CrossRoadsNews, September 3, 2016

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Ease on down the road

Party for the arts

The Georgia Department of Transportation is suspending constructionrelated lane closures over the Labor Day weekend. 3

Art and live music, magic and theater performances are on tap at the Woodruff Arts Center’s sixth Free Family Festival. 4

Put Litter in Its Place Let’s Do Our Part to Keep DeKalb Beautiful


Copyright © 2016 CrossRoadsNews, Inc.

September 3, 2016

Volume 22, Number 19

Home Chef meal-kit plant to deliver 1,200 jobs in Lithonia By Ken Watts

Home Chef, a meal-kit delivery service, will create more than 1,200 jobs and invest $3.35 million in a new South DeKalb facility by 2020, Gov. Nathan Deal said Aug. 31. Home Chef ’s new facility will open in a leased 140,000-square-foot facility on Lithonia Industrial Boulevard. It will serve as a wholesale purchasing, assembling, packaging and distribution center. It was unclear at press time Thursday when the company would begin full operation but it is accepting job applications for positions including HR administrator, food product buyer, project coordinator and pro-

of warehouse space, access to interstate highways, and proximity to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport which will enhance its delivery capacity to new and existing customers. “Home Chef is among the many innovative companies using Georgia’s highperforming transportation infrastructure to Ray Gilley, Decide DeKalb president grow their distribution network,” Deal said. duction supervisor at weekly that come with step-by-step prepara- “By establishing this new facility and utilizHome-Chef-Jobs. tion instructions. ing the state’s skilled work force, Home Chef The Chicago-based company founded It delivers more than 540,000 meals per will be able to reach more of the Southeastern in 2013 by CEO Pat Vihtelic provides boxed month and a million meals in 2015. market and meet the needs of a growing ready-to-cook pre-portioned fresh ingrediDeal said Home Chef, which has distri- customer base. ” ents directly to consumer households. bution centers on the East and West coasts, Customers have a choice of 13 meals was attracted by South DeKalb’s abundance Please see MEAL KITS, page 2

“With this unique project choosing to locate in the heart of East DeKalb, it signals to us and hopefully the rest of the business community the incredible opportunities available here for additional jobs and investment.”

Movie company making home in South DeKalb Valhalla Film Studios investing $70 million By Jennifer Ffrench Parker

Starting in January, major movies will be in production in south DeKalb County. Valhalla Film Studios, which is building a 53-acre studio complex at 1415 Constitution Road, is investing more than $70 million into acquiring land and building nine sound stages totaling 206,000 square feet. The sound stages were under construction this week behind tall security fences. Studio principals James Schulz and Ryan Millsap have connections to Hollywood blockbuster films like “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Interstellar” and “Tropic Thunder.” Schulz, who has 20 years in the movie industry, said Sept. 1 that they picked the DeKalb County property after looking for more than a year and a half. “It’s inside the Perimeter and close to town,” Schulz said. “It is hard to find 20 acres inside the Perimeter.” He said they looked in the Norcross area and the west end of the city before finding the Constitution Road site. “This property suits us,” he said. “We are going to create the best studios in North America here.” The Constitution Road property, a former Duron Paints & Wallcoverings warehouse, was acquired by Plasmet Constitution and passed by quitclaim deed to Constitution 52 LLC on March 10, 2016. DeKalb County property records show the sale price was $6.7 million. Schulz said the property already had a 175,000-square-foot warehouse that they have cleaned up and painted for production offices. They are adding a 40,000-square-foot stage, a 30,000-square-foot stage, and seven 20,000-square-foot stages. Schulz also is building a 40,000-square-

Jennifer Ffrench Parker / CrossRoadsNews

Construction is underway on nine Sound Stages that will join a 175,000 square-foot warehouse on the 53-acre Constitution Road property.

that will be used for back lots. The five-acre site has a 1910-era brick schoolhouse building on it and Schulz said they will renovate it into “cool production offices.” District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson Georgia’s generous incentives for the film industry have foot office building that will bring the studio’s transformed Atlanta into a major hub for total square feet to nearly 400,000. movie production, and while movies have When it opens, Schulz said it will be the been filmed in DeKalb, Valhalla Studios is largest sound stage in Georgia shooting films the first to make a home in the county. and television shows. Schulz said that Valhalla Studios will be Since the 53-acre purchase, Schulz said good for the area. they have bought an additional five-and-a“We absolutely do plan to have an imhalf-acre site less than a mile away and they pact,” he said. “The studios will bring a lot of have another 70-acre tract under contract wealth to the area. We will create more busi-

“It is a catalytic project that will bode well for us. In a few years we will see restaurants and other development cropping up around it.”

nesses for restaurants and hotels. I believe we will see businesses come in. It’s going to change the area.” DeKalb District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson, who represents the area, toured the studios on Aug. 31 and said he was very impressed with what he saw taking shape there. “It is a catalytic project that will bode well for us,” he said. “In a few years we will see restaurants and other development cropping up around it.” Johnson said that the site, near I-285 and I-675 and 12 minutes from HartsfieldJackson Airport, is a great location for the studios, which will help property values Please see VALHALLA, page 2

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