CrossRoadsNews, May 29, 2010

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Congressman Hank Johnson rode MARTA buses and a train with CEO Beverly Scott to better understand the 4th District’s transit needs. 6

People with physical and developmental challenges will be celebrated when KES Day Inc. hosts its annual Day of Inclusion in downtown Decatur. 4

With the summer season kicking off this weekend, the Department of Community Health highlighted steps to ensure a healthy and safe swimming experience for everyone. 7

Champions for transit

Copyright © 2010 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

Day of Inclusion

May 29, 2010

Pool season upon us

Volume 16, Number 5

Former superintendent among indicted

Crawford Lewis

Cointa Moody

Tony Pope

Patricia Reid

By Jennifer Ffrench Parker and Carla Parker

Former DeKalb School Superintendent Dr. Crawford Lewis says he will vigorously fight racketeering and bribery charges lodged against him. “The charges against me are absolutely false,” he said Thursday, “We intend to fight those charges vigorously.” Lewis, his former chief operating officer, Patricia Reid, her former husband Anthony Pope, and her secretary Cointa Moody were indicted Wednesday by a DeKalb grand jury on charges that they ran a criminal enterprise that sent millions of dollars to Pope, Reid’s then-husband, and vendors in exchange for cash, sports tickets or other perks totaling more than $33,332.25. District Attorney Gwen Keyes Fleming, who announced the indictments, said Reid manipulated four school projects to benefit Pope, and that Lewis signed off the changes, and that they benefited from gifts of sporting

J Crawford AJC/pool

Tony Pope, center, and former DeKalb Schools chief operating officer and his ex-wife Patricia Reid, and Pope’s attorney Calvin Leipold, Jr., listen during their bond hearing before DeKalb Superior Court Judge Cynthia J. Becker on Thursday. They are seeking to reduce their $1 million bond.

and theater tickets. Keyes Fleming said both of them concealed the changes and Pope’s involvement from the DeKalb School Board. She also said that no charges will be filed against the companies named in the indictments. The indictment said the actions of Lewis and Reid cost the school system more than $3.3 million. Of that amount, the indictment said $2.3 million were fraudulent payments to Pope. The other $1 million was lost when

the Georgia Department of Education denied the school system reimbursements because of the illegal handling of the Columbia High School project. Lewis is facing six counts; Reid, seven counts; Moody, five counts; and Pope, four counts. Lewis was fired by the DeKalb School Board on April 16, ahead of the completion of the district attorney’s 18-month investigation. He and Moody bonded out of jail on

May 26 on $200,000 bonds. On Thursday, Reid and Pope were still in jail, each fighting to have their $1 million bond, reduced to $100,000. DeKalb Superior Court Judge Cynthia J. Becker was expected to rule on their request for a reduction on Friday. At a press conference Thursday attended by all nine board members, DeKalb School Please see INDICTMENTS, page 2

Malcolm Cunningham opening used car dealership at Stonecrest By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Malcolm Cunningham will be selling high-end used cars from his former Mazda dealership at Stonecrest. Cunningham said Tuesday that he will open Malcolm Cunningham Auto Gallery at 7849 Mall Parkway in Lithonia over the Memorial Malcolm Cunningham Day weekend. “We already own the facility and the place is furnished,” he said. “We just have to put staff and inventory in and we are ready to go.”

The dealership will be his third in DeKalb. He already operates the Malcolm Cunningham Auto Gallery of Decatur on Snapfinger Road and will cut the ribbons on his new Ford-Lincoln-Mercury dealership in Chamblee on June 4. The Stonecrest Auto Gallery will have 10 employees, some of them rehires from the Mazda store that closed in January, 14 months after it opened. “That’s 10 more jobs created,” he said. “I am trying to do my little part.” Cunningham said his Stonecrest Auto Gallery will stock about $500,000 in inventory. When he closed the $7 million Mazda dealership in January, Cunningham said it was bleeding cash. The dealership, which

had been in the works since 2005, opened just as the economic recession took hold and crippled consumer spending. On Monday, he said the property will remain on the market but that he won’t actively promote its sale. “If someone offers me sticker price, I will sell, but I won’t actively push it,” he said. The Stonecrest Auto Gallery will carry Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, Lexus, Land Rover, BMW, Porche, and Cadillac vehicles. Derrick Terrentine, manager of the Decatur Auto Gallery, will also manage the Stonecrest site.

Boulevard in Atlanta kicks off June 3 with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:30 a.m. On June 4, Cunningham is hosting a Family Fun Day. Quinton Aaron, who co-starred with Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side,” will be the keynote speaker at the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Family Fun Day. There will be a cookout, music, face painting, inflatables and other kids games. Cunningham said he will donate 1 percent of the day’s sale to the nonprofit Love From Afar – The Christopher Allen Williams Foundation that educates teens against New car dealership texting, distracted driving and destructive The grand opening celebrations for the decisions. new Malcolm Cunningham Ford Lincoln The dealership is at 5675 Peachtree InMercury dealership on Peachtree Industrial dustrial Blvd., inside the Perimeter.

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