CrossRoadsNews, August 14, 2010

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It’s eastbound motorists’ turn to brave huge traffic tie-ups as DOT gears up to pave the east lanes of I-20 from Columbia Drive to Turner Hill Road. 2

The economics of New York’s famed 125th Street is explored in a documentary screened at Atlanta-Fulton Central Library Auditorium. 5

MLK football coach Michael Carson and his staff will have their work cut out for them in their goal of playing for a state title in the Georgia Dome. 8

On to the flip side

Copyright © 2010 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

Harlem’s glory street

August 14, 2010

Ready to rumble

Volume 16, Number 16

New crosswalks to help pedestrians

Jennifer Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Interim School Superintendent Ramona Tyson says she will be honest.

End drama, school chief says By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Photos by Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Traffic signals on Candler Road are flashing yellow to alert motorists to the HAWKs pedestrian crosswalks that will be activated later this month.

By Carla Parker

Candler Road pedestrians, who gamble with their lives every time they attempt to cross the busy thoroughfare, will have some real help from HAWKs before the end of the month. The Georgia Department of Transportation said this week that it will activate its new pedestrian crosswalks. HAWKs, which feature islands in the middle of high-pedestrian areas, allow pedestrians to bring traffic to a complete stop. DOT spokesman Mark McKinnon said halting traffic is a good thing. The crosswalk features two buttons for pedestrians to push – at the sidewalk and in the middle of the roadway. “Pedestrians will have more opportunities to cross the street safely,” he said. The Candler Road HAWKs will be the second set of crosswalks activated in DeKalb and in the state of Georgia. In preparation for their activation, four Candler Road crosswalks – near Saint Philip AME Church; at the McDonald’s restaurant at McAfee and Candler Road; across from the Gallery at South DeKalb; and at New Life Baptist Church Community Center – have been flashing yellow lights in recent weeks. On Aug. 11, the DOT started the system on Buford Highway, long known as the state’s most dangerous road for pedestrians. HAWKs are now in use there between Clairmont Road and I-285.

Sally Flocks, president and CEO of Pedestrian Educating Drivers on Safety, said she is happy to see the DOT doing something to make the roads safer for pedestrians. “The roads need to work for all people – drivers and pedestrians,” Flocks said. Pedestrians will activate HAWKs by pressing the button. Approaching drivers will see a flashing yellow for a few seconds, indicating that they should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. The light then goes to a solid yellow before turning a solid red, requiring motor-

ists to stop at the stop line. At this time, the pedestrian receives a “walk” indication on the pedestrian signal. Motorists are required to remain standing until the pedestrian makes it safely to the other side and the light goes out. The HAWKs were first established in Arizona and then spread to other states, including Delaware and Oregon. Each HAWK costs $120,000. Flocks said that on average, three people are killed annually crossing Buford Highway. In Georgia, she says 12 percent of traffic fatalities involve pedestrians and 25 percent of those accidents occur near bus stops. Jason Gagnon, a DeKalb Police spokesman, said the department has seen improvement over the years on Candler Road with pedestrian accidents and fatalities. “There used to be several fatalities back in the day, but from 2007 to now, we haven’t had any pedestrian fatalities,” Gagnon said. In 2009, there were 14 pedestrian accidents on Candler Road. So far this year, there has only been one. McKinnon said the DOT plans to extend the project across the state once funding is provided. Flocks said drivers need to give pedestrians time to get used to using the HAWKs. “Because this is new, drivers need to understand that pedestrians don’t understand this at first. So, just drive cautiously,” she said.

DeKalb School System employees are on notice from interim School Superintendent Ramona Tyson to act right. A tough-talking Tyson told the monthly gathering of homeowners association presidents and officers, residents, parents, and state and county elected officials on Aug. 7 that she has no intention of running afoul of the law. “My decision is based on how to be honest with you, frankly, the district attorney and the ability to say that something criminal is going on, because personally, I’m not going to jail. “ Tyson was speaking to the DeKalb Community Cabinet Meeting, hosted by Commissioner-elect Stan Watson and other elected officials at New Piney Grove Church in Decatur. Tyson said she wants the drama to stop. “One of my priorities is to establish order back in this district,” said Tyson, who took over a district in turmoil on Feb. 25. “And in order to establish order, the drama has to stop and everybody’s got to go to work.” The 22-year DeKalb Schools veteran was tapped by the School Board to lead the district when it parted company with former Superintendent Crawford Lewis amid a grand jury investigation into the district’s construction program. On May 26, Lewis, former school system construction manager Patricia Pope Reid and her assistant Cointa Moody were indicted on racketeering and other charges. Tyson said she has asked everyone – teachers, principals and assistant principals – to model and expect the best, and do the right thing the first time and every single time. “We have got to stop creating controPlease see TYSON, page 3

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