AS3 Studio Model Booklet
michael mcfarlane 0701446
This model was formed as an analysis of the site using the forces of noise, traffic and surrounding buildings as factors to consider in design. The shape which this formed tapered at a point and formed a wall against the busiest road and towards the most noise. At the opposing end the shape leveled out to meet the lower buildings on that street.
Precedent Model
This model became the result of numerous trials at figuring out a system which best incorporated a Habitat 67 style cluster. Unfortunately, the strict grid underneath the structure which was dictated by parking prevented such an irregular structure. Because the structure was so clustered, issues of privacy arose from this narrow courtyard space in between which provided views into other rooms. Also noted was the separation between the mature units and the young expanding/transient apartment structure. This physical separation was further emphasized by the placement of the driveway to the parking running directly between them.
Interim 1 Model
This model showed changes made to address issues in the first model. This layout followed the grid structure better but still introduced a narrow central courtyard. However the layout better ensured each unit got their own greenspace. It was later noticed however that the units themselves were too small and needed to be made larger. This caused a radical design change.
Interim 2 Model
Final Model:
Final Model:
Final Model: