the good.’ Catechism of The Catholic Church With our faith-filled community as a strong foundation to children, we watch them grow and flourish as they build upon their experiences of our virtues. Every half term, we focus on a pair of virtues in our daily collective worship. The children will explore what the virtues mean, through scripture, stories, poems, the saints, people from history and those who are alive today. Examples of children living out the virtues are recorded on leaves and placed on trees on their class prayer table. At the end of the term these are collected and placed on our virtues tree in our school foyer. A weekly certificate for those who ‘live out’ the virtues is presented in our celebration assembly. Their names are also placed on the virtues tree. Pupils’ vision statement St Francis is a Catholic school where everyone grows and learns in the love of Christ. Our families and staff will work together to help us to be the best we can be. We will try to make our school an exciting place to learn. Our lessons will be fun and enjoyable and as we grow, our challenges will grow with us. We will stay safe and happy and include everyone in all that we do. We promise that we will always be kind and take responsibility for our actions and our leadership. – Written by members of Y Llais – October 2021
GRATEFUL & GENEROUS “Thank you so much for my gifts, I am grateful for your kindness,” said the child. “It feels good to give of yourself to others,” said the wolf.
Grateful for children’s own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.
Cover illustration and illustration above by Scott Hawkridge and Indie-Rose Hawkridge
Illustration by Nicole Beavis-Morrissey and Layton Morrissey
ATTENTIVE & DISCERNING “Life is about learning how to make good choices,” said the wolf. “I will think carefully,” said the child.
Children attentive to their experience and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.
compassionate & LOVING “I am sorry you have had a bad day, what can I do to help you feel better ?” said the wolf. “Just be with me,” said the child.
Children compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.
Illustration by Nicole Beavis-Morrissey and Layton Morrissey
Illustration by Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee and Chloe Barton
faith - fi lled & hopeful “I am filled with joy !” said the child. “Your faith gives you strength,” said the wolf.
Faith-filled children in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.
ElOquenT & truthful “You speak so kindly and beautifully in a way that I can understand,” said the child. “I just speak the truth,” said the wolf.
Eloquent and truthful in what children say of themselves, the relations between people, and the world.
Illustration by Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee and Chloe Barton
Illustration by Scott Hawkridge and Indie-Rose Hawkridge
Learned & Wise “Learn all you can about our beautiful world,” said the wolf. “And find God in all things,” said the child.
Learned, finding God in all things; and wise in the ways children use their learning for the common good.
CURIOUS & ACTIVE “I have so many questions to ask you!” said the child. “We can make a difference when we are curious and ask questions,” said the wolf.
Children curious about everything; and active in engagement with the world, changing what we can for the better.
Illustration by Scott Hawkridge and Indie-Rose Hawkridge
Illustration by Nicole Beavis-Morrissey and Layton Morrissey
INtentional & PROPHETIC “What will my future be ?” said the child. “To respect the resources of the Earth and to enjoy the blessings of each and every day,” said the wolf.
Intentional in the way children live and use the resources of the earth, guided by conscience; and prophetic in the example they set to others.
BWRIADOL A PHROFFWYDOL “Beth fydd fy nyfodol?” meddai’r plentyn. “Parchu adnoddau’r Ddaear a mwynhau bendithion bob dydd,” meddai’r blaidd.
Yn fwriadol yn y ffordd y mae plant yn byw ac yn defnyddio adnoddau’r Ddaear, dan arweiniad cydwybod; a phroffwydol yn yr esiampl a osodant i eraill.
Darlun gan Nicole Beavis-Morrissey a Layton Morrissey
Darlun gan Scott Hawkridge ac Indie-Rose Hawkridge
CHWILFRYDIG AC EGNiOL “Mae gen i gynifer o gwestiynau i ofyn i chi!” meddai’r plentyn. “Fe allwn ni wneud gwahaniaeth pan ydyn ni’n chwilfrydig ac yn gofyn cwestiynau,” meddai’r blaidd.
Plant yn chwilfrydig am bopeth; ac yn weithgar wrth ymgysylltu â’r byd, gan newid yr hyn a allwn er gwell.
Dysgedig a Doeth “Dysgwch bopeth y gallwch chi am ein byd hardd,” meddai’r blaidd. “A chewch Dduw ym mhob peth,” meddai’r plentyn.
Dysgedig, canfod Duw ym mhob peth; a doeth yn y ffyrdd y mae plant yn defnyddio eu dysgu er lles pawb.
Darlun gan Scott Hawkridge ac Indie-Rose Hawkridge
Darlun gan Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee a Chloe Barton
Huawdl a gonest “Rydych chi’n siarad mor garedig a hardd mewn ffordd rydw i’n gallu ei deall,” meddai’r plentyn. “Siarad y gwir ydw i,” meddai’r blaidd.
Huawdl a gwir yn yr hyn y mae plant yn ei ddweud amdanynt eu hunain, y berthynas rhwng pobl, a’r byd.
Llawn ffydd a gobaith “Rwyf wedi fy llenwi â llawenydd!” meddai’r plentyn. “Mae dy ffydd yn rhoi nerth i ti,” meddai’r blaidd.
Plant llawn ffydd yn eu credoau ac yn obeithiol am y dyfodol.
Darlun gan Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee a Chloe Barton
Darlun gan Nicole Beavis-Morrissey a Layton Morrissey
Trugarog a CHARIADUS “Mae’n ddrwg gen i eich bod chi wedi cael diwrnod gwael, beth alla i ei wneud i’ch helpu chi i deimlo’n well?” meddai’r blaidd. “Bydd gyda mi,” meddai’r plentyn.
Mae plant yn dosturiol tuag at bobl eraill, pell ac agos, yn enwedig y rhai llai ffodus; ac yn gariadus trwy eu gweithredoedd cyfiawn a’u geiriau maddeuol.
SYLWGAR A CHRAFF “Mae bywyd yn ymwneud â dysgu sut i wneud dewisiadau da,” meddai’r blaidd. “Fe fydda i’n meddwl yn ofalus,” meddai’r plentyn.
Plant yn rhoi sylw i’w profiad ac i’w galwedigaeth; ac yn graff am y dewisiadau a wnânt ac effeithiau’r dewisiadau hynny. .
Darlun gan Nicole Beavis-Morrissey a Layton Morrissey
Darlun clawr a darlun uchod gan Scott Hawkridge ac Indie-Rose Hawkridge
DIOLCHGAR A HAEL “Diolch yn fawr iawn am fy anrhegion, rwy’n ddiolchgar am eich caredigrwydd,” meddai’r plentyn. “Mae’n deimlad da rhoi ohonoch eich hun i eraill,” meddai’r blaidd.
Yn ddiolchgar am ddoniau’r plant eu hunain, am rodd pobl eraill, ac am fendithion pob dydd; ac yn hael gyda’u rhoddion, gan ddod yn ddynion a merched i eraill.
ysgol gatholig Sant Ffransis Rhinweddau Sant FFransis ‘Natur fewnol, arfer cadarnhaol, angerdd sydd wedi’i roi at wasanaeth y daioni yw rhinwedd.’ Catecism yr Eglwys Gatholig Gyda’n cymuned llawn ffydd yn sylfaen gref i blant, rydyn ni’n eu gwylio nhw’n tyfu ac yn ffynnu wrth iddynt adeiladu ar eu profiadau o’n rhinweddau. Bob hanner tymor, rydym yn canolbwyntio ar bâr o rinweddau yn ein cydaddoli dyddiol. Bydd y plant yn archwilio ystyr y rhinweddau, trwy ysgrythur, straeon, cerddi, y seintiau, pobl o hanes, a’r rhai sy’n fyw heddiw. Mae enghreifftiau o blant yn gweithredu’r rhinweddau yn cael eu cofnodi ar ddail a’u gosod ar goed ar fwrdd gweddi eu dosbarth. Ar ddiwedd y tymor, mae’r rhain yn cael eu casglu a’u gosod ar ein coeden rinweddau yng nghyntedd ein hysgol. Cyflwynir tystysgrif wythnosol i’r rhai sy’n gweithredu’r rhinweddau yn ein gwasanaeth dathlu. Rhoddir eu henwau hefyd ar y goeden rinweddau. Datganiad gweledigaeth y disgyblion Ysgol Gatholig yw Sant Ffransis lle mae pawb yn tyfu ac yn dysgu yng nghariad Crist. Bydd ein teuluoedd a’n staff yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i’n helpu ni i fod y gorau y gallwn fod. Byddwn yn ceisio gwneud ein hysgol yn lle cyffrous i ddysgu. Bydd ein gwersi yn hwyl ac yn bleserus ac, wrth i ni dyfu, bydd ein heriau yn tyfu gyda ni. Byddwn yn ddiogel ac yn hapus o hyd ac yn cynnwys pawb ym mhopeth a wnawn. Rydym yn addo y byddwn bob amser yn garedig ac yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ein gweithredoedd a’n harweinyddiaeth. – Ysgrifennwyd gan aelodau Y Llais – Hydref 2021
Darlun gan Maksimillian Bartosiak
Mae Sbardun yn brosiect sydd wedi ymrwymo i gyflawni amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau hwyliog a dymunol sydd yn rhad ac am ddim i deuluoedd ar draws Sir Benfro. Ym mhob lleoliad ysgol gynradd, rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod ein cyrsiau i deuluoedd yn cysylltu’n agos â’r pedwar diben craidd mewn dysgu sy’n cael eu hyrwyddo yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Trwy gymryd rhan yn ein cyrsiau, gobeithiwn y bydd ein dysgwyr sy’n oedolion yn magu’r hyder ac yn datblygu’r sgiliau i symud ymlaen a chyflawni eu nodau personol, boed hynny i gymryd rhan mewn dysgu pellach, mewn gwirfoddoli neu mewn cyflogaeth, neu i wella eu hiechyd a’u lles eu hunain a rhai eu teuluoedd.
Adeiladwyd Ysgol Sant Ffransis yn 1968 a chodwyd estyniad newydd iddo yn 2009. Rydym yn gymuned amrywiol ac yn croesawu plant o deuluoedd Catholig a theuluoedd nad ydynt yn Gatholig o Aberdaugleddau a’r ardaloedd cyfagos. Agorwyd a rhedwyd yr ysgol yn wreiddiol gyda chymorth y lleianod o Urdd y Chwiorydd Trugaredd. Heddiw rydym yn parhau i anelu at ddarparu amgylchedd dysgu ysgogol sy’n ddiogel, yn ysbrydoledig ac yn gynhwysol. Rydym yn meithrin pob plentyn i ddod yn unigolyn cyfrifol, ystyriol a gofalgar sy’n gadael yr ysgol gydag atgofion gydol oes.
Darlun gan Nicole Barton, Adam Cowee ac Chloe Barton
henry hedgepodge academy of art Dyluniad llyfr a deialog 2022 gan Deborah Withey, Hannah Starkey, intern creative learning + therapeutic arts engagement academi gelf henry hedgepodge @cheesepickles ymgysylltiad dysgu creadigol a chelfyddydau therapiwtig Henryartacademy
Rhinweddau Sant Ffransis
ysgol GatholiG sant Ffransis