crossmen #40

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ISSUE 40 June 2010 CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email:

Contents 2

Editor’s Note


News Review


Liars = CEOs? How True is That?




Prophecy Daily


Cultural Trend


Oh baby… is that you?




Learning about Geography in Iceland


Special Feature1 我是憤怒?


Special Feature2 擁抱,生命中不能承受的傷痛

Embracing the Unbearable Pain in Life



iMusic IX - 牽你手

iMusic IX - Take your hand


Cooking PaPa


Papa Cheung – the Thoughtful and Gentle One


Book Reader

So the Earth is flat – and what else?

‘Flat Earth News’ by Nick Davies






Angry? Am I?

$100 son

MANAGEMENT Publisher Andrew Ho Editor-in-Chief Daniel Wong Marketing Manager Mabel Tai THE CROSSMEN TEAM Executive Editor Irene Leung Art Director Pun Wing Hong Design Supervisor York Tsui CONTRIBUTORS Words Seine Lam, Ching Ching, Yanni Li, Hei Leung, Kit Lun, Sean Chan, GiGi Lo, Lamki Translator Chan Yik, Tim Lo, Yanni Li, Sherri, Dora Cheng, Clara Fong, Ching Ching Design and Photography Katy Hung, Kashun, York Tsui, Kit Lun, German Cheung, Jenny

廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223

Text / German Cheung | Design / York Tsui

起錨與超錯──是他,也是你和我 又是另一個口號。 當「起錨」聲與「超錯」聲此起彼落,iPhone在全城意料之 內推出了第四代;或許人們已將富士康十三跳的「超錯」 暫時放下,正在考量是否為第四代「起錨」…… 就像今期的「預言日報」,當五十年前的人知道今日正在 發生的事,一定會覺得超錯,然而今日的新聞即使是千奇 百怪,我們這些「未來人」卻只會覺得一切不過是換湯不 換藥。為什麼?為什麼今天的我們好像愛上了虛假?我們 追捧假睫毛和眼線筆堆砌出來的美艷,又寧願兩歲孩子學 懂說謊,只求日後名成利就做個CEO!也許,一切源於我 們對自己先說了一個最大的謊言:你不需要真理。 即或如此,我仍敢相信人對「真」的追求從未放棄,即使 有多少化妝和偽裝,我們仍渴望擁有真正自然的美;雖然 新聞報導疑幻似虛,但仍有人勇於揭露真相。 這令我想起二千年前羅馬巡撫彼拉多,當耶穌以犯人身份 站在他面前,高高在上的他竟問:「甚麼是真理?」原 來,不論是誰都渴望求真,而真理亦實在口唾手可得。可 惜的是,「身份」與所謂的「立場」總是叫人看不見真 理。而今期Heidi Baker 的故事就讓我們看見,願意放下身 份,甘於降卑,就會看見別人的身份──同樣是寶貴的生 命!然後便能放下口號,用心用手傳遞愛和寬恕。 我渴望「we want something real!」成為我們每一個內心 最大的吶喊,不再在社會分化與政治的狂潮中浮沉。

Editor’s notes ︳02

小時侯說謊,長大後 更大機會做CEO?

Liars = CEOs? How True is That?

03 ︳ News review

Text / Bon Bon | Design / Katy Hung 最近有一則很有趣的新聞,《星期日泰晤士報》報導,加 拿大多倫多大學的一項研究發現,兩歲就懂說謊的小孩更 有機會當上CEO (行政總裁)。研究發現兩歲會說謊的小 孩只有20%,三歲是50%,四歲達90%,而十二歲後幾乎所 有小孩都會說謊,十六歲時數字便回落至70%。小孩子的 謊話天馬行空,有小孩說狗兒把他的功課吃了所以沒有交 功課,也有小孩明明被告知不可看背後的玩具是什麼,她 偷看後卻謊稱是上帝告訴她那是什麼玩具。研究員指出, 小孩子懂說謊反映他們的智力已達相當高的水平,而說謊 的能力特別反映小孩的「執行能力」(Executive Function),「執行能力」高的人能把真相拋諸腦後,讓謊話更 具說服力,也能專注於執行重要的任務,不受枝節和情緒 打擾,這些正正就是CEO所需要的才能。 看完這則新聞,筆者馬上就想起一句俗語,就是「忠忠直 直,終須乞食」。在商場如戰場的現代社會,凡事實話實 說幾乎無法生存,如果岳飛是CEO,他大概早已破產,也 不會留下「精忠報國」的美名,而秦檜也許會成為出色的 企業家,也許不用被人罵足數百年。的確,正直的人好像 很笨很蠢很「蝕底」,現代社會彷彿不再重視「正直」這 種美德。但是,如果凡事只重成效,只重結果的社會是個 怎樣的社會? 中國的經濟在這十幾年快速增長,國民越來 越以效益為本,結果什麼假雞蛋、毒奶粉統統出來了!錢 是賺多了,人民是富裕了,但中國人一直引以為傲的「忠 直」卻沒有了。 《舊約聖經》有一個人物叫約瑟,他在埃及做奴隸時,主 人的妻子勾引他,本來和主母搭上也沒有人會知道。因為 他的主人是法老的近身待衛,常常不在家,而且他極度信 任約瑟,把家中的一切事都交給他打理。但約瑟卻堅持自 己的道德立埸,拒絕主母的勾引,結果反被主母誣告他非 禮而被主人收在監裡。如果故事就這樣完了,約瑟便是 「忠忠直直,終須乞食」的典型人物。 但約瑟卻繼續在獄中堅持自己的正直,最終成了埃及的宰 相,法老更把全國都交給他管理。「官字兩個口」,做官 要夠奸,做大官要更奸,但法老就是欣賞約瑟的正直,約 瑟就這樣一直擔任宰相之職直到病逝。 謊話或許能為你換取短暫的回報,但也有隨時幻滅的一 天,最終反成了自己的網羅。

Something interesting is reported by the “The Sunday Times” recently. According to a survey conducted by the University of Toronto, children who are able to tell lies at 2 will have bigger chances to be CEOs. The results show that 20% of 2-year-old kids are able to tell lies, 50% for the 3-year-old group and 90% for the 4-year-old. Almost all children can be liars when they reach 12 but the figures descend after they turn 16. Children's lies are always creative: some even dare to blame their overly hungry dogs if they can't submit their homework on time; the others claimed to have received Divine revelation while what they’ve done was actually sneaking a look at the forbidden toy. The researchers point out that, the ability of telling lies demonstrate a high level of intelligence, especially their “executive function”. People with high executive function can intentionally delete the “truth” in their mind to make their lies more persuasive, and keep focus on the significant mission without any emotional factors, which are both the prerequisites of CEOs. This news reminds me of a Chinese saying, “Be smart, or you’ll be left in misery”. It is almost impossible to be honest in the modern battlefield of our society. Yue Fei, the Great Loyal General in Song Dynasty, would be the worst CEO under this theory without leaving an ever-lasting fame, whilst the infamous Qin Hui would the best ever CEO in the world! In our times, being an honest man seems to be idiotic and righteousness is no longer valued by the modern society. But what will the society become if we only focus on success and effectiveness? The Chinese is a typical product of a result-oriented nation with her speedy pace of economic growth. However, the precious morality of traditional Chinese risks extinction as people grow in affluence. There was a man named Joseph in the Old Testimony of Bible. Joseph, an Israeli slave in Egypt, was seduced by his master's wife. Their affair would not be revealed as Joseph's master was a bodyguard of Pharaoh and was not able to be at home as much as he want, so he trusted Joseph fully and appointed him to take charge of everything at his home. Joseph persisted on his righteousness and morality by refusing his master’s wife. The lady, provoked by his rejection, incriminated Joseph and had him jailed. This makes Joseph becoming a typical example of one who’s not “smart” enough, thus end up in misery – if the story ends here. However, the table turned as Joseph continued to persist in his righteousness. Joseph became the minister of Egypt finally and the Pharaoh even appointed him to manage the whole country as he admired Joseph's morality. Joseph was the minister of Egypt until the date of his death. Lies might bring one some temporal benefits, yet the honor building on falsehood can never last and will trap the one who set it up one day.

News Review ︳04




陳先生 陳先生、陳太太、金水和小妹是一個平平凡凡的香港家 庭。陳先生是石油公司文員,閒時雖也喜歡抽根煙,但卻 始終是個一等良民。太太沒有工作,在家專心照顧一對孩 子,間中會接些散工回家做,替人編毛衣、穿膠花,一對 子女有時候也會會幫忙,補貼一下生活開支。他們與另外 三伙人合租一個單位,居住環境不算特別舒適,但每次 「衛生幫」(政府衛生督察)上樓巡查,都能順利過關。 他們常常暗自想,也許是因為包租婆對衛生幫特別客氣, 必恭必敬的,所以廚房的汙垢、老鼠的吱吱微聲都被掩藏 了。 金水今年唸中二,每天和小妹走路半小時上學,再走半小 時回家。路上餓了,偶爾會用毫半子($0.15)買兩個雞尾 包分著吃,已經是非常奢侈的享受了。金水和小妹的成績 都不怎麼樣,尤其是火爆衝動的金水,不時會與同學發生 爭執,結果不是罰打掌心,就是在操場罰站一小時,所以 入學不久就學會了「錯就要認,鬧就企定」的生存之道。 小妹自小身體就有點弱,感冒、咳嗽、肚痛、發燒都是家 常便飯。每次生病,媽媽就為她煮苦苦的感冒茶,著她上 床休息,說:「焗身汗就無事喇!」真正看醫生的機會倒 不多。

05 ︳ Feature

小妹 The Chan’s family is a regular Hong Kong household in the 60’s. Mr. Chan is a clerk, a smoker and a decent citizen. Mrs. Chan is a full-time housewife and supports family expenses by doing some handicrafts at home once in a while. The Chan’s shared an apartment with 3 other families. Every now and then, the hygiene inspector will come and spotcheck their apartment. They always suspect that it is the courtesy of the landlord saves them from troubles, for they never really maintain cleanliness as much as they ought to. Kam Shui, the secondary-two-boy, walked his younger sister (Shao Mei) school everyday. An hour of walking to and back from school is a constant item in their daily schedule. Sometimes Kam Shui will buy two coconut buns at the price of $0.15 and share this luxury with Shao Mei. A loving brother he might be, Kam Shui’s rage sometimes causes him troubles at school, which teach him about obedience and discipline. Health is something Shao Mei can hardly dream of. Flu, coughs, diarrhea visit constantly and Mrs. Chan always treats her with traditional herbal tea. Plenty of rest and the fragrance of herbs seem to be a helpful antidote for Shao Mei, while formal doctor consultation remains rare.

Text / Lamki & Ching Ching | Design / Katy Hung


1961年6月15日,金水和小妹 如常結伴回家,走到半路的時 候,小妹突然發現了一份厚疊 疊的彩色紙張,說它是書嘛, 又沒有釘裝;是雜誌嘛,卻又 沒有封面;翻開內頁,性感女 郎的泳衣照片還讓金水差點以 為自己拾到了黃色禁書。

On 15 June 1961, Kam Shui and Shao Mei walked home as usual and all of a sudden, Shao Mei discovered a pile of colored papers which was neither a book nor a magazine. Kam Shui almost concluded that it was pornography as he peeped the images of sexy models there.



「哥!感冒就可以不用上學了嗎?媽!下次我發燒,也要 請假!」小妹叫嚷道,「閉嘴!」媽媽頭也不抬地喝了一 聲,然後暗自納悶:「就是嘛,50年後的人沒藥吃嗎?不 懂喝感冒茶嗎?」 “Kam Shui, I never know that I can take leave from school because of flu! Mum, I won’t go to school next time I have fever!” shouted Shao Mei. “Shut it, Shao Mei” replied Mrs. Chan and she said to herself, “Don’t they drink herbal in 2010? It’s so awkward!”

6 兩兄妹研究了大半天,才搞明白原來這是一份來自2010年 的報紙。在家裡預備晚飯的陳太太對此非常好奇,於是叫 金水把內容都唸出來,讓她邊洗菜邊聽。 It took the duo quite a while to understand that it’s a set of newspaper from 2010. As they went home, Mrs. Chan asked Kam Shui to read out everything inside so that she could listen to it when rinsing the vegetables.

4 二十五名學生發燒 三小學疑流感爆發 停課 紅磡一小學十二名學生相 繼出現流鼻水、發燒等流 感病徵,校方宣佈停課一 星期。

25 Students Reported Fever

3 Primary Schools Suspended for Flu Outbreak 25 students from a primary school in Hung Hom reported flu symptoms of running nose and fever. School is suspended for a week for fear of flu outbreak.

學生挑釁老師 短片網上熱播 近日一段短片再度紅爆youtube,一名學生不滿老 師高聲要求他安靜坐好,翻檯以示對抗,並以粗言辱 罵。短短三小時點擊率已達20萬……

Youtube Blockbuster – Rebellious Student Confronted Teacher at School A student was provoked as his teacher requested him to behave and be seated. He turned over the table and insulted his teacher with foul languages. Hit rate of the youtube video exceeds 200,000 in 3 hours…

Feature ︳06



The newspaper brought the whole family into a puzzle. “Spoilt-students failed to do their shoelaces” reminds Shao Mei of her walking to school, while other eye-catching headlines in the international section sounds like fiction: “Rooster Laying Eggs as Hens are Killed by Fox”, “British Woman Spoke with Chinese Accents after Catching Migraine”. When they learned about the $0.5 plastic bag tax, Kam Shui started to fantasize about the coconut buns he can purchase with $0.5 and Mrs. Chan was confused as she could never figure out why people cheer at the use of shopping basket as it’s something that she’s been doing all the way long.

「我看它寫錯了吧!我只看過老師拍檯罵人,怎麼可能 有學生在班房內翻檯?」金水很是疑惑。「哥,什麼是 youtube?」一向有問必答的金水被小妹問得啞口無 言…… “It couldn’t be right! How possibly can a student turned the table in a classroom? Our teachers are supreme!” Kam Shui wondered. Even more puzzling was Shao Mei’s question, “What is youtube?”


天文台預測香港2030年沒有冬天 「媽,這裡說天文台預測香港的冬天可 能不會有低過16度的日子」金水還未唸 完,媽媽已衝出來說:「那成什麼樣子? 厚被棉襖都往哪裡去擱?香港要變成南 洋了嗎?」

來自未來的一切,彷彿很現代,但似乎又好像在「原地踏步」。 To the Chan’s, the future seems to be everything “modern” and at the same time scarily primitive.

HK Observatory Predicts the Nonexistence of Winter in 2030 “The Observatory predicts that there will be no more days below 16 degree Celsius in Hong Kong…” Mrs Chan rushed out and interrupted, “That’s impossible! How are we supposed to deal with the winter clothes?”


官員落區宣傳政改 中學 教師反駁贏掌聲 繼立法會內議員向官員掟蕉、叫 罵後,針對政府官治和聲望的戰 場由議會內移師校園。政府官 員今日到港島區名校宣傳政改方 案,遇上老師當眾挑戰……禮堂 內掌聲如雷。


School Crowds Applauded as Teacher Challenge Government Officials Banana throwing, yelling and other challenges against the authority of the government extend to campus Teacher confronted government officials at a talk on political reform…the crowd showed approval with a round of applause.


這份報章,令大家都感到大惑不解。「家長名車接港孩 學童不會綁鞋帶」,讓小妹想起自己每天來會一小時的路 程;國際版上的「狐狸吃掉母雞 公雞轉性識生蛋」、「 英婦患偏頭痛症 說話變中國口音」聽起來就像是天方夜 譚;讀到「$0.5膠袋稅見成效 主婦轉用菜籃人數增」, 金水開始盤算$0.5可以買多少個雞尾包,陳太太則想,現 在我們不都用菜籃買菜嗎?怎麼人們都拿舊聞當新聞?有 鹹水草紮豬肉和白菜,為什麼還要膠袋? 07 ︳ Feature

陳太太驚道:「向官掟蕉?還有皇法嘛?我們連衛生幫都 不敢得罪啊!」聽到這裡,一直沉默的陳先生終於抬頭 說:「那是野蠻,不是文明。」 Mrs. Chan was perplexed, “Ridiculous! We don’t even dare to displease the hygiene inspector! What kind of civilization is that?” Mr. Chan broke the silence with his remarks, “There’s no civilization about it at all. Nothing can be more barbaric than insulting one another.”


那天晚上,陳先生、陳太太、金水和小妹都有點吃不下 嚥,四個人沉默地坐在桌前,桌上的菜慢慢變涼…… 終於,金水開腔說道:「這樣的未來,太可怕了。」另外 三人緩緩地點點頭,(雖然小妹覺得,上學不用打手罰站 其實也挺過癮,但她一向認為哥哥永遠是對的,所以也跟 著點點頭,為了證明自己對哥哥的看法忠貞不貳,她用力 得連脖子都痠了)「我們不可以讓它發生!」爸爸一拍桌 子,站起來說:「沒錯!我們要找隔壁的王太太、張先生 一起想想辦法!」 活在2010年的你和我當然知道,金水一家,誠然無法扭 轉時空。50年前的所謂預言,都已成為我們司空見慣的新 聞。科技,讓許多的不可能成為可能;而所謂的進步,亦 滋生了許多前人認為不可思議的現象。到底什麼是預言? 未卜先知的能力,是為了讓人趨吉避凶,還是叫人泯滅盼 望?如果你今天也收到一份預言日報,你認為上面會寫著 什麼?你「希望」會讀到些什麼?

None of them was having much appetite for the dinner. Dishes turned cold as they sat quietly at the table. Kam Shui was the first to speak, “It would be a frightening future.” The three of them nodded and Mr. Chan thumped the table, saying, “We can’t let it happen! Let’s talk to the Wong’s and the Chueng’s to seek a way out of this!” The Chan’s mission never succeeds. The “prophecy” 50 years ago has already become the norms of our time. Technology turns impossibilities into nothing, while “social development” brings ridiculous phenomenon into life. So what is “prophecy”? Will the power of reading the future help us avoid sufferings, or is it going to defeat us in the hope of a better future? If you received a Prophecy Daily today, what would you expect to read? What would you “hope” to read?

資料來源: 1. 英婦患偏頭痛症 說話變中國口音: 2. 狐狸吃掉母雞 公雞轉性識生蛋: 3. 天文台預測香港2030年沒有冬天:

Feature ︳08

Text / Kitlun| Design / Kashun

09 ︳ Cultural Trend

Cultural Trend ︳10

11 ︳ Cultural Trend

Text / GiGi Lo | Design / German Cheung 冰島在哪兒?它的首都在哪裡? 假若要你數冰島五項特 色,你會數到甚麼?冰?…… Björk?...... 還有呢?……有 企鵝嗎?(答案請看文末) 如非早前冰島火山爆發,我們大概連冰島有火山也不知 道。如非看過謝安琪的唱片封套,我們不會相信冰島有個 藍得太假的湖。 零九年的夏天,在冰島破產的陰霾下,我與友人踏足這奇 妙的國家。 旅行前的資料搜集總教我「未出發,先興奮」。介紹冰島 的旅行書籍不多,大多只佔一本「北歐深度遊」的數頁。 我們就是給那數頁景色觸動,即使由挪威來回冰島的機票 需要三千多港元,也一定要踏上旅途。 抵步第一件事情是兌換冰島克郎。一歐羅兌換約一百八十 冰島克郎!第一天拿著十多萬紙幣,享受做個短暫的大富 翁。離開機場,清風隨來。夏季的冰島只有八至十三度, 我們卻認為比香港攝氏十數度的冬季還要暖和。

Where is Iceland? What is the capital of Iceland? What could you think of when talking about Iceland? Ice?… Björk? Or… penguins? (Answer in passage end) If not because of the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, I guess we would not know there is volcano in Iceland. If not seeing Kay Tse’s album cover, we might not believe there is a lake in Iceland as blue as a crayon. In 2009 summer, while Iceland was under the haze of going bankrupt, my friends and I entered this wondrous country. When I was preparing for the trip, I was already feeling excited. Unfortunately, not many guide books talk about Iceland, a few pages at most. However, a mere few pages were enough to fascinate us – to the extent that we are spending HKD3,000 on one flight for the sake of the incredible scenery in the photos! The first thing we did after arrival was to get Iceland currency. 1 Euro can exchange for 180 Icelandic krona. I then became a millionaire for the first time - for a short while though. Cool breeze outside the airport was the first to greet us as we stepped out. It’s about 8-13 degrees in Iceland during summertime, but it seems to be even warmer than 10+ degrees in Hong Kong.

Travelouge ︳12

在冰島自遊行其實比在其他國 家簡單。公共交通不發達, 旅遊景點相距極遠,除了參 加當地的旅行團之外,別無 他法。我們的五人旅行團是 個聯合國﹕導遊是位意大利 s! 人,我與友人私下叫他蘿蔔 um m r pe su 的 來自德國 頭 (Mr. Roberto);另外兩位 中年團友來自德國,我們叫她們 super mums。三種 帶地道口音的英語鬧出不少笑話。 坐上吉普車,開始我們在冰島的地理課。在冰島旅遊,先 決條件是要「行得爬得高得」。蘿蔔頭常說:「想看瀑布 湧流,要爬上這座山……想看連綿的火山,要跨越幾座山 頭......」一句句的 “let’s climb up……” 簡直是惡夢。看 見我們猶疑的眼神,他總會說 “You can stay here and wait”。不親臨其境,倒不如安坐家中看旅遊節目。不行! 蘿蔔頭與 super mums 都健步如飛,似擁有瞬間轉移的魔 法。平常少做運動而畏高的我,步履蹣跚,在山路上摔倒 好幾趟,膽顫心驚。回港後,尾龍骨強烈地抗議了個多星 期。走過顛簸的山路,我們遊覽過瀑布、火山口、冰川、 雪山、間歇泉、瀉湖;看過彩虹、雲海、龍捲風、海獅、 鯨魚;在雪山下品嚐過煙三文魚、芝士;在冰川旁細舔透 心涼的小冰塊 — 千年冰山溶解中的產物。原來溫室效應竟 無聲地破壞著生態! 旅途中,我們把無以名狀的感動化成詩歌,邊欣賞奇景、 邊頌讚父神的偉大。 「地與海奏出歌韻,全地唱讚美歌聲。風與電也歌頌,雲 霧同頌吹送,全地奏響聲勢無比!」 「上帝待我多好,愛有 幾高怎麼知道? 看天空多高你叫彩虹做盟誓最好!」

13 ︳Travelouge

It’s very easy to be a backpacker in Iceland. The transportation is inconvenient and tourist spots are far from each other. Thus, there is no better choice than joining a local tour with a guide and a coach (a jeep this time). The five of us in the tour formed a miniUnited Nation. The tour guide was an Italian, who my friend and I in private called him “Mr. Roberto” (a nickname for foreigners among Hong Kong locals). The other two mates are from Germany and we call them “Super Mums”. Our different English accents brought us much fun during the trip. Our Geography lesson began as we stepped on the jeep. If you want to travel in Iceland, prerequisite is to be a good walker and climber at the same time. ‘Roberto head’ always said, “If you want to see waterfall, you need to climb up this hill; if you want to see volcanoes, you need to pass these mountains…” The sound of his affectionate call “let’s climb up” was like a nightmare to us. Every time he saw the hesitation in our eyes, he would say “you can stay here and wait”. Yet how could we stand staying, waiting and doing nothing while we were already in Iceland? So we eventually climbed those hills and passed those mountains. ‘Roberto’ and Super Mums could walk very fast. In contrast, I hobbled along the path and tripped over for a few times. This journey caused me bad back pain – which lasts till I’m back from Iceland! After walking on the rugged trail, we visited the waterfall, vent, glacier, snow-capped mountain, intermittent springs, and lagoon. We also saw rainbow, sea of clouds, tornadoes, sea lions, and whales. Besides eating Iceland smoked salmon and cheese under snowy mountain, we also tasted a lump of ice, the product of a MELTING glacial river. You can really tell how greenhouse effect indeed influences our Mother Nature when you were there. During the trip, I converted my amazement into melodies. I sang my praises to God as I was surrounded by the majestic landscape. “Let creation sing of the risen King. Let the universe resound. With a shout of love. We will give to You all the highest praise.”



Besides God, who can create this astonishing scenery?

除祂以外,誰能創造這些令人讚嘆的景觀呢? 冰島有多吸引?蘿蔔頭遊歷過很多國家,惟有冰島令他放 棄一切,隻身到此定居,做個導遊。我給他那「尋覓我 理想」的衝勁感動,旅途中多次幻想在冰島住下來(很酷 吧!)。但現實畢竟是現實,不會駕車、不能挨冷、沒甚麼 野外求生技能,在冰島怎生存還是壓抑那份衝動、回港繼 續努力工作吧!

冰島五大特點 1. 不落日 六至七月的冰島,沒有日出日落,不會「眼光光、等天光」。 2. 北極光 蘿蔔頭說,冬季時他常在戶外看到北極光,羨煞旁人。 3. 鯨魚 出海觀鯨振興冰島的旅遊業。鯨魚同時是冰島人的食糧。 在冰島,應否獵殺鯨魚是個敏感話題,切忌隨便質疑他們 「為甚麼吃鯨魚那麼殘忍?」。我們有豬牛羊雞鴨鵝可以 吃,他們沒有呀! 4. Puffin (看圖) 冰島沒有企鵝,但有貌似企鵝又會飛 的鳥類。 5. 數不完的美景 有機會,親身到冰島看看啦!

How lovely is Iceland? As a veteran traveler, ‘Roberto’ decided to give up all that he had and stayed in Iceland after traveling to various parts of the world. He settled here alone and be a tour guide. I’m touched by his courage of pursuing his own dream and, too, fancied staying in Iceland. (Sounds cool huh!?) Coming back to the reality, I know I won’t survive without the capacity of driving, withstanding the chill and enduring the wilderness. I’d better suppressed this fantasy, come back to Hong Kong and work hard instead.

The 5 characteristics of Iceland

1. A never-setting-sun You need a watch to know the time to get up or to sleep, because the sun never rises or sets between June and July in Iceland. 2. Northern Lights I envy ‘Roberto’ so much as he can always see the Northern Lights in winter. 3. Whales Whales are important to Iceland in 2 ways. First, many tourists came for whales. Second, Icelanders take whales as food. They eat whales as we eat pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck or goose. 4. Puffin (See picture) There are no penguins in Iceland but Puffins. They do look like penguins – a flying one! 5. Uncountable lovely scenery Oh… just come and see for yourself!

Travelouge ︳14

Text /Ching / ChingChing| Ching |Design Design/ /York YorkTsui Tsui 同年初夏,特區政府高官為宣傳政改方案,連日落區進 校,雖有人表示支持,也有溫和對話的畫面,但最吸引鎂 光燈注意的,仍然是在自動電梯上高聲叫罵、躺地抗議的 火爆場面。一名受訪者問道:「是否一定要用激進方法來 表達意見?唯有這樣才能爭取傳媒報導?」至於逢星期天 維園城市論壇上的叫囂與罵戰,就更不消提了。 這年頭,有太多事情我們沒法苟同;只要抱持異見,就得 夠激夠爆,確保發聲有效。是的,這年頭,誰還崇尚奉公 守法的「順民」?「造反有理」才是這年代的寫照。 表哥表姐說,樓價高居不下,小白領手中無樓,地產商賺 得眉開眼笑,是為不公。爸爸媽媽說,綜援制度、政治制 度、醫療制度統統出現問題,窮者捱窮捱得發瘋,左鄰右 里無辜面對刀光劍影,也是不公。我說,考試制度年年新 款,既要成績優秀,又要花時間去看話劇粵劇和中華白海 豚,「不可能的任務」天天大軍壓境,人人吹捧極少數擁 有超能力的考試倖存者,最是不公。

我是憤怒? Angry? Am I?

抗爭、抗爭、再抗爭 2010年6月,中大校方拒絕讓學生 在校園放置民主女神像,雙方意 見分歧,中大學生會代表表示, 必要時會進行「公民抗命」。 Protest, Protest, More Protest June 2010, The Chinese University of Hong Kong rejected its Student Union’s application to display a replica statue of the Goddess of Democracy on campus. The school and students’ opinions were so deviated that a student representative said that they will proceed to “Civil Disobedience” if necessary. 15 ︳ Special Feature

這年頭,似乎誰心中都有點冤屈無路訴。憤怒,似乎是唯 一的出路。 Early this summer, top HKSAR government officials started to promote constitutional reform proposals on school campuses. Although some positive supports and peaceful conversations were reported, what caught more media’s attentions are those yelling, strong protesting and confrontational scenes. “Other than being radical, is there other way that we may express our opinions? Or this is the only way that we may gain media’s attention?” said one interviewee. Not to mention all those clamor and shout fights that take place every Sunday in the Victoria Park. So many things we cannot agree without giving some considerations. When one holds a different opinion, he or she must be loud enough to make their voices. Yes, it is no longer enough to be a submissive “law-abiding” citizen. “Rebel for your rights” seems to be the description for this generation. To my cousins, unrighteousness is when pricing of houses remain sky high and no white-collars can afford to buy one while real estates developers swim in their lucre every night. To my parents, unrighteousness is when social welfare system, political system and medical system all start to fail, driving the poor crazy, and we are left to shiver and waver with an untreated psycho next door. To me, unrighteousness is when we need to deal with ever-changing school assessments, fulfilling all the requirements from OLE while keeping up good grades. Worst yet, only the few talented ones who happen to survive with glorious report cards get praised and recognized. We all feel unjustly treated and have no way to express. Anger, seems to be the only way out.


Mistreated, But Not Angry

如果告訴你,曾經有這麼一個人,他勇敢反抗不公義的歧 視政策,結果惡法得以撤回;面對比自己財雄勢大億萬倍 的殖民地政府,他不動一刀一槍,甚至不必掟香蕉喊破喉 嚨,也能扭轉不公。你,渴望知道他更多嗎?

If I tell you that once there was a man, who fought against the unjust discrimination, brought about the removal of exploitative laws without any violence, and spoke truth to the powerful without even raising his voice…do you wish to know more?

他的名字叫甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)。

Mohandas Gandhi was THE MAN.

18世紀的印度,是英國殖民地之一。數以千萬計的印度人 周而復始地受著殖民政府的苦待,被稱為「賤民」,在政 治、生活、福利等方面均被嚴重剝削。舉例說,海鹽是當 地人的生活必需品,而在印度洋的岸邊,海鹽基本上俯拾 皆是,天然供應根本不成問題。但英國政府卻下令禁止百 姓私取海鹽,只能向英國人購買,變相逼迫他們無聲接納 英國商人的開天殺價。 1930年3月12日,甘地針對這條惡法,發動了一次史上最 具震撼人心的「公民抗命」。上千萬印度人走到海邊拾 取海鹽,期間沒有人青筋暴現地邊拾邊咒罵高官,也無人 高舉醜化英國紳士的漫畫,只是安靜地以行動表示對法 例、制度的不認同。他們被罵,不還口;被打,不還手; 被抓,也就乖乖順命。同年5月,因此被捕的人數高達10 萬;12月國會會議無法召開,因為大批相關政客都因公民 抗命而被抓。 箇中史實略去不贅,但有唸過世界歷史的你大概也知道, 甘地帶領4億印度人爭取從殖民統治獨立,最後,印度成為 今天我們所認識的獨立國家。

India was one of the British colonies in early 18th Century. Millions of Indians are under unjust treatment of the British colonial government. They were seriously exploited in terms of political, social and welfare system. For example, salt is a living necessity which is commonly found along the coasts of Indian Ocean. However, the British government forbade the Indians to produce sea salts and forced them to buy with unreasonably high prices from the British merchants. On March 12, 1930, Gandhi set off the most significantly Civil Disobedience Movement against the British Salt Act. Millions of Indians followed him, marched to the beach and picked up salt without paying the tax. No shouting, no putting downs. Silently, they used actions to express their disapproval of the law and system. None resisted with violence. More than 100,000 people were put to jail in May. December that year, Congress meetings came to a halt because most related politicians were jailed. To cut the long story short, Gandhi eventually led 400 million Indians to fight for independence and became the country we know today..

Special Feature ︳16

甘地沒有「起義」(revolution),至少這不是他的說 法;他所倚的,叫“Satyagraha”──按甘地的解釋,這是 一場靠著真理、愛和和平手段來獲勝的運動。這不是採用 暴力對抗前的緩兵之計,也不是無可奈何的消極對抗,而 是終極的至勝之道。不但不動刀槍,甚至連憎恨憤怒的思 想,在這場運動中也毫無價值可言。 當對抗衍生成暴亂,當群體分裂對立,他沒有轉而以暴易 暴,根據歷史的記載,每每有這些情況發生,甘地就暫緩 行動、禁食、安靜。 不做憤青,可以嗎? 論不公,我們所受的不過小巫見大巫。 論情緒,我們卻高漲憤慨幾百萬倍。 是因為我們所面對的更艱難、更牢固嗎?是因為「現代」 社會的問題必須用憎恨和辱罵來解決嗎?甘地的方法,過 時了嗎? 如果我們問甘地,大概他會回答說:沒有什麼勢力大得不 能以愛勝過。


資料來源 References: 1.Easwaran, Eknath. Gandhi the Man – The Story of His Transformation 2.Gandhi, M. K. Satyagraha in South Africa 3.Homer, A. Jack. Short Chronology of Gandhi’s Life

17 ︳ Special Feature

Gandhi did not cause a revolution but a Satyagraha, a nonviolent movement to win with truth, love, and peace. It is neither some stalling tactics before a violent confrontation, nor a passive resistance, but an ultimate way to win over your opponents. Use of bullets was unheard of in Satyagraha, hatred and anger has no place at all in this movement. Even when resistance turned into riots, and when his communities divided among themselves, Gandhi would only pause, step down and fast. Is it Possible not to be an Angry Youth? When it comes to injustice, our case seems so minor. But our anger is million-folds more. Is it because our opponent is more difficult or more stubborn? Is hatred and shouts the only way to deal with our “modern” social issues? Is Gandhi’s way outdated? If we were to ask Gandhi, most likely he would answer: There’s nothing that love cannot conquer.

Is it possible not to be an angry youth?

Text / Seine Lam | Design / York Tsui

擁抱 生命中不能承受的傷痛 Embracing the Unbearable Pain in Life 一個生長在美國加州 Dana Point 的小女孩海蒂.貝克 Heidi Baker,生活在自己的私人沙灘,享有良好的教育、 舒適的生活和大好的機會。然而這小女孩16歲之後便選擇 到貧窮人的地方去。曾在香港、中國等地工作,現於非洲 的莫三比亞生活,照顧及供應七千多個孩童的一切需要。 她視孩子和窮人是她的導師。 飢餓、貧窮、戰亂、愛滋病都是莫三比亞的特產,在哪兒 甚麼奇怪的事情都有可能發生的;然而大家也沒想到愛也 在這裡發生了,而且是遠超過我們發達國家的人所能給予 的。我們總認為捐款是最大的施予,但其實金錢的捐獻反 而是最微不足道的。 康絲坦西亞Constancia一個被強暴過的四、五歲孩子, 被丟棄在海蒂的麵包烘焙坊的台階上。她只是哭泣,無法 說話,眼神充滿著深沉的憂傷和悲劇。海蒂把她看為自己 的女兒看待,總是抱她在懷內,可是康絲坦西亞仍不會說 話,只有沉默的眼淚不斷從臉頰流下來。

Heidi Baker had a privileged upbringing, living on a private beach in South California, and lacked nothing in education, comforts, and opportunity. By the age of 16 she had already been mystically taken to heaven and commissioned by Jesus to be a missionary and a minister to Asia, England, and Africa. She stays in Mozambique in Africa, takes care of more than 7,000 children and feeds their daily needs. Heidi sees children and the poor as her teachers in life. Starvation, poverty, civil war and Aides pictured Mozambique. Over there, seems any kind of dreadful things could have happened, and yet surprisingly—Love, did also occur, and in a way far beyond you and me, those who are living in the developed world, could ever had given. We thought our donation was the greatest gift to them, but indeed, it was the minimal compared to what Heidi and her team contributed. Constancia - a 4-year-old girl who was raped and left behind on the steps outside a bakery store. She could not talk but sobbed and wept. Her eyes flooded with deep sorrow and desperation. Heidi adopted her and always kept the little girl in her arms. However, Constancia never talked. Silently rolling down her cheek were tears, and only tears.

Special Feature ︳18


Until one day

碧翠絲(Beatrice)出現,她八、九歲時,被人發現奄奄一 息地躺在一棵樹下。有雙明亮的紅色眼睛、腫脹的肚皮、 疥癬和蝨子。她是個飽受虐待的小女孩,她也是甚麼事都 做不了,只能哭泣。醫生告訴海蒂:「這個小女孩快要死 了。」但海蒂和她的女兒克莉絲都沒有理會醫生的說話, 即使自己也染上了疥癬和蝨子,都不在乎,只想每天擁抱 她。而克莉絲只有三件洋裝,卻把最好的一件送給碧翠 絲。

Until one day they met Beatrice She was found dying under a bush when she was 8. With a pair of watery reddish eyes, a swollen tummy, skin covered by rashes and fleas; she was cruelly abused and was only able to weep. The physician told Heidi, “This little girl is not going to make it.” But Heidi and her daughter Crystalyn never gave up. Even though they caught rashes and fleas, they never stopped; day-byday they kept the little girl in their arms. Crystalyn only had three shirts, and she gave the best piece to Beatrice.


Day after day

碧翠絲終於出院回到海蒂的家,她第一眼看到康絲坦西 亞,便馬上停下了腳步把她抱起,碧翠絲也是個受過苦的 人,從康絲坦西亞眼中的憂愁也看到自己的悲傷,兩人抱 在一起,用憂愁安慰憂愁。從此她們成為好朋友。一起受 浸那天,康絲坦西亞說了第一句話: 「海蒂媽媽,我想要帶 領兒童合唱團。」

Beatrice finally recovered and went to Heidi’s home. The first time she met Constancia, Beatrice stopped by and embraced her as two brave survivors out of their own misery. The two held each other and comforted themselves with the painfulness they had made through. They became good friends since then. As they baptized together, Constancia cracked her first words ever, “Heidi, I wish to lead the children choir.”

海倫娜 Helena 在一場火災中被燒掉一隻腳,自此就被家 人認為她沒有用處了。她的祖母把她帶到外面,叫她的哥 哥將她殺死。她的哥哥帶她到一片田地,拿石頭扔她,然 後將她留在那兒等死。

Helena lost one of her leg when escaping from a fire; was then regarded as useless and abandoned by her family. Grandma took her out and told her brother to take her life. He brought his little sister to the fields and hit her with rocks, then left her bleeding helplessly to death.

海倫娜非常憤怒。尖叫,並在地上打滾。她希望看到家人 死掉。幸好,有好心人經過停下來,帶她到醫院,在那裡 待了九個月。可是,莫三比亞的醫院是沒有食物提供的, 若沒有人帶食物給你,你就只得挨餓。

She was outraged. She screamed and rolled on the ground. She wished to see all her family dies. Fortunately someone came by and brought her to the hospital. There she stayed in bed for 9 months. However, hospitals in Mozambique did not feed patients with food. If no one brings you any food, you are left starving.

她就獨自待在醫院、挨餓。接下來,被迫成為另一個必須 出賣身體換取食物的小女孩。

She was left alone in the hospital starving, ended up to be another little girl who exchanges herself for food.


Eventually, she met Heidi in the hospital!

19 ︳ Special Feature

海蒂把她帶回兒童中心,用真誠的愛與憐憫撫平她的憤 怒,更為她弄來一隻義肢。幾個月後,她想回家,回去告 訴哥哥有關耶穌的事,也希望祖母能夠認識耶穌。 曾經充滿仇恨和憤怒的海倫娜,願意憐憫和寬恕虐待過她 的家人,同時她也寬恕了自己。她跟哥哥和好,並領哥哥 接受耶穌。後來,有一個完美的婚禮、一個家庭,以及漂 亮的孩子。 康絲坦西亞、碧翠絲、克莉絲以及海倫娜只是幾億個落後 地區小孩中的一個小故事。他們來自不同的年齡、背景、 身份和遭遇,都因著海蒂媽媽而走在一起,在哀慟中彼此安 慰。她們所承受過的悲傷都是我們不能體會的;然而,在她 們身上所發出的憐憫與寬恕,反而更是我們更不能體會的。 今日,我們可以為自己的權益在街上大呼小叫,可以在立法 會用行動、用聲音怒罵高官,也可以在學校或Facebook開 一個群組杯葛那些自己看不順眼或與自己不同立場的人。我 們拚死地捍衛自己認為必須要維護的「個人立場」。 然而,在這個遙遠的莫三比亞,有一群人連最基本的生存 立場都沒有,卻願意用寬恕和憐憫使人和睦。他們用最卑 微的身份活出了最簡單而完全的愛。 以上故事全屬真人真事,資料來源《因為愛,我在這 裡》—海蒂.貝克。

Heidi took her back to the nursery. With sincere love and care Heidi soothed the rage and anger inside Helena, and had arranged an artificial limb for her. A few months later, Helena wanted to go home, tell her brother about her savior Jesus Christ, and introduce Christ to her grandma. Once filled with anger, rage and hatred, Helena was then willing to forgive and had mercy to the family who once abused and trampled her. She forgave herself, made peace with her brother and brought him to Christ. Thanks to the Lord, she was blessed to have a wonderful wedding, a family and a very beautiful child. Constancia, Beatrice and Helena were only a few of the millions unprivileged children in the world.They were of different age, background and circumstances but ran into each other because of Heidi. They had each other as the comfort in the midst of mourns and helplessness. They had gone through the unbearable pain we could never think of. Yet, their mercy and forgiving hearts surpassed us all. Today, we rally on the street for our rights. We shouted to interrupt Legco meetings, we condemned the senior officials, and we could start up a facebook group to boycott the people we do not like or those carrying opposite ideas. We desperately fight for our human rights and the so-called “personal opinion”… In the afar Mozambique, there was no guarantee for basic human rights. But someone, willingly forgiving and merciful, strived to make peace with everyone. They lived their lives humbly giving the simplest, and most thorough love. All are true stories, from the book “Compelled by Love” by Heidi Baker

References: Wikipedia

Special Feature ︳20

iMusic IX -


Take your hand

剛剛五月的母親節過去不久,父親節也將 到了。你有否想過,人愈大,對母親父親 節就愈麻木,可能為預備禮物也愈馬虎… Coming up is the Father’s day, not too long after the celebrations of the Mother’s day in May. As we grow up, we get less creative when thinking of a gift for our parents…. 小時候,會花一整天的時間,畫一張童年畢加索名畫給媽 媽。「母親節快樂」加上那些畫像,看上去實在難以理解, 但媽媽的微笑卻好像在告訴我,她已經很滿足… 長大了以後,想一想,也好像再沒有稱得上是從前的「心 思」來預備什麼多謝父母親。極其量只會請他們吃頓飯、順 便買個精品來代替從前費時的「心思」,對自己說句:都是 一份心意而已。 近幾年,看母親父親的反應,都不知道究竟是他們已經對這 個節日的心情冷淡了,還是他們都不再有什麼期待兒女們會 怎樣為他們慶祝。 今回介紹一首由 Mary 創作的歌曲:牽你手。這首歌曲雖不是 為了母親節、父親節而寫,卻是寫給她的父母。 因父母要暫時離開去宣教,她覺得即使是千言萬語也會被遺 忘,但以歌曲來存留則可以讓父母每天都聽著那一字一句… 真有意思:

When you were little, you would spend an entire afternoon scribbling with your crayons to draw a state-of-the-art portrait for your mom. Looking like some random sketches to most of us, it meant more than any gifts she has ever had. The “Happy Mother’s day” writing just melted her heart… Some time later, we no longer have such passion and patience, to spend that much effort for a gift to your mom and dad. Maybe a dinner or so, and we’ll call it a day. Or just shop for something to replace the effort we made for them. We said to ourselves: after all, it’s just another occasion of celebration. Judging from their reactions, I wondered if my parents no longer look forward to the celebration we prepared, or just become numb about these festivals in recent years. Let’s take a look at the song Mary had composed - Take your hand. This is neither written for the Mother’s day nor the Father’s day, but yes, it was meant for her parents. Because her parents had become missionaries and would be leaving for a while, to her, words could be forgotten easily but a song could keep her parents’ memory alive…how meaningful!


Take your hand

謝謝您的愛 從出生把我擁您懷內 那張笑臉 看著我 浸透主的愛 縱使我 沿路多番叫您失望 默默去等待我 牽我 手總不放開

Thank you for your love, from the moment I was born I was in your arms Those smiling faces, looking at me full of love of the Lord Even though I disappoint you, many many times You were there, every time, take my hand and never let go

風雨中 您雙手為我遮蓋 迷路裡 陪著我禱告 迎著每個浪 這天我感激主 賜您這生的愛 就是要分離 我心仍如此謹記

In the storm, your hands protect me When I was lost, you pray for me, withstanding every wave This is the day I thank God, for the love you give in your life Even if we part, I will still remember

我主必牽您手 教我毋用擔憂 深知走天國路途 主天天拖帶您路 我主必牽您手 祂愛您是足夠 為您祂捨身拯救 決心緊握您手 一生奔走

May the Lord hold your hands, and I shall not worry Knowing our journey to heaven, the Lord shows the way everyday My Lord will hold your hands, His love is more than you would need For you He sacrificed, He’ll hold your hand tight, wherever you go

我主必牽您手 教我毋用擔憂 深知走天國路途 主天天拖帶您路 我主必牽您手 祂愛您真足夠 為您這生我自豪 以愛緊牽您手 交於主手

My Lord will hold your hands, and I shall not worry Knowing the journey is long, He will lead you there everyday My Lord will hold your hands; His love is more than enough I am proud of you, and with love we hold hands, sheltered in His hands

一起為主奔走 父母親

We walk side by side for the Lord, my dear mom and dad

21 ︳M.A.J.

iMusic 分享: iMusic 專欄分享音樂平台)

Text / Hei Leung | Design / York Tsui

Mary 分享,她想用這首歌來祝福她的父母親,在他們將要 暫別,Mary 想以「牽你手」來告訴她的父母親:過去,都 是父母牽著我的手一直度過;現在,父母有另一個使命要 去宣教了,讓神來牽著他們的手度過,也放心神牽著她自 己的手。 Mary 向父母說:「無言感謝你們對我畢生的愛、包容和付 出!你們永是我的自豪!」 雖然我們都未必有與父母離別的心情,但這首歌仍是一個 很好的禮物,向父母們表達我們的敬意和感謝。 可能,對於很多人來說,父母給兒女的印象只是一個傷痛 的回憶,帶來的只是爭吵、怨恨、分離……但人也不能不 承認,沒有他們,就沒有今天的你。 上帝安排你在這個家庭,雖然可能要面對不是美滿的家庭 關係,但祂也可能是安排你成為一個祝福,把受傷的關係 再次復原。正如 Mary 也相信,從神所創造的歌曲能夠鼓 勵人、醫治人。 母親節、父親節可能對很多人來說,只是一個傷腦筋,要 買禮送禮的日子…但我相信,這個日子也能成為一個祝 福、感謝的機會。 *若你有創作歌曲想分享,歡迎聯絡hei_leung_0523@。註明Crossmen iMusic*

Mary wishes to bless her parents with this song. When they were about to depart, she wished to say to her mom and dad: In the past you held my hands and led me through many times. Now, you have a vision to become missionaries. Let God hold your hands through the days, and I will let God, too, to hold my hands. She told them: I was speechless to the love, tolerance and the effort you made! You always make me proud. Not everyone could tell how it felt to be apart from our parents, but the song was a very good gift to them, to express our respect and thankfulness. However, to many people around us, the memories and impression from their parents were painful. It was full of fights, hatred, and separation. Having said that, we cannot deny the fact that, without them, there would not be you. God has put you in your family, although you were facing an imperfect relationship, He might turn you into a blessing to restore the broken relationships. Just as Mary believed, songs from God encourage the despair and heals the wounded. It is driving our minds crazy to think of a gift on mother’s day and father’s day…but I believe it is the day for blessing, and to express our thankfulness. If you have a song to share, please contact Hei Leung

創作心得:(Mary) 我很欣賞 Mary 的一個想法:如果是神要賜祂就賜。她不會苦著頭腦,設法想出如何創作一 首歌。神會按祂需要的時間而把靈感給創作的人,而非按自己的才能喜好來創作。所以創 作歌曲的心態,不是為了自己而創作,是為耶穌而創作! Sharing from Mary I really appreciate Mary’s attitude: If the Lord is going to give, He will give. She does not have to be puzzled, struggled for the song. God will provide the times and insights to His composers, and not according to their preferred schedule. She’s not composing for herself but for Jesus!

M.A.J. ︳22

Text / Yanni Li| Design / York Tsui


張PaPa Papa Cheung

the Thoughtful and Gentle One


Deep-fried shrimp with pepper and salt 材料 Ingredients: •中蝦 8至9隻 8-9 shrimps •生菜 2片 2 pieces of lettuce •檸檬 1/4個 1/4 lemon •蔥段(裝飾用) Spring onions (for decoration) 椒醃材料: •幼鹽 1 1/2茶匙 1.5 teaspoon of fine-grained salt •黑和白胡椒粉混合 1 1/2茶匙 1.5 teaspoon of black and white pepper •幼砂糖 1茶匙 1 teaspoon of sugar •五香粉 1/8茶匙 1/8 teaspoon of five spices powder 做法: 1.先把蝦剪去頭尾,挑去腸臟。沖水洗。如果想蝦肉較爽,用水沖 10分鐘。瀝乾水份。用廚房紙吸水透徹。 2.燒熱半鍋油至 150C. 可放一小塊麵包入熱油中測試,約 45 秒轉金 黃就可以。小心放蝦入熱油中,炸至微黃。蝦身捲 縮,即熟透。 撈起放在廚房紙上,吸乾油粉。把蝦放在鋪了生菜的碟上,平均 灑下椒鹽和蔥在蝦上面。即成。 Directions 1. Peel and devein the shrimps. Rinse for 10 minutes and dry with kitchen towel for better texture. 2. Fill the saucepan half-full with oil and heat to 150C. Test the oil temperature with a small piece of bread, the piece should turn golden after 45 seconds. Fry shrimps in oil till they are golden and slightly curved. Leave the fried shrimps on kitchen towel to absorb oil. Put the shrimps on lettuce, sprinkle the seasoning and spring onions for flavor and decoration.

23 ︳ Cooking Papa

作為一位老闆,張PaPa最在乎的,不是錢賺得有幾多,而 是希望能以身作則,從根本地教導一班下屬,讓他們能獨 當一面;作為一家之主,他對太太溫柔細心,與子女的關 係亦師亦友,閒時喜歡一起出外釣釣魚,聊聊天,一家人 可謂無所不談! 作為一位Cooking PaPa,雖然每星期只會下廚一餐,但 每一次他必用心料理,絕不欺場,花盡心機為家人預備他 們最愛吃的菜餚! 所以說,這樣的PAPA,筆者又豈能不把他介紹給我深愛的 讀者認識呢? As a business owner, Papa Cheung cares more than earning money - he acts as a role model for his employees and teaches them patiently, hoping that they can learn to be independent and responsible. As a head of the family, Papa Cheung is a gentle and understanding husband, a father who is willing to listen and is fun to play with. The family enjoys fishing and chatting in their spare time, and there is nothing that cannot be shared among them. As a chef for the family, although Papa Cheung cooks only once a week, he cooks the family’s favorite dishes with sincerity. Knowing that Papa Cheung is such a wonderful man, I cannot wait to introduce him to my readers.

就在星期日的晚上,我們一行五人浩浩盪盪地跟芷盼回 家,進行CookingPaPa的採訪,路途中雖然有說有笑,但 仍難掩各人的倦容,於是我心裡默默地禱告,希望我們在 待會兒的採訪中,能夠打起精神來!然後,當餓著肚子的 我們,懶洋洋地坐在沙發上發呆時,看著一道道色香味美 的菜餚從廚房裡走出來……嘩!心莫名地加快跳動,然後 整個人也隨著彈跳了起來,五人一起湧到餐桌前,看看這 晚的菜色:豆豉鯪魚炒油麥菜,椒鹽蝦,生熟蒜蒸茄子, 清湯蘿蔔牛腩,清蒸花蟹,牛油香煎肉眼扒,秘製小鹹 魚,張PaPa還為我預備了紅酒佐膳……不是說笑的,每一 道菜也達大師級水準,我們一邊吃,一邊讚嘆,場面就像 那些飲食節目一樣,好不有趣! 今趟為大家主力推介的,是這道既新鮮且惹味十足的椒鹽 蝦!張PaPa說,很多人也會誤以為這道菜很複雜難搞, 但其實不然,不多說了!快看以下椒鹽蝦的製法,試試炮 製一下吧! 作為女兒兼公司員工的芷盼,欣賞張PAPA對事物的敏感和 細心,對家人的盡責,她更說,只要有爸爸在,就什麼也 不怕,因為知道爸爸會保護自己,同時,欣賞爸爸對工作 的認真,對下屬的關心,所以當芷盼說到父親的優點時, 你可從她眼眸裡看出點點尊敬和仰慕的亮光;你說,父親 和女兒,能夠互相從對方身上學習和欣賞,夫復何求? 不經不覺在這一年間,筆者已走訪近十個PAPA的家,認識 到這些來自五湖四海的爸爸,吃到數十款由他們精心炮製 的料理,當中有數不盡的笑聲和恩典!筆者在此,真的萬 分感謝接受過Cooking PaPa訪問的每一個爸爸,你們的 大恩大德,小女子無以為報!最後,當然要對天下的爸爸 說句:父親節快樂!

We did the interview with Papa Cheung on one Sunday night. We chatted and laughed on the way to Papa Cheung’s home, but all of us were so tired and hungry and I couldn’t stop praying in my heart that I would be able to make it through the interview. Next thing I knew, there was a table of delicious food in front of me. We were all starving, so the sight of food made us extraordinarily excited. There were salted dried fish in black bean sauce with Indian lettuce, deep-fried shrimp with pepper and salt, steamed egg plant with garlic, turnips and beef brisket in soup, steamed fresh crab, rib eye steak, little salted fish, and even red wine. All the dishes were so delicious that we were busy eating and kept praising Papa Cheung for his amazing cooking skills. “Let me show you how to make the deep-fried shrimp with pepper and salt,” said Papa Cheung. “A lot of people think it is a difficult dish to cook, but if you follow these steps you will find it not hard to make at all.” Pat, as a daughter and an employee of Papa Cheung’s, appreciates Cheung’s attention and sensitivity to details at work and also his care and love for his fellow workers and the family. You can see the respect and admiration that Pat has for his father when she talked about him. “I have no fear when I am with my Dad, because I know he will always protect me.” There is nothing greater than seeing a father and daughter to get along so well and to learn from each other. Time flies and I have interviewed about 10 fathers this year. I still remembered the dishes that they prepared for us and the laughs that we had together. I truly appreciate all the fathers who have spent time doing interviews with Crossmen; we are so blessed to know your stories and to learn from you. Last but not least, I wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day!

Cooking Papa ︳24

So the Earth is flat – and what else? ‘Flat Earth News’

by Nick Davies

YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK’, said the back cover recommendation. And

‘If you read newspapers,

that’s why I allowed Nick Davies’ Flat Earth News on my already overcrowded bookshelf. I do read newspapers, but over the years I’m getting more and more confused whether I can trust what I read, and if not, why I should read.

Have you ever wondered why a particular story is chosen to be reported as ‘news’ and not the others?

Just a quick check: How do you get to know about your world? a)I usually take a quick look at the TOP searches banner at Y! when checking my email account. Easy, speedy and timely - the world is in my grasp! b)From friends’ blogs. It’s all that matters to me. c)Apple Daily. It’s juicy, sensational and nothing close to boring – unlike the solemn SingTao Daily and SCMP delivered at schools. d)I read AM 730 on train, digest all papers we subscribe at school and spend Sunday mornings at the public library reading various papers of the week. The more I read, the more I know!

25 ︳ Book Reader

Example: why was the juvenile couple jumping off from the building in Sheung Shui a piece of news to be reported and not the elderly who chose to end his life likewise in my neighborhood? Young people died. We mourned, pointed fingers at families, schools and the government, then moved on to enjoy the behind-the-scene love story dug out by the papparazzi. Elderly died. There was a no show in our media unless they fanatically fought each other to death because of a love triangle.

Text / Ching Ching | Design / Jenny

Have you ever wondered why you tend to read more or less the same ‘package’ of stories in various newspapers, despite the noticeable difference in their angels, tones and languages? What you heard from the radio is most likely going to resonate newspaper headlines, while the gorgeous evening news anchor joins in to repeat similar topics with supplementary clips and figures. Suppose there are 1000 stories going on in our society daily, isn’t it fascinating to see how the dozens of media outlets quietly reach consensus on which 35 stories to report AND IGNORE without even a 10-minute video conference?

Davies provides explanations to the above and many other queries with an insider angel. Perhaps a lot have been said and heard about critical thinking in Liberal Studies and other lessons – so much that the term itself sounds rotten and dreary. I tend not to repeat the same old tune nor do I want to copy and paste Davies’ arguments here. Just wish to share one example of how news is being ‘manufactured’ in BBC online news service, a seemingly ‘trustworthy’ source of news (at least that’s what I think), and you can pick your own attitude towards all the information rushing to you daily.

In a memo written by the chief subeditor of BBC News Interactive in 2005, it was requested that journalists had to produce breaking news in FIVE minutes, which means, within FIVE minutes, they should 1) publish a one-line alert of the story on the website; 2) send an email to the BBC news desk and notify them about the story; 3) write a four-paragraph version of the story for uploading; 4) do CHECKING. It was also preferred that they could produce a full version (at least ten para graphs) within the following fifteen minutes.

This is THE BBC which advocates ‘NEVER publish anything that you do not understand, that is speculation or inadequately sourced.’ What kind of ‘understanding’ can you expect with such time constraint? How could it possibly be done? I’m no insider of the industry, but as Davies pointed out, journalists had to rely on their sources, who are the PRs, to provide highly selective and filtered accounts of what happened in our society. Perhaps that explains the unison in our news package – just as our generation sounds abhorrently monotonous when coming to goals, dreams and self image. Thanks to our spoon-feed education.

If what’s revealed here about the ‘truthful’, ‘fact-finding’ media startled you, shouldn’t you be even more alarmed when noticing how many self-talk truths reign inside us, which are conveniently believed and left unchecked? Example: I’m worthless because he dumped me. It’s OK to intervene in people’s relationship as long as I’m the final winner. I’m too fat. I’m too short. I’m not good enough…

So where is the Truth? What is reality?

Book Reader ︳26

In a place like Hong Kong, where the richest meets the poorest, life can be drastically different under the same roof. Maybe we all have friends that are more affluent than others, or those who never show up for gatherings which costs more than a McDonald’s super value meal. This time we collect diaries from two students of a school, one enjoys $1000 a week while the others live on a $100 allowance. Who speaks your mind?

$1000 Not Trying to be Spoiled, But… There’s nothing special at all about this international school that I go to – just that the computers here all suck and the internet is always so slow. I’m not trying to be spoiled here but have you seen how long the laptops take to log on? It takes like 10 minutes before you’re able to turn it on and then another 10 minutes before you’re actually able to do something. I’ll just go buy a laptop tomorrow, should I get a MacBook or an Alienware it’s a pretty hard choice. Oh might as well get new earphones as well, the one I have is broken on one side so it’s really annoying to listen with only one ear. I mean I really would want those, it would really help me a lot with my school work and I’ll be able to accomplish more at a faster pace. At least no homemade meals I sit down with my friends at the cafe in our school, the food here sucks and the prices aren’t cheap. I can’t complain because it’s better than eating homemade meals everyday. I only get $1000 a week, which allows me to buy the food I need to eat at school and sometimes have enough to hangout with my friends on the weekend. Last weekend we went to Ocean Park, a popular attraction in Hong Kong and we had so much fun! Since this weekend is a long weekend I was planning on going to throw a party at Hong Kong Disneyland then going to Lan Kwai Fong to finish the night. It’s going to be really exciting and I can’t wait for the weekend.

27 ︳ Relationship

Text / Sean Chan | Illustration / Kashun | Design / York Tsui

$100 The Only Hard Part is that Everyone Else around You is Rich I get off the school bus and I walk through the gates, the gates of an international high school. I look behind me and I see students, my classmates getting off cars like Jaguars, Mercedes, or other fancy cars. I go to school knowing that I’m not the same as everyone else, just a fluke, just lucky I say to myself. I ignore my thoughts as the bell rings knowing that it’s time for class. I look around the room and I see my classmates all with their Mac Book Pros and other gadgets to keep them occupied while the teacher pretends to not notice these things. Sometimes I really feel left out when I don’t have my own to play with, but there’s nothing I can really do to change that. I mean I only get $100 for allowance a week and that covers all expenses through eating to personal interest costs. All the necessities boil down to $100, it’s probably really hard for you to understand how I could live on only $100 dollars a week. But you get used to it, the only hard part is that everyone else around you is rich. To Know Who You are, and Don’t Get Jealous The lifestyle takes so adjusting to but it’s not as hard as you think once you get used to it. I bring lunch from home so I don’t have to purchase the really expensive meals that are offered at the school. I also don’t really go and spend time with my friends as much as I would like to, but being able to have fun with my friends is good enough for me. Even though there are people around me that have a lot of money, you just have to tell them you don’t get that much money and they’ll accept what you tell them. In an international high school it doesn’t really matter whether you have money or not. You don’t get treated that much differently. The most important part is that you know who you are and make sure you don’t get jealous of others, if that happens then you tend to feel inferior to them when you really aren’t.

Relationship ︳28

Photo by: Teresa Hon Concordia Lutheran School North Point

29 ︳Snapshot

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