CrossRoadsNews, July 15, 2017 - Section B

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July 15, 2017


Family & Back-to-School Expo Saturday, July 22, 2017

Copyright © 2016 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

July 15, 2017

One-stop information shop

Thousands of parents and children are expected at the CrossRoadsNews 12th annual Family & Back-to-School Expo, July 22 at the Mall at Stonecrest.

Screenings, resources and more so you’ll be ready for the new school year! Noon to 5 p.m. • Lower Level • the Mall at Stonecrest ■ Free health screenings

■ Fashion show

■ Entertainment

■ Book Bag giveaways

Section B




July 15, 2017

Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre will take kids and adults on a fun journey of discovery.

Information is at the core of our annual expos 2346 Candler Road Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888 Fax: 404-284-5007 The Family & Back-to-School Expo Special Section is a publication of CrossRoadsNews, Atlanta’s award-winning weekly newspaper. Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker Reporters Jennifer Ffrench Parker Angelina T. Velasquez Graphic Designer Sharif Williams Editorial Intern Tekia L. Parks CrossRoadsNews is published every Saturday by CrossRoadsNews, Inc. We welcome articles on neighborhood issues and news of local happenings. The opinions expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor those of any advertisers. The concept, design and content of CrossRoadsNews are copyrighted and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner. without the written permission of the publisher. © 2016 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

The first day of school is just around the corner, and yes, Aug. 7 will be here sooner than we think. But don’t panic! CrossRoadsNews’ 12th annual Family & Back-to-School Expo has you covered. On July 22, our sponsors – Kaiser Perma­ nente of Georgia and WellCare of Georgia, and our partner, the DeKalb County School District, and nearly two dozen exhibitors will help you get excited about the start of the 2017-2018 school year. Once again our 2017 expo, which takes place on the lower level of the Mall at Stonecrest, will offer information, resources, lots of giveaways and prizes, and perfor­ mances that will entice kids to stay in school, relish the journey, stand tall, and strive for success. Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre will take kids and adults on a fun journey of discovery about eating healthy and be­ ing active with its “What’s in That Lunch Anyway!?!” WellCare of Georgia is giving away 3,500 bookbags and school supplies such as pens, pencils, erasers, pencil packs and rulers. It will also have health and Medicaid informa­ tion, and fun games to play at its table. Exhibitors range from dance schools and private schools to medical centers and DeKalb County Government offices, with lots of useful information to share. The Arabia Mountain Heritage Area will have information about its programs to lure you into the great outdoors. Parents can get screened for hypertension and diabetes at tables staffed by Oakhurst Medical Centers and Compassionate Nurses, and they and their kids can sample mouthwatering dishes, cooked up by Life Chef Asata Reid.

Parents and their children can gather lots of information about exhibitors’ programs and services.

There will be a fashion show offering fresh ideas for the students who don’t wear uniforms, and everyone can dance along with Rae Rae “the Exercise Motivator” Clark when she kicks off the expo at noon from the Main Stage near Sears. And anyone who visits 15 of our spon­ sors, partners and exhibitors can enter for a chance to win a Fabulous Back-to-School

Gift Basket compliments of the Mall at Stonecrest. And don’t miss the huge – 3,500 – book bag giveway!! The expo takes place noon to 5 p.m. The mall is at Turner Hill Road and I-20 in the city of Stonecrest. For more information, call 404-2841888.


2017 Family & Back-to-School Expo Exhibitors & Grand Prize Entry Form Visit at least 15 of these exhibitors* at the 2016 Family & Back-to-School Expo and enter to win a Back-to-School Gift Basket from the Mall at Stonecrest. Drawing takes place on July 22, 2017, at 4:40 p.m. at the Main Stage in front of Sears on the lower level of the Mall at Stonecrest. _____ AAA, Auto Club South

_____ DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court

_____ Kaiser Permanente of Georgia

_____ Arabia Mountain Heritage Area

_____ DeKalb County School District

_____ Kilombo Academic & Cultural Institute

_____ Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates

_____ DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office

_____ Oakhurst Medical Centers, Inc.

_____ Candler Dental Associates

_____ DeKalb County Solicitor General’s Office

_____ Ramsey Realty Services

_____ Children’s Healthcare at Hughes Spalding

_____ DeKalb County Tax Commissioner

_____ Tetra Tech, Inc./Environmental Consortium, LLC

_____ Compassionate Nurses, Inc.

_____ First Afrikan CDC Food Pantry

_____ The Academy of Scholars

_____ CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

_____ Georgia Stars Academy of Dance & More

_____ WellCare Health Plans, Inc.

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________________________________________ Home phone _________________________________________________ Cell ___________________________________________________________ * Eligible entries must be validated by at least 12 exhibitors and must include your complete name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Employees and immediate family members of CrossRoadsNews and the Mall at Stonecrest are not eligible to win. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. You MUST be present to win.


July 15, 2017



2017 Family & Back-to-School Expo Program Highlights July 22, 2017 • Noon to 5 p.m. • The Main Stage in front of Sears Lower Level, The Mall at Stonecrest Noon

Expo kicks off with Rae Rae “The Exercise Motivator”

12:30 p.m.

Georgia Tiny Stars Dance Team

1 p.m.

Back-to-School Fashion Show

1:30 p.m.


1:45 p.m.

Demarquez “Ya Boy Majik” Grissom

2 p.m.

Healthy Food Demo with Chef Asata Reid

2:30 p.m.

Antonio “The Chozen One” Hinton

2:45 p.m.

Georgia Stars Jr. Dance Company

3 p.m.

Kaiser Permanente

3:15 p.m.

Kayla Wyatt, singer

3:30 p.m.

Georgia Stars Academy of Dance Dazzling Gems Majorettes

3:45 p.m.

DeKalb County School District

4 p.m.

M.A.D.E. 4 Christ

4:15 p.m.

Conservatory of Dance

4:40 p.m.

Grand Prize Drawing

5 p.m.

Expo Ends

Jan Martin Emcee Rae Rae Clark

Demarquez “Ya Boy Majik” Grissom

Back-to-School Fashion Show

Antonio “The Chozen One” Hinton

M.A.D.E. 4 Christ

Chef Asata Reid

Conservatory of Dance

Kayla Wyatt




July 15, 2017

“In the past this tax-free period has been one of our most successful weekends as it pertains to sales.”

Loss of tax-free holiday will impact families, retailers’ budgets By Angelina T. Velasquez

For the first time in half a decade, Georgia parents preparing for the new school year won’t have tax-free shopping days to help stretch their back-to-school budgets for supplies, clothing and computers. Annually, families spend upwards of $27.3 billion on back-to-school supplies, and the popular annual tax holiday helped them save hundreds a year. For the first time since 2012, the tax holiday that would have taken place July 29-30 did not make it out of the General Assembly this year. State Rep. Howard Mosby, who heads the DeKalb Delegation, expressed surprise this week when CrossRoadsNews called to ask why legislators did not support the tax holiday. “I didn’t know it didn’t pass,” he said. “It is one of the most popular things that we do at the legislature.” The tax holiday, first approved in 2005, usually exempt clothing, including footwear, priced up to $100; computers, computer components, and software priced up of $1,000; and school supplies up to $20 each. Teachers also took advantage of the tax holiday to stock their classrooms. Traditionally, Georgia legislators approved two annual tax-free holiday weekends. The second one took place in the fall, and was good on Energy Star appliances. Since its launch, the tax-free holiday was forfeited for three years, between 2009 and 2011, during the height of that period’s recession. Nationally, 19 states, including many of Georgia’s neighbors, participate in the annual tax-free weekend. Massachusetts and Rhode Island also cancelled their tax-free weekend

Tax-free back-to-shool shopping Tennessee

Jul. 28-30

South Carolina

Aug. 4-6


Jul. 21-23

Florida Georgia shoppers looking for tax-free shopping this year can shop in Alabama on July 21-23; Tennessee, July 2830; and South Carolina and Florida, Aug. 4-6.

Aug. 4-6

this year. Georgia lawmakers say eliminating the 2017 tax holiday will save the state tens of millions of dollars. Wesley Tharpe, Georgia Budget & Policy Group research director, says the tax holiday cost $70 million in lost revenues annually. He called the lost tax revenues “a sizable chunk of change” to counties and cities struggling to fully fund schools and keep local

The tax holiday usually exempt clothing, including footwear, priced up to $100; computers, computer components, and software priced up of $1,000; and school supplies up to $20 each.

hospitals open. Georgia shoppers looking for tax-free shopping this year can shop in Alabama on July 21-23; Tennessee, July 28-30; and South Carolina and Florida, Aug. 4-6. Donald Bieler, director of marketing at the Mall at Stonecrest, said eliminating the holiday will hurt retailers. He is hoping the

the state will reconsider. “We are very disappointed that the Georgia Legislature did not pass the Tax Free Holiday for 2017,” he said. “In the past this tax-free period has been one of our most successful weekends as it pertains to sales.” For more information, visit www.dor.

July 15, 2017




If your child will be taking lunch to school this year, plan and prepare healthy lunches to save time in the mornings.

Back-to–School Survival Guide offers useful tips for parents By Tekia Parks

The bell will ring in the first day of school on Aug. 7, and parents who want their kids to have a successful year know they must begin making preparations now. Here’s a list of must-do’s that are sure to help:

Registration If your child is attending a new school this year or joining the district for the first time, you must ensure that they are registered. The DeKalb County School District has a new, fast, and easy online registration system for new students, saving you a trip to the registration office. Visit online-registration/ to register your child. Attend open house Attending your child’s school’s open house gives you the chance to meet with his or her teachers, tour the classroom, join the PTA, and receive vital information regarding expectations for the school year. Children tend to be less nervous and more excited about the first day when they have visited their school beforehand. Meal prep for school lunch If your child will be taking lunch to school this year, plan and prepare healthy lunches to save time in the mornings. You can use Sunday to plan, prepare and package lunches for the week and store them in the fridge. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, and treats to make lunch enticing.

Get all the items on your child’s school supply list to ensure that they are well prepared for activities or special projects the teacher has organized.

able at Follow school supplies list bus-routes/. It’s better to be over prepared than under prepared. Get all the items on your child’s Stay in contact school supplies list to ensure that they are Exchange contact information with your prepared for any activities or special projects child’s teacher. You will get all information the teacher has organized. Know your child’s bus route All bus routes and bus numbers are avail- quicker and firsthand. If your child does not use all of the items

by the end of the school year, save them. They will still be good for the next school year.

Don’t stress The school year lasts longer than the preparation and if your child is well prepared everything will run smoothly.




July 15, 2017

“We prayed together, and we discussed things they couldn’t discuss with their parents.”

Music group helps youth pursue their dreams By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

artists. They make music, and learn video and music producWhen Willie “Chozen” Oftion. fice was a teen, he was in and By 2013, the M.A.D.E 4 out of jail so many times, he lost Christ group, comprised of himcount. self; his son “Lil G,” who will be “Let’s put it this way,” he said. a junior at Shiloh High School “Between 17 and 22 years, I’d this fall; his 13-year-old daughseen about a year of freedom.” ter Gianna “Small Fry,” who is Office, who was expelled a rising eighth-grader at Shiloh from Forest Park High School Middle School; and fellow in the 10th grade, blamed church members Anthony “AJ “gangbanging” for his revolving Smooth,” Stewart, 22; and Chrisprison door. topher “Big Chris” Williams, 20. But on his last 45-day stint in Two year’s later, Jaquay “Mrs JJ” jail, 16 years ago, he decided put Menales, 38, joined the group to his wayward life behind him. after Office heard her perform, The turning point came in and wouldn’t let up until she 2001 when his wife, Krystal, agreed to join his group. brought their seven-month son M.A.D.E 4 Christ, led by former gang member Willie “Chozen” Office (red M.A.D.E 4 Christ’s first Geovannni “Lil G” to visit him cap) is a mobile ministry performing for and working with youth. single “All the Way In,” released in jail. in early 2016, was downloaded 6,000 times “He was reaching out to touch me On the streets, Office led gangs. from iTunes. By the end of 2016, the group through the glass,” he recalled July 10. “And In church, kids gravitated to him. released “All the Way Up,” a Falcons anthem. I saw what I had always said I wouldn’t make He and his brother Franco, a drummer, It was downloaded 100,000. happen. I always said I would be there for dabbled in music, putting a their spin on gosOn June 17, the group released its first my son. I didn’t have my father and I always pel music. By 2006 he had launched M.A.D.E CD, the 18-track “Faithful & Furious,” featursaid I wouldn’t do that to my kids. It woke 4 Christ, which stands for Made And Defi- ing both singles. me up.” nitely Equipped, is a mobile youth and music M.A.D.E 4 Christ, now a mobile ministry, After lashing out at his wife for bringing ministry. Office began first mentoring the is more than about performing for young the toddler to jail to see him, he went back kids who were drawn to him. people across Atlanta and South Georgia. It to his cell and cried like a baby. “I let them know how important God also hosts food and school supply drives, and “I said to myself that I am not doing this is,” he said. “We prayed together, and we sponsor small home repairs and lawn care no more,” he said. discussed things they couldn’t discuss with services for the elderly and the needy. Six months after he got out of jail, Office their parents.” On July 22, 2017 Family & Back-toreturned to the Seventh Day Pentecostal Soon he was was producing singers, School Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest, Church in Scottdale where he grew up, and dancers, rappers, and instrumentalists. M.A.D.E 4 Christ will be on the Main Stage gave his life to God. Looking back, Office, They performed at events at their church near Sears at 4 p.m. now 38, said that without God in his life, one and at others. By 2010, the ministry included To see M.A.D.E 4 Christ perform, visit of three things would have been his fate. M.A.D.E Records, a Christian recording “I would be dead, jailed or paralyzed,” company helping young people to pursue For more information, visit Made4Christ. he said. their dreams of becoming professional music com.

Up and coming A year after she mesmerized the audience at the 2016 Family and Back-to-School Expo, Kayla Wyatt is a rising 10th-grader at the Academy of Liberal Arts at Newton High School in Covington, and still standing tall. Kayla, now 15, will return to the Main Stage at the CrossRoadsNews 12th Annual Family and Back-to-School Expo on July 22. She will sing at 3:15 p.m. An actor, model, dancer and singer, Kayla continues to use her many talents to stand up

Free health screenings for hypertension, diabetes available for parents Free health screenings for high blood pressure and diabetes will be available at the CrossRoadsNews 12th annual Family and Back-to-School Expo on July 22 at the Mall at Stonecrest. Oakhurst Medical Centers will offer both blood pressure and diabetes screenings from its booth. The nonprofit Compassionate Nurses Inc. will offer blood pressure screenings and tips on natural holistic treatments for stress, diabetes and hypertension. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is often called the silent killer because victims are often unaware that they have it. Betty Muhammad, Compassionate Nurses’ founder, said she will also share information about their Family Life Center at 3300 Memorial Drive in Decatur, which offers boys-to-men mentoring, a bookstore, food pantry, and resources to combat domestic violence. The expo takes place between noon and 5 p.m. on the mall’s lower level. The Mall at Stonecrest is at Turner Hill Road and I-20. For more information about the expo, call 404-284-1888.

Expo goers can get their blood pressure and blood sugar tested and pick up information to help their children have a successful school year.

July 15, 2017




“I was young once. I didn’t have a lot support. I didn’t have a lot of people to back me up. I know what it is like.” Kayla Wyatt, now a 10thgrader, will sing her anti-bullying song “Stand Tall” from the Family & Back-to-School Main Stage at the Mall at Stonecrest.

singer, dancer still standing tall for those who can’t do it for themselves. In her song and video “Stand Tall,” released last year, she discourages kids from bullying, which is a common problem in many schools locally and nationally. Kayla was born to be on stage, and she hasn’t looked back since she won the Little Miss Newton County pageant at age 3 with a hip-hop version of the ABCs. She made her film debut as Carlie in the short film “My Hue of Blue” and in November 2015, won a best supporting actress

nomination for her performance. Now a sought-after speaker in the Newton County School district, Kayla also dances with her school’s marching band. The Back-to-School Expo takes place noon to 5 p.m. at the Mall at Stonecrest, located at Turner Hill Road and I-20. Hear Kayla Wyatt sing “Stand Tall” at stand-tall-by-kayla-wyatt and at https://youtu. be/pd0jqGR9Ang. Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre’s interactive game teaches and entertains at the same time.

Family food game to dish on lunch

Kids and adults can explore “What’s in That Lunch Anyway!?,” a fun interactive game that encourage healthy eating, active living and dental health. The game, which is a program of Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre, gets the audience to guess things like the sugar, salt and fat content of the food they eat, and the number of steps a day they should take to stay healthy. The game will help answer questions like: n If you eat an apple, do you still have to brush your teeth?

n How much sugar is in that granola bar? n Just because a drink is orange, does that mean

it’s orange juice? n Is it Fruit, or False? n How many roads must a man walk down before he reaches 10,000 steps? These answers and more will be answered during “What’s in that Lunch, Anyway?!” at the July 22 CrossRoadsNews Family & Back-toSchool Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest. The expo will be on the mall’s lower level, noon to 5 p.m. The Mall at Stonecrest is at Turner Hill Road and I-20.

Demarquez “Ya Boy Majik” Grissom launched his nonprofit Project GRIND in his junior year at Syracus University. It mentors middle and high schoolers, encouraging then to stay in school.

Majik’s passion is music and kids By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Demarquez “Ya Boy Majik” Grissom has been making music since high school but he got really serious about it when he enrolled at Syracuse University in 2013 on full-ride Posse and Gates Millenium scholarships. Grissom, who is a Grady baby, grew up in Carver Homes and graduated from Carver High School. Now a college senior, set to graduate next May with a bachelor’s degree in education, he is using his music to make a difference in the lives of young people. “Youth development and music are my passion,” he said July 12. “I love working with youth to explore their passion and creativity, and encouraging them to be themselves.” A poet, mentor and motivational speaker, Grissom uses his music to inspire middle-schoolers to be themselves, find their voice, and learn to be successful, independent and respectful. On July 22, he will perform at the CrossRoadsNew 12th annual Family and Back-to-School Expo with the message to young people that “every road is hard, and every journey is long, but every process is worth it.” He will be on the Main Stage, near Sears, at 1:45 p.m. Grissom’s recordings include “Majik Trixks/The Esxape,” 11 tracks that tell his story of how he made it one lesson at a time. During his freshman year at Syracuse, Grissom, who is “Ya Boy Majik” to his fans, founded Project Greatness Resides in

Non-stop Dedication (G.R.I.N.D) to mentor kids in grades six to eight. “I was young once,” said Grisson, 22. “I didn’t have a lot support. I didn’t have a lot of people to back me up. I know what it is like.” He currently works with students from three middle and three high schools and five recreation centers in Syracuse. When he graduates, he plans to relocate Project GRIND to Atlanta and continue his mission to help kids stay on the straight and narrow path. When he was in middle and high schools, Grissom, who also teaches social studies, creative writing and physical education to middle and high school students, said that even though he got good grades in school he was disruptive, rebellious, hard-headed, and disrespectful. “I wanted to be cool,” he recalled. “I was a kid that was bullied, and I turned from being bullied to being a bully. If you ask any of my teachers from back then, they will tell you I did a 180 degree.” Grissom said he changed his ways when his coaches, teachers and mentors told him he could do better and be better. He listened. Now he is sharing his life’s experience to helping 13- to 15-year-olds who might be doing bad, to do good, stay in school and stay away from the streets. “I show them a different route,” he said. “I tell them that it’s worth it to stay active and be engaged and do well. I tell them they can be great individuals and good citizens.” For more information, visit and https://vimeo. com/168383964.




July 15, 2017

With a meal plan in your possession, shopping and packing healthy lunches is a snap.

Good planning yields tasty and nutritious back-to-school meals By Asata Reid

Chef Asata Reid will have samples of something healthy and tasty. She will be on the Main Stage, near Sears, at the July 22 Family & Backto-School Expo at 2 p.m.

As summer winds down, and back-toschool looms on the horizon, many parents rejoice because their grocery bill will get a reprieve. Something about long days, summer camp, trips to the pool and a bunch of sleepovers that creates kids who seem hungry around the clock and prone to endless snacking. Once that school bell rings, we reclaim our routine of three square meals a day, plus a healthy snack or two, but are you ready?

Fail to plan, plan to fail How prepared are you to maximize your children’s nutrition when their grazing is cut short by the regimen of the school day? Meal planning is an easy tool to make sure your superstars are loaded with the maximum nutrition to prepare their minds and bodies for the rigors of school. Meal planning using the MyPlate template designed by the USDA is a simple way to ensure breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are providing balanced nutrition. And with a meal plan in your possession, shopping and packing healthy lunches is a snap. Let’s take a look.

Include the four food group for a balanced meal If you are able to get all four food groups into a meal, then that meal is fairly balanced. Here are examples of what we assume to be a balanced meal; let’s find ways to tweak them for better nutrition.

Breakfast Lunch Balanced nutrition The USDA’s MyPlate diagram focuses Blueberry waffle Turkey sandwich on dividing each meal roughly into four Syrup Fruit snacks food groups: vegetables, fruits, grains and Fruit salad Chips protein. The dairy category is placed off to the side, implying milk, but for those who Sausage link Granola bar consume dairy, it’s pretty easy to meet the Apple daily requirements through milk, yogurt, and cheese; for those who don’t eat dairy, the calcium and protein can be fulfilled fat in this meal as well. through other foods. Lunch is a very carb-heavy meal, with two So for now, let’s focus on the four food slices of bread for the sandwich, sugary fruit groups represented on the plate itself. snacks and granola bars, and chips all adding to the carbohydrate load. Analysis Lessen the load with a whole-grain tortilla If you look at our chart of a typical meal instead of a sandwich, real fruit instead of fruit day, in the breakfast components almost snacks, and crunchy vegetables with dips like everything but the sausage has a significant hummus or guacamole instead of chips. carbohydrate load. And simply put, carboMake sure granola bars and trail mixes hydrates break down into sugar. Sure, fresh have a decent amount of protein (try to find fruit has fiber, vitamins and minerals, but 4 grams of protein) and that they aren’t just this breakfast could use a tune-up. sugar treats disguised as health foods. Using whole grains – such as wheat – as In the snack, carbohydrates are again the the base for the waffle mix and stirring in focus. Whole-grain crackers can be paired an egg white for lean protein along with with cheeses and nut butters for protein. Fresh some ground flax or chia seeds for protein, fruits or frozen fruit/vegetable smoothies are fiber and increased omega-3s would make more fulfilling and nutritious choices over a healthier waffle. Subbing a leaner protein plain fruit juice which is, let’s face it, basically for the sausage would decrease the saturated a sugar bomb. Yogurt – provided it doesn’t



Goldfish crackers

Baked chicken

Apple juice

Broccoli Yellow rice Hawaiian rolls

have too much sugar – is another good snack alternative that has protein, calcium and vitamin D as well as probiotics, which are good for digestive health. Finally, dinner is off to a good start with lean protein and fresh vegetables; however, yellow rice has a lot of sodium and preservatives if it is made from the package, and it’s a refined (simple) carbohydrate that just adds to the carb-load of the day. Brown rice, rice and peas or a cooked bean likeblack-eyed peas or pinto beans would be a good substitute. Also, the Hawaiian rolls are really sweet and soft (more preservatives), and a better choice could be cornbread (corn is a whole grain), or a whole wheat roll.

Balance is key When we take a look at the actual foods we use to create menus for the week, it is

important to think about how these foods are interpreted by our bodies. Will that food count as a carbohydrate, a protein, a fat or something else? What vitamins and minerals does that food provide? As we do so, we are able to spot things like excess carbohydrates and excess fats, excess salt and excess sugar – all of which contribute to excess calories and other unhealthy effects. Balancing out our foods throughout the day ensures we get balanced nutrition. And with the long school days ahead, and after school practices and activities, our kids need the best nutrition they can get in order to excel and achieve. Planning your meals for the week – including school lunches – can give you a snapshot of how balanced your family is eating, and allow you to make adjustments on paper before you spend money at the grocery store. Take a few minutes each week to plan your meals, create your list, and do your shopping so that you are well-equipped to provide healthy choices for your family while saving time and money. Have a great school year! Chef Asata Reid, MS Ed, is the nutritionist at the Healing Community Center in Atlanta. Through her company, Life Chef, she has taught healthy eating and community wellness for all life stages and ages. She will hold a cooking demonstration at the Back-to-School Expo at 2 p.m.

July 15, 2017




“Now is the time for us to make it crystal clear what we’re about – a community that values education, its schools

Two-year ‘I Love DeKalb Schools’ campaign highlights district’s value As students prepare to head back to school on Aug. 7, the DeKalb County School District will be entreating them and their parents to show their love for it. On July 10, the district unveiled the first pieces of what it is calling “a revolutionary marketing effort” to highlight the community’s investment in the success of its schools. The three-phase “I Love DeKalb Schools” campaign is designed to remind all stakeholders of the value of DeKalb schools, and to counter mainstream perceptions and attitudes that School Superintendent/CEO Dr. R. Stephen Green says “don’t accurately reflect the work of students and staff.” “In two years, DCSD has made dramatic progress in student achievement and delivering deep teaching and learning,” Green said. “Now is the Stephen Green time for us to make it crystal clear what we’re about – a community that values education, its schools and its stakeholders.” Green said the “I Love DeKalb Schools” campaign, which will take place over two school years, 2017 to 2019, will allow the district to better control its narrative and tell its own story. In the first of the campaign’s three phases,

seven billboards have been posted around I-285 and I-20 and other strategic locations across the county. District spokesman Andre Riley said the first phase will cost $85,710, which will be spent on billboards, television commercials and print ads. “This cost is spread out over two budget cycles,” he said. “Phases 2 and 3 are tentatively expected to take place during the next school year.” The billboards will be located at I-285 North at Covington Highway; I-285 West at New Peachtree Road; I-20 East at Wesley

Chapel; Memorial Drive and Hairston Road; I-20 and East Klondike Road; Peachtree Industrial Blvd; and 556 Buford Hwy/Clairmont Road. The district has also launched a new webpage,, with “Inspire, Achieve, Excel” messaging that reflects its unity, spirit and diversity. On the website, the district says it takes a village for a community to thrive and that is why it is celebrating the district’s heartbeat – its staff, students, families, and alumni. “We’re proud, DCSD Proud,” it says. “Our culture is rich, authentic, strong, and we’re

on the rise.” Phase 1 of the campaign also includes print ads, television commercials, and an original jingle performed by DCSD students. There are also promotional materials and social media initiatives. The district says the campaign will create a strong presence in the metro Atlanta K-12 landscape through media impressions, social engagement and increased website traffic, and that it will be used as a promotional tool to recruit new students and families to the district. It says the marketing effort, developed by the district’s Division of Communications and Community Relations, is the first wave of a push to re-establish the district’s links with its community. Other efforts include an external newsletter, a district news magazine, a new flyer management system, the district’s co-branding efforts and a re-dedication to social media. On its website, families and alumni are encouraged to download the campaign’s logo and add it to T-shirts, posters, buttons and to their own websites and social media sites. They can also share share their experiences and memories of the district, and inspire others with their testimony about why they love DeKalb Schools, at www.




July 15, 2017

“What you think school will be like for your child is likely based on what school was like for you.”

Use these tips to limit separation anxiety and first-day jitters

By Angelina T. Velasquez

Parents sending their first child to school – whether pre-school, kindergarten, or college – are likely to experience many emotions, including some separation anxiety. The 2015 Children’s Mental Health Report found that up to 80 percent of children and teens experience varying degrees of separation anxiety. Lawrence Cohen, Ph.D., author of “Playful Parenting,” said parents have to remove their fears about children going to school. “What you think school will be like for your child is likely based on what school was like for you,” he said. “It’s therefore important to recognize that your child may have a very

different experience than you did.” Parents should keep in mind that while it is a first-time experience for both of them, it is also a necessary part of growing up. Here are a few tips from educators, parenting experts, and child psychologists to help ease the pangs of separation anxiety.

Plan a school visit Introduce your child to the school and take advantage of open house opportunities. The more familiar your child is with the school, classroom, and teacher the easier it will be to say your “see you later.”

citing event are more likely to have children who are filled with first-day excitement than nerves. Establish a routine of common school activities, such as drawing, storytelling, or play dates with other children in the weeks leading up to the start of school.

Bring a piece of home Whether your child is 4 or 18 years old, there is no better way to ease a transition than packing a piece of home for comfort. For children this may be wearing their favorite t-shirt, finding a note from you in their lunch box, or their favorite snack.

Find ways to reassure children Establish a goodbye routine Parents who make going to school an exExchanging silly faces, a fun handshake,

or even a quirky dance move can make all the difference in your child’s demeanor and create a sense of comfort.

Don’t linger This may be the most difficult task for a parent who wants to watch their child walk through the school doors and into their classroom, but it may the very reason you or your child open the floodgates to tears. Say your farewell and walk away. Like most things, the first step is the most challenging, but after a few weeks parent and child will fall into a routine and no longer have trouble saying “see you later.” In fact, sending your child to school may become your favorite part of the day.

Parents who teach children to plan set the stage for long-term success successful beyond the classroom. With the first day of school a mere Here are a few tips to help you and three weeks away, parents can prepare now your child set goals for the new school to help their children have a successful year. academic year. Experts say savvy parents can help Discuss your child’s interests their children map out goals and plan to This may include joining school clubs, succeed. earning better grades, or making new Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, clinifriends. You should be aware of what cal director for New England’s Center for interests your child, and it’s also a good Pediatric Psychology, said goal-setting idea to discuss with your children which builds character and resilience in chilinterests should be priorities or can easily dren. be accomplished. “If children are going to become academically successful, they need to feel Set SMART goals ownership of their education,” she said. Help kids set simple goals that are Whether your child is in elementary, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, middle or high school, the experts say it is never too early or late to get involved in children’s academic and time-bound. Choosing goals that can be measured allows children to journey and overall development. They say that the ability to take ownership and follow keep track of the progress they are making and give them a through will build the resiliency that will make children sense of accomplishment.

Know, use your child’s resources It is important for parents to build rapport with their children’s teachers, and to know school resources and extracurricular opportunities that promote growth and success. The more ways they know, the better they are able to steer their children to satisfying opportunities. Keep track of progress Parents can also help their children choose a fun calendar to set benchmark dates and keep track, visually, of their progress. Calendars are especially useful when children do not feel they are making progress and need a visual reminder. Buy them colorful pens and markers, stickers, and Post-It notes to make it fun. Reward success Rewards help to encourage and reinforce positive behavior, and it is important to acknowledge your children’s efforts and accomplishments. Finally, as your children meet and set new goals, remember this is an opportunity for both of you to develop a closer bond.

July 15, 2017




“This is the kickoff for the school year and they don’t want to miss out.”

Open houses offer students, parents a window into new school year By Tekia Parks

Before DeKalb County Schools open on Aug. 7 for the 2017-2018 school year, students and their parents can visit their classrooms and meet their teachers at open houses being held at all of the schools across the district Aug. 2 and 3. The district’s 84 elementary schools and 20 middle schools will host open houses on Aug. 2. The elementary schools’ will be 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., and the middle schools will be 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The 21 high schools will have their open houses on Aug. 3. Ninth-graders and students who are new to the district will meet from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. All other students will meet 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Open houses offer students the opportunity to take some of the mystery out of the first day of school. They can meet their new teachers, catch up with the ones they know, find out what will be expected of them, and see who some of their classmates will be. Chaquita Bradley, a secretary at Redan Elementary in Lithonia, said it’s a great opportunity to get a jump on the school year and that many parents and students take advantage of the opportunity. “This is the kickoff for the school year and they don’t want to miss out,” she said. Bradley said her school will be sending a Calling Post notification to registered students. During the open houses, school supply lists will be available, and parents can buy school agendas. Parents and students who are new to the school or new to the district can tour the school. Middle and high school students can get their class schedules, syllabuses and locker assignments. To help keep parents and students on track, all 125 schools and centers will be sending out phone messages to inform parents about their school’s open house. For more information, call 678-676-1200 or visit

School open houses offer parents and students the opportunity to meet staff and teachers, get information, and find out what to expect for the school year.



July 15, 2017

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