Making a change
About European Crop Protection We are the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA). Working on behalf of the crop protection industry in Europe we are committed to dialogue with all those who care about the environment and human safety in European agriculture. ECPA network members uphold high standards for human safety and environmental care in European agriculture, based on sustainable, productive, value-added, innovative and scientific farming methods. As a key stakeholder in sustainable productive agriculture we focus on the contribution the crop protection industry makes to water resources, food supply, biodiversity and natural habitats, and the health and safety of farmers and the public. Building relationships with stakeholders is a top priority, this includes members of the agricultural supply chain including growers and farmers, also, EU authorities, NGOs, academics, manufacturers, retailers and consumers is a top priority. Over the coming years we will continue work with stakeholders on projects covering the four thematic streams of water, health, food and biodiversity. We will measure the success of projects with key performance indicators and strive for a measurable impact on key issues of public concern. We want to be a trusted partner in society, demonstrating the delivery of essential benefits, and for addressing public and scientific concerns.
Declaration of principles Our vision:
Our priorities
The European Crop Protection network upholds high standards for human safety and environmental care in European agriculture, based on sustainable, productive, value-added, innovative and scientific farming methods.
We are committed to: • protecting and conserving water resources by introducing innovative crop protection solutions and promoting sustainable agricultural practices; • contributing significantly to a healthy, high quality, affordable food supply for all by maintaining plant health, increasing plant productivity and improving farm practices; • enhancing biodiversity and natural habitats within farming landscapes, by using our expertise in plant protection and agricultural practices to promote local harmony between nature and agriculture; • safe-guarding the health of farmers and the public by introducing innovative technologies and promoting best safeuse practices; • earning public trust in our industry and in the regulatory process, by increasing transparency and setting industry standards that align to current scientific norms to address societal concerns; • earning trust in the vital contribution of plant protection for the sustainable production of safe, high-quality and affordable agricultural products, through proactively engaging in open dialogue with European farmers, society and policy-makers, whilst being transparent, credible and accountable.
Our values We embrace: • Openness – We promote and value dialogue with all stakeholders; • Proactivity – We take the initiative on issues of concern to Society; • Cooperation – We work with stakeholders as partners; • Responsibility – We take responsibility for the safe and sustainable use of our industry’s products through farmer education and training; • Transparency – We are open and transparent about our aims and policies.
Making a Change 1
Food Crop protection products play an essential role in productive agriculture by supporting the cultivation of an abundant supply of safe food.
between the crop protection industry and stakeholders ensures that consumers’ concerns are suitably addressed.
ECPA is committed to contributing to a healthy, high quality, affordable food supply for all by maintaining plant health, increasing plant productivity and improving farm practices.
ECPA is addressing food safety challenges through the development of tangible measures that actively engage European stakeholders; ECPA will demonstrate the contribution that pesticides make to food safety and a plentiful supply of healthy and affordable food.
Open and transparent dialogue as well as the exchange of information
Residues Management This project aims to contribute to the minimization of pesticide residues by implementing concrete tangible measures and actions to prevent MRL exceedances. Q3 2012
Revised analysis of causes of MRL exceedances
Q4 2012 - Q1 2013
Initiate pilot projects in two countries
Anticounterfeit The project aims to combat and minimise the occurrence of counterfeit and illegal pesticides appearing in Europe. Q3-Q4 2012
Extension of anti-counterfeit project to new countries
Q4 2012
Launch of renewed anti-counterfeit campaign website
Q1-Q4 2012
Initiation of awareness raising campaigns across Europe
Q4 2014
Full crop protection industry integration of anti-counterfeit activities
Minor Uses The project aims to work with stakeholders to provide more minor uses solutions for farmers.
Q4 2012
Publication of joint Agri-Food Chain Position on EC Minor Use report
Q1 2013
Development of measures and actions to support minor use availability – in collaboration with Agri-Food Chain partners
Making a Change
Residue management
Minor uses
The crop protection industry takes consumer concern about pesticide residues very seriously. The industry is committed to explain the nature of pesticide residues whilst striving to manage their occurrence.
Fruits, vegetables and other so-called ‘minor crops’ face a considerable range of pest problems; adequate pesticide solutions are not currently available for their protection. Minor uses and specialty crops represent approximately 20% of the total value of the EU agricultural production and perhaps more importantly, contribute to a healthy, variety-full and nutrient diverse diet.
The Residue Management project aims to build consumer trust in food safety. In collaboration with stakeholders, the crop protection industry will implement concrete measures to contribute to minimisation of residues.
Specialty crops are not a
minor issue
Trust is a vital ingredient
ECPA and key stakeholders are working towards an EU Minor Uses Coordination Programme that will provide additional minor uses solutions for farmers. Improving the availability of minor use solutions suppor ts productivity and the availability of a diverse range of foods on EU shelves.
Anti-counterfeit Increasing quantities of counterfeit and illegal pesticides are being produced, marketed and sold in to the EU market. Counterfeit pesticide products are untested and therefore unauthorised. These illegal products puts human health, the environment and farmer’s livelihood at significant risk. ECPA is expanding anti-counterfeit initiatives in all EU countries and continues its positive efforts in raising awareness with stakeholders and authorities at EU and national level.
Awareness is the first step to combating
illegal pesticides
Water Protecting crops from pests and disease supports agricultural productivity and enables a more efficient use of natural resources. The crop protection industry provides solutions for agriculture that in combination with best management practices support the sustainable use of water.
and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. ECPA is establishing effective alliances with stakeholders that aim at improving water quality, water use efficiency, and the dissemination of expertise to help secure a sustainable and affordable food supply.
The crop protection industry is committed to protecting and conserving water through the introduction of innovative crop protection solutions,
With a set of projects that focus on water issues, ECPA will help ensure that public needs for water quality and quantity are met.
TOPPS prowadis Aim of the project is to extend the TOPPS Best Management Practices to EU countries. Q3 2013
TOPPS principles extended to 2 new countries
Q3 –Q4 2013
National level adaptation of BMPs
Q3 –Q4 2013
National stakeholder outreach workshops and demonstrations of TOPPS principles
Q1 2014
Extension of TOPPS project to 3 additional countries
Sustainable water management The aim of this project is to assess the sustainability of water management practices at plant protection production sites in Europe. Q1 2013
Implementation of identified CPP production sites
Q2 2013
Finalisation of all pilot projects
Q2 2013
Project extension plan finalised
Riparian Vegetative Buffer Strips (RVBS) The aim is to significantly reduce diffuse pollution from run-off through a voluntary recommendation to introduce Vegetative Buffer Strips along water boundaries and/or carry out local run-off risk diagnoses. Q4 2012
Present and agree concept proposal for the voluntary recommendation
Q1 2013
Start to develop tools, procedures and mechanisms for subsequent roll-out in pilot areas
Analytics The objective of the project is to achieve a high level of transparency and quality in the field of ground and surface water monitoring. Q4 2012
Project team established
Q4 2012
Contact point and process for handling database of requests and feedback established Making a Change 5
TOPPS-prowadis A training and demonstration project aimed at vulnerable agricultural landscapes. It extends the long running and successful TOPPS project (focusing on point source pollution) to include diagnosis tools for reduction of spray drift and run-off and the Environmentally Optimised Sprayer (EOS) tool to help farmers when choosing new spray machinery. Keeping pesticides on the target crop is important for reducing contamination potential. Adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and simple risk mitigation measures can prevent up to 80% of water contamination.
Staying on target
European water stewardship standard This project encompasses the evaluation of sustainable watermanagement at manufacturing sites and gives the oppor tunity to save water at local level while cer tification enhances transparency and credibility. Crop protection industr y wants to prove to society that we are good water stewards at their production sites, using water efficiently and preventing any harmful pollution of water bodies. Applying the EWS standard, crop protection industr y is the frontrunner of European industr y for water stewardship and suppor ts the ambitious goals set by the EU Water Framework Directive.
Going beyond
legal compliance
Analytics The limited availability of analytical standards (in particular for metabolites) is a severe hurdle for water monitoring programs. The key objective of this project is to improve the level of transparency and quality of such programs. Providing commercially unavailable analytical standards for water analysis to accredited and certified labs will ensure proper identification and management of contamination.
Reducing run-off,
increasing water quality
Transparency for water quality
Vegetative buffer strips promotion Vegetative buffer strips can preser ve water quality through reducing pesticide run-off by 50-75%. Promoting vegetative buffer strips suppor ts upcoming ECPA biodiversity initiatives and publicly demonstrates the crop protection industr y’s commitment to clean water.
Biodiversity Agriculture and biodiversity must coexist. The crop protection industry develops products and best management practices which support agricultural productivity and sustainable practices. ECPA is committed to enhancing biodiversity and natural habitats within farming landscapes, using industry expertise in plant protection and agricultural practices to promote local harmony between nature and agriculture.
ECPA will run interconnected projects, focused on delivering and demonstrating the crop protection industry’s commitment to biodiversity. These projects seek greater cooperation with stakeholders and will be implemented in an inclusive and transparent manner, adopting peer reviewing methodology. ECPA will demonstrate the benefits of crop protection products and offer best management practices for enhancing biodiversity.
Multifunctional Field-margins The objectives of this project is to identify and develop approaches that help the farmer succeed in contributing to an increased biodiversity at the farm level through the implementation of multifunctional field margins. Q1 2013
Draft literature review to guide best practices selection
Q2 2013
Period of stakeholder outreach and consultation
Q2 2013
Alignment and first integration with BMPs project
Q3 2013
Publication of multi-functional fieldmargin catalogue
Q3 2013
Contribution of work to leading forums for environmental risk management
Demonstration Farm Network The project aims at connecting industry operated demonstration farms across Europe and to build a network that can serve as the base for showcasing, training and studies in the area of best practices for biodiversity and water. Q1 2013
Identification of existing and potential demo farms that can showcase the results of BMPs
Q2-Q3 2013
Farm visits for decision makers and stakeholders
Best Management Practices (BMPs) The aim of the project is identify and demonstrate the Best Management Practices (BMPs) for biodiversity enhancement.
Q2 2012
Agreement on BMP selection and project delivery methodology
Q3 2012
Submission of LIFE+ proposal
Q4 2012
Stakeholder consultation workshops for refinement of BMPs
Q4 2012
Contribution to dinner debate on sustainable agriculture and biodiversity (Brussels)
Q3 2013
Stakeholder consultation on project roll-out (post LIFE+ decision)
Making a Change
Develop Biodiversity indicators The project aim is to define a set of measurable indicators which reflect the contribution of Crop Protection products to maintain or increase biodiversity. Q2 2012
1st draft literature review on indicators for biodiversity
Q3 2012
Delivery of 1st draft proposal for indicator selection
Q4 2012
Discussion of proposed indicators during stakeholder workshop
Q2 2013
Publication of a brochure offering info and guidance for use of indicators and methodology
Q3 2013
Consultation on project roll-out (post LIFE+ decision) and alignment with BMPs project.
Demonstration farms This project will see the creation of a European network of farms or sites to demonstrate and showcase Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the benefits of crop protection products for enhancing biodiversity and agricultural productivity. The network will be a unique platform to witness the coexistence of biodiversity and conventional agriculture on the European and national level. It would become a forum for demonstrating Best Management Practices and fostering stakeholder dialogue.
Best management pratices (BMPs) ECPA will collate a peer reviewed set of best management practices, each selected for their ease of implementation and effectiveness. BMPs will be rolled-out across Europe with guidance for farmers and training for crop protection company Sales and Marketing staff. This project will underline the essential role played by crop protection products, as par t of sustainable productive agricultural practices.
biodiversity and productivity in conventional agriculture
Multi-functional fieldmargins
A flagship BMP project that offers scope for showcasing several existing crop protection industry initiatives, not least for demonstrating industry commitment and involvement in pollinator and wider biodiversity issues.
This project will develop peer reviewed guidance on indicators for farmland biodiversity; indicators being selected based upon their ease of use for measurement and monitoring on the farm, and their suitability for informing on the relative state of farmland biodiversity.
Multifunctional field-margins represent an optimised solution for enhancing farmland biodiversity and contribute to the management of potential risk associated with the use of crop protection products. Field-margins can facilitate agricultural productivity through their support of ecosystem services.
This project will aid measurement and monitoring of the impact of BMPs, and demonstration of the contribution of crop protection products to sustainable agricultural practices that enhance biodiversity whilst suppor ting productivity.
Biodiversity at work the multi-functional benefits of fieldmargins
Verifying biodiversity enhancement
Health The crop protection industry equips farmers with tools to protect their crops from pests and diseases; when used correctly, pesticides are a safe solution for agricultural productivity. The industry is committed to safeguarding the health of farmers and the public by introducing innovative technologies and promoting best safe-use practices. ECPA will operate in an open, transparent and proactive way on best
practices for health which aim to further ensure the responsible, safe and sustainable use of pesticides. Through the delivery of health focused projects, ECPA aims to further demonstrate the crop protection industry’s commitment to safeguarding the health of farmers, through stewardship, by promoting and enhancing the safe and sustainable use of pesticides.
Safe and Sustainable Use of pesticides These initiatives provide expertise on best use practices and enhancement of safe and sustainable use of pesticides. Q3 2012
Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides initiative already delivered in 12 countries
Q1 2013
Initiation of projects in Latvia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia and Croatia
Q2 2013
Multi-stakeholder conference on the Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides (Slovakia)
Container management (CM) This project aims at ensuring the stewardship of industry’s products by maximizing the collection of empty, rinsed pesticide containers and ensuring that they are managed and disposed of responsibly and safely. Q1 2013
Initiation of CM in 3 countries
Roll-out of the CM program in 3 new countries
Q1 2014
Initiation of CM in Slovakia, Italy, Serbia, Lithuania, Ukraine
CM established in all European countries
Epidemiology The establishment of ECPA Scientific Advisory Board will explore the role of epidemiology in the regulatory process for pesticides and will evaluate possible studies to conduct. Q1 2013
Inauguration of the Science Advisory Board on epidemiology
Q1 2013-Q4 2014
Provision of recommendations from the science advisory board to ECPA management
Making a Change 11
Safe and sustainable Use Initiatives Projects designed to enhance the responsible, safe and sustainable use of pesticides in Europe; correct practices allow an effective management of risks when pesticides are used. ECPA is establishing stakeholder partnerships to raise awareness and provide valuable training and advice to pesticide users, distributors and advisers. Correct use and handling of pesticide products ensures the safety of farmers, the environment and the public.
Well packaged stewardship
Professional and responsible practices are vital for sustainable agriculture.
Container management Ensuring the responsible management of containers is par t of industr y’s commitment to product stewardship. The development of suitable containers, user training, and proper collection, disposal and recycling are all elements of a good container management programme. Through the Container Management project, ECPA is encouraging the uptake of suitable container management across Europe; suppor ting the uptake of best practices in the collection, disposal and recycling of appropriately rinsed pesticide containers.
Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study of the patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease in defined populations; epidemiological studies are used to inform policy decisions related to health, and evidence-based medicine. ECPA is creating an independent advisory board on epidemiology in order to provide scientific advice on the use of epidemiology in better understanding the potential long term impacts of pesticides on health.
Epidemiology is a potential tool for evaluating whether long term pesticide exposure has an impact on the health of farmers. We will proactively engage in open dialogue and cooperation with key international experts to seek advice on how epidemiology could be used in the area of farmer’s health.
Better evidence for decisions on human
health risks.
Making a Change 13
Training A central component of ECPA projects is active engagement with stakeholders. Sustainable and productive agriculture is made possible through the combined efforts and individual expertise and solutions of various groups and individuals. The crop protection industry is uniquely placed to further the contribution it makes to society by delivering training to company Sales and Marketing personnel. By rolling-out examples of best practices, and encouraging point-of-sale dissemination of guidance for safe and sustainable use, the European crop protection industry will lead by example. The ECPA vision, values and priorities will be upheld in the development of training material and programmes covering the thematic areas of Health, Food, Water and Biodiversity.
Leading by example
The objective of marketing and sales staff to be trained is to ensure a general uniform awareness, understanding and knowledge on the industry sustainability initiatives. Q4 2012
Pilot training for company Sales and Marketing staff
Q1 2013
Launch of 1st module training
Q2 2013-Q4 2013
Launch of 2nd module training
Join the debate Have your say
Making a Change 15
Our network Corporate Member Companies
Bayer CropScience
Dow AgroScience
DuPont de Nemours
Makhteshim Agan
Monsanto Europe
Associate & SME Member Companies
Arysta LifeScience
Certis Europe
Chemtura Europe
Gowan Company
ISK Biosciences Europe
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Sumitomo Chemical
United Phosphorous Ltd
Full Member Associations
Austria FCIO – Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Oesterreichs
Belgium Phytofar – Belgische Vereniging voor de Industrie van phytosanitaire producten Association Belge de l’Industrie des Produits Phytosanitaires
Denmark DCPA – Danish Crop Protection Association
France UIPP – Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes
Germany IVA – Industrieverband Agrar eV
Greece HCPA – Hellenic Crop Protection Association
Ireland APHA – Animal and Plant Health Association
Italy Agrofarma – Associazione nazionale imprese agrofarmaci
Netherlands Nefyto – Dutch Crop Protection Association
Spain aepla – Asociación Empresarial para la Protección de las Plantas
United Kingdom CPA – Crop Protection Association
Group of Nordic Country Associations, Constituting One Member Only
Finland KASTE Kasvinsuojeluteollisuus ry
Norway NPF – Norsk Plantevern Forening
Sweden Svenskt Växtskydd
National Associations as Associate Members
Bulgaria BgCPA – Bulgarian Crop Protection Association NA
Croatia CROCPA – Croatian Crop Protection Association
Cyprus CCPA – Cyprus Crop Protection Association
Czech Republic CCPA – Czech Crop Protection Association
Hungary HuCPA – Hungarian Crop Protection Association
Latvia LAARUTA – Latvian Crop Protection Association
Lithuania LCPA – Lithuanian Crop Protection Association
Romania AIPROM – Romanian Crop Protection Association
Russia AEB – Russian Federation
Serbia SECPA – Serbian Crop Protection Association
Slovak Republic SCPA – Slovak Crop Protection Association
Slovenia SLOCPA – Slovenian Crop Protection Association
Switzerland scienceindustries Business Association Chemistry Pharma Biotech
Turkey ZIMID – Zirai Mücadele Ilaclari Üreticileri Dernegi
Ukraine EBA – European Business Assoc. Agrochemical Committee
Kazakhstan The Kazakhstan Plant Protection Association
Poland Portugal PSOR – Polskie ANIPLA – Associação National Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Ro´slin da Indústria para a Proteçção das Plantas
GAPEG Member Companies (non-agriculture)
Bayer Environmental Science
Dow AgroSciences
Monsanto Europe
Scotts France
GAPEG Member Associations (non-agriculture)
Spain aepla Asociación Empresarial para la Protección de las Plantas
Belgium Phytofar – Belgische Vereniging voor de Industrie van Phytosanitaire Producten Association Belge de l’Industrie des Produits Phytosanitaire
Italy Agrofarma Associazione nazionale imprese agrofarmaci
France UPJ – Union des entreprises pour la Protection des Jardins et Espaces Verts
The European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) represents the crop protection industry at the European level. Its members include all major crop protection companies and national associations across Europe. ECPA promotes modern agricultural technology in the context of sustainable development; to protect the health of humans and the environment, and to contribute towards an affordable healthy diet, competitive agriculture and a high quality of life. ECPA members support fair, science-based regulation as a guarantee to the consumer, and the crop protection user, of high standards and safe products.
For more information, please contact: ECPA aisbl 6 Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 2 663 15 50 Fax: +32 2 663 15 60 E-mail:
FSC logo here January 2013