CrossRoadsNews, July 27, 2013 - Section B

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Family & Back-to-School Expo August 3, 2013 July 27, 2013

Section B

Time to Head Back

Kids enjoy a segment of last year’s CrossRoadsNews Family & Back-to-School Expo. This year’s up-and-coming artists include indie rockers Hero the Band, the rapping SH’Boss Boys, “femcee” Chatejah George, singer-songwriter Rhaelon Monique, and the Conservatory of Dance plus the high-stepping Beulah Boys. A demo by Life Chef Asata Reid and a fashion show round out the action.

Expo offers resources to help parents, students get off to a good start By Jessica Smith

Oakhurst Medical Centers Inc. will be offering free back-to-school immunization on Aug. 3 during the expo at the Mall at Stonecrest.

Ready or not, the start of the new school year is upon us. On Aug. 5, students will be headed back to the classroom for the start of the 2013-2014 school year, and the annual CrossRoadsNews Family & Back-to-School Expo is offering families ideas and information to help their students have a successful school year. During the expo, which takes place from noon to 5 p.m., there will be lots of resources and information. Oakhurst Medical Centers Inc. is offering free back-to-school immunization, J.C. Penney and Sears will showcase their latest back-to-school fashions, and attendees 18 years and older have the chance to win one of three 30-minute shopping sprees at IKEA or a $250 Mall at Stonecrest Gift Card. Up-and-coming performers include Hero the Band, Atlanta’s “Next Big Hip-Hop Star” Chatejah George, guitarist and crooner Rhaelon Monique, the SH’Boss Boys, and the Conservatory of Dance. The high-stepping Beulah Boys will strut their stuff. Life Chef Asata Reid will demonstrate

Parents and caregivers can get information from familyfriendly exhibitors that include private schools, government offices, and nonprofits serving families.

just how easy it is to prepare healthy backto-school snacks that are tasty and good for growing kids. Family-friendly exhibitors include private schools, a college, medical centers, government offices, and nonprofits serving families. DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston, who has partnered with CrossRoadsNews to host the expo for the second year, will speak to parents about resources to help their kids

achieve perfect attendance. She also will encourage kids to sign pledges that they will attend school every day that it is in session. Inside this special section is more information on the singers and dancers who will showcase their talents on the Main Stage near Sears on the mall’s lower level. The Mall at Stonecrest is at I-20 and Turner Hill Road in Lithonia. For more information, call 404-284-1888.






July 27, 2013

Winners will get to load up as many things as they can carry from the store on Aug. 10.

2013 Family & Back-to-School Expo

Aug. 3, 2013 • The Mall at Stonecrest Lower Level • Main Stage in front of Sears

“East Metro Atlanta’s Weekly Newspaper” 2346 Candler Road Decatur, GA 30032 404-284-1888

The 2013 Family & Back-toSchool Expo Special Section is a publication of CrossRoadsNews Inc.


Hero the Band

12:30 p.m.

DeKalb Solicitor General Sherry Boston

1 p.m.

Back-to-School Fashion Show by J.C. Penney & Sears

1:45 p.m.

Rhaelon Monique

2 p.m.

Life Chef Asata Reid

2:30 p.m.

Chatejah “Taj” George

2:45 p.m.

Editor / Publisher Jennifer Parker

Reporters Jennifer Ffrench Parker Jessica Smith Copy Editor Brenda Yarbrough Sales Jeanette Ross © 2013 CrossRoadsNews, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reprinted without written permission of the publisher.

Circulation Audit by

Jayquan Cortez Poole

3 p.m.

SH’Boss Boys

3:30 p.m.

Beulah Boys

4 p.m.

Conservatory of Dance

4:30 p.m.

Grand prize drawings for IKEA Family Giveaways and $250 Mall at Stonecrest Gift Card

Graphics Editor Curtis Parker

The Conservatory of Dance (above) and the crowd-pleasing Beulah Boys (far left) are among performers at the noon-to-5 p.m. expo. The Back-to-School Fashion Show will feature merchandise from Sears and J.C. Penney.

Three 30-minute IKEA shopping sprees up for grabs Students headed to college, young people looking to furnish their first apartments, and families looking for back-to-school items and home furnishings have three chances of winning a 30-minute shopping spree at IKEA Atlanta during CrossRoadsNews’ Aug. 3 Family & Backto-School Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest. The Atlanta store will be giving away three “30-minute IKEA Family shopping sprees” as grand prizes to expo-goers during the annual event at the Lithonia mall. IKEA Family, a store loyalty program, offers customers the inside track on special store events, discounts, freebies, and store catalogs. Winners will get to load up as many things as they can carry from the store on Aug. 10. Deidra Cunningham, IKEA Atlanta’s marketing and public relations manager, says they also will get to bring a helper, 18 years or older, with them for the shopping sprees. The Atlantic Station store is at 441 16th St. N.W. in Atlanta. The entry forms will be available during

the Family & Back-to-School Expo at both the IKEA and the CrossRoadsNews tables near the Main Stage in front of Sears on the mall’s lower level. The drawing takes place at 4:30 p.m. and you have to be present to win.

IKEA FAMILY Shopping Spree Enter To Win An IKEA FAMILY Shopping Spree. Three lucky people will be awarded a

30-minute shopping spree at IKEA in Atlantic Station on Saturday, Aug. 10 at 5 p.m. Drawing will take place at 4:30 p.m. at the CrossRoadsNews BACK-TO-SCHOOL EXPO, Aug. 3, 2013 at the Mall at Stonecrest. No purchase necessary, must be 18 to participate. To be eligible to win, participants must complete a free IKEA FAMILY application. Participants must be present to win or other names will be drawn. Participant must show up at IKEA and sign required IKEA Rules and waivers on Saturday Aug. 10 by 4 p.m. to participate in the shopping spree. Winner will be allowed to have an assistant that is also 18 or older that agrees and signs IKEA Rules and waivers. IKEA reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this shopping spree to fit the needs of the business and substitute winning prize if deemed necessary. This offer is only valid at IKEA US East LLC, Store #257 located at 441 16th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30363.

2013 Family & Back-to-School Expo Entry Form Visit at least 14 of these exhibitors at the Mall at Stonecrest on Aug. 3 and enter to win a $250 Mall at Stonecrest Gift Card.

_____ AAA Auto South

_____ Oakhurst Medical

_____ Big Thinkers Science Exploration

_____ Organic Root Stimulator

_____ Community Resource Solutions

_____ Rainbow Push Coalition

_____ CrossRoadsNews

_____ Sherry Boston, DeKalb County Solicitor General’s Office

_____ Debra DeBerry, DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court

_____ St. Timothy School

_____ DeKalb County Board of Health

_____ STAND Inc.

_____ DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office

_____ Stonecrest Pediatric & Adult Medicine

_____ Georgia Perimeter College/Gateway

_____ TGI Fridays at Stonecrest

_____ Get Off N Drive

_____ The Academy of the Scholars

_____ New Beginnings Today, Community Counseling Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________City _______________________________________ St: ______ ZIP: ___________ Home phone: _________________________________________________ Cell phone: ___________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your completion of this entry form entitles us to publish your photo if you are the winner and to send you news updates, special offers and information about upcoming events. CrossRoadsNews respects your privacy and will not share your information with anyone.

*Exhibitors must write their validation code on your entry form. Your name, address and a telephone number are required to win. Employees and immediate family members of CrossRoadsNews and the Mall at Stonecrest are not eligible for awards. Must be 18 years or older to win. Must be present at the drawing to win.

July 27, 2013




DeKalb County has a diversion program called the Attendance Review Team to help parents keep truant kids in school, Solicitor General Sherry Boston says.

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Let’s keep our kids in school

By Sherry Boston DeKalb County Solicitor General

We often talk about what’s wrong with our educational system. I hear a lot of discussion about our schools, our teachers and our test scores, but what is truly the most important part of a child’s education rarely seems to come up in our conversa- Sherry Boston tions – our own involvement in education as parents. One of my key goals as your solicitor general is to make sure all kids get the best start possible. As the mom of two young girls myself, I know how hard it is to get them up early and ready for school, pack their lunches, help with homework and take them to activities. It’s no easy job for anyone and can be especially challenging for those who are single parents. However, before we can blame anyone else for what our kids are not learning or for the crime problems in our neighborhoods, we have to take a look at ourselves. My office receives about 700 cases of educational neglect each year from the DeKalb County School System where children have more than five unexcused absences in one school year. Some of these kids have missed more than 40 days of school in just six months. These children are likely to fall far behind their peers and have a difficult time succeeding in the future. Because Georgia law requires all kids ages 6 to 16 to be in school, my office has to bring their parents to court to face fines, up to 30 days in jail, or community service. But we don’t want to send people to jail.



What we want to do is change attitudes about education. That’s why we have a diversion program called the Attendance Review Team where these parents sign a contract that their kids won’t have any more unexcused absences and that they will meet monthly with a teacher, counselor or social worker. We want to get their kids back in school and make these parents realize that education could make all the difference in the world for their children’s future. Quite simply, a lack of education often means a life of crime. Truancy is the No. 1 predictor of criminal activity for boys and the No. 2 predictor of criminal activity for girls. And about 90 percent of DeKalb County’s inmates are high school dropouts. If we can keep more kids in school, we’re likely to have much safer communities. Education also means limitless opportunities. New statistics show us that high school graduates make an average of $630,000 more than dropouts do over the course of their lives. Since children often have trouble seeing the big picture, it’s up to us as parents to constantly remind them that they will have a better future if they stay in school. As this school year begins, I hope you will join me in spreading a positive attitude with your kids about education and what it could mean for their future. I hope you will encourage perfect attendance and reward them for being in school every day. If you’re not a parent, I hope you will watch out for the children in your neighborhood, and let us know if you notice kids at home when you believe they should be in school. It takes all of us working together to create a better future, to prevent crime and to give our kids the opportunities they deserve. Sherry Boston has been DeKalb County Solicitor General since January 2011.

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July 27, 2013

“I’m so excited to start my career. When they called my name, I just didn’t know what to do.”

Metro teen fashions hip-hop career By Jessica Smith

Atlanta urban entertainment and production company Hoodstarzz Network. A year ago, Chatejah “Taj” George was “They liked me, but they asked me if I could just a typical high school student. sing or rap and what my other talents were,” Today, she is on the fast track with a she said. $10,000 cash prize and a recording conLater that week, her mother, Tegi Johntract with Epic records. son, took her to the studio and she re“I’m so excited to start my career,” corded her first song, “Bad Girls.” said Taj, who beat out 20 semifinal“The rapping just took off ists and 500-plus contestants nafrom there,” she said. “This career tionwide on June 16 for the top was totally unexpected.” prize in the Streetz 94.5 Next Since then, Taj has performed Hip-Hop Star contest to become at open mic nights and at schools one of hip-hop’s newest leading and she has competed in hip-hop femcees. showcases around the city. “When they called my name, In March 2013, she won the three-day I just didn’t know what to do.” she Battle Hottlanta, taking home a total of said. $10,000 worth of cash and entertainment Chatejah, 15, hails from Jonesindustry services. boro. Her stage name is Taj, proO n Ju l y 2 2 , s h e r e l e a s e d nounced like “age” with a T. her first mixtape, “Most HatIn the competition, she held ed Teen,” on www.iamtherealtaj her own against men and women .com. twice her age, dominating the stage with She currently is working with her singles “Talk” and “Crank That Get songwriter Andre Boykins on a single Out.” to submit to Epic to get her record deal But Taj is no overnight sensation. in motion. She has been taking piano lessons for 11 He has written for the R&B artist years and she also plays the clarinet and bass R. Kelly. clarinet in Lovejoy High School’s marching “Although I’m a hip-hop artist, I band. like pop and R&B,” Taj said. “I want On Aug. 3, she will display all her talents my music to reflect that.” at the CrossRoadsNews 2013 Family & BackHer song “Talk” speaks to bullying, to-School Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest. which Taj knows well from being a Taj will be on the Main Stage near Sears at victim. 2:30 p.m. “I thought it would be helpful for Before she nabbed the Next Hip-Hop Star me to campaign against it because I prize money and recording contract, the rising Lovejoy High rising 11th- can relate to the kids,” she said. 11th-grader’s sights were set on the fashion grader Taj won top prize in “I’m also a teen myself so I know the Streetz 94.5 Next Hiprunway. how it feels to be in the situation.” In June 2012, her mother’s friend Slim Hop Star contest. To sample her music, visit www. helped her score an interview for a modeling gig with

Jayquan Cortez Poole will sing at the 2013 Family & Back-to-School at 2:45 p.m.

Aspiring artist has big talent Jayquan Cortez Poole lives to perform. Rap is his passion and he longs for the day when he lands his first recording contract. But for now, the 15 year-old is a student at Mundy Mill High School in Jonesboro. He performs very opportunity he gets at talent shows and open mic nights. On Aug. 3, he will performing his “million $ Swagger,” at 2:45 at the CrossRoadsNews 2013 Family & Back-to -School Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest. Concert promoter Cedric Meridith, who have seen him pefrom at the recent Atlanta Groove 20/20 Teen Music Conference on Wesley Chapel Road says he has real talent. “He is making his way up this industry totem poll and I look forward to Jayquan accomplishing great things,” Meredith said Thursday. To hear him sing, visit watch?v=dmR9-pp4iDs.

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I wish everyone a safe and productive school year. Remember bullying is prohibited so if you feel you are being bullied please notify an adult!



July 27, 2013


to School SWD alumni making waves and name as Hero the Band “It catches people off guard when you see four black guys playing rock music with instruments onstage.”

By Jessica Smith

Psychedelic colors, pendulous dreadlocks, searing guitars, ripped jeans and bare chests are the “uniform” of the four brothers making up Hero the Band, but it is the music that keeps fans coming back. The Decatur-bred indie rock group is taking Atlanta’s live music circuit by storm, thanks to its unique addition to the city’s music scene. Members are brothers, and black. Bass guitarist Jerramy Barnett, 22, says they surprise many. “It catches people off guard when you see four black guys playing rock music with instruments onstage,” he said. On Aug. 3, the band will bring the house down at the CrossRoadsNews 2013 Family & Back-to-School Expo at the Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia. The band will open the expo at noon on the Main Stage near Sears before heading down the road for a 4 p.m. concert in Carrollton. The brothers began their band life as the R&B group Inseparable while students at Southwest DeKalb High School in 2008. But soon after, Jerramy and his brothers – 23-year-old Justin, 21-year-old DJ, and 20-year-old Nick – traded in their soulful sound for something a bit edgier. Jerramy says the genre speaks for itself. “It’s real music,” he said, “something that we can live by every day.” Making the switch from R&B crooners to rock band was a cinch since the boys were already experts at several instruments. At ages 5, 4, 3 and 2, they were attending choir practice with their parents, and by 1995, their entire family was lighting up the

From left, brothers and Indie Rockers, Justin Jerramy, DJ and Nick Barnett will open the 2013 Family & Backto-School Expo at noon on Aug. 3 at the Mall at Stonecrest.

choir at Lynwood Park United Church of God in Christ, just north of Brookhaven. The church was founded in 1959 by their greatgrandfather, the late Marshall Carter. Jerramy said that both sides of their family are musically inclined. “They play instruments, sing, everything,” he said. “And they all went to the same church. So we grew up around that. It’s instilled in our blood.” By age 7, Jerramy was playing drums in the church band. Nick took up piano at age 8 alongside brother DJ who, by 13, had taken over as church drummer. In 2011, Jerramy taught himself bass and big brother Justin learned guitar to complete Hero the Band. All the brothers can now play each of the

group’s instruments. They grew up on Disney movies and the soundtracks for “The Lion King,” “The Mighty Ducks” and “D2.” “We would sing the soundtracks around the house and in the car,” Jerramy said. “When we grew up, we finally realized that these were great rock ’n’ roll artists.” The brothers are not just musicians – they are all strong vocalists. DJ says they have four-part harmonies in most of their choruses and songs. ”That’s another thing that really drives people to come to shows and just love our music,” he said, “the sound quality.” On July 6, the group released its first EP, “GoldN Hearts,” on iTunes, and

Furthering your education takes courage.

Its deep bass lines and blend of melodies speak of the ups and downs of love. “When we’re all born into this world, we’re all innocent,” Nick says, “but it’s the things you go through throughout your life that kind of mold you into who you come out to be at the end of the day.” The band has performed at classic altrock venue the Masquerade, at Philips Arena leading the national anthem for the Atlanta Hawks, and on June 29, it opened for funk rock band Mother’s Finest in Sylvania, Ga. DJ says that when they perform, audiences expect them to do rap or reggae. “When the show is over, they love us,” he said. For more information, visit Herothe

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July 27, 2013

Put healthy choices at kids’ eye level, instead of on high shelves or in closed bins.

Healthy snacks to banish after-school ‘Hungries’ By Chef Asata Reid

Hearty Turkey Tacos

Parents can precook and season the taco filling so older kids can heat and serve themselves a hearty after-school meal.

1 tablespoon olive oil 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained 1 pound ground turkey breast 1 small onion, diced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon dried oregano ¾ cup prepared salsa salt and pepper to taste 10 taco shells or soft tortillas Taco fixings: shredded lettuce, chopped tomato, salsa, sliced olives, sour cream, jalapenos, cheese, etc.

Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a large skillet. Add the onion and cook for about 5 minutes. Stir in the ground turkey, beans, garlic and seasonings and continue cooking, stirring occasionally until all the turkey has browned and is cooked through. Stir in the salsa and season with salt and pepper if desired. Cool completely and store in an airtight container. To serve, heat desired amount of taco filling in a microwave or small pan. Retrieve the taco fixings, and when the meat is heated thoroughly, divide it among the taco shells or tortillas and top with your favorite fixings.

of packing a second lunch bag with a mini-meal for your after-school athlete. Be inspired by the My Plate diagram (www.ChooseMy and select healthy food choices from the major food categories: vegetables, fruits, protein and whole grains. Don’t forget a source of calcium, and you’ve got a snack that packs a big punch!

Whether your kids are involved in after-school programs or heading home to hit the books, one thing all kids have in common is a major case of “the Hungries” when they get out of school. After-school snacks are often a pitfall in an otherwise healthy diet, as kids are sometimes left to their own devices. When faced with a vending machine of sugary treats versus healthy mini-meals, kids will often choose the former. However, with a few simple steps, parents and caregivers can help empower them to make healthy choices.

Prep for success Parents can chop and even precook items like ground meats and sliced veggies so that kids can make hearty meals when they get home from school. Taking a few minutes to prepare the taco filling and arranging toppings in resealable Rearrange the fridge containers will allow older kids Put healthy choices at kids’ to heat their meat and beans in eye level, instead of on high the microwave and assemble shelves or in closed bins. YoD.I.Y. tacos themselves. Other gurt, fruit, lean meats, nuts and pre-planned meals include seeds, vegetable sticks with lowpasta dishes and casseroles, calorie dips, hummus and nut soups and chili, veggie pizzas butters all make great snack seand salads. lections. Sunbutter sandwiches Life Chef Asata Reid will made with 100 percent fruit demonstrate healthy afterjelly on whole-wheat bread Parents and caregivers can help empower kids to make healthy choices school snacks during the Aug. when they are left to their own devices, Life Chef Asata Reid says. make an easy and fast snack. 3, 2013, Family and Back-toSchool Expo at 2 p.m. from on Leave it at the store ing to argue about. the Main Stage near Sears. If you don’t want your kids to eat someJoin her in the delicious, life-affirming thing, or you don’t want to argue about how Make mini-meals revolution to cook with joy, dine with pleasure much of a certain junk food they are eating, One hundred-calorie snack packs are and celebrate life! just don’t bring it home. It eliminates the typically carbohydrate bombs lacking in proFor classes and recipes, visit www.lifechef. battle over snacks and worry over portion tein and other nutrients. Instead of tossing a net and Follow control. If it’s not in the house, there’s noth- bag of chips or cookies into a backpack, think Twitter/ChefAsata and Facebook/LifeChef. COPYRIGHT © 2013 The Academy of Scholars All RIGHTS RESERVED. | 5096 Panola Industrial Blvd., Decatur, GA 30035 | 678.632.6001 • Affordable Tuition - Our dedicated corporate sponsors are providing students funding to cover 75% of the costs for this incredible learning opportunity. Because of their generosity, the remaining 25% cost per student is only $3,000 per school year. • Safe – Modern, newly renovated and well-equipped facility that enhances the learning experience and a sense of pride for students, parents, and the entire community. The Academy of Scholars is opening Fall 2013. We are accepting applications for students age 4 through grade 5. We have high expectations for our students and in return, this is what you can expect from us:

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I will: 1. Take my child to school 2. Meet my child's teacher 3. Exchange phone numbers with my child's teacher 4. Turn off the TV three hours a night so my child may study 5. Pick up my child's report card each grading period 6. Take my child to church, temple or synagogue 7. Fight for equal adequate funding for public education

• Effective – Small class sizes taught by state-certified teachers. We have developed a challenging curriculum that motivates students to find their respective passions. We use best-in-class technology to prepare our children for the future. Our technology center provides a computer or tablet for every student.

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July 27, 2013





“I just started playing and getting better and better at it, and I started to love it.” Music runs in the family of 15-yearold singersongwriter Rhaelon Monique Donald, a rising junior at Shiloh High.

Musician blends the blues By Jessica Smith

Rhaelon Monique Donald has the blues. Musically, that is. The 15-year-old Roswell musician found her passion when her parents, Rhonda Collins and Leon Donald, gave her a guitar for Christmas when she was 8 years old. “I just started playing and getting better and better at it,” she said. “And I started to love it.” Rhaelon also plays the keyboard and the drums, and she will showcase her musical skills at the CrossRoadsNews Family & Back-to-School Expo on Aug. 3 at the Mall at Stonecrest in Lithonia.

Rhaelon will be on the Main Stage near Sears at 1:45 p.m. She said music runs in her family. Her uncle Darryl Williams, who plays the keyboard, is on tour in South America playing in a backup band. Her mother is a vocalist. The rising junior at Snellville’s Shiloh High also writes songs and sings. “Some of my favorite artists are India Arie, Musiq, Brandy, Prince, Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliott and Timbaland,” she said. “I think my sound is a blend of all those.” For her Stonecrest stint, Rhaelon says she will perform her original song “City Lights” in a medley of other R&B tunes. To hear her music, visit /OvwqEi6NvRw.

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Vital Records (Birth certificates) Eleanor Richardson Health Center 445 Winn Way Decatur, GA 30030 (404) 294-3783


Young rappers love limelight By Jessica Smith

Child rappers SH’Boss Boys will heat up the stage at the CrossRoadsNews Family and Back- toSchool Expo on Aug. 3. The trio of Javan Jr., 8, aka Captain SH’Boss and Young J; Tobias, 10, aka Senior SH’Boss; and newcomer Javan, 11, aka Junior SH’Boss and Ty, will perform on the Main Stage near Macy’s at 3 p.m. The group is no stranger to the expo, having performed there on July 28, 2012. They first catapulted into the spotlight in 2011 with a rap about getting good grades on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” The SH’Boss Boys, who rapped about getting good grades on In 2012, their front- “America’s Got Talent” in 2011, still deliver a positive message. man and youngest lyricist, Joshua or Lil’ Josh, left to have more time to to try to get into a good college and get a play. The boys didn’t let that deter them. Now good education.” older and wiser, they’re still making music Right now, Tobias, who wants to be a docand delivering a positive message. tor, is enjoying the attention, too – especially “We really try to be role models in every of the female variety. single way,” said Young J. “You know, I’m a ladies man,” he said He, Tobias and Javan have performed July 19. “So I love the girls’ attention and more than 150 times at festivals, birthday all that.” parties and talent shows since 2010. Last At the expo, they will show their moves December, China Central Television invited to a mash-up of original SH’Boss Boys tunes them on a 10-day, all-expense-paid trip to like “Kid Swag” and hits from artists like Kriss Beijing to perform on the Children’s Inter- Kross and New Edition. national New Year’s TV special. “We try to bring back the old school Most of all, they are having fun. flavor to the new school,” Young J says. “We “I like the fans screaming and calling my call it ‘nold’ school.” name,” said Young J, who wants to be a judge To hear their latest music, visit www when he grows up. “But of course I’m going

DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office Committed to Our Youth Wishing you a successful school year and a prosperous future

Sheriff Thomas Brown



July 27, 2013

Encouraging Perfect School Attendance to Build a Better Future { smart

prosecution for a better quality of life }

my goal is to: ➤ keep our community safe ➤ improve our quality of life ➤ keep our kids in school and out of trouble ➤ protect the vulnerable solicitor-General boston wants to help kids stay in school to ensure a brighter future for dekalb’s youngest citizens. our office works hard with families and school administrators to provide support and resolve attendance issues before they rise to the level of prosecution of parents and guardians.

Sherry Boston dekalb county solicitor-general


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