CrossRoadsNews, May 11, 2013

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Reconnecting old friends

Celebrating island culture

Alumni of DeKalb County’s all-black high school during segregation are planning a get-together in June. 5

Small fry will don elaborate costumes and dance to island music at the Atlanta Caribbean Children’s Carnival on May 18. 11

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May 11, 2013

Volume 19, Number 2

Groups press for dual accreditation for DeKalb Schools By Ken Watts

A growing number of DeKalb Schools parents and alumni have been trying for months to get an answer to a big question: Could the DeKalb School District get full accreditation from a separate agency while working with SACS to fix the problems that landed it on accreditation probation last year? Several School Board members say “yes.” The parents and the Southwest DeKalb Alumni Association want the district to allow every high school in the county to seek dual accreditation from the Georgia Accrediting

eration in June,” he said. Orson believes an application for dual accreditation might actually strengthen the district’s case with SACS. “I think everything that scrutinizes our system demonstrates our willingness to be held accountable,” he said. “So if we have a second accreditation, it just shows we’re willing to put ourselves on the line to prove that we can meet other standards that are out there.” Parents are worried that DeKalb’s probationary status will hurt their children’s chances of being accepted at out-of-state colleges. They say accreditation probation puts

“I think everything that scrutinizes our system demonstrates our willingness to be held accountable. So if we have a second accreditation, it just shows we’re willing to put ourselves on the line to prove that we can meet other standards that are out there.” Marshall Orson, District 2 board member

Commission should local school councils or high school communities choose to do so for their students. In an April 24 post on Facebook, Jennifer Simmons, an SWD Alumni Association member, said GAC accredits schools throughout Georgia, many of which also are accredited by the Southern Association of

Colleges and Schools. She said AdvancED, SACS’ parent company, doesn’t prohibit dual accreditation. District 2 board member Marshall Orson said May 8 that there is strong sentiment to approve dual accreditation. “There is a proposal that a number of board members are working on for consid- Please see SCHOOLS, page 6

Piggly Wiggly’s picketers, supporters square off Store supporter Caron Clements blocks the sidewalk and DeKalb SCLC’s director Nathan Knight (behind her) with her large signs on Wednesday.

Manager says health violations have been fixed By Jennifer Ffrench Parker and Ken Watts

The aging Piggly Wiggly supermarket on Candler Road has divided the community. On one side, civil rights activists fighting for the community’s access to fresh food in a clean store in the wake of news reports about spoiled meat, moldy produce and a reddish liquid dripping down the walls behind the store’s lunch meat cooler. On the other, loyal customers fighting to keep a grocery store nearby. On May 8, both sides faced off on the sidewalks outside the store. Supporters of Operation Lead and the SCLC were on their 12th day of walking the sidewalk outside the store with black-andwhite sandwich boards emblazoned with messages like “Bad Food Store Must Go,” “Don’t Shop Here,” “Piggly Wiggly Clean Up or Ship Out” and “Time Has Run Out,” when Caron Clements and friends came across the parking lot from the supermarket with signs four times the size of the ones carried by the demonstrators. Her huge signs read “I Am a Customer,” “Sorry About the Lie” and “Store Never Had Bad Meat.” Clements, who says she has been shopping at the store since she was a student at nearby Toney Valley Elementary, took her place in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking picketers who were walking back and forth quietly. The air got real tense, real quick. Before the war of words could escalate, older and calmer heads – state Rep. Tyrone Brooks and John Evans – stepped in. “Don’t engage in any conversation with anyone,” Brooks advised. “It’s a setup. This is only a trick to run us from the public sidewalk. Everybody has the right to walk

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

on the sidewalk.” In the wake of the TV reports on April 26, the store was cited by the Georgia Department of Agriculture for four violations and business has dropped off dramatically. Clements said she has always shopped at the Decatur store and never had a problem. “There are problems everywhere we go,” she said. “Instead of closing down our neighborhood store, give them a chance to rectify it.” To combat the decline in business, store manager Ken Hong launched customer service days from May 5 to 23 and has been hosting free barbecues in the parking lot. On May 7, he hosted a gospel concert. While Clements was facing off with the civil rights demonstrators, smoke was curling up from the grill and a line of adults and children, 12 deep, was waiting, paper plates in hand, for ribs, chicken and hot dogs to come off the grill. Wu Lee, wearing a “Mr. Lee” name badge,

was circulating between the store and the small crowd congregated around the grill. He said he started at the store on May 7 as the new manager, “I am here to work with the community, churches and schools,” he said. Tequilla Jordan, who was helping out at the cookout, said she has been a customer at the store for more than 20 years. “It’s not perfect but it’s our store,” she said. “If something is wrong, I bring it to their attention, and they fix it.” Jordan looked across the parking lot at the picketers. “They don’t live in this community,” she said. “We just really want them to just leave.” Brooks, who lives in southwest Atlanta, said he had to join Operation Lead’s founder John Evans when he saw the Piggly Wiggly manager on television saying: “This is not Buckhead. This is a low-income community” as justification for his store being dirty.

“I was outraged,” Brooks said. “We’ve always demanded the best for our community.” Wednesday was Brooks’ third day on the picket line. “I am representing the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials,” he said. Hong, who manages the store for his family, said business has declined 50 percent after the week of demonstrations outside his store. “I bought 400 pounds of meat worth $20,000 a week ago that normally would sell quickly,” he said. “But now I’ve got an overstock that’s too big for my freezer because business has fallen off.” Evans said the demonstrations will continue. “There is a larger issue here,” Evans said Thursday. “The store can be cleaned up and that’s fine. But for years other ethnic groups Please see PROTESTS, page 4

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