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From lakeside soaring in Guatemala to chasing distance across the flatlands of Brazil


Hablas Español?

South of San Diego, USA, you’ll be speaking Spanish. Phrases you might need include: “¿Dónde está el aterrizaje? (Where is the landing?)”; “¿Hay algún espacio aéreo? (Is there any airspace?)”; “¿Qué hay detrás? (What’s over the back?)”; “¿Es seguro volar aquí? (Is it safe to fly here?)”; “El viento está demasiado fuerte (The wind is too strong)”; “¿Hay Wi-Fi aquí? (Do you have Wi-Fi?)”; “¿Puedo ofrecerle un trago a mis nuevos amigos? (Can I buy you all a drink?)” Brazil’s a different trip – you’ll need to brush up on your Portuguese.


The longest hang gliding flight ever flown was in the Americas – by Dustin Martin in Texas, 4 July 2012. He and Jonny Durand battled it out all day but Dustin eked out his final glide by an extra 5km


Launching from the ramp in Rio de Janeiro is jaw-dropping. Even if you don’t manage to fly to the statue of Christ and back, it’s an unforgettable and unique location.

Soaring downtown Lima, Peru, a city of 9m people, is spectacular. There’s nowhere else you can get this up close and personal with a city’s high-rise buildings and hotels.



Full of magical energy and natural beauty Lake Atitlan in Guatemala offers flying in the shadow of dramatic live volcanoes. realworldparagliding.jimdo.com

San Felix

Medellin, Colombia is one of South America’s best cities. The flying site at San Felix is accessible by city bus, consistent, top-landable and on all year round. paraglidingmedellin.com

Sacred Valley

Cusco in the Peruvian Andes is the starting point for visits to Machu Picchu. You can fly here too – thermal above the ancient Sacred Valley with 5,400m mountains out front sayaq-seqe.com

Cross Country Promotion

Quixadá Aventura

Want to go far? Dare to challenge yourself and break your personal best! The Sertão in NE Brazil is the best place in the world to fly distance. All current world records have been set there, and pilots regularly fly 400-500km and even further. Quixadá Aventura provides everything you need to chase distance: winchtow, retrieve, accommodation and technical assistance. Your only concern will be finding the next thermal. Flying days can be tough, with a 6am start, a tow to 800m, strong conditions and a 12-hour window, flying at up to 3,500m. Come to Brazil and fly far!


Paragliding Mexico

Valle de Bravo is the world’s most consistent site, with 340+ flyable days a year. Sharpen your skills, upgrade your safety, fly XC, or even become a tandem pilot. You’ll be mentored by Marko Hrgetic, APPI Master Instructor and Red Bull X-Alps pilot, and his team of professionals. Marko is the highest level instructor in Mexico with immense knowledge and experience. SIV clinics in Yelapa Bay are also available. The only APPIcertified XC courses and SIV clinics you will find in Mexico. Book now, places fill fast! paraglidingmexico.com We speak English, Spanish, Croatian & Czech

Fly With Andy

Andy Flühler and Michael Gebert have found the world’s most successful 500km spot in Caicó in the northeast of Brazil. Based on an airfield in the Brazilian Sertão they’ve built up a professional crew, which now includes four winches so three pilots can tow together. If you are looking to enjoy fabulous flatland conditions almost every day, hunting your personal best or even chasing the paragliding world record, this is the place to be. Sign up early.

www.flywithandy.com Oberdorf, Switzerland, +41 77 218 41 62 We speak English, DE, ES and PT

Colombia Paragliding

Colombia Paragliding offers you fun paragliding road trips around Colombia. With more than 15 years’ experience, be guided by local bilingual certified instructor, Richi Mantilla. Based in Bucaramanga, close to the amazing Chicamocha Canyon, we fly 360 days a year with incredible conditions for improving skills: top-landing, groundhandling, XC and strong-wind takeoff. We have a shuttle, hostel on take-off and accommodation. We also work with schools and groups: Bucaramanga is the perfect place to learn with Colombia Paragliding School.


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