Baptism Testimonies SEPT 1, 2010

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1ST WEDNESDAY BAPTISM – September 1, 2010 Owen Ingram wants everyone to know that he is a Christian! Coby Rakowitz wants to be baptized to be closer to God. Madisynn Isbell accepted Jesus into her heart at elementary camp this summer and felt this was the next step to continue her way with the Lord. Alecia Isbell accepted Jesus into her life when she was in 6th grade and having a hard time with the drama of life. Since that time Jesus has always been the center of her life. Matthew Tweedel wants to be baptized so that everyone will know that he loves Jesus. James Gray wants to be baptized because he wants to follow Jesus’ commandments. Esteban Cordero received Jesus Christ as his savior while attending JV Emerge when he was 11. He wants to be baptized to show his desire to know God more intimately. Dakota Adkins wants to be baptized because God says to and he wants to show all his friends and family how much he loves Jesus. Maia Spatafora-Washington wants to be baptized because she wants to obey God and show everyone she loves him. Nicole Zapata wants to be baptized because she wants to show everyone that she is a Christian and she loves Jesus Alana Keske wants to be baptized because she wants to tell everyone she wants to obey Jesus and follow Him and tell others about Him. Michelle Hill received Jesus Christ as her personal savior in March of 1994 while at the Morgan Street Jail in Tampa. Immediately she started to see His amazing love working miracles in her life. Just recently she has begun to understand the importance of sharing His love and wonders with others. As she has begun to grow, she realized she has been wading around in the shallow end and is ready to jump into the deep end of her walk and sub merge herself in His love and forgiveness and become a service to others for His glory. Ida Figueroa spent her teenage years and young adult life asking Jesus for a personal relationship many times over, just to be sure. In October of 2009, she recommitted her life and knows but knows He is her Lord and Savior. Baptism is her seal of that assurance. Shawna Cuscaden asked Jesus Christ for a personal relationship in April of this year and wants to make a public commitment to live for Him.

Stephanie Talley was 7 years old when she asked Jesus for salvation. Tonight she is getting baptized because of John 3:5 where Jesus says, “Truly, truly, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” She desires to follow the word and be baptized by water through the work of the Holy Spirit. Cassandra Albert began her personal relationship with Jesus Christ in May of this year and wants to receive baptism as a commitment to walk and grow in her relationship with Him. Kimberly Hersey grew up Catholic following her First Communion and Confirmations but never truly understood what it all really meant. She has always believed, but looked at faith as more of rituals and rules. When she began attending The Crossing a little over a year ago and then getting into the word daily, she understood what a personal relationship meant. Initially as she sought Christ, she didn’t think she was worthy. Now she understands His mercy and grace and His complete love for her. She wants to declare publicly her commitment to follow Him and do His will. Lloyd Hersey received salvation as a child, but fell out of his walk for years until a year ago when he recommitted his life to the Lord. Since attending The Crossing he and his wife have completed the Journey Class and are now in the discipleship process and he plans to begin the Deeper Life Classes this month. Lloyd has delayed getting baptized because of not feeling he was deserving of the honor. Since reading and studying Matthew 22 and 25, he realized that Jesus is inviting him to the party and he isn’t turning down the invitation. Tonight he feels God asking him to be spiritually ready – to cleanse the old and fully receive the new promise of His grace. Jini Cadwallader and Christopher Davidson both received Christ several years ago but strayed away from the word of God. This past January they began going to church together, praying together and reading the bible together. As their Wedding day approaches (September 24th) they want to publicly commit their lives to Christ and take the next step in their walk. Frank Alfano asked Jesus into his life over 2 years ago but lately the Lord has been waking him up in the dead of night and speaking into his spirit, “Come near to me, and I will come near to you”. Frank feels that baptism is a symbol of his inclusion into the family of God – a true expression of his faith and commitment to Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior. Tre Donavan LaMar is 14 years old and a freshman at Riverview High School. Tre desires to be baptized in the name of Jesus as a testimony of his commitment to fully dedicate his life to Jesus Christ. Buried in the water as Christ was buried and Risen to new life.

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