Epic Journey: The Book of Ezekiel 2010.3.20

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Crossing Family, There is a worship song that has a line that says, “Redemption is here and it lives in me.” What does that mean to us as Christians in 2010? This weekend we will be talking about the redemption of the Lord and how His redeeming grace has transformative power for all mankind, the nation of Israel, the Christian Church and us, the individual. Praying for you, Greg & Tamara Dumas

MARCH’S KP3 FOCUS: PEOPLE Week 3 Big Idea: Loving others means not thinking you are better than they are. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:6-13 Mom & Dad… This week we are learning that when we love others, we should not boast about it. Sometimes kids want to help others so they will get a reward. Think of ways this week where you can teach your child that God deserves rewards for when we do good to others. DO YOU LOVE KIDS? We need volunteers to help with our 1st Wednesday services each month with our elementary aged children (kindergarten through 5th grade). If you love kids and want to be a part of Crossing Kids’ exciting 1st Wednesday service, please contact Kim Gore at kgore@crossingonline.org. INSTRUMENTS OF CHANGE AT CLAIR MEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Volunteers who have some expertise in playing band instruments are needed to work with beginning band students at Clair Mel Elementary School on Thursdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. High School students can get service hour credit for this activity. Donations of musical instruments are also greatly appreciated. Please contact Donna Ready at: 863-688-1243 or dready_18@hotmail.com

Good Friday at 7pm

Saturday at 5pm & 7pm

Sunday at 9:30am, 11:30am & 1:30pm

CONNECT AND GROW FIRST IMPRESSIONS Do you have a smile? Would you like to share it? Are you new and want to meet really awesome people? Join the First Impressions family as a Parker, Ambassador, Usher, First Responder or Café volunteer. We serve every other week and bless others with a smile, handshake, donut or BIG FOAM FINGER! LEOs and Medical personnel are also needed for our First Responders team. For more information, contact Pete Wheeler at pwheeler@crossingonline.org or visit our webpage at www.crossingonline.org/firstimpressions. We look forward to serving with you! DAYSTAR FAITH CENTER TABLE Today as you leave, stop by the table in the lobby for our Local Mission Agency, DAYSTAR FAITH CENTER, and see how you can help make a difference in our community. U.S. MISSIONS COORDINATOR The Crossing Church Missions Department is looking for a U.S. Coordinator for our National Partnerships and future missions project planning. If you have a heart for missions in the U.S. please contact either Norris Brown: nbrown@crossingonline.org or Scott Phipps: missionsworld@crossingonline.org.

The 26.2 Spiritual Race is intricately designed with you in mind! Through the different 26.2 Experiences, you can learn more about The Crossing and its leadership, become involved in a LifeGroup, and understand more about your spiritual gifts. We encourage everyone to join in the race! Register for all the 26.2 Experiences at www.crossingonline.org. The next experience dates are: • Warm-Up: April 25, registration closes April 18 • Starting Line: May 22 and 23, registration closes May 15 • Mile One: June 27, registration closes June 20 • Pushing Through: April 24, registration closes April 18 • Momentum: April 24, registration closes April 18 • Pass it On: May 1, registration closes April 25 WWW.TWITTER.COM/CROSSINGONLINE


EASTER WEEKEND IS COMING Do you have a friend you have wanted to invite to The Crossing for some time? There is no better time than Easter weekend; people are more likely to join you on Christmas and Easter than any other weekend of the year. Remember we have six Easter Weekend services and childcare will be provided for children (birth through 5th grade). See you and your family this Easter! Easter weekend (April 2,3 & 4) services:

Saturday, March 20 Sunday, March 21 Epic Journey: Through the Bible The Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel 36: 24-27; 37


SCRIPTURE Ezekiel 36:24-27 (NIV) “’For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws...”

OBSERVATION The Nation of Israel (Judah) had gone too far, God had to act and judgment was imminent The nation adopted ungodly (sinful) practices and as a whole they were largely accustomed to living without God Religious leaders were corrupt, they practiced Idolatry, they became self serving and obstinately profane Every person will be judged based on what he or she personally does in word and deed Individuals won’t be held accountable for others (collective or other individual) sins, but the sins of others (collective or other individual) are sure to affect the individual

APPLICATION National Sin (Ezekiel Chapter 22-23; 2 Chronicles 7:14) “The Absolutes”, James Robison, Tyndale House, 2002

People matter Greed destroys

Character counts Sex is a great gift that must be protected Strong families are the cornerstone of society Equality is not sameness If government doesn’t serve it will enslave

Religious Sin (Ezekiel chapter 10, 11, 34; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Ephesians chapter 4) Personal Sin (Ezekiel chapter 18; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20) Chart: Summary of Message for Individuals Live


good man

wicked man

good man with wicked parent

wicked man with good parent

wicked man who repents and does good

good man who changes and does evil

Restoration/Redemption (Ezekiel chapter 37) 37:1-10

Spoken over/prayed for (John 4:24)

Time for the Word to recreate your mind and body (Hebrews 4:12; Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 5:17) • • • •

Identity in Christ Search for Significance Experiencing God Wild at Heart, Captivating

Time in fellowship, service as a member of the body (1 John 1:9)

PRAYER Lord, forgive us for chasing after false gods, for turning away from your life giving commands and seeking our own pleasures and truths. Your Word is true and your intention is good. You are gracious to us, slow to anger and abounding in good deeds. I know you can’t look on our sin forever and that we’ve pushed you far beyond your tolerance. Forgive us all of our great trespasses, collectively and individually. Forgive me Lord. Forgive me for my idolatry and love for other things, for my self-indulgence and my arrogance. Forgive me of my pride and selfreliance. Start with me God, I want to serve you and obey you. I want to see your hand of favor and blessings in my generation.

LIFEGROUPS Use the following as a resource for your LifeGroup to go deeper with this week’s message. We hope this helps you as you “do life together”. Opener: Can you remember a time when you received some bad news? What was the news? How did it change your life? What about being the bearer of bad news? Has that ever been your job title? Talk about the responsibility you felt being the one to have to share such news. Again, what affect did it have on your life? Digging Deeper: Ezekiel has a message to share that brings no joy to himself to deliver nor for those who receive the message. Ezekiel’s message? Jerusalem will fall. (chs. 6-7) Why? Jerusalem had sinned. (chs. 13-24). Take a moment to read chapter 7. The powerful force of the finality of the situation is evident. Why is God doing this? Answer this question looking both backward (cause of action) and forward desired result of action.) “The repercussions of God have their end in redemption, for all of mankind, for Israel, for me and for you.” This statement Pastor Greg makes repeatedly in his message come directly from Ezekiel’s life and Jerusalem’s dilemma. What does this statement mean for the people of Jerusalem? What does it mean for you? Application: End by reading Ezekiel 36:24-27. God purges His people of sin and idolatry for the purpose of redeeming those same people. As it was for them, so it is today. How might this understanding change your perspective on “bad news?” What is God trying to accomplish in you? What is He trying to redeem? Think of some specific areas of your life God is working to sanctify in you even if at first glance it is bad news. Share them. Pray over them. Be held accountable. This is doing life together.

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