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ISSUE 42 October 2010

CROSSMEN is a monthly magazine published in Hong Kong by Kingdom Ministries. Copyright Kingdom Ministries, all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. CROSSMEN Unit A, 7/F, Kader Bldg, 22 Kei Cheung Road, Kowloon Bay, HK Tel: (852) 2235 5223 Fax: (852) 3018 0414 Email: Contents

2/ Editor’s Note/你不可不知道的Crossmen小秘密 3/ News Review/我口改我心 “Word”(work) out your mind 5/ Feature/你今日TAG左未? Tag your friend, give your thanks 9/ Campus Sidekick/新手上路──當菜鳥遇上小菜鳥 We are the Rookies! 13/ Special Feature/不再作港孩! “Kong Kids“ no more! 16/ Random Thoughts/我是沒有故鄉的現代人 Modern…but rootless 17/ Cultural Trend/你懂環保嗎? How much do you know about green? 19/ Travelouge/一個人的台灣之旅 My Taiwan Trip: Solitude, Time and Myself 21/ M.A.J./從生命中尋找音樂 Music of your Life 23/ Stage Fever/唯獨祢是王 The Only King 25/ Between You & Me/Sweet Revenge! Is it REALLY that sweet? 27/ Campus Right Click/NEW Kid on the Block! 29/ News Review/Philippines Bus Hostages Anger or Love? 31/ Seasonal Special/Trick or treat. Fun or foolish? 33/ Snapshot/

MANAGEMENT Publisher Andrew Ho Marketing Manager Mabel Tai THE CROSSMEN TEAM Executive Editor Irene Leung Art Director Pun Wing Hong Design Supervisor York Tsui CONTRIBUTORS Words Seine Lam, Ching Ching, Yanni Li, Hei Leung, Tim Lo, German Cheung, Ann Kristen Sen Stephanie Tang, Jeremy Lee, Kenneth Ho, William Ling Translator Elaine Chan, Elaine Ng, Edna Hung, Christy Kwan, Dora Cheng, Clara Fong, Wing Chan, Ching Ching Design and Photography Katy Hung, Kashun, York Tsui, German Cheung, Jenny Chen, Anna Wong, Issca Ng, Ah Li

廣告查詢: Mabel 22355223

Text / Ching Ching | Design / York Tsui

的 道 知 不 你不可 密













就是一班年輕人自己走出來的路?寫到這裡,和今期 。

誰?我們是誰? 年輕人。





支 持(讓我們不敢言棄)、鼓勵



Crossmen是一班 能夠發夢的人。










小秘密:什麼時候你曾經被Crossmen感動過、刺 激過、說中過、提醒過,甚至和我們一起無聊笑


Crossmen也是一班 的人,不甘心只為分數、 愛情、人工和他人期望而活的人。


過……我們 我們相信,教育能使我們


是誰──而我是有一個獨一無二的身分和目的 的。我們知道,其實你們也和我們一樣,


來吧!加入 Crossmen Hk 的 Facebook 群組,和 Crossmen Hk做朋友,或將你的小秘密電郵至info@。



Editor’s notes ︳02


Celebrate Your Love 以樂榮神 尋覓永恆 推介歌曲

- 別放棄 - 若有天

- Dedicate My All

EMM網址 佈道邀約熱線:29046664 出品 - Eternity Music Ministry (HK) Ltd. 永恆音樂事工(香港)有限公司 總代理- 美麗傳奇音樂製作 (logo see attached) - 電話:92227590

Text / Tim Lo | Design / German Cheung

人們常說,你心中所想的是什麼,說的就是什麼。但原來 我們一直說的母語,可能自小便影響了我們對世界和身邊 事物的看法。

When we were small, our mother language might have shaped, or contributed to our differentiated perceptions to our world. The way we name objects could have affected the way we look at them.

某些歐洲語言會把物件分為「男」或「女」,原來這也會 影響人們對它們的感覺。例如「叉」在某種語言是女性 字,那麼說該種語言的人便會傾向覺得「叉」是優雅的。 若某物件被定為男性字,那麼說該種語言的人便會覺得那 物件是比較強悍有力的。一般人都認為說話能表達心中 所想,但我們可能沒留意原來語言一直在塑造我們的思 考模式。

German, French and some other European languages tend to name objects as a “he” or “she” and it actually alters the way we perceive them. For instance, one might think that a fork is more “elegant” if it’s named as a “female” in his language; while the others might regard it as a symbol of strength if his language refers it as a “male”. Isn’t it interesting? Often we believe what we speak is what we think, unaware that our utterance will eventually shape our mind some time later.

有人說,法語是浪漫的語言,所以法國人都是特別浪漫 的;台式國語特別溫柔婉約,因此台灣女孩總比港女柔和 討喜。那廣東話呢?香港社會充斥著許多不滿和評批,彷 彿廣東話本身便有利我們向朋友、議員、售貨員、巴士乘 客,甚至好友表達憤怒和不滿。難道粵語本質上就為我 們塑造出一個謾罵的腦袋,以致我們會咒罵素未謀面的 陌生人?

So how did Cantonese shape our minds? One often notices that we are prone to vent our angers and complaints to our friends, legislators, shop assistants, fellow bus passengers…even our loved ones. Base on the assumptions and observations above, Cantonese must be a language that facilitates blaming and our minds are designed for speaking foul languages and making curse to the ancestors of someone you met at the first time. Curse at the first sight.

其實,在香港人常用的語言中,根本不乏向人稱謝的字 句。近來在Facebook和網誌都有越來越多好人好事的分 享,而且會引來連串「讚好」。地震或風暴的受害者會感 謝那些在危難時施以援手的人;災難過後,港人紛紛向那 些為他人犧牲性命的英雄表達深切的慰問。可是,在沒有 災難的日子,我們好像就遺忘了感謝的說話。

Looking back into our own languages, whether English or Chinese, we never lack of words to say thanks or express our gratitude to people. There are more and more stories on Facebook and blogs about the good deeds of kind people. Victims of many earthquakes, rainstorms with loss of their loves ones gave thanks to those who delivered help in times of difficulties and hardships. Sadly though, in the absence of tragedies, we don’t have the habit to give thanks in our conversations.

你又是用甚麼堆砌每天與友人、家人甚至陌生人的對話? 是咒罵、埋怨,還是感嘆?可以跟你生命中遇到的人說聲 「多謝」嗎?

In the countless conversations and words with your friends, family and even strangers everyday, what constitute the most part of them? Are they curses, blames, sighs or somehow someone you met in your life deserve at least, a “Thank you.”?

若然能把咒詛的說話變為祝福,我們的心將會有多大轉 化!

Imagine how our minds would be changed if we transform our tongues from curses to praises!

資料來源 Source: NY Times: Does your language shape how you think?

News Review ︳04


︳ Feature

Text /Ufire | Illustration / Kashun

Feature ︳06

一味靠嚇 在商場、電視、電影等媒體的帶動下,每逢踏入十 月,身邊總不免「鬼話連篇」。主題公園明目張膽的邀請我 們進入「黑色世界」,驚嚇電影的陰沉海報更隨處可見。怕小強 的人會對小強避之則吉,就連糖水店也會為怕榴槤之輩特設「非 榴槤區」;但因為流行,因為「潮」,每年這個時候,不少人卻 偏偏投奔「懼」海,對靈異之事毫不設防,甚至熱烈歡迎。

由「愛*不怕」行動說起 我們拒絕與黑暗勢力「玩遊戲」,更不願助長商人靠嚇來賺錢。 故此,我們在二零零八年開始了「愛*不怕」行動,揭示Halloween背後的真相,同時積極傳遞「愛裡沒有懼怕」的訊息,在這 個被黑暗籠罩的日子,散發光明正面的動力。首兩年推動「愛* 不怕」行動的反應非常熱烈,約一萬個學生公開表示願意加入行 動,整個活動單一年計就接觸了十六萬人,更祝福了澳門、台 灣,甚至法國。你也是其中之一嗎? 邁向第三年,我們希望不但傳揚「愛裡沒有懼怕」的訊息,更 進一步帶動感恩的氣氛,讓彼此欣賞、關愛的風氣覆蓋Halloween之恐懼和黑暗。為此我們將進行《TAG Your Friends Give Your THANKS!》行動,齊齊推動「THANKS TAG」文 化。二零一零年行動詳情如下:

07 ︳ Feature Feature ︳08


當菜鳥遇上 小菜鳥 We are the

Rookies! 最近,筆者在追看一套名為Rookie Blue的外國電 視劇,故事講述五位剛從警察學校畢業的初哥,在 警察局實習的驚險事跡,劇情緊張,是套值得留意 的劇!中國大陸把它譯為「菜鳥警察」,菜鳥是形 容那些跌跌撞撞地開始學飛行的雛鳥,亦指新手、 初哥!看著這幾隻菜鳥在工作中如何「撞板」,如 何從死胡同中走出一條血路,不禁又想起了一個有 關菜鳥的故事…… I am currently watching a Canadian police drama television series called Rookie Blue. The series follows the life of five new, ambitious cops who have just graduated from the Academy. I enjoy watching this drama a lot, because it is fun, fresh, highstakes, and thrilling. The name of the series, Rookie Blue, has given a hint of what the story is about. The word “rookie” means an inexperienced person or newcomer; Rookie Blue is therefore a drama about how the new crops, who have little experience in investigation, put theories into practice. While watching Rookie Blue, I am reminded of another story about rookies – my own story.

09 ︳ Campus Sidekick

Text / Yannie Li| Design / York Tsui


I’m Rookie

不知從何時起,我的志願就是當一位桃李滿門、有教無 類、受學生愛戴的老師。今年八月份開始,我終於有機會 到一所中學工作,讓本人由這學年起,正式成為一只對教 育充滿萬分熱誠的教育界菜鳥!心裡除了感恩,還有很多 很多很多對未來工作的憧憬!在腦海裡也不住編織著自己 的完美教學夢,一邊幻想自己會有一班可愛又聰明的學 生,一邊自訂大堆為人師表應持的態度,就如當初在求職 信上所寫的教育理念一樣,「希望可以生命影響生命,用 愛心和耐心去教導每個學生……」

I have always wanted to be a teacher, educating my students with patience and care and setting a good example for them. This year, I was finally offered to work in a secondary school starting in August. I was so thankful and excited, and was eagerly looking forward to my career as a teacher. I had all these fancy teaching plans in my mind, and imagined myself having a group of lovely and smart students. I could not wait to apply the education philosophy that I had written on my resume to my own classroom, “to influence my students’ lives; teach them with love and patience...”

怎料,這一切美好的憧憬,都被一班性格古靈精怪,過份 俏皮活潑的菜鳥們(俗稱「F.1仔」)徹底打破了!這班人 可謂完全不受控制,無論男男女女,高矮肥瘦,12歲還是 16歲,幾乎都有一個共通點,就是「想做就去做」!

「Miss Li,我想去洗手間!」 「Miss Li,我想借這本書!」 「Miss Li,我想……」

進入狼群的羊vs披著狼皮的羊 這些說話都不是ask for permission,只是inform而已, 即是說,當他們提出什麼「我想……」的時候,其實他們 已在做著想做的事,一切都發生在電光閃石之間!說實在 的,剛開始時,還真有點被這班所謂的港孩嚇呆呢!我把 這些景況告訴友人,她竟笑我是一只進入狼群的羊,讓我 哭笑不得。不過,既然已無路可退,就不如硬著頭皮闖下 去,求天父眷顧我的手無寸鐵,讓我有無比智慧和耐性去 教導他們!

沒想到,跟他們相處了一個月後,我竟越來越喜愛這班百 厭星君!課餘的時間,我都儘量爭取去與他們聊聊天、說 說笑,希望可以從不同角度去認識他們每一個。結果發 現,雖然他們表面看似調皮,不愛讀書只愛玩樂,但原來 他們都只是披著狼皮的羊!為人師表的我,也漸漸在這班 鬼靈精的身上,找到很多成年人需要不斷學習和磨練的東 西!讓我也向你們介紹這班菜鳥一幫,齊來欣賞欣賞、學 習學習!

Soon I realized all my imaginations were nothing but unrealistic. The reality was not as ideal as I thought; to be exact, it was worse than anything I could imagine. My students, who were in Form.1, were rookies like me - I was a new teacher; they were new to secondary school. These students were always out of control and did whatever they wanted to do! “Miss Li, I want to go to the bathroom!” “Miss Li, I want to borrow this book!” “Miss Li, I want…”

A Sheep among the Wolves No, they were not asking for permission; they were just informing me what they were going to do. The moment they told me what they wanted to do, they were already doing it. These students were so uncontrollable that they really did scare me. My friend made fun of me saying I was like a sheep among the wolves. Being in such a situation, I knew I must not give up, and God was the only one who could help me out. So I turned to God for wisdom and patience to teach my students. Amazingly, I found myself enjoyed teaching my students more and more after one month. I tried my best to spend time chatting with them after school to know them personally. Although these students were not well-behaved in class and did not enjoy studying that much, they were still a group of lovely kids who I had a passion to work with. I also realized that through teaching these students I am able to learn from them. Now let me introduce these precious kids to you!

Campus Sidekick ︳10


Mr. Little

個子小小的,為人非常細心,也懂得關心別人! 記得開學的頭幾天,我送了一張小卡給他,他收到後立刻 把卡珍而重之地放進銀包裡,很珍惜別人送的一切!課後 時間,又會主動找老師聊天,關心老師。

Mr. Little is a short, cute boy. He is attentive to details, and he always cares about people around him. He has been carefully keeping the card that I gave him in the beginning of the semester in his wallet. He treasures everything that people give him. After school, he always seizes the chance to talk to his teachers, showing them care and love.

乳酪 班中的男班長,喜歡說笑話逗人笑,為人盡責,長大後絕 對能幹一番大事! 小息的時候,其他同學也跑到操場去,唯有他還留在班房 裡,努力地把老師給的功課項目,仔細地抄在黑板上!

白雪雪 班中的可人兒,喜歡笑,性格樂觀,非常守時,常存一顆 喜樂的心! 開學沒幾天,就因為沒帶功課而被記欠交紀錄,最初還以 為她很懶,不專心上課,但後來發現,她很用功做每一樣 功課,上學絕不會遲到,每天更提早半小時到學校,目的 是想跟要好的同學交心!

杜鵑花 班中女班長,時刻都在認真學習,遇到問題更主動問老 師,不會放過任何一個學習的機會! 剛上學沒幾天,她就主動問老師怎樣唱學校校歌,老師唱 畢後,又與幾位同學一起在旁邊哼唱校歌,這一幕真的令 我很深刻。每當同學在玩樂時,她總是靜靜地坐在一邊看 書,這種精神實在值得佩服!

11 ︳ Campus Sidekick

Mr. Yogurt Yogurt is the class’s representative. He is a responsible person and has a sense of humor. During break time, when all other students are having fun in the playground, he often stays in the classroom writing the homework that the teachers have assigned to the class on the board.

Miss Snow White Snow White is a pretty girl who always has a smile on her face. She is a punctual, positive, and joyful person. I did not have a good impression of her at the beginning, because once she forgot to bring her homework to school. I thought she was lazy and did not pay attention in class. However, I soon found that it was just an exception; she usually does very well in homework and is never late for school. She comes to school half hour earlier every day to chat with her friends.

Miss Rhododendron Rhododendron is also the representative of the class. She loves to learn and is never afraid of asking questions. When school just started, she asked teachers how to sing the school anthem. I still remembered seeing her and several students sitting together practiced singing the anthem. Also, she always reads quietly on her own when other students are playing around. Her self-discipline and eagerness to learn set a really good example for other students.


Fellow Rookies, We Survived!

這班嘩鬼,在短短一個月間,要適應新的身份,新的學習 環境,新的老師,新的同學,新的科目……實在不是容易 的事。但看著他們在短短的時間內,由最初的各不相識, 到此刻,一班人的關係已很熟絡,感情也很要好,對學習 也開始有了點點的興趣!再想深一點,其實他們在上學年 的時候,還是小學生,背的是Hello Kitty、超人書包, 玩的是爆旋陀螺和芭比,每個都被家人捧在掌心上寵愛有 加,當想到他們要面對這麼多挑戰的時候,仍努力向前, 學習獨立,還真是不得不佩服啊!

It was not easy for these rookies to adapt to a new school, new teachers, new classmates, new subjects, and a new learning environment in such a short period of time. I was happy to witness their growth: from not knowing each other to developing friendships with classmates; from having no desire to learn to showing a slight interest in class works. After all, these students were freshly graduated from elementary schools. They were so carefully protected by their parents growing up; the secondary school life probably offered them the first chance in life to stand on their feet. I could imagine how big a challenge this is for them.

每念及此,我便想:如果連我的小菜鳥們都如此樂觀、勇 敢地突破困難,我這只大菜鳥又怎能輕言放棄?誠然,小 學升中學、初中升高中、預科升大學……每一關都有不同 的挑戰和難度,但我相信「升呢」不是挫敗的開始,而是 能力的肯定!可不是嗎?如果連上一關的「大佬」也未曾 打敗,又怎能來到全新的一關?當遇到瓶頸時,不妨學習 一下這班小菜鳥,勇敢衝關!你的日子如何,你的力量也 必如何!

Every time I think of the challenges that my rookie students are going through, I know there is no way for me to give up. There are all kinds of challenges at different stages of life; even though we may fail or lose confidence at times, these experiences will make us a stronger and more mature person. Being a rookie teacher, I not only learn from my rookie students, but also grow with them. We are ready for more challenges!

Campus Sidekick ︳12


港孩! “Kong Kids”

NO more! 以下問卷只用作自我反省用途,資料絕對保密,請讀者誠實回答以下問題。 This survey is only for self-reflection. All information are strictly confidential. Please answer the questions with an honest heart.

1. 你家中有多少工人(例如菲傭/印傭)? How many domestic helpers do you have (Filipino/Indonesian maids)?

a) b) c) d)


0 1 2 3

你會做以下家務嗎? Do you know how to do the following housework?

1) 煮飯 Cooking

2) 掃地 Sweeping the floor

3) 洗碗 Washing dishes

3. 如果你回到學校才發現忘了帶功課,你會怎樣做? What will you do if you forget to bring your homework to school?

a) 誠實跟老師說忘了帶 Confess to the teacher your big-headedness

b) sms/打電話叫人(eg.菲傭/父母)帶回校 Text message/call someone (domestic helpers/parents) to bring it for you

c) 在學校再做一份 Re-do it at school

d) 午膳時回家拿 Go home and grab it at lunchtime

4. 你會怎樣處理去旅行/入camp的行李? How do you prepare your bag for travel/camp?

a) 自己執 I’ll pack it

b) 叫阿爸阿媽執 a) 三項都會做 All of the above

b) 只會做其中兩項 Only 2 of them

c) 只會做其中一項 Only 1 of them

d) 全不會做 None

13 ︳Special Feature

My parents will pack it

c) 叫工人執 My maid will pack it

d) 唔執 Why bother?

Text / Kenneth ho | Design / York Tsui

5. 你幾歲學會綁鞋帶?

8. 你有以下的困難嗎?

When did you learn to do your shoelaces?

Do you have any of the following difficulties?

a) 小於4歲

1) 經常倒瀉水

Before 4

Spilling water always

b) 4至7歲

2) 經常遺失物品

Between 4-7

Forgetting items always

c) 7至10歲

3) 不懂剝橙皮

Between 7-10

Failing to peel an orange

d) 10歲以上 Above 10

a) 三項都有

6. 你每天花多少時間用電腦?

All of the above

How many hours do you spend on computers each day?

a) 少於2小時

b) 只有兩項 Only 2 of them

c) 只有一項

Less than 2 hours

Only 1 of them

b) 2小時至4小時

d) 全沒有

2-4 hours


c) 4小時至6小時 4-6 hours

d) 6小時以上 More than 6 hours

7. 你有以下習慣嗎? Are you used to…

1) 起床時摺被 Make my own bed

2) 吃飯後收拾桌面 Tidy up the table after each meal

3) 自行熨衫 Iron my own clothing

a) 三項都有 All of the above

b) 只有兩項 Only 2 of them

完成了問卷嗎?快點看看以下的計分吧! Check out your “Kong Kid” index below!

c) 只有一項 Only 1 of them

d) 全沒有 None

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

港孩指數偏低 0-3 港孩指數中等 4-7 港孩指數偏高 8-11 港孩指數極高 >12

a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

b 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2

c 2 2 0 3 2 2 2 1

d 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 0

You’re not really a Kong Kid Approaching the line You’re quite a Kong Kid, aren’t you? You wear it on your sleeves! Special Feature ︳14

港孩,你有份! 計完你的港孩指數嗎?上述問卷純粹惡搞,可能你會說你 已經不是兒童,又怎會是港孩呢?但是,港孩不單指一群 特定的兒童,更是一種心態,所以,不論你是少年、青 年、成年還是老年,這個名詞都絕對和你有關! 港孩這詞最初是指自理能力低的兒童,最近的報章雜誌時 常把這詞和「三低兒童」連繫起來,三低即是EQ低、獨立 能力低和抗逆力低。有報章指出,本港有兒童十歲仍不懂 綁鞋帶,有些甚至升中後才懂自行洗澡。一言以敝之,港 孩就是那些被服侍慣了的「大少爺」和「大小姐」。

不能說的「唔該」? 要說港孩的成因,我們很容易便列出一大堆,不外乎是父 母的縱容和富裕的物質生活等等。可是,我們有想過其實 自己也可能是一個港孩嗎?我們或多或少都有一些「大少 爺」/「大小姐」的性格,例如阿媽辛勞地煮了一頓飯, 我們會說聲「多謝」嗎?又例如我們會追捧補習社的名 師,卻很少會感謝學校的老師,因為名師教曉我們考試, 但求學只求分數難道不是一種自我中心和自私的表現嗎? 還記得筆者讀中學時,總是對老師諸多不滿,不是這個教 得差就是那個教得「hea」,現在想來,只要求別人做得 好,卻看不見別人的付出,其實也是一種港孩心態。 傳媒時常把「九十後」標籤成「港孩」或「三低」的一 代,無可否認,這是很不公平的。但是,我們這一代年青 人所擁有的物質的確比上一代豐裕,許多人自小便有工人 使喚,父母又對我們言聽計從,呵護備至,彷彿我們所擁 有的都是必然的,以致我們失去了感恩的心。所謂EQ低、 獨立能力低和抗逆力低,全因被服侍慣了,稍不順意便大 發脾氣,習慣依賴別人的人獨立能力和抗逆力又怎會高? 要擺脫社會對我們這一代的標籤,不妨由感恩做起。學習 感恩,多點稱讚和欣賞別人,才能幫助我們擺脫港孩心 態。如果你家中有工人的話,她做完家務便跟她說聲「唔 該」吧!甚至可以跟她分擔家務!下次阿媽煲了湯,你便 讚賞她吧,甚至可以煮飯給她吃!當你這樣做的時候,你 便會發現一切都得來不易。從今天起,不再作港孩吧! 15 ︳ Special Feature

Maybe it’s all of us The questionnaire is, of course, just a joke. If you disassociate yourself with the term “Kong Kid” merely because of your age, you might want to step back and rethink. “Kong Kid” does not refer to a specific group of children; instead, it describes a kind of attitude which can be found among youth, adults and the aged. The term is originally coined to describe children who are weak at self-care. The press tends to link them with the children who are low in EQ, overly dependable and fail to deal with adversaries. Newspaper even revealed stories of children who are unable do their shoelaces at the age of 10. Simply put, Kong Kids are the spoiled ones who are always served and cared for all their lives. .

Why is it so hard to say “thanks”? It won’t be hard for us to reason for the Kong Kid phenomenon. We can point fingers at the pampering parents and affluent society, while we might be sharing some of their personalities. How often do you say grace to your mom for a delicious dinner? We might become fans of charismatic tutors, yet we seldom show gratitude to teachers at school. It’s our culture to criticize whoever standing in front of the blackboard, blaming them for being too responsible…or too lazy. It’s so much easier to condemn than to appreciate. Not every post-90s is a Kong Kid. However, we are truly living a much more affluent life than our parents. We learn to give orders to domestic helpers soon after we can speak; even our parents are willingly “at our service”. Some of us grow to take everything as granted and gradually lose a thankful heart. If you know how to say grace and appreciate, it’s less likely for you to become a Kong Kid. Consider sharing workload with your domestic helper and voice out your gratitude! Be the chef for your parents once in a while, and you’ll soon notice that for everything you enjoy, somebody has paid a price. Remove your tag today, say no to “Kong Kid”!

Text / Seina Lam | Design / Anna Wong

我是沒有故鄉的現代人 Modern…but rootless 在這稱為「我家」的地土上,看不見黃土 在這寸金呎土的石屎地上,我看見寂靜的背影 漆黑一片。 為何鄉土可以有情, 城市卻是無情? 我不懂,卻嚮往…… 遙望遠古的日出, 令人心生敬畏。 然而, 眼前的日出 總是躲在摩天大廈的背後, 成了日落。 地土孕育生命, 從亙古到永恆。 石屎成就億萬富翁, 卻是一瞬即逝。 寸寸黃金之下, 容不下人間情。 忽然 抬頭 仰望 原來點點星空, 載滿了造物之情。 望著寂靜的星空, 幻想踏在遼闊的黃土地上; 心中的狹隘變得遼闊, 鄉土情融化了石屎的冰冷。

Bare land is a luxury in this place I call ‘home’, only dark, lonesome shadows are visible in this concrete jungle where land is gold. Why is this city cold and merciless while compassion is the name of countryside? It is the desire of my heart, though I understand it not, to stare in awe at the centuries-old dawn. Yet this timid sunrise is hidden constantly behind the skyscrapers and wears the costume of the dusk. From ancients to eternity, lives are nurtured by the Land Concrete breeds millionaires who fade as the fad passes. There is no place for compassion in a city where money reigns In a sudden I lift up my eyes and see… The heart of the Creator is exemplified in the sparkling starry night In the tranquility of the starred sky, I fancy stepping on the expansive lands, a fantasy which broadens my narrowness and the warmth of earth gently melts the stone-cold concrete jungle With a grateful heart to the Creator I know by heart that I belong to Zion, my genuine homeland.

感激造物主創造黃土與星空, 我暗自決定我的故鄉是鍚安。

Random Thoughts ︳16


︳ Cultural Trend

Text / Ching Ching | Design / Issac Ng

Cultural Trend ︳18


一 個 人 的 台 灣 之 旅

甚麼?一個人去旅行?因為失戀?工作失意?沒有人陪? 統統不是!從來沒有去過外國留學的我,一直都被媽媽照 顧得無微不至,甚至可說是飯來張口,真的很想嘗試一下 一個人的生活是怎樣的滋味。所以就一鼓作氣,請了二十 天大假,去了比較熟悉的台灣。

台北 前兩次到台北都只是停留了幾天的時間,除了血拼和夜市 狂吃外,根本沒有好好看過這個城市。這一次停留了十天 的時間,因為對「舊」的一切情有獨鍾,去了青田街看日 式老房子和淡水重建街。小時候跟媽媽回鄉看見的紅磚瓦 頂的小屋,沒想過在重建街再次看見。

花蓮 花蓮是我第一次去的地方,原因非常簡單:民宿漂亮絕頂 的單人房把我深深吸引,所以來住了一個星期。花蓮是一 個很樸素的市鎮,人們都非常友善,問路的同時也會跟你 談上幾句。住在背山面海的民宿,打開窗就能享受到涼 風,難怪花蓮人這麼愛花蓮了。雖然我沒有像其他花蓮遊 客一樣,租單車遊景點(全因我的踏單車技術太爛了),連 民宿的老闆也說我算是開業以來最「宅」的住客,但我還 很享受這種慢活——坐在海邊,遙望太平洋,看看書又看 看天空。

墾丁 墾丁是我第二次到遊,但看來這裡還是三五知己來會比較 好玩。我走訪了最想去的海洋生物館,規模頗大,非常值 得一遊。

恢復,時間的原始速度 在這二十天,放慢了腳步,沒有繁瑣的事務纏身,我重新 認識了「時間」。沒有加快,沒有變慢,我感受到時間就 以最原本的速度行走,實實在在的度過了最真實的二十 天。

獨處,原是為了群居 一向以為自己不怕悶不怕孤單,但很老套說句,原來夜闌 人靜的時候,還是會有一點點寂寞浮上心頭。然而我相信 學習跟孤獨相處,跟自己對話,再與別人相處時才會更清 楚自己是誰。

19 ︳ Travelogue

Text & Design / German Cheung

淡水重建街 Zhong Jian Street What could have driven you to travel alone? Breaking up? Getting fired? Being turned down by possible travel partners? People come up with all sorts of reasons to justify my decision of travelling alone to Taiwan…As a beloved daughter who’s never studied abroad, I always feel like a spoilt baby at home. That’s why I decided to travel alone to Taiwan for 20 days... just to get a taste of living in solitary!

Taipei In my previous trips, I didn’t spend more than a few days in Taipei for things other than shopping and eating, thus never taking a deep look at the city. Out of my love for classics and history, I chose to stay for ten days to visit those old Japanese houses on Hsing Tien Street and reminisced about my childhood amidst the red tiles roofed houses on Zhong Jian Street.

青田街 Hsing Tien Street

Hwalien I’m attracted to Hwalien by the gorgeous single room in the lodge. Throughout my 1-week-stay, I’m deeply impressed by the simplicity and friendliness in this town – you may get to chat for minutes by asking for directions! My lodge is located between the mountains and the ocean; I can enjoy the bliss of breeze simply by opening the windows. Unlike the others, I didn’t rent a bike for sightseeing (pardon my poor riding skills). Instead, I enjoyed the slow-paced living, sat on shore and starred at the Pacific Ocean, read books and gazed at the sky.


My lovely single room

花蓮民宿的狗狗,牠叫三間仔~ Triple Sripe from Hwalien

Kenting This was my second visit to Kenting and I think that it’s a destination for buddies’ trips. The gigantic National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium is one of the worth-going spots in Kenting.

Restoring the Pace of Time With slower steps and a hassle-free lifestyle, my definition of time has been changed after this trip. In these twenty days, time is neither paced nor slowed. For the first time, I’m able to experience time at its original pace.

海洋生物館 National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium

Seclusion and Inclusion I’ve always thought that I belong to the solitude. But to be honest, at nights when I’m all by myself, I still sense a slight forlorn feeling. Having said that, I believe that having dialogues with yourself and coping with loneliness is the key to self-understanding. It’s only when you truly know who you are that you can be at ease when staying in crowds.

白白胖胖的白鯨 Chubby beluga

Travelogue ︳20

從生命中尋找音樂 Music of your Life 前幾次有機會介紹「JCz Band」所創作的歌曲,今次我也 想藉此機會介紹這個樂隊其中一個成員 就是我自己。

Having introduced some songs composed by JCz Band previously, this time I would like to introduce to you one of the band members – myself.

我負責樂隊中部份的編曲,也是鍵琴手。不經不覺,我玩 音樂已經十三年了…

I am the arranger and the keyboardist of the band. I have been playing music for 13 years.


From Hatred to Love

若不經過昨天的磨煉,就不會有今天的我。話說我小五開 始學鋼琴時,是給母親強逼我學的,當時我對鋼琴、對音 樂都不感興趣。

The ordeal of practices has made me who I am today. Being forced by my mother, I have been learning piano since I was in P.5. However, I had interest in neither piano nor music back then.

有次,母親邀請我在教會的小學生崇拜中彈琴,滿心以為我 喜歡彈琴的她,卻沒有想到我的反應:我一口就拒絕了。

My mother once invited me to be the pianist in a worship service. She was so shocked when I abruptly refused. She thought I enjoyed it!

21 ︳M.A.J.

Text / Hei Leung | Design / German Cheung


Music – My Safe Haven

上了中學,我真的開始喜歡彈琴,自學、偷師、苦練,慢 慢再喜歡上流行的彈法。前幾年,我更把音樂當作我的麻 醉藥,讓我去逃避,不面對真實的世界⋯⋯。

I started to enjoy playing piano since middle school. I taught myself to play pop music and gradually fell in love with it. Music then became my safe haven, allowing me to escape from the real world.

那時,每當我裡面的情感想湧出來時,我就封閉自己,抽 離不理會人、不理會裡面的感覺。一直在彈琴,好像陶 醉,但其實是逃避,不面對人,也不面對世界。

Whenever I was emotional, I alienated myself from the others and neglected my own feelings. I kept playing piano just to escape from the others and the world.

不知你也曾否嘗試用音樂(或任何其他方法來逃避、麻醉 自己?請聽我一句實話:這是很危險、又令你更痛苦的!

Does it sound familiar to you? What’s your safe haven? Do you use anything as your anaesthetic? Honestly I tell you, it is dangerous and only deepens your pains.



有些問題是別人能夠察覺,自己也會知道;然而更淒慘的 是,有些問題別人察覺,自己卻懵然不知──這叫做盲 點。我在逃避,卻連自己也被欺騙了。直至有人開始提醒 我,我才發現原來自己整個人好像空殼一樣,生活毫不實 在。自己滿以為備受欣賞的音樂,卻原來只有外表,全無 內涵。

There are some problems that are noticeable to the others and yourself while there is something that you’re blind to. I thought I was escaping from pains, but in fact I’m being deceived. I didn’t realize myself living without a soul until someone reminded me. My music had no emotion and feeling at all.


Learning from Music

我開始慢慢學習變得實在一點,而非只會浪漫地表達音 樂,但內心卻其實有十萬噸污穢。

From then on, I learnt to play music in a more down-to-earth way and refused to hide my impurities with fancy techniques.


I believe that there’s life to music.

現在每一次彈琴,就好像用音樂來說話一樣。我常常會想 像,對著神彈琴,向祂彈出我心裡的感覺和說話。

Whenever I play piano, I feel like speaking with the notes. I always imagine myself telling God all my feelings and things I want to say when making music to Him.

所以,一段音樂,除了它的質素外,還有它的生命力。若 彈奏的人從生命裡湧出的是愛和喜樂,音樂將不只是動 聽,而會感染人的心靈。

Therefore, music is not only about quality but also vitality. If the performer is full of love and joy, his/her pleasant music will affect the listeners.

直到今天,神也給我很多機會,與幾位朋友一起玩音樂, 亦是傳達我們有生命力的音樂信息。 今次這樣的分享,不是在說我有什麼本領,能演奏什麼、 創作什麼。我知道,如果不是神一直給我機會,也幫我找 到出路,我也不會是今天的我,而我仍是在學習中。 盼望能鼓勵你。不論你是否玩音樂的人,生命都是應該有 一份生命力的,你可以感染身邊的人,使他們大開眼界, 讓他們從你身上看見:這是神的工作!

God has always provided me with lots of opportunities. I play music with friends and convey messages through our music. I am not trying to show off my talents by sharing in here. For I know God provides all my opportunities and I still have a long way to go. I just wish to encourage you: life should be vital no matter you play music or not. A vital life can affect people around you and amazed them with God’s great work in you. Wanna share your stories as a musician? Contact me at


M.A.J. ︳22

Text / Lai Ling| Design / Tammy Tam

數個月前,我和友人看完舞台劇後,慣性地去售票處走個 圈,看看有甚麼新劇將會演出。在芸芸的宣傳海報中,友 人指著一張背景深沉的海報,叫我一起去看。我仔細看著 上面的面孔和文字,心中不禁想:不是吧?聖經故事音樂 劇,一定是很沉悶的!於是我敷衍了友人幾句,就轉移了 話題。

A few months ago, I was at the box office with a friend to check out the upcoming stage performances. Among the posters, there was one with a dark background, which was promoting a biblical musical. A sense of boredom grew as I looked in detail at the faces and words on it. So when my friend invited me to watch it with her, I made excuses and moved on to talk about something else.

後來在偶然的機會下,在網上看了一齣舞台劇的宣傳片, 不知怎的有一種雞皮疙瘩的感覺,原來這就是友人叫我去 看的那一齣劇,跟我想像中有著天淵之別。可惜那時已經 為時已晚,門票一早就賣光了,最後幾經轉折、好不容易 才找到兩張門票,真意想不到!

It was until some days later that my impression towards this musical changed. I came across a moving trailer on Youtube unknowingly and it turned out to be the musical that I dismissed earlier! It was completely different from what I thought it would be. Sadly though, when I changed my mind and decided to watch it, all tickets were sold out already. I was so grateful when I secured two tickets at last.

這次已是《唯獨祢是王》第三次公演,前兩次我也沒看 過,所以沒法比較,也不用比較。故事的背景是公元前 1000年左右,當時以色列人眼見其他國家都有君王帶領, 唯獨是他們沒有,所以要求當時的士師撒母耳去為他們立 一個王。結果在神的帶領下,撒母耳選立了以色列的第一 個王——掃羅。掃羅由一個尋常的百姓成為了一國之君, 起初他也很勤政愛民、敬畏以色列的神,但漸漸成為一個 充滿猜疑、妒忌、驕傲的人,最後神另立新的君王,而掃 羅則在戰場上受重傷後自刎而死。

23 ︳ Stage Fever

The musical was called The Only King and this was the third performance since it has been brought to stage. I have not watched the previous two so there is no way for me to make comparison (I don’t find it necessary, anyway). The story happened in around 1000 BC. At that time Israel thought that they had no king to lead the nation while the other nations did. They, therefore, asked Judge Samuel to give them a king. Samuel was unhappy for that so he prayed. God then told Samuel to choose Saul, who was an ordinary person, to be the first King of Israel. At first, he was a king who was hard-working and loved his people so much. He also had fear of God. But he started to become a suspicious, jealous and arrogant person, hence, God chose another person to replace him. Saul committed suicide after seriously wounded at war.

Text / Kaying | Design / Katy Hung

自問信主已有一段時間,奈何一直對以色列人的歷史未感 興趣,然而透過這兩個半小時的音樂劇,導演把歌、舞、 劇三者緊緊結合,活生生地呈現出人物的內心世界,令我 決心重讀相關的聖經,並開始了連串反思…… 到底我心目中理想的君王又是怎樣呢?當然就是有智慧、 明辨是非黑白、治國有法等,可是,人畢竟是人,人又怎 會有完美的呢?既然別人是這麼靠不住,那我靠自己不是 更好嗎?然而我們也是人,每個人都有他的優點、弱點與 人性本身的黑暗面。如果我們把希望放在不完全的人身 上,最終還是會失望而回的。 雖然我們只是一個普通人,未曾做過一國之君,但我相信 很多人也試過有猜疑、妒忌的感覺,掃羅就是想事事掌握 在他手中,即使明知無法控制一切,但還是不甘心。其實 人可以憑甚麼自誇呢?在大自然之中,人就是顯得那樣微 小,人力根本無法勝天。既然如此,我們應該怎樣呢? 歷史就是要我們借古鑑今,掃羅的自以為是讓他落得如此 下場,盼望我們尋問創造天地的主,得著祂所為我們預備 的命定人生。

Despite my lengthy Christian years, I have had no interest in the history of Israel. However, during this 2.5 hours, I am amazed at the director’s great effort in comprising singing, dancing and the well-plotted script so that the characters’ innermost thoughts are shown in a lively way. This aroused my interest in re-reading those related chapters of the Bible and I got some reflection. I asked myself: What should the ideal king be like? You may agree with me that wisdom, discernment, capability to rule the country etc. are the qualities of an ideal king. Yet, no man on earth is perfect. So I asked another question: If people are that unreliable, why don’t I rely on myself? Yet again, I am also a human being. It is natural for one to be good at some time and bad at the others. Just as we have strengths, we also have weaknesses. If we still insist on putting our hopes on the imperfect people, we will be disappointed for sure. We do not have to be a king to be suspicious and jealous. I believe even ordinary people, like you and me; have had the feeling of suspicion and jealousy before. Saul indeed could be a king who was loved by everyone until the day of his death or even after. But he ruined himself because he wanted absolute control over everything; even though he knew he was unable to. So what is to boast about mankind? It is obvious that we are nothing when compared to The Nature. We never can surpass God. Then, how can we lead our lives? It is lucky that we have history. By learning from history, we can avoid repeating mistakes. Saul ruined himself because of his arrogance and self-reliance. Dear fellow Crossmen, God has prepared us wonderful lives. What really matters to us is to search for our destiny in Him, and go for it when it’s revealed.

Stage Fever ︳24

27/09/10 Oh.My.God. She did NOT do this to me!!! Just because I’m crushing on her best friend doesn’t mean she can tell him…or the rest of his class! What? She thought I wouldn’t find out?! A simple question I asked Levi’s classmates here and there got the whole story tumbling out. I always knew she was a back-stabber. “Oh, don’t worry! Levi and you are both my best friends! I don’t favor any one of you.” Quoted word by word from your big fat mouth Jada! Yeah right. It’s pretty obvious that you favor Levi. If you didn’t, the fact that I’ve been crushing on him since last year wouldn’t be such big news. You just had to open those lips of yours, and blab blab blab. Now, I can’t even walk into school without people whispering behind my back. I need to do something to Jada. I want her to suffer. But how? Simple. I’m her “best friend”. I have access to ALL her passwords. Start saying your prayers Jada. 25 ︳ Between You & Me

Text / Stephanie Tang | Design / Katy Hung

28/09/10 Going into Jada’s email and facebook account was a piece of cake. But once I got inside, reading her emails made my heart start boiling. Guess what? Levi likes me. He told Jada through her email. And Jada has been bad-mouthing me pretty badly. I have NEVER sat on my dog on purpose before, (Levi loves dogs), trying on all my clothes in front of a mirror is NOT my hobby, and wow… lots more to list… Another person she has been emailing is… oh god. ANGELINA?!?! Angelina is the meanest girl at school! She is the leader of everything! (Well she wants to be) I thought they hated each other! Oh snap. Jada told Angelina that I liked Levi… and the idea of telling him was from no other than Angelina. That’s not all… these two back-stabbers have been rating every single girl in the grade - in a bad way. Have these girls been watching Mean Girls too much? Well guess what? Regina George is storming in. Printing emails… done. These are going all over the grade tomorrow. And a special one that has Jada’s feelings for Levi printed all over it shall appear in his locker, signed “Love from Jada.” Whoopsies.

29/09/10 Revenge is sweet. Especially when you see your victim get hurt BAD. Ever felt like you couldn’t stare at someone’s face enough? I experienced this feeling for the first time in my life today. (Not including getting my eyes stuck on Levi’s face) Being the “Best Friend who is always there”, I was next to Jada when all the girls started yelling and screaming at her. I saw her going all red in the face, and trying to hide. The best bit: watching Angelina strut over with her gang, (They weren’t rated for some reason. Maybe Angelina predicted this would happen?) and walked right up to Jada’s face. “Email me tonight explaining everything. If not, I’m going to make your life hell.” Hissed Angelina. Quiet

enough so that only Jada and me - standing right next to her - could hear. Way ahead of you, Jada. I changed your password last night. The whole day, Jada was ignored by some, and snapped at by others. She couldn’t concentrate in any lessons, and even started crying in some. Jada tried making up with a few girls, but none of them showed her any mercy. Just as I hoped. The next person Jada turned to, was Levi. I pretended I was nice, and went along, showing what a “supportive” friend I was. I even helped Jada call Levi out, not caring about the wolf whistling, because I knew that all the attention will be on Jada pretty soon. Shuffling his feet, Levi slowly came out. Jada immediately threw her arms around him, and started sobbing like a new born baby. Levi simply pushed her away, and asked her why she lied to him - they were supposed to be best friends. Shocked, Jada asked what he meant, obviously not knowing what appeared in his locker this morning. Levi waved the printed email in front of Jada’s damp face, and told her she was the worst friend on earth. Throwing a smile at me, (In your FACE Jada!) Levi left. Leaving Jada turning on the waterworks again. Thinking I was her only friend left, Jada stuck with me all day. Until I ditched her at the end of school. I shoved one of the emails at her, and said, “By the way, I don’t think I’m a wannabe girl who has bad hair and a mouth with over-sized lips. You’re the one with a big mouth here, best friend.” With that, I left her. Loser.

30/09/10 Poor little Jada... Alone, laughed at, teased, gossiped about… I’m trying to ignore this weird ache in my gut right now. I don’t know what it is. But still, the truth is, it’s not that thrilling watching Jada getting excluded in everything. But does she deserve her right?

Between You & Me ︳26

27 ︳ Campus Right Click

Text / Ann Kristen Sen | Design /Ah Li

Campus Right Click ︳28

It’s been weeks since it happened. Yes, I’m talking about the tragic Filipino incident, an incident which stirred the hearts of Hong Kong people. Don’t get me wrong, I have passion for Hong Kong and its people; but I also have an even greater passion for God. I won’t be pointing the finger at who’s done what, but I will be pointing the finger at the scriptures and hopefully shed new light on this disastrous event. I’m pretty sure you all know how the story went, but for those who didn’t, I’ll be explaining briefly about what happened and why. Around 10:00am August 23rd 2010, a tour bus seating 25 including the bus driver and tour guide were made hostage by a 55 years old former police officer. Most of the passengers were from Hong Kong apart from the tour staff. The officer was called Rolando Mendoza and it was believed that his motives for such a crime were that he wanted to be reinstated back as a high ranking police officer as he was dismissed in 2008 due to drug allegations. Mendoza took the passengers as hostage for many hours, but he did release some children and the elderly because of hunger and discomfort. The atmosphere stood still as Mendoza negotiated with the Philippine National Police about his reinstatement. However, negotiations failed and Mendoza fired at the passengers in rage. In the end at 9:00pm in the night, the police managed to clear a shot at Mendoza and the police could

29 ︳News Review

finally free the hostages. Many of the passengers, however, died during the scene, and those who were lucky enough to survive had lost relatives and friends.

Is that you or the ME*IA? I know what you are thinking right now, that the Filipino Police were entirely at fault and that they had the worst police force in the world and had no clue about what they were doing. Therefore, they deserve all the punishment and condemnation from the Hong Kong people and no one should ever go to the Philippines for a holiday ever again. In some ways that may be true, but I believe that everything in life should always be looked upon in a positive way. So this brings me to the point. I believe that the reason of such anger is because of the media. I was shocked to read about the many quotes I read in the news, courtesy to BBC News Corporation. A section from the Philippine Star which is a Manila-based newspaper said this: “The nation mourns with the families of the fatalities from Hong Kong. Beyond mourning, the Philippines must show to Hong Kong and the rest of the world that decisive steps are being undertaken to prevent a repeat of the tragedy ... According to reports, about 250,000 Hong Kong residents visit

Text / William Ling | Design / York Tsui

Philippines Bus Hostages

Anger or Love? the Philippines every year. We can kiss that figure goodbye, at least for the next six months.” An online Philippine News corporation said this: “"The Philippines has received a black eye from this crisis, and deservedly so. If this turns into a whitewash then the country will fall further behind the rest of the civilized world. And not just foreign tourists, but even former Filipinos and expatriates living abroad will refuse to set foot in the country again." Just by reading those quotes, I felt sorry for the Filipino people. Yes, the new light I wish to shed is about the anger of the Hong Kong people. We must not take out our anger of the Filipino people just because they are of the same race as the country’s policemen. I even agree that we should transform our grievances into something constructive and help the Filipino government learn from their mistakes.

Vengeance in the Guise of Patriotism Unfortunately due to our Hong Kong ‘patriotism’, we have had to make it a law stating that no Hong Konger shall ever step foot into the Philippines. Why? Because we know that just a bit more than half of Philippines GDP growth comes from tourism and that many of the tourists come from Hong Kong. If we stop going there, then that would definitely hurt their pockets and give them the punishment they deserve.

Forsaking Rights for Love’s Sake But is that what Christians do? Let alone living in ‘Asia’s World City’? Since the beginning of the world, mankind has been sinning again and again. This is because we aren’t perfect, we are all faulty just like the Filipino Police Force, yet God didn’t wreck havoc on us. God never vowed that he would leave the earth to let mankind devour itself in its own demise. No, but instead he brought the biggest blessing no one could ever give, and that was by sending his own son onto the earth. And you know what? It was only for him to be whipped by leather strips made with glass fragments and to let him bleed to death on a wooden cross hung by nails in his wrists and feet. All this suffering by God’s son had to be done because God couldn’t bear to see mankind die to pay the penalty for our sin. Can you see how much God loves us despite our imperfect qualities? God had every right to give us eternal suffering, but he still chose to give us unconditional love. Yes, unconditional love, that’s what we, Christians or not, all need to give to the Filipino people – and the world.

News Review ︳30

In the Name of Fun Nowadays, many of us celebrate Halloween. Whether it is in the United States or Hong Kong, we go trick or treating or to amusement parks dressed up in scary costumes all under the guise of innocent fun. But have you ever stopped and thought why you celebrate Halloween? Have you ever wondered about the origins of Halloween, and what it really celebrates? Have you also thought why, during Halloween, people dress up as witches and ghosts? Is it simply for amusement? Or does it have a deeper reason underneath?

《 Thanks Tag》by 《 Crossmen 》

Hallow, Hollow or Horror?



TAG Your Friends!

Give Your THANKS Creating a Thanksgiving Trend From:

Yes, we know it’s tempting and hard to resist when everyone around is indulging in this seemingly harmless fun. Why be the nerd who rejects all sorts of enjoyment? Yes, we know how it feels. So here’s an alternative: 31 ︳ Seasonal Special

To start with, Halloween has roots with All Saints’ Day, which is a solemnity still observed and celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. They use this day to honor and commemorate all the saints that ever lived. And that sounds great - another good reason to celebrate Halloween, you may think. Not so. Now Halloween is a secular celebration and not a religious festival, losing the point of celebration. What’s more, Halloween has most of its roots derived from the Druids, and during this day these Pagan priests would worship the God of the Underworld. You may not know that these priests actually performed human sacrifices to their gods during their time. Here’s more. Author of the Satanic bible, Anton LaVey, notes that Halloween is one of Satanism’s most important days. So now, this is food for thought - do we celebrate Halloween because everybody is doing it, or did we unconsciously celebrate the day with Satan?

Let’s tag your friends with thanks!

i. 《Thanks TAG》Sticker You are invited to give the《Thanks TAG》stickers to someone whom you are thankful to (e.g. the principal, teachers, schoolmates, janitors…etc) in October, especially on Oct 31, when most people are trying to appall. You can either just tag them or stick it on note cards before giving out.

Text / Jeremy Lee | Design / Jenny Chen Why Lanterns and Costumes? Then there’s the thing about the themes in every Halloween. We have decorations like ghost, ghouls, skeletons, witches, jack-o-lanterns, all associated with evil. In fact costume play on Halloween was used by the Celtics to trick and repel spirits that they believed came back from the dead. Occultists also taught that Halloween night would be the day that spirits and ghosts would depart from their grave and seek for warmth and refuge in the houses which they had dwelled when they were still alive. Those who heard and believed these occultists were afraid of these ghosts haunting their houses and therefore put scary decorations outside their houses, dressed as monsters, goblins, ghouls and witches to scare those ghosts away, and put treats and food outside their houses to mollify those spirits who didn’t get scared so that they would leave the vicinity of their houses peacefully instead of destroying their houses and their gardens. Carving pumpkins during Halloween and putting it outside your houses was also a way that the occultists said would horrify the ghosts and make it refrain from disturbing the households. These are also the real reasons children and some adults dress up for Halloween and make jack-olanterns. They might not take it for a reason, but these reasons apply to the origins of their acts.

Feeding your thirst for scare… or the pockets of corporation Lastly, have you also thought of the fact that the “celebrations” in Halloween, and those decorations, are just products made from companies which want to make money? You get attracted by the thrills in the theme parks around you. You want those Halloween candies from your confectionary retailer. And you absolutely adore those witch costumes in the window. These “wants” make money for these companies. In fact, as mentioned earlier, Halloween is a secular festivity that many people (unfortunately) celebrate and that is why many companies, during this season, promote and sell all their Halloween-themed products. So essentially, you’re spending to celebrate the day of Satan’s triumph. Halloween has themes and roots with the occult, sin, Satan, witchcraft, paganism and the devil. By the time you read this, it’s probably going to be Halloween so think twice before you put on that pointy witch hat.

iv. 《Thanks TAG》Street Fever Teens are assembled for spreading out the 《TAG Your Friends ! Give Your THANKS》fever by flashing in different hotspots in community!

ii. 《Thanks TAG》Hit Song MV: Bro & sis from showbiz will be invited to produce a hit song MV on this 《Thanks TAG》 Movement! Share thru Facebook or YouTube, and giving thanks will soon become an inexorable trend!

TAG Your Friends ! Give Your THANKS is a new initiative of “No Fear in Love” campaign by U-Fire. Check out more in the following links: 1. Why Fear? by Tats Lau 2. Halloween Rap Project by Kay Ho

iii. 《Thanks TAG》Sweet Gift Bro & sis from showbiz will be invited to produce a hit song MV on this 《Thanks TAG》 Movement! Share thru Facebook or YouTube, and giving thanks will soon become an inexorable trend! 3. Halloween Rap Ver 2.0 by Kay Ho 4. Halloween Unveiled (Comics) 5. No Fear in Love on Facebook

Seasonal Special ︳32

紅外線下的世界 開啟感應穩形光線的眼睛, 窺看上帝才看得見的世界。 忘記樹葉本來的顏色, 你說的白是甚麼白?

你也愛SNAPSHOT? 將你的snapshot作品,連同一段短 文字,電郵至, 便有機會於crossmen magazine刊 登,與大家分享。 (請註明你的名字和校名)

33 ︳ Snapshot

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