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EAGLE’S NEST Anatolii Mykhailiuta watches Stephane Drouin climbing out in the Hunza Valley. On the horizon, 7,788m Rakaposhi

Photo: Kieran Campbell


The meeting point of the world’s three highest mountain ranges, even the biggest pilot will feel small here. Before heading to Hunza, warm up flying the 20km SE- facing ridge at Chinarkot, two hours’ drive from Islamabad. Then get your first taste of big mountain flying at Pir Chinasi, Muzzafarabad, four hours from the capital. With 2,100m between launch and the disused airport LZ, there is plenty of time to climb out and be within one glide of 5,000m peaks. Don’t stray east as it’s only 20km to the border at the Line of Control.

After that, take the incredibly scenic 24- hour journey up the Karakoram Highway to Karimabad, capital of the Hunza Valley to fly from Eagle’s Nest. (To shorten the journey take an internal flight to Gilgit). After negotiating the snaggy rocks and bushes at this 3,000m launch, persevere through the inversions to climb eye-to-eye with 6,000m Ladyfinger Peak, before remembering that round here, that’s not particularly high. Crank out a big triangle, getting back in time for dinner, or pack some food and go vol-biv, perhaps ending up 250km west in Chitral, in the Hindu Kush; the possibilities are endless.

Flying here demands caution. There is no question that you’ll fly smarter and safer on oxygen. Consider all the caveats of flying in an extreme mountain environment in a developing country with an occasionally unpredictable political situation. Ask your insurer about search-and-rescue, medical and repatriation limits, and get it all in writing. Double your margins, then double them again.

Kieran Campbell


Best time: June to October in Hunza and Chitral. Muzzaffarabad and Chinarkot have two seasons: March to June, and Sept to November

Contacts: It’s essential to contact the Pakistan. association for help with flying permits and information. Association president Sajjad Shaah is very helpful. phpa.org.pk

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