The Crossing Church Bulletin: Nehemiah Project Nov. 20 & 21, 2010

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WELCOME Thanks for joining us today – We are moving into the giving season! We are talking today about a man named Nehemiah who mobilized his people to give of their time, talents, and resources. We learned last weekend that God is our source, but YOU are the resource. I pray that while you are with us this weekend you will find that The Crossing is a place for you to find a church family and be used for great things. Sincerely, Greg and Tamara Dumas Pastor Greg & Tamara Dumas Lead Pastor

UPCOMING EVENTS Emerge JV to “POUR” into Area Missions Crossing students are invited to serve in several different missions areas like Everyday Blessings, nursing homes, and more on Saturday, Dec. 18 from 10am to 4pm. This is for Emerge JV students only (6th-12th grade). The cost is FREE. Please bring a packed lunch, and drinks will be provided. Students can stay after missions for Emerge JV. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Tom at

Student Baptism Service We will be doing a baptism for Emerge JV students on Saturday, Dec. 4 during the 7pm service. We ask that you attend one of the baptism classes being offered either Saturday, Nov. 20 at 7:15pm or Saturday, Dec. 27 at 7:15pm. Students must attend one of these classes before the baptism. We will be meeting during the LifeGroup time in the cafe (Student Center). Parents who would like further student baptism information can find specific info at If there are any other questions, please feel free to email Pastor Tom at

Food Drive Help a family in need this holiday season! Stop by the lobby before you leave, purchase a bag of food for only $10, and bless someone today!

The Crossing Church Blood Drive One donation can save three lives! Join us here at The Crossing – Tampa Campus on Saturday, Nov. 20 from 6-7:30pm or Sunday, Nov. 2 from 8am to 1pm. Your donation will make a difference.

Women’s Benevolence Christmas Coffee Event Thursday, December 9 at 6:30pm. Tickets available for this event November 20-21. Tickets are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information please contact Jennifer Crum at

Nehemiah Project Special Offering Pastor Greg has been walking us through the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the protective wall that surrounded Jerusalem. Through this series we have learned that we have a good work to be a part of, and that by putting our hands to this work, we can accomplish the impossible. On the weekend of December 11-12 we will be taking a special offering that will give us the chance to invest in what God is doing through the ministries of The Crossing Church. Please be in prayerful consideration on how you may give.

The 26.2 Discipleship Process is an 18-week process that will help you discover and apply biblical truths in your everyday life and learn how God has designed you to connect, serve, grow, give, and reach. We encourage everyone to join in the race. Register for the 26.2 Discipleship Process at:

For more announcement details:

Saturday, November 20 Sunday, November 21



Nehemiah Project Nehemiah 4:10, 13-14; Joshua 24:14-15

Lead Pastor: Greg Dumas

SCRIPTURE Nehemiah 4:10, 13-14 (NLT) 10 Then the people of Judah began to complain that the workers were becoming tired. There was so much rubble to be moved that we could never get it done by ourselves... 13 So I placed armed guards behind the lowest parts of the wall in the exposed areas. I stationed the people to stand guard by families, armed with swords, spears, and bows. 14 Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the leaders and the people and said to them, “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your friends, your families, and your homes!”

Joshua 24:14-15 (NIV) “Now fear “Honor” the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. 15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” 14


Nehemiah rallied the people to help those who were growing tired and weary from their work on the wall. They were all alone and the work was too great for their number. Nehemiah assigned armed guards and willing people to the areas of the wall that were most exposed first. The people were protected as they worked to repair their portion of the wall. Nehemiah called on entire families to respond in faith; they were asked to fight for their friends, and their homes. The Lord is calling our church to respond in faith. We are being asked to take our place and do our part!

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APPLICATION 1. Exposed Place (Christmas weekend) •

First impressions


2. Exposed Place (First Impressions for regular weekend services) •



Ushers and Greeters

3. Exposed Place (Next Generation Ministry for regular weekend services) •


Emerge JV

Volunteer applications and background checks are required to serve with children at all campuses.

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PRAYER Lord, thank you for blessing me with the ability and desire to serve you. You are the author and the perfector of my faith, and I will gladly give you my time, my talents and my treasures. You started your good work in me, and I know that you have promised to bring that good work to faithful maturity. I am proud to be a part of a family of faith that is moving in your mission on the earth. I will gladly do my part, and I will take my place for you. I will gladly serve you and your people. I am excited to see your sons and daughters come out of darkness to walk in the light of your life. My family is excited to serve you. We want to grow together and learn together; we want to walk together as a family who fight for one another in the faith!

LIFEGROUPS Use the following as a resource for your LifeGroup to go deeper with this week’s message. We hope this helps you as you “do life together”. Opener: A common question many people ask is, “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” All we have to do to answer this question in its most basic sense is to go back to the beginning of creation and see that we were created to serve. Genesis 2:15 says:“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” We have high expectations of service, do we not? And are disappointed if we don’t get it. Remember the last conversation you had with a company on the phone? How was their customer service? If it’s a good one, share it with your group. So, I want to ask the question: What is your service plan like? If God were to get surveyed on the commitment and service He gets from you, how would you be rated? And what backs up your service? Your heart, or your lips? Digging Deeper : In Joshua 24 I really think Joshua is trying to shock the people. He is trying to shift their thinking from a God who does stuff for them, to a God who is holy and jealous for their love and service. He is trying to get them to see that if they are simply going to say, “Yup, we’ll serve God ‘cause He does stuff for us,” … that won’t sustain them through difficult times, through times of struggle and testing and times when it looks like God isn’t doing anything for them. What is the difference between having our service based on God’s actions or God’s character? Since God has created us to serve, called us to serve, then surely He has prepared us to serve. When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become a part of the body of Christ and the local body of Christ, which for us, is The Crossing Church. The purpose of serving Jesus is to fulfill the Great Commission – to go and make disciples. We serve for the benefit of others that they may know Christ personally, and in turn, they too will desire to serve Him and obey Him. Then we will grow in unity and spiritual maturity individually and corporately. Is it possible for the church to reach its potential without every person committed to serving? There are many places to serve in this local body. We heard this weekend that help is needed in First Impressions (Greeters, Ushers, Parkers and Café workers) and Crossing Kids. These are just two of the many. And you, being part of the body, what piece are you playing? Application: Are you really committed to God? Are you sharing your faith, studying the Word, praying, being faithful to church? Being faithful to serving? Are you living your life out loud? Today, God’s calling you to be fully committed to Him. He can’t do what He desires in your life until you become fully committed to Him. He never asks you to give up something that He doesn’t replace with something greater than what you gave up. Wouldn’t it be nice as a LifeGroup to commit together to serve the Lord with ALL of ourselves?

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