The Crossing Church Prayer Requests 12/20-12/26

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The Crossing Church Prayer Requests 12/26/10 Just found out that my -7 year-old cousin is at All Children’s Hospital and has just been diagnosed with Pons Glioma, which is a Pontine brain stem tumor. This brain tumor is in the brainstem, and doctors informed the parents that there is nothing they can do and that she has had this for quite awhile now. If they treat her with radiation and chemotherapy it may only prolong her precious life by a month or so. They family are not sure they want to put her through that. Not sure how much longer she has but it’s not long at all. Please lift her up in your prayers … we’re not ready for her to leave us. A wife of a good friend of mine has been diagnosed with cancer. The doctors found it while doing a regular back pain checking. It took everyone by surprise because, until now, she always been a healthy woman. Please pray for her and family. Prayer request: Cousin's 6-year-old daughter has a brain tumor. They are giving her three months to live. Surgery is not going to help, and if she does chemo this will extend her life for three more months if that works. I am entering into an 8-10 week healing process after major surgery on my spinal cord and main nerve in my neck, which has to be released from between two discs. I would like prayer for this healing process. I have faith that God will heal my body. I will look forward to coming back to church for worshiping and hearing the great messages we receive. Please pray with me that God would bless my wife and me with a house so that we can be able to get a lifegroup going. I have promised God that when we buy our house, it is to be used it for God's work and an English or Spanish lifegroup would be a good start. I need a car. Please pray for my dad who is losing his eyesight. Doctors say he can get surgery, but still more than likely will lose his eyesight. He is only 63 years young and, otherwise, healthy. I would also like to pray that I grow in the Lord, and may the Lord send me the words to encourage him. Please pray that God will heal me and take away this cold and sickness. I am going through a divorce. My daughter is really having a tough time with it. Pray for peace, love, joy, and truth for my family.

Finances are tight and situation in marriage is not good. Pray for the Lord to give her wisdom in dealing with the situation and peace to walk through it to the other side. I just want to say thank you to all for such a great job and devotion to all who are in need, even when you are in need of prayer for yourself. Thank you and May your prayers are heard as well as those you pray for. About four months ago, I started attending the Crossing with my mom and I love it and Pastor Greg, along with my husband, who is not saved. He was not brought up in the church at all. Pray that God will give me guidance in my life to become closer to him again and rebuild my relationship with him. Pray that God will guide me in teaching my husband his word and allowing me to show him how amazing God is. Pray that my husband will be saved. Pray that God will direct us with some upcoming decisions about a vehicle and a place to live and the raising of our 1-year-old daughter. Pray I am able to reconnect with God and that my husband will follow my lead. Pray that I find a LifeGroup to help us with our journey. Thank you so much. God Bless. Pray that I am reunited with my daughter. Pray for a job for my husband that pays the bills. Pray for home school. Pray for financial difficulties. Pray that my husband will lead the family. Pray for patience for myself. Pray for a Bible-believing church home. Pray for all those at my nursing home. Please pray for my children. Please pray for my friends Please pray for my right hip healing and back healing. Help me to be closer to the Lord.

Please pray for my husband who has injured his back in an auto accident. Please also pray for those who have lost their way and that they find their way back home. I am thankful for a new job. I pray for God to open doors for me so that I may serve him and others through the spirit and truth. I am struggling to find post-grad career. Work is uncertain - my current position will be eliminated Jan 14. My daughter is struggling in school. She is a special needs child but doing well. PRAISE - my son has been healed of bone cancer. My 22-year-old son just got out of jail after 25 days. Pray that God will release him from bondage of drugs and alcohol. He needs treatment. Pray he will take it. My wife wants to leave me for another man. I trust that God will restore my marriage to a state that is better than it ever has been. Tear down and rebuild stronger, Lord. Pray for travel mercies for boys and me. Pray for a man to find peace, love and happiness. Pray that a woman would have a great meeting and an end to her divorce. Please pray for my sister. She is broken from a string of bad relationships. Pray that the Lord shows her His perfect grace and His plan for her life. Please pray that I find a job before my boys and I have no place to live and have to leave Tampa and move to stay with friends in GA. Please, also pray for my boys' father to call them after two years of silence.

I am financially overwhelmed and my husband has been unemployed since Feb 4, 2010. I have a depressed, sinking feeling. I don't want to lose my home. Please pray for my son and me. We have been sick for four months and need healing. Also, please pray for my finances. Praise God - I passed all my classes this quarter. Please pray for healing for my grandma and aunt, who both have serious heart conditions and need surgery soon. Please lay your hands on them. Pray or my employee's newborn son to gain 100 percent function of his kidneys. God bless you all and thank you for your time and attention to all these requests. I feel and see the power of your prayers over my requests. Thank you! Pray for better communication with my children and me and with my mom and step dad and me. Bless them for helping me.

First and foremost I want to praise God for his everlasting love he shows us all. I would like to request prayer for a friend of mine who is having a difficult relationship with her daughter who does not trust her with her own grandchildren. Pray in agreement with me that God will work to restore the love in that relationship. Please pray for my husband who is very depressed and lonely, turning to more of his addictions. No money, no work and I am a believer, but please pray that God lays his hand on him and shows him that the devil has a strong hold on him. God is the way. Pray for my grandma and mom to stop smoking. Pray for the safe return of a husband who is in the military. Pray for a friend of mine who lost her twins some time ago. Pray for my children's father. Pray for two loved ones. Pray for healing for a woman’s daughter. Pray for our children's hearts. Pray for the unsaved in our family. Pray for a loved one who has cancer. PRAISE: Thank you Father God for all the blessings in my life you have provided. Thank you for your son, Jesus Christ. Please pray for my mother's salvation. Pray for her health to keep looking up. Pray for direction as her daughter, and a daughter of God, to minister to my mom. Please pray for a job. I am starting college in January and have my bills paid for December and most of January. I know He will put the perfect job in my path. I will be still and wait until he does so. Please pray for continued healing in my foot from my car accident. I'm getting a divorce and it really bothers me. I need prayer so that I can get over this. Please pray that I can continue to wake up each day and talk myself out of committing suicide. My spirit is completely broken, and I have no hope left except to be in heaven. My husband has put in for disability and I would like the church to pray that it will be approved without having to go through the process of hiring a lawyer. Everyone says it's impossible to be approved without a lawyer, but I know with prayer nothing is impossible. My business - that God continues to bless with additional business and that God is glorified in all our words and actions. My husband - may he find God, know God, and walk with God.

My marriage - I am afraid I made a mistake and am seeking God's assurance that the man I married was the man God had for me. Pray for peace and healing for a 26-year-old with terminal cancer. She is a new believer. Pray for a young man - broken, may be suicidal, feels worthless. Pray for several friends over a move/job/school. I need to be strong thru this difficult time that I am going through and accept and understand whichever decision comes out of all this troubled time. Help me get closer to God because I have hypothermia – I am losing trust with God - not even wanting to go to church. Pray for total healing of neck injury C5 C6 herniation. Pray for peace in my family. Pray for healing of my mother's Alzheimer’s.

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