I am a video/viral artist from Coventry in the UK. The work is a low tech visual treat for tramps and lovers of guerrilla visuals. Stay tuned for a variety of future projects and trailers for my future works. If you like FishCakes kids you will love CROOKNOSE its full of omega 3 and good for your bones. Give your eyes a treat and keep watching check me out........ www.youtube.com/crooknose crooknose@hotmail.co.uk
www.myspace.com/crooknose www.sumo.tv/crooknose
Crooknose Presents Cyberline (Part Three) By Johnnie Ha Ha and Featuring Sausage on Bratwurst Guitar
I like sausages!....do you?.....no! ok sorry to bother you.
Crooknose presents Godless (Ladder MiX) by Flesh Eating Foundation
I am a lovable viral/ video disco Panther, They are a bunch of scary Zombie tune bashers!........but I still love them and so should you.
Crooknose presents Legacy by D J Syntronik Vs Myriameter I am Crookers he is DJ Syntronik he puts the BOOM in Choon! I like dairy! here is my email Crooknose@hotmail.co.uk www.myspace.com/syntronikvsmyriameter THE NEW SYNTRONIK VS MYRIAMETER CD IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE. YOU CAN BUY THE CD ON THE SYNTRONIK MYSPACE PAGES OR AT THE TTHLABEL.COM CHECK OUT SYNTRONIK ON MYSPACE.COM AT www.myspace.com/syntronik OR YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT SYNTRONIK AT www.reverbnation.com/syntronik
Crooknose presents The Theory (Part Two) by NarcotiX THe Choons were Done By NarcotiX The ViddY Visuals were by me CROOKYMEIstER Starring MiSS Lady P as BuFFerBoY SaladBar
I Like your shoes!
I like all the shops at the Gallagher Retail Park! You've got TK Max, Pound Stretcher and even a Maccy Dees! Its close to town and has loads of parking! Its so easy on so many levels!! Why not give it a try? Go on you know you want to!!