CrossRoadsNews, April 18, 2009, Section B

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the 2009


B usiness &

expo – April 25, 2009 April 18, 2009

Section B

Lifeblood of the Economy Small Business Expo offers nod to spirit of entrepreneurship

April 25, 2009 Lower Level, The Mall at Stonecrest Noon to 5 p.m. Join us for presentations of the 2009 Best of East Metro Readers Choice awards to business owners and public officials. Photos by Curtis Parker and Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews


Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 18, 2009

Small Business Expo

Actress turned author loves people and helping out in community By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Chantell Christopher loves people and it shows. “I like for people to entertain me so I figure if I am happy, they will be too,” she says. On stage, she is both personable and engaging, and quick on her feet too. If there is some mishap backstage, she covers effortlessly and says she is also ready to fill in for those unscheduled moments. On April 25, Christopher will share master of ceremonies duties with Vince “The Voice” Bailey at the 2009 Small Business/Best of

Chantell Christopher

East Metro Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest. This is the Greenwood, S.C., native’s second stint at a CrossRoadsNews Expo. On March 28, she emcee’d the kids fashion show during the 2009 Summer Camp Expo and had so much fun, she is back for an encore. Christopher has been around Atlanta for 15 years with a threeyear break when she went to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. She came back to town five years ago. Professionally, she has appeared

in dozens of stage plays, on Broadway and for Tyler Perry. Her Broadway credits include “The Wiz,” “The Good Times Are Killing Me,” “The Colored Museum,” “Motown Showcase,” “The Ties That Bind,” “West Side Story,” and “The Amen Corner.” For Perry, she has acted in eight plays including “Madea Goes to Jail” and “Madea Class Reunion,” and “What’s Done in the Dark.” On the big screen, she played the bartender in Perry’s “Daddy’s Little Girls.” Last November Christopher self-published her first book – “Becoming the Man I Want: Why Am I

Not Married?” – and is about to go into her second printing. She said she wrote the book because she is almost 40 years old, never married and has no children, even though she is easy on the eye. With the help of a counselor and a best friend, Christopher said she decided to embrace the top qualities she wanted in a man, change her attitude and become that person as well. She said success will create a paradigm shift. “We will no longer be looking for our better half, but looking for our better whole,” she said.

Accidental encounter with microphone leads to to life of voice overs By McKenzie Jackson

When Vince “The Voice” Bailey steps on stage to co-emcee the April 25, Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest, most of the skills he has acquired during his 29-year stint in the media industry will be on display. After all, his main duty as the expo’s master of ceremonies will be to talk and he has been doing a lot of most of his life. “The Voice” was born when a 14-year-old Bailey took the stage by accident at a summer talent show in Gary, Ind. “A young lady, who was em-

ceeing the show, messed up and everybody started laughing at her,” he said. “I grabbed the microphone and told everybody that wasn’t right and to stop laughing and they did.” He discovered in that moment the power of the microphone. “And I haven’t turned it loose since,” he said. Bailey, who is active in the South DeKalb Business Association, has lived in the metro Atlanta for five years. Before that he lived in Little Rock, Ark., for 13 years. Through the years he has been the voice for county governments, college sports teams, boxing events and professional sports teams. He

has had work as an on-air personality for morning, jazz and pop radio stations. Bailey also worked as a news photographer and editor for a Little Rock-area television news station, been the cable television coordinator for the city of Little Rock, a production supervisor for Comcast Cable, a commercial manager for WB 42 and a media manager for the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Now in addition to running his own full service media production company, Vince Bailey Productions in Lawrenceville, Bailey is the voice of the WNBA’s Atlanta Dream. As the team’s public address announcer, Bailey welcomes fans

to Phillips Arena, introduces the game’s players and does the playby-play. At the expo, which will be from noon to 5 p.m., Bailey will help introduce speakers and performers, moderate panel discussions, give out door prizes and keep the crowd interested during transition periods. “The main thing as a MC is to keep the program going and keep the audience engaged,” he said. “You don’t want any downtimes or times of confusion. “If that happens you never tell the audience what is going on behind stage. You talk about something else like how funny your Vince Bailey shoes look.”

2009 Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo Grand Prize Entry Form Visit at least 20 of these exhibitors* at the Mall at Stonecrest and enter to win in a drawing for a 5-Night Land Package to Puerto Rico - 3 nights at the beautiful InterContinental Hotel in San Juan & 2-nights at the Lazy Parrot Hotel in Rincon - compliments of LT Travel Connection/Puerto Rico Tourism.

5 Just Decks 5 1.2.3. Discount Fabrics 5 Ingrid Davidson, Metro Brokers GMAC Real Estate 5 All Star Kids Academy, Inc. 5 Legal Document Preparation Services 5 Anytime Fitness Center 5 LT Travel Connection/Puerto Rico Tourism 5 American Family Insurance 5 Mona Vie 5 Biz Connection 5 Mudea’s Soul Food 5 Best Buy Stonecrest 5 Norma J Body 5 BJH Attorneys & Counselors at Law 5 Olivia Original Gift Basket 5 Budget Auto Painting and Collision, LLC 5 Operation Boot Camp 5 Creative Coaching & Training, LLC 5 P.M. Holmes Realty 5 CrossRoadsNews 5 Rhapsody Productions/Delores Major 5 Chantell Christopher, Author 5 Service 1st Auto Care 5 Chick-fil-A Inside the Mall at Stonecrest 5 Silk N Such Floral Designs 5 DeKalb Chamber of Commerce 5 South DeKalb Business Association 5 DeKalb County Contract Compliance 5 Steen Miles, Author 5 DeVry University 5 Tadda’s Fitness Camp 5 Felicia V. Anderson, CPA, LLC 5 The Real Estate Development Institute 5 G D Stanford & Associates 5 The Hair Network 5 Georgia Black Chamber of Commerce 5 Visions by Robert Chapman 5 Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________City _______________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Hm ph. _______________________________________ Cell ph. _______________________________________ *To win, exhibitors must write their codes on your entry form. Your name, address and telephone nos. are required to win. Employees and immediate family members of CrossRoadsNews, the Mall at Stonecrest and LT Travel Connection/Puerto Rico Tourism are excluded from winning. Must be present to win.


Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 18, 2009

Small Business Expo

2009 Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 25, 2009 - Noon to 5 p.m. • The Main Stage in front of Macy’s Lower Level, The Mall at Stonecrest Noon 1 p.m.

Expo Kick-off Tapping into the Stimulus Funds: What I Should Know & How to do Business With DeKalb County Government & Schools

3:30 p.m. Delores Major, Jazz Violinist Door Prize Giveaway

Phyllis Jones Associate Buyer, DeKalb Schools

Rodrick Wallace Sharon Walker Snr. Contr. Comp. Director Office, DeK. Govt. DMI

Door Prize Giveaway

2 p.m.. What Can a Business Association Do for Me?

2 p.m.- Best of Each Metro Readers Choice Awards Presentations

4 p.m.

Best of Each Metro Readers Choice Award Presentations

Delores Major, Jazz Violinist

4:45 p.m. Grand Prize Drawing for a 5-Night Land

Anna Henderson President, GBCC

Leonardo McClarty Pres.,DeK. Cham. of Commerce

Linda Mayhand Pres. SDBA

Package to Puerto Rico – 3 nights at the InterContinental Hotel in San Juan, & 2-nights at the Lazy Parrot Hotel in Rincon - compliments of LT Travel Connection/Puerto Rico Tourism..

5 p.m. Expo ends See you at the April 24, 2010


Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 18, 2009

Small Business Expo For Honest & Reliable Heating & Air Conditioning Service, Call...

Panel to help businesses tap public funds

The DeKalb MiAll the talk of the federal croenterprise Instieconomic stimulus funds, has tute trains entrepremany small businesses hoping neurs to grow their something will trickle their business and access way, but how to know where, loans. or when. Its programs inMost of the funds from clude a comprehenthe $787 billion American Roderick Wallace Phyllis Jones sive 10-week entreRecovery and Reinvestment Sharon Walker preneurial training Act passed by Congress will be East Metro’s First Choice Since 1985 coming through public projects for roads, bridges, schools, small program for new and existing microenterprise business owners. business loans, and so on. ✓ Spring Air Conditioning Checks Since its inception in 2004, Wallace said Since the funds are being channelled governmental bodies, ✓ Fall Heating System Checks savvy business owners have to ready themselves to access those the institute has graduated more than 435 ✓ Planned Maintenance Agreements entrepreneurs. opportunities. He says many graduates have utilized the Three officials from DeKalb County Government and School ✓ Equipment Repair & Replacement training to start successful enterprises and System will discuss their requirements for their vendors and offer ✓ Ductwork Installation fine tune existing businesses. tips on qualification and bidding requirements. ✓ Free Estimates on Unit Replacement Wallace also chairs DeKalb MicroenterSharon Walker, senior contract compliance officer with DeKalb County Contract & Cmpliance Department, Roderick prise Alliance, which is made up of more than Lu Woodson, Owner Wallace, executive director of DeKalb Micro Enterprise Institute, 30 community entities, primarily focused on B.S., Mechanical Engineering and Phyllis Jones, associate Buyer, DeKalb County Schools Sys- the strategic economic direction of DeKalb Member, Conditioned Air Assoc. of GA (CAAG) tem Purchasing Department will participate on a panel – Tap- County’s small business community. State Licensed & Insured During the panel discussion, Wallace will ping into the Stimulus Funds: What I Should Know and How to EPA Certified, NATE Certified discuss stimulus funds that will be challenged do Business With DeKalb County Government & Schools. In her position, Walker assists small business owners in be- thrugh the Small Business Administration We Service All Equipment Brands – Residential & Light Commercial coming certified as Local Small Business Enterprises, Woman for loans to ailing business. He has 14 years of corporate financial Business Enterprises and Minority Business Enterprises so that they can qualify to bid on county con- experience, including holding key positions with Bank of America, Citibank and the Wall tracts. Walker also takes part in outreach and Street firms Paine Webber and Prudential training events designed to increase Local Bache Securities. He also has a wealth of business developSmall Business Enterprise participation in HEALTH, SKIN CARE, LIFESTYLE & GOURMET PRODUCTS BY: ment experience including his 6 years operatthe County procurement process. WATKINS & NONI Walker, who has been with the DeKalb ing R. Wallace Enterprises, his own business County for seven years, says the county buys development and training firm. Visit our booth at the 2009 Small He has a Bachelors of Science Degree everything from office supplies to police Business Expo April 25th at the Mall at uniforms and weapons to fire trucks and from Southern Illinois University and an Stonecrest for additional product MBA from the University of Phoenix. ambulances. information and business opportunities. Jones began her career with DeKalb Once a business owner is certified as a Local Small Business (LSB) Enterprise, County School System in 1994 with the Staff L.C. WHEELER, Distributor she said he can bid on county contracts Services Department before moving to the 678-663-1622 OFFICE /CELL that require a 20 percent minimum LSBE Finance/Purchasing Department in 1997 as a Purchasing Clerk. She has been associate participation. Her department also offers free clinics buyer since 2007 and is well versed in Public twice a month on second and fourth Tues- Sector Procurement ranging from purchase days monthly that teach business owners all orders to purchasing cards and solicitations. they need to know about doing business with Phyllis Jones is a member of the National Institute of Governmental DeKalb County. She said prime contractors who do busi- Purchasing. She will discuss the school systems ness with local and women enterprises are awarded preferential points ranging from requirements and procedures for doing business. five to 20 percent of their contracts. Jones is a graduate of the DeKalb County “We do business with contractors, builders, plumbers, professional services, we do Schools and worked in buying/bookkeeping business with everybody; automobile dealers, for a family owned business in Stone Mountain, before joining the school system. buying vehicles,” she said. The panel will be at 1 p.m. on the Main Walker holds a B.A. Degree in CommuniStage in front of Macy’s. cations from Governors State University.




Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 18, 2009

Readers Choice Awards April 18, 2009

The readers have spoken, loud and clear

Wide-ranging poll reveals East Metro’s finest Some of the winners of CrossRoadsNews’ 2009 Best of East Metro Readers Choice Awards include the Arabia Mountain Trail (Best Walking Trail & Best Biking Trail), and (from left) Excell Preparatory School (Best Day Care), Herman Mitchell & the All-Stars (Best Jazz Band), and Byron Cage (Best Gospel Singer).

Buy and Sell Best Antique Store

Best Beauty Supply Store

Best Florist

Finders Keepers, Avondale Estates

Sally’s, Flat Shoals Road, Decatur

Bussey’s Florist, Candler Road, Decatur

Best Bookstore – New

Best Auto Dealer – New Domestic


Best Furniture Store (Home)

Malcolm Cunningham Ford, Decatur

Best Auto Dealer – New Import

Malcolm Cunningham Mazda, Lithonia Best Auto Dealer – Used

Best Bookstore – Used

The Book Nook, Decatur Best Comic Book Store

The Dragon’s Horde, Stone Mountain Best Eyewear Store

Malcolm Cunningham Auto Gallery, Decatur

Lenscrafters, Stonecrest

Best Tire Store

Best Financial Institution

NTB, Decatur

Bank of America, Panola Road

Best Music Store

Wal-Mart, Memorial Drive Best Pet Store

Rooms To Go, Stonecrest

PetSmart. Conyers

Best Garden Center

Best Shoe Store

Home Depot, Wesley Chapel Road

DSW, Stonecrest

Best Jewelry Store

Best Women’s Clothing Store

Jared’s, Stonecrest Best Travel Agency

Macy’s, Stonecrest

Best Men’s Clothing Store

Come Cruise With Us & Tours

Men’s Wearhouse, Stonecrest

Best Law Firm

Best Children’s Clothing Store

Burroughs Johnson & Hopewell, Lithonia

Sprouts Children’s Resale, Conyers



Small Business & Best of East Metro Expo

April 18, 2009

Readers Choice Awards Public Affairs Citizen of the Year

Hank Johnson

Best School Board Member

Eugene Walker

Best County Commissioner

Larry Johnson

Best Local Entrepreneur

Tony & Leslie Royal, Chick-fil-A Turner Hill & S. DeKalb Mall

Favorite Local Character

Stan Watson

Favorite Local Activist

Viola Davis

Most Beloved Politician

Stan Watson

East Metro Landmark

Stone Mountain Most Beloved Elected Official

Gwen Keyes Fleming Most Beloved Public Official

Thomas Brown Best State Legislator

Stan Watson

Best Civic_Organization


Congressman voted East Metro’s Citizen of the Year Fourth District Congressman Hank Johnson is a busy man. If he isn’t on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. fighting for the interest of his constituents in DeKalb, Gwinnett and Rockdale counties, he is making his rounds in the community meeting with people. That is the main reason why Johnson got Craig Merkerson’s vote as Citizen of the Year in the CrossRoadsNews 2009 Best of East Metro contest. “If you are always seeing him that means he is doing something,” said Merkerson, who lives in Conyers. Sibyl Patterson, who lives in Lithonia, also picked Johnson because she says she keeps seeing him at a few functions around town. “He is approachable and seems to generally care about his constituents,” she said. Patterson added that her son-in-law runs a youth foundation and that she has noticed Johnson at the youth events. “He’ll show up and speak a couple of words,” she said. “Anyone who is for kids has my vote.” Decatur resident Jonell Kinard said that Johnson has aided some people he knows with personal issues. “He has been very involved with that,

Hank Johnson is frequently spotted at community events, greeting his constituents in the 4th Congressional District.

along with other issues in the county,” he said. Merkerson said that he has heard Johnson speak a few times and noted that the congressman is easy to relate too. “When you e-mail him, he emails you back,” he said. “Not a lot of people do that. If you e-mail some people, someone else will

email you back.” Merkerson adds that Johnson isn’t just popular in the Fourth Congressional District. “I have some friends in D.C. and they say he is doing a good job as well,” he said. “They say that he is one of the more wellliked congressmen from the south.”

Popular destination Stone Mountain was voted East Metro’s Most Popular Landmark and Best Hiking Trail.



April 18, 2009

Readers Choice Awards

Residents say Johnson is Best County Commissioner If it seems like DeKalb Commissioner Larry Johnson is everywhere, its because he is. Johnson, who represents Commission District 3 stays busy working in his district which has some of the county’s Larry Johnson poorest and most depressed corridors ranked at the top of the list for abuse of children. In his two terms on the Board of Com-

mission, he has pushed for the revitalization of Candler and Wesley Chapel roads, overseen the installation of sidewalks on Glenwood Road, advocated for more police officers and worked to get a Super Wal-Mart where the old abandoned Avondale Mall once existed. These efforts stood out in the minds of the residents who picked him as Best County Commissioner in the CrossRoadsNews 2009 Best of East Metro contest. Myrtle Mayfield Johnson being everywhere is good. “A lot of times you’ll see politicians on the campaign trail and then after they win, never

again,” she said. “He is not like that.” Mayfield said Johnson makes himself available to the public. “His willingess to answer questions and to show up in the community and at meetings is big,” she said. Jacqueline Kendrick said that she is impressed with Johnson’s interpersonal skills. “Just seeing him at the forefront at the monthly community meetings that Stan Watson holds is a true example of leadership,” she said. Atlanta resident Juanita Craig said Johnson is one of her favorites. “I like everything about him,” she said.

Musical nirvana The Stewart Amphitheatre in downtown Lithonia was voted the Best Live Music Venue in East Metro Atlanta, in large part because of its highly popular summer concert series.

Services Rendered Best Auto Detailing

Cartopia, Panola Road, Lithonia Best Auto Repair

Drummer Imports, Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur Best Health Club

South DeKalb YMCA Best Day Spa

Travis Salon & Spa/Conyers Best Hair Salon

Honey Creek Hair/Conyers Best Barber Shop

Exodus Barber Shop, Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain Best Dentist

Children’s Dentistry at Stonecrest Best Orthodontist

Craig Williams DDS, Decatur Best Pet Grooming

PetSmart, Conyers Best Free Wi-Fi

Chick-fil-A Turner Hill Best Martial Arts Dojo

AKJ Karate, Conyers Best Dance School

Conservatory of Dance & Fine Arts Best Day Care

Excell Preparatory Academy Best Youth Performing Arts Group

Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia

It is an honor to be voted “Citizen of the Year”

in the CrossRoadsNews 2009 Best of East Metro Readers Choice Award

Thank You!

Congressman Henry “Hank” Johnson 4th District of Georgia Proudly Serving DeKalb, Rockdale, and Gwinnett Counties Lithonia Office: 5700 Hillandale Drive, Ste 110 • 770-987-2291 Tucker Office: 3469 Lawrenceville Hwy, Ste 205 • 770-939-2016



April 18, 2009

Readers Choice Awards

Former state Rep. still popular with residents

Stan Watson – Most Beloved Politican. Favorite Local Character, Best State Representative.

Best Female Vocalist – Candi Staton. Stone Mountain

Former state Rep. Stan Watson may no longer be in the Georgia House but he is still on the minds of East Metro residents. They voted him Best State Representative, Most Beloved Politician and Local Character in the Best of East Metro Readers Choice awards. Watson, who left his House seat in 2008 to run for DeKalb CEO, continues to stay active with his monthly DeKalb Community Cabinet meeting co-hosted by a slew of sitting House members. He started the first Saturday

meetings more than a decade ago at New Piney Grove Baptist Church in Decatur, where he is a deacon. Jacqueline Kendrick, a former DeKalb resident who now lives in Conyers, gave Watson her votes. “He exemplifies true leadership, true commitment,” she said, “not only to his church and family, but his community.” She said the way Watson, who is also her church brother, operates sets the tone for leadership in DeKalb County.” Myrtle Mayfield, a McDonough resident, said she voted for Watson in the Readers’ Choice Awards be-

cause of his involvement with the community. “He keeps everybody informed of what is going on in the community,” said Mayfield, a 30-year Decatur resident. “He has his monthly cabinet meetings and after each legislative session he would come and tell you what happened.” Jada Hudspeth,also of Decatur, said she has heard Watson speak and found him to be unique and interesting,. “You know how you go somewhere and one or two people stand out in the room. He is one of those people.” Most Belowed Elected Official – Gwen Keyes Fleming



April 18, 2009

Readers Choice Awards Dining Best American Restaurant

Chick-fil-A at Turner Hill Road Best Asian Restaurant

China Dragon, Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur Best BBQ Restaurant

Smokey Bones, Stonecrest Best Caribbean Restaurant

Taste of Jamaica, Decatur

Best Family Dining Restaurant

Golden Corral, Conyers Best Italian Restaurant

Olive Garden, Stonecrest Best Restaurant for First Date

Arizona’s, Stonecrest

Most Romantic Restaurant

Arizona’s, Stonecrest

Best Soul Food Restaurant

Gladys Knight’s Chicken & Waffles Best Sports Bar

Dugan’s, Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur Best Buffet

Golden Corral, Conyers Best Burger

Burger King, Candler Road, Decatur Best Breakfast

IHOP, Panola Road, Lithonia Best Late Night Eats

Waffle House, Lithonia Best Pizza

Davido’s, Panola Road Best Takeout

American Deli, Gallery at South DeKalb Best Chicken Wings

American Deli, Gallery at South DeKalb

Scene & Be Seen

Best Chicken Salad

Zaxby’s, Mall Parkway, Lithonia

Best Female Vocalist

Candi Staton

Best Coffeehouse

Starbuck’s, Panola Road, Lithonia

Best Jazz Artist

Ken Ford

Best Farmers Market

DeKalb Farmer’s Market

Best Local Artist

Hank Stewart

Best Fish Market

DeKalb Farmers’ Market

Best Jazz Band

Herman Mitchell & the All-Stars

Best Grocery Delicatessen

Publix, Flat Shoals Parkway

Best Art Gallery

Neighborhood Gallery & Arts Center

Best Supermarket


Best Museum


Best Fish Fry

Supreme Fish Delight, Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur Best French Fries

Hank Stewart was voted Best Local Artist

McDonald’s, Wesley Chapel Road, Decatur

Best Children’s Attraction

Best Hot Dogs

Best Place to People Watch

Chuck E Cheese, Conyers

QuikTrip, Flat Shoals Parkway

Mall at Stonecrest

Best Ribs

Community of Faith

Smokey Bones, Stonecrest Best Sub Sandwiches


Best Large Church

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church

Kampai, Stonecrest Best Sunday Brunch

Best Outreach Ministry

Best Bicycle Trail

Arabia Mountain Best Hiking Trail

Stone Mountain Park Best Walking Trail

Arabia Mountain Trail Best Running or Jogging Track

Stone Mountain Park

Academy Theatre, Avondale Estates Best Live Music Venue

Lithonia Amphitheater Best After Work Watering Hole

Arizona’s, Stonecrest Best Bar Food

Applebee’s, Stonecrest

Best Small Church

New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church

Fun for All

Best Live Theatre


Best Sushi

Sycamore Grill

Best Movie Theatre Stonecrest AMC

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church

Best Bar or Club to Be Seen In


Best Dance Club


Best Dance Ministry

New Piney Grove Dance Ministry Best Christian School

Greenforest/McCalep Academy

Best Happy Hour

Dugan’s, Memorial Drive Best Cocktail Lounge


Best Gospel Choir

Total Praise

Best Jazz Club


Best Gospel DJ

Coco Brother, 107.9 Best Gospel Singer

Byron Cage

Best Karaoke Bar

Dugan’s, Flat Shoals Parkway, Decatur

No Enrollment Fee with one-year agreement

Anytime Conyers 2227A Ga. Hwy. 20 Conyers, GA 30013 Anytime Decatur 4920 Flat Shoals Parkway Decatur, GA 30034

24-hour access Tanning State-of-the-art fitness equipment High-tech security system Access to 1,000 clubs nationwide Clean and non-intimidating environment Friendly staff Personal Trainers available Group Fitness Classes Discounts for Seniors, Students, Heroes



April 18, 2009

Small Business Expo

Business associations can provide resources to promote long-term growth When the economy gets tough, small businesses need all the help they can get. Leaders of three local business organizations, say that help is often no further than their doors. Ann Henderson, president of the Georgia Black Chamber of Commerce, said difficult times call for working smartly. “You have to be on top of your game,” she said. “That means you have get out there.” Henderson will join DeKalb Chamber of Commerce president Leonardo McClarty and South DeKalb Business Association President Linda Mayhand on a panel discussion about the value of joining business associations at the April 25, 2009 Small Business/Best of East Metro Expo at the Mall of Stonecrest

Anna Henderson

Leonardo McClarty

McClarty said membership has its benefits. “The first is business development opportunities,” he said. “You also have a number of opportunities for networking and creating new partnerships and alliances.” McClarty, who has led the DeKalb Chamber for four-and-ahalf years, said that a group like the chamber does a lot of leg work for its members helping them maxi-

mize their time and efforts. “When you go to a chamber of commerce function, there are going to be a significant number of business Linda Mayhand owners or business representatives present,” he said. “It affords an opportunity to prospect in one location with a large number of businesses as opposed to making phone call after phone call and scheduling individual meetings.” DeKalb County is home to about a dozen business groups and chambers including the Greater Lithonia Chamber of Commerce, Tucker Business Association,

Oakhurst Business Association and the Decatur Business Association. Each one promotes networking as a key reason to join their group. Mayhand, who is on her second term as the SDBA’s president, said the opportunity to network with other businesses is important. “It brings a sense of unity that you don’t get from family and friends who are not in the business community,” she said. “You get support.” Mayhand said that business associations and chambers allow member businesses to compare notes and share ideas about running a business. The South DeKalb Business Association offers monthly meetings, mixers, holiday galas and tours of facilities of member facilities. The DeKalb Chamber hosts a

monthly First Monday Lunch with prominent speakers and facilitates a number of business to business seminars to bring business people cope with similair issues they are facing. The Georgia Black Chamber of Commerce’s events includes its annual legislative breakfast, regular Lunch and Learn series and its annual Lou Walker Golf Classic. Henderson said the only reason a business should not join a business group is if the owner wants to keep the business a secret. “If you want to keep it all to yourself, don’t join any organization,” she said. The panel discussion – What Can a Business Association Do for Me? – will be at 2 p.m. on the Main Stage in front of Macy’s on the Mall’s Lower Level.

For business success, devote plenty of time to your marketing strategy When business is down, smart business people know that they have to step up their marketing to lure some business their way. Here are some tips from the SBA on helping to keep the lights on. n Never let a day pass without engaging in at least one marketing activity. n Determine a percentage of gross income to spend annually on marketing. n Set specific marketing goals every year; review and adjust quarterly. n Maintain a file of ideas for later use.

tion related to your profession. n Carry business cards with you about strategy, product features, issues. benefits, etc. (all day, every day). n Meet quarterly for breakfast. n Maintain a consultant card file n Create a personal nametag or pin n Ask clients why they hired you n Create a suggestion box for em- for finding designers, writers, and with your company name and logo and solicit suggestions for improveon it and wear it at high visibility ment. meetings. n Ask former clients why they left you. Target market n Identify a new market. n Stay alert to trends that might n Join a list-serve (e-mail list) reimpact your target market, product, lated to your profession. or promotion strategy. n Read market research studies Education, resources, info about your profession, industry, n Establish a marketing and public product, target market groups, relations advisory and referral team etc. of colleagues and/or neighboring n Collect competitors’ ads and lit- business owners; share ideas and erature; study them for information referrals and discuss community


other marketing professionals.

letter or other publication.

for areas requiring modifications or

leagues to promote referrals.

to members of certain clubs/pro-

n Attend a marketing seminar. Pricing and payment n Read a marketing book. n Subscribe to a marketing news- n Analyze your fee structure; look n Subscribe to a marketing list- adjustments. n Give regular clients a discount. serve on the Internet. n Train your staff, clients, and col- n Learn to barter; offer discounts n Hold monthly marketing meet- fessional groups/organizations in

ings with employees or associates exchange for promotions in their to discuss strategy and status and publications. solicit marketing ideas. n Join an association or organiza- Continued, next page

April 18, 2009



Small Business Expo

Successful marketing goes a long way to keep business through the door From Previous Page

n Write a column for the local newspaper, n Send birthday cards and appropriate sea- on the Internet.

n Offer financing or installment plans.

n Publish an article and circulate reprints. n Photocopy interesting articles and send Advertising n Send timely and newsworthy press releases them to clients and prospects with a hand- n Advertise during peak seasons for your

Marketing communications n Publish a newsletter for customers and prospects (it doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive). n Include a postage-paid survey card with your brochures and other company literature. n Include check-off boxes or other items that will involve the reader and provide valuable feedback to you. n Remember, business cards aren’t working for you if they’re in the box. Pass them out! n Give prospects two business cards and brochures - one to keep and one to pass along. n Create a poster or calendar to give away to customers and prospects. n Print a slogan and/or one-sentence description of your business on letterhead, fax cover sheets, and invoices. n Create a signature file to be used for all your e-mail messages. It should contain contact details, including your Web site address and key information about your company that will make the reader want to contact you. n Include testimonials from customers in your literature. n Test a new mailing list. If it produces results, add it to your current direct mail lists or consider replacing a list that’s not performing up to expectations. n Rather than sending direct mail in plain white envelopes, use colored or oversized envelopes to pique recipients’ curiosity.

local business journal, or trade publication. sonal greetings.

as often as needed n Create an annual award and publicize it. n Get public relations and media training or read up on it. n Create your own TV program on your industry or your specialty. Market the show to your local cable station or public broadcasting station as a regular program, or see if you can air your show on an open access cable channel. n Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. n Get a publicity photo taken and enclose with press releases. n Consistently review newspapers and magazines for possible PR opportunities. n Submit tip articles to newsletters and newspapers. n Create a press kit and keep its contents current.

Customer service, relations n Ask your clients to come back again. n Return phone calls promptly. n Set up a fax-on-demand or e-mail system to easily respond to customer inquiries. n Use an answering machine or voice mail system to catch after-hours phone calls. Include basic information in your outgoing messages such a business hours, location, etc. n Record a memorable message or tip of the day on your outgoing answering machine or voice mail message. n Ask clients what you can do the help them. n Take clients out to a ball game, show, or Media relations n Update your media list often so that press another special event – just send them two releases are sent to the right media outlet tickets with a note. n Send handwritten thank you notes. and person.


written FYI note and your business card.

n Send a book of interest or other appropri- n Get a memorable phone number, such as

ate business gift to a client with a handwritten note. n Create an area on your Web site specifically for your customers. n Redecorate your office or location where you meet your clients.

Networking, word of mouth n Join a Chamber of Commerce or other organization. n Join or organize a breakfast club with other professionals (not in your field) to discuss business and network referrals. n Mail a brochure to members of organizations to which you belong. n Serve on a city board or commission. n Host a holiday party. n Hold an open house. Send letters to attendees after you attend a conference. n Join a community list-serve (e-mail list)


n Obtain a memorable URL and email ad-

dress and include them on all marketing materials. n Provide Rolodex® cards or phone stickers preprinted with your business contact information. n Promote your business jointly with other professionals via cooperative direct mail. n Advertise in your community newspaper or a specialty directory. n Distribute advertising specialty products such as pens, mouse pads, or mugs. n Consider placing ads in your newspaper’s classified section. n Consider a vanity automobile tag with your company name. n Create a friendly bumper sticker for your car. n Code your ads and keep records of results.

About DeVry University As one of the largest degree-granting higher education systems in North America, DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of Management provide high-quality, careeroriented associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in technology, healthcare technology, business and management. More than 65,000 students are enrolled at more than 93 locations in 26 states and Canada, as well as through DeVry University Online. The Atlanta-area has seven locations. DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, For more information about DeVry University, visit

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