Crosfields School Rugby Tour - February 2011

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“Never a step backwards”

February 2011 Crosfields Rugby Tour

Crosfields School Rugby Tour

Contents Agreed Code of Conduct ...............................................................................................................................2 Headmaster - Jonathan Wansey .....................................................................................................................3 Gareth Edwards – Director of Sports.............................................................................................................3 From the Coach…..........................................................................................................................................4 From the Captains… ......................................................................................................................................5 Tour Party ......................................................................................................................................................6 Itinerary..........................................................................................................................................................8 Contact Numbers .........................................................................................................................................11 Details ..........................................................................................................................................................12 Packing List .................................................................................................................................................13 Maps and Fixture Addresses ........................................................................................................................14

“The whole point of rugby is that it is, first and foremost, a state of mind, a spirit.” Jean-Pierre Rives

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Code of Conduct

Agreed Code of Conduct 

It is very important to remember that we are ambassadors for our school and the game of rugby.

When dressed in our school uniform we need to be especially vigilant about being polite and well behaved.

In the hotel, it is important that we take care to step aside for adults in doorways and passageways.

We should always look behind us before serving ourselves from the buffet and allow adults to go before us.

Please try to be sedate in the communal areas. The indoor pool is for relaxing in, a bit like a hot tub. It is not the kind of environment where splashing, shouting excitedly or horseplay would be welcome.

It would be preferable for those activities taking place in rooms such as watching television; friendly banter and playing games cannot be heard out in the passageway.

After lights out we need to respect our neighbours and roommates by not messing around.

The televisions are not to be turned on without permission from one of the staff.

Hotel telephones will not be used without permission.

At all times: one of the staff need to know where you are.

“Rugby players may fall in defeat, but they will never kneel for mercy.” Unknown

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Foreword

Headmaster - Jonathan Wansey It is my very great pleasure to write a foreword for the forthcoming Rugby Tour of the West Country. I am thrilled that the boys will be travelling to Bristol during half term ‘on tour’ and I know that they will have a memorable experience. Being on tour is a great opportunity to develop friendships and camaraderie and I have been very impressed so far this term with the ‘team spirit’ which exists in the 1st and 2nd rugby XV teams. I wish the boys a highly successful tour. I know they will have great fun and I am sure they will prove to be excellent ambassadors for the school I offer my sincere thanks to the staff for organising this tour and I very much look forward to being able to support the boys myself, for at least two of their matches. Good luck. Jonathan Wansey

Gareth Edwards – Director of Sports Sports tours offer a fantastic and unique opportunity for players and coaches to spend extended time together in an environment where all are striving for the same goal. Whether the tour is based on another continent or in another county those involved play against an opposition that are an unknown and often against players from different backgrounds and cultures compared to the usual games against local prep schools. I would ask all of the Crosfields 1st XV squad to embrace the chance that they have to spend a memorable five days in the West Country with each other. Enjoy the Rugby and above all else enjoy the experience. Good luck boys! Gareth Edwards

“Your throat is dry, your cheeks are burning, you feel breathless. All that stands between you and glory is an oval-shaped ball and a set of posts.” Neil Jenkins

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Coach’s Message

From the Coach… Since arriving at Crosfields one of my main ambitions has been to raise the profile of rugby at our school. This short tour to Bristol is part of that process. For this reason the support and encouragement that I have received from the parents means a great deal to me. I am very grateful for the way that they have been so understanding and good natured about the tight deadlines we have worked in. Their investment in their son’s rugby has allowed this tour to come about. Whenever the boys and I reminisce fondly about the tour, we will remember the key role our parents have played in allowing this tour to take place. We extend them our deepest thanks. I would also like to make mention of the influence of Gareth Edwards. He has organised new kit for this season, purchased a new scrum machine, arranged additional fixtures and worked hard at training in developing player’s individual skills. Gareth’s ‘can do’ attitude, his guidance and advice have been invaluable as we try to build the stature of this beautiful game at our school. Jonathan Wansey has been one of our tour’s biggest supporters. His enthusiasm in helping to make the tour occur has opened doors and turned aside obstacles. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to him. Daniel Konia has worked hard with the boys on the games field and has agreed to give of his time to accompany the touring party. I am very grateful to Daniel and would like to thank him on behalf of everyone who is benefitting from his input.

Adrian Stewart has given of his time selflessly in helping to prepare the boys on the games field and in shouldering a considerable burden for the organisation of the tour itself. He is worth his considerable weight in gold and I cannot express my appreciation enough. My final thanks are reserved for the young men who will make up our touring party. From designation Alpha to Uniform they are a group of young men we can be very proud of. Their good humour; their enthusiasm for the game; their commitment to improving; their bravery in the heat of battle and the sense of camaraderie and synergy they demonstrate makes working with them a very rewarding experience. Mark Stone 1st XV Coach

“I’m pleased to say I don’t think about rugby all the time: Just most of the time.” Lawrence Dallaglio

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Captains’ Message

From the Captains… We would like to thank a number of people for putting in their time and effort into giving us this opportunity to play rugby against a wider range of sides. Firstly we would like to thank Mr Wansey for accepting the idea of going on a rugby tour. We would also like to thank the sports staff for organising this tour, and arranging our venues, our hotel, and activities. We would like to thank all the parents, and other donors for helping to fund our tour. We appreciate the money, time, and effort that was been put in to giving us this exciting opportunity to expand our Rugby skills and knowledge to a greater level. Finally we would like to thank our teammates for their enthusiastic attitude towards our fundraising. We both felt very privileged to be given the opportunity to captain this side. We are honoured to fight by your side on the field. Many thanks,

Mark Price and Aaron Stewart 1st XV captains

“Before the game friendship – during the game elegant violence – “Before the game game friendship during the game elegant violence – after the is rugby –brotherhood.” after the game is rugby brotherhood.” Unknown Unknown

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Touring Party

Tour Party Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Mark Price Doctor Crunch Alpha Inside Centre London Irish & England Delon Armitage I love to hate you - Erasure

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Edward Warren Bulldozer Charlie Loosehead Prop/Hooker London Wasps & England Ricky Flutey No 1 – Tinchy Stryder

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Harry Emmanuel Bison Echo Tighthead Prop London Irish & England Delon Armitage Angry Young Man – Billy Joel

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Luke Wilson Granite Golf Lock Leicester & England Tom Croft Monster – The Automatic

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Samuel Palmer Titan India Flank London Irish & England Juan Smit Killing me softly –Fugees

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

James Costin – Pratt Dancing Elf Kilo Scrumhalf London Wasps & Ireland Brian O’Driscoll Tiny dancer – Ironik

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Aaron Stewart Impi Bravo Blindside Flank/Hooker Natal Sharks & South Africa Patrick Lambie Impi – Jonny Clegg and Savuka

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

James Denton Cream Cheese Delta Tighthead Prop/Hooker London Irish & England Mike Catt Invincible – Tinie Tempah & Kelly Rowland

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Edward Marsh Blades of Fury Foxtrot Lock London Irish & England Victor Matfield Here Comes the Hotstepper – Ini Kamoze

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song

Dominic Allen The Dominator Hotel Eighth Man London Irish & England Lawrence Dallaglio Dizzy – Tommy Roe

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Alex Williams Kiwi Fruit Juliet Flank/Lock Crusaders & The All Blacks Richie Macaw Man in Black – Johnny Cash

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Louie Hemmings Rapper Lima Flyhalf Leicester & Wales Shane Williams Stan – Eminem

“Life is a game, rugby is serious.” “Life is a game, rugby is serious.”Unknown Unknown

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Touring Party

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Elliot Cheng Gok Lun Mike Centre Natal Sharks & South Africa Rory Underwood Champion – Chipmunk & Chris Brown

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Oscar Gutierrez Zorro Oscar Fly-half London Irish & England Ryan Lamb Living La Vida Loca – Ricky Martin

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Ketan Jandoo Mr Bombastic Quebec Loosehead Prop/Lock Natal Sharks & England John Smit Mr Bombastic - Shaggy

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

George Atkinson Blinkers Sierra Flank London Irish & England Jonny Wilkinson Bonkers – Dizzy Rascal

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Brandon Taplin Mad Dog Uniform Hooker Wasps and All Blacks Jonny Wilkinson Like a bat out of hell Meatloaf

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Mark Stone Stoney Victory Head Coach/Nurse World Champion Springboks Adrian Stewart Jump Around – House of Pain

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Alexander Crocker Origami November Scrumhalf/Fullback Leinster & Ireland Jonny Sexton Tubthumping - Chumbawamba

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Tyler Frost Neo Papa Wing/Centre London Wasps & England Jonny Wilkinson Leave you far behind – Lunatic Calm

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

James Dinsdale Punter Romeo Wing/Fullback London Irish & England Jonny Wilkinson Smooth Criminal – Michael Jackson

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Matthew Atkins Tungsten Tango Flank/Wing Leicester Tigers Toby Flood I’m too sexy for my shirt – Right Said Fred

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Daniel Konia Donkey Kong X-Ray Assistant Coach/Treasurer Disappointing All Blacks Mark Stone/Adrian Stewart Run Silent, Run Deep – Iron Maiden

Name: Nickname: Tour Designation: Position: Favourite Team: Favourite Player: Tour Song:

Adrian Stewart Big Daddy Whiskey Manager/Photographer World Champion Springboks Mark Stone Are We Human – The Killers

“What makes rugby so special is that there is always room for the smaller man.” Conor O’Shea

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Itinerary

Itinerary Saturday 19th February Breakfast with Family: Full English if you can lads! Outward: Meet at Crosfields by 8.20 am. Travel in jeans & casual clothing Leave on Bus: 9.00 am Stiff upper lips boys – no crying . Hotel: Room allocation & unpack. Code of Conduct Lunch: Vegetarian – lots of vegetables are good for growing boys. Leave on Bus: 1.00 pm leave for Guinness Premier League match Guinness Premier League Match: Northampton vs. Bath at 3.00 pm. Shower/Free Time: All boys and Staff will shower every night. They will be smelly .

Sunday 20th February Hotel Breakfast: Early start for the U13 Tournament

Leave on Bus: 9.30 am The anticipation of victory…

Triangular Matches 1 & 2: 11.00 am Cleve RFC & Frampton Cotterell RFC Post-Match: Mingling with our Hosts (hopefully we will be the gracious victors.)

Lunch: Possibly Estonian – they like their cabbage and sprouts.

Movies: 2.30 ish pm Justin Bieber for the backs and Yogi Bear for the forwards.

Team Time: Gym and Swimming Pool circuits – triathlon training

Shower Time: For the good of the other diners.

Even more vegetables.

Hotel Dinner: 7.30 pm Dessert will only be available to boys who played really well.

Indaba: Staff Lead

Indaba: Seniors Lead

Roles and responsibilities & Captains Talk

Analyse the day & report on areas of responsibility.

Bed: 9.15 pm

Bed: 9.15 pm

15 minutes quiet time to write our diary and then lights out.

15 minutes quiet time to write our diary and then lights out.

Hotel Dinner: 7.30 pm

“Talent is secondary to whether players are confident.” Jack Gibson

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Itinerary

Monday 21st February Late Hotel Breakfast: Strong chance the Staff will not feed you later. Smuggle food out. Day Trip: 10.00 am Cheddar Caves & Gorge

Gough’s Cave Museum of Prehistory Cox’s Cave Lookout Tower Jewel Quest Cliff-top Walk Museums A good time to get M&D a gift

Lunch: Cheese. Seriously, just cheese. Free time: Alone in a cave. Time to reflect.

Shower Time: Wash away the caveman in you. Hotel Dinner: 7.30 pm Feed a Friend – dish up a mates supper. He must finish what you choose Indaba: Juniors Lead Revenge of the young ones! Bed: 9.15 pm 15 minutes quiet time to complete tour diary and then lights out.

“I only get the points because I have teammates who do the work And put me into position to get them.” Jonny Wilkinson

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Itinerary

Tuesday 22nd February

Wednesday 23rd February

Hotel Breakfast: Breakfast of Champions

Hotel Breakfast: Last chance to make the Buffet squeal

Light Skills Session: Get back into the zone…

X-Fields Mecure Hotel Triathlon Swimming, Treadmill & Exercise Bike

Free Time: Meditation and quiet contemplation.

Tidy & Pack Room check and fines. All bags onto the bus. Thanks to Hotel Staff.

Leave on Bus: 11.45 am Crossing the Severn – a whole different country!

Leave Hotel: Travel to Cheam

Lunch: Staff are keen on Central African Cuisine – Mopani Worms etc. Match 3: 2.00 pm Undy Rugby Academy Post-Match: Mingling (compare war wounds.)

Ten Pin Bowling: 5.00 pm Staff team will win this – obviously!

Shower/Free Time: Wash away the feeling of regret at losing to the Staff at Bowling

Lunch: Captains Choice If there is any money left...

Match 4: 2.30 pm Cheam School Post-Match: Relive a successful rugby tour Return 5.30 pm: Happy to see Mum but much too manly to let it show

Catch up all the chores missed at home over the last four days.

Hotel Dinner 8.00 pm: Last Supper before Big Indaba – eat well. Big Indaba: Staff Lead Final Indaba and Forfeits. Very exciting.

In the unlikely event of a delay, you will be informed by phone.

Bed – 9.15 pm 15 minutes quiet time to write our diary and then lights out.

“The only trophy we won this day, was the blood and sweat we left on the pitch.... andevent it was In the unlikely of aenough.” delay, you will be informed by phone. Terry Cox

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Contact Numbers

Contact Numbers Mercure Holland House Hotel & Spa Redcliffe Hill Bristol BS1 6SQ Tel: (0117) 968 9900 Web site: We respectfully ask that the boys do not bring mobile phones. They may bring mp3 players and portable games consoles if they choose; on the understanding that they accept sole responsibility for these. Mark Stone and Adrian Stewart will carry mobile phones. Mark Stone: 07769696997 Adrian Stewart: 07889801363 Please phone us as often as you like to receive updates of the tour. Insurance:  Travel insurance is included in the tour price  It is booked through Fogg Travel Insurance and underwritten by Union Reiseversicherung AG. A+E in Bristol

Bristol Royal Infirmary Accident and Emergency Department Marlborough Street Bristol BS2 8HW

“In my time, I've had my knee out, broken my collarbone, had my nose smashed, a rib broken, lost a few teeth, and ricked my back; but as soon as I get a bit of bad luck I'm going to quit the game.” J. W. Williams

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Details

Details Accommodation  The boys will be housed in twin rooms.  Since we have 21 boys, three of the boys will be allocated pair of twin rooms with an inter-leading door. Food  The touring party will take breakfast and dinner in the hotel. The meals will be served buffet style.  The touring party will sit together and eat together on these occasions.  Please indicate by email or letter any food that your son may be allergic to or is unable to eat for religious or cultural reasons. Luggage:  One case (preferably with wheels)  Crosfields kit bag for match days. Spending Money:  Please allocate your son a daily allowance at your discretion and send the money in denominations of this amount in a named wallet or envelope.  Daniel Konia will act as treasurer and dispense spending money on a daily basis. Other things to bring: Medication:  Nurse Stone will be responsible for administering medication during the tour.  If your son is taking any medication, please ensure this is given to Mr Stone on the morning of departure. Please label the medication clearly with your son’s name and any instructions for administering.  If your son is asthmatic, please ensure that Mr Stone has a spare named inhaler. It is essential that your child also carries an inhaler at all times.

“A good defender should be so mean that if he owned the Atlantic Ocean he still wouldn’t give you a wave.” Morne du Plessis

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Packing List

Packing List Clothing         

     

Full School uniform Full school tracksuit Full games kit preferably with an extra pair of shorts and socks Rugby boots and trainers Mouth guard and a spare (if you have) Body armour, headgear and under layer 1 x ‘smooth’ outfit for going out to cinema and ten pin bowling Use trainers for the above outfit or bring appropriate shoes 1 x ‘rough’ outfit for our day trip to Cheddar Gorge. Include: o warm, waterproof clothing o gloves o hat Closed walking shoes included with the above Warm socks and underwear (plenty) swimming trunks 2 x towels – one for showering after games and one for swimming Pyjamas Plastic rubbish bags for wet/dirty laundry

Personal Items        

Shower gel for hair and body Sponge or similar for the shower Roll on deodorant Hair brush for people with big hair Toothpaste, toothbrush and a spare toothbrush Energy drinks Deep Heat or similar A book to read

 

Note book and stationery for keeping a tour diary. Entries from the diaries will be compiled and published, along with photos as a book to serve as a memento. Healthy snacks, travel games and playing cards. Camera – clearly marked on cover and camera body.

“I think you enjoy the game more if you don’t know the rules. Anyway you’re on the same wavelength as the referees.” Unknown

Crosfields School Rugby Tour Maps and Directions

Maps and Fixture Addresses MERCURE HOLLAND HOUSE HOTEL & SPA Redcliff Hill Bristol BS1 6SQ


Fixture 1 & 2

Fixture 3

Fixture 4

Cleve Rugby Club & Frampton Cotterell RFC

Undy Rugby Academy

Cheam School

Start time: 11.00 am

Start time: 2.00 pm

Start time: 2.30 pm

Venue The Hayfields Cossham Street Mangotsfield Bristol BS16 9EN

Venue Undy Primary School Pennyfarthing Lane Undy Caldicot Gwent NP26 3LZ

Venue Cheam School Headley Newbury West Berkshire RG19 8LD

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” Mark Twain

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