The Crossing Prayer Requests December 15-19, 2010

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The Crossing Prayer Requests 12/15 - 12/19/2010 Pray for strength to get through a breakup after three years. Also, pray that I do not harbor unforgiveness or bitterness.

Pray that I would be covered by the grace of God. I am feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Pray for wisdom for my husband to make better financial decisions. My heart longs for a marriage of unity and purpose, only to feel continually rejected and used.

My wife of nine and a half years left me. About one year ago I recommitted my life to God, and He has truly changed me; however, she still wants a divorce. She just moved out. We have a 3year-old son and no family in Florida. Pray for both of us. Only a miracle of God can save our marriage. Pray for God’s will.

Pray for strength to raise my children while I struggle financially with my job. I lost my husband five months ago due to suicide.

Pray for my husband’s health and that I will be able to pay my mortgage.

Pray that my health insurance issues would be resolved this week. My son has a cardiologist appointment, and I have an OB appointment this coming week, as well as a hospital procedure. We cannot afford to pay all of this without insurance. Pray that I am not fearful about any of this.

Pray for my daughter’s health and for our finances to get better.

Pray that my 17-year-old old son has discernment as to where God will have him when he graduates this year. Pray for my daughter to get a job and get her life back together. Pray for my sons to get good jobs and all my children to really know God. And please pray for my husband’s salvation. Lastly, please pray for finances, peace and health within our extended family. Pray for my twin sister who was recently diagnosed with Grave’s disease and had surgery to remove her thyroid. The wound is not healing. Pray for complete healing and strength.

I need prayer for my three children. Pray for me to make wise choices and to put God first in my life.

Pray for my husband in rehab, and my mom, whom recently had a stroke. I don’t have money to pay bills, so please also pray that I find a roommate.

Pray for my family. My sister has been sent to boarding school and hopefully will return next year. Help us find a school.

Thank God! My brother was diagnosed with stage four gastric cancer in February 2010 and for the past five months his cancer has been shrinking without chemo.

Thanks to all who are praying for my daughter who is in deep with problems.

Pray for continued health for my family and guidance in closure from my husband. Thank God for blessing me with healthy children and a way to provide for them.

Pray for home repairs. Pray for our marriage and that God brings us closer together and rids us of animosity and that we continue to stay focused on Him.

Pray that my job interview goes well and I get the job. Pray that Celebrate Recovery does its work for me and the many addictions I suffer from. Pray that Jesus will redirect me.

Pray that my severe back injury can uphold through my new job as a firefighter. Pray that the Lord will place His protective hands on my back through such a dangerous and physically demanding job. And pray that I don’t get injured while helping others in time of crisis.

Pray for my husband and our finances. He is out of work and depressed, turning toward his addictions. He doesn’t feel he needs church. Pray for a changed heart and our marriage to be healed.

Pray that my mother’s scans from her chemo treatment come back clear. Pray for our family as we lost my brother due to cancer.

Prayer for direction in a relationship.

I need prayer for our 4-year-old daughter. She just had her third eye surgery (both eyes) and will need another surgery in December. Pray that this will be her last one. Pray for healing.

Pray for a person suffering from colon cancer.

Pray for my best friend’s brother who has been under Hospice care and is losing his battle with cancer. Pray for mercy and peace and let him feel God’s presence and love as he struggles for life. Pray for all of these family members with cancer and for peace for the entire family as they walk through this.

Pray for a mother – for favor and relief from a difficult situation. Pray for my health from frequent infections, hoarseness and excessive mucus.

Pray for my dad to find a new job and for me to move back to Tennessee.

Pray that my brother and his wife are able to save their marriage. She has already shut him out and started divorce paperwork. Pray that her heart is softened.

Thank the Lord for a new business plan and for providing! Also thank you, Lord for providing a way to get out of our house (that neighborhood) and into a new one.

Pray for family and friends. Pray for guidance as I go through a divorce, and I am uncertain of God’s path for me.

Pray for my six-month-old neighbor who stopped breathing during his nap and suffered massive brain damage from lack of oxygen. He is in a vegetative state and the doctors have asked the family to make a decision. Pray for a miracle.

I need prayer for a single mom of two sons. Pray that she implants the seed that moves them to know and love God from deep within their hearts.

Thank you for praying for my husband. He was in a motorcycle accident earlier this year and there have been so many little miracles since then because of you and your faithful prayer time.

Pray for me– I have lived with pancreatic cancer for two and a half years.

Pray for my finances and for my ex-husband who is also struggling financially.

I have been serving Christ for six years now and from the moment I gave my life, God has ministered through me. He has called me to preach and minister and do so much. Pray for me.

Pray for a girl’s surgery for cancer.

I am getting married February 2011. Pray for God in marriage more than ever. Also, pray for a new job in Tampa (from Orlando). I am a former worship leader – prayer for opportunity to use gifts.

Continue to pray for our strength in the Lord

Prayer to get driver’s license back, and prayer to take care of my priorities so that I can get the job God knows I need to get out on my own and move forward with my life. Pray for a friend to overcome his addictions and start living like God wants him to. Pray for my three children’s salvation.

Pray for a father’s health. Pray for a mother.

Pray for marriage and family. Pray for finances.

Pray for our marriage. My husband is not sure he wants to stay married. He has moved out and wants a divorce. Pray to restore and heal our marriage.

Pray for my son, for relationships and confusion.

Pray for my aunt who is struggling with bone cancer.

Pray for my friend’s parents. Their marriage is struggling. Pray for my friend, who is having a hard time coping.

Thanks and praise for the newest addition to our family – brother and wife’s new baby. Thank the Lord that mother and child are healthy.

Pray for my wife. She is under much stress. I lost my job one month ago. Pray for God to give me direction for a job. Pray that we are able to help others. Pray for finances.

Pray for a job which will allow me to be home in the afternoons to care for our special needs son. Pray for finances. Pray for peace for a friend who lost her grandparents recently. She was very close to them both. Pray for nephew who will start college soon.

Pray for our family. Mother/wife passed away last month.

Pray for back surgery.

Thanks and praise! Thanking God for helping me pass my class this semester – He is a God of miracles and of grace.

Pray for aunt who is sick. Pray for our relationship to get stronger everyday.

Praise God! After four months my daughter spoke and stayed a night with me. I want to thank all who prayed.

Pray for youngest son’s healing; he witnessed his brother’s suicide and I have not seen him smile for some time.

Pray for a healthy relationship with my boyfriend.

Pray for opportunity to get back to church regularly – to never backslide again.

Pray for family in Orlando and family in California. Pray for my wife and children. Pray for people at The Crossing and the pastors and their families.

Serving is my lifeline; pray that God continues to strengthen me in body, spirit and mind.

Pray that we close on our house before Christmas so that we can finally put up a tree and decorations. Also pray that my daughter can have her own room. Pray for patience. Pray that I continue to follow God. Pray for all past, present and future service men and women.

Prayer that my sister realizes how precious and special she is to me. She has made such a positive difference in my life.

Pray for her sons’ salvations.

Pray for wife to get immigration papers.

Pray for my ministry.

Pray for a brother.

Pray for my health and a job.

Pray for a family.

Pray for a marriage, family and finances.

Pray for my family in Puerto Rico, my daughter, my finances and a direction in ministry.

Pray for a best friend who has had confusion/memory issues for six months. Doctors haven’t figured out what was wrong. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and healing for my friend.

Pray for my son and that he feels God’s healing touch and stops drinking, fighting and smoking cigarettes.

Pray for healing for my foot from a severe car accident. Pray that bone will be healed, blood flowing and the eight screws can be removed.

Pray for my children and me. My husband just left us. Pray that God enters his heart and he realizes his mistake.

Pray for our 19-year-old daughter. She has been making bad decisions. Her mother and I want what is best for her. Pray that God will always be with her and that she may discover that He is the answer. May God bless her. Pray that she know we love her and always will.

Pray that my family can get money to pay electric bill and have a better year.

Pray for my best friend. She recently tore her ACL and is having surgery very soon. Pray that God assists the surgeons and recovery goes well.

Pray for my brother and for his recovery from car accident and alcoholism. Pray that he rebuilds his relationship with Jesus. Pray to show our family how to help him.

Praise for restoring my brother’s marriage. Pray for salvation for my other brother. Pray for my father’s wife and that she feel God’s presence as she continues to grieve the loss of my father.

Pray for my sister and brother to be able to come home.

Pray for a friend who found a lump in her breast. She needs a biopsy; however, she has no health insurance and must pay. Her mother had breast cancer and is a survivor. Pray for fear, healing, provision and peace.

My mortgage is three months behind. I am fearful. Pray God will make a way.

Pray for my father who is in the hospital. Pray he will be okay and with us for Christmas.

Praise God for helping me lately and always when I call on him. Pray for wisdom to make better choices. For my children and me. Pray for strength to live the way He would have me live. Pray for a friend to be healed from his addiction, and to be humbled and have peace and faith.

Pray for my dad with stage six Alzheimer’s. Pray for healing in his mind and body. We need to find a caregiver to help with his needs. Pray for strength for my mom, and God’s love to shower her. Pray for healing for my husband – healing from sickness and addictions.

Pray that we can find an affordable home. Be with everyone involved with my medical treatment and my settlement. Pray that God put us in a position to help others with our talents and money.

Pray for nieces, nephews and family members.

Pray for healing from addiction and for my marriage.

Pray for my marriage. Our divorce is being finalized. I asked for it, but I don’t want it. I want my wife more than anything. Pray for wisdom in this situation.

Pray for a son in the Marine Corps.

Pray for affordable housing in a safe area in Hillsborough County. Pray for a lady who is fighting cancer. Pray for my son and his girlfriend’s drug addictions and that they be healed and accept God as Savior. Pray for my best friend who is fighting cancer.

Pray for my friend who was just in a car accident and requires reconstructive surgery on her face. She required several plates. Pray for continued healing.

Pray for thyroid cancer surgery this month.

Pray my mother’s healing from daily, constant and often debilitating nausea and low white blood count. After numerous tests this past year, the doctors still do not know what is causing her symptoms. Thank the Lord we serve a God who hears and heals! Thank you for joining me in prayer!

Pray for the family who introduced me to The Crossing Church. Pray for forgiveness between the brothers of that family.

Pray for my 69-year-old mother who suffers from Alzheimer’s and diabetes and has been missing since December 3 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Pray for safety and her return home.

Pray that God’s will be done in my life. Pray for discernment, especially with a relationship/exrelationship.

Pray for the friends and family of the young girl who just committed suicide. Her friends, family and teachers are in need of God’s comfort, healing, hope and revelation.

Pray for the 12-year-old who is staying with my family at this time. Pray God uses me to reach him. Pray for his abuse issues and the unforgiveness to be lifted. Pray God gives me the right words and tools to help this child in a way that will have a lasting effect when he moves to Minnesota at the end of next week.

Pray for a friend’s children who are fighting substance abuse and for the grandchildren who are suffering also. Pray that God will bind up Satan and remove him from our children!

Pray for me: I have addiction issues that will break up my marriage. I am saved, though am not living like it. Pray that I can live a godly life and break free of this addiction.

Pray that my friend’s interview goes well so that she may get this job. Pray that God be the one answering/asking the questions – bless her with clarity. Pray for finances.

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