Picture Books
Reading Level: 2–3 Interest Level: Pre K–6
Be a Virus Warrior! A Kid’s Guide to Keeping Safe As the COVID-19 pandemic has spread around the world, it’s left many people—adults and children alike—searching for answers about how they can stay safe. By focusing on facts presented in a relatable way rather than fear, this illustrated guide to health and safety gives children the tools they need to understand what’s happening in the world and to discover how they can become a virus warrior. Facts about coronaviruses are paired with essential information about social distancing, personal hygiene, and the things we can control in uncertain times, creating a learning experience designed to reduce anxiety. School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price Paperback School & Library Price reflects 15% off the List Price
List $11.70 / S&L $9.95
Paperback Book
List $19.95 / S&L $14.95
Be a Virus Warrior! A Kid’s Guide to Keeping Safe Eloise Macgregor • 978‑1‑7253‑3063‑4 579.2 Illustrated by: Alix Wood • eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑3065‑8
Reading Level: 2–3
Interest Level: Pre K–6
8 1/2” x 8 1/2” • Paperback • 24 pp. • Full-Color Illustrations • Glossary • Graphic Organizers • How-To Section • Quiz • Safety Tips
“The disruption of routines and rationale behind social distancing are also addressed, thus helping kids understand the how and why behind the coronavirus. A practical, comforting guide for youngsters—highly recommended.” —Booklist
Actual Type Size Dr’s Note: My son Matthew and I read Be a Virus Warrior! A Kid’s Guide to Keeping Safe together. In a time when children and parents are looking for information about COVID-19, in a time of uncertainty, we found this book to be medically accurate, useful, and a good read. —Dr. Neil Winawer, Hospitalist and Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Is an experienced author and editor. A former elementary school teacher, she has worked on over 200 published books. Her educational experience helps her write accurate, accessible books that inform and entertain children.
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