BiÂblow geneÂsevw ÆIhsoyÄ XristoyÄ yiëoyÄ DayiÁd yiëoyÄ ÆAbraaÂm. 2 ÆAbraaÁm eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIsaaÂk, ÆIsaaÁk deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIakvÂb, ÆIakvÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIoyÂdan kaiÁ toyÁw aÆdelfoyÁw ayÆtoyÄ, 3 ÆIoyÂdaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn FaÂrew kaiÁ toÁn cZaÂra eÆk thÄw UamaÂr, FaÂrew deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëEsrvÂm, ëEsrvÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAraÂm, 4 ÆAraÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAminadaÂb, ÆAminadaÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn NaassvÂn, NaassvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SalmvÂn, 5 SalmvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn cBoÂew eÆk thÄw ëRaxaÂb, cBoÂew deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvbhÁd eÆk thÄw ëRoyÂu, ÆIvbhÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIessaiÂ, 6 ÆIessaiÁ deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn DayiÁd toÁn basileÂa. DayiÁd deÁ ] eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn Solomv Ä na eÆk thÄw toyÄ OyÆriÂoy, 7 SolomvÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëRoboaÂm, ëRoboaÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn c ÆAbiaÂ, c ÆAbiaÁ deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn d ÆAsaÂf, 8 d ÆAsaÁf deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvsafaÂt, ÆIvsafaÁt deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvraÂm, ÆIvraÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆOziÂan, 9 ÆOziÂaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvauaÂm, ÆIvauaÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn c ÆAxaÂz, c ÆAxaÁz deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ëEzekiÂan, 10 ëEzekiÂaw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn cManasshÄ, dManasshÄw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn c¹ÆAmvÂw, c¹ÆAmvÁw deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvsiÂan, 11 ÆIvsiÂaw deÁ
Gn 2,4; 5,1 · 18 · 9,27! 2-17: L 3,23-38 · 1Chr 1,34 · Gn 25,26; · 29,35 3-6a: Rth 4,12.18-22 1Chr 2,4s.9 · Gn 38,12-30 4-6a: 1Chr 2,10-12.15
Jos 2,1 H11,31! · Rth 4,13-17 1Sm 17,12 6b-11: 1Chr 3,5.10-16 · 2Sm 11,3s; 12,24
3Esr 1,32
Inscriptio: _ eyaggelion kata Matuaion (Mauuaion W 565) D K W G D f 13 33. 565. 700. 892. 1424 M bo m agion eyaggelion kata Matuaion f 1 (boms) m arxh syn uev toy kata Matuaion eyaggelioy 1241 m ek toy kata Matuaion L m − a* B* m txt a1 B1 ¶ 1,3 c Zare P¹ B mae • 5 c bis Booz K L G D f 1.13 565. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. (W 579) M lat m Boow C 33 g1* m txt P¹ a B l 844. l 2211 k co • 6 ] o basileyw C K L W D 33. 565. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M lat syh m txt P¹ a B G f 1.13 579. 700 g1 k vgmss sys.c.p co • 7/8 c bis Abioyd f 13 it syhmg l d bis Asa K L W G D 33. 565. 579. 892. 1241. 1424 M (a) f ff1 vg sy m txt P¹vid a B C f 1.13 700. l 844. l 2211 it syhmg co • 9 c bis Axaw a1 (Axaz Axaw a*) C 1424c g1* (k) q mae boms m txt B K L W G D U f 1.13 33. 565. 700. 892. 1241. 1424*. l 844. l 2211 M lat • 10 c Manasshn D 1424. l 844. l 2211 l d Manassh a1 B l c¹ bis Amvn K L W f 13 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M lat sy mae m txt a B C G D U f 1 33 it vgmss sa bo
40.Matthew.indd 2
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hr ,35
16 ·
The G ospel Accor ding to
M att h e w
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, and Isaac the father of Jacob, and Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, 3 and Judah the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar, and Perez the father of Hezron, and Hezron the father of Ram,1 4 and Ram the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab the father of Nahshon, and Nahshon the father of Salmon, 5 and Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab, and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse, 6 and Jesse the father of David the king. And David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah, 7 and Solomon the father of Rehoboam, and Rehoboam the father of Abijah, and Abijah the father of Asaph,2 8 and Asaph the father of Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, and Joram the father of Uzziah, 9 and Uzziah the father of Jotham, and Jotham the father of Ahaz, and Ahaz the father of Hezekiah, 10 and Hezekiah the father of Manasseh, and Manasseh the father of Amos,3 and Amos the father of Josiah, 11 and Josiah
1 Greek Aram; also verse 4 2 Asaph is probably an alternate spelling of Asa; some manuscripts Asa; also verse 8 3 Amos is
probably an alternate spelling of Amon; some manuscripts Amon; twice in this verse
40.Matthew.indd 3
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1Chr 3,17 1Chr 3,19 G Esr 3,2
L1,27 27,17! 11,2! 16,16!
18-25: L1,26-38 · 1 20
18 25 L1,31! Ps 130,8 9,2.6; 20,28; 26,28
eÆgeÂnnhsen ] toÁn ÆIexoniÂan kaiÁ toyÁw aÆdelfoyÁw ayÆtoyÄ eÆpiÁ thÄw metoikesiÂaw Babylv Ä now. 12 MetaÁ deÁ thÁn metoikesiÂan Babylv Ä now ÆIexoniÂaw eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SalauihÂl, SalauihÁl deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ZorobabeÂl, 13 ZorobabeÁl deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAbioyÂd, ÆAbioyÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆEliakiÂm, ÆEliakiÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAzvÂr, 14 ÆAzvÁr deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn SadvÂk, SadvÁk deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆAxiÂm, ÆAxiÁm deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆElioyÂd, 15 ÆElioyÁd deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆEleaÂzar, ÆEleaÂzar deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn MatuaÂn, MatuaÁn deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIakvÂb, 16 ÆIakvÁb deÁ eÆgeÂnnhsen toÁn ÆIvshÁf _toÁn aÍndra MariÂaw, eÆj hÎw eÆgennhÂuh ÆIhsoyÄw oë legoÂmenow XristoÂwa. 17 PaÄsai oyËn aië geneaiÁ aÆpoÁ ÆAbraaÁm eÏvw DayiÁd geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew, kaiÁ aÆpoÁ DayiÁd eÏvw thÄw metoikesiÂaw Babylv Ä now geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew, kaiÁ aÆpoÁ thÄw metoikesiÂaw Babylv Ä now eÏvw toyÄ XristoyÄ geneaiÁ dekateÂssarew. 18 ToyÄ deÁ _ÆIhsoyÄ XristoyÄa hë cgeÂnesiw oyÏtvw hËn. mnhsteyueiÂshw thÄw mhtroÁw ayÆtoyÄ MariÂaw tv Äì ÆIvshÂf, priÁn hà synelueiÄn ayÆtoyÁw eyëreÂuh eÆn gastriÁ eÍxoysa eÆk pneyÂmatow aëgiÂoy. 19 ÆIvshÁf deÁ oë aÆnhÁr ayÆthÄw, diÂkaiow v à n kaiÁ mhÁ ueÂlvn ayÆthÁn cdeigmatiÂsai, eÆboylhÂuh laÂuraì aÆpolyÄsai ayÆthÂn. 20 tayÄta deÁ ayÆtoyÄ eÆnuymhueÂntow iÆdoyÁ aÍggelow kyriÂoy kat’ oÍnar eÆfaÂnh ayÆtv Äì leÂgvn´ ÆIvshÁf yiëoÁw DayiÂd, mhÁ fobhuhÄì w paralabeiÄn cMariÂan thÁn gynaiÄka soy´ toÁ gaÁr eÆn ayÆthÄì gennhueÁn eÆk pneyÂmatoÂw eÆstin aëgiÂoy. 21 teÂjetai deÁ yiëoÂn, kaiÁ kaleÂseiw toÁ oÍnoma ayÆtoyÄ ÆIhsoyÄn´ ayÆtoÁw gaÁr svÂsei toÁn laoÁn ayÆtoyÄ aÆpoÁ tv Ä n aëmartiv Ä n ayÆtv Ä n. 22 toyÄto
2 X
3 V
4 X
11 ] ton Ivakim Ivakim de egennhsen U f 1 33 syh**; Irlat vid • 16 _ v mnhsteyueisa paruenow (− q), Mariam egennhsen Ihsoyn ton legomenon Xriston U f 13 it (sys) m v mnhsteyueisa hn Mariam paruenow, hÊ eteken Ihsoyn Xriston syc m txt P¹ a B C K L P W G 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211. (− ton D, − Ihsoyw f 1) M aur f ff1 vg syp.h co • 18 _ Xristoy Ihsoy B m Ihsoy W l c gennhsiw K L G f 13 33. 565. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844 M; Ir Or m txt P¹ a B C P W Z D U f 1 l 2211 syh; Eus • 19 c paradeigmatisai a*.2 C K L P W G D U f 13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M; Eus m txt a1 B Z f 1 • 20 c Mariam a C D K P W Z G D U f 13 33. 565. 700. 892. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M syh m txt B L f 1 579. 1241 co
40.Matthew.indd 4
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M at t h ew
1:1 2 –1:2 2
the father of Jechoniah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon. 12 And after the deportation to Babylon: Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel,1 and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, 13 and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, 14 and Azor the father of Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, 15 and Eliud the father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, 16 and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. 17 So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations. The Birth of Jesus Christ
the birth of Jesus Christ 2 took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed3 to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” 22 All this 18 Now
1 Greek Salathiel; twice in this verse 2 Some manuscripts of the Christ 3 That is, legally pledged to be married
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6 X
deÁ oÏlon geÂgonen Ïina plhrvuhÄì toÁ rëhueÁn yëpoÁ ] kyriÂoy diaÁ ^ toyÄ profhÂtoy leÂgontow´ 23 iÆdoyÁ hë parueÂnow eÆn gastriÁ eÏjei kaiÁ teÂjetai yiëoÂn, kaiÁ ckaleÂsoysin toÁ oÍnoma ayÆtoyÄ ÆEmmanoyhÂl, oÏ eÆstin meuermhneyoÂmenon meu’ hëmvÄn oë ueoÂw. 24 c eÆgerueiÁw deÁ Yoë ÆIvshÁf aÆpoÁ toyÄ yÏpnoy eÆpoiÂhsen vëw proseÂtajen ayÆtv Äì oë aÍggelow kyriÂoy kaiÁ pareÂlaben thÁn gynaiÄka ayÆtoyÄ, 25 kaiÁ oyÆk eÆgiÂnvsken ayÆthÁn eÏvw YoyÎ eÍteken cyiëoÂn´ kaiÁ eÆkaÂlesen toÁ oÍnoma ayÆtoyÄ ÆIhsoyÄn. ToyÄ deÁ ÆIhsoyÄ gennhueÂntow eÆn BhuleÂem thÄw ÆIoydaiÂaw eÆn hëmeÂraiw ëHrvÂì doy toyÄ basileÂvw, iÆdoyÁ maÂgoi aÆpoÁ aÆnatolv Ä n paregeÂnonto eiÆw ëIerosoÂlyma 2 leÂgontew´ poyÄ eÆstin oë texueiÁw basileyÁw tv Ä n ÆIoydaiÂvn; eiÍdomen gaÁr ayÆtoyÄ toÁn aÆsteÂra eÆn thÄì aÆnatolhÄì kaiÁ hÍluomen proskynhÄsai ayÆtv Äì . 3 aÆkoyÂsaw deÁ oë basileyÁw ëHrvÂì dhw eÆtaraÂxuh kaiÁ YpaÄsa ëIerosoÂlyma met’ ayÆtoyÄ, 4 kaiÁ synagagvÁn paÂntaw toyÁw aÆrxiereiÄw kaiÁ grammateiÄw toyÄ laoyÄ eÆpynuaÂneto Zpar’ ayÆtv Ä n\T poyÄ oë xristoÁw gennaÄtaiT¹. 5 oië deÁ eiËpan ayÆtv Äì ´ eÆn BhuleÂem thÄw ÆIoydaiÂaw´ oyÏtvw gaÁr geÂgraptai diaÁ toyÄ profhÂtoy´ 6 kaiÁ syÁ BhuleÂem_, ghÄ ÆIoyÂdaa, oyÆdamv Ä w eÆlaxiÂsth eiË eÆn toiÄw hëgemoÂsin ÆIoyÂda´ eÆk soyÄ gaÁr eÆjeleyÂsetai hëgoyÂmenow, oÏstiw poimaneiÄ toÁn laoÂn moy toÁn ÆIsrahÂl. 7 ToÂte ëHrvÂì dhw laÂuraì kaleÂsaw toyÁw maÂgoyw hÆkriÂbvsen par’ ayÆtv Ä n toÁn xroÂnon toyÄ fainomeÂnoy aÆsteÂrow,
2,15.17.23; 4,14; 8,17; 12,17; 13,35; 21,4; 26,56; 27,9 Is 7,14 G
Is 8,8.10 G 28,20! 21,6! 21! L 2,4-7 L1,5 27,11! Nu 24,17 Ap 22,16 · 11! 21,10
11,2! J 7,42 Mch 5,1.3
2Sm 5,2 1Chr 11,2
22 ] toy K L G 565. 579. 700. 1241. 1424. l 844 M; Eus m txt a B C D W Z D 071 f 1.13 33. 892vid. l 2211 l ^ Hsaioy D it sys.(c).h sams; Irlat pt • 23 c (cf Is 7,14) kaleseiw D bomss; Or Eus • 24 c diegerueiw C3 D K L W G D 087 f 13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. l 844. l 2211 M m txt a B C* Z 071 f 1 l Y a K Z G D f 13 565. 700. 1241 m txt B C D L W f 1 33. 579. 892. l 844. l 2211 M • 25 Y B* 579 l c (L 2,7) ton yion aythw (− Dc L d q) ton prvtotokon C D K L N W G D 087. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. l 844. l 2211 M aur d f ff1 q vg syp.h m txt a B Zvid 071vid f 1.13 33 it mae sys.c (sa bo) ¶ 2,3 Y D • 4 Z D G l [T ´ et T¹ ;] • 6 _ thw Ioydaiaw D it sys.c.p m gh tvn Ioydaivn ff1 (syh) boms(s)
40.Matthew.indd 6
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· 11!
M at t h ew
1:2 3 –2 :7
took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: 23
“ Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). 24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. The Visit of the Wise Men
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men1 from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose 2 and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: 6
“ ‘ And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ” 7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from
them what time the star had appeared.
1 Greek magi; also verses 7, 16 2 Or in the east; also verse 9
40.Matthew.indd 7
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28,8 L 2,10! 2; 8,2; 9,18; 14,33; 15,25; 20,20; 28,9.17 Ps 72,10s Ps 72,15 Is 60,6 Ct 3,6 22 1Rg 13,9s 1,20! 1Rg 11,17.40 2Rg 25,26 Jr 26,21-23 Ap 12,4 21 22; 4,12; 12,15; 14,13; 15,21 1,22! Hos 11,1 Nu 23,22; 24,8 · 3,17!
7 1,22! Jr 31,15
8 kaiÁ peÂmcaw ayÆtoyÁw eiÆw BhuleÂem eiËpen´ poreyueÂntew geÆjetaÂsate aÆkribvÄwi periÁ toyÄ paidiÂoy´ eÆpaÁn deÁ eyÏrhte, aÆpaggeiÂlate moi, oÏpvw kaÆgvÁ eÆluvÁn proskynhÂsv ayÆtv Äì . 9 Oië deÁ aÆkoyÂsantew toyÄ basileÂvw eÆporeyÂuhsan kaiÁ iÆdoyÁ oë aÆsthÂr, oÊn eiËdon eÆn thÄì aÆnatolhÄì , prohÄgen ayÆtoyÂw, eÏvw eÆluvÁn c eÆstaÂuh eÆpaÂnv _oyÎ hËn toÁ paidiÂona. 10 iÆdoÂntew deÁ toÁn aÆsteÂra eÆxaÂrhsan xaraÁn megaÂlhn sfoÂdra. 11 kaiÁ eÆluoÂntew eiÆw thÁn oiÆkiÂan eiËdon toÁ paidiÂon metaÁ MariÂaw thÄw mhtroÁw ayÆtoyÄ, kaiÁ pesoÂntew prosekyÂnhsan ayÆtv Äì kaiÁ aÆnoiÂjantew toyÁw uhsayroyÁw ayÆtv Ä n proshÂnegkan ayÆtv Äì dv Ä ra, xrysoÁn kaiÁ liÂbanon kaiÁ smyÂrnan. 12 KaiÁ xrhmatisueÂntew kat’ oÍnar mhÁ aÆnakaÂmcai proÁw ëHrvÂì dhn, di’ aÍllhw oëdoyÄ aÆnexvÂrhsan eiÆw thÁn xvÂran ayÆtv Ä n. 13 ÆAnaxvrhsaÂntvn deÁ ayÆtv Ä n ] iÆdoyÁ aÍggelow kyriÂoy _faiÂnetai kat’ oÍnara tvÄì ÆIvshÁf leÂgvn´ eÆgerueiÁw paraÂlabe toÁ paidiÂon kaiÁ thÁn mhteÂra ayÆtoyÄ kaiÁ feyÄge eiÆw AiÍgypton kaiÁ Íisui eÆkeiÄ eÏvw aÃn eiÍpv soi´ meÂllei gaÁr ëHrvÂì dhw zhteiÄn toÁ paidiÂon toyÄ aÆpoleÂsai ayÆtoÂ. 14 oë deÁ eÆgerueiÁw pareÂlaben toÁ paidiÂon kaiÁ thÁn mhteÂra ayÆtoyÄ nyktoÁw kaiÁ aÆnexvÂrhsen eiÆw AiÍgypton, 15 kaiÁ hËn eÆkeiÄ eÏvw thÄw teleythÄw ëHrvÂì doy´ Ïina plhrvuhÄì toÁ rëhueÁn yëpoÁ kyriÂoy diaÁ toyÄ profhÂtoy leÂgontow´ eÆj AiÆgyÂptoy eÆkaÂlesa toÁn yiëoÂn moy. 16 ToÂte ëHrvÂì dhw iÆdvÁn oÏti eÆnepaiÂxuh yëpoÁ tv Ä n maÂgvn eÆuymvÂuh liÂan, kaiÁ aÆposteiÂlaw aÆneiÄlen paÂntaw toyÁw paiÄdaw toyÁw eÆn BhuleÂem kaiÁ eÆn paÄsin toiÄw oëriÂoiw ayÆthÄw aÆpoÁ _dietoyÄw kaiÁ katvteÂrva, kataÁ toÁn xroÂnon oÊn hÆkriÂbvsen paraÁ tv Ä n maÂgvn. 17 toÂte eÆplhrvÂuh toÁ rëhueÁn ] diaÁ ÆIeremiÂoy toyÄ profhÂtoy leÂgontow´ 18 fvnhÁ eÆn ëRamaÁ hÆkoyÂsuh, ] klayumoÁw kaiÁ oÆdyrmoÁw polyÂw´
8 g C3 K L W G D 565. 700. 892. 1241 M syh m txt a B C* D f 1.13 33vid. l 844. l 2211; Eus • 9 c esth K L W G D f 13 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. l 844 M m txt a B C D f 1 33. l 2211 l _ toy paidioy D it • 13 ] (12) eiw thn xvran aytvn B l _ (19 v.l.) kat onar fainetai C • 16 _ dietiaw kai katv D* K 33. 700. 892 m (1,20) kat onar efanh B • 17 ] ypo kyrioy D aur • 18 ] (Jr 38,15 G) urhnow kai (− 1241) C D K L W G D f 13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424 M sys.c.h m txt a B Z f 1 l 2211 lat syp co; Ju
40.Matthew.indd 8
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M at t h ew
2 :8 –2 :18
8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for
the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.” 9 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way. The Flight to Egypt 13 Now
when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” 14 And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt 15 and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Herod Kills the Children 16 Then
Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah: 18
“ A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and loud lamentation,
40.Matthew.indd 9
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ëRaxhÁl klaiÂoysa taÁ teÂkna ayÆthÄw, kaiÁ oyÆk hÍuelen paraklhuhÄnai, oÏti oyÆk eiÆsiÂn. 19 TeleythÂsantow deÁ toyÄ ëHrvÂì doy iÆdoyÁ aÍggelow kyriÂoy gfaiÂnetai kat’ oÍnari tv Äì ÆIvshÁf eÆn AiÆgyÂptvì 20 leÂgvn´ eÆgerueiÁw paraÂlabe toÁ paidiÂon kaiÁ thÁn mhteÂra ayÆtoyÄ kaiÁ poreyÂoy eiÆw ghÄn ÆIsrahÂl´ teunhÂkasin gaÁr oië zhtoyÄntew thÁn cyxhÁn toyÄ paidiÂoy. 21 oë deÁ eÆgerueiÁw pareÂlaben toÁ paidiÂon kaiÁ thÁn mhteÂra ayÆtoyÄ kaiÁ ceiÆshÄluen eiÆw ghÄn ÆIsrahÂl. 22 ÆAkoyÂsaw deÁ oÏti ÆArxeÂlaow basileyÂei thÄw ÆIoydaiÂaw aÆntiÁ gtoyÄ patroÁw ayÆtoyÄ ëHrvÂì doyi eÆfobhÂuh eÆkeiÄ aÆpelueiÄn´ xrhmatisueiÁw deÁ kat’ oÍnar aÆnexvÂrhsen eiÆw taÁ meÂrh thÄw GalilaiÂaw, 23 kaiÁ eÆluvÁn katvÂì khsen eiÆw poÂlin legomeÂnhn cNazareÂt´ oÏpvw plhrvuhÄì toÁ rëhueÁn diaÁ tvÄn profhtvÄn oÏti NazvraiÄow klhuhÂsetai. 3
8 I
9 VI
ÆEn YdeÁ taiÄw hëmeÂraiw eÆkeiÂnaiw paragiÂnetai ÆIvaÂnnhw oë baptisthÁw khryÂssvn eÆn thÄì eÆrhÂmvì thÄw ÆIoydaiÂaw 2 Y[kaiÁ] leÂgvn´ metanoeiÄte´ hÍggiken gaÁr hë basileiÂa tv Än oyÆranv Ä n. 3 oyÎtow gaÂr eÆstin oë rëhueiÁw diaÁ ÆHsaiÉoy toyÄ profhÂtoy leÂgontow´ fvnhÁ bovÄntow eÆn thÄì eÆrhÂmv´ ì eëtoimaÂsate thÁn oëdoÁn kyriÂoy, eyÆueiÂaw poieiÄte taÁw triÂboyw ayÆtoyÄ. 4 ayÆtoÁw deÁ oë ÆIvaÂnnhw eiËxen toÁ eÍndyma ayÆtoyÄ aÆpoÁ trixv Än kamhÂloy kaiÁ zvÂnhn dermatiÂnhn periÁ thÁn oÆsfyÁn ayÆtoyÄ, hë deÁ trofhÁ hËn ayÆtoyÄ aÆkriÂdew kaiÁ meÂli aÍgrion. 5 ToÂte
Gn 35,19; 48,7
Ex 4,19 14
12 · 14! 4,13; 21,11 Mc 1,9! 1,22! Jdc 13,5; 16,17 Is 11,1 26,71 L18,37! J18,5! 1-6: Mc 1,2-6 L 3,1-6 J1,6 L1,80 4,17p; 10,7p
Is 40,3 G J1,23
2Rg 1,8 Lv 11,21s
19 g C K L W G D 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424 M m txt a B D Z f 1.13 l 2211 • 21 c hluen D K L N W G D f 1.13 33. 565. 579. 700. 1241. 1424. l 2211 M syh m txt a B C (bo) • 22 g 4 1–3 C3 D K L N G D f 1.13 33. 565. 579. 700. 1241. 1424. l 2211 M latt; Eus m txt a B C* W • 23 c Nazareu C K N W G f 13 565 pm lat co m Nazarau D f 1 m Nazara P70vid; Eus m txt a B D L 33. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 2211 pm ¶ 3,1 Y D K L Nvid G D 565. 700. l 844. l 2211 pm it sys bopt m txt a B C W f 1.13 33. 892. 1241. 1424 pm lat syp.h sa mae bopt • 2 Y a B q co m txt C D K L N W G D f 1.13 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M lat sy
40.Matthew.indd 10
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1,1 5!
M at t h ew
2 :19 – 3:5
Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted, because they are no more.” The Return to Nazareth 19 But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a
dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 saying, “Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.” 21 And he rose and took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee. 23 And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene. John the Baptist Prepares the Way
In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 2 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 3 For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, “ The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘ Prepare1 the way of the Lord; make his paths straight.’ ”
4 Now
John wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. 5 Then
1 Or crying: Prepare in the wilderness
40.Matthew.indd 11
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3,6–16 11,7-10
7-10: L 3,7-9 · 16,1! 12,34; 23,33 L 21,23 R1,18! Ap 6,16s L 3,8!
7,19 13,40 11s: Mc 1,7s L 3,15-18 J1,25-28 · 11,3p; 21,9!p J1,15! Act 13,24! H10,37 Ap 1,4 Jr 13,24 Joel 3,1-5 Am 7,4 Ml 3,19 13,30.40-42 Mc 9,43 13-17: Mc 1,9-11 L 3,21s
1,22!; 5,17; 23,32 · 5,6. 10.20; 6,1.33; 21,32
eÆjeporeyÂeto proÁw ayÆtoÁn ëIerosoÂlyma kaiÁ paÄsa hë ÆIoydaiÂa kaiÁ paÄsa hë periÂxvrow toyÄ ÆIordaÂnoy, 6 kaiÁ eÆbaptiÂzonto eÆn tv Äì ÆIordaÂnhì Ypotamv Äì yëp’ ayÆtoyÄ eÆjomologoyÂmenoi taÁw aëmartiÂaw ayÆtv Ä n. 7 ÆIdvÁn deÁ polloyÁw tv Ä n FarisaiÂvn kaiÁ SaddoykaiÂvn eÆrxomeÂnoyw eÆpiÁ toÁ baÂptisma YayÆtoyÄ eiËpen ayÆtoiÄw´ gennhÂmata eÆxidnv Ä n, tiÂw yëpeÂdeijen yëmiÄn fygeiÄn aÆpoÁ thÄw melloyÂshw oÆrghÄw; 8 poihÂsate oyËn karpoÁn aÍjion thÄw metanoiÂaw 9 kaiÁ mhÁ doÂjhte leÂgein eÆn eëaytoiÄw´ pateÂra eÍxomen toÁn ÆAbraaÂm. leÂgv gaÁr yëmiÄn oÏti dyÂnatai oë ueoÁw eÆk tv Ä n liÂuvn toyÂtvn eÆgeiÄrai teÂkna tv Äì ÆAbraaÂm. 10 hÍdh deÁ ] hë aÆjiÂnh proÁw thÁn rëiÂzan tv Ä n deÂndrvn keiÄtai´ paÄn oyËn deÂndron mhÁ poioyÄn karpoÁn kaloÁn eÆkkoÂptetai kaiÁ eiÆw pyÄr baÂlletai. 11 ÆEgvÁ meÁn yëmaÄw baptiÂzv eÆn yÏdati eiÆw metaÂnoian, oë deÁ ZoÆpiÂsv moy\ eÆrxoÂmenow iÆsxyroÂteroÂw moy eÆstin, oyÎ oyÆk eiÆmiÁ iëkanoÁw taÁ yëpodhÂmata bastaÂsai´ ayÆtoÁw yëmaÄw baptiÂsei eÆn pneyÂmati aëgiÂvì kaiÁ pyri´ 12 oyÎ toÁ ptyÂon eÆn thÄì xeiriÁ ayÆtoyÄ kaiÁ diakauarieiÄ thÁn aÏlvna ayÆtoyÄ kaiÁ synaÂjei toÁn siÄton _ayÆtoyÄ eiÆw thÁn aÆpouhÂkhna, toÁ deÁ aÍxyron katakayÂsei pyriÁ aÆsbeÂstv. ì 13 ToÂte paragiÂnetai oë ÆIhsoyÄw aÆpoÁ thÄw GalilaiÂaw eÆpiÁ toÁn ÆIordaÂnhn proÁw toÁn ÆIvaÂnnhn toyÄ baptisuhÄnai yëp’ ayÆtoyÄ. 14 oë deÁ YÆIvaÂnnhw diekvÂlyen ayÆtoÁn leÂgvn´ eÆgvÁ xreiÂan eÍxv yëpoÁ soyÄ baptisuhÄnai, kaiÁ syÁ eÍrxhì proÂw me; 15 aÆpokriueiÁw deÁ oë ÆIhsoyÄw eiËpen _proÁw ayÆtoÂna´ aÍfew aÍrti, oyÏtvw gaÁr preÂpon eÆstiÁn hëmiÄn plhrv Ä sai paÄsan dikaiosyÂnhn. toÂte aÆfiÂhsin ayÆtoÂn ]. 16 baptisueiÁw deÁ oë ÆIhsoyÄw
10 V
11 I
12 V
13 X
14 I
6 Y C3 D K L G f 13 565. 700. 892. 1241. l 844 M lat mae m txt a B C* W D f 1 33. 579. 1424. l 2211 q sy sa bo; Or • 7 Y a* B sa mae; Or m txt a1 C D K L W G D f 1.13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M latt sys.c.h bo • 10 ] p) kai K L G f 13 33. 565. 579. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M syh m txt a B C Ds W D f 1 700; Or • 11 Z P101 a d samss; Cyp • 12 _ 1–4 1 B W m 2–4 1 L 892. 1424. l 844. l 2211 b ff1 g1 sy mae m 2–4 f 13 a q; (Did) m txt a C Ds K G D f 1 33. 565. 579. 700. 1241 M lat sa bo • 14 Y a* B sa m txt P96 a1 C Ds K L P W G D f 1.13 33. 565. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M lat(t) sy mae bo • 15 _ aytv P96 B f 13 l 844. l 2211 m txt P64 a C Ds (K) L P W G D f 1 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424 M syh l ] baptisuhnai sys.c m et cum baptizaretur lumen ingens circumfulsit de aqua, ita ut timerent omnes qui advenerant a (g1)
40.Matthew.indd 12
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M at t h ew
3: 6 – 3:16
Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan were going out to him, 6 and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. 7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? 8 Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. 9 And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham. 10 Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 11 “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” The Baptism of Jesus 13 Then
Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. 14 John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15 But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. 16 And when Jesus was baptized,
40.Matthew.indd 13
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geyÆuyÁw aÆneÂbhi aÆpoÁ toyÄ yÏdatow´ kaiÁ iÆdoyÁ hÆnevÂì xuhsan
Y[ayÆtv Äì ] oië oyÆranoiÂ, kaiÁ eiËden Y¹[toÁ] pneyÄma Y¹[toyÄ] ueoyÄ
15 II 16 V
_katabaiÄnon vëseiÁa peristeraÁn Y²[kaiÁ] eÆrxoÂmenon eÆp’ ayÆtoÂn´ 17 kaiÁ iÆdoyÁ fvnhÁ eÆk tv Ä n oyÆranv Ä n leÂgoysa ]´ _oyÎtoÂw eÆstina oë yiëoÂw moy oë aÆgaphtoÂw, eÆn v Îì eyÆdoÂkhsa. ToÂte Yoë ÆIhsoyÄw aÆnhÂxuh _eiÆw thÁn eÍrhmon yëpoÁ toyÄ pneyÂmatow peirasuhÄnai yëpoÁ toyÄ diaboÂloya. 2 kaiÁ nhsteyÂsaw hëmeÂraw tesseraÂkonta _kaiÁ nyÂktaw tesseraÂkontaa, yÏsteron eÆpeiÂnasen. 3 kaiÁ _proseluvÁn oë peiraÂzvn eiËpen ayÆtv Äì a´ eiÆ yiëoÁw eiË toyÄ ueoyÄ, eiÆpeÁ Ïina oië liÂuoi oyÎtoi aÍrtoi
geÂnvntai. 4 oë deÁ aÆpokriueiÁw eiËpen´ geÂgraptai´ oyÆk eÆp’ aÍrtvì moÂnvì zhÂsetai oë aÍnurvpow, aÆll’ ceÆpiÁ pantiÁ rëhÂmati ZeÆkporeyomeÂnvì diaÁ stoÂmatow\ ueoyÄ. 5 ToÂte paralambaÂnei ayÆtoÁn oë diaÂbolow eiÆw thÁn aëgiÂan poÂlin kaiÁ c eÍsthsen ayÆtoÁn eÆpiÁ toÁ pteryÂgion toyÄ iëeroyÄ 6 kaiÁ leÂgei ayÆtv Äì ´ eiÆ yiëoÁw eiË toyÄ ueoyÄ, baÂle seaytoÁn ] kaÂtv´ geÂgraptai gaÁr oÏti toiÄw aÆggeÂloiw ayÆtoyÄ eÆnteleiÄtai periÁ soyÄ kaiÁ eÆpiÁ xeirvÄn aÆroyÄsiÂn se, mhÂpote proskoÂchw ì proÁw liÂuon toÁn poÂda soy. 7 eÍfh ayÆtv Äì oë ÆIhsoyÄw´ paÂlin geÂgraptai´ _oyÆk eÆkpeiraÂseiwa kyÂrion toÁn ueoÂn soy.
Ez 1,1 Is 11,2 J1,32 J12,28 12,18!; 17,5 Ps 2,7 · 14,33! 1-11: Mc 1,12s L 4,1-13 · Dt 8,2 · H 4,15! Ex 34,28 Dt 9,9 1Rg 19,8 Gn 3,1-7 1Th 3,5 6; 27,40; 3,17! Dt 8,3 Sap 16,26
27,53 Ap 11,2! Is 48,2; 52,1 Dn 3,28 G; 9,24 3! Ps 91,11s
Dt 6,16 G Is 7,12 1K10,9 Act 15,10
16 g C K L P G D f 13 565. 579. 892. 1241. 1424 M d h syh m txt a B Ds W f 1 33vid. 700. l 844. l 2211 lat syp co l Y a* B l 2211 vgmss sys.c sa; Irlat CyrJ m txt a1 C Ds K L P W G D f 1.13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844 M lat syp.h mae bo; Ir l Y¹ bis a B bo; Ir m txt C Ds K L P W G D f 1.13 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M l _ katabainonta ek toy oyranoy vw D it vgmss (syh) l Y² a* B lat; Irlat m txt a2 C D K L P W G D f 1.13 33. 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424. l 844. l 2211 M f l vgcl sys.c; Ir • 17 ] prow ayton D a b g1 h sys.c l _ p) sy ei D a sys.c; Ir ¶ 4,1 Y B D 700 l _ 4–6 1–3 7–10 a K 892. 1424 sys.(c.p) m txt P101vid B C D L P W G D f 1.13 33vid. 565. 579. 700. 1241 M latt syh sa • 2 _ kai tesserakonta nyktaw P101vid a D 892 m p) − f 1 syc m txt B C K L P W G D f 13 33. 565. 579. 700. 1241. 1424 M syh • 3 _ 1 5 2–4 C K L P G D 565. 579. 1241. 1424 M f (k) syh m proshluen aytv o peirazvn kai eipen aytv D it sys.c.(p) m txt P101vid a B W f 1.13 33. 700. 892vid aur ff1 l vg mae bo • 4 c en C D f 13; Orlat l Z D a b g1 • 5 c isthsin K L P W G D U f 13 565. 579. 700. 892. 1241. 1424 M syh m txt a B C D Z f 1 33 sys.c.p • 6 ] p) enteyuen C* U sys.h bo • 7 _ oy peiraseiw D
40.Matthew.indd 14
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