Creative Younghwa | July 2012
N.O.T.E - of the students, by the students, for the students
Yonghwa Girls' High School
CONTENTS School Events A Good Start Girls Over Flowers:The Healthy Walking Contest Meet the Philippines at Yonghwa GS 25 Market at Yonghwa Do You Know What CCAP Is? Video Conference with Singapore Nanyang High School
Current Issues SNS Witch Hunters are Normal Users? Medical Tourism School Violence - We Should Not Ignore Violence Anymore Xenophobia in Korea Let's Talk about Our Land Dokdo!
Culture Seoul Fashion Week International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012 Bad Science _ Book Review Korean Culture is Soaked in Lookism Dead Poets Society _ Movie Review Make Your Dream in Seoul Womens' University
This magazine is edited and published N.O.T.E of Yonghwa Girls' High School Official English Newspaper of Yonghwa Girls' High School / Vol.5 / July 26th, 2012 Publisher : Heung Won Park, Principal / Advisor : Eunhea Lee, English teacher / Editor-in-chief : Hyun Ji Shin Yonghwa Girl's High School / 737, Dong1-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea / Tel.02-933-4335 /,
School Events
A Good Start When I first heard that I will become a student at Yonghwa Girls' high school, I was really flattered and excited about meeting new friends and teachers. There was a fresher's orientation which is a mandatory event to attend. Prior to our departure at a youth hostel, our school's student president and vice-president described the life in Yonghwa Girls', so some of my worries about the upcoming high school life was relieved. The orientation took place from 2/24 to 2/25. Upon departure, everyone seemed unaccustomed with each other. After a few hours, we finally arrived at the youth hostel. At first, we left our luggages and then heard more about the school life and
sang the school anthem; it was a little bit difficult. When I sang this new school anthem, it reminded me of my middle school days. In the evening, our classmates gathered into a room and we introduced ourselves. It was really embarrassing, but we soon talked, played games, and took pictures. Also, our homeroom teacher gave us money to have some snacks, but we couldn't buy any because the market was closed. Next morning, we asked more about the school to our homeroom teacher, and the teacher gave more information. I was quite excited and scared about starting a new school life at Yonghwa, but I felt comfortable after meeting many friends and teachers during the orientation. Today, my friends and I talked about the orientation and how it was a valuable and unique experience. I hope that our class maintains co-operative forever and next year, I hope to become a helpful mentor for the incoming freshmen. EDIT_ Hong Won Choi
Girls Over Flowers : The Healthy Walking Contest Last 19th of April, the healthy walking contest was held in Gwacheon, the Seoul Grand Park. Originally, the result of healthy running contest was recorded and was used as a student grade. However, today, since the term PE being deleted in second grader's subjects, the running contest became the walking contest. And because the result from the contest became useless this year, it became an event for just walking along the course with friends, teachers and the scent of a flower. That morning, Yonghwa girl's highschool students gathered at the Seoul Grand Park, wearing various class T-shirts. We walked talking with friends and taking many pictures with beautiful cherry blossoms. It was little bit long course and the weather was hot but everyone could feel the spring in the air. And first grade students could become more familiar with student teacher through walking and talking together. I think this health walking contest was greater than before because we could enjoy without stress. It will be a precious memory to students and teachers.
EDIT_ Kang Chae won
Meet the Philippines at Yonghwa Most of students don't have enough time to travel abroad and experience other countries' culture. Besides, there are only few ways to experience other cultures such as reading books or surfing on the Internet. On April 25, a chance to meet other country's culture was given. “Neighbors from a far”, a program to enhance mutual understanding and respect between Koreans and foreigners, took place in Saimdang Hall. The country was the Republic of the Philippines and students of class 4, 5, and 11 of second grade got the chance. The class was about one hour and a half. During the first class, teacher who came from the Philippines introduced about her, and then began to introduce about the Philippines, such as Philippine flag, geography, costume, food, language, and other cultural things. Especially, she presented about the Philippine high school students' culture, comparing it to Korean one. The last part was activity class. Every student participated in the activity. It was making a kind of bracelet, called Friendship Band, that Philippine teenaged girls exchange with their friends. Usually, they make the band with friends, with various colors of strings that represent each one of them. We made it with strings of red, yellow, and blue colors which the Philippine flag consist of.
The teacher emphasized that the Philippines and Korea are friends. Furthermore, she emphasized that we should acknowledge the differences between multicultural families and us, and should love each other. She spoke “Saranghaeyo(사랑해요)” in Korean. For the last, teacher distributed the snack which is imported from the Philippines, and finished the class by taking pictures with each class. The program took place two days before the midterm starts, so many of students didn't think about it positively before the class began. However, they began to enjoy the class soon, and at the end of the class, many of them said it was a fully satisfying class. Through this program, the students could experience the differences between Korean culture and Philippine culture directly or indirectly. And they could learn why we need to understand the differences and how to understand them.
EDIT_ Hae Shim Lee
Vol.5 July 2012
GS 25 Market at Yonghwa The GS25 market is opened at Yonghwa girls' high school. Before GS25 market opened, our school had a school store. In a school store, they had sausage bread, Nannana corn, wink jell, and so on. They were so delicious and cheap. Also there were uncommon foods. So I was very unwilling to buy when a school store changed to GS25 market. But GS25 market has a lot of variety things. So now, GS25 market is very popular to Yonghwa girl's, although things are more expensive. During break time, GS25 market is crowded with Yonghwa girl's. The man who works at the GS25 market is very proud of having a new store and he always looks so busy. Our class students and most of all students think he is cute, when he sells his products busily. And he is also very kind to everyone, so most of students like him. I think the GS25 market is very important place to our Yonghwa girl's. However, if you go there frequently, you will gain your weight so much. So keep yourself controlled!
EDIT_ Ran Choi
Do You Know What CCAP Is? On April 6th, we had a CCAP class which was presented by the foreigner teacher. CCAP represents Cross-Culture-Awareness-Programme. As globalization and technology brings people closer together day-by-day, cross-cultural awareness is becoming essential to peaceful human co-existence. Recognizing the importance of mutual understanding among different people, CCAP organized by the Korean National commission for UNESCO and supported the ministry of Education, Science and Technology has been introducing a diversity of cultures from around the world to the Korean youth since 1998. CCAP is designed to be a participatory process that augments education for international understanding in schools nation world and promotes a culture of tolerance and mutual respect. Therefore, our Yongwha-girl's high school has a CCAP class regularly every month. This time we had Czech teacher called 'Aladka'. She gave us the presentation about their nation, Czech. 'N.O.T.E' and 'International Culture Exchange' circle participated in the class. During the class, the teacher showed us pictures and introduced her nation very interestingly and actively. For example, when she asked questions to us, then, if we answered correctly, she gave us chocolate. So we felt very excited about the class. We learned about their culture more deeply that we can't know if we do not heard her presentation. Moreover, the most interesting one was an activity about making a Czech traditional food. She gave a present to one student who did great job on decorating the food. The CCAP class gave us one more good memory in our high school life. I hope the organization like CCAP will become larger and popular. And I hope it will make other students a good experience to exchange culture. Likewise, we had a wonderful time and learned about Czech's culture more deeply. We hoped there would be another chance to have a CCAP class. EDIT_ Shim Hyun Ji
Video Conference with Singapore Nanyang High School Singapore is a extremely hot country due to its location. There's no change of seasons, it's like our summer throughout the year. Our K-pop stars are popular in the country, and they have very good impression of Korea. Their first language is English and the school's second language is Chinese and it's a little different from schools to schools. We could talk about the countries' education and also introduced each others' school uniforms. There were much more informations we could learn from them and also we could share some ideas about common subjects.
On May 10th, 11 students from Yonghwa held video conference with Singapore, Nanyang High school students! Students were very excited because it was an unusual opportunity to communicate with foreign students abroad. The subject of the class was a discussion on 'A Single Shard', and the cultural exchange between the two countries. So, 11 students who volunteered to take part in the conference read the book and prepared their own questions which Nanyang students had send us. The atmosphere of the conference was a little awkward at first, but soon, the students could get closer during the cultural exchange. Members of Yonghwa introduced Korean's education, timetable, the rate of students who go on the universities, and about K-pop stars and so on, then asked them about what we presented. Students had been given some answers from them. Some informations shared during the conference are as follows.
Students all thought it was a real exchange worthy of the name. Communication in the conference was not that problem. Students could hear and talk what they wanted to say. Of course there were some which Yonghwa girls couldn't understand cleary but it was not a matter. Students could enjoy the whole class. The members of Nanyang high school was so kind that they made us comfortable not to be worried. We very thanked for it. Due to the time limit, it was inconvenient to have a discussion with Singapore's students on the book. But, students pledged to have a video reference with them again in other days. In short, video conference in Yonghwa with Singapore students was very fresh and helpful experience for us. It's just a interesting thing to interchange our opinions without a border on live. There is no doubt that students who participated had a great experience with the girls in Singapore. EDIT_ Yu Jin Choi
Current Issues
SNS Witch Hunters are Normal Users? Many innocent people who are known for 'ㅇㅇ녀,' or 'ㅇ ㅇ남' were blamed by SNS of smart phones. And many more cases happen frequently. 'kuk-mul-niou (국물녀)' is one of
those cases which happened in March. She was misunderstood to run away after burn a young boy in a restaurant. Actually, it was not only by that woman. That young boy was running around in the restaurant, but she got all the blames. Including this, more and more cases were revealed that they have many misunderstandings later. However, those victims already had irreparable damages like exposure of privacy. It because the SNS users one-sidedly blame them without fully-understanding of the situation.
SNS users usually are swept away to public easily. Through many videos and pictures, victims are falsely accused and be 'Witch-hunted.' SNS users find out their names, age, and other personal information and publicize them in online with SNS. But sometimes those videos can get only a portion, there are high possibilities to be distorted. It is obvious that SNS has many benefits. However, Witch-Hunting is representative case that shows SNS's downside. SNS users should think one more time prudently before blaming. They should know SNS can be offensive weapons in such cases without grasping circumstances. It is required to behave deliberately in SNS world to users. EDIT_ Hui Soo Park
Medical Tourism get the medical treatment comfortably. The medical expenses also contribute to this outcome. The expenses are not expensive in comparison to those of advanced countries. For instance, Japanese visit Korea to get tooth cure because the fees are more reasonable than the expenses of treatment in their country. Above all things, however, Korean medical technology is on a considerable level. For example, many people want to get plastic surgery or treatment because Korean techniques of the plastic surgery are sophisticated and the results are good after receiving the surgery. Korean surgical technology gives out a light to care and cure patients with heart diseases or orthopedic problems or others. As Korean position in medicine gets higher, so Korean hospitals come to offer medical service to people who live in other countries. Recently, foreigners have been visiting Korea to receive the medical treatment. They have a medical checkup or surgery for a disease such as a cardiac disease or an orthopedic problem, etc. After receiving treatment, they are satisfied with the results caused by our medical cure. Thus, the number of them is increasing year to year. Why do they prefer Korean medical care, and why are they satisfied with it? Here are the reasons. As the development of the transportation, the mobility among countries has been growing. When we want to visit other countries, we can go there with ease. In the past, this was not invigorated owing to less-developed transportation. There is no obstacle in communicating with the patient. They can
Although Korean medical service draws foreigners' attention, our medical tourism system does not progress very well. A sturdy system should be constructed to secure foreign patients' contentment. Also it should magnify the scope of Korean medical service from Korea to the world. In the addition, medical tour coordinators who help foreign patients connect to competent medical staffs should be cultivated for smooth care and treatment with foreigners. Medical tourism to Korea is pleasant news and we are proud of it as the nation of Korea. We hope medical tourism to Korea becomes the best of the world and a big help to the patients. That is the way to develop Korean medical technology. EDIT_ Seung Ju Lee
School Violence - We Should Not Ignore Violence Anymore In 2011 on, December 20th, a middle school student jumped down at the balcony, leaving a letter for his family. During nine months, he had been bothered by his classmates. Bullying was started in March. Many offenders threatened him everyday. For example, a victim had to do assailants' homework. Offenders tried to threat him with the knife and light a fire on his right arm, even pulling out the radio line and bounding his neck with a radio line. In this way, school violence's level is rising high and school violence's cases are steadily increasing. The reasons offenders bother victims at school can be various as follows; timidness, superiority and without any reason. The types of school violence are like these; physical attack, extorting money and goods, threatening, and cousiny. School violence is exposed obviously when a victim is wounded by violence and deprived of clothes or money. However, if the victim's damage is minor, it may not be admitted. Therefore, not only physical wounds but also psychological attacks have to be admitted as school violence. Some researches has revealed that as though victims know that they need help from parents, teachers, or friends, there are reasons they don't request help. They worry about the case may become serious, thinking that it is no use saying this case. Sometimes, they fear that offenders may revenge on victims. But from this year, school violence's calls are increasing especially the student's calls are more than parent's calls. This is because students who hide their damages are changing their awareness in many aspects. The main reason that changed their awareness is the change of the policies in government and school. The more school violences are increasing, the more the
active and systematic solutions are increasing. And many schools enforce counseling and violence training by placing professional counselor. It is the most important to improve the school's atmosphere. Not only in school but also at home, school violence ought to be handled. Through having many talks with their parents, the possibility to solve this problem can get higher. Especially, most offenders don't get on with their parents. That is why parents have to take care of their children. We had better make arrangement that makes peace between offenders and victims in order to understand the opponent's position. Many other countries have their law on school violence. First, America legislated against school violence. In this law, the programs that can prevent students from smoking, drinking, and attacking have been implemented. These programs have achieved good results. Second, England made the law on the students who have problems in school and eventually dropout or expelled. And parents and polices should educate and control those students. Therefore, we need to solve school violence peacefully through various policies. So far the big issue of school violence has been investigated. School violence is not only their problems but also all students' problems. School violence must not happen. When a school violence's victim suffers from school violence, we should help him (or her). Now it's time to take a look around you. EDIT_ Min Hee Park
Vol.5 July 2012
Xenophobia in Korea Do you know an issue that happened recently? The issue is ‘Murder in Suwon’. A murderer was Korean-Chinese compatriot who killed a 28 years old woman and horribly cut the body into pieces. The dreadful event shocked many publics and drove them into fears. Recently, there are a lot of crimes that just aren't known well and it is incredibly increasing. Due to this phenomenon, 'Xenophobia' is spread widely. Then what is 'Xenophobia'? Xenophobia, which has meanings of ‘a hostility against foreign people’or‘a fear of alien people’ crosses over between 'Xeno' meaning foreigners or strangers who are different from us and 'Phobia' meaning the hostility or antagonism. This indicates the tendency that people exclude those who have different elements distinguished from their identities and look upon them as fearful beings. So after a case of murder in Suwon, the feeling of aversion about korean-chinese came to the climax. A signature-seeking campaign to banish all korean-chinese happened in the Internet. Likewise, there was the case that taxi drivers don't go to a village where korean-chinese are living or they refuse to take a koreanchinese passenger. In many portal sites, the criticizing comments that belittle and denounce the korean-chinese are spread. Actually, korean-chinese are one of our countrymen not foreigners as they are one of the ethnic people who constitute China. The name 'korean-chinese' is the word which belittle them. And the attack to Izasmine who was elected as a proportional representation of the ruling party in 4.11 general election showed extent of xenophobia that Korea is going through.
▲The picture of Izasmine
▲The picture of Michelle Lee
Moreover, we realized that our society didn't accept the 'difference' through Lee Michelle, who took part in the audition program 'K-POP STAR'. In this program, Michelle ranked fifth, and she showed her capacity as a K-POP star. These examples would be the model for the children and the youth growing in a multi-cultural family. Especially, she pointed out our society's discrimination by saying that she couldn't express her emotion and that was because of discrimination. This showed the real situation of youth in a multi-cultural family to many viewers. A singer, JYP, criticized people's awareness level of multi-cultural family through the program.“I think parents have to educate their children not to tease of making fun of people who are different from them. I wonder if there is such a mean and outdated country with these problems like Korea.” Now in 2012, the population of foreigners living in Korea exceed about 100 million so that they compose 3% of whole resident registration, which is a natural phenomenon. The multi-cultural is the global trend that we cannot resist. Experts insist that we have to equip respectable and thoughtful mind leaving behind the region, the culture, the idea of the ultraright not to stir. It would be impossible not to have any trouble, but we have to care them to settle in Korea and live better life. Foreigners living in Korea should be also dignified as Koreans. What we can do to decrease phenomenon of 'Xenophobia' is to remove the prejudice and make the harmonized multi-cultural environment. And the thing that we have to abandon is not foreigners living in Korea but xenophobia placed in our mind. EDIT_ Ji Young Ro & Ji Suk Baek
▲Graph indicates the increase of foreign criminal rates
Let's Talk about Our Land Dokdo! Nowadays Dokdo is a hot issue in the world. It is because, Japan insists that Dokdo is their territory. What is Dokdo? And why they insist for a long time to wrest territory from Korea? We must know many things about Dokdo to keep our territory. Dokdo is located in ‘Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung-gun, Gyeongbuk, Korea. And it is located next to Ulleungdo. The first reason why Japan wants to get Dokdo is because it is located at the meeting part of cold and warm current, so there are plentiful of seafood resources under the sea, and many kinds of marine life are living. And many birds are flying up in the sky. Imagine Dokdo's beautiful view. Second, abundant mount of gas hydrate called 'burning ice' is buried under the sea. gas hydrate is formed when coal gas is buried in the high pressure and low temperature area by form of solid. There is about 6tons of gas hydrate is buried under the Dokdo sea. we can use it very useful for commercial production. so We must protect it. Third, Dokdo is an ideal place where we can learn information about foreign enemy's movement. It can give many help for our military diplomacy. Japan always wants to take Dokdo in their hands because there are so many advantages. Japan started to edit Dokdo in textbook by marking Dokdo as their land since 1996.They remark the East sea as the sea of Japan. They are keep insisting the wrong fact.
There are much evidence why Dokdo is Korea's land. First, Dokdo is located at nearby Korea. it is much closer than it is from Japan to Dokdo. And in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Dokdo is marked as Korea's island. Even at the Joseon Dynasty, yongbok An (안용복) got Japan's handwriting papers, that Japan must not break in Korea. But today, Japan did not accept a historical fact and keep insisting that Dokdo is their island. So Korea has to keep making an effort to protect Japan's invasion and to protect our land Dokdo. We set a Dokdo's day at October 25th. And soldiers are protecting Dokdo safely. And 4 korean are living at Dokdo to notify that it is ours. Also Korea opened many museums or festivals related to Dokdo. And many koreans are working hard to notify Dokdo throughout the world. Professor kyungduk Seo (서경덕) advertised to say Dokdo is Korea's territory in Time Square's big electronic screen board. And singer 'Janghoon Kim' made a song about Dokdo. He held Dokdo concert to awake many people. Through their efforts, many people can know who Dokdo's owner is. The best way to guard our Dokdo is to love our land and know well about it. Why don't you search the information about our precious Dokdo! EDIT_ Da Kyung Lim
Seoul Fashion Week From April 2nd to 7th, Seoul Fashion Week opened with lots of anticipations from many countries around the world. 35 potential Korean fashion designers introduced fabulous and inspiring clothes and many celebrities came as guests. Fashion people who watched the shows commented that Korean fashion designers' skills and creativeness are in the progress. Even though Korea is less developed on fashion industry compared to the capitals of the fashion empire like Paris in France or Milan in Italy, there is a possibility that Korea will grow into one of the fashionable countries. Korea's one of the prestigious designers, Lie Sang Bong is already known as Korean version of Alexander McQueen. But there are things that has to be edited and developed more. We have to advertise far more than we do right now to attract not just the people who work in fashion fields but everyone interested in clothes. In Paris and Milan, Fashion Week is one of the most important events of the year. There are lots of genius designers in Paris and Milan but the participation and real passion of the people are the most significant factor that made the fashion industry in those countries booming for hundreds of years.
But sadly there are some people simply not interested in fashion and say that they can't understand how clothes can be important in their lives to others; in their points of view, all the clothes are the same. They also think that it's a waste of time and money to shop for clothes especially from famous brands which are very expensive. Although it is true to some degrees that buying well-known fashion brands' clothes can seem lavish and extravagant, specific brand-lovers buy their favorite brands' clothes no matter how much they cost. That's because clothes are something that represent yourself and when you wear those clothes that you love and care about, you feel more special and confident. Amazing colors, all kinds of fabrics, perfect accessories and shoes…. It's needless to say that everything related to fashion is art. Wearing clothes is not just to be presentable to the public. Personal style is the best way to express who you are and what you stands for. No one can judge your style and change it because the style is the person's uniqueness. So why don't you take parts in Seoul Fashion Week next time? It benefits our country and also will be a great opportunity for yourself to find the true attractiveness and awesomeness of fashion. EDIT_ Hanbyeol Kim
International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012 Huge international Exposition is now holding in Yeosu, Korea. Beginning on May 11th, this global exposition will be held with the theme 'The Living Ocean and Coast,' and the subtitle of 'Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities' until August 12th. Our government is expecting total 800million estimated tourists(including 550000 foreign tourists) and vitalization of local economy. Since international exposition is considered a very influential world fair as World Cup and Olympic game, our government has been striving for the successful and excellent exposition of Korea. Let me introduce some of the main exhibitions and constructions you can see in the exposition. Let's take a look at the exhibitions and constructions of the expo first. It is widely known that our government has put a lot of effort to build the exhibition halls and constructions environmentfriendly. Well, Big-O is one of them, and it is also created as a main stage for most of the events and performances. Laser shows, coastal fountain shows, singer's concerts are all planned to be performed in this stage. Aquarium is also expected to be loved by many attendees. You can see many endangered sea animals from the world and enjoy the 3D animations! In international exhibition, you can see 104 different countries' unique and informative displays. Each of the countries had prepared many performances and exhibits. I am sure that the messages you will get from the international hall will impress you. Lastly, there are Energy Park, Deep Sea Fishery Experiencing Hall and Marine Life Experiencing Halls. These are very educative, and many children will learn a lot through the experiences. There are also a thousand more exhibition programs and museums you can check in Yeosu expo. Next, lets learn about the shows, concerts, and performances that are being held in Yeosu. Basically, marine shows in Big-O are helding on every afternoons. These contains traditional Korean dance performances, art circus, stunt shows and more. Also, amazing amounts of cultural shows and art performancs like ballet, circuses, plays are now running. You would be surprised at the quality and the diverse genres they are showing! And a good news to K-pop lovers! Total amount of 14 K-pop concerts are holding through the expo. Concerts of SHINee, Beast, Infinite, missA, Super Junior, CNBlue and a TV music show Inkigayo (인기가요) and Na neun ga soo da (나는 가수다) records are also planned, so do not miss them! It is a certain fact that this 'International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012' would be a very valuable and entertaining exhibition that all kind of people can enjoy. Why don't you visit this amazing festival with your family, friends or lovers? It will provide you both education in high quality and a unique experience that wil last forever! If you visit, you can get more information about the expo. Have fun! EDIT_ Yoo Min Hong
Vol.5 July 2012
Korean Culture is Soaked in Lookism There are many identically coming girls and handsome boys in TV shows, Internet articles and even around you. Some people just marveled at their beauties and the others think it is one of the biggest problem in our society. The former says ‘Those have good looks just reflect the flow of our society that stresses the beauty. And lookism is not a big problem.’ But the latter’s stance is quite different. Then, what makes the latter assert that it is a big problem? When you see a music program on TV, you can easily see many singers who have good looks but a lack of singing ability. In fact, if you surf the internet, there are a bunch of comments as to celebrities’ appearances rather than talents. Furthermore, reporters’ articles use provocative titles to attract many readers such as ‘Look at this singer who has a perfect body and pretty face!’. And this consequently leads singers to take care of their appearance and finally get plastic surgery. And not only the singers but also ordinary people are also affected. As those celebrities have good looks become examples of our appearance, an excessive diet fever strikes the society. Everybody includes those who have even skinny bodies long for thinner bodies. And those impractical diets bring forth tuberculosis. Also because we frequently watch the media, our standard of appearance adjusts to celebrities’. Thus, if there are ugly people around us, they are kind of targets to be made fun of. And if there are some parts that they don’t like in their appearances, the first thing that crosses their mind is getting plastic surgeries. People’s appearance is important in our society. A favorable appearance is considered a great tool to attract people and give a good impression. However, at least the appearance should not be a sole tool to evaluate people. Each person has their own characteristics and good points that can’t be seemed through their appearances. Therefore, how about trying to find out the inner magnetisms of people rather than finding out beautiful parts in their faces? EDIT_ Ji Young Shin
Bad Science _ Book Review Are you interested in science or health? If you are, try to read this book. This book is the story of the science ideas which are wrongly reputed. The author whose name is Ben Goldacre wants to give us a sense of what went wrong. He criticised mainstream media reporting of the health and science issues. Also his encyclopedic knowledge of the subject makes us solve the scientific misunderstanding as he cast the questions. Do you know The placebo Effect? It’s an physician’s belief in the treatment and the patient's faith in the physician exert a mutually reinforcing effect. Examples of the power of the mind over pain, anxiety and depression are presented with studies showing how higher prices, fancy packag-
ing, theatrical procedures and a confident attitude in the doctor all contribute to the relief of symptoms. but Exploiting the placebo effect is presented as possibly justifiable if used in conjunction with effective conventional treatments. Like this, it can help you realize the misunderstanding about health and get the knowledges about health or science. Furthermore, you can get a wider scientific vision. I know that many korean high school girls are afraid of the science. Because it looks very difficult and hard. But actually it isn't. Thus, if you want to get interest or study about the science, go to the library and borrow this book. Then, if you want to know more information or the author, search for the bad science on the internet or go to the ben’s website named "bad science". It has a huge amount of the scientific information and a lot of fun ideas. Additionally, This book and the author are very popular in UK. It was published in 2006 and sold 400,000 copies. Besides, it was shortlisted for the 2009 Samuel Johnson Prize. Also it has reached the Top 10 bestseller list in Amazon Books. So please get interest in this funny and easy way of studying practical science. EDIT_ Jungyeon Han
DEAD POETS SOCIETY Why do we study? Just to go to a prestigious college? Well, students at Welton Academy studied as their parents and society wanted them to. In this book, Welton Academy was one of the greatest private high school in the U.S. It was famous for sending students to Ivy League schools. All students were educated strictly and they were forced to live in a dormitory. The primary goal for Welton Academy was to send students to Ivy League schools. This goal was also shared by the students and parents. One day, John Keating, a new English professor came to Welton Academy. Professor Keating also graduated from Welton Academy. Moreover, he went on to Oxford university. He was a brilliant person who won a scholarship. However, he was different from other professors. He requested students not blind studying to be creative, studying for oneself and planning your own future. Professor Keating said "Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Make your life extraordinary." Todd, Neil, Knox, Charlie, Cameron, Meeks, Pitts and other boys were all shocked. However, they found the problem by themselves and changed gradually.
Another boy, Todd was a new student. He was very shy and lacked self-confidence. On the other hand, his brother was an elite. So Todd had been second to his parents. He strived to change himself through professor Keating's teaching methods. At last, he gained self-confidence and became a bold person. Neil, Todd, Knox, Charlie, Cameron, Meeks and Pitts made a secret organization, 'Dead Poets Society' which had been made by professor Keating and his friends at Welton Academy. They pursued what they themselves wanted. This book will make you find the true meaning of education. The main purpose of education is not getting good grades and going to a prestigious college. I have a dream and I live today pursuing and doing my best to achieve my goal. "today" does not come again. Every time is valuable and you should do you best not to waste your time in vain. Professor Keating tells us to do our best "now" and live your own extraordinary life. After reading this book, I decided not to care about what other people think and care about, but only to strive towards my dream and goal! EDIT_ Yen Hee Han
Neil changed the most among students. He was the best student at Welton Academy. His father wanted him to go to med school and become a doctor. He was the student who never refused his father's orders. But inside he loved acting more than anything. Unfortunately, his father did not support Neil nor did he even allow Neil to walk in that path. In the end, Neil commits suicide by shooting himself giving his last performance in a play. YONGHWA INSIDE
Culture & Epilogue
Vol.5 July 2012
Make Your Dream in Seoul Womens' University good occupation but they earn money as the normal people do and if we become a social worker we can have many free times. Before taking the class, I thought that if we take social welfare class, we can only have occupations like social worker. But we can work at hospital or can go into government service. After taking the class, there was a lunch time. We ate lunch at student's restaurant and it tasted fantastic! They made a pork cutlet, tteokbokki and other delicious food.
Seoul Women's University held 'Su-ga(厜) major experience' on May 19th for second grade high school students. At 9 o'clock in the morning, many students gathered in Seoul Women's University. In front of the hall, the people from the school gave us a plastic bag which had put information books about the school, some snacks and activitiy books. After the program started, It conducted with liberal arts and natural science. Students were able to chose 2 majors and take classes with professores. And also Su-ga(厜) mentors who attend Seoul Women's University gave us many information about university entrance. I chose Chinese and social welfare classes. In first class, professor talked about what we will learn if we enter the university. He said in first & second year, we will learn basic and indispensable knowledge to speak Chinese quite freely. And in third & forth grade, we will learn things like reading poem, novel or essay. In Social welfare class, I were able to overcome the prejudice because professor said that many people thought social workers couldn't earn much money, so it is not
In the afternoon, the admission officer from Seoul Women's University gave us special class about knowing myself. Seoul Women's University made a book which allied oneself 's career. In the book, it was divided into 4steps; Me, Explore, Goal, Run. In step1, we found ourselves universities or occupations that fit us. In step2, we made our goal. In step3, we prepared our grades to enter university where we want to go. It took a long time, and was little disappointed because the program was not organized well enough to give good experience and information to high school students who need special information about entrance to university. Also afternoon class took 4 hours long and it was little boring. But overall it was memorable experience because high school students don't know what they will learn in the major we chose. It was great to know what I didn't know about. And I was able to know about Women University that implements many great things to give students many chances to go near their dreams. So I want to recommend you if you can't make up your mind what major you want to choose or want to experience about some university's life. I confidently can say that it will be a good time. EDIT_ Su Ah Lim
EPILOGUE 2nd graders Hui Soo Park Hyun Ji Shim Yu Jin Choi Ji Suk Beak Ji Young Shin Seo Yeon Park Su Ah Lim Hae Shim Lee Han Byeol Kim Hye Sun You
(2-1) : It was a nice memory! I was happy to be with all of them! (2-1) : Finally we finish first article!! It was little bit hard time but so priceless time (2-1) : I'm glad to publish this newspaper! It was fun! (2-2) : Please looking for to our 2nd magazine! (2-2) : It was really fun! I hope we can meet next time! (2-2) : Interesting, fun, and wonderful! I'll be back in next magazine! (2-2) : I hope you get pleasure by reading this letter. enjoy your time! (2-5) : I hope my articles can be published in both summer and winter newspaper. (2-6) : As a fashion-lover, I hope readers will enjoy my view. (2-6) : It was so hard, but I was proud of my article.
1st graders Yen Hee Han (1-1) : I'm so glad that I had a chance to write an article as a member of NOTE. Yoo Min Hong (1-1) : It was a good chance to me to organize my thoughts and write it into an article. Chae Won Kang (1-2) : It was not hard as I expected and I had fun time writing it. DaKyung Lim (1-2) : It was great time. I hope that many students like my article. Hong Won Choi (1-2) : I'm really glad that I finally finished my first article. Ji Young Ro (1-2) : It was quite difficult but interesting! Ran Choi (1-2) : I hope that the work that I did could grab people's attention. Seung Ju Lee (1-5) : It was a good experience to write my own English article. Min Hee Park (1-4) : It was difficult for me to write an English article for the first time, but it was a good experience. Hee Eun Jang (1-13) : Although I was first time to part in newspaper. I was very fun and enjoy.