Heaven is for Bad People

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once and for all in the matters of sin, death, and eternal punishment. Jesus is dying in your place and in mine! When this terrible hour is finished, when the debt has been paid in full, He wraps all He has done in the full authority of Heaven by returning from the dead, victor forever over sin and all its eternal consequences.

Will you not claim Him as your own Savior? He has

promised that whoever shall call upon Him–no matter how deep in sin they may be–will be saved. “Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.…whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (John 3:16, Romans 10:13).

He has sworn that all who truly trust in Him will be

made fit for Heaven. This is the reason I’m able to tell you today that Heaven is for bad people—acknowledged sinners like you and me—who turn to Jesus in faith to receive at His good hand the forgiveness and new life He has promised.

Claim it today! —Tom Watson, Jr. Good News Tracts 1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, IL 60187 Free Bible Club To learn more about the truth of the Bible enroll in the Truth Chasers Clubsm. (A ministry of CEF®). Sign up at www.truthchasersclub.com or mail your name, age, and address to PO Box 190 Warrenton MO 63383 to get started.

©2013 Good News Tracts. Printed in U.S.A. Bible references: KJV.

will be saved from judgment. He is doing “business”

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