Epic Journey-Book of Song of Songs 2010.1.30

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Crossing Family, The staff and elders of The Crossing have felt a heavy burden placed on our hearts for the marriages of our congregation in 2010. This weekend we will be discussing the qualities of a healthy and Biblical marriage. Our prayer is that this message will speak to those who are married, but also to those currently single, that a healthy marriage and a healthy life begins with putting Christ first in your life. Praying for you, Greg & Tamara Dumas

FEBRUARY’S KP3 FOCUS: KINGDOM For the month of February we are teaching elementary children about God’s Kingdom. The one big idea we want them to learn is: When I become who God wants me to be I will change the world. Week 1 Big Idea: When I tell others about God I will not be alone. Scripture: Acts 18:9-11 Mom & Dad… This week we really want kids to know that when they are sharing God’s love with others that He is there with them too. How can you remind kids that God is always with us this week at home?

ELEMENTARY BAPTISM CLASS Our next baptism class for elementary aged children is scheduled for Saturday, February 13th at 3pm in Room 229. All children are required to attend a baptism class before they can be baptized. Forms are available at the check in desks upstairs or at the boat downstairs and must be turned in one week prior to attending the class. For more information please contact Kim Gore at: kgore@crossingonline.org or 813-626-0783, ext. 123.

SURRENDERING THE SECRET Many women hide the secret of abortion deep in their hearts, and they are suffering severe consequences. The seven week class, Surrending the Secret, will allow women to release this burden and find freedon through ‘redemptive community’ while experiencing hope and joy as shame and failure are replaced with beauty. Classes start Thursday, February 4th from 7pm-9pm. Register online at www.crossingonline.org or Karen Brooks at 813-654-0491 INTERESTED IN SERVING IN NEXT GEN If you are interested in serving in the NextGen Dept (Babies thru College) or ever wonder what they do, come to Splat! Splat is our ministry orientation for the entire NextGen Dept. You’ll learn about the different environments, leadership and what it means to be Sticky! Saturday, February 6 at 7pm or Sunday, February 7 at 11:30am. Splat takes place upstairs in the Children’s Area. For more information contact: Blake at BLevrets@crossingonline.org. BLOOD DRIVE The Blood Mobile will be at The Crossing on Saturday, February 6, 2010 from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM and Sunday, February 7, 2010 from 8 AM - 1:00pm; Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting this urgent community need; your donation could very well be life saving!

The 26.2 Spiritual Race is intricately designed with you in mind! Through the different 26.2 Experiences, you can learn more about The Crossing and its leadership, become involved in a LifeGroup, and understand more about your spiritual gifts. We encourage everyone to join in the race! Register for all the 26.2 Experiences at www.crossingonline.org. The next experience dates are: • Warm-Up: February 21, registration closes February 14 • Starting Line: January 30 and 31 • Mile One: March 7, registration closes February 27 • Pushing Through: January 30 • Momentum: February 20, registration closes February 14 WWW.TWITTER.COM/CROSSINGOINLINE


CARE CLASSES BEGIN FEBRUARY 2, 2010 We at The Crossing Church have cultivated a community of caring individuals who desire to help people learn how to cast their cares on Jesus through a multifaceted ministry focused on caring for people. The CARE Classes are here to help you grow in these critical areas and experience the life God intends for you to live. Registration is available at www.crossingonline/care-ministries

Saturday, January 30 Sunday, January 31 Epic Journey: Through the Bible The Book of Song of Songs


Song of Songs 2:14-17

Lead Pastor: Greg Dumas

SCRIPTURE Song of Songs 2:14-17 (NIV)

My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. My lover is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies. Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills.

OBSERVATION Attraction and passion for the opposite sex are God given gifts The gifts of attraction, passion and sex are to be explored in the fidelity of the marriage bed The little things are the things that steal passion and dull the joy of partnership and love Christians should be the most satisfied and sexually fulfilled people on the planet

APPLICATION Dating: Continuing to court your spouse Proverbs 5:18

Brown paper bag

Being present

Connecting: Small Talk, Long Kisses, Meaningful Touch and the Right Language Song of Songs 4:1-4; 5:10-11, 14-15 “The Five Love Languages” 1. Physical Touch 2. Quality Time 3. Acts of Service 4. Receiving of Gifts 5. Words of Affirmation Intimacy: The Marriage Bed Hebrews 13:4

Tapes, Toys, Others, Drugs and Alcohol

Not Withholding 1 Corinthians 7:4-5 1. Safety 2. Counting 3. Physical Rest

LIFEGROUPS Use the following as a resource for your LifeGroup to go deeper with this week’s message. We hope this helps you as you “do life together”. Jump right in: This week’s Digging Deeper and Application will be combined for a discussion on the mega themes of the Song of Songs, along with the explanations and importance of these themes. We feel this will be inclusive of singles, healthy marriages and marriages that need refreshing. Here’s how to use this tool: treat it as a mirror. Hold up these themes in your life – married or not – and ask some hard questions of yourself. As you feel comfortable, share with the group places where you excel as well as where you struggle. Go ahead – jump in – the water is very warm.




Sex is God’s gift to his creatures. He endorses God wants sex to be motivated by love and sex, but restricts it to those committed to commitment, not lust. It is for mutual pleasure, each other in marriage not selfish enjoyment.



As the relationship developed, the beauty and wonder of romance unfolded between Solomon and his bride. The intense power of love affected the hearts, minds, and bodies of the two lovers

Because love is such a powerful expression of feeling and commitment between two people, it is not regarded casually. We are not to manipulate others into loving us, and love should not be prematurely encouraged in a relationship

Commitment The power of love requires more than the language of feeling to protect it. Sexual expression is such an integral part of our selfhood that we need the boundary of marriage to safeguard our love. Marriage is the celebration of daily commitment to each other.

While romance keeps a marriage interesting, commitment keeps romance from dwindling away. The decision t commit yourself to your spouse alone begins at the marriage altar. It must be maintained every day.


The two lovers praise the beauty they see in each other. The language they use shows the spontaneity and mystery of love. Our praise should not be limited to physical beauty; beautiful personality and moral purity should also be praised

Our love for our spouse makes him or her appear beautiful. It is the inner qualities that keep love alive. Don’t just look for physical attractiveness in a spouse. Look for the qualities that don’t fade away with time—spiritual commitment, integrity, sensitivity, and sincerity.


Over time, feelings of loneliness, indifference and isolation came between Solomon and his bride. During those times, love grew cold and barriers were raised.

Through careful communication, lovers can be reconciled, commitment can be renewed, and romance refreshed. Don’t let walls come between you and your partner. Take care of problems while they are still small.

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