Baptism Testimonies

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Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 Lynn Rogers received the gift of salvation when she was 7 years old but feel that God has placed the desire in her heart to be baptized as an adult with the full understanding of what it represents. Jaine Rojas has left a dark life hidden from God’s grace by being born again through the witness of her daughters and her Lifegroup family. Their love and support and the strength of the Holy Spirit have given her the desire to witness to everyone of His love. Today she comes to make a bold statement that she is loved by God and shines with the hope that comes through having a relationship with her savior. Juan Santos accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior 5 years ago. He is getting baptized to show that he is a new creation in Christ, repenting of his sins, leaving his past and moving forward in his new life with Jesus Christ.

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010 Cory Thompson received Jesus Christ as his savior on May 5th, 2010. He is coming to receive baptism in obedience to serve and honor the Lord. Monica Nemath says that when she first attended The Crossing a month ago, she finally realized what a relationship with Jesus Christ meant. That day she let everything go and let God take over. She wants to receive baptism to testify that she is cleansed, reborn and that God is completely in control. Misti Santos asked Jesus Christ to be her Lord and Savior in January of this year. Today she is more than ready to take the next step in her relationship with Jesus and walking out her new life as a redeemed child of God. Liza Baisi felt God speak to her several weeks ago telling her it was time to seek and know Him on a deeper level. She immediately began the 26.2 Discipleship process as a way to grow and surround herself with people that are in love with the Lord. Her baptism today is her promise to submerge herself in His word and focus on His will for her life. There is no other way, but Christ’s way. Mary Torres asked Jesus into her life in the early part of summer. She was baptized as an infant, but wants to be immersed as an adult to show that she is saved by grace and following Christ’s example in baptism. Johnnie Gonzalez asked Jesus to be his savior this past summer. He wants to be baptized as a witness to the Lord that he is serious and wants to grow deeper in his relationship with Christ. Isaiah Garza also received Jesus Christ as his savior this past summer. He is getting baptized to show the washing away of his sins and a new and fresh start in his relationship with the Lord.

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