The Crossing Church Bulletin: Community September 18th & 19th

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WELCOME Dear First Time Guests and Friends, Welcome to The Crossing. We are so thankful you are here! Our Spiritual Development Pastor, David Oates, will be preaching today on “Community.” Specifically, he will be talking about how a LifeGroup allows us to be loved, to belong, and to be changed. If this is your first time here today and you have questions about how you can join a LifeGroup we encourage you to stop by the LifeGroup café just outside the doors of the main auditorium before you leave where a leader can share with you more. We pray that you have an amazing day and that you will be blessed during your week.

Pastor Greg & Tamara Dumas Lead Pastor

Your Pastor, Greg and Tamara Dumas, Lead Pastor

UPCOMING EVENTS Help Our New Spanish Campus Pastor Dave and Alicia Murphy need items for their home. They sold all of their belongings to move from Ireland and are in need. Visit a Target store and ask for the “David Murphy” registry.

Spanish Campus Te invitamos a unirte con el Pastor Greg y nuestro nuevo Pastor Hispano David Murphy el Domingo día 26 de Septiembre a las 5 de la tarde, en el Life Center, en la iglesia. ¡Es el primer culto juntos para el campus en español! Todo el que esté interesado será bienvenido. Habrá un tiempo de alabanza, la visión será expuesta, y tendremos un devocional...¡todo en ESPAÑOL! Esperamos que puedas participar de este acontecimiento especial. ¡Nos vemos allí! Join Pastor Greg and our new spanish Pastor Dave Murphy on Sunday, September 26 at 5pm for our very first spanish campus launch team meeting. Anyone who is interested is welcome! There will be praise and worship, vision casting, and a devotional...all in Spanish! We hope you will become part of this special event.

Job Position Available Full Time HR/Payroll Assistant position. Email resume to

For Zion’s Sake Bring your family and join us as we celebrate the Jewish Holy Days/Fall Festival with our local Jewish partner, For Zion’s Sake Ministries. Go to for more information or call Beth O’Brien, 813-857-7818 for reservations.

Women’s Christmas Coffee Benevolence Event Interested in hosting a table? The event will be on Thursday, December 9. For more information on hostess responsibilities, please contact

Instruments of Change Today as you leave, stop by the table in the lobby for our local mission agency, Instruments of Change, and see how you can help their mission by bringing music to the lives of children of need.

The 26.2 Discipleship Process is an 18-week process that will help you discover and apply Biblical truths in your everyday life and learn how God has designed you to connect, serve, grow, give, and reach. We encourage everyone to join in the race. Register for the 26.2 Discipleship Process at: •

Warm up: November 7th – registration closes October 31st

For more announcement details:

Saturday, September 18 Sunday, September 19




Ephesians 4:16

Speaker: David Oates

SCRIPTURE Ephesians 4:16 (NIV) 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

OBSERVATION 1. Belong 2. Be Loved 3. Be Changed ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

APPLICATION Join a LifeGroup Family (on or off campus) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

PRAYER Father we desire to be like you. We thank you for inviting us into your family. We ask you to guide us into the LifeGroups you have designed for us. Thank you for not leaving us alone but giving us a family to belong to. Teach me how to love and be loved, and allow me to be changed in the LifeGroup family you have for me.

LIFEGROUPS Use the following as a resource for your LifeGroup to go deeper with this week’s message. We hope this helps you as you “do life together”.

Opener: 1.

This may be one of our more difficult openers for some people. Let God guide you through. What was your family like growing up? Was it a place you wanted to be? Why? Why not? What about others? Did they feel like “part of the family” when they were over at your house? Were there any families growing up you loved to be around? What made it so?

Digging Deeper : 2. Pastor David Oates is challenging those not in LifeGroups to join one of these families. Considering this invitation, take a closer look at your LifeGroup. In your answers to the opening question, some qualities of inviting families should have surfaced. Some qualities of uninviting families might have come to light as well. As a group – do a check-up. Are we a family people would like to join? How are we welcoming? What are areas we could improve? Is this check-up even worth it?

Application: 3. These LifeGroup Notes are an opportunity for your LifeGroup to increase its awareness to respond to the following question, “Does anyone want to join our family?” Perhaps your LifeGroup is too large, too quiet, too serious, or just perfect. Either way, write out a plan on how to be the body as described in Ephesians 4:16 – growing together in maturity in Jesus Christ. Close by celebrating how your particular LifeGroup family has encouraged each member within the LifeGroup.

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