Copyright © 2016 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.
October 29, 2016
Eye on Crime
A consumers guide to public safety in south DeKalb County
Volume 22, Number 27
A ballot full of important issues
Crime can happen anywhere but increasingly it’s happening close to home for many South DeKalb residents. In this special report, we look at how some of our neighbors are fighting back, and we provide tips and lists of contacts to help you protect your home, family, neighhorhood and community. Ironically, as we were completing this report, hours away from going to press, our special contributor Donna Williams Lewis, who reported and wrote the report, was by her alarm monitoring company. Her Stone Mountain home had been broken into and burglarized. It was not the first time. – Jennifer Parker, Editor/Publisher
All elections are important and this one is no different. On Nov. 8, voters will decide whether businessman Donald Trump or former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be moving into the White House. For DeKalb County, the most competitive local race on the ballot is for the DeKalb Board of Commissioners Super District 7 seat. Five men and three women are competing to win the seat, each promising to help usher in a new era on the scandal-tainted BOC. Pick wisely so that we can put behind us the litany of ethics complaints. Then there is Amendment 1, which would allow the governor to take away control of local schools, and affected voters will decide the fate of the proposed city of Stonecrest. Section B, Inside
a crossroadsnews special report
Crime shattering residents’ sense of well-being South DeKalb neighborhoods feel vulnerable
The blue lights of the Police investigating crime are a common sight for many residents. At left, the police respond to a call on Candler Road on Oct. 11. Candler, Bouldercrest and Glenwood roads are called crime hot spots.
By Donna Williams Lewis
February 2013 is a time that Bari Martin will never forget. She arrived home to her Mainstreet community in Stone Mountain after work and walked to her backyard, something she doesn’t normally do. Right away, she noticed that her laundry room window was broken. Inside her home, drawers had been yanked open. Furnishings were tossed around. Televisions and jewelry were gone. “I can’t even describe the devastation,” Martin said. “As far as sleeping that night, I can’t tell you that I did.” The burglary set a lot of things in motion for Martin. She got an alarm system. Then, she organized a mini-Neighborhood Watch on her street and one street over, gathering contact informaton from people who told her they had sensed that something wasn’t right at her house that day but never called about what they saw. Despite all of those efforts, her home was broken into again, in July 2015. “I wanted to do bodily harm. I was so angry,” said Martin, who has lived in her home for 20 years. “I’m past that now.” Martin, a medical technologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, didn’t have to look farther than her own street to find others who had gone through a burglary or knew someone else who had. A burglary occurred every 20 seconds in the U.S., 2015 FBI’s Crime Clock statistics show.
Curtis Parker / CrossRoadsNews
In south DeKalb County, residents who never used to feel threatened by crime now say they, too, feel vulnerable. Robert Blackman, a Neighborhood Watch Block Captain in The Meadows subdivision in Stone Mountain, said t hat when he moved to the county in 1984, the only intruders in his neighborhood were stray cows from a nearby dairy farm. “People left their doors unlocked, their garage door open and their lawn mowers in the back,” said Blackman, who has lived in in the subdivision off Young Road, for 19 years. “Now, we got motion detectors, burglar
alarms and all that good stuff,” he said. Blackman said crime started intruding in his neighborhood in 2008 with the housing crash that resulted in people renting their homes to Section 8 tenants. But if the numbers are any indication, DeKalb County has become safer over the past year. Violent and property crimes are down significantly, according to year-to-date statistics released this month by the DeKalb Police Department. For the nine months through Oct. 8, the South Precinct, which covers southwest DeKalb, shows a 6 percent decline in both
violent and property crimes from the same time range last year. Violent crime is down to 781 incidents so far this year from the 827 reported in 2015. Property crime, which includes burglaries and car break-ins, dropped to 3,436 year to date from 3,649 for the same time last year. In southeast DeKalb, the East Precinct showed a 10 percent decrease in both categories. Violent crimes decreased to 590 incidents this year from 653 last year. Property crimes also declined to 3,440 incidents from 3,825 in the first nine months of 2015. Please see CRIME, page 4