production of drawings based on the latest research for the ESV Study Bible. It is a joy to
“I had the privilege of being involved in the
“A remarkably beautiful and rich resource for historical, geographical, and archaeological background material that will deepen our
see these drawings plus the original ESV Study
understanding of each section of the Bible and
Bible maps woven together with numerous new
increase our appreciation of the Bible’s amazing
maps, brilliantly evocative photographs, and useful indexes to make up the new Crossway ESV Bible Atlas. This volume will become an indispensable companion for Bible students, fulfilling every expectation you might have of such a tool. Particularly innovative is the use of terrain imagery to facilitate the reader’s
Archaeological consultant
Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies Phoenix Seminary
professor, I used many good atlases. However,
that of Abraham from Hebron over the cities
Leen Ritmeyer
Wayne Grudem
“During the forty-four years I served as a college
understanding of such biblical viewpoints as
of the plain or Moses from Mt. Nebo.”
historical accuracy.”
“The Crossway ESV Bible Atlas offers students of the Bible a comprehensive collection of highly accurate, aesthetically appealing
I have never seen one comparable to this in the breadth of material, the depth of coverage, and
resources that present geographical and historical information in a way
the outstanding quality of its impressive and
that is easy to use and that will not overwhelm the reader with technical
abundant maps and photos of Bible lands.”
detail at unnecessary places. Incorporating and expanding upon the
John McRay
maps and other resources originally developed for the ESV Study Bible,
Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Archaeology
the Crossway ESV Bible Atlas utilizes maps, narrative description,
Wheaton College Graduate School
photographs, comprehensive indexes, and 3D recreations of biblical JOHN D. CURRID is the Carl McMurray
objects and sites to help the reader gain a clearer understanding of the
Professor of Old Testament at Reformed
world of the Bible and the meaning of Scripture. . . . We pray that this
Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North
resource helps readers expand their understanding of the world of the
“A wonderfully illustrated tool to aid the
Carolina, and the author of several books and
Bible and thereby helps them grow in their understanding of God’s Word.”
layperson, student of Scripture, or pastor who
Old Testament commentaries. A PhD graduate
wants to dig deeper and gain new insights and
From the Preface
appreciation of the Bible’s setting, context, and
in Syro-Palestinian archaeology (University of Chicago), he has extensive field experience from projects throughout Israel and Tunisia.
message. The text is easy to follow, the pictures are brilliant, and the maps are incredibly useful as the reader moves through the related narratives. I
DAVID P. BARRETT, cartographer for the Crossway ESV Bible Atlas, is a Bible reference editor and the developer of Bible Mapper Software.
ESVBibleAtlas_Jacket.indd 1
highly recommend this marvelous resource.” James K. Hoffmeier Professor of Old Testament and Near Eastern Archaeology Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
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