Easter Sunday 2010

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Crossing Family & Guests, We are so glad that you chose to join us this weekend to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. God has been doing amazing things in the lives of our congregation and we pray that he touches you and moves in your heart today. Whether this is your first time visiting The Crossing or you have been calling it your home for years, we hope that this church will always be a safe place for you and your family to have a real encounter with the real and living God. God Bless, Pastor Greg & Tamara Dumas

Crossing Kids For the month of April, Crossing Kids (babies through 5th grade) will be focusing on how young kids and children can strengthen their relationship with God. Preschoolers will learn that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. For elementary age kids we will focus on prayer and teach them that when we talk to God through prayer, He is always listening.

Emerge JV/Emerge Prayer Focused Generation! We see a student ministry that is fervently praying. This month we will be teaching students all about prayer. They will be discovering the truths from their Life Journals and be challenged to pray fervently for their generation. We know that prayer changes everything! Interested in Volunteering? www.crossingonline.org/serve Want to join a LifeGroup? visit a leader in the 26.2 CafĂŠ Office Hours Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5pm

Scholarships Needed! We are in desperate need of scholarships for students to attend Acquire the Fire and Summer Camp. You could be a part of changing a student’s life by giving them an opportunity to encounter God through these special events! Contact Pastor Tom at tfox@crossingonline.org today!

The Launch of My Story Go online to www.crossingonline.org/mystory and be encouraged by reading how our Lord has been touching the lives of fellow believers! You can also share your personal testimony (anonymously). You never know how your story may change the life of someone else.

TobyMac concert at the Crossing Friday, April 30th Tickets will be available April 10th-11th at Crossing Central (formerly Information Center). We are only equipped to accept cash. There are a limited number of tickets available, so come early to get yours! Limit 5 tickets per person. Also, please consider purchasing a ticket for a student who does not yet know Christ. This will be a great, fun environment for them to hear the gospel.

Grand Opening of the Next Gen Student Center Have your students join us Saturday, April 17th for the Grand Opening of the Next Gen Student Center (formerly The Rock). There will be food, fellowship, and entertainment beginning at 4pm, followed by a worship concert at 6:30pm with Deluge (writers of songs like “Open Up The Sky” and “Worshiping You.”).

Marriage Builders This six-week class is designed to equip you and your spouse with the tools to build a better, more fulfilling relationship. Marriage Builders meets on Tuesday nights, 7:009:00 pm, April 6th thru May 18th. The registration fee is $60 per couple. Childcare is available with pre-registration only. Please register online at: http://www.crossingonline.org/marriage-builders

2010 Belize Short Term Mission Trip Spots are still available! The next team meeting is scheduled for April 11th. Please check out the 2010 Missions Brochure at crossingonline.org/missions to see trip dates and leader information. For additional information, please contact Larry and Bev Collier at bevlar1019@yahoo.com.

The 26.2 Spiritual Race is intricately designed with you in mind! Through the different 26.2 Experiences, you can learn more about The Crossing and its leadership, become involved in a LifeGroup, and understand more about your spiritual gifts. We encourage everyone to join in the race! Register for all the 26.2 Experiences at: www.crossingonline.org. The next experience dates are: • Warm-Up: • Starting Line: • Mile One: • Momentum: • Pass it On:

April 25, registration closes April 18 May 22 and 23, registration closes May 16 June 26, registration closes June 20 April 24, registration closes April 18 May 1, registration closes April 25

For more announcements: www.crossingonline.org/announcements

Saturday, April 3 Sunday, April 4



Epic Journey: Through the Bible The Book of Isaiah Luke 14:15-24; Isaiah 55:1-3, 6

Lead Pastor: Greg Dumas

SCRIPTURE Luke 14:15-24 (NIV) Luke 15:25-32 (NIV) A Father:

Isaiah 63:16 (NIV) But you are our Father, though Abraham does not know us or Israel acknowledge us; you, O LORD, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is your name.

A Sacrifice:

Isaiah 53:7 (NIV) He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

Two Sons:

Romans 8:16(NIV) The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

OBSERVATION Good people usually do what they are supposed to do. They mind their own business, don’t cause too much trouble and are usually productive and hard working. Good people can easily resent “bad” people who seem to get attention and lots of help from others Good people often overestimate their goodness and service to others Good people often underestimate their own pride and selfrighteousness Good people often have no problem accusing God of holding out on them or not loving them enough

Good people can resent God for always being loving and gracious toward “bad” people. They can become angry with “bad” people for always being so needy and weak. Good people are often judgmental of others and critical of religious motives like love. Good people often refuse to go in…they miss the party, the song, the celebration, and their Father’s grace. They lose their inheritance and wander away from God in their self reliance, even into eternity.

APPLICATION Come to the Lord

Isaiah 55:1-3 (NIV) “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

Seek the Lord

Isaiah 55:6 (NIV) Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. John 1:12-13 (NLT) But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan—this rebirth comes from God.

PRAYER Lord, thank you for inviting me to your eternal banquet. I joyfully receive your invitation and enter into your presence. I am glad to have found your grace and mercy and forgiveness. I receive your love and care and I gladly rejoice with others who have found the same.

LIFEGROUPS Use the following as a resource for your LifeGroup to go deeper with this week’s message. We hope this helps you as you “do life together”. Opener: Everyone share about a time when you received a special invitation. What made the invitation special? How did it make you feel to receive it? Did you keep it? Next, talk about your choice. Did you accept the invitation or did you turn down the offer? Digging Deeper: An invitation is defined as: “a formal request to be present or participate.” Pastor Greg talked about a special invitation that God gives in Isaiah 55. Look at the three invitations found in the scriptures below and discuss the parallel between physical functions and spiritual functions: Read the study notes to these scriptures and discuss. Isaiah 55:1-3, John 4:13-15, Revelation 3:18 Application: The application is two-fold this week but both are invitations: INVITATION TO SALVATION: Perhaps someone in your group has never received God’s invitation to receive freely the eternal salvation He offers. If that is the case, consider this as a formal invitation from The Crossing, but more importantly, from God. Receive His gift of salvation. The group can walk through the ABC’s of Salvation using the following verses. (A) Admit 1 John 1:8 (B) Believe John 3:16 (C) Commit Matthew 16:24 If someone accepts this invitation, let us know by filling out a connection card online (http://www.crossingonline.org/connection-card) or at the next service at The Crossing. If everyone in your group has said yes to this invitation perhaps everyone in the group should consider extending this invitation to someone who needs to be invited. INVITATION TO REST: If you have already said yes to God’s invitation for eternal life He wants you to have a spiritually productive and purposeful life. Read the “Great Invitation” below and the study notes that correspond with it and commit to saying yes to God’s love, healing and peace as you walk in relationship with him “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29

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